Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Surprise


“Congrats. You won."
Spoke the speakers of some weird device that stands in front of Horizoki who
tilted his head to one side frowning as he glanced over to us. “What did we
win?" “Perhaps a vacation away from you insane lunatics?" Responded Harkell who
rolled his eyes gazing back to Horizoki as his ears flattened against his head,
meeting his eyes in the following silence. I exhaled a breath and said nothing
more other than to step forth in the direction of Horizoki, looking over his
shoulder and stared at the device he was holding. It was a medium size device.
Pure black however which was odd even for me however. I frowned, noting that I
had seen one beforehand when I was at the city life. 'But that was a long time
ago.' The thought popped into my mind which I shook my head and glanced back to


“You did not win
anything." I started, meeting his eyes as he frowned again nodding “It is some
sort of scam or something just to make people, even animals feel better about
themselves." “Like the prizes that we saw behind the glass window one morning?"
“You guys saw a glass window?" Interrupted Havlut, turning to us which I shook
my head, narrowing my eyes upon that wolf before turning back to Horizoki again
“Do not be bother about it anyway. Just some basement dweller with no life at
all." “And how you know that?" “Shut up, Havlut." I growled lowly saying
nothing more other than to drop the subject at hand.


A bright morning shines
in the air today. Cool crispy air swirled around ourselves. Biting against our
fur making some of us shiver. We were back upon Virkoal Forest, unsure of what
we were suppose to do however. It was also during this time that Horizoki 'won'
something and I am sure you guys in the audience knew what I was talking about
however. No need for explanation on the matter at hand. “By the way." Commented
Havlut after a pause in silence, shifting his attention towards me and the
other wolves surrounding him. “Whose birthday is it today?" “According to the
calendar…" Responded Horizoki shifting his attention to the tree besides him
and turning back around, facing Havlut “It is no body's birthday right now." A
soft mutter followed the conversation while I glanced inbetween the two wolves
for a moment and tilted my head to the side, pondering why they had interrupted
me for that?


I coughed. Despite the
wolves glancing back upon me, I ignored them all and just continued in onto
what I was talking about. Anyway, Yes, according the imaginary calendar that no
body posted or hang upon the tree, we have no birthdays to commit. But why the
mention of the birthday, right now? Well, I am glad you ask! A small smile
appeared upon my snout as I find myself staring deadpanned upon the forest
horizon before me. Despite the other wolves still trying to avoid glances at
me, I turned around and faced them instead. “Guys!" I chirped, my voice loud
enough to get them to listen to me. And indeed, they all turned towards me.
With the following silence following my words, I break it by saying to them.
“Well. Actually. It is someone's birthday rather." “Someone's?" Questioned
Havlut, tilting his head to which I nodded back upon him. “Yeah." “Whose then,
if I may question." Asked Horizoki while Haizyo and Huzizu joined in onto the
conversation at hand. Submerging out from the bushes adjust to me as they turned
back towards the other wolves then me before frowning.


No one said anything in
response. The sounds of silence fell to everyone's ears. Upon which, I had
taken the action and stepped forth to the remaining wolves in front of me and
spoke, “And yet we do not know whose however." A loud collective groan was my
answer. Yet no one complained about it, mainly because it did gave them
something to do at the matter. 'Or at least until this story is quite finish
however.' I thought to myself, nodding slightly which was fast that no one else
had caught it. “Again. Whose birthday?" Questioned Haizyo as he started
screaming in the void air forcing me to turn around to him and Huzizu who was
adjacent to him. “Where did you two come from?" “The moon." Huzizu responded
with a smile upon his face, something that I never caught onto besides rolling
my own eyes and shifting back to the other wolves. Then back to Huzizu and
Haizyo, “So you two know what is going on right?" “Someone's birthday, just
like you said." Commented Huzizu, repeating whatever I had said beforehand.


I nodded to them and a
huge smile came upon my face while grinning at them “Yes indeed. Yet we never
knew whose." “And that is a problem indeed." Commented Haizyo, who was found
muttering to himself which Huzizu nodded his head, smiling accordingly to me.
“So what is it that you wanted us to do anyway?" “Just stick around with us
while we spread out and find the birthday creature or animal." “Would it be
that easy?" Frowned Huzizu despite Haizyo waving his paw and smiling responding
towards Huzizu whom shift his attention to him, “Of course!" No one said
anything after that comment alone. For thus with the silence looming over our
heads, I turned back around and the other wolves were already gathering amongst
themselves. Chattering and conversion were looming in the air above them and us
since I was in close proximity of their running mouths. I stared at them at
least for a moment. With Haizyo and Huzizu walking up, joining the conversation
at hand. I too followed the rest of the wolves and sat while the talkative
continued surrounding me.


