Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Spreading Joyly


Standing by the entrance of Vaster, we all stared upon it before Horizoki and Huzizu shift their attention towards me. I shook my head at them, growling. Warning them of any insanity plots and scams that they were to pull off while we were here. Yet they just smiled regardless of my warnings however. Rolling my eyes and about to exhale a sigh, I nudged my head forth and allowed Harkell and Havlut to move forward. Bypassing the gates while they turned around; shifting their eyes towards the other wolves of the pack. Next comes me, then Huzizu, Horizoki and Haizyo. I have no idea why the three wolves went together.


Now, you may be wondering why we are back in Vaster again for what seems to be the millionth time already? Well, earlier on, we were told by someone in Virkoal Forest that we were to deliver this message straight into Vaster. He never told the destination, which we had presumed it to be VPD station. Seriously, that place is really popular with all kinds of cases and such! Anyway, we never knew what the message said or stated about for no one in my pack had opened it to the point of reading it aloud to each of us. Save for Huzizu who was tempted to do so, even with his smug grin burning in mine and everyone else's face however. I growled removing that thought away.


It was early morning. The sun barely submerged from the horizon. Sending its mixture of red, orange and yellow warm colors out into the plains, grounds and anything else that it could touch upon. Whether it be trees, animals or etc. I exhaled a breath and raised my snout up towards the horizon, watching the buildings go by us as we walked along the empty street. Heed forth straight into the first intersection a few steps before us. Everyone in the pack was silent, no one talking and no insanity which to my surprise had caused the dragon citizens on the sidewalk to run or flee away from us. Even though we tried to make some talk with them. It was rather odd. But I rather not think about it however.


By the time we reached the intersection, we all stopped upon the center of it. Horizoki and Huzizu shift their heads over to me while I gaze away from them. Turned instead towards the two available pathways ahead of us. One from the left; the other straight ahead. There were even green arrows pointing alongside those paths too however. White small letters were crammed inside of them, making it hard to read them without wearing glasses. Sorry to those in the audience wearing them however.  As I peer and exchange looks with the two paths; Horizoki yawned for a moment with Huzizu speaking out to break the silence that was looming over us. “Hey. There is a gift shop nearby, we can use that to our advantage point." “A what?" Questioned Harkell, turning to Huzizu who was already running straight for the store already. With the pair of doors opening before his eyes, he already disappeared inside. “Hunter." I heard someone called for me. I turned towards the source of that noise, spotting Harkell whom was already pointing in the way where Huzizu had fled away.


I exhaled a breath. 'This is not good.' I commented in my head, frowning while Havlut looked between us suddenly then turned to the store. “What had Huzizu did this time?" “Head straight into the store." Responded Harkell, shifting his attention to him Harkell exhaled and said nothing while I ran straight to the store. But upon the entrance where the pair of doors was already opening before my eyes; a bright glow submerged before me. Temporarily blinding me. Yet I managed to closed my eyes or at least squint however to be able to see what Huzizu was doing this time. I see the wolf on the opposing side of the door; a bright smile plastered upon his face with his ears pointing backwards. Excitement was written all over his face however which came as a surprise for me as I find myself blinking at him while he leaped forward and landed adjacently, speaking out towards his fellow packmates.


“Look at this feature I got from the store!" “Looks like a pair of plastic wings." Commented Haizyo, tilting his head to the side while Horizoki stepped towards Huzizu, eyes sparkling as he admired it. “So cool!" “But it just a pair of-" “We heard you." I heard Harkell growled at Haiyo's complainment as such said wolf frowned and glanced over to the wolf, ears pulled back. Eyes looked sorry. Horizoki said nothing in turn but shift and fixed his eyes back towards Huzizu while he barked at the wolf, “Show us what those 'plastic' dragon wings can do." “Sure thing!" Exclaimed Huzizu and raised his fist into the air above his head. Me, Haizyo and Horizoki stepped away from Huzizu while he leaped into the air and…


Flopped back down onto the ground, he groaned but remanaged to get himself back onto his feet. Then leaped into the air again, only to fall back onto the ground afterwards. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head perhaps in disappointment or something along that line. Then turned to Horizoki and Haizyo, where the two just stared at Huzizu for at least a moment watching him repeat the failed cycle again before stepped in to intervene with him. In the short distance away from us, Harkell started laughing. But was slapped by Havlut who narrowed his eyes at him. Harkell said nothing in response, but just cracked smiles and stared at the three wolves aiding one another however. I stepped back from the trio; am too watching Haizyo and Horizoki aid Huzizu as the latter wolf hopped onto the paws of the two other wolves. Then threw him into the air while he started 'flapping' his wings.


