Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Our way is Better


It was the day of the
competition. Everyone was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Yet I feared
for public speaking however. I never knew why however because as a pup, I was
able to do so just fine. Playing in plays, musical performances and choir.
Here? I am usually not that quite sure. Whether that fear was related to myself
or towards my packmates, is yet to be decided however. For the meantime, we may
needed help or aid getting our robot to the competition that we had signed up
for. We had it worked at a distance from the center of Virkoal Forest, at a
dislocation far from the minds of any other animal or two legged freak that
would dare touch our creation. Yes, we had called humans freak by the way. In
pursuit of our goal; was getting that golden medal and a bit of prize money
mainly because Huzizu and Haizyo wanted it for some strange reason however.
'Whatever.' I rolled my eyes and exhaled a breath, trying my best to ignore
whatever antics they had cooked up for today for annoyance towards the other
animals that surrounded us.


Regardless, we had
arrived towards the far corner of the forest center where a small barn was
located in between of two forest trees adjacent to it. Yes, in case anyone was
wondering; we did steal a barn to safe keep our robot however. Where we had
stolen it from is top secret however, for we were fearful that the farmer or
whoever owns this barn would try to kill us and take the barn back. One or the
other however. We walked towards the barn. Harkell grabbed onto the pair of
doorknobs and pulled it apart. Splitting the barn doors wide opened. The light
from the outside of the barn invaded in, crushing the darkness that surrounded
the interior of the barn. We walked right onto in and closed the door behind
us. For a few seconds came the darkness again; yet Huzizu pulled onto a
lightbulb above him and illuminated the room a bit. The room was smaller than
an average bedroom or any sort of room within a household or building however.
Additionally, the barn room was a lot emptier than an average room as well. Surprising,
I know.


“Well guys;" I grinned,
satisfied that we had kept this project up for so long. Well, only for a week
however anyway. “We have done it. Kept the secret away from every sort of
animal lurking in the forest, stolen the barn from the farmer or whomever it was
and worked on our project for a long as we could." “Now can we show it to the
world?" Asked Huzizu with his paws clapping at his chest, he grinned towards
me. I nodded responding while he jumped with joy and ran forth towards the
center of the barn where our robot was hiding perfectly hidden away from public
eyes. For the first few seconds were silence, neither me or the wolfpacks
members were actively talking. Because Huzizu held his breath and was starting
to show a bit of pink and purple upon his cheeks for some strange reason.
Despite Harkell and Havlut trying to get him to breath, he still continued.
Passing out shortly afterwards as a thud echoed upon the silence of the room,
startling me and Haizyo as we turned our attention back towards the unconscious


“He will be alright."
Responded Harkell, commenting while he met my eyes. I just nodded at him
without hesitation, a small warm smile appeared upon my face, nodding again
before turning back towards the horizon. And just as I had, my ears flattened
against my skull upon hearing a combination of rumbling vibration footsteps
upon the flooring and a scream that was high pitch yell; it could mistake for a
female wolf however. As we turned towards Huizuzi who came running straight
towards us, Haizyo tilted his head to the side and questioned him “Why came you
all this way? What happened to the robot we made?" “Together?" Added Harkell
despite me glaring eyes towards him, reminding him that he and Havlut have not
done their part of creating the robot however. At his winced, Huzizu barked out
“Our robot had gone rouge! Missing! Stolen! I bet you that King Farmer had
stolen it!" A low threatening growl escaped from his lips with his eyes
narrowed that he was starting to see red all over his vision. With Havlut and
Haizyo trying to calm him down, I exhaled a breath shaking my head “I knew this
would come." “So what should we do?" Asked Haizyo turning to me while he and
Havlut knocked Huzizu upon the ground while he started kicking and screaming.
His voice filled up the entire barn room that a few of just flattened our ears
and said nothing for a few seconds. Until Huzizu was stuffed with a stinky sock
that none of us had any sort of idea of where we had gotten from, was the time
that I spoke.


“We should head back
towards the competition. Beg them to aid us into finding that robot or
something." “They will not do a thing. Their only course of action was to keep
the competition alive." Protested Haziyo while Huzizu growled out into the air,
throwing his paws and feet and knocking both Haizyo and Harkell up into the air
suddenly. “Burn them all! Commit arson! I know where the gas-""Shut
up!" Growled Horizoki, slapping his face with the silence following after the
noise. I breathed a sigh and nodded towards Horizoki, who acknowledged the
silence before breaking into a smile. Then, I gaze towards the other wolfpack
members before slightly nodding again and repeated my suggestion once more,
“Regardless, our only option was to find that robot. My best bet our thief had
made way forth towards it to reap the reward." “Or he had stolen it for his own
benefits however." Suggested Horizoki which caused me to turn towards him with
an eyebrow raised at him. He only shrugged in response, stating nothing to prove
his suggestion with only the silence covering for him now while I shook my
head, turned around and led the pack from the barn's entrance.