By the afternoon, it had
seem a planned was in place. The leadership for this particular birthday was
Harkell as he started yelling at the other wolves for whatever reason alone.
The other wolves flattened their ears and made small protest noises against
him, other than to comply with his wishes however. Since the wolves were busy,
I had decided to take Haizyo and Huzizu with me, running off towards the side
where we began looking for the birthday boy or girl as of today. We entered
through the piles of bushes behind us, disappearing before the busy faces of
the wolves that we had left behind. Once we heard the fading conversational
sounds behind us, I exhaled a sigh which took the attention of the other wolves
as they turned towards me. Giving me a sudden look; Yet I just wave at them
suddenly saying nothing more other than the following silence as we walked
Southward away from the center.


It was a rather long walk
down South. The trees had started cluttering against one another. Bushes were
far apart. No animals were found surrounding us and the sun was being blocked
by the trees above us. Still, no other animals were found in the forest which
had surprise me however. “I need you two to split up for me, alright?" I
responded, glancing towards the other two wolves. They nodded, perpelex by the
decision made at the last second. But otherwise complied with it. Splitting up
from me, they headed their own direction and disappearing into the forest.
Leaving me alone towards myself where my thoughts suddenly popped in and out of
my head. I frowned, pondering where the other animals were at besides ourselves


But I never had to look
or go far when I heard howls and rapid footsteps rushing about. And my ears
rapidly flickered trying their best to hear and identify where the sounds were
coming from while I turned my attention towards the sides of myself. Pointing
them straight into the forest where I had left the other two wolves. For with a
groaned, I walked to the forest. Entering into the butcher of trees, walking a
small distance from the dirty road behind me. Thus coming up later upon a plain
fields where a large gathering was once held before my very eyes. It was rather
unique or common. I could not tell considering that I never went to a birthday
before when I was a two legged creature beforehand. But shaking that thought to
the side, I shift myself back into reality and flattened my ears.


For right in front of me
stands the two wolves and a bunch of random forest animals that I never knew
about. All of them felt scared that their fur was turning white suddenly or at
least that was what it was, I imagine however. As the last of the animals were
tied towards the brown chairs which I had no idea where and when they managed
to get such things, the two wolves smiled to themselves. Then facing one
another, they high five before taking notice of me. “Hunter! Glad you can make
it however." “Just what is going on here?" I questioned, calm and collected
despite my own voice betraying me somehow. Huzizu was the first to speak and
with a smile plastering upon his face, he spoke with a wink “It someone's
birthday and perhaps it is yours however!" “It is not." I responded quick and
effectively, a one shot answer while I find my head hanging and gazing at
ground for a moment before lifting my eyes staring at the wolves then at the
animals behind them.


All of them looked
bewuthered for some strange reason. For their eyes were wide as white; ears
stretched far and heads held steady. No one made a move. Not that anyone had
needed to however while I just find myself rolling my eyes and saying nothing
more other than to turn around and nudged my head forth at the other two wolves
behind me, “Come on. We still need to find whoever it is." “But is it yours?"
“no." I responded and they have asked that question, time after time again
while we moved ourselves out from the plains circles behind us. To which, our
surprise, we had forgotten the animals that were tied up however as they find
themselves shifting attention towards one another in the following silence that
had came over them. Till some time had passed was the only time that they had
realized what they were doing and untied themselves from the chairs, fleeing at
a moment's sight.


In the meanwhile, we kept
walking along the dirty roads. Far from our home which was at the center of the
forest of course. We kept our search for the one being whose birthday was it
today. I rose my head towards the ceiling above us, eyeing upon the patches of
blue that were there. With clouds drifting by. I exhaled another sigh and
closed my eyes; legs already hurting because of the prolonged walking that we
had to do. As I grunted, Huzizu and Haizyo turned their heads around towards
me. Ears splaying back while I shook my head at them. Reassuring that I was
alright. For upon their responsive silence was the only time that they turned
their heads around and walked with me following right behind them however.


It had taken some time.
But we had reached the farthest edges of the forest's outline whereas the vast
plains stands before our wake. Stretched forth into the horizon where the sun
was starting to sink upon. Huzizu and Haizyo stared at the sun for a moment;
eyes buzzing and hissing as I growled at the two to catch their attention.
Those two turned around towards me while I nudged my head to the side; urging
them. For they nodded, no response came from either of them while they once
again take the lead. Leading me along the edges of the forest as we journey
Northward a few paces forth until we reached what seems to be a cavern before


“This it?" Responded
Haizyo, turning his head towards me as I nodded responding. Although silence
was upon my mind and snout however. Huzizu and Haizyo turned their heads to one
another then back towards me before straightening their heads and moved forth.
Stretching the gap from where we once stand, they expose themselves to the air
and the silence clearing surrounding them as their eyes peered upon the caverns
before them. With flattening ears, Haizyo started howling. Huzizu followed
afterwards. They kept up this harmony for a while before someone threw a stone
at the two. It missed them by an inch while it started rolling past. Stopping
after a few while the two wolves kept stare at the sudden stone rolled towards
them, then back towards the cavern again before howling again.