“I can fly!" Exclaimed Huzizu. “That he can." Commented Havlut while Harkell widened his eyes and grunted respondingly before turning his head away. I could hear a bit of a growl from him. But it was so small and short that none other wolf had noticed however. With a crack of my smile, I nudged everyone forward. The remaining wolves upon the ground nodded and moved on, heeding the straight ahead path as the onlookers turned their attention towards us then towards the wolf in the air. No one perhaps had noticed. Not even the other wolves or dragons however, but Haizyo and Huzizu had indeed tied some string to his body. It was so thin and small that no one noticed. I could see it because I had a keen eye and was a very good observer according to my ancestors and parents back at home. But never minding that short comment however.


We walked along the street. Coming up upon the station which was towards our left just as we had approached the corner of the next intersection a few steps ahead of us. The police station that we had needed was there too; standing in all of its glory and along the sunlight that popped from its corner. We stared at the station for a minute before I stretched my legs out and made a run for it straight towards its doors. However, the doors were not automatic unlike the store that we had just entered into and with a frown, and of course, rubbing my injured nose after stabbing the door with it, I stepped away from it. Horizoki, Haizyo followed behind me. Harkell and Havlut stepped forth adjacent to where I was sitting. Leaning forward to peer through the glass, glancing inside. “No one is there." “How is that even possible?" I questioned with a surprise as my ears were suddenly pulled back and I find myself blinking at the time. Harkell and Havlut turned their attention towards me then to one another; before raising their heads up towards the skies where Huzizu was still 'flying' around.


“We need our wolf dragon." Muttered Harkell, biting his tongue afterwards while Haizyo caught his words and smirk at him “So you admit that-" “Shut up." He growled  back at him, saying nothing more than the silence between them. For Haizyo shift his head to me, I raised my shoulders in silence. Saying nothing more other than in agreeance with him. He nodded his head, lifting his paw from the ground and formed an circle with his two fingers. Catching the attention of Harkell who stared at Havlut for a moment, nodded his head and released his paws. Suddenly, something came whistling down and he stepped to the side for a moment, hearing Huzizu crashed upon the ground. Groaning erupted from the vibration of his voice and his ear flickered before remaining still afterwards, “We know that you are alive idiot. Wake up!" “How is not dead anyway?" Started Horizoki, fixing his eyes at Huzizu who lifted himself up from the ground shaking his entire body and head, removing anything that caught onto his fur.


“I have no idea." my ear caught onto Haizyo's words whose head shook for emphasis as he along with Horizoki was at a lost of words. But disregarding that to the side, we all turned towards Huzizu which responded by looking at me. Ears hitting the back of his head as he reeled his head back upon his neck, whispering or muttering to himself about something as Harkell stepped forth towards him. Sitting adjacently with him before responding, “Listen. The police station is closed right now for the early morning when it was suppose to be on and open. Think you can help out finding where our 'friends' are located." “Define 'friends'" I growled at Harkell who ignored me afterwards, Huzizu nodded his head, smiling brightly at us before getting up onto his feet and spoke. “I do not know where they are." “And this is why, we should split up instead." I countered but still Harkell ignored me. Havlut stepped to Harkell; hitting his head against his flank catching his attention while their eyes meet.


“We should listen to the pack leader, even Huzizu does not know where." “Can I start flying now?" Huzizu interrupted the pair of wolves while they shift to him, no one had an answer. A long pause of silence came around all six of us as all eyes were turned towards Huzizu who frowned back at us afterwards. But with no response, he 'flapped' his wings and jumped into the air again, somehow flying even without that white string of support however. Leaving us be, the remaining four wolves and I just turned to one another in the following silence anyway.


