Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Laster Von


“The hunter's pack is
here to aid whatever you need!" Shouted Horizoki while donning a cape that
flies behind him. The rest of us, including our client, just stared onto said
wolf. No words were passed between us however with the silence bypassing over
our heads. For a few more seconds came and went before Huzizu and Haizyo raised
themselves to their feet, setting their paws onto their hips and don a
superhero pose. Harkell and Havlut face palmed themselves, I exhaled a breath
before chuckling softly. Anyway, you might be wondering where we are right now
and what was the call that cause these three stupid wolves to commit to their
superhero alias.


Well, truth be told. Some
client. The guy in front of us and behind the counter booth of course, needed
some help. What help with we never knew however. We only knew that he had
needed help with something, so we had came to help him. But looking at him now,
he just stared back at us then towards the three 'superhero' posers adjacent to
Harkell, then back towards us again before speaking while he pointed onto the
second group. “Yeah… I will get help from you three only." “Actually, we are
all together." Responded Havlut with a groan at the end of his voice. Both the
client and me nodded our heads, but for different completely reasons of course.
For as the client fell silent once more, Havlut and Harkell took the clue and
walked themselves forward to him. Raising their bodies up until they were
standing on hind legs and set their paws upon the surface of the booth before
them. Folding them as Havlut questioned the client.


“So what do you needed
help with after all? Aid with getting customers? Aid with the products that you
gained from some unknown company? Aid with the booth?" “You definitely need new
clothes by the way." Harkell said out of the blue, pitching his nose with his
paw as he sticked out his tongue suddenly. Havlut glanced at him in surprise,
but said nothing else other than to sniff the air before recoiling at the same
mark at him, “Agreed." “Guys we needed to help him!" I interrupted the two
wolves who turned their heads over their shoulders, nodding at him “No matter
if he is smelly or not." “Of course, fine." Finished Harkell with an eye roll
for emphasis before turning his head back around, back towards the client and
folded his paw.


It had taken a few
seconds within the silence before the client spoke again. First, it was a
direct insult towards the two wolves in front of me. Both of which flattened
their ears and pulled themselves down to the grounds below them. Raising their
heads, meeting the eyes of the client as he spoke towards me. Second, he had
needed help with his robots. “Medium size?" Questioned Huzizu at the mention of
robots, the client shook his head “Large. Very larger. And taller than any of
us however."" “That is big." Responded Havlut, whistling as he smiled. Earning
a glare from Harkell while the two wolves stayed silent again. I just tilted my
head, frowning. With ears flattened, I questioned our client “Why large? Very
large and taller than anyone? How kind of ride are you throwing here?" “It is
not a ride." The client chuckled responding, setting his eyes back towards
me."It is not?" We all respond at the exact same time. The client shook his
head and smiled, turning himself around so his back was pointing to us. He rose
his paws up into the air and shouted out. Some strange words that we never
understood apart. That I had noted Huzizu already pulling out a large book of
strange languages of the world and started flipping them about.


But before he could stop
at the page where the client was talking about and before he could translate
what he just said towards the rest of us, and you audience, the ground below us
rumbled. The trees shook. The clouds formed around the sun eventually blocking
it afterwards. The crowd surrounding us all looked towards the skies; a mixture
of shocked fear and gasp were amongst them before they split up and ran in
different directions. Screams of yells and squawks and other weird animal
sounds were about, long before it had came forth from the horizon before us. I
said a lot of befores, did I not?


Anyway, a footstep came
and then another. Cycling about, gaining speed until it came close towards the
forest's edge behind the client. That was when we had noted it. Our eyes
widened; ears flattened back in surprise. We never knew if we had to flee from
the crazy client or fight it however. But as the thing appeared, the client
turned back towards us and let down his paws again. Keeping eyes direct towards
me, he spoke suddenly following an evil laughter afterwards, “Behold! My
greatest creation yet!" “It is so cute!" Exclaimed Huzizu, suddenly and out of
the blue. We all looked towards the wolf as if he was crazy. But no, I guess he
was not however. For his paws were slapped together and hoisted high adjacent
to his face, his eyes bore heart shapes now as his ears stood erect. Havlut,
Harkell glanced towards me with concern. Even Haizyo and Horizoki. But all I
could do was shrug back towards them for I had no idea why Huzizu was like this


