Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Lingerous Ends


We sprinted across the
forest grounds, towards the entrance of the plains in front of us whereas the
brightest of the sun settled at our fur. I shivered, perhaps mainly to the
sudden change of temperature here. From the depths of colds within our Virkoal
Forest, to the warmth of the plains. For sometimes I had wondered how did that
happened. But I had decided not to keep that upon my own mind. Instead, I
sprinted alongside my packmates, down the plains. Cutting across the lands and
straight towards the entrance of Vastertown where we had presumed was where
everything had started in the meantime. As we gathered upon the entrance of the
town, we had found ourselves panting with heavy breaths. Wivion found himself
growling lightly as Wivina and Wyott just stared onto him for a moment. No one
exchange any words in the meantime.


Turning my attention
towards them, I barked to get their attention and they had turned to me in
response. For upon my nod and encouragement, we walked through the streets of
Vaster. Neverminding of the emptiness and abandonment of the town itself
either. For we were obvious to such a thing while our own attention was drawn
towards the road in front of us, trying to get our selves forth towards the
entrance portals that had sucked in the reptiles and canines into the other
realm. As we walked, our attention was drawn towards our surroundings. Gazing
at the various buildings that surrounded us; the different ravens and crows
that were upon the apex of some buildings. The majority of them were lowered
their heads; gazing at us. Meeting our eyes in the meantime too.


I had never felt afraid
of them; that I felt my heart beating because of it. While the others mentioned
about the ravens and crows that were there, I just ignored them and continued
my way forward. Bypassing crossroads and taking other main roads and alleyways
in hopes of getting straight towards that portal that opened up within the two
realms. But during our time of getting straight towards the portal, Wisson had
something to say however. “Is there a bathroom?" “Did you not go already when
we were in Virkoal forest?" Growled Wovan, fixing his attention towards him
while Wivina, Whitti and Wivina just stared at him. The responding coyotes,
shook his head. Frowning in the meantime. A couple of laughs; then an exhale of
a sigh had came from Wovan while I turned towards the meeting in question. I
was caught by Wovan who turned to me, shaking his head while pointing towards
Wisson in silence.


I gave a nod; a granted
permission to him and he sprinted off course. Towards a nearby store where he
had disappeared from our visions. Then a short time later, reappeared back
again. “Did you go?" “Yup. I found a toy in the bathroom too-" No one said anything
after that. At my shaking my own head, I turned away from the group and
sprinted down the path that we were on. The others soon ran after him with
someone shouting faintly in the background somewhere. Yet none of us heard him
however. As we sprinted through the road; straight towards the intended portal
of where it was spawning at, it suddenly popped out of nowhere in front of us.
None of us were able to break and we fell in one by one.


I only groaned to myself.
Eyes already opened to the unfolding world surrounding me. I rose to my own
feet, giving off a yawn before glancing around onto where I was. I had noticed
how isolated and alone I was away from the other coyotes whom seem to be somewhere
else within this entire new world. Additionally, the lands were purple. The
color had stretched far and wide; towards and perhaps beyond the horizon either
too it had seemed. Seeing that the entire lands were purple, had reminded me of
something. But my head shook to rid of that thought otherwise. Exhaling a sigh,
I then turned my own attention towards the surroundings. This time of hoping to
find my way towards the others and the destination that we had needed to find
where the others are held.


Shortly before our visit
upon the realm, I had recalled that the majority of the reptiles and canines
had fell into this realm. Lost somewhere without any form of guidance or
something that would aid them into returning to their respective realm however.
And I guess that was where we come in and Hunters too either; but I never knew
where they were at the moment when this disaster struck anyway. Shaking my head
upon that thought just returned me back into the reality of the new realm that
I had found myself upon. That I rose my eyes high into the horizon and walked
into the intended direction of where I was forced to point towards. That, my
own friends, was towards the North. I began walking in that intended direction,
unsure and really unaware of where was I going however. Through the plains of
purple upon the desert or what seems like it at the moment too. With nothing
but the ground. I sighed, this perhaps was going to be a long trip.


Luckily, and to my
surprise, it was not. For I had arrived straight into the destination of where
I was suppose to be. In front of me was the frontal gates that lead straight
into the maze; a bigger maze that stretched onward and onwards for without ends
and it was loaded with deadends. But I was not sure if it was loaded with traps
either. I already spotted the other coyotes gathering in front of the entrance
either; conversing with one another in the meanwhile as their attention was
drawn towards the first obstacle in front of them. I joined them; startling
perhaps Wovan and Wisson as they flinched or jumped back with a surprise look
onto their snouts. Yet the rest greeting me in fashion while I acknowledged
them respondingly before fixing my attention up front towards the horizon in
front of me.


