Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Heyday Missing


“Ladies wolves and gentle wolves! May I present to you…" One of the wolves started yelling which filled the entire hallways and rooms with his voice a bit. All eyes were towards them. But who were they? I am glad you asked. Both of these wolves are Horizoki and Haziyo. The magician and singer respectively. And let me say for the record, that these two wolves are the worst wolves to be ever around with. Period. Despite them being fun after all however.


I breathed an exhaled, to calm down my anxiousness that kept on rising from the depths of my wolf body. As my eyes were closed and stared upon the grounds below me, I flattened my ears to avoid listening to Horizoki and Haziyo. Because, I know, they are going to do a terrible job with their occupation however. A small smile emerged upon my face as I thought about it for a short time. But before I could deluge into it further, I felt a paw struck against the side of my body and I turned around gazing behind myself. Spotting Huzizu who had a big grin upon his face and in his paw, the magnetic magnet that we needed to 'borrow' from the bellwolf at the beginning of the room. You maybe wondering why we needed such a thing. But I will let things come on their own in their own times however. As another breath escaped my lips, Huzizu stepped to my side and whispered. Dropping his voice down onto a whisper, “You are nervous?" “First time we are doing a real operation. Never in my life had we done this before." “You will do fine… Look; that is our cue." He smiled faintly before pointing up ahead. Towards Harkell and Havlut. Both of which were clapping their paws to ignite the crowd surrounding Haziyo and Horizoki. Even though both of which knew what would happened.


Upon the signal. I nodded acknowledgment towards them before shifting my attention towards Huzizu who smiled only before moving himself forward. With my heart beating so fast, I had wondered about ourselves losing in this operation. Everything going so wrong however. But my eyes closed shut as I raised my paw. Signaling towards Huzizu who stepped beyond my side towards the bellboy on the other side of the hallways. He placed the magnetic magnet upon the grounds beneath our feet and swiftly turned it on. A low hum emerged from the magnet as it starts its work towards the keys that were behind the bellboy who was looking quiet confuse upon seeing them rattle. I stepped forth towards Huzizu side who turned his attention to me. A worried look upon his face. But I ignored it and shook my head, urging him on by turning up the power. Huzizu did swiftly. But that was where things had gotten wrong.


First off, we heard a loud crash above us which snapped our attentions back towards reality a bit. Along with that crash we also heard the crowd gasp above us. Both me and Huzizu turned to one another in question, curious looks were written onto our faces as we pondered about the situation that Horizoki and Haziyo had found themselves in. Despite our feet shuffling above the wooden grounds underneath us, urging ourselves to go and find out if the two wolves were fine. We kept ourselves grounded temporarily and waited until the keys came to us. Luckily, we only had to wait a short while until the first of the many keys were throw our way. Hitting against the magnet with a loud clank that was music upon our ears. We smiled faintly and our tails wagged suddenly, pleased upon how smooth the plan was. Despite knowing how wrong everything will go on. This is one of our many mistakes however…


“Things are going quite smoothly if I may ask." I reported as Huzizu nodded confidently. It was clear that he wanted to add more to that sentence. But his face was pale, his frown was formed and his ears were held back. He spoke towards me just as I turned around and I waved him off, “I will check with Horizoki and Haziyo. To see if the two wolves needed any help with their so called 'entertainment' for our lovely audience however-" “Hunter? If I may asked…" Huzizu responded with his voice dropped to a whisper. I caught him and looked at him curiously. Even tilting my head to one side in ponderance, wondering what he wanted at the time of our glorious victory. But he already pointed his paw out beyond the magnet. Towards a huge ball that was coming forth towards us. I blinked in surprise and gasped; even turning tail and ran. Huzizu followed me afterwards, screaming and yelling as loudly as he could. We ran across the halls. Speed was on our side. With the cold calm winds blowing against our furs, we raced outside of the halls and stands on either side of the walls where we could be safe from the ball that was 'rolling' toward us. Thus as it emerged from the hallway adjacent to either of us, it took along the magnet and out towards the door where it could be free however.


“We… we are safe for now." I heard Huzizu panted, gazing his eyes towards me with those sad eyes of his. I gave a swift nod but chuckled afterwards, remembering that the bellboy does not have any of the keys anymore. “This is a win win, Huzizu! We do not have the keys and neither does-" “Watch out below!" We heard someone screaming from above as our attention were raised towards the ceiling above us. There we spotted Horizoki and Haziyo gripping tightly against the edge of the silvery tray that was underneath of them. Behind them yet close by was Havlut whose arms were up above him and his wolf mates. His eyes were were closed, he looked like he was having a grand old time or something along those lines. As we watched them with surprise upon our faces, Huzizu and me split apart from one another. Allowing the three wolves to crash upon the flooring with the tray shooting out from underneath Horizoki. Straight out towards the window where it crashed through. Ending up upon the roads outside. All three started laughing, although Horizoki and Haziyo's laughter were a bit forced. Hasher's however, was natural. As we scowled the three wolves, Hasher's died down. So did Horizoki and Haziyo as the two glanced over towards me.