“What do you drascales
wanted anyway!" We heard a roar which vibrated from the caverns within. Upon
which the two wolves stopped, flattening their ears. Pulled away from the
clearing and stepped back towards the edges. Shortly before shifting their
attention towards me while I nodded at the two and step to take their places.
Upon which, we had noticed a creature submerging from the caverns. It was an
odd one however. Not some animal that we had suspected however. This creature
was a bit taller than us; even if we were on our hind legs too. His eyes were
small; mouth nose and ears were of the same size too. His body was thinner that
we had seen some bones. The arms and legs were like noodles. “A spaghetti
monster." Muttered Haizyo which caught by Huzizu who started snickering. But
the creature glared at the two shutting them up. He lowered his eyes down
towards me, I hanged my head before lifting it and spoke


“So is it your birthday
then?" “No." A quick answer came. Nice and simple. “Roll the credits!" Shouted
Haizyo which Huzizu slapped his snout with his paw. Shutting him up. With a
short silence, I tilted my head at him and frowned, adding “It is not anyone
elses." “Is it not yours?" “Animals do not celebrate." Another pause in silence
before such said creature turned around and started heading back into his cave.
I shouted out towards him, but he ignored me. Allowing the vibrations of his
footsteps be the last I heard coming the silence following afterwards. “So I
Guess that is it huh?" responded Haizyo, turning his head to me which I shook
my head. A large smirk reappeared upon my snout before nudged my head back
towards the cavern and responded to them, “It really is not however." “What is
the plan then?" Haizyo whispered dropping his voice while he eyed me suddenly.


For at first, I whispered
not towards him for a moment. Letting myself pondering over it for at least a
little while however. Then returned my eyes meeting up with Haizyo before
nodding my head at him. For he blinked in response and tilted his head towards
one side. Yet, in surprise, Huizui seem to have acknowledged what I had wanted
them to do. For he dashes straight into the cavern suddenly. A light popped
sound erupted from within the cavern which a flash of light followed it. Some
screaming later and we heard Huzizu screaming at us, “Run!" “You imbeciles, I
will kill you all!" Roared the creature behind him. “Now that is the way!" I
praised, a big smile erupted from my mouth while Haizyo chuckled in silence,
shaking his head before turning around and made a run for it. I turned around
too, following him after while Huizui submerged from the cavern's entrance
behind us, running straight into the forest.


So we ran like hell. Down
the dirty roads before us with the rushing winds blowing into our faces. “Is he
behind us?" I questioned the others as none of them turned to even look behind
their shoulders. Whiteness torched their faces as fear ran down their spines.
None of them talked either which was a concern for me as their leader. Yet I
paid no other questions or attention towards them and just followed them down
in the sudden silence that had came. The forest surrounding us waved, thanks to
the rushing winds that we were creating. The grounds vibrated underneath us; it
was low and common compared to the loud obnoxious vibrations that erupted
behind us. Haizyo said inbetween breaths “He is still there, is it?" “Behind?"
I questioned, gaining time to have a short conversation while he nodded his
head suddenly and in answer. I turned my head around, glancing back upon my
shoulder. Despite the sun was sinking and the light fading out from our eyes
and surroundings, we could see him however.


“Yup. Still there." “How
long do we have to run?" Questioned Huzizu, joining in onto the conversion as
neither of us answered him however. For we all kept in silence, kept on running
through the forest with high winds behind our tails. It was perhaps the longest
running and fleeing we had to do in our daily lives, though we are of course
getting the exercise needed from our doctors! My head shook, reminding myself
that I should not be thinking about our psychical that comes up in a matter of
days. And my eyes narrowed while I pushed myself, gaining lead over the other
two while their pantings were heard from behind me. Till I gained the small gap
over the other two was the only time that I heard someone yipped out upon the


For me and Haizyo turned
quickly around. Facing upon Huzizu whom had tripped suddenly and is now rolling
straight towards us like a tumble weed however. Our eyes widened in surprise,
yet we had no response or action towards the suddenly event throw our way.
Thus, we were knocked off our feet and joined in onto the rolling with Huzizu.
We 'rolled' down the roads, gaining faster speed than ever before! We were like
tire wheels on a race track, just much faster however. While we kept on rolling
down, we had started screaming which filled the air suddenly with our voices.
For I am sure that the other animals surrounding us had heard our voices and
perhaps would come to our aid. None of them had for the next few seconds after
we screamed and kept on rolling however.


