Current Track: Blabb

Twenty-Six Years Ago

Me and Alan are outside his house, just talking about me meeting his girlfriend Cassandra for the first time.

I had a VERY nervous look on my face and I waved him off with a paw, "I don't like this. I don't like it at all."

Alan laughed and then he said, "Come on Ben, you need to relax. Cassandra's nice, she won't bite. Besides, she's my girlfriend. We went out together for five years in high school."

I wasn't exactly calm about it still and I said, "I STILL don't like it."

He came and rubbed his hand on my body, "Come on big guy. Everything will be alright. Would I lie to you?"

I shot a glare at him, "Yes, you did before."

Alan's eyes went wide and he glared back, "And what was it that I lied to you about?"

I shot back, "You told me one time that dirt tasted like chocolate! And I ate it and it never did!"

Alan laughed, "Oh come on bird brain, we were kids back then." Then he narrowed his eyes at me, "Besides that I was getting back at YOU for eating my sandwich when I left to go to the bathroom. I was pissed at you."

I rolled my eyes and said, "That still doesn't give you the right to make me eat that crap. Dirt TASTES GROSS!" Then I stuck my tongue out of my beak, "Blech!"

Alan laughed again and he said, "Look just trust me about Cassandra. I've told you about her before, she's really nice. Besides THAT, I've told her about you before as well. She wanted to meet you for a while."

I cocked my head at him, "Wait...She  believed you about...Me? A gryphon?"

He shrugged, "Well I don't REALLY know that she believes me or not. But I bet when she sees you, she will."

I sighed, "I don't know Alan."

Alan begged, "Come on Ben."

I sighed again and waved a paw, "Fine, get it over with, and don't blame me if she's scared of me."

He shook his head, "I doubt she will. Now wait here. She's in the house. I'll go get her." He whirled around and ran to the house. He went through the front door.

I sat down on my haunches waiting for him. I hope I know what I'm doing.

I wanted to meet his girlfriend for a while as well. Since he told me about it.

A minute later, I saw him and a female human who I believe is Cassandra. Coming towards me.

When they got close to me, Cassandra's face went wide at the sight of me. She let out a gasp a bit and Alan just giggled at her face.

Cassandra asked while she was staring at me, "Is that....?"

Alan waved a hand to me and said, "Yes, that's Ben. My brother."

Then I lowered my head nervously to her level and gave her a bit of a smile on my beak, "Hello...Cassandra."

Cassandra backed up a bit, she seems nervous as I am. And I bet she's more nervous when she saw me that I was real.

Alan patted her back, "It's okay Cass. He won't hurt you. I told you, that's Ben."

Cassandra stared at me some more, then she actually slowly started to form a smile. She said, "Hi Ben."

I giggled a bit,  "I see you're nervous. It's okay, I'm nervous as well. I thought you would call me a monster."

Cassandra then twirled her hair with her finger and said, "Well Alan here....Talked about you before. And...You haven't attacked me. So..."

I waved her off with a paw and raised my head, "Say no more. I understand. But I can assure you, I'm not evil. I'm as friendly as it come." I gave her a smile again.

Cassandra giggled and said, "Well you're definitely friendly. I can see that you really are Alan's brother."

Then she turned her head to ask Alan, "So where did he come from? You haven't told me about that yet."

Alan nodded, "I know, I haven't. It was because of father. But since you've seen him. I'm sure that father would let me tell you everything now. At least Ben here would have another person to talk to."

I nodded, "Yeah and you weren't kidding that your girl is beautiful." Then I grinned at her, "Because she is."

Cassandra just blushed a bit and she said, "Thank you." Then Cassandra giggled, "I thought you were going to say that you're handsome Mr. Ben. Alan did tell me you are pretty vain."

I nodded, "Oh I am handsome. I've always been handsome."

Alan rolled his eyes and said to Cassandra, "See Cass? Told you he's the most vainest gryphon of all time. He's a show off too."

I glared at Alan, "I'm NOT a show off. And yes I am the vainest gryphon of all time. Even though there aren't other gryphons around here anyway."

Cassandra then walked up to me and reached out her hand, "Can I touch you?"

I nodded, "Please go ahead. My handsomeness shall always be touched as well."

Alan rolled his eyes again, "Oh brother."

Cassandra then slowly put her hand on my feathers and started to rub them. Then she started to touch the fur on my lion body.

Cassandra smiled and she said, "Your feathers are soft."

I smiled at her, "Thank you."

Alan then said, "Well I'll call dad and tell him about this. I'll leave you two alone to get to know each other."