“Did you get the desired key?" Horizoki questioned me, I shook my head and eased up my hardening expression. Exhaling a breath before sitting down upon the cold grounds underneath me as I added, “We could not even get one however." “Everything was thrown out the window. Literally." Huzizu reported to Horizoki, Haziyo and Hasher as all three started nodding before gazing at one another. “Well if it is all outside then, we should we able to find it… Right?" “Not unless any cub, kit or any baby child animals had taken it from the ground…" Huzizu started, but trailed off as his face formed something disgusting. We all looked at him in interest. But later on ignored him afterwards as I got up onto my feet, breathed a bit before nudging my head at them pointing straight towards the door. “Then I guess we search for the key outside then. We might be able to find that door." “Could we just make it easier and just let the bellboy find it for us?" Horizoki complained, whining afterwards as Huzizu scowled at him. “No. We had tried time after time after time. None of it succeeded." “Even talking to him directly?" Hasher questioned which a nod from Huzizu was responded to his questioned, “Even talking to him. We got thrown out of the inn remember?"


A scream came afterwards. Fill our silent ears and the atmosphere above us as we pulled ours back. Turned tail and ran out the door. For once we were outside, our hearts pounding against our chest as we quickly scattered to find some hiding spots that we could find in such a short time however. Afterwards, we hide in and waited until hearing some fainted footsteps that walked back inside. Fading until our ears heard nothing was the time that we decided to emerged outward. “Alright new plan we…" Huzizu whispered mostly towards himself as his eyes shifted towards the grounds where the pile of keys were and the magnet that we used also additionally. As everyone  stared silently, I exhaled a breath and pulled my ears up front before hoping out off the barrale that I was hiding myself in. Huzizu leaped from the basket of warm clothes that was suddenly left there at some point. Horizoki and Haziyo leaped from the ponds nearby to which their mouths were wide opened. Breathing harshly and deeply as I gaze at them for a moment. Lastly, Hasher tried to leap from his hiding spot. But he fell to the ground and it shattered into pieces. Though allowed him to escaped afterwards as he regrouped with all of us.


“How is there a nearby pond by the way?" Huzizu questioned tilting his head to one side with Horizoki waving his paws out between the two of them with a big stupid grin upon his face. “Magication…" “Yeah that is not a word however." “Then why was it not highlighted in red then?" Horizoki remarked with a smile upon his face as Huzizu glanced at him with worry before shaking his head and exhaled, “Please tell me you have some other ideas, Hunter. I do not want to be here. Out in the sun. Arguing with Horizoki about some red highlight upon his word on 'Magication'." “See you got it then!" Answered Horizoki to which Huzizu pinched between his nose and exhaled. “Shut up." He whispered underneath his breath while silence followed afterwards and all eyes pointed towards me.


“We could try the same strategy over in the no snake hotel nearby." I answered his question, to which he raised his head and made eye contact with him suddenly. His face was cold and hard stare as if he never wanted to tackle a repeated that had ended up in failure recently. However, I ignored him and motioned everyone to follow me closely. “It is just a short walk up ahead." “Wait." Hasher asked, forcing the rest of us to glance back onto him. “Did we made sure that 'she' is not inside the rooms of the hotel that we are just going to abandoned?" “Well Haziyo and Horizoki have already looked into the rooms while they were performing their… whatever they were doing however." Huzizu started, avoiding eye contact with Hasher as he glanced his way. Then pointed towards me as I nodded, “Yeah. Has not found 'Her' yet however. Trickly little devil. Apparently" I muttered afterwards. A swift collection of nods escaped from the other wolves as Hasher glanced at us with confusion. But chose to ignore it anyway as I lead my pack towards the other hotel close by.


More like one or two minutes from where the previous hotel was however. As we shifted our attention upward to view the hotel upon our eyes, we saw how beautiful and perfect the place was however. The hut was very tall. In fact taller than the other huts around us however. It was bright orange. A few sticks or straws were a bit out of place however from the hut. But I guess none of it were important. We waltz right through the door. Taking in the fresh breath of fresh air that washed down upon our furs suddenly. I heard Horizoki and Huzizu murred to themselves in response, enjoying that quite of a treatment. But knowing that they caught themselves, stand at attention afterwards as Haziyo whispered to me, “The same plan right?" I nodded eagerly before shifting my eyesight towards Huzizu who nodded with a small hidden smirk upon his face as if he knew what was to be anticipated however. As my eyes parted from Huzizu and Horizoki and Haziyo started running a bit ahead and up the stairs disappearing, I nudged my head towards Hasher who quickly brought out the magnet from his pocket. However, before the plan could proceed as normal, we had forgotten that the magnet was already turned on and already receiving metal objects. Keys, coins, trash cans, everything that you can name that are also metal. All of which came rushing towards us.


