Current Track: Blabb

Crew Decisions

Finding One’s True Self: Part 46

By Xan Steel


The crew of the Kestrel pitched in together to get the ship cleaned up. While Feros started studying the issue of removing the port ring and shaft of the other vessel from the Kestrel without losing structural integrity, causing the atmosphere to vent into space.

Dr. Pagri finished taking care of the injured crew members, save one, E’Lum. When she heard that he refused medical treatment and his reason why, is when she understood him better. Losing one’s family in that manner was a hard thing to face alone.

It took a few hours to get things cleaned up inside and ensure that their prisoners were carefully tended to. Only four of the one hundred and twenty-three invaders removed their suit helmets, and according to the security officers watching over them, they appeared to be the highest-ranking officers with how the others were reacting to them. It was interesting to see just how different they were compared to Rubicant, even though they were the same species.

Julyna took Rubicant with her when she went down to the brig to have a talk with these individuals. She figured with Rubicant there that they would be more inclined to talk. She walked over to the four that had their helmets off and introduced herself. Julyna’s tone, while commanding, was also soft. “Well, I had hoped to welcome you all aboard the ACF Kestrel under better conditions, but it seems as though the ones above you wished it otherwise,” she began. “Now perhaps you can explain why you attacked my ship and crew unprovoked,” Julyna finished.

None of them answered and only looked at Rubicant before speaking. “How does it know our language?” One of them asked before another held up his hand, silencing him. “I’m commander John Norm, please forgive my lieutenant’s remark,” he began while looking from Rubicant to Julyna. He turned back to Rubicant, “I assume we have you to thank for teaching them our language?” he asked.

Rubicant thought back to him and all the others, ‘More like shared knowledge through a telepathic link.’

A look of surprise came across John’s face before he spoke, “I see, and what of our Captain and First Office?”

‘Dead,’ Rubicant answered, and added ‘Now you will speak with the Captain.’

John turned back to Julyna, but it was easy to read his thoughts and how much he really didn’t want to talk to someone that wasn’t his own species, much less a being that appeared female. He spoke, but it was easy to hear a slight increase in disgust. “I apologize Captain. I'm not used to speaking with a previously unknown species.”

Julyna, however, countered his apology, “You should know that my entire species is telepathic, so your bias and dislike of anything non-human and female is already noted. I don’t care about your feelings towards me, I only want what you call “Honest answers” to the questions I’m going to ask you,” she finished in that same tone as before.

The look on John’s thoughts were a mix of horror and fear. What surprised Rubicant was his ability to keep himself in control. John’s tone turned more professional and distance with her while trying to ignore her remarks about his thoughts, “I’ll answer as honestly as I can, Captain.”

“Good. Now, why did you attack my ship?” Julyna asked.

John kept the same tone as before, “To my knowledge, our First Officer had detected two things that belonged to us on this ship,” he answered.

“What two things?” Julyna asked.

“Our EM-Drive, and this gentleman here,” he said looking at Rubicant.

Rubicant spoke, “I had no intention of returning to Earth, I’ve made a life here with the ones I love and won’t give that up.”

John gave a confused look when he said: “Ones I love.” That, however, didn’t deter him from speaking, “Your father wanted us to bring you home regardless of your objections.”

“He’s not my father. He has never acted like or been a father to me, and I’m glad he is no more,” Rubicant said in a defiant tone.

John’s look softens as well as his tone, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Julyna spook again, “So you came to this galaxy to steal two things that are now under Alliance domain. That carries a hefty punishment here,” Julyna said while pulling out her handheld communications device. “Zalina, how far are we from the nearest prison station?” she asked.

After a few minutes, Zalina replied, “One hour with six jumps Captain.”

“Raybia set a course and engage when ready,” Julyna commanded while mentally telling her held their current position.

“Aye aye, Captain,” Raybia replied.

Julyna then turned back to John, “Our Doctor will be here in a few minutes to give you a medical examination. This is to ensure you are not carrying anything harmful disease wise. I would suggest that you cooperate with her. Otherwise, I’ll have my transporter chief beam you directly into space.” Julyna finished and walked away and out of the Brig.