For I had now knew what
they were staring at however. It was a sprint of boxing glove; only one that
lies upon our eyes and onto the ground it had seemed. Pure red was its color;
the spring was at the butt end of the glove. But there seem to be nothing there
attached to it; besides a small piece of paper which looked like some sort of
note. 'Was it for us?' I questioned myself as Wovan noted upon the same paper
and tilted his head to the side. For he turned towards me, I gave an nod and
together we walked forth towards the boxing glove in front of us. It was not
that too far however; only a few steps forward and we had already reached upon
the object that we had wanted. For by that time, Wovan automatically picked it
up into his paw; rose it high against his eyes and stared at it momentarily. I
urged him to opened the note which he did.


The note revealed the
entire map; shrunken miniature size. A black strong line was coursing through
the map, towards the center of the maze where the four letter word 'Goal' was
labeled. Both of us stared at it suddenly, even tilting our heads to one side
in question before we shortly turned towards one another. A pause of silence
had came as the other footsteps had came forth towards us. For each of them
wanted to see what the map was showing us and Wovan took that moment to expose
them towards it while I turned my attention away from them. Towards the other
end of the road that we were on; onto the crossroad in front of us where two
more roads sprouted from it however.


I only frowned. Silently
wondering why anyone would give us a simple answer towards the complexity of
the maze. I thought about the decisions; the end results. Hoping that I was
right about them and returned back towards the reality of things. By now, the
others had already walked calmly in front of me. Already a gap between us
however as I had noted them already then and I sprinted forth hoping to catch
up towards them.


We came across the first
intersection in front of us; whereas we had turned our attention towards the
split two set road in front of us. One was heading left; the other was heading
opposite of what the other path was. We shift our attention towards the right;
noting the different alternative paths that were there. Each of them stretching
across the road; leading straight towards the same destination thus. For upon
our right was perhaps backtracking straight towards the start and the left
leads somewhere else. Perhaps deeper within this maze however. Each of us
nodded, knowing what we will pick in the meantime however. For we taken the
right path; then split apart amongst ourselves. Taking an alternative path
immediately and without hesitation. As a result, Wissyon had taken the first
path that was immediately adjacent to the crossroads, Wovan and Wivina takes
the next two paths after Wissyon and I take the last. At the counter of three,
we each headed down our chosen paths.


A lot of exclamation and
screams burst through the silence of the atmosphere above us. Unfortunately, I
cannot hear them due to how dense the atmosphere was surrounding me. For they
had sounded like faint or distance as if they were far away somewhere and I
cannot reached them however. But also, the atmosphere was pure darkness too it
had seemed which had me think that the canines had taken this path to avoid any
sort of trouble. 'Was it a clear path?' I pondered silently to myself, eyeing
upon the dark horizon before me that I had found myself staring upon. I only
shook my head and continued down the path. I seemed to have walked through the
pure darkness for a while; I cannot see the walls on either side of me. Nor
could I see any sort of lamppost either that were found earlier on at the road
behind us. Regardless, after a lot of bumping around within the pure darkness
of things, It has seem that I had already reached the other side of the
alternative road that I was upon.


For a brighten of light
had popped onto my view; illuminating my face as my own ears pulled back within
the silence and the light that had blinded my own face apparently. I walked
closer towards the light; submerging upon the new road in front of me which was
something that I had taken a look off however. A wall was in front of me,
transparent that I was able to see something upon the other side of the wall.
More plains; and even a tree at the distance. Isolated and alone it had seem;
there were no leaves upon its branches either which was something to worry
about however. As my attention was pulled away from the plains and tree, I
turned toward the left side of me. Towards the other exit that was there which
Wisson emerged from. Following him was Wovan and Wivina. All three greeted me,
I responded back and jabbed my thumb forth towards the tree in front of us as
the other three shift towards where I was pointing at.


Had to say, they were a
bit surprise upon seeing the tree in front of themselves however. They walked
up towards the wall; pressing their faces against it. Even Wovan tapped upon
the wall before turning his attention to me, “What is stopping us? Glass window
or something?" I shook my head upon them, answering for Wovan about the type
that was stopping us upon reaching the tree in front of us. For when they had
heard it; they all blinked towards me and exchanged looks upon one another. Yet
everyone was silent, none of them spoke ever or even brought up the subject
once more as they each just turned themselves towards the right; walking passed
me. I turned around to meet onto their backsides as the distance between us
grew slowly apart from one another. I just exhaled a breath and said nothing,
but to follow.


