Several Years Ago
It has been about two months since I've took Eric to the dragon city for the first time, and he's already accepted into the city. Like he was one of us.
Which that seems very special to me in my eyes, for the very first time in our history, a human wanders in the dragon city, and now he's the first EVER human to be accepted as a citizen in the dragon city.
Such a comforting moment to me as well. I remember that I was scared that Eric would get hurt by other dragons for coming into the city, but now he's not. He's actually happy here.
But then I also remember that day when I've began to realize...I was falling in love with Eric, the human.
What am I thinking? I can't be with a human like that...Can I? I'm still confused.
But then again I shouldn't be confused, every time we're sleeping close to each other, I can feel the feeling getting very intense. Like it's stronger than ever.
I even dream that Eric is literally a dragon, just like me. He looked so handsome, his scales were black, he had those good looking horns, that smile.
I don't think there's no denying it. I am in love with Eric. The only human I have became friends with for months.
The one human who has sought out for a friend, because he didn't have a life anymore. His mate named after me has died.
But I'm afraid to tell him how I feel, I...Don't want him to be afraid of me.
A voice interrupted my thoughts, "Hello."
I shook my head and looked at my red dragon friend, I gave him an apologetic smile, "Sorry I just thinking about something."
He cocked his head, "What were you thinking about?"
I shook my head, "Just...Stuff."
My best friend gave me an concerned look, "You know you have been acting weird for the past few days, are you sure you're alright? Do you need some herbal medicine?"
I waved my paw, "No it's ok, I'm fine."
Me and my best friend were in the park together in the city, just having a stroll. And it was almost the end of morning.
You see after me and Eric came to this city to stay here for a while, my best friend actually told me that his mate died several months ago, and he EVEN confessed that he was also in love with me. Even since our first mating together, when we were teenagers.
I still couldn't believe it, that the best friend that I've grew up with, is in love with me and he didn't have the nerve to tell me before. But he was with someone else that he cared for and I was too, of course the relationship that I was in didn't work out, but nevertheless I was with someone.
Not very long after my best friend asked me to go out with him, I was hesitant at first, I've told him I would think about it and he need some time to grieve for his mate.
But not very long when I've started to realize that I've fallen in love with a human, I went to my red dragon friend. When I went to him, I've said yes I'll go out with you. He was pretty excited! That he would go out with the other dragoness that he fell in love with.
I thought I was going crazy because I fell in love with Eric, a human of all things. So that's why I went to my best friend. My very handsome red drake of a best friend, that I've known for years. Hoping I would forget about Eric, about my feelings for him to be exact, I wouldn't forget him as a friend.
But for two months...Two LONG months, I still haven't moved on from Eric. My mind and body have been telling me that I should be with Eric, not my best friend. Even when I've mated with my best friend, my feelings for Eric wouldn't go away.
I still love him.
In all honesty, I feel pretty horrible for leading my best friend on, who became my boyfriend. I mean, he thinks I'm in love with him, but I'm not.
I need to find a way to tell him the truth, I can't hurt him anymore. But what would he think if he knows I fell in love with a human? That's what I'm also worried about.
But I still HAVE to tell him. I can't hurt him anymore.
Me and my red dragon best friend went to the pond in the park, just staring at our reflections. We both look beautiful today.
I was just staring at my reflection when his voice interrupted my thoughts again, "HELLO."
I shook my head and looked at him, "Sorry, what did you say?"
He giggled, "Daydreaming again? What could you possibly be daydreaming about? My handsome looks?"
I laughed, "Probably so." I know that was a lie, but I had to play along a bit. I asked him, "So what were you trying to tell me, before I started to daydream?"
He answered, "I was talking about our mom and dad, both our parents. You know what it would have been like if they saw us together."
I smiled at him, "I remember how close all of us were."
He nodded, "Yeah, I know right? I mean, when we were hatchlings, all of us have been SO close, they took us everywhere. I mean do you still remember the cavern outside the city? The one with the light crystals?"
I smiled at the memories, "Yeah...I haven't been there in years."
My friend nodded again, "Yeah me neither. In fact, do you also remember that we have played with one of the crystals until it almost broke?"
I laughed, "Yeah! And that scared our parents to death! I mean, they thought we would cut ourselves!" Then we both started laughing.
He sat down on his haunches and I sat down beside him. Just very close to the pond. While we were sitting around, he leaned his head on my shoulder, then he started to nuzzle me. I nuzzled back.