We ran Eastward. Diving
back into the forest trees whereas we waved in and out of the forest, keeping
our focus upon the horizon ahead of us. I had noticed that everyone was
silence; light panting heard upon my ears. With no words, I only smiled to
myself faintly, ears erected and up front while the sounds of the crowd echoed
upon my ears. Daring me to speak up to announced towards the rest of the pack
what they already knew perhaps, “We are closing in onto the competition. Do not
take revenge for anything." I say while everyone else acknowledged it with
silence. Horizoki whined protesting towards me, “Why do I get the feeling that
remark is towards me, Huzizu and Haizyo." “Cause you three are the bane of he
wolfpack." Shot Harkell, to tired and panting hard to even make a growl towards
him as Horizoki flattened his ears, frowning back towards Harkell and myself.
But he made sure that he was silence and restrained in accordance to my
statement, just as we had arrived straight into the competition at hand.


The spot was quite busy.
Many canines were here. Busy polishing their equipment. Many of their robots
were a various of sizes. Some had clothes which was perhaps weird however. What
was even weirder was that the other few robots had some sexy features upon them
which had some of us, mainly Harkell to gag as he muttered something underneath
his accent. Yet we never heard him however. I turned towards the other wolves;
yet they already knew the routine however. For they split or peeled away from
the group and each headed their own direction. Harkell and Havlut headed right;
gazing down onto a pile of wolves that were just lazy about. Lying onto their
stomachs, eyes closed and wearing cool shades. The other half, however, went
forth towards the canine geeks who were working on their robots. Thus, after a
few short seconds of chatter around them because silent as the canines and my
packmates held a yelling match which caused every canine including Harkell and
Havlut to shift their attention towards the commotion and have mixed responses.
I, on the other paw, just shook my head. Tired and annoyed by their annoying
antics however.


But instead of just
dragging them away as we always do, I turned towards Harkell and Havlut. Both
of which shift their heads and eyes towards me. For a slight nod had came
between them, at an understand that perhaps only we three could understand at
least for the moment. With the distraction set upon every eye of the canine
surrounding everyone, we slipped away from the crowd. Heeding down southward
from the competition spot held and gaze towards the lake shores. When we had
arrived, we had noticed that the crowd even extended to here. There were
wolves, foxes and corsacs lying adjacently to the lake. Pups of all kinds and
species were found upon the edges of the lake, minding their own business for
the time being. Parents were with some of them; but for those few had other
pups alongside. We scanned the area using our binoculars which is just our paws
cupped together to make such a thing. In a few seconds, we had spotted our
robot. Already hanging pups in midair; 'playing' with them as if he was one of
their own. To us he was harmful however due to his programming capabilities and
we had grew fear that the robot might injure the pups he was 'playing' with


So quickly, we fled
straight towards the robot we had spotted. Tackling him onto the ground. Or so
we had wished and imagined however. Because we had made him big and metal; our
heads were knocked against the metal pieces of his legs. Gaining a red mark upon
our foreheads as I felt the realm spinning surrounding me. I fell upon the
ground while Harkell and Havlut shouted behind me. I heard running, fast
footsteps before falling unconscious anyway.


The next few hours I had
came by. My eyes opened while I rose myself up towards my feet. Growling in
silence, yet a burning headache came upon my forehead. I winched in pain and
decided to just relax while I shift my attention towards my surroundings. Finding
out a second later that I was just at the lake again. Yet no one was here;
evening had fallen whereas the sun sinks to the horizon below. White clouds
turned puffy orange or red due to the sunrays that was poking through its
fadingness. Or whatever the term was called however. I turned towards Harkell
and Havlut; both of which were sitting adjacent to me and at a few feet away
from where I had laid unconscious upon. I called towards them, they turned
towards me. Bright smiles appeared upon their faces as Harkell walked up
towards me. Raising a pile of ice towards my forehead, ending up knocking me
down back onto the ground with my four paws spread on either side of me. I
growled at them, “Why?" “To help cool you down." Harkell responded without any
sort of humor as he bore his eyes down onto my own. Shortly afterwards, he had
left me by myself. Sitting adjacently to Havlut while I barked out towards
them. The two turned back to me.