Cassandra backed away from me and said to Alan, "Ok, we'll be out here for you." Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek and Alan looked at me and said, "And as for you bird brain, don't get any funny ideas about Cassandra. She's m girl."

I squawked and narrowed my eyes at him, "What does THAT mean?!" Then he and Cassandra both laughed.

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Don't freakin care anymore."

Alan then left still laughing, leaving me and Cassandra alone. Cassandra then smiled and said, "You're more entertaining than I thought."

I giggled and said, "No one never said that to me before."

Cassandra still had that smile plastered across her face, "Well I think you are."

I nodded and waved a paw toward her, "So what is it you want to talk about? You know about yourself?"

Cassandra then asked, "Aren't you going to tell me much about yourself first?"

I grinned down at her, "Well...Very well then." Then I giggled.


Five Years Later

I was walking back to my cave, after my hunt. Well at least I had a few squirrels for dinner. It's pretty much fall here but it was still a warm day. It's the afternoon now.

I was still walking back to my cave when I heard sobbing in the distance. My eyes went wide.

Who's that? Who's crying?

I walked to follow the sobbing and finally I saw Cassandra sitting on the rock, crying.

I had a concerned look on my face. Cassandra? What's she doing out here?

And why is she...Crying?

I walked up to her, she hadn't seen me yet. Finally when my shadow was over her, she looked up and saw me. Her eyes were a little red from all the tears.

She said through a sob, "Ben...What...What are you doing here?"

I lowered my head to her level, "I could ask you the same thing. What's the matter?"

She looked away from my gaze, "Nothing." then she waved me off, "It's nothing."

I shook my head and demanded, "No it's not NOTHING. Now what's wrong?"

She started to cry again, "I said I'm fine." Then she sobbed some more in her lap. Hiding her face from me.

I had a sad and pitiful look on my face. I've always talked to Cassandra, when Alan's busy. Ever since the first day we've met, five years ago. We've always told each other everything. Our family, everything.

I even took her flying on my back more than once. When she has a bad day, I would always take her flying during the night of course.

But this is...Different. This is more than just a bad day. This is...Worse than that.

I walked until I was beside her on the rock. Then I started to stretch out my wing and put it behind her, comforting her.

Her face went wide with surprise and she looked up at me. I gave her a reassuring smile.

Cassandra sighed and looked down at her lap, "I'm sorry Ben."

I shook my head while I was looking down at her, "Don't be sorry. I understand you're upset. But I've never seen you THAT upset before. Now please talk to me, what happened? You know I'm here to help."

Cassandra sighed again and she said without looking at me, "Me and Alan had a fight. A big verbal fight."

My eyes went wide and I narrowed my eyes at her, "What was it about?"

Cassandra said, "Look I know that me and Alan have graduated from school, but this is really hard on me. And not to mention that we've been married for over a year already. I...I never thought that things might get complicated in the future."

I pressed her, "What was the fight about? Please Cassandra, talk to me. I'm your...Best friend."

Cassandra looked up at me and said, "I'm pregnant."

My beak just dropped in shock and then I beamed at her, "GREAT!"

Then she groaned and huffed, "But that was the fight was all about!"

My happiness was meted away in a instant and then I muttered with a glum look, "Oh..." Then I trailed off.

Cassandra huffed again and went on, "it's just...We've thought about having a family together for a while. But he always changed his mind in the end."

I cocked my head at her, "Why?"

"Because of work. Because of our jobs. What I mean is, is that we have jobs that are so time consuming and he's afraid that it won't work out. He just thinks that only just me and him together would work out. Not with us having a child."

I lowered my head to her level after she said that and muttered, "I'm sorry Cassandra. I really am. You don't deserve that argument."

Cassandra sighed, "I would have talked to his father, but come on what can he do? He would have a stern talk with his son and that would be it. I don't know who else to talk to."

I asked, "So you wanted to come out here to talk to me?"

She nodded, "I went to your cave, but you weren't in there."

I nodded, "Yeah I was out hunting. I've eaten a few squirrels today. And it's fall."

Cassandra for the first time since I've talked to her here, she giggled, "Well your day seems better than mine."

I shrugged, "Sort of, until it became bad."

She frowned at me, 'Why?"

I gave her a pity look, "Because you're so sad. I...I don't like to see you cry."

Cassandra wiped a tear with her arm, "Yeah well....Me having a child won't make anything better. And I'm three months pregnant."

Cassandra then had a angry look on her face, "I love Alan, but right now he's frustrating me."