Well while the client
looked surprise and shocked by the wolf's gesture, the 'greatest creation'
emerged from the forest's edge, revealing itself towards us while we raised our
heads high and met its gaze. But we only saw the skies. A black raven flew by,
cawing before we started hearing voices. “Hey guys. Over here!" We looked to
the client, “No down here." We lowered our heads to the ground. Spotted that
'greatest creation' yet. “Oh it is a miniature robot." I commented, Harkell and
Havlut started breaking into laughter suddenly. Haizyo and Horizoki walked up
to the robot and started sniffing it, causing the robot to flinched at them
before swatting their noses away from him. “Yes. I am that robot that the
client speak of.  The 'greatest creation'
Yet! We are totally going to win the contest now!" I just raised my eyes back
towards the client, giving him a 'are you serious' look. Yet he just gazed away
from him, whistling for some innocent reason while I faceplamed and exhaled a


Looking back towards
Haizyo and Horizoki after Harkell and Havlut had finished having their fits, I
called towards the two wolves and had them fall back towards me. Turning to the
client, I simply bowed my head and questioned him “We are really sorry we kinda
doubt you, now what is this request that you ask of us?" “I just needed you
guys to improve him." “Are you not the robot worker?" Questioned Harkell with
Huzizu and Horizoki getting up onto their feets, holding a red toolbox and
several tool items behind Harkell, yellow stars shone onto their eyes for a
least a minute or so before one of the pairs fell off and landed upon the
grounds below them, “Ah shoot." Muttered Horizoki as he goes and bends down to
grab it.


Meanwhile, while that was
happening behind Harkell and the rest of us, the client shook his head “I am
simply the robot's caretaker." “A caretaker?" Asked Harkell, tilting his head
to one side while the client nodded his head again and brightly smiled “Yeah. I
simply take care of the-" “We know what a caretaker is, client. But why do you
need us to improve him? He looked better as he is." I interrupted the
conversation again while the client turned back towards me and explained,
“Well, I wanted to finish the competition on a higher note." “Which is first,
mind you." Grumbled Harkell, muttering underneath his breath as always which
both me and the client ignored him. “As with the other previous contests we
always fail into getting into the top three. Now, I did hear that your pack is
engineers." “We are not." I commented with a shake of my head, “We are simply
wolves. Having a good life." “But are you not fixers of the reptilian realm?"
“Virkoal forest." Corrected Havlut raising his paw for emphasis. The client
looked at us as if we were crazy.


I grinned in response
towards him. But he shook his head afterwards and spoke again, never minding
the insanity that was going on between us. “Anyway, I just need to improve onto
the robot a bit and you guys are the best to come to that. What is your payment?"
“We have no payment." Said Havlut shaking his head, “We kinda do it for free.
Plus the insanity that follow us wherever we go." “What insanity?" Questioned
the client but none of us answered him back. “Huzizu, Haizyo and Horizoki." I
called out towards the three, turning my head around noting them already
hitting the well with their wrenches and screwdrivers. I blinked at them and
shook my head, exhaling a breath before calling them again. This time, they had
noticed me and ran up. I pointed towards the cute little robot onto the stand
before us and the three said wolves nodded their heads. With stars twinkling
into their eyes, and one still falling out despite having some tape onto it,
they suddenly jumped the robot.


A white cloud of dust
came before us. Lots of grunting, growling, yelling came following the hammer
sounds and other tool sounds erupted too. Onto the outside of the cloud, the
client turned towards us with worry. I just shook my head waving it off with a
smile. Rest assured that the rest of the 'operation' would go well however. For
about twenty minutes, plus a break time, I had no idea how they were able to
commit to that however, the job was done. All three jumped out from the dust
cloud, looking proud as they held their heads high. Yellow stars shone around
them; despite Harkell and Havlut were the ones straggling them along
surrounding them. Both of which looked deadpanned on killing or murdering the
three however. As I ignored the commit beside me, I turned towards the finish
product before us. The robot that was standing in front of us was finished. Yet
there was some hardly any improved upon which. With longer arms, bigger feet
and a bigger head; it just looked like the three had just stuff helium down its
mouth. I groaned and turned towards Huzizu, asking him “What 'improvements' did
you do for the robot?" “Lots!" Exclaimed Huzizu in response as he tapped onto
Haizyo's shoulder who pressed the red button that he got from nowhere however.