“What happened? Where was
the robot. Where is everyone else? Did we win? Did-" “Quiet Hunter." Harkell
responded, cutting off my line of thinking as I stared at him with eyes widened
before slowly returned to normal and nodding back at him. “Alright. But please
tell me what happened." Harkell chuckled in response, nodding as he motioned Havlut.
For the two british wolves walked forth towards me, closing our gap between one
another. When they stand adjacently, they sat down and hang their heads to meet
my eyes which I raised and gaze up towards me. A mixture of hope and something
else rose in the depths of my stomach, it was perhaps something that I could
not understand or comprehend however. But it was there. Within the first few
seconds of the silence between us three, Harkell exhaled a breath, shook his
head and opened his eyes back towards me. “We lost the robot." “To whom?" “To
the graveyard." Started Havlut while I turned towards him, finding him smiling
faintly as if he had told the best joke in the world. But that smile had faded
once I shake my head at him, growling lowly “That joke is stupid." “So it is…"
trailed Harkell who agreed with me.


The next pause of silence
followed our short conversation as neither of us were able to say anything at
all or contribute to the conversation at best. For as I exhaled a breath and
rose to my feet, still feeling chill due to the ice block piled all over my
back and belly, I shook off the chill and flinched when the warmth had came.
But turned back towards the pair of wolves in front of me before speaking out
towards them, “Then how did we lost the robot? More importantly, how did we
lose the competition? Did the three idiot wolves commit something they should
not suppose to? Or something?" I questioned them, bombarding them with so many
questions that it had indeed made my head spin. Despite all the questions,
Harkell and Havlut shook their heads. Disagreeing with everything then as I
find myself blinking back towards them and chuckled rather lightly, much to
their surprise. Yet they never done anything despite turning themselves around,
turned their heads over their shoulders and nudged at me forth which I acknowledged
suddenly and moved back onto position. Onto that on, we walked as a group back
towards the once held competition.


My eyes grew wide upon
witnessing the event that had unfolded before me. For the competition alone was
a mess. Confetti were all over the grass. Chairs turned over, white tables
flipped. Canines laying dead upon the ground. Large punches were inflicted upon
their bodies. The judges' chairs, three of them, were laying face up and
pointing straight towards the skies above us. The table and its piles of papers
were laying scattered across the grassy grounds. Only three out of everyone
there were found sleeping. These three were my idiots; Horizoki, Huzizu and
Haziyo. All three were piled up upon one another, deep breaths laid upon their
bellies as their ears flickered upon the crickets of the night. Exhaling a
breath, I chuckled breathlessly and shifted my attention towards Harkell and
Havlut. Both of which nodded their heads, agreeing to my earlier silent
statement at hand that was held between us even though I only kept it to my own
head. Gradually, I walked towards the three wolves there. Weaving myself through
the piles of bodies that laid scattered between myself and them. But once I had
drawn forth to them was when I stopped and lowered my head down, nudging their
necks as they suddenly stir awake. Horizoki, at the top of them, was the first
to arouse. For he yawned upon the nighttime hours and shook himself awake
before shifting his attention towards me.


“Oh hey Hu- Ah!" He said
before falling off from the small part below him. Huzizu and Haizyo yawned
also, turned their heads towards the source of the noise which was Horizoki who
was onto his back, four feet up into the air and gazing up upon the skies above
him. Huzizu shook his head, Haizyo laughed at his predicament before jumping
off from Huzizu and landed upon the grounds. Landing adjacently with Huzizu, he
and him shift their eyes towards me while I sat down and tilted my head to one
side. Questioning them. “What exactly happened when I was knocked out." “So
that was why you were not found at all!" Exclaimed Haizyo while Huzizu narrowed
his eyes and asked, mirroring me “Were you knocked out? That easily too?"
“Yeah." I responded when Harkell stepped in between the conversation and spoke,
“He ran face first into the metal skin of our robot." “Oh." Remarked Huzizu
despite Haizyo trying his best not to snicker. I, on the other paw, glared
towards Harkell who just gave me a friendly smile in response. Although it
looked more like an smug or overconfidence or something. But letting that
passed after a few seconds of silence, Huzizu responded to my earlier question.


“We had not seen you or
the two other wolves." Huzizu stated, pointing to Harkell and Havlut who
growled at him suddenly, “We have a name, you know. And idiot, you knew who we
were, we lived in the same pack as you!" “Really?" Huzizu questioned innocently,
tilting his head to one side as he added “I never knew that." “I want to rip
off your head, just for that comment alone." Responded Harkell threateningly as
his eyes were narrowed and pointed daggers straight for Huzizu who ignored his
threats and remake, laughing it off as if it was just a joke or something.
Slapping his knee, he shook his head and continued on with the story in mind.
“Anyway, we had not seen either you, Harkell or Havlut. So we perhaps had
guessed that you were fixing the robot southward by the lakes or having some R
and R." “Emphasis on the latter however…" Commented Harkell with his eyes
rolled with Havlut shaking his head suddenly while Huzizu smiled brightly at
the two, commenting again “So you guys did had the latter! I knew it!. YOu
know, we had did indeed worked on that-" “Huzizu…" I trailed, interrupting him
as he snapped back towards me before nodding. Red cheeks formed around his head
as he returned to the story at hand.


