Current Track: Blabb

“And what's good on the job?" Ellen asked for Azul.

“Nothing special for now, except that everybody's talking about their plan for Valentine's Day." Azul replied to her.

“They get ahead, as usual."

“Yeah, but it finishes to be annoying by dint of talking about this." Azul underlined.

“Otherwise, you get a chance to talk to Max this week?"

“If we count morning and evening, not really."

“He didn't talk a lot about his interview, also?"

“Well… he said the work which offered him is well-paid, rather special and he'll have maybe to move around. But except this, nothing more." Azul summed up.

“When he doesn't talk a lot, it's that he's concerned about something, right?"

“Yes, and that's it which worries me. I know it's a long time he doesn't have a job, but I don't think it's a good idea for him to roam in the apartment like a lion in a cage. And this, during some days." Azul noticed.

“Don't worry, he's a hard nut to crack, he's just going through a bad patch." Ellen reassured her.

“I honestly hope, Ellen. I hope."


One person with a clean head, would already take his decision. He would accept and he would begin to work. Or in the opposite case, he would refuse, and he will be moving on. But for someone as Maximiliano, so often disowned by his peers, wanting to do his proofs, well learning a living, it's another kettle of fish.

Thus, on the 168 hours he was granted, he passed the last 96 hours doing various activities delaying his reflection time for later.

Monday, he passed the whole day to lead his team to victory, by destroying enemy towers.

Tuesday, he watched for the nth time movie about a group of teens surviving a crazy killer (Ah! Sidney! But how do you do to get out of these situations?! You really must tell me!)

Wednesday, he used many time tissues on his hands (Oh crap! I'll have to buy them back.)

And finally, Thursday, he played dead, lying on his bed. But this semi-quietness is going to be short-term.


I was almost asleep when one familiar voice wakes me from my sleep, by telling me: “Greetings, old sport."

I raise my head as sign of surprise before lying again and grumbling: “I don't want to quarrel with you, get off."

“Oh Maximiliano, is this the way to greet an old friend?" He complained, falsely innocent.

Finally, I stand up and I see this damn panther, sit on my office chair. Twinkle in his eyes, evil grin on his face… this bastard has something in mind. Yeah, as always, every time I see him.

“Alright, what do you want?"

“The same as you. Your professional and personal fulfilling, nothing more."

“Maybe but I disapprove the way you think... Dus-ter." I retorted, dryly.

“Oh please, you and I both know do the right thing isn't as easy as it sounds. Today, this world has become more and more individual. People are greedier, take care of one person instead thinking about others. And everyone who dare showing kindness are either staring or received with a kick in the ass." He expressed between euphoria and nastiness.

“Probably but I never said it, I just…"

“Thought it… yes, indeed. Even if you don't shout it from the rooftops, it's why I'm here, because you imagine it. So, if you believe all your ideas are lost forever, you're wrong. I'm you repressed, rejected, lewd, savage thoughts. It's hard to admit it, but I'm part of you and this, until the end… Whether you like or not." He continued the same way. “But cue the small talk, you already knew that. And it's not why I'm here this time."

“Yes, I already asked you just before, but it's like talking to a wall."

“Simple wake-up call." He ignored my remark. “And if I'm here, it's that both know… you're already taking your decision."

“Spare me your craps, it's been one week I do nothing, by trying to take one decision."

“Correction: it's been one week you do nothing, by delaying time to reveal your decision."

Well, no need to insist, he's the big shot here.

“Right, you win BUT what would be the point?"

“To begin, you'll receive the gratitude you deserve for all the years." He tried to seduce me with his words.

“Yes, but what's it?"

“You'll earn enough to take care of you plenty." He kept going.

“Yeah, what else?"

“You'll have some fun with a few of you clients."

“Excuse me?"

“Stop playing the offended with me, you know very well what I mean. You may try to hide it, but everyone's entitled some tenderness. And with you, I can smell it, I can feel it, especially at night."

Sensing that he'll go too far, I grab a book, by threating him: “I advise you to stop here or this will finish on your face."

“Oh please, don't be so repressed. And then, between us, how long have you felt body heat?" He taunted me.

“Stop it."

“How long have you embraced someone?"


“How long have you shoot your load… on someone?" He almost whispered, with a nasty smile.




And shit! I think I broke something on my desk. Hastily, I stand up and go towards the office. PAF! OUCH! Oh crap… exhale… By aiming this fucker, I've touched my screen. Luckily, it has nothing, but I can't say as much of my toe… ow… it hurts… oh, su madre.

TOC! TOC! TOC! Through the door, Ellen shouted, intrigued: “Max, everything's okay here?"

“Yes, yes, don't worry."

“Are you sure? I heard a big sound, however."

“This was nothing."

“Are you really sure…"


I expected brutal answer, but she simply read: “Okay, sorry for the inconvenience."

Pheeew! Now, where is… he's already gone, of course. Damn pussy! At the same time, it's been four days I didn't come out of my room. No wonder that he appeared again. Well, before my mind play again a trick on me, let's get out of my den.


Immediately, I go in the kitchen, searching for some food. As usual, Ellen's watching TV. And though she's absorbed by the screen, I heard her, asking me: “So, on top form, Max?"

“Yeah, it can go."

“Sorry if you think I'm a stalker, but are you sure everything's okay?"

“Yes, don't worry about it."

Eventually, I don't find nothing really appetizing. Nevertheless, I grab an apple, just to fill my belly for now. Then, I go collapsing onto the sofa, next to her. And while I'm staring people's ingenuity to fall flat on their face, Ellen tried to reassure me: “Otherwise, you don't have to worry about your interview. Whatever your decision, I'm sure it'll be the right one."

“Oh. But what allows you to tell this?"

“Well, whatever the situation, you'll never let things get you down. You won't admit it, but you're a hard nut to crack, Max."

On these fine words, I found nothing to tell her, except for smiling at here, kissing her on the forehand and thanking her.

“Well now, we reach a level of bull… well, I let you the TV, I'm going for a walk."

“Okay, see you later."

BANG! And I'm alone again. So, what can I watch now?

CRUNCH! What's the… Let me turn myself. Oh, false alarm. Just Duster eating an apple. Well, false alarm… manner of speaking. Annoyed by his presence, I stare him, the stink eye.

“What? Don't look at me like that. I already get it in the neck. Damn book… In any case, if you need another wake-up call, I'll never be that far away."

And he returns into my room.

“Yes, of course… cabrón." I grumbled, by biting my apple.



“Appol & Co, hello?"

“Yes, hello Mr. Rowards. Mr. Furo speaking, how are you?"

“Oh, it's you. Well, very good. I'm just wondering if I was going to have a response from you."

“Yes, actually, that's why I'm calling you."

“Oh really? And then, whatever your decision, that's good news. So, what's it?"

Suddenly, one last moment of doubt crosses my mind. Now that I'm on the phone, can I be sure about my choice? OF COURSE, ANSWER HIM NOW! Or he's going to ask himself if he's not cut off.

“Hello?" The director asked, intrigued.

“Yes. Err… excuse me, I had a little blackout."

“No, it's fine, it happens to everyone. Now, I'm listening you… What is your decision?"