By afternoon, Yes, it was that long of a conversation, we already had a plan in place. Or at least we like to think so there was one. As our 'little' break is over, we split and peel away from one another. For each of us were sitting at a good spot away from the other wolves. A nod came across from each of us while Haizyo questioned “By the way, whatever happened to the catapult that we were using all throughout the series?" We all turned to Haizyo, no answer came from us however for a short pause again. Feeling the heat burning the back of my neck and my face reeling in the heatness that came. Someone spoke, more like commenting “It is in repairs. We had used it so much throughout our series that its fuse is broken." “Oh. Well then, we will just get the best next thing then." Haizo responded and dig through his fur for a slingshot.


At the mention of him rumbling through his fur, fear had already came washing all over upon our faces as we all stared upon Haizyo who continued rumbling and digging. Then, Horizoki stepped towards Haizyo and removed his paws from his fur shaking his head and commented, “There is no need. We already got the tools we needed." “What tools? There are not any. Do not worry, this sling shot will take us faster." “What… kind of sling shot are we talking about?" Questioned Havlut frowning, hesitation was upon his staggered voice as he struggled to even form any sort of sentences upon his lips. “Found it!" Cried Haizyo as he pulled it out from his fur and smiled. We all find ourselves staring at it for a moment; but no widened eyes or surprise came as a response or reaction however. For instead, it came as deadpanned.


“Seriously?" Frowned Huzizu who was the first to comment at these, “Do not even joke about that when our lives are at stake." “And so is the time." Responded Horkizoki, suppressing a snicker from his lips, shifting his eyes to Huzizu while he stabbed a pointer paw at him “Besides, neither you or Haizyo could come up with something original." Another pause of silence, then I clapped gaining everyone's attention. With my eyes narrowed, I put both my paws back upon the ground and spoke. Loud and clear, “We should get going. We need to find the VPD or anyone to deliver this." “This what?" Asked Horizoki, Huzizu and Haizo all at the same time. Forcing Harkell to faceplamed himself and groaned as he snarled at all three of them, “Did you forget why we are here? Did that little bus of yours just fled-" “Enough Harkell." I commented, holding a paw towards Harkell as his eyes turned towards me, “We should keep moving." “Where to now?" Commented Horizoki, the first to speak amongst the three idiots.


“Split up. Search the ground." I ordered, firm and strong while the remaining four wolves nodded their heads. Splitting themselves up, each heading their own way. While I kept my eye upon the station in front of me, I exhaled a breath a thought popped upon my mind as I had wondered where these police officers had went and gone themselves into. 'I just hope that they did not caught themselves into a trap or something. The others will have my hide if they managed to do so.' I muttered to myself, though I had realized that I was just talking to myself instead. I glanced around the environment that I was in, realizing that I was alone and no one about. I just move on, no hesitation from myself whatsoever as I heed towards the Westward point from the Vaster Police Station in front of me. Crossing the street to heed towards the other sidewalk of the other side, my thoughts gathered around my head. I had pondered deeply that I had not seen where I was going. I managed to ram my head against the lamppost, mailbox and even the wall of some buildings. Getting myself into alleyways, driveways and into someone's home. All of which I had not 'tried' to do. Just so you know however.


But it had been a long time. Perhaps too long however when we had heard the news of the officers' station being dark and no one being there however. I often find myself scratching my fur with my paw, irritated by the alternative events when in fact everything should be right and straighten out. 'But that would not be a story, right?' I thought to myself, countering my own while I blinked. Popping in and out of reality and inside my own brain instead. With a shake of my head, I just hanged my head following it and kept my eyes upon the sidewalk underneath me. For silence hanged over me lingering over the atmosphere above. A slight ringing echoed in my ears, but I had ignored it and kept at it. Moving forth until I had find myself reaching the end of the sidewalk.


I stopped once and raised my head high; back upon level grounds. Spotting Haizo and Huzizu together. Digging a huge hole that was surrounding them. My eye twisted, I frowned but remained silent while I had realized what they were doing. But an exhale of a sigh stopped me from being angry and instead, looking as if I was feeling a bit different. I stepped forth towards the pair of wolves; they stopped and glanced back onto me. Smiles upon their faces with the glowing orange yellow hitting the side of their face that it resembled a golden retriever instead of an actual wolf. I suppressed a laugh. Though they looked at me funny; but remained silent after I silenced my own laughter and spoke. “What are you two doing?" “Digging a hole through the road." “But are the dragons going to call the police?" I countered, noticing that Haizo was winking “That is the plan." I groaned and raised my head to the skies; frowning before lowering it back and gazed upon them in response, “I cannot believe you idiots." “Thanks! Appreciate your support after all!" Barked Haizyo with Huzizu laughing alongside of Haizyo. “By the way, Hunter." Huzizu responded after their fit of laughs and I find myself turned to meet their eyes.


