Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Improvise by


SIlence was the only
thing between us as I stared upon the grounds where my feet laid on. Shutting
my snout as my ears flickered to listen about a very important subject at hand.
What is that 'important subject'? Well there had been questions within the
intertwine realms about our stand during the Order-Chaos conflict. Rumors
stated about the Oceanic Front already influencing Vastertown's chief leader,
Yang, into investigating the towns of Chaos instead of looking at their own. It
was weird! Well, maybe for us however. As I exhaled a breath and shook my head,
I pondered over our decisions whether or not to stay loyal towards the Order
and be allied with them of course. However, the pondering was cut short when I
started hearing something in the near distance.


Thereby, raising my head
from the grounds below me, I fixed my attention towards the right. Spotting my
packmates already gathered around, chatting and talking about something. It had
gain interest that I started unknowingly walking straight there. Pinching
myself inbetween of Huzizu and Horizoki. Both of which turned their heads to
meet my curious eyes. I just smiled at them faintly but averted to glance
ahead. For there ahead of us stood a kitten whose color fur was painted over.
Four silver buckets stand adjacent to it however. Pale, Orange, Black and Tan.
My eyes blinked suddenly, “Two questions. Why is a cat here? And why is it
colored?" “The kitten is not an 'it', she has a gender." Spoke Horizoki as he
stepped out from the line, facing me. My eyes narrowed at him; looking a bit
concern however. He stared back and met my eyes. But remained quiet afterwhile.


With the silence between
us, I exhaled a breath and raised a paw growling lowly at him “Discard the
kitten then. We never want a feline in our pack anyway." “And why should we
discard her? Look!" Horizoki argued back, running straight for the kitten. He
picked her up with his two frontal paws, hoisting her from the grounds and
pointing straight upon me. I gaze at him and the kitten, rolled my eyes and
said nothing but a comment at him. “Felines stay in the towns or homes." “Are
they evil?" Suddenly asked Huzizu whose paw was raised. I turned towards him,
he was quiet there after. For the next few seconds came the silence as Horizoki
and me stand and exchange our looks towards the kitten then one another. It had
taken another second or so before I muttered something, raising my paw towards
my snout “Fine. But why is the kitten's coat change?" “I thought you would like
it." “Tan?" I questioned him without a hint of concern or interest. Another
pause of silence before Horizoki responded back, “Orange."


I shook my head and
remained silent afterwards. As I turned my head back towards the rest of the
wolves, my ear flickered again. A sound erupted and strike the silence that
surrounded us. Harkell and Havlut ducked. Me and Huzizu remained still. Yet all
our heads were turned to the source. The kitten who had suddenly sneeze. Her
coat color flung in all directions, splatting onto our snouts and fur as our
expressions various from one wolf to another. I was uninterested. Huzizu
whined, complaining something about 'taking a bath', Harkell and Havlut
remained ducking with their eyes opening up and glanced over to Huzizu with a
slight smile upon their snouts. Meanwhile, Horizoki broke into a grin. He never
hid it however. Despite his face and snout covered in orange paint that only
his eyes and mouth remained untouched. I shivered and closed my eyes, never
wanting to see that ever again however. I waved Horizoki off, growling
something along the lines of “Go clean him up and yourself. Both of you are a
disgrace." “Sure thing!" Answered Horizoki as he ran off to the Northward


Through the woods he had
disappeared as he left me and the others behind. While he does however, Harkell
and Havlut stepped up towards my line. Fixed their attention towards me while
Harkell spoke out, “Does he know he is going the wrong direction." “Why? Where
was the water or lake?" I questioned him, a tilt of my head remained curious to
Harkell as he and Havlut stabbed their thumb over their shoulders and frowned,
I just facepalmed groaning in frustration and grumbled, “I will get him. He
could not get that far however." I added at the end walking northward just to
follow him down. I walked through the pair of trees. Entering what seems to be
a dark environment with just a dirty old road set before me. A series of trees
were off to the sides; creating a wall that perhaps would prevent me from being
able to crossed through them. I ran off following the dirty roads. Straight
towards the deeper end of the forest where I spotted Horizoki.


