I woke up to sunlight flooding through the window, I groaned a bit and I sat up in bed. I yawned and shook my head. I looked out the window and I remembered I was staying in Brooke Lancaster's house.
Honestly a part of me still can't believe I have a house to rent to. But now I think it's time I go back to Ben. Tell him I'm alright so he won't get so worried about me.
Then I'll look for a job and work at whatever place for a while.
At least until I have enough money and then me and Ben we'll leave this town. But a part of me still doesn't want to go.
One day I will talk to Ben about it, but for now just play it cool.
I got out of bed and I went through my bag for my clothes. I put on some fresh pair of clothes and I went out of my room.
I walked through the house and I was about to walk out of the front door when a voice stopped me, "Morning Jonas!"
It was Brooke, talking at me through the dining room. I decided to not leave yet and I went into the dining room and saw Brooke and her husband Thomas having breakfast together, both sitting at the dining room table. They both smiled at me when I walked in.
Thomas said, "Hey kid, how was your first night here?"
I smiled at them, "It was great. The bed was comfy."
Brooke had a bite of sausage and nodded, "Good. I knew you wouldn't regret staying here."
Thomas then gestured to the food in the kitchen, "We have a well balanced breakfast for you? You like sausage?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I like sausage."
Brooke said, "Help yourself."
I walked to the kitchen saying, "Thanks." I went through the cabinet and found a plate for me. I went to the stove with the plate in my hand and I found the sausage ready to eat.
Well at least I have a well balanced breakfast. It's kinda been awhile.
I hope Ben can handle life without me a little bit longer.
I'll be there soon big guy. Just hang on a bit longer.
Hopefully Brooke and Thomas won't keep me here long.
April muttered with a nervous look on her face, while me and her were walking on the side on the road, "I don't freakin like this."
I looked at her, narrowing my eyes, "Don't be nervous. Maybe the gryphon is friendly. Maybe Jonas might be there."
April then raised her hands a bit and said with a nervous voice, "But I'm SO freakin nervous!"
I sighed and rolled my eyes. It was already a few hours after I've woken up in bed. I already had my breakfast with mom and dad. I excused myself from the table and went out the door to meet April.
April meanwhile was pretty damn nervous. I've never seen her THAT nervous before, ever since I've known her!
Well she needs to suck it up right now. Because we have a gryphon to meet. And Jonas as well.
Lets hope that I was right about where they live. I mean I know I haven't followed Jonas in the woods, but at least we can follow his tracks.
We're almost there to that spot where he went in the woods. On a trail, I think.
I assured her as we walked, "April, just calm down. We'll be fine."
April still was pretty nervous, "I can't help it! I mean, what if they attack us for finding out where they live. What if this Jonas kills us."
I shook my head, "I doubt it. He and that gryphon saved my life that night. So I seriously doubt that would be the case."
April finally gave in and sighed, "I hope you're right Emma. I don't want to die."
I said, "Look I just want to thank them for being heroes. And I want to know where they came from. Even the gryphon." Then I narrowed my eyes at her again, "And we're NOT GOING TO DIE."
April fidgeted and I said, "And quit fidgeting!" April then started to laugh nervously.
Finally we both saw the trail that Jonas used to walk in the woods. About time I was afraid we walked past it.
Both of us walked to it, until we were at the edge of the trail. That trail looks like it hasn't been used for awhile. Only one person had and it's Jonas. I could see his footprints in the ground. Perfect! We can follow them.
I had a determined look on my face and muttered, "Lets go."
April hid behind me and whispered, "I still don't like the looks of it."
Without looking at her I said, "Come on." And with that me and April who is fidgeting still, walked in the woods together. To find the spot in the woods where they are staying at.
Me and April in the woods for a bit. We were still following Jonas's tracks. God how long has he been walking here?
Well he's a hitchhiker, hitchhiker's walk all the damn time.
