Current Track: Blabb
Finally, the moment is coming. I go into the unknown, but I'm rather confidant. In my favorite shirt (red and flowery,) with my carry-on baggage on my hand, and my jacket on the other, I'm waiting my turn in the company of the gang. Honestly, I didn't expect a board for my departure.

“Well, that's it. I don't expect having so many people to tell me goodbye."

“Hang up, pal! You didn't think you'd get away without telling goodbye." Antonio asserted.

“Yes, and above all, when you'll go be freezing the ass." Ernesto commented, mocking.

“Elegant, as ever." Azul noticed, exasperated.

“So what?"

“Rooh, it's okay, he's fully equipped." Ellen noted.

“Yeah, but for the moment, I don't want to think about it. Before I forget, Antonio, I have something for you."

On this, I take one wrapped box out of my case.

“¡Feliz cumpleaños, acere!"

“Oh, thank you. I… wow, I don't know what to say. It's adorable, you shouldn't have." Antonio thanked me, moved. "But you're…"

“Early, yes. But in view of the fact that I'll leave at least for a week, I could give it to you. So, I take care of it in advance."

“Muchas gracias. I really appreciate it, truly!"

Suddenly, one masculine voice announces on the speaker: “Ladies and gentlemen, we continue the boarding for flight DL1312 to Minneapolis. We are now inviting economy passengers, to proceed to gate four. Economy passengers, gate four. Thank you."

“Time of goodbyes is coming. Thank you to have come as many."

“No problem. On the other hand, when you'll come, you call, eh?" Azul warned me.

“And don't forget to take pictures. Apparently, there are beautiful lakes there." Ellen advised me.

“Really? I wouldn't miss it, then."

Embraces here, handshakes there, and I'm gone flying away.


Although our protagonist is really coming, the little bunch keeps to chatter about their friend.

“Hoping he'll reach his final destination." Azul thought, concerned.

“But yes. Stop overreacting, he'll be fine." Ellen reassured her.

“At worst, he can still throw at them, his phone in their face." Ernesto suggested.

If some keep a straight face, others burst out laughing.

“Thanks for telling this, Ernesto. Ha-ha… phew, I almost forgot this detail." Azul smiled, after catching her breath.

“We can say, he didn't have the opportunity to get angry lately." Ellen underlined.

“Honestly, I hope it won't happen to him, he can be so impulsive by moments, sigh."

“Don't worry, goal is big here. He will know control himself." Antonio observed.

Before anybody has time to reply, clap sounds make themselves heard.

“Err… Antonio, you know, even if you shake the box, you still don't know what's inside." Ellen explained him.

“Yes, but at least, now I know it's making a noise."

“It's stupid. You don't even know what's it." Azul reasoned with him.

“Maybe, but it's better than nothing."

While Antonio keeps shaking, the gecko shrugs while girls stared at him, between amazement and lack of understanding.

* *


That's it, the plane has left the ground for some time and gain good height. Personally, I'm comfortable: my shoes under my seat in lying position, and my baggage in the compartment.

For now, I'm feeling good. After, it's true that I'm running into the unknown, but I'll deal with that later. Right now, let's relax and hear some music.

PLAY <How many roads must a man walk down—> Not this one.

NEXT <Guitar plays> Come on with this one. <If you're travelin' the north country fair / Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline / Remember me to one who lives there / For she once was a true love of mine

If you go when the snowflakes storm / When the rivers freeze and summer ends/ Please see if she has a coat so warm / To keep her from the howling winds

Please see if her hair hangs long / If it rolls and flows all down her breast / Please see for me if her hair's hangin' long / For that's the way I remember her best

I'm a-wondering if she remembers me at all / Many times I've often prayed / In the darkness of my night / In the brightness of my day
Guitar and harmonica solo—>