John turned to Rubicant with a nervous look, “I hope that she wasn't serious,” he said.

Rubicant looked at him, “Oh no, she was. I know my mate very well, and she doesn’t beat around the bush when she wants something done.”

“Mate?” John asked quizzically.

Rubicant explained his relationship with her, and Iris just as Iris came in. Iris went over to Rubicant and gave him both a hug and kiss in front of the others, as they both felt the minds of the others giving varying reactions from intrigue to disgust. Rubicant spoke to her when they leaned back, “I’m happy to see you’re all right.”

Iris smiled lovingly, “I’m happy to be able to see you again. Being shot, while not only painful, was scary. I didn’t know if I would ever get to see you again,” she said in a worried tone while walking out of the Brig with Rubicant.


Back on the Bridge Julyna sat reviewing the reports she got from Feros and Samantha. Samantha's report stated that all crew members had a clean bill of health, but that they were running low on medical supplies, and need to order new stock as soon as possible.

Feros’s report stated that he didn’t have the tools on hand or in the replicator’s database to make them. So, for the time being, they were going to have to deal with this vessel attached to the ship. He didn’t want to remove it only to possibly have the emergency environmental shielding fail, causing a blowout in Cargo Bay One. While potentially causing severe structural damage and decompression across the ship.

Adreena had also sent her another report, asking her to find some way of getting a full complement of Harrier Missiles, and upgrading the turret system.

Julyna sat there deep in thought. The things she had been neglecting for the ship, and now having to deal with being labeled as Rebels was only going to make matters worse. Not to mention needing to tell the crew about this status change, and letting them decide whether or not to stay on the ship. She suddenly heard an incoming hail as Zalina turned to her.

“Captain we are being hailed by the ACF Dayamond,” Zalina reported.

Julyna took a deep breath, “On screen.”

The main screen at the front of the bridge turned on as Hyjorian appeared and spoke, “This is Captain Darrean of the ACF Dayamond. May we be of assistance?”

Julyna replied in a quizzical tone, “Assistance?”

“Yes, I’m sorry we didn’t get to you in time to assist you earlier, but we are much closer now, and can help if you need it,” Darrean explained.

What went through Julyna’s mind was hope. Hope that this Captain hadn’t heard the news of their status change. “Captain Darrean, I would very much appreciate the assistance. Or at the very least a direction to the nearest friendly Starbase for repairs,” Julyna replied.

Darrean brightened up a bit, “As luck would have it we are near a neutral government that should be able to assist you. They even have a drydock. I’ll give you an escort there,” shi said as Julyna thanked her and ended the communication. Julyna heard Tygera’s internal thought to her and gave her a look that stated ‘I don’t know’ before turning to her and letting her have command while going to her office. Running through her mind was, ‘Should she trust this Alliance Captain? Was there truly a neutral government out this far or was Darrean leading her into a trap.’

Julyna sighed while looking out her view window. This game of Tagrot and Nuestot was wearing on her, even more, was the fact she hadn’t heard from the GrandMaster in all of this.

There came a chime at her door, “Enter,” Julyna commanded as the door opened while she turned around to face whoever was entering, only to see Iris standing there.

Iris walked over to Julyna to embrace her and give her a kiss.

Julyna spoke softly, “I’m happy to see you are all right.”

Iris nodded and smiled while speaking in a similar tone, “I’m happy to still be here so I can still hold and love you, but I did notice your stress is pretty high.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure what to do right now. I don’t know if this is genuine help or a trap,” Julyna finished in a worried tone.

Julyna’s desk console beeped at her as Iris moved around to the other side of her desk and out of view. Julyna answered it.

“Julyna is Darrean I wanted to contact you privately to let you know that I know about your status change. I believe it to be false and that’s the reason I’m helping you. The Kres government I’m escorting you to is in the Kres System, and I’ve cleared your arrival with them, so they know you are coming.” Darrean explained to Julyna.