My mind was telling me to stop doing that! You're in love with Eric. Quit betraying him!
While he had his head on my shoulder, he tilted his head to look at me and smiled, "You know...I never really thought this would be happening. About us...Together. I mean I know that we've mated one time when we were teenagers, because we were curious. But now I really know that we're meant to be together. Despite our past relationships. It's...Amazing."
I leaned my head to nip at him, "I...Think it's amazing as well."
He lifted his head off of me and he looked directly at me, "You know...When I wondered what it would have been like if our parents were still alive, I bet they would be very happy. Their own hatchlings getting together for the first time."
I looked at him as well and smiled, "I could imagine their faces." Then I took my gaze to the ground.
He noticed and he cocked his head at me, "Hey, what's wrong?"
I looked at him and shook my head, "Nothing. It's..." I looked away from him. C'mon you damn dragoness! You have to tell him truth! Quit leading him on!
My best friend pressed me, "What? Please tell me, let me help you."
I looked at him and frowned, "Look...Don't you think that MAYBE we're not meant to be together? I mean...A part of me is saying no."
He had a concerned look on his face, "Why is that?"
I seriously wanted to tell him, but then I said, "What I mean is...Don't you feel like you're in...Love with someone else?"
He shook his head, "No, because I love you."
I blushed at the statement, "You...You really are?"
He laughed, "Of course I am! Why did you think we have been so close to each other for the past two months?"
The urge to tell him why has crossed my mind, but then I said, "I...I don't know. Maybe I...Like you as well." Damn it!
My best friend smiled at me brightly and he said, "Sierra...I love you."
Him saying the name Eric gave me, shattered my heart a bit. But I didn't show him my pain and put on a smile, "Sierra? You like that name more than my real name?"
He giggled, "Well I'll be honest, it really suits you. Plus your name is kinda long."
I giggled as well, "Well ok, I see your point."
My best friend grinned at me and he leaned his head closer to my face and he licked my nose, "I love you. I've always loved you. Ever since we were teenagers. I'll tell you something...We've certainly gotten older."
I looked into his eyes and then he slowly pressed his snout to mine for a kiss. Then I started to kiss him back, tilting my head to lock our jaws together. Our kiss deepening. My friend put his paw to my neck, stroking it.
While we were kissing the voice inside my head yelled, no!
I gasped and pulled away from him. I backed away from him slowly, my eyes closed trying not to look at him in guilt.
He cocked his head and said, "Did...Did I do something wrong?"
I opened my eyes and glanced at him, "I...I need to go." Then I whirled on him, careful that my tail didn't hit him. Then I took to the skies.
My best friend called out, "Wait!" But I didn't come back.
I kept on flying until I was at the motel in the city. I landed on the roof and I trotted into the stone building, into the big hallway, until I went to my room.
Before I could walk in there any further, I saw Eric laying on the furs. He smiled when he saw me enter the room, "Hey Sierra. How did your morning go?"
I looked at his face, that cheerful face. But he still doesn't know the truth behind my face. My eyes started to form tears in front of him.
Eric's face went to concern immediately, "Sierra? What's the matter?"
I walked up to him and I laid on my stomach fast in front of him. Then I wrapped my arms and my neck around him, pulling him close to me, hugging him tight.
He gasped in shock and then he said, "Sierra?"
I cried out in sobs, "Eric!" Then I went back to sobbing some more.
Eric returned the hug by wrapping his arms around me, he stroked my neck with one of his hands, he soothingly said, "Shhh, it's alright. Don't cry Sierra. I'm here, don't cry."
I cried for a long time. He still doesn't know the truth. Why I'm crying.
I love you Eric...I love you so much.
It has been a few hours later, and I still haven't told Eric the truth.
After I ran into my room and cried onto Eric, he asked me twice what was wrong with me. But all I did was just cry.
But I never told him. I was also afraid how he would react to my feelings. I'm afraid to him, it would be abnormal. I still...Couldn't take the chance.
When I started to feel better and when he left to just leave me alone. I left the motel afterwards. I basically flew for a long time. Just trying to get the troubling thoughts out of my mind.
I'm such a fool. I'm pretending that I'm in love with my best friend that I've grew up with, and I'm not. And I haven't even told Eric that I've loved him and he still thinks that I'm in love with my best friend.
My ancestors, even my parents would be ashamed at me for what I've done. And quite frankly, I wouldn't blame them.