I asked, "Just a stupid question, you're not planning to divorce my brother are you?"

Cassandra shot a glare at me, "That's not funny, feather brain."

I waved her off, "Sorry, I was trying to put some humor for you."

She stared at me and muttered, "Yeah Well...You're failing."

I raised my head and groaned, "Ah Damn it." Then we both giggled.

Both of us were just sitting here in silence and she broke the silence saying, "So what am I suppose to do now?"

I sighed, "Well...I think I should talk to Alan about it. Maybe he'll listen to me. That having a child won't be so bad."

She asked, "You really think that would work?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Who knows with him."

Cassandra then said, "Well even I'M wondering if I would make a good mother. Because of my job."

I said, "Well I think both of you should give it a chance. You don't know until you try."

"But what if it doesn't work out?"

I gave her an reassuring smile, "It will. You're special that way Cassandra. You're better than you think you are. Even Alan doesn't think he's better than he thinks he is, but he is. Both of you will be great parents."

Cassandra then smiled up at me, "Thanks Ben. But I hope me and Alan won't have that argument EVER again."

I shook my head, "I doubt it."

Cassandra looked down a bit and said, "Can I...Tell you something?"

I nodded and she asked, "Do you...Ever wanted a child? Have you ever thought about seeing a gryphon like you? And have a family together?"

I put some thought into it and finally I said, "Well...Not really. I thought I would be the only gryphon in the world anyway. So I didn't care honestly."

She muttered, "Oh."

I sighed, "But what would it matter anyway? Who would want a show off like me anyways?"

She gave me a grin, "Oh you're not a show off ALL the time. And besides...I would have."

I gave her a surprised look, "Really?"

She shrugged, "I guess. I mean we've talked to each other about everything. You always comforted me, when I'm sad. And hell not to mention you always take me flying." Then she gave me a wink, "Which THAT one, I don't mind by the way."

I laughed and said, "Glad you enjoy the rides then!"

Cassandra said, "The whole flying thing...It makes me think of you as Superman and me as Lois Lane. You're like a hero to me."

I smiled down at her, "A hero? I don't know about that."

Cassandra put her hand on my leg and said, "I think you would be a hero one day. One day you would save the world. That you would save the world for me, and for my son."

I frowned at her, "Son?"

Cassandra giggled, "Oh by the way when I went to the doctor today, he said the gender is a boy. I'll be having a boy."

My beak formed a grin and I asked, "Did you...Come up with a name yet?"

She sighed, "Well I would have, if I didn't have that fucking argument with Alan."

I giggled, "Sorry I asked." She giggled as well.

Cassandra grinned at me, "Like I said, you would save the world for me and my family. Even your brother."

I nodded, "Well I'll have to try real hard then."

She then put her hand on my chest and I wrapped my wing tight around her. She said, "You really do have soft feathers. And you really do have a heart."

I giggled, "Yeah, a heart full of feathers."

She laughed and then she said, "Whatever you think, I still believe you can do great things. I think you would be accepted as a hero. I know I would."

I lowered my head to her level, my face in front of hers, "Thanks."

She then took her hand off my chest and she touched my face. Feeling my feathers and my beak. She smiled at me and looked into my eyes, "You have good looking eyes as well."

I giggled a bit, "Well you're handing out more compliments to me than usual."

Cassandra didn't take her eyes off of me, "Because you deserve them." Then she had a glum look on her face and looked down.

I gave her a look of concern, "Now what's wrong? Still sad about having that argument with Alan? I thought you would be feeling better now."

She waved me off and looked at me, "It's not that. Its just...I wish there was someone out there for you. Another gryphon for you to be with."

I shook my head, "Well I'm fine. I don't need anyone."

She said, "But it's not fair. Even someone like you deserve love. Not just being alone." She started to cry again,  "It's not fair for a big, strong, handsome guy like you." Her tears started to fall down her cheeks.

That kinda struck my heart a bit. She really does have a point. I shouldn't be alone all the time. I deserved love as well.

Just like Cassandra. Just like Alan. Just like father before his wife died. Before he found my egg.

Cassandra then wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tight. She started sobbing and I moved my wing that was around her aside and wrapped my paw around her.

Finally after a few minutes, she stopped crying and pulled herself away. She looked into my eyes again and said, "I'll be honest Ben. If I never met Alan and if I've met you first. I would've traded a different life, just to be like you. To be a gryphon like you, so you wouldn't be alone in the world. That I would ask you out and we would be together."