April slapped at a mosquito on her neck and whined, "Man, I should have brought bug spray with me. I'm being eaten alive by bugs here!"
I giggled a bit and said to her, "Well I'm fine, no bugs have bothered me."
April shot a glare at me, "Well whoop dee freakin doo, girl!"
I laughed and then I put a finger to my mouth, "Shhh, quiet down. We're probably close to their spot by now. Just keep it down."
April's expression went to apprehension and said, "Emma, I'm kinda scared. We should have brought something to defend ourselves. I mean-"
I cut her off with a glare, "April you didn't believe me TOO much about the gryphon, so quit worrying about it."
April's eyes went wide, "Hey at the rate this is going, I'm REALLY starting to believe you."
I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, you're just saying that just to chicken out of the expedition we're having here." I giggled at myself with that remark.
April then glared at me and put her hands to her hips, "That's not true. I wouldn't chicken out and leave my best friend alone."
I sighed and muttered, "April ever since I've found you this morning, you have been a nervous wreak. Wanting to back out from the whole thing."
April sighed as well and softened her look, "I know, but I don't want to leave you alone either. I don't want you to get kidnapped by the gryphon so it'll....Do whatever to you."
I stopped in my tracks and turned to give her a frown, "What does THAT mean?"
Her eyes went wide. She raised her hands in defense and shook her head, "Nothing. Nothing at all."
I narrowed my eyes at her, "It better be nothing." Then I faced the direction we're walking and looked down at the footprints again, "Now lets go." And with that, we continued to follow the tracks.
We walked for about ten more minutes and finally the tracks led us to a cave. I smiled when we saw it. A cave, perfect! That would be the perfect spot where Jonas and the gryphon would be staying at.
We both walked to the mouth of the cave and stood in front of it. Just trying to peak in. We can't see anything right now.
While we both stared through the opening, April leaned her head to me and whispered, "So...What now?"
I whispered back to her, "I don't know. Maybe call out to them."
Her face turned white and she shook her head, freaking out again. She whispered, "NO. Don't do that."
I shot a glare at her and whispered, "Sorry, but I'm doing it."
April pleaded with a whisper, "Emma no."
Too late I already shouted, "Hello! Hello! Is anyone in there?"
For about ten seconds, no answer.
April sighed in relief and shrugged, "Oh well nobody home." Then she whirled around and said, "Well I think it's by time we get out of the woods. After all I'm tired of being eaten by bugs."
I sighed in disappointment, "Well fine, I guess we can go." I whirled around as well.
Before we could walk away from the cave, we both heard a voice coming from the cave, "Who's there?"
Both of us gasped and we whirled back around immediately, facing the cave.
We heard the voice again, coming from the cave, "I said who's there?"
I couldn't see anyone in there. That voice, it doesn't sound like Jonas's. It sounded...Older.
The voice asked once more with a little frustration, "Hey! Are you deaf?! One last time, who's out there?"
April finally had the courage to speak and asked, "Are...Are you Jonas?"
The voice replied, "Who?"
That's when I said, "Jonas. Jonas Hemingway. Look we're looking for him and...Are you a friend of his?"
"Maybe, but who wants to know?"
I put a hand to my chest, "I'm not sure if Jonas told you about me but...My name's Emma. Emma Banks."
I saw a figure a bit in the darkness, it looked kinda big for a human and the voice asked, "Who's the other girl?"
I pointed at April, "This is April. She and I are best friends."
April's face went wide and she looked at me, "Emma."
The voice said, "Well if you're looking for Jonas, he's not here."
I frowned, "Then who are YOU? Who are you really?"
The voice didn't say anything at first and then he finally said, "No one you would know."
April then asked, "Can you come out of there? You know, come into the light?"
"You wouldn't like what you see."
I just stared at the big figure. That might be the gryphon. I hope it is REAL friendly. I shook my head and said to the voice, "We won't care. Now please, come out."
The voice sighed and said, "Very well then."