I still don't know what to do. I can't literally tell my best friend the truth yet. I really need to talk to someone. And I think I know the one dragon to talk to.
My uncle.
I flew to the temple, where he lives. I landed on the steps to the temple and wandered in there, but he wasn't there. I sighed. Probably flew off somewhere.
I decided to wait here in the temple for a while. Hoping he would come back. I sat down on my haunches and waited.
After a while, I heard wings flapping and I knew that it was him. My uncle landed on the temple floor and when he did he saw me and he smiled, "Hello niece! Nice afternoon we're having."
I put up a smile for him, "Hello to you too, good afternoon!"
He walked up to me and he sat down on his haunches, "So what are doing in my temple? Looks like you've waited here for me."
My smile melted away and I nodded, "I was."
He cocked his head, "What's wrong? You look terrible. You don't look like yourself."
I shook my head, "No. I...Want to talk to you. It's important."
He nodded and then he opened his arms, offering me a hug, "Come here, you know you can tell your own uncle everything."
I walked into his embrace and he wrapped his paws and wings around me. I nuzzled into his neck while he hugged me, "Thank you." I felt like I was going to break down in tears, but I didn't want to do it yet. I have to talk to him.
He asked, "Now...Tell me what's wrong?"
I sighed and then I asked, "Uncle...Am I a terrible dragoness?"
His face went wide and he shook his head, "No darling, of course not. Why would you ask that?"
I sighed again, "Because I feel like I am. I...I'm such a fool and I don't know what to do."
He nuzzled me, "What's wrong? You're not making any sense."
I was hesitant at first, but then I said, "...I'm in love with someone."
He smiled, "Someone that I know?"
I nodded and then I said, "But the only thing about him is that...I don't know if we'll be together. And I...Don't know what to do."
He asked, "Who is it honey? Please...Tell me."
I was so scared, but then I finally built the guts and answered, "I love Eric."
My uncle twitched in our embrace and he pulled himself away, his wings curling behind him. He had a shocked look on his face, "The...The human?"
I slowly nodded, "Please...Don't judge me. I...I still feel like I'm confused. I mean, I don't think I'm confused, I just...Don't know what to do. Right now I'm with my best friend from my hatchling days, but I don't love him...I love Eric instead. And I'll be honest...The only reason why I'm with my best friend is...I'm trying to move on from Eric, because I thought I was going crazy. But now I realize I'm not. I...I love Eric and I've began to realize it."
My uncle's face went from shock to pity and he said, "Darling...I...I had no idea."
A few tears fell down my face and I looked down at the ground, "Uncle...I feel so torn between two guys, and I love Eric the most. I mean, I like my best friend, but I don't LIKE him that way. I really don't know what to do." Then I looked at my uncle in the eyes and pleaded, "Please...Tell me what I need to do."
He walked to me close and he said, 'Well...Do you really love Eric?" I nodded and then he asked, "Does he know?"
I shook my head, "No, and that's the problem. He's a human and I'm a dragon. I mean, I'm afraid if I do tell him how I feel, he won't speak to me again. He'll even not see me again ever. I really care about him."
My uncle hummed and said, "Well you know, that's a tough thing to go through. And what's even more tough is the species gap. Hell before I've met Eric, I thought that all humans were evil, but now ever since you've brought him here, I realize that not every human is evil. I really like the little fellow now. But let me tell you something...We've talked to each other and he asked a lot of questions about you."
My face went wide, "He...He did?"
My uncle nodded, "He talks about you a lot. He asked me what you were like when you were little. What your parents were like. What you really like to do in your spare time. All that stuff. And you know what I think? I think Eric is interested in you as well."
I cocked my head, "How can you be so sure?"
He smiled, "Cause he had the same look as I've had when I was young. When I've first met my first mate. That same exact look. That smile. I...I can tell he loves you as well."
My face went wide and I blushed. I don't believe it. He loves me as well. And I didn't realize it.
My uncle continued, "He also mentioned that he had a human mate before he met you and she died. He also mentioned that you remind him of her."
I asked, "I do? Well he did name me after her, but I never even figured."
My uncle smiled, "Well there is one thing you have to do, just tell him how you feel. That's all that really matters, cause I'm sure if you do, he won't leave you and never speak to you again. I'm sure he cares about you as well."
I cocked my head, "But what about my best friend? He thinks I'm in love with him, but I'm not. How am I going to tell him this?"