Thus in a few seconds,
maybe less, came a wide variety of weapons and such that popped and returned in
the robot who was startled by such a thing. He flinched and stumbled forward,
to the side and back. Never falling off from the stage that he was upon while
his big yellow eyes started widening with every feature. The client grinned and
clapped his paws together with a smile, turning back towards us as he spoke
“That is great! And you said that all of this was free?" “We never said it was,
now pay up!" Responded Huzizu while I slapped him with a growl. Reminding him
that we did stated 'free of charge' earlier on. With a frown, Huzizu nodded his
head and shook following it while he turned towards the client who nodded.
Snatched the robot immediately from the stand and started running off. We
watched him go by, till he disappeared into the crowd. Then I turned towards
Huzizu, Haizyo and Horizoki and nodded at them; acknowledging their work as
they grinned back towards me confidently but without any words coming from


“Guess that means our job
is done huh?" Harkell questioned us out of the silence with me turning to meet
his eyes and nodded slightly, “Yeah. Guess we enjoy the rest of the day off
then." “Our story is done?" Asked Horizoki with a whimper, ears flattening
against his skull as I shook my head, “No. At least not yet however." “What do
you mean?" Harkell asked, with a turn towards me. I gaze at them in silence;
shook my head and frowned while feeling my own heart beat against my chest.
Sooner than I realized, I was becoming a bit worry about something. Something
that would come out of the blue. I flinched when I note Huzizu's head onto my
back as I growled at him, he removed such thing and backed off a few feet away
before I spoke towards the rest of us, “We need to leave. Now." “Immediate?"
“Now!" Thus, at that moment, we fled from the fair.


Now yes, everyone in the
audience and my packmates may had been wondering about something and I now I,
or the author would answer it in time however. But for the sake of suspense,
hold onto your thoughts for a moment alright?


We left the fair, fled
into the forest just outside of the entrance and disappeared where darkness
reside upon our eyes and the forest trees and leaves became thicker as we ran
onward. Heavy pants came from Horizoki and Huzizu while Harkell and Havlut ran
up to my sides, each of them getting me a glance of silence before I just
stayed with them for a moment. But ran a bit further to pulled myself ahead of
them all as we ran deeper into the forest however. It had perhaps taken about
twenty minutes or so to reach the entrance of the forest and when we had
emerged, we entered into the plains. A colorful pattern of green and yellow was
set below our feet. Alternating in pattern that goes on forever and ever
towards the horizon to our left. Disappearing from our sights while the five
other wolves started breathing heavily. Harkell and Havlut glanced towards me,
eyes staring onto my soul but I gaze away from them at the nick of time.


Although the silence was
peaceful, it did not last forever when Harkell stepped forth towards me.
Raising paw onto my back and questioned, “What had gotten into you today,
Hunter? Had it something to do with that robot persay?" “Well its something
about the robot and the 'improvements' that the three other wolves had
committed to it." I started, Harkell widened his eyes suddenly and responding
before chuckling it off and shaking his head, “There is nothing to be worry of.
I ensure that the three wolves had done a fabulous job with the robot." But I
just look at him, silencing his mouth as he stepped back from me and frowned.
“Its not the three wolves' work onto the robot that I am worry about." I
started despite Harkell opened his mouth again but closed afterwards while I
nodded at him silence and returned back to the horizon. “Now if we are done
taking a break, we need to go now." “Where?" Questioned Huzizu as he turned
back towards me, “back towards Virkoal Forest. Surely the robot and its owner
would not find us there. Half expecting us to be at Vaster." “Or canine realm."
Suggested Havlut, noting our species. I nodded, acknowledging him before
walking once again.


An hour later, we had
arrived back onto our hometown. I halted the pack as they turned back towards
me in surprise. But remained standing and I turned back around; eyes up front
towards the plains in front of us before raising my eyes high into the horizon
and waited. Time ticks on by with the wolves behind growing bored and tired by
every second. That they had committed into doing other stuff while they waited
for any sort of truth behind the actions that were drawn to keep ourselves out
from the danger line. I exhaled a breath after thirty minutes of nothing and
shook my head; turned back my head towards my pack whereas they gathered
themselves together. Talking and chatting. Only Harkell was not amongst them
however as later I had found him off towards the side, his tongue sticking out
in front of himself. Lapping at the tea that he brewed seconds after and gaze
leftward towards the forest trees beside him. An exhale of a sigh came from
him, I drew my own afterwards too before returning my sights towards the plains