I stared screaming. Me and Huzizu turned tail to run. However, Hasher with his quick thinking threw it over to the front desk nearby which was caught by another canine who looked at the device with confusion written upon his face. Yet however, he was struck by his own set of keys that stabbed him in his stomach. Blood started leaping from the front side. He felt ill and uneasy that he quickly fell in no time at all. Me and Huzizu turned our attention towards Hasher who smiled with red cheeks burning. He shrugged and said nothing afterwards as we all walked slowly forward. Closing in onto the dead corps before us and stopped. We all stared down onto the dead body. Then raised our heads towards one another and frowned, we actually killed someone.


My heart started racing in wonder if the police or the townsfolk would find out. As panic settled into my body, I suddenly gripped onto the edge of the dead body below me and drugged it out towards a nearby pale door. Opening the door, I shoved the body down the steps where it disappeared afterwards as I closed and locked the door. Huzizu and Hasher stared onto me knowing what I had done. Their eyes wide in fear and panic were settled as well. With their tails between their legs, we all wondered what to do now since murder was upon our paws. However, it was already too late when we heard the familiar jingle and Horizoki and Haziyo already started their bit with a sea of clapping paws came in response. “Welcome all! To the wolves show entertainment. We are coming…" “Quick grab the keys on the floor and go to where Horizoki and Haziyo are. Shove every key inside the hole and turn it. Find out what you can find inside. Make it quick." A nod escaped in answer from Huzizu and Hasher as the two wolves started rushing upstairs towards level ground where the other two wolves were. In the meanwhile, I calmly coughed a few times before making my way towards the front desk. Getting up onto my hind legs, I rose my upper body and head above the desk before me and stared up ahead.


A couple of screaming and something hit with a response of an “ow" came afterwards. I heard it all too well however. As I tried my best to ignore whatever was going on upstairs, I closed my eyes and turned around so my back was pointing up front instead. I stared at the white wall in front of me and acted as if I was doing something. I grabbed an imaginative sheets of papers and started shuffling them to align them with one another. A second short burst of sound came seconds after the first. I could perhaps anticipate that there was some sort of slapface going on upstairs. 'Perhaps the audience was liking it somehow?' I pondered with a thought in my head as nervousness increased tenfold upon my psychical body. I closed my eyes and counted mentally ignoring the recent fact that we had killed another being. For once my eyes were opened, I stared down upon my paws. Quickly noticing them shivering and vibrating slightly. My legs buckled as I gradually realized that my breath was reduced to shorten bursts of breaths. My head started aching and I stumbled towards the front desk with my head against my paws. Eyes closing, wanting everything to-




I jolted awake. My eyes opened up and I realized I was flinching suddenly. Raising my eyes up towards whatever was in front of me, I stared upon Horizoki, Haziyo, Hasher and Havlut. All of which turned their attention towards me in silence before towards one another. An awkward silence fell between the two of us. “What are you guys doing down here? I thought you were putting a show upstairs?" I questioned them, finally breaking the silence as they pointed towards one another. But nothing came as a result. With a headache coming against my forehead, I laid my head against my paw and stayed like there for a bit. Yet Horizoki and Haziyo jumped up onto their feet and started running up the steps,disappearing for a bit as silence was shattered once again upon hearing something unusually above us. The remaining wolves, including myself flinched and turned our attention upstairs. Fear was already induced into our veins urging us to flee from the place and out towards somewhere. Yet it had already seem that Havlut and Hasher had the right ideas however. The two said wolves were sent out the doors on their own leaving me behind as I also ran after them. And out upon the night streets we ended up upon where the moon hanged high. Yet worries came up instead.


Neither of us spoke. We just ran. Ran from the mystery that the two wolves had induce against those inhabitants inside that holte hut. We never knew what had happened to those wolves. I guess we had not see them again for the next hour or so. Regardless, we just kept running. Sprinting down the alleyways and roads, zigzagging our way out from town hoping to find an exit nearby. Thus once we had found it however. We ran through the white gates and back upon the woods. Just in time of hearing the crickets already chirping in the backgrounds and the other wolves already howling straight upon the woods. In addition of getting back upon our home, we also spotted the wolves of winter already sitting patiently upon solid grounds. Tails already wagging in interest and curiosity as heads tilted towards us just as we emerged onto view. Yet not one had spoken about our journey towards the nearby the townsfolk behind us as we had just wanted to push that thought out of our mind and ignore everything else.


Onto the hour before midnight however, the silent tranquility atmosphere was suddenly halted when we started hearing something faint upon our ears. Driria and Ruaija shifted their attention towards the source of the sounds. But for my pack? We just plainly ignored it. For we knew what we had done and how we had done it. All we wanted was to ignore those thoughts. The taunting thoughts that had haunted us just as we had escaped from that hut. That murder and whatever Horizoki and Haziyo had already done to those townsfolk. As we quickly tried to get some rest and shut our ears and minds away from those thoughts and echods sounds and sight, we noticed Driria already maneuvering out from the boundaries of our home. For her attention was westward from where we were all lying down. I peaked my eyes towards her. Worried that she might find out. But it already came. That curious thought of hers as she shifted her attention to me, seeing me awake and spoke. Quietly.


“What did you guys really do over there?"


I gulped nervously. But told her the entire story.