He seems to have the
kitten inside his mouth somehow which was odd considering that wolves never do
that however. Just felines perhaps. Though I shook my head, ridding that
thought from my mind. I opened my snout, called out to Horizoki as he turned
his head towards me. A smile was drifted from his snout and as he tried to call
out towards me, he somehow managed to drop the kitten. I walked towards him.
Ranting. My words filled our environment surrounding us as I closed the
distance. But halfway through, I had already noticed that the kitten was in
something. Looking down, I noticed a red rectangular metal thing was adjacent
to him and he already dropped the kitten down over it. As I shouted at him and
broke into a run, Horizoki was flinching that he accidentally hit whatever that
thing was with his hip. The thing drove down hill and into the woods below us.
I managed to catch up to him. But was far too late for him to stop. For
instead, I just glared at him at least for a moment. Then rolled my eyes and
exhaled before pulling my head forth to the direction of where that thing was
carrying the kitten towards.


“Why the heck did you not
see that thing adjacent to you?" I growled at him was running down the
hillside. Horizoki complained back, but his voice was hit by the dry air
driving at us which drowned his voice somehow. Once we had reached the bottom,
I heard Horizoki panted lightly. Yet I never looked at him and just scanned the
area that we were in for hopes of finding that little kitten. “Last we saw him
was heading northward." Responded Horizoki through breaths as somehow he
managed to get his voice back. I nodded at him without questioning or
hesitation, instead just darted passed him. Northward towards the line of trees
that stands before us and disappeared before Horizoki's visions.


Getting through, I had
wondered where I was at. I saw a large lake before him. Two streams of water
were rolling on by upon the side of the lake. The forest trees were surrounding
it and me. I stepped forth towards the lake's edges, but my ears flick
backwards as I turned my head. Spotting Horizoki, Harkell, Havlut and Huzizu.
All of which were looking rather concerned. “Took you guys a while." I
responded with a chuckle, facing them at last while Harkell and Havlut said
nothing in response. Huzizu smiled a bit but shifted his attention towards the
lake behind me. “This is where that kitten was?" “last I saw however." Horizoki
answered Huzizu as Havlut frowned, lowering his ears before responding “I do
not see her. Think she drowned?" “Well they do hated water however." I pipped
up glancing at them whose eyes met with mine. No one responded again despite
the mutter from Horizoki as Huzizu, Harkell and Havlut walked around the
circumference of the lake for a few seconds before Huzizu rose to his hind legs
and announced.


“I got this." He started
chanting about something. We were all wondering if it was all ancient
languages. As his voice filled the silence of the air, I rose my head high
spotting the trees already swaying to the side. A loud howl echoed our ears
which Havlut and Harkell frowned while their eyes turned towards Huzizu. His
paws rose above his head. A flash of light appeared before his palms.
'Invisible' clouds suddenly gathered around us. Blocking the blue skies and
yellow sun. I felt my heart rushed. Harkell was intrigued that he leaned forth
and kept staring at the lights. A few words later resulted in the light blasted
from his palm towards the lake whereas waters flung in all directions and
splashed onto us. Our entire fur was dreached. Water droplets were trailing and
pooling underneath us. As the eyes of Huziuz came back, Harkell threatened him
and pounced. Huzizu in turn screamed and tried to run. But it was already too
late however.


The two contacted. Rolled
a few inches away with Harkell over Huzizu. Punching, biting and some howls and
roars filled the skies as me and Havlut looked on. But glanced away from the
conflicted scene, recalling about the kitten who somehow gotten away from us.
But before I got up and started moving onto the line of trees ahead of us, I
felt something bit my tail. I yelped and turned around, already seeing Havlut
meeting my eyes. His head nudged to the side, I glance at where he was looking.
Before remembering something. The lake was no longer a lake. The waters were
all gone, vanished like magic and I found myself smiling before acknowledging
him. A tail wag came as response as the two of us turned back towards the lake
edges and lowered our-


Huzizu scream which
interrupted both me and Havlut as our heads were suddenly raised, eyes meeting
forth towards the two wolves who were still overtop of one another. However,
their eyes were not met. They seem to be staring at something else. Closeby
them were a group of warriors. Hunters perhaps, I guess due to their heavy
naked exposure with little clothing upon their bodies. Huzizu and Harkell pulled
off from one another. They sat adjacently with a nervous smile upon their
snouts. I felt a nudge and I turned my attention towards Havlut whose head was
lower than mine, tail between his legs as he muttered something towards me.
“Hunter. Those are hunters or warriors. They came from a village that is not
too far from where we are at however. We should withdraw and continue
northward. We do not want to tangle with them." “Why?" I smirked suddenly,
turning my head to him and then towards the warriors. “What are they going to
do to us?"