Another thirty minutes
had passed. Then another. But nothing had happened. No chaotic event. No shouts
screams or anger came. Nothing. I grew worried with every tick; pondering if I
had made the wrong decision. Thus I turned back around and gazed towards the
wolves again. They were not talking anymore. Havlut was found sleeping
adjacently to Huzizu who held his toolbox upclose to him. Haizyo and Horizoki
were throwing fist. I turned to Harkell who already finished his drink and is
already coming close towards me. When we met eyes, he tilted his head to one
side. I shook my head in answer and he frowned, nodding. But joined me
nonetheless as he sat adjacently and kept his eyes up front to the plains in
front of us. Another half hour passed by, I stiffened a yawn and raised my head
towards the blue skies. Noting that the sun was already sinking into the
horizon. “Seems like your prediction is wrong, Hunter." Started Harkell with a
whisper, I nodded my head too. Ears flattened against my head, acknowledging
it. As he laughed and shake his head, returning back towards the pack behind
me. I returned my sights back towards the plains and said nothing, before
retiring from my post later on and joined with the rest of the pack.


For by nightfall, we
heard something out of the blue which cause some of us to arouse in awareness.
Ears raised high and eyes opened up, I only yawned while Harkell Horizoki and
Huzizu got up onto their feet. The three of them shift their attention to the
front of Virkoal Forest; yet only Harkell stepped forth and braved the darkness
that surrounded him. Walking to the edge of the forest, he peered out towards
the plains. A second later, he pulled himself back and spoke in a whisper, “He
is here." “Told you." I responded with eyes narrowed at Horizoki and Huzizu who
held their eyes widened at me. “Now." I growled lowly to avoid being heard by
outside forces, “Horizoki, wake up the rest of the pack. Everyone else fall
back into the forest. We are not to be seen by the robot." There was a couple
nods; ears flattened and nothing else as everyone did as they were suppose to
do. With that in mind, I casually shifted my attention towards the edge of the
forest as a calm gust of winds blew alongside the trees, shuffling the leaves
and breaking them off from their stems. My eyes narrowed at these leaves as the
last of the wolfs barked softly to informed me about our withdrawal. I nodded
at the wolf, neverminding that it was just Horizoki however. I take one last
look towards the edge of the forest before pulling myself adjacently with
Horizoki as the pair of us, entered deeper into Virkaol Forest.


We walked for a few
minutes into the midnight hour; eyes up front. Silence lingering above us. As
Horizoki yawned, Havlut stepped up to my right side and whispered “We are
wolves yes? Could we just fight the robot off?" “And risk losing our fangs?" I
countered without a hint of hesitation as he just glanced at me suddenly before
nodding afterwards. Another pause of silence had came as we continued deeply
into our home forest. With the leaves rustling about due to the soft winds
blowing, I exhaled a breath and closed my eyes a bit. My legs felt tired from
walking all this time. But how could we, when a killer 'improve' robot was
tailing us however.


In my mind, I thought
about what Havlut had suggested. Yet reminding myself that our fangs cannot
penetrate tin wood however just as I perhaps expected from the robot itself.
But while I was pondering about it, I had not noticed that I had stopped so suddenly.
That the other wolves turned their heads to me, blinks had came before Havlut
and Harkell stepped forth and nudged their heads deep into my fur. I flinched
to them. But remained silent while they looked towards me with a bit of a
concern upon their faces. Waving it off, I moved onward. Gaining the distance
needed to pull ahead of Horizoki, Huzizu and Haizyo whom all gaze at me in
silence. Neither of them were ever talking at all. Yet I never minded that


Sometime had perhaps
passed by before another gust of winds blew passed the forest trees. Leaves
falling from their stems as the moon hanged high above us. We, on the other
paw, kept walking down that same path. Eventually reaching the lake therein. I
paused; everyone else did so as well. With eyes pointing back towards me, I
just nodded in response and flopped onto the ground adjacent to the lake. The
other wolves commit to the same and fell asleep some seconds later while I
stayed awake and listened to the quietness surrounding me. For worry, anxious
and fear had loomed over my head and kept me awake. Thoughts about the robot
were still there. Wondering as to what it and its owner would do once they had
found us. 'But surely that they would not enter into a forest full of danger, right?'
I questioned myself mentally with a smile appearing onto my face. A head shook
and ears flattened onto my skull as I allowed my eyes to fall. Tiredness had
won me over anyway.