We walked int some sort
of dome room. Four paths were upon each of the wall surrounding us. Each of
them leads into a different destination it had seemed. But we never paid any
sort of attention towards them. For the four other coyotes fixed their attention
towards the thing at the center of the room. A big space ship something was in
front of them. It was not colored; rending it pure white however. But it does
had some features upon it; such a  circle
glass window, three dots down its center. Three parts of red stands to keep it
level and a rocket at its butt. “This must be the model that someone was using
to escape from this place." Wovan explained, perhaps muttering to himself as
always while Wissyon fixed his eyes towards him. The two coyotes kicked off
some sort of conversation between themselves while the rest of us departed
almost immediately, never wanting to hear him use any sort of scientific
explanation and terms that he had researched over the 'web' that he likes to
call it.


I only exhaled a breath
and frowned before glancing away. Fixing my attention towards one of the four
paths that branched out from the room in front of us. There was pure darkness
covering the distance horizon; yet some sort of flashing color lights blinked
at the distance however. With my eyes given attention towards those lights
blinking, I stepped forth to the entrance of such said pathway. But I stopped
immediately and my head snapped back into attention; first seeing a paw in
front of me already made contact to my own fur and I raised my eyes back to
level ground; spotting Wissyon in front of me with a faint smile upon his face.
I only smiled back responding to him, before shaking my head. Clear of anything
and all distractions as I turned around, returning back to the room before me.


Yet my mind was somehow
clouded; perhaps it had something to do with that blinking lights that I had
saw earlier onward. I cannot seem to stop thinking about it either. I found
myself growling because of it; constantly shaking my head to avoid listening and
seeing upon the blinking light for I swear now that I am now hearing things.
Like a music drawn from the blinking lights; or something that was pleasant to
my own ears that I cannot stop onto listening to it. The other coyotes seem
preoccupied with their own stuff; yet I was a bit surprise upon seeing Wissyon
kept his eye upon me. A small smile was upon his snout; I just acknowledged him
and gave off a sigh. My own thinking surfaced, recalling about my own packmates
and a small smile reappeared upon my own snout. Yet that was halted; when
everyone heard something whirring and humming behind us recently.


For immediately we had
turned around and glance upon whatever was there. Surprise to see that the
'spaceship rocket' that we had saw earlier onward was gone; replaced what seems
to be a half crescent moon shape with tons of buttons implanted upon it. All of
them were blinking and flashing, much like the flashing blinking lights at the
distance darkness before me. Something that had caught my attention however. I
only frowned; before shuffling my way forth towards the keyboard in front of
me. Raised to my own hind legs; I lowered my head. Gazing at the bunch of
different color and sizes of buttons in silence, unsure and unaware of what I
was doing however. For upon a quick fast breath, I pressed one automatically
and immediately. Hearing the click underneath all of the conversation that the
other coyotes were committed to do so gave me a sigh of relief, acknowledging
that the buttons upon this 'keyboard' were working as intended.


The two darkened hallways
in front of us illuminated. Exposing whatever was they were hiding at the time.
Raising my eyes up into the horizon before me, my eyes widened with surprise
upon what was I seeing. The conversation adjacent to me had stopped also;
having replaced with pure silence and tranquility as they cannot believed upon
what they were seeing at the time. For in front of us was that statues of the
dragon hybrid from long ago. I cannot even remember what was its species name
as only some of the foxes and wolves had only mentioned upon its unique species
name at the time during the chaos-order conflict from years ago. “That had been
here this whole time? What is this place anyway then?" Started Wovan whose
voice had picked up upon the blue; the silence cracked upon his while everyone
else fixed their attention towards Wovan in silence.


I only shake my own head
at the others while Wovan himself just gaze away from all the attention drawn
towards him. Within silence fall, we turned our attention back into the
hallways. For silence, we walked forth towards them. Entering into them immediately,
even without knowing what lies beyond them. For as we had entered once in, the
atmosphere above us had changed. It was no longer pleasant. Something that we
had initially felt upon entering. We felt the strong push from above; allowing
our feet to sink into the grounds beneath as we stomp our way forth through the
halls. Our eyes kept front into the horizon. We continued walking down the
hallway; reaching towards the crossroads where the two halls met up with one
another. Here was where we had stopped in the meantime and fixed our attention
up front towards the two other paths that were unoccupied at the time being.
With our eyes up front to it; we take a step towards the center of the grand
hallway. Then picked our halls.


But before we had entered
into the desired path that we had wanted, our ears flickered warning us upon
something. As the others went ahead ignoring the flickering warning, only I had
taken noticed of it however and frowned before turning myself around. Gazing at
the backside horizon in front of us. Turning to the pure darkness that was
there. I squinted my eyes wondering what was there; for a ton of questions
reside upon my own mind. To the point that I had received an own headache and
someone shouting at me from behind, I immediately turned around and ran to
catch up towards them. Just as the sounds of something eating behind me
intensified and increased in volume. Shattering the silence whereas a pair of
eyes kept tabs upon us.