Then we both saw the big figure walking out of the cave slowly into the light. Me and April both gasped when we saw it. It is the gryphon. The same big winged creature who saved my life from those rapists.
We both backed away a bit and April hid behind me.
The gryphon stopped in its tracks and sat down on his haunches. The gryphon looked like it was frowning at us and then to my surprise, it spoke, "How did you two find me and Jonas?"
I gasped again and muttered, "You...You can talk?"
The gryphon nodded, "That's right, I'm not some unintelligent animal who cannot form words. I've spoken for years actually." Then his beak formed a smile, "Tell me, how did you find this place?"
I shook my head like I was in a trance and said, "I followed Jonas here." Then I waved a hand, "Well not to this cave, just at the edge of the woods. I followed him yesterday and now today me and April followed his tracks. That's how we found you."
April peeked over my shoulder with fear in her eyes, "You're not going to eat us, are you?"
The gryphon then let out a laugh, "Oh my god, you think I would eat YOU? Ha! Very funny, I don't think you would be good for my stomach. Besides that if I ate humans for a living, I would have eaten Jonas by now."
Then he said, "Besides, it wouldn't be good for my handsome figure. I don't want blood on my feathers right now."
I giggled when he said that.
Then the gryphon lowered his head to our level and got his head close to me. April gasped. The gryphon stared at us with his green eyes and asked, "Is that the only reason why you came here? Did you come here alone? Or did you come here to kill us?"
My eyes went wide with those questions and I shook my head, "No we wouldn't do that. We...We came here to thank you."
He cocked his head at me, "For what?"
I answered, "For saving my life, two nights ago."
He looked at me for a moment and grinned, "Hmmm, Jonas did tell me about you. And I have seen you that night in the alley. No wonder Jonas wants to be with you. No wonder he feels sorry for lying to you."
I frowned at him, "Lie? What do you mean?"
Then April asked, "Hold on a second, so Jonas really is the ski mask dude?"
The gryphon laughed and raised his head. He said, "You should have figured THAT out by now, girl."
April came out from behind me and put her hands to her hips, 'What did you call me?"
The gryphon looked down at her, "I'm calling you girl. That's what you are, isn't it?"
April then with a glare said, "Yes, but I'm not a girl, I'm a woman."
The gryphon shot up his head, "You look like a girl to me."
I laughed and then April glared at me now. I stopped laughing and just shrugged when she looked at me.
Well he seems okay, so far. He just made a joke a bit.
The gryphon then narrowed his eyes down at us, "Look I don't know you that much, so if you don't mind, I want you to leave."
I shrugged at the gryphon, "Why?"
He muttered, "Because I don't trust you."
April then softened her look and asked, "What's your deal?"
"I ONLY trust Jonas, that's it."
That's when I waved a hand and said, "Hey wait a minute, you said that Jonas lied to me. What are you talking about?"
April then frowned at the gryphon, "Yeah and what's your name? Do you have a name?" Then she shrugged, "And where did you and Jonas come from?"
The gryphon held his head up high in pride and said, "I'm not telling you."
That's when a devious idea came to me and I grinned at him, "Oh really?" Then I walked up real close to the gryphon, right to his chest, "Well maybe THIS will change your mind." Then I reached out and pulled out one of his black feathers off of him.
He squawked and he glared at me, "Ow! You bitch that HURT!"
I smiled at him with the feather in my fingers, "I'll keep pulling more feathers off of you, unless you tell us everything you can possibly tell us."
He lowered his head to my level and narrowed his eyes at me, "You wouldn't dare."
I dropped the feather to the ground and I reached out and pulled another one off of him. He squawked again.
I waved the feather in front of his eyes, "Now will you tell us?"
The gryphon said, "I'll never tell you."
That's when April came in the picture, "Here let me help you." Then she reached out and pulled another feather out. He squawked and then he had his gaze on her.