My uncle shook his head, "Niece, you're only hurting your best friend by not telling him the truth. You need to tell him that you don't love him, that you only like him as a friend. Stand up to what you want. Stand up for yourself. Cause if you don't and if you don't tell Eric the truth, then you'll never forgive yourself."
I stared at my uncle for another moment. Registering what he told me to do. He's right. I need to stand up to what I want. I love Eric. And I can't let anything else stop me. I love him and that's all that matters. Eric loves me as well. And I know it now.
Now I need to put everything into motion. I smiled at my uncle and said, "Alright, I will tell him. I will stand up for my feelings." Then I walked past my uncle.
My uncle cocked his head, "Where are you going?"
I looked over my shoulder at him, "To tell my best friend, I love someone else. To tell him that I love Eric." Then I took to the skies.
I was in front of my best friend's house and I knocked on his door. I sat down on my haunches and waited. The door finally opened and there's the red dragon now.
Apparently he was taking a nap and when he looked at me, he shook his head and rubbed all the sleep out of his eyes, and smiled, "Hey there. I was wondering what happened to you.. We were at the park and you've just left me. I was...Worried about you."
I sighed. I have to get this over with. He needs to know the truth. I cleared my throat and said, "I need to talk to you."
He still smiled and tried to learn his head forward to press his snout against mine. I backed away and said, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."
He had a concerned face and he cocked his head at me, "What's wrong? You're acting weird again."
I put on a stern face and said, "I don't love you."
His face went wide, "What? But...Why?"
"Because I love someone else. I've been in love with him for two months. I've been denying my love for him for a long time. And I've began to realize it."
My best friend cocked his head, "Why...Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"
I had a guilty look on my face, "Because I didn't want to hurt you. I was trying to forget my feelings towards him, but they won't go away." I put a paw to my chest and said, "There's no denying it. I...I love him."
He asked, "Who?"
I took a deep breath and answered, "Eric."
My friend's face went wide, "Wh...Wh...What?!"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "You heard me. I love Eric."
He shook his head out of the trance and said, "I..I don't understand. Why do you love Eric? He's a human."
I nodded, "I know, but a part of me thinks there's something more to Eric than you think. He's really kind and truthful, pretty sincere. I feel like he's always there for me. He understand me a lot more than everyone else and I understand him."
My friend had a sad look on his face and he muttered, "You...You never loved me?"
I shook my head and had a guilty look, "I'm sorry, old friend. But I love Eric. I'm very sorry. I'm not trying to hurt you. But...I can't be with you like that. My feelings belong to someone else. And believe me, this is tougher on me than you think. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please understand it. We've known each other for years. Please...Forgive me."
He looked at me for another moment and then a smile spread across his face, "You're right."
My face went wide. What did he say? "What?"
He answered, "Your happiness is a lot more important to me. You love Eric and I've been holding you back. He's a pal and he always will be. I won't hold you back."
I cocked my head, "You mean?"
He nodded, "Go to him, Sierra. Go to him. Embrace your feelings. I will always be your friend. But I can't be your mate. Don't let me hold you back."
A smile started to spread across my face and then I leaned my head forward and nuzzled below his chin, "Thank you."
He smiled and nuzzled back.
Thanks old friend. I knew you would understand it.
Now I have to tell Eric how I feel towards him.
I'll tell him tomorrow. And I think I know the place to do it.
Me and Eric left the city this morning, to go to the place I was planning to tell him how I feel.
The plan was I was taking him to the cavern with all the light crystals in there. Eric hasn't seen that place yet and I know he'll love it.
Eric hollered, "Are we almost there?!"
I looked over my shoulder while I was flying and hollered, "Yep we are!" Then I went back to concentrating on my flying. We were flying over the forest that's near the cave. I knew that it's around here somewhere.
When I was sure I'm near the cave, I glided down to the ground for a landing. When I got close to the ground, I landed on my hind feet first, then my front. When I stopped, Eric jumped off my back.
Eric stretched and he turned to face me, "Well that was fun. And here I thought you were going to dive down like the other time when I was flying on your back. You really scared me to death!"
I grinned, "What? You don't like it when someone plays a joke on you?"
He shot a glare, "If you did that again, I would've slapped your nose hard again."
I giggled, "Yeah, I definitely won't do that again."
Eric giggled and rubbed my nose, "So where's the cavern?"
I nodded, "Follow me." Then I started to lead the way. Eric following close behind.
