Current Track: Blabb

Well, coming at this point of the story, I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, it talks about an extraordinary encounter. It prides oneself at any price. Then, why is still nothing happening? And why do I continue reading this crappy story?

Hey, at first, keep it down, please. Even if it’s true, I promise you something awesome, it stays a banal story between two guys. Oh, I’ve told you to leave if you want. Now, it’s too late to backpedal.

For others, you’ve chance because things are going to spice up. Until now, we saw how, Lucas & me, we’ve met and how we’ve got closer. From then on, we’re coming now where our relationship has really begun. First of all, let me place you on the context.

Lucas & me, we hang out more and more together; enough to fuel quite a few of the rumors. I don’t know how many times we asked us if we’re in a relationship, but I could say a hundred at the very most. In any case, all spotlights were upon us both.

In reality; even if we would, there was something between us, we didn’t dare making the first move. I think we were too shy, or we didn’t know how the other was going to react. To conclude, it was static between us. But, within one night, everything was about to change.

Well, so you can see this night, try to see again the very first scene. Another night, same bar. It’s good, can you see? Now, consider the two groups of friends are melted and drunk. Now that you have all the facts, here we go.

By sipping my beer, I shoot the breeze with Mary, a she-wolf around my age. With Lucas, she’s one of the very few people whose I can talk about something and this, it’s great. To come back on this night, we got on a roll on the subject which interest almost my circle: our pseudo-couple.

“And are you really sure is he with nobody?”

“But yes, otherwise he would put me in the picture.”

“Be careful, still, it’s possible that someone else has him its sights.”

“I don’t think so, otherwise I’d have known about it for a long time.”

“Yeah. Just to tell you, if you wait too much to tell him, you risk losing him.”

“I know, I know.”

Suddenly, Lucas started to yell and compliment all those who he met. Visibly, he drank, other than too much.

“Oh my, he is hot, the panther, if I’m mistaken.”

“Do you think he’s drunk?”

“Frankly, no need to be a genius to see it.”

It was the first time I saw him in this state. Stammering several sentences in Mandarin Chinese, I was not certain about the meaning of these ones, but I succeeded to hear a “poor schmucks.”

“What does he say here?”

“Oooh, it shouldn’t, that I translate.” I smiled.

If we take this scene at face value, it’s rather funny to watch. At the moment, it made me laugh because I’ve rarely seen Lucas so pleased (even if alcohol helped him here.) But I didn’t know why but I smell trouble coming. And I was right: two guys as drunk as him were coming hail him.

My little finger told me to step in before it worsens. However, I was unable to move. And if I was intervened, it could be worse. No, for real, I didn’t know what to do right here.

As a result, I settled to watch. To return on these two bastards, they criticized his looks. Clearly, it wasn’t at all we should tell him in his state. Result: the scuffle broke out.

But the row has finished quicker that he has begun. He threw away one on a pool table. And the other received a good thump before collapsing on the floor, everybody blew of pain. By now, the dude must still have a red mark. Anyway, I was never suspected that he had such strength.

Out of breath, he zigzagged towards the exit. This time, I stand up because, in his condition, he wouldn’t risk going very far. Unfortunately, I was quickly stopped by others.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“Sorry guys, but I’m going to pass this time.”

“Come on, stay a little more, it’s still early.”

“Except then, if I keep going, I will risk overstepping my limit.”

“Say you want to join the other stupid.”


Deathly silence fell all over the bar. In a cold tone, I threw: “Try to have a good time… creeps.” And I made tracks without looking. Too bad for the night, I will explain to Marie what happened after. From this moment on, the most important, it was to find Lucas.

And although I felt dizzy, I found again, pressed on a street lamp.

“Hey, you, all right?”

“Akio… you came to join me?”

“Of course, I couldn’t leave you in your condition.”

“You know, you’re not obliged to follow me.”

“No, I insist. Given the circumstances, I prefer to take you home.”

“I’m just a waaaalkiiing dump.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Wait, I’m calling a taxi.”

Happily, our route took place without trap. And considering we were closer to my house, I asked for the driver to take us there.

“Crap, I don’t feel very well… oof…”

“Don’t worry, you will see, after a good night’s sleep, it’ll all be a lot better.”

Luckily, we came at my door, in one piece. Thought I didn’t drink much, I gave out slightly, the sleep was going to be felt. So, I invited Lucas to wash his face and to take painkillers. For my part, I did the same (as a precaution.)

Then, was coming the time to go to sleep. By wanting to find him pajamas, I quickly stated that it will be too tight in view of his height. Yeah. Well, at the same time, we don’t have the same size then… Whatever it is, it should find another option.

“Aw, I’m sorry. I don’t have pajamas which are on your height.”

“Oh, it’s not a problem. I can sleep in my underwear. Say, can you give a hand, please? I’m a little numb, here.”

“Err… alright.”

I was a little intimidated by his request. Nevertheless, like he wasn’t in control of all his moves, his request was justified. Without waiting, I complied by trying, to not salivate on his body. By thanking me, he was collapsed into the bed before sliding under the duvet.

While I changed myself, I had feeling Lucas was going to eye me up. It was not likely, but I don’t hate the idea of that.

Once my pajamas pulled, I went towards the living room, but Lucas stopped me in my race: “Well, where do you go?”

“I’m going to sleep in the living room, I let you have my bed.”

“But there is enough place for us both, no?”

“Yes, but it wouldn’t be reasonable, especially after tonight.”

“Oh please, I don’t want to sleep alone.”

He seemed so lost, it was hard to tell him no. From then on, I didn’t know what was the strangest: sleeping next to my crush or this one slept only in his underwear? Finally, I was so tired that I fell asleep without care about the answer. Although this night was particularly agitated, nothing incredible has happened. No... it will come by later.