“Do you want a spoon?" “No thanks." I said to them, leaving it to their antics. Another shrugged exchanged between the two as they went right back into work. The sounds of them digging and throwing dirt away from their huge hole, faded upon my ears as I moved away from them. Thoughts popped onto my mind while my head straight, gazing forth to the horizon as I heed forth through the road ahead of me. For with the silence came something else and I find myself blinking because of this. “I swear I heard something," I muttered, shifting my attentions around the environment around me. Searching upon the houses and mailboxes that were there. But nothing. With another whoosing of a sound that sounded like the harsh winds were blowing against my fur, I raised my head into the sunset skies above me. Spotting Horizoki in the air suddenly. I blinked at him as he came back around. Then raised my paw into the air and caught him. “You are Out!" Exclaimed someone from the distance, which both me and Horizoki ignored as I glared at him.


“I thought the sling shot was useless?" “It was not! We managed to enlarge it." “How?" “Easy!" He breaks into a grin. Something that I had dreaded all this time however. “With the enlarger ray that we found on dragbay." “The what…?" I questioned him, “The dragbay! The one shop where it had everything that we had need." And he continued advertising such a product that I just shook my head and walked away from him. His voice fading into the horizon while the gap widens between us and I shift my attention back towards the horizon, a sigh exhaled from my lips while I had pondered about our goal. Something that had been dashed away by the wolves inside my own pack. But as my mind continued countering itself of the pros and cons of the pack, the ground rumbled underneath me. Horizoki came charging forward and stopped when he caught up to me. I blinked at him for a moment before narrowing my eyes and stabbing a paw at his chest, growling “Was this your doing?" “Nope. I bet you its Huzizu and Haizyo. The two wolves who dug underground. Guess they were not successful." “No duh." I remarked, a comment that had came.


The rumbling and vibrations of the ground came. Long and hard. It was like an sudden earthquake that erupted when two plates formed together! Both me and Horizoki settled in for the ride. Though he seem more excited than I am however. Though the 'ride' itself was over long after the rumbling had subsided, another one was in the works. But this time, not underground however. We raised our heads towards the skies; spotting Harkell and Havlut already running straight toward us for some strange reason. White faces peeled upon their faces with their ears pulling back. Paws stretched outward, 'running' forth toward us as I exclaimed to them “What is going on?" “No time, need to run!" Shouted Havlut, with his breath chasing after him. The two quickly came to us then bypassed short afterwards as we fixed our attention to them and then towards one another. “What was that all about?" “No sure." Responded Horizoki before turning back towards the horizon again, “But something is coming!"


I turned towards the horizon just as Horizoki fled my side. A loud roar had came. Vibrations rocked the grounds beneath my feet as something surfaced upon the horizon. My eyes widened in fear; pupils inside my eyes shrinking in realization of what had came. 'Water!' My mind screamed, though I was paralyzed to even move while the waters came gusting down the roads. Flowing straight towards me at high speeds. For when I managed to move my legs, I turned tail and ran. I ran like hell. Never stopping and no hesitation as I find myself fleeing from the road that I was just on. It was just about halfway through when I reached back upon the intersection that I was upon. The three other wolves were there too; panting heavily as they flopped upon the grounds. Tongues sticking out from their mouths as they hear me screaming and panting as if fear was chasing after me. The three of them turned their heads to me and one of them spoke out, but I never heard them however. For I bypassed them and ran up the road. Far away from the three other wolves just as they turned their heads back towards the road that I was upon.


I never knew how long I ran. Nor how far however. Because of the water that came after me and my pack, I just ran. Ran like hell. Now, I do not even know if I should run anymore. For I felt my heart pounding in my chest; beating fast as if I had ran something of an event. My tongue sticking out from my mouth; my legs growing warm and hurting all over. My ears feeling a bit stingy. I managed a few steps before flopping over again. Eyes already closed as exhaustion came over me. But I only had a short nap when my ears started flickering and something from behind came roaring back at me. In wonderance if that was a dragon or not, I weakly lifted my head and glanced over my shoulder. But found nothing there. Just the empty roads before me.