Julyna spoke softly, “Thank Darrean, but the last thing I would want is for you to be involved with me.”

Darrean gave a light laugh, “I’m on a mission for the Midnight Order, so nothing is being recorded.” Shi watched Julyna relax more and continued, “Have you told your crew yet?” Darrean asked.

“No, but once we reach the station, I’m going to have too. Plus, I’m going to need to tell them why, as of right now only myself and my commander know about the status change.” Julyna answered.

Darrean nodded to her and spoke, “I’ll send you the file on your status change. I’ll also remain in the area if you need any other help.”

“Like if my crew wants to leave the ship?” Julyna asked.

Darrean’s looks softened as she nodded, “That as well,” as shi closed out the channel.

Iris came back around the desk as Julyna softly grabbed and embraced her tightly. “I’m glad to see that there are some that question this status change,” Iris said softly.


It took them a couple of hours to reach the Kres, and throughout this time Darrean was filling in Julyna on the latest news in the Alliance. The news, however, wasn’t good. There had been a sweeping change in many of the Fleet Admirals positions. With either some retiring or being demoted to Captains. No one knew these Captains being promoted to replace them, which was worrying in and of itself. Julyna then asked her if she knew anything about Admiral Altair, her First she explained.

Darrean just looked at her with a somewhat surprised look before answering, “I was not aware that he had two First’s,” shi replied, as Julyna just stared at her unsure how to respond. Darrean caught this, “Wait you, didn’t know?” shi asked. Darrean could see that Julyna was having a hard time forming a response and explained what she knew of this other First. That she was some young Derlenian that already had two younglings from a mateship previously.

Julyna couldn’t believe it, she wouldn’t believe it. Darrean could see this was upsetting her and apologized for mentioning it. Julyna spoke finally, “No, thank you for telling me. As much as I don’t want to believe you. I fear he may have done it to protect himself from the status change.”

Darrean replied, “If you have some way to contact him, I would do so, and see if it isn’t just some tactic to protect himself.”

“I will, and thank you again for telling me,” Julyna said as she closed out the channel.


Julyna sat there for a few moments to gather her thoughts while looking at the time. It would be close to 2100 hours there, which is when he would home. She hesitated, with as badly as she wanted to call him and get the truth, she also didn’t want to know if it was true. Minutes passed again as she typed in comm command and sent it. Julyna waited patiently. A minute later in front of her on the screen was a partially dressed tan Derlenian female.

She spoke, “Altair residence I’m his First, Lady Tini, can I help you?”

Julyna spoke, but her nervousness was evident, “Y, yes I’d like to talk to Altair, please.”

“I’m sorry, but he’s sleeping now. You can leave him a message if you’d like,” Tini said. It was at this point two little ones came into view and spoke excitedly.

“When is Pawpaw going to wake up?”

Tini turned to them, “Shhh Memaw is talking,” she then turned back to talk only to discover the screen was off, and the communication had ended.

Julyna stood at her view window looking out at the vastness of void before her. This is the second time in her life she felt that chest pain. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks, but she made no sound as she stared out the window. Her mind wanted to yell at him, but deep down she couldn’t blame him. It was better that he protected himself first, but not letting her know is what hurt the worst.


The Kestrel had arrived at the Space Station of the Kres government as Julyna beamed over first to greet the station Captain.

A male Vulpanari who’s fur was mostly white, except for the black on his handpaws, footpaws, around his muzzle, and a stripe on his head greeted her. “Hello, Captain Julyna, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Captain Zasher. Welcome to Space Station Alpha of the Kres Imperium,” he greeted her while shaking her handpaw. “I was told by Captain Darrean that you needed repairs and supplies. We can help with repairs, but she didn’t mention what type of supplies you’ll be needing. So, I’m not sure how much help we can be there.” Zasher finished, as Julyna explained in detail what they needed.