April giggled and twirled the feather in her fingers, "Well?"
The gryphon looked at her, then at me until finally he sighed, "Alright fine, I'll tell you what you want to know."
I smiled at him. Good he better tell us.
I walked in the woods, after I've left Brooke and Thomas at their house. I had the cd player in my hands and my headphones playing in my head. The song I'm listening to is 'Start Me Up', by The Rolling Stones.
Ever since I came here, I only played one Rolling Stones song. I really do like them.
I sang softly along with the song, "If you start me up. If you start me up, I'll never stop." I continued to walk on the trail back to Ben, "If you start me up. If you start me up, I'll never stop."
I continued to sing, "I've been running hot. You got me ticking, gonna blow my top. If you start me up. If you start me up, I'll never stop. Never stop, never stop, never stop."
"You make a grown man cry. You make a grown man cry. You make a grown man cry."
Then I accidentally dropped the cd player and it hit the ground. The headphones pulled out of my ears. I cursed to myself, "Damn it." I dropped down to pick it up off the ground. Before I could put my headphones back on, I could hear voices in the distance.
I can tell one of them is Ben's. But who are the other ones?
My eyes went wide. Wait, did someone find out where we lived?
I jogged on the trail, with the intention to find out who's out here.
I heard the voices a little more clearly when I got closer. I came out of the woods and saw the cave. And in front of the cave, is Ben and two people.
My eyes went wider than ever. Emma?! And who's the other girl?
I narrowed my eyes at them. Did Emma follow me here? I need to know what's going on here.
I walked up to them and hollered, "Hey!"
Ben stopped talking and he looked over his shoulder and said, "Well speak of the devil, there he is now."
Emma and this girl she's with looked at me. Emma grinned at me, "Hi Jonas." Then she narrowed her eyes at me, "Or should I say...Jason. Jason Morgan."
My jaw dropped a bit and then I looked at Ben with a curious look, "Ben, what's going on here?"
Ben groaned in frustration and said, "Your crazy girlfriend here pulled a couple of feathers off of me and then they started to ask questions about me and you." Then he lowered his head to my level and whispered, "I didn't tell them everything though, if that's what you're wondering."
I shook my head and looked at Emma and her friend, "How did you find us?"
Emma shrugged, "I followed you to the edge of the woods yesterday."
I glared at her, "You followed me?"
Emma had a guilty look on her face and said, "Look you were acting weird, and I wanted to know what was up with you. You were...Acting like you did something wrong. And now I've found out you were lying to me."
Then she gave me a devious grin, "You really were a thief from that gas station, weren't you?"
My jaw dropped again and I glared at Ben, "Ben!"
Ben waved a paw in a apologetic stance, "I'm sorry kiddo. They were threatening to pull out more feathers if I didn't tell them."
I groaned, "All of this, and it's because of your STUPID feathers."
Ben shrugged, "Well I would've flown away, but then I would've left you here alone with those crazy bitches."
The girl who's with Emma glared at Ben, "We heard that, you featherly asshole."
Then he pointed at them with his paw, "See what I mean? They're relentless!" Then he just grinned, "If they pulled off anymore feathers, then I wouldn't look SO downright handsome right now."
I rolled my eyes, "OH my god bird brain, you really ARE a show off."
Ben yapped back with his head held high over us, "I am HANDSOME!" I sighed and put a hand to my forehead.
Emma then frowned at us, "What's his deal? Ever since we've met him, a few times he keeps saying he's handsome and told us to quit pulling his sexy feathers. Seriously? What's his deal?"
I grinned at him, "Lets just say he's....Pretty vain."
Emma's friend frowned as well, "Meaning?"
"He admires himself TOO much."
Ben smiled at us, "Why wouldn't I admire myself? I'm gorgeous!"
Then all of us laughed.
Ben then narrowed his eyes at me, "But seriously though, your girlfriend's nuts. She pulled TWO feathers off of me and her friend only pulled ONE. They're monsters!"