Shortly, I heard a loud
scream and footsteps running. My head was snapped towards Huzizu and Harkell.
Both of which had fled away at their presence. I turned towards Havlut, he too
had disappeared. I groaned and shook my head, getting up onto my feet as I
faced the warriors. Bearing my fangs and crouched low, poised and ready to
fight them. But a second later, I found out that they were bowing towards me. I
blinked in surprise. Ears upright and posture already easing off. As I stared
onto the warriors before me, they started speaking some sort of foreign
language that I never heard of. Though putting some thought onto it inside my
wolf brain, I shrugged and shook my head. Exhaling a breath while turning tail
and ran through the forest. Yet another tug of my tail stopped me as I turned
towards them. They pulled out what seems to be a necklace. It was a thin black
string, a symbol of a wolf was imprinted upon a silver coin. I stared at it,
triggering some sort of memory of my distance past. But I shook my head, pulled
my ears back as I felt the heat busting at my neck. Though I had accepted it
afterwards, I had pondered about them. 'Why did they look familiar some how?' I
shook my head of such deep thinking and threw myself straight through the line
of forest trees where I had disappeared from the warriors' sights. However, to
my dismay; I had forgotten that there was another hillside here.


I reached the bottom of
the hillside and covered myself with leaves and twigs. Even some feathers that
I had found lying upon the ground. 'Perhaps they were from dead birds?' I
pondered silently to myself, turning my head back towards the hillside again
and  raised my head towards the apex, to
the line of trees that hang above me. My eyes narrowed at them, but no other
words came through my snout. For I rose to my feet, shook everything away from
my fur and turned away. Looking to the horizon that was now behind me. I stared
at the army of trees. Thousands of ponds were about. Scattered as they will
amongst the forest woods that now stand before me. I groaned, wondering now if
there were more hillsides to consider. But my head shook, a doubtful thought
was removed in my head as I ran. Closing the distance between myself and the
fields of forest trees before me.


As I reached the edges of
the forest, I had spotted the four other wolves there. Gathered amongst
themselves, eyes staring down onto the fire set between them. I yipped, gaining
their attention as they turned towards me. Ears straightened up however.
Horizoki was the first to response. Yet he was not active and his usual self.
For he got up onto his feet and licked my nose for some strange reason. Turning
to him and then to the others; the other three wolves shrugged and said nothing
else as they kept their eye onto Horizoki who now sits adjacently against me. I
exhaled a breath, clear my head of the recent memory and opened my eyes back
towards the world. “Where was the kitten? We last saw it here, right?"
“Somewhere around here however." Started Huzizu with a frown, ears flatten
against his head as he gazed away. Harkell and Havlut turned their heads to
Huzizu. But said nothing else as I questioned him, “Where here?" “I do not
know." I groaned in response and shook my head before joining them onto the


“So what took you?"
Havlut questioned me, after a pause. I shifted my head towards him. Spoke
immediately afterwards to answer his question, “Bunch of guys gave me a
necklace before they started worshiping me for some strange reason."
“Worshiping you?" Spoke the rest in surprise as my head unknowingly nodded back
at them, a curve smile plastered upon my face and I continued telling about my
experience. For when I was done, I noticed that Horizoki and Huzizu immediately
got up onto their four paws. The look of determination were upon their snouts
as their eyes narrowed so suddenly. It had jolted the four of us in surprise;
yet we never did anything as we watched the two wolves head out for themselves.
Their goals unknown for the rest of us however. “What happened to them?" I
questioned Harkell and Havlut. Both of which shook their heads, chuckling
underneath their breaths. “Guess they wanted to find that kitten before it got
too far from us." Spoke Harkell with a smile as Havlut nodded his head with his
eyes directly towards Harkell. I tilted my head to one side, commenting on
their conversation “I thought we were going to look for her altogether?" “You
took too long." “I see."