I was so nervous telling him how I feel. I mean what if Eric doesn't like me like that? I mean what if he really doesn't love me like that?
I shook my head while I was walking. No! You've come this far, don't be a scared little hatchling and back down now. Tell Eric you love him!
And with that determination, we've made it to the mouth of the cave. We both went in and went deeper in the cave until we came across the cavern with all the light crystals.
Eric stared in awe at the crystals, "Wow." I could see that he's speechless.
I stared in awe as well. This place hasn't changed much. This is the first time in a long time since I've been here. I looked down at Eric and asked, "You like this place?"
Eric looked up at me and nodded, "Yes. This place is beautiful."
I smiled at him, "Thank you."
He asked, "So your parents took you to this place? I haven't heard of light crystals before."
I nodded, "They did and I guess the reason why you never heard of light crystals is...They're very rare."
He hummed, "Make sense now." Then he giggled. And I giggled along with him.
Me and him wondered around in the cavern looking at the light crystals. We stood around for a little while and we both sat down on the ground. Just the two of us, all alone.
I was still trying to find a way to tell Eric I love him, but I'm so nervous, it's harder on me than you think.
Eric finally broke the silence and said, "You know something? I wish I could live in this place. This place seems perfect for me. I mean it's beautiful, better than my home at least."
I cocked my head at him, "I thought you wanted to live in the dragon city?"
He shrugged, "Well I don't know which place I want to live in! That's the problem." Then we both giggled.
We stopped giggling and then I said, "Hey Eric...Can I ask you a question?"
He looked up at me, "What?"
I took a deep breath and asked, "How did you and Sierra meet? How did you two find each other? I mean...Of all the times we've spent together, you've never told me."
Eric took a deep breath and said, "Well she didn't actually find me, I've found her."
I cocked my head at him, "What do you mean?"
Eric smiled when he recalled the memories, "Well...When I was a knight working for the king, I was patrolling the streets of the village and I've found her wondering in them."
My eyes went wide, "She...Didn't have a home? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
He nodded, "Yeah. You see someone burned her house down and she was just...Alone. But when she looked at me with her pleading eyes, I...I couldn't say no. So honestly, I took her in. I let her stay in my home in the village. Fed her, helped her. And not very long after that happened, me and her got to know each other. Turns out she was more than just beautiful, she really had a big heart as well."
He had a sad look on his face and sighed, "I...I don't really understand it still. She didn't do anything wrong. She was being a good person and she'd been murdered for it. I..I don't think it's fair."
I said, "The king was just a heartless asshole who only cared about himself. It wasn't your fault. It was his."
He looked up at me, "Well I do think it is my fault. I mean...I still feel guilty about it. If I haven't met Sierra...She wouldn't-"
I shook my head, interrupting him, "No Eric. It was never your fault. You're a good person as well. And I don't think you deserved the treatment you've had for a long time. You were never meant to kill innocent people, working for a ruthless king. You deserve better."
Eric smiled at me and he got up on his feet and hugged me, "Thanks Sierra. It's no wonder we're together as friends."
My face went wide when he said that. Friends? Is that what he thinks of me? I think now is the time to tell him the truth. I said, "Eric...Can I ask you something?"
He pulled away from me and said, "Yes?"
I hesitated at first, but then I said, "Eric...Why did you name me after your mate? Do...Do I remind you of her?"
Eric's face went wide, "What? What do you mean?"
I looked directly in his eyes, "At least tell me. I...I want the truth."
Eric took a deep breath and let it out, "Well...In all honesty, you do remind me of her."
My face went wide and then I asked, "How?"
He rubbed the back of his neck, "Other than your personality. Remember the day when I found you wounded in the woods?" I nodded and then he went on, "It's kinda the same thing as how I've found my mate. She was in the streets all alone. And I've found you all alone in the woods. Both of you needed my help."
I stared at him. I...I never knew he thought about it that way.
Eric said, "That wasn't the only thing."
I asked, "What?"
He smiled at me and said, "You have eyes just like her. They're...They're beautiful."
My face went wide again. That night when we were near his house. Looking up at the stars. The night he named me after his mate. He did tell me I had beautiful eyes. Now I know why.
Eric shrugged, "Look I know it's strange, but you do remind me of her. It's...Odd."
I smiled and shook my head at him, "I don't think it's odd at all. It's...Very sweet of you."
He smiled at me and then he wrapped his arms around my neck again, "Thanks."