“Anyooh." Began Huzizu,
“So while you three were getting some R and R, we had decided to steal some ice
cream. I told the plan with Horizoki and Haizyo. Both of them agreed onto the
plan and we had committed upon it. However, shortly after we had the operation
on the go, it fell apart rather quickly when the other canines had noted us
sneaking up towards their pups." “And that was how we gotten these marks."
Interrupted Haizyo with a proud brighten smile upon his face, looking so proud
with his brightest smile as it grows from ear to ear. Me, Harkell and Havlut
stared at Haizyo for a moment; then shifted back towards Huzizu who pushed
Haizyo out of the way with annoyance. With a thud that followed and Haizyo
complaining about his 'injury' which Haizyo ensured that he never had any to
begin with, continued his story again.


“The other canines came
towards us, surrounding us from every direction and they would shout out
towards us all of the sudden. Like a chant almost. We three had sticked
together of course, ready to pounce onto them in case things gotten ugly."
Huizuzu frowned, shaking his head after he pause had made when his eyes were
suddenly closed. By the time he reopened theme again was when he turned back
towards us and continued, “Then just as the great fight would come. A giant
robot came and joined the fray. Kicking and grabbing and throwing canines that
were surroundings us as screams filled the skies and twinkles followed after
those fading sounds. Till we and the robot was left was when I had gotten
worried." “So you guys did fought the robot." “Our robot that is." Corrected
Harkell as I nodded to him and corrected myself, “Our robot." “Indeed." Huzizu
responded with a shake of his head, “We stand face to face. Of course we made
the first move. We drew out our pistil guns that the VPD allowed us to have and
tried to fire hook shots at his feet and body. It never worked because he
would-" “Ripped them apart." “Yeah."


“Next, Haizyo…" Huzizu
pointed to the wolf still complaining upon the ground, “unleashed a secret
weapon of his. He would be bearing a white lab coat, acting as if he was some
sort of mad scientist and started revealed his weapon." “Which was a freezing gun
ray." I said, deadpanned. “How you know?" Questioned Haizyo as his ears perked
up and he rose his head from the ground glancing at me; but I just shrugged at
him in response while Huzizu growled at Haizyo and slammed his head against the
ground yelling something at him while pain shot up his spine and he started
complaining again. “Anyway…" trailed Huzizu as he and I shift to the pair of
wolves playing doctor before we met eyes again, “So Haizyo fired his freezing
gun ray which did no effect. So he tried freezing the floor. The robot
responded with his own roller skates which I had no idea that he had…" He made
a pause to glare angrily at Horizoki who looked up towards him and raised his
shoulders, “What?" “Please shock him for me." I started which Huzizu blinked at
me and my request; but nonetheless complied with it.


With light aqua shocks
and yelling coming from Haizyo, Huzizu turned back towards me and continued
again “A lizard jumped out of nowhere." “Probably from the bushes nearby
however." Commented Horizoki, perhaps he was just muttering underneath his
breath or something. But Huzizu just ignored him. “And unleashed snakes and
cobras at it; but it never work." “Cause of the metal plates we had install-" I
interrupted but Huzizu narrowed his eyes at me and the rest of the wolves,
growling after that pause as he spoke to no one in particular “Who is telling
the story here?" “More like a flashback." Commented Horizoki which earned
another glare from Huzizu, he flinched and said nothing more while he kept his
eyes towards me. My ears flattened suddenly and kept my silence while Huzizui
drew a deep breath, exhaled and continued again without interrupting.


“Anyway, the lizard had
retreated. The robot started laughing and getting overconfident however. He
stormed the event, smashing up everything that stand in his way. While he was
doing so, us three got together and formed a plan." At the next mouth opened,
Huzizu growled in annoyance and muttered perhaps loudly than before “Yes, it
involves a controller that Haizyo installed for some reason!" He pin the blame
on the wolf who was on the ground, he growled back towards Haizyo despite
howling in pain from Horizoki. “Hey! How else are we going to 'control' him?
Not automatic or voice command or anything!" “You are an idiot. A navie idiot!"
Shouted Huizuzi, glaring back towards the howling wolf while the two continued
fighting back and forth, we watched them for a moment before I exhaled a
breath. Raising my paw onto my forehead and exhaled a breath, “Do not think we
will be able to get the full story here without any interruption anymore."
“Think so." Responded Harkell, darting his eyes back and forth between Haizyo
and Huzizu. “Although this seems entertaining." I narrowed my eyes at him and
shake my head in response, cracking a smile. “You really do enjoy the antics of
these wolves." “Much unlike my previous pack however." “Figures." I commented,
laughing as Harkell and Havlut chuckled in the meantime.