The next day as repairs got underway, Julyna called all her crew members into the Kestrel mess hall. Once everyone had gathered she spoke, “All right everyone I need you to listen carefully, as what I’m about to say is going to shock most, if not all of you.” She stopped to gather her thoughts and to gauge to reactions of her crew. “For approximately twenty-three cycles now, we have been performing a highly sensitive mission for the GrandMaster. Because of this, we have been under his direct authority and not the Alliance.” Julyna stopped there and again quickly studied her crew’s reaction. This is didn’t seem to faze anyone, which was a good thing until one individual stood up.

“How sensitive is this mission?” A male Tygorian asked and sat down again.

Julyna answered him, “We’ve been carrying DNA that he needs, but is also restricted by the Alliance.”

A female Hyjorian stood this time speaking, “Just how restricted are we talking here, because if it’s restriction level is high enough.”

Julyna raised a handpaw to stop her from speaking, “The Alliance is aware and has already made their move,” she said while turning on a display that projected the status update of the ship and crew. The outflow of emotion was varied, but the strongest one was anger from several crew members.

A male Bulorian stood and spoke in an inquisitive tone, “That’s interesting to see.” As several others started to argue that it’s not interesting, but instead detrimental not just to them, but their families as well. He spoke again, “No I don’t think your families are affected by this, and my reason for saying that is the fact the is no reason given for this status change. I can only speculate that whatever this DNA is, they don’t want the rest of the galaxy to know we have it. However, the does beg the question. What DNA are we carrying?” he finished while looking at Julyna.

Julyna really didn’t want to answer that question, but in this instance, she didn’t have much of a choice. “The DNA in question is the Progenitors,” she replied.

It was at this moment that every female Derlenian turned to look at Rubicant, which made his nervousness spike. Tygera however, spoke in a somewhat stern voice, “Let it be known that the security officers surrounding Rubicant have been ordered to stun any female Derlenian that approach him.”

One female stood, her tone was filled with anger, but she kept it toned down, “What right have you to break our species most sacred ceremony by taking him as a life-mate. You know he’s not allowed life-mates.”

Another female stood up and spook in a similar tone, “It must be nice having him all to yourself whenever you feel like.”

Many females stood up and started venting at Julyna until they heard weapons fire at the back of the room and the air suddenly feeling heavy and thick. Everyone turned to see Rubicant standing near a mass of yellow energy that was person-shaped. They watched him move his hands move from the top to the bottom of the energy mass as it slowly revealed a female Derlenian. Once he was finished, she collapsed to the floor, as the air returned to normal. Rubicant leaned down to examine her, and after a few seconds picked her up. “Doctor I need you.” As Samantha followed him to medical.


Upon arriving Samantha began to examine her from head to hoofpaw. After a few minutes, Samantha turned to him and spoke, “She’s going to be fine. Now, what happened?”

Rubicant spoke softly to her, “As she approached, one of the security officers warned her. She didn’t stop, and he fired what he believed to be a stun shot. However, it would seem as though his weapon was set to kill instead.”

Samantha was examining him as he spoke until he finished and spoke again, her tone softer, “That’s not what I’m talking about Rubicant.”

He looked at her realizing what she wanted to know, he sighed “My Memaw stepped in, took control and showed me a technic. She knows I don’t want to lose or have others die for me, but in doing so would cause me to walk down a path I don’t want. However,” he stopped there as he stared at the female Derlenian on the bio-bed. Samantha decided not to question him any further.


During the time in medical, Julyna explained there was something more to him than just being the Progenitor, as Iris shared her miscarriage with the rest of the crew and told them, “Because of this we are no longer mating with him, as you know what it means to have a miscarriage.” Iris paused briefly to dry her eyes before continuing, “Also, we didn’t know he was the Progenitor until after we became his mates. The GrandMaster knew this but didn’t tell us to break off our relationship with him,” she finished as one of her friends came over to her and gave her a sympathetic hug.

Julyna spoke again once everyone settled down. “I know right now many of you are upset and scared. Not just for you, but your families as well. This is the reason I’m mentioning this now while we are in neutral space.” Julyna paused there to gather her thoughts. “I won’t hold it against you if you wish to leave the ship, and you’ll be able to safely here. Captain Darrean of the ACF Dayamond is in orbit and is willing to take you should you decide to leave.” Julyna finished.