Another pause of silent,
my eyes lingered upon the fire before me. I pondered about the things that
happened. The worshipers recently. The kitten from the start of this journey. I
exhaled a breath, shook my head before laughing thereafter which shocked both
Havlut and Harkell. Both of which suddenly turned their heads towards me as I
rose a paw to them, waving it off. By the time of another pause and crickets
were already starting to form upon the silence of the evening, I got up. Havlut
and Harkell did so too. With all silent nods, we split up. Each of us heading
in another direction. I headed westward, Harkell and Havlut went South and East
with hope of finding either of our objective. As we peel ourselves from one
another, I ran alongside the edge line of the forest to my right. I felt the
winds blowing against my fur and somehow I felt free all of the sudden which
was weird. My eyes rose high; staring down onto the horizon before me whereas
the sun was sinking into it. Withdrawing the last of the sunlights away from
the warmth of the lands beneath me.


I ran far. My legs had
taken me towards Huzizu and Horizoki. Both wolves were standing still. Staring
down onto the horizon. I caught up towards them and joined them in their
sightseeing. Though they were a bit surprise by me, they never responded in any
other way. It kinda annoyed me to no end, but I chose to ignore it and closed
my snout as I returned my sight to the horizon. Glazing down onto whatever
they- “Er guys." I responded with my voice carried onto their ears. They
flinched, but their heads remained still. Huzizu thought was the first to speak
to me. Questioning me, I answered back with a paw rose pointing down towards
the forest fields at the distance to us. There before us was the kitten,
already drawn towards the riverside. Both wolves were surprise that they
sprinted off into a full run, they had left me behind which was surprising
however. Though I ran after them, trailing behind like a foot or something. We
all ran forth. Screams and yells filled the air as we all watched the kitten
bent its head down into the riverside. Suddenly tripping over itself and fell
into the drink below. It… I mean her, disappeared!


“I will save you!"
Exclaimed Horizoki as he jumped into the waters suddenly making a splash that
moist the grasslands adjacent to the riverside. Luckily me and Huzizu never got
wet as we fell back from a distance towards the lakeside. While we waited and
watched the rivers for the wolf or the kitten to submerge from the depths of
the lake, I soon gradually began to grow worried. I frowned, whining a bit as
Huzizu tried to set his paw against my back. It tripped and he withdraw it as
he tried his head. We waited a bit more before I got up onto my feet, already
pushing down Huzizu as he gasped and hit the ground with his head, I walked
straight for the lake. Bent my head downward so I could see my reflection in
the waters. Huzizu also walked behind me. But stopped a few paces behind me as
his eyes were set towards the lakeside too. Evening had already turned to night
with the moon hanging high above us. Howls echoed upon our ears as Huzizu
shifted his attention over his shoulder, already spotting Harkell and Havlut
running straight for us.


As they caught themselves
up, I turned myself around and shook my head. “We never knew what was the
kitten's name however." “Does it matter?" I growled at Huzizu who flinched at
me. Harkell and Havlut said nothing but their eyes were drawn towards me then
to the lake. Their heads shook as synced and turned around walking away from
the riverside. Me and Huzizu followed them. Through the forest fields onto the
hillsides and back to where we had started. For by the time we had arrived, I
flopped onto my paws and gaze at the grounds suddenly. I was a bit tired; my
paws and legs were already aching. My ears flatten against my skull while my
eyes slowly closed. But before I could have any sort of sleep, I was jolted
away by the argument. I turned towards it. Seems like Harkell was too however.
We both spotted Havlut and Huzizu already arguing amongst themselves. It was
the same topic as this morning however. I groaned in response, rolled my eyes
as my fangs were beared. Yet I just walked up towards them and nudged my head
against their flanks. Startling them as they turned towards me, I narrowed my
eyes back onto them. “Why are you guys arguing at the middle of the night? We
had a long journey!" I yelled at the end. “Tell that to Huzizu!" Growled
Harkell, pointing a paw towards such said wolf.


Huzizu narrowed his eyes
at him. “I wanted to know our stance in the Order-Chaos conflict? We were
suppose to discuss this today!" “And bore the viewers who are reading this?"
Harkell argued back, bearing his fangs while Huzizu flattened his ears and reel
his head back. He was then unable to think of a response as he found himself
staring at something else other than Harkell. “Harkell is right you know that
Huzizu." Havlut started, now joining in onto the conversation as he yawned to
keep himself from sleeping. “Maybe in time we will answer that question. But
for now, we should just sleep." “In the offtime," I started as all eyes turned
to me “We should find where Horizoki and that kitten head to." “Agreed."
Everyone else said with a nod for empathy as we all fell asleep thereafter,
allowing the peace and tranquility to fall upon our heads.