Suddenly I had a weird warm feeling in my stomach and out of the blue I muttered, "I would've said yes." Then my eyes went wide after that.

Her eyes went as well and she laughed, "Wow...never knew you found me hot."

I shrugged, " kinda are in a way."

Then she put her hands to her hips, "What do you mean KINDA? I'm hotter than you think."

I gave her a devious grin, "You're not going to take your top off, are you?"

She playfully slapped me a bit on the cheek, "Shut up, bird brain." We both laughed.

I looked at her, at her eyes and that weird feeling came back. What is that feeling? I've never felt it before. What is it?

Cassandra then got up from the rock and said, "Well I better get going, Alan might be home now."

She was about to walk off when I stopped her with my voice, "Wait!"

She looked at me and I said, "Do you want to fly on my back? Just to lift your spirits high?"

Cassandra looked at me for a moment and she nodded, "I would love to."

I smiled at her and got up on all fours. I then lowered my body to the round and she walked near my back. She started to climb onto my back and she finally sat on it.

She gripped the feathers of my neck and she asked, "Ready big guy?"

I grinned without looking at her, "I'm always ready." Then I started to flap my wings and she gripped tighter. Soon we were over the woods and the sun was already starting to set.

With a burst of speed we flew forward and she screamed in happiness. We flew high. My wings flapping against the wind. Both of us enjoying the view. It was perfect.

Then the feeling came back once more. And suddenly while I was flying, I know what that feeling meant.

I've come to love Cassandra.

I was starting to fall in love with her.

I closed my eyes in shame and then Cassandra hollered, "Hey are you alright?"

I opened them and hollered, "Yes, I'm fine." Then I continued to flap some more, not bothering to tell her the truth.


Six Months Later

I was at the house with my father, George Morgan. Waiting for Alan and Cassandra to come home with...Their baby. Their son.

I pretty much had a very big smile formed on my beak. They have been waiting a while for this. In fact after that conversation that me and Cassandra had six months ago, she and Alan never argued about having a child EVER again. Which I'm proud they haven't.

But what still bothers me after that day...Is my feelings toward Cassandra.

I can't think about her like that. She's with my brother Alan! She's even married to him!

What kind of a brother and friend am I? Having feelings for my brother's wife, of all the damn things!

I have to let them go one day. There's no point.

But why haven't I let them go?'

Because I'm so close with her and I'm just like a confidant with her.

And quite frankly, I don't want to turn my back on her as well. It wouldn't be fair.

My father interrupted my thoughts, "Hey Ben, you okay?"

I shook my head and looked at him, "Sorry what?"

He grinned and said, "Can you believe it? Me a grandfather for the first time in my life. I can't believe it."

I smiled at him, "And I can't believe I'm going to be a uncle."

My father shook a finger at me, "Now just remember, don't show yourself to your nephew, until he's ready. When he's old enough. I don't want him to be afraid of you when he's so little and doesn't understand everything yet."

I nodded, "Don't worry, I'll remember."

He said, "You know...You're going to be a great uncle. I know you will."

I giggled and he reached out to touch my feathers. I said, "Well thanks for the load of confidence."

That's when we both heard a car coming up the driveway. It's Alan and Cassandra.

My heart beated in excitement. They're here! My nephew's here!

They came out of the car and then Cassandra went to the back door of the car and took out a carriage. With the baby inside it.

My father went to them first. Alan and Cassandra both smiled when he got close. When he saw his grandson for the first time, he beamed.

I was still pretty nervous about it. I then had a lump in my throat.

Cassandra came over when she saw me standing around. She grinned up at me and said, "Well do you want to see your nephew? He's very cute."

I looked down at her and nodded, "Yes...Of course."

She led the way and I followed close behind her. We got close to Alan and my father and I lowered my head to the carriage. Looking at my nephew for the very first time.

The baby looked up at me and he actually smiled at me. He's not afraid of me, despite what I look like, he's not afraid.

My heart beat with happiness, and I smiled down at him. Without taking my eyes off of him, I asked Alan and Cassandra, "What's his name?"

Cassandra then got close to my head and said, "Jason. His name is Jason. Jason Morgan."

I said his name for the first time, "Jason." Then I lowered my head a bit more and nuzzled my beak on his stomach. Little Jason grabbed my face a bit. I said to him, "Hi Jason. My name's Ben. I'm your uncle."

For the first time in my life, I became an uncle.


I'm happy for you two.

I really am.

Despite how I've felt for Cassandra, Jason was the only thing on my mind as of right now.

I will always be your uncle Jason. I always will be.