I saw Emma blush with embarrassment and I did as well. I muttered, "She's not my girlfriend."
Ben shrugged and smugly said, "Couldn't have fooled me, little man."
I glared at him, "Shut up, feather ass."
Emma interrupted us, "Alright guys enough. Look Jason, me and April here came to see you, just to thank you for saving my life. You two risked your own lives to save mine." Then she smiled at me.
I grinned at her. No one never had a chance to thank us before. Talk about an honor.
Emma then asked, "And did you two recently saved a school bus from falling down a cliff, two weeks ago?"
Ben nodded, "Yeah that's right." Then he cocked his head at her.
She answered before he could ask, "Because I saw a article on the computer about you two saving a bus. I have to say, you guys are real heroes."
I shrugged, "All in a night's work, I guess."
Emma's friend named April then said, "But we also know that you guys haven't had a home for six years. That you two traveled from place to place. Saving people and all that."
I frowned at her, "What else did Ben tell you two?"
Emma shrugged, "Well he didn't tell us, WHY you guys didn't have a home. So why don't you have a home?"
I just looked down at the ground and so did Ben.
April pressed me, "Do you have any family who's worried about you? Do they know about Ben?"
I muttered without looking at Emma and April, "I don't have any family. It's just me and Ben."
Emma then asked, "So then how do you and Ben know each other?"
My eyes went wide. Guess he just told them about our heroic escapades. Nothing else more than that. He only told them about his name and what my real name is. I think that's all he told them.
Emma then said, "Look he didn't tell us everything before you came here. But please shed us some light on everything."
April then had a pity look on her face, "Yeah, you guys must have been through a lot. Why? Why are you two alone?"
Emma shrugged, "Where did you two come from?"
I want to tell them, but a lot of those memories are...Just too painful. Ben's thinking the same thing as well.
Emma pressed us, "Jason, Ben, come on! Tell us!"
Ben narrowed his eyes at her, "No."
Emma's face went wide, "What?"
Ben repeated, "I said NO."
April had a quizzical look, "Why not? What are you not telling us?"
Ben then whirled around on them and looked at me, "Jason we need to leave, NOW."
I looked at him with a wide face, "What? Why?"
Ben then had a nervous look on his face, "Because I don't like this. I don't like the look of this. If two people can find us, imagine if more of THEM found us. We're leaving this place now and we're never coming back."
Emma then had a pleading look and walked up behind him, "Wait, please don't go."
He looked back at her over his shoulder, "Why should we stay here? We don't belong here."
Emma gave him a reassuring smile, "Sure you both do. You guys saved my life, you're heroes."
Ben glared at her, "You don't know why we are alone in the woods. You have no idea." Then he shook his head, "I'm sorry young lady, but I don't trust that you and your friend can keep US a secret." Then he added, "Plus you're the sheriff's daughter, so how would he react to my presence here?"
Emma said, "I don't care what my father would think. He hardly ever talks to me. Besides that, you both look like heroes to me."
I narrowed my eyes at her, "I stole a few things from a gas station and that's not the first time I've done that."
Emma then looked at me and said, "You did that because you wanted something to eat. There's no judgment about that."
I had a glum look on my face, "I'm not always a hero, Emma. I've lied to you about my name and I've stole things before I came here."
Emma then had a pity look on her face, "Get over it, Jason. I don't blame you, I never had."
I said, "But there's a reason why I didn't tell you my real name."
April shouted, "So tell us WHY already!"
Ben sighed and looked down at me, "Jason can I talk to you alone, please?"
I looked at him and at first I hesitated and I started to nod, "Yeah alright." Then I looked at the girls, "Be right back, ok?"
Before they could protest, me and Ben went to the woods alone to talk. Finally when we felt like we were alone, Ben turned to me and said, "We should leave now Jason."