Only a second later, Feros stood up. “I don’t know how many others feel, but I do know the GrandMaster has full authority over all the governments according to the Galactic Foundation. If the Alliance is trying to usurp his ultimate authority, then I see no reason to leave the ship. Who knows what is waiting for any one of us that want to leave the safety of this ship. So, with that in mind, I have no plans to leave and will remain on board as Chief Engineer.” He finished before sitting down again.

Julyna spoke after a few quiet moments past. “We are going to be here for at least a week while repairs are underway. So, you have plenty of time to think it over,” she paused briefly. “If you do decide to leave, I won’t hold it against you, and well give your service record an exemplary status. Regardless of the reason, you provide to the Alliance.” Julyna then ended the meeting and dismissed everyone while heading to medical. Julyna was glad to see that the crew member Rubicant saved was doing fine when she arrived and finished updating her on the rest of the meeting she missed.

Tygera had the security officer that fired at her confined to quarters after he explained it was an accident and having Rubicant mentally confirm it. She turned to him before leaving his quarters, “The reason I’m restricting you for now is twofold. One is due to neglect for not checking your weapon beforehand, and two letting the crew feel safe for now. Especially the Derlenian females,” she finished as he nodded in understanding.


Julyna and Tygera both had been asked to several meetings with Captain Zasher trying to get the things they needed for the ship. So far, they were able to help with the medical supplies, and repairs willingly. However, getting the weapon upgrades and compliments filled was a different story. The Kres government wouldn’t normally trade weapons of any kind with another government, but the chance to have the schematics of a ship would be beneficial. Their main reason was being able to build better ships for themselves, as the Kestrel’s design looked like it would make a fantastic cargo hauler between their worlds. In the end, Julyna decided against getting the weapon upgrades. Only because sharing out the design of the ship could, in fact, cause an imbalance of power in the galaxy. The Kestrel held many secrets to its design that she wasn’t willing to share with another government, even if it meant saving her ship and crew if they should ever find themselves in a battle.


During the removal of the other ship from the Kestrel, Rubicant discovered that it had an upgraded EM-Drive. He called Feros over to show him as they began to make plans on what to do with it. Feros had also managed to convince the Engineering team on the Space Station to help get the power grid and backup systems they needed installed. Which, according to him, would improve energy efficiency across the board. Later in the day, Rubicant should Feros what he would like to do with the upgraded EM-Drive and how to incorporate it into the ship’s system, and after reviewing the information, Feros agree thinking it would help in the overall efficiency of the power grid.

It turned out that in the last week of repairs, four crew members made the decision to leave the Kestrel, and true to her word, Julyna gave them exemplary status to their service record, and even though she was sad to see them go, she wished them the best.

Julyna managed to get a hold of the Prison Station in the last week of repairs and asked if they could do a pickup as she had roughly one hundred and fifty people that need to be transported there. To her surprise they did. She filled them in on where she as located. After which they told her they would be there in a day’s time.

Julyna relaxed afterward there in her office and leaned back in her chair while staring at the ceiling. Her thoughts wandered back to her communication with that other female claiming to be Altair’s First. Deep down she didn’t want to believe it. She thought she knew Altair, and knew he wouldn’t do this to her, much less to Rubi and Iris with all they had been through together.

She looked at the clock and saw what time it was, and figured she would contact Altair again, only this time using their encryption code. This was the code they would use when they needed privacy from the system monitors, and it would also alert the other to respond. Sadly, after a minute, the channel closed out without him answering. Julyna tried it again only this time the connection was immediately refused. She leaned back in her chair fighting back the tears that where fighting to flow. She wanted to yell, to scream, to throw and break things, but in her position, she was forced to keep her composure. She thought about Rubicant and Iris and how they would react. She didn’t want to tell them only because a small part of her was holding on to hope that Altair didn’t leave them, but they had right to know.