While he was hugging me my mind nagged at me again. Tell him! Tell him now you love him!
I took a deep breath and said, "Eric...There's...There's something...I need to tell you."
While he hugged me he said, "Yeah?"
I smiled down at him and finally said it, "I...I...I love you, Eric."
I felt Eric twitch and he looked up at me and backed away, a look of surprise on his face, "What?"
I said it again, "Eric, I love you."
Eric only stared at me, the only expression he had was still surprise.
I sighed and said, "Eric...I don't really know how you really feel...But ever since I've known you, I think I was starting to like you. I think I was starting to love you."
He then looked down at the ground.
I had a fearful look on my face. Oh no...Is he...He didn't think the same way about me? I'm getting a bad feeling about this now.
I got up all fours and pressed him, "Please, say something."
Eric still had his gaze to the ground and muttered, "To be honest...I think I know why you've reminded me of my girl. That you've reminded me of Sierra. Why I wanted to help you so much. Despite that you're a dragon, I think I've realized something."
He finally looked up and gave me a smile, "That the only reason why I'm alone...Is to be with you."
My face went wide, "What?"
He took a step toward me, "Look...I think I've fell in love with you as well. I mean we have so many things in common, we talk to each other, we look for comfort in each other, we would protect each other, we both love flying but I'm not a dragon, we lost both our parents, and...We both feel like we're alone."
He put a hand to his chest, "I think I've liked you, ever since I've met you in the woods all wounded, ever since I've saved you. I knew there was something different about you. You're not a monster...You're a human just like me. I...I love you Sierra. I have ever since we've found each other."
My heart beated happily and then I smiled at him, "I...Love you too Eric." Then I cocked my head, "But why didn't you tell me all that sooner?"
He said, "Because maybe I thought I was going crazy, because you're a dragon and I've just ignored it. But...I love you for being...Sierra nothing more. I don't see you as a dragon, I see you as a human, just like me."
I looked down at my paws, "Well I'll be honest, I've ignored my feelings as well. I thought I wanted to be with my best friend. But now my feelings for you are so intense I feel like I can't control them. And...I see you as a dragon, not as a human. And...I think that's one of the reasons why I like you."
He asked, "What are the other reasons?"
I looked at him, "You're very honest, kind, caring, and you were always there for me and you really understand me. You are the only human who ever did. That's why I love you."
Eric giggled and then he asked, "So...You really don't see the problem? You know...About us being...Different?"
I shook my head, "I don't care what we both look like. We're both the same at heart. And I don't care what anyone else thinks, if no one likes us together or if they find it completely odd, then to hell with them! I REALLY LOVE YOU. And I want you." I put on a smile for him.
Eric shrugged, "To be honest, I don't care what anyone thinks also, I want you as well."
I beamed at him, "Oh Eric. You have no idea how much I wanted to do this."
Eric reached for something around his neck and then he pulled it off and held in his hand, "Here take it."
I cocked my head at the object in his hand. It looked like it was made of crystal, "What's that?"
He answered, "My pendant. My crystal pendant. The Sierra that I've known gave that to me as a gift, and now...I want to give it to you."
I shook my head, "No I can't take that I-"
He shook his head as well, "Please Sierra, you need it more than I do. You gave me happiness, I give you this. Please...For me, because we both love each other."
My eyes were starting to water and then I slowly reached out to take the pendant. I lowered my head when I held it in my paw. I smiled at it. Then I put the pendant on the ground.
I lowered my head a bit more to his level and we both smiled at each other, staring at each others eyes.
I said, "Eric."
He said, "Yeah?"
I gave him a lick on the nose and said, "I love you."
Eric beamed, "I love you too, Sierra."
Then he put both his hands on my face and slowly leaned his head toward me and gave me a kiss on the nose.
He pulled his head away, took a deep breath and then he kissed me directly on the mouth. My face went wide and then I kissed him back, adjusting a little bit to his small mouth. I feel alive now when he did that.
We pulled each other away after we shared our first kiss together and then we giggled. Then he wrapped his arms around my neck pulling himself close to my chest, hugging me again. I returned the hug as well. Smiling happily.
Eric...I never thought we would be together like this.
I'm glad that I've met you, you're a lot different than the other dragons I've been with. They never cared about me personally, they only like me for my body.
But now I've found my soul mate. The perfect mate. I've found you. I want you to be my drake. To be my Eric.
I love you Eric, I always will.
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