I waved my hand and said, "Now lets not jump to conclusions Ben. Maybe the girls can keep a secret. I trust Emma. I know I haven't met April before, but I think I trust her too. I know before I didn't trust a lot of people like you do, but I trust THEM now."
Ben sighed, "Jason come on. You can't be serious." Then he had a serious look on his face, "I don't trust them Jason. They can't keep a secret."
I glared at him and shrugged, "Okay, look I know you don't trust people after what happened to us before. But don't you think you're going a bit overboard about this?"
He narrowed his eyes at me, "Are you?"
My eyes went wide and then I glared at him, "What the hell does THAT mean?"
"You can't just let this go, can you?" Then he shout up his head, "Right now I think YOU'RE the one who is overboard right now."
I shrugged, "What are you implying?"
Ben sighed and cocked his head, "Just answer my question and be honest with me. Are you...Enthralled by Emma's beauty?"
I shot a glare at him, "I told you before, I'm not in love with her and she's not my girlfriend."
Ben said, "Oh really? Then how come you like her and talk to her?"
I shot back, "Because I trust her, Ben. I don't know why, I just do. She's kind." That's when I finally admitted it, "She...Reminds me of mom. That's why I trust her."
Ben sighed and shook his head, "Jason, we can't stay here and you know that."
That's when I've had it and shouted, "Why not?! I'm tired of running and I'm tired of hiding. I want to start staying, not running. I want to live a life just like everyone else. In fact, I want my life back."
Ben nodded, "So do I kid. So do I."
That's when I gestured my hand at him, "Really? Do you really feel that way?"
He glared at me, "Of course I do."
I yapped back, "I don't think you do. You can't just let go of what happened because of what those people were about to do to us. You keep thinking that they would find us one day. But they haven't, and you have been paranoid for my safety for SIX years. And they still haven't found us."
He slammed his paw to the ground in frustration and shouted, "I don't want to lose you Jason! I can't bear to lose you too! You're my only family I have left!"
I shouted back, "Then what's the point of living, if we don't have a home?! I've told you time and time again, that I was tired of THIS!"
He shouted again, "I know that! We have been over this before!"
"Then if you really care about what I want, then lets stay here and call that town home! Lets start a new life here."
Ben's eyes went wide and he started to say, "Jason-"
I shot at him, "You know what? Maybe you're just too paranoid and selfish, you can't tell anymore about what's right in front of you. Mom and dad would be disappointed in you."
He had a guilty look on his face and I went on, "Look I know mom and dad would want you to protect me, but I'm not a teenager anymore. I've been on the run with you since I was fifteen. I'm twenty one now."
I put a hand to my chest, "I thought about leaving this place, but now I don't want to anymore. I want to stay here so I can move on and start a new life here. It's been six years and we've left New York and we're far away from there now. Don't you think those people who tried to kill us, would've found us by now?"
Ben looked at me and I went on, "Mom and dad would want you to protect me, but they would also want me to have a LIFE as well."
Ben said, "Jason-"
I waved him off, "Don't worry, I'll still help you save people. Just to honor mom and dad's memory. I won't quit on that. Just when there's a chance, I'll find you and we'll do some saving."
Then I walked up to him and put a hand to his chest. Touching his feathers, "I also want to have other people to talk to, other than just you. That's another reason why I like talking to Emma. And now her friend is here, I think I have friends of my own age to talk to. I feel...Normal again. Just like before."
I let my hand fall to my side and I looked up at him, "I'm staying here Ben. If you want to leave, then go. But I'm staying here, with or without you. I want a life again."
Ben was pretty much thinking about it and I pleaded, "I don't want you to go Ben. You're my uncle and I don't want you to leave me as well. Please Ben, reconsider staying here. Give Emma and April a chance and they'll prove to you that they can be trustworthy. Please Ben, I'm begging you."
Ben after a moment of silence finally said, "Very well. We'll stay here, you can start a new life here. We won't travel ever again. And MAYBE I'll reconsider trusting Emma and April."