Perhaps it was a few
minutes of us rolling that we were suddenly stopped by someone. I could not
tell however due to the dizziness that my visions were entelling me. As my head
rolled about, there were some snickers and laughers that came despite someone
else muttering and shaking his head. I closed my eyes and frowned, flattening
my ears before opening up again and glanced about. Realizing that I was already
back home at the center of the forest once more. I blinked in surprise and
turned towards Horizoki and Harkell. Both smiled back upon me, though no voices
came from either of them. I exhaled a breath, then flopped down onto my back
while raising my eyes towards the covered evening skies above me. For sleep had
taken over me as I slept through the sudden screams and the sounds of singing
echoing, wishing a 'birthday' for the creature in tow.


“So how is it that we
gotten lost already?" I questioned, onto the next morning that had came.
Neither of the wolves said anything else other than their eyes scanning the
surfaces of terrains before them with silence looming over our heads while I
exhaled a breath, saying nothing in response either. Welcome back everyone, I
was legit surprise that we are also getting some additional for this particular
arc however. Not to mention that the main story was already done and over with
however. “Why is it again that we had to bring in a creature for his…" He
stayed silent for a fracture of a second, taking the time to look at the white
piece of paper in front of him before lifting his head back towards me, “
'birthday?'" “Just a sudden plot, I guess." Remarked Havlut raising his
shoulders, shaking his head additionally as neither of the other wolves said
anything more.


“By the way, how did you
get that piece of paper?" I responded, tapping the top of the page with a flick
of my tail while Haizyo frowned, flattening his ears and spoke back “From the
group apparently. Can you believe that some producers had left it there at the
end of our-" “Shut up…" Mouthed Harkell narrowing his eyes to stop him. Haizyo
sealed his mouth and kept his eyes onto me for a moment to which I shook my
head and turned back around. Walking along with the pack as a pause of silence
had came. I took the time to ponder and lifted my head back into the skies once
more. With questions regarding from the VPD however, I had wondered what they
had indeed wanted us to do. Thousands of suggestions erupted from my head; yet
at everyone I just shook my head. Refusing to believe it to be for either to be
out of the  blue or just plain stupid. As
I was doing so, the other wolves ignored me for a moment. But had indeed taken
some thought about it while Harkell and Havlut just took a deep breath and just
left it as it was.


We were silent as we
walked. Though we were already far from the center behind us. Heeding straight
into the edges of the forest where the sudden plains returned to our eyesight
once again. IT was the time that Harkell and Havlut takes a deep breath and exhaled,
for a breath like that had a smile return to their faces. The other wolves
shift their attention towards the two british wolves, kept their silences while
everyone eye towards me. I nodded without saying an order or command to them to
which a collective mixture of smile and silence hammered upon me. For upon this
time; Haizyo, Huzizu and Horizoki tackled one another and they started rolling
through and through upon the plains floors. In the meanwhile; me, Harkell and
Havlut watched them 'wrestle' keeping interest upon their playfights among the
peaceful silence that had followed afterwards.


Yet even that was short
lived when we started hearing someone fast approached us however. Havlut and
Harkell were the first to noticed; shifting their heads towards the intruder
that had approached. I take after the two and narrowed my eyes. A soft fear returned
to my face and snout while my eyes pierced upon the appearance of this sudden
guy. It was however, nothing that I had thought of however. 'Nothing at all.' I
thought in conclusion while the figure stands there, planting his feet upon the
grounds beneath himself and spoke with his paws held against his chest.
Speaking loud and clear as if he was some sort of business guy or just wanted
to hear the public's eyes upon him, he spoke


“Are you thee that
gentlemen?" “What the heck is he saying?" Horizoki whispered to me, I flinched
turning to him in surprise as he started smiling back again. I just growled at
him but made nothing more other than to turn back towards the gentlemen before
us while I responded back perhaps in kind or something along that line, I guess
“We are that gentlemen. Why are you here? Are not the VPD coming from their
station at this time of day?" Another pause of silence; Harkell and Havlut
shift their eyes back towards me, but I plainly ignored them adding to the
silence of the conversation between ourselves “If so or rather not; why are you
here then?" “Bringing a message from Vaster." “Which is?" “This." His final say
as he handed us a scroll with a purple ribbon wrapped about upon it. For he
turned around and walked despite our voices calling out towards me. For when he
had disappeared was the time we turned our heads back towards the scroll in my
paw. As I frowned, tilting my head and pondering what contents the scroll had.
I was even more afraid of Vaster and their insanity obsession with the canines


Regardless, I gulped and
gradually drift my paws upon the ribbon. Pulling out one of the two edges that
wrapped around one another neatly and tightly, the scroll or rather paper
unwrapped itself.