I smiled at him, "Thanks big guy."
He shook his head and narrowed his eyes at me, "Don't thank me yet. This is only the beginning."
I nodded, "I know." Then I started to walk back to Emma and April, "Come on, lets go back to them." Ben nodded and he followed close behind me. We walked until we both could see Emma and April standing around waiting for us.
We walked until we were both in front of them. Then I smiled at them, "Me and a Ben are staying here."
They both smiled at me. But before they could say anything, I held up a finger, "On one condition. Don't tell anyone my real name. Just call me Jonas when we're talking in front of everyone else. When no one's around, you can call me Jason. Is that clear? Because I already told several people that my name is Jonas."
Emma shrugged, "That's fine. We'll keep your secret. We won't tell anyone about Ben either." Then she put a hand to her chest, "I promise."
I smiled at her.
April then said, "Well I'm glad you guys are not leaving. I was afraid of Ben at first. But I don't think he's scary anymore. I'm starting to like him now."
Ben shyly looked away. Still kind of apprehensive about the girls, "Thanks."
I giggled at him, "Hey everything will be fine."
April then said to him, "Yeah and if you want some company, I live outside of town on the northwest side. I live on a farm, you can't miss it."
Ben looked at her and sighed, "I'm going to bed now, talk later." Then as he walked he grumbled under his breath. Until he was all the way in the cave alone.
All of us just looked at the cave and April asked me, "Is he going to be okay?"
I answered, "He just needs to get used to you two."
April then giggled, "Well he might as well! Because I'll be talking to him from now on!" Then all three of us laughed.
After what happened in the woods, now it's the afternoon and now me, April, and Emma are back in town. I was taking them home.
Well after all three of us came back to town, April said she was heading back home, so now it's me and Emma alone. I'm taking her back home to her house.
Me and Emma walked near the beach until we could see the house up ahead.
Soon after that we both got on her front porch and she turned to face me. She grinned at me and said, "Well that was an odd day today."
I sighed and giggled, "Yeah, a little bit of a worked up day at least and it's still the afternoon."
Emma then had a guilty look on her face and said, "Hey Jason, I'm sorry for everything. I mean...I'm sorry about Ben."
I waved her off, "He just needs to get used to you. Just give him time, he'll come around." Then I grinned at her, "Besides, I'm glad you and your friend came to the woods to find me and Ben. I really am. I don't have a lot of people to talk to."
Emma then frowned, "Hey Jason, you said to me before that you didn't trust anybody. Can you tell me why? I mean...What's the real reason why. Why is Ben...Paranoid?"
I sighed, "Look it's a long and sad story. I don't know if I can tell you it."
Emma asked, "Maybe later?"
I shrugged, "I guess."
Emma then smiled, "You know, I still really want to thank you and Ben for rescuing me. No one could ever do the things you do."
I grinned, "It was all in a night's work."
Emma to my surprise gave me a kiss on the cheek and my eyes went wide. Emma giggled and she said, "Well it's nice to REALLY meet you. Jason Morgan."
I giggled and said, "Well it's better than Jonas Hemingway anyway."
She frowned, "So why Jonas? Why name yourself Jonas?"
I put a hand to my chest, "Anagram. Both my name and the other name have an anagram. You see it's like this, JASON, JONAS, get it?"
Emma's face went wide and she laughed, "Now it makes sense!" I laughed as well.
Emma then said, "Well...I'll talk to you later. You have a good day." She gave me one last smile and then she opened her front door and went inside."
I sighed after she went inside. This is going to be better than I thought.
I thought I wanted to leave here, but I don't anymore.
And so far, I have two friends here. Well maybe Officer Lancaster and her husband Thomas, can be my friends as well. I just need to give them time.
I walked off her porch and smiled to myself. Guess what mom and dad?
I'm going to start a new life here. And so will Ben.
I hope Ben accepts this place like I already have.
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