Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Misaim Fire


“Are you sure this is a good idea?" Questioned Huzizu as his eyes turned to the catapult we have, dead at the forest. I nodded silently and smiled in response to him, before waving my paw over to Haziyo and Horizoki. Both of which stepped forward. Nervous was written upon their faces as their eyes shift from me to the catapult. They knew what would happened as I started calling Haziyo over. He stepped out from the line of Horizoki and raised his foot up upon his waist. Stepping over to the seat of the catapult which was the 'spoon' of the thing, he settled himself in. But the frown was upon his face as he gaze away from us. Pointing his snout towards the horizon beyond.


“Are you sure this is a good idea?" Repeated Hurzizu while no one answered him. Silence was his only answer. He pouted and frowned. Faint noises came from the depths of Hurzizu's throat while he glanced over at the catapult and Horizoki for a moment then closed his eyes and flattened his ears. Awaiting for something, I guess. While I turned around to grabbed upon the rocks and bricks that Vaster had desperately needed, Haziyo grabbed onto the brown level adjacent to the 'spoon' and gripped against it tightly as if his life depended onto it. I could tell that he was excited by the way he was jumping in place. I did warn him however that he would be next if he prematurely 'threw' Horizoki into the air without any bricks or rocks. For the most part, he did kept still and his eyes kept meeting up with Horizoki who was staring back at him, pleading. It fell to deaf ears I guess.


I grabbed onto some rocks and bricks behind me, hoisted myself up onto my feet. Turned myself around and faced the catapult before throwing into the bricks and rocks inside which surrounded Horizoki as he stared upon them, then rose his eyes towards me. “Is this really necessary?" “Can you stop asking question please." I heard Huzizu answered himself, surprisingly which was unheard of however. Just as he did answered himself however, the other two wolves were glancing at him with worry. Their faces were pale. Ears hanged back and-


“Alright pull!" I screamed and started Horizoki while he gripped against the edges of the spoon and stared out onto the horizon. The lever was pulled or at least pulled to the side while the spoon hanged backwards for a moment before throwing Horizoki into the air along with several bricks and rocks that were stored surrounding him. I kinda looked pleased for two reasons. One, it was satisfying to place Horizoki into the catapult because of his annoying tricks and tips at magic making or sorcery in medieval terms and I could not come up with a second reason at all. So it was just one instead. Sorry folks.  “Come on, lets see where he lands." I heard Haziyo voiced his interest as the silence was shatter thanks to him. I frowned. But Huzizu was deeply interested into it and nodded. With his paws rubbed against one another and giving us an evil narrowed eyes, or something along those lines, the two wolves headed out in front of me. Disappearing into the horizon afterwards and left me alone to my own self. I gave a sigh and shake my head, my eyes closed briefly before opening again while I went out to follow them from behind. Yet, I was also curious as to where he had landed as well.


I growled to myself when that thought entered my mind. As my eyes really narrowed angrily upon it, the thought decided to reel itself back into my brain. Forgotten at least for the time being. I ran after them. The  forest was full of leaves around this time of year. Greeness everywhere as far as the eye could see however. With trees strong and blocking the brightening sun hanging high above us, we raced across the forest. Northward perhaps to the horizon. I kept my eyes hanging to the skies, pondering as to where Horizoki was. I had perhaps guessed that he was at least two or three seconds ahead of us. I shook my head, ignoring the following thoughts that popped into my mind. As we reached the end of the forest, we paused in our steps and shifted our attention towards the rooftops of the buildings before us where we thought Horizoki was located. However, to our surprise, we have not found him. He was apparently missing from our sights. “How was this possible?" Haziyo replied, his mouth opened and glanced over to me and Huzizu who shrugged in response to him. “What should we do?" Haziyo questioned, “We should find him." “But where will we look?" “Everywhere." “That is not helping, Hunter." Commented Huzizu with a stern look upon his face as I kept a hard cold look and stared upon Haziyo in the following silence that crept up to us.


“I know." I responded. Huzizu facepalmed and exhaled. Closed his eyes before averting his eyes towards the other paws adjacent to us. “We should follow where these roads go." He suggested, “But did we not threw Horizoki to the North?" Haziyo questioned, tilting his head to one side “We did actually." Huzizu answered Horizoki's question after a short hesitation. “Come on lets go then." I replied, throwing my head towards the left as I  crouched down and ran off towards the desired path. I put the distance between myself and them as I raced across the streets, ignoring the details that were to my right. For so far, the street was empty. Brown boxes were scattered all over the sidewalk. Some of which entered onto the street. Being a fast runner and quick dodger, I waved myself through the maze of boxes like a thread and exited upon the other side. I found myself panting afterwards. But proud of my 'accomplishments'. I even had my snout up into the air. Gleaming with glory while Haziyo and Huzizu walked by me seconds later and snuffed, shaking their heads in disbelief while muttering to themselves or one another.


Upon hearing them, I eased off the proud pose and walked adjacent to them. Dropped my voice and spoke with a lower tone, “So should we head straight towards one of the alleyways over to our right?" “Why should we do that?" Huzizu questioned, turning his attention to me with widened eyes upon his face. His ears hanged back while staring at me, I pouted and answered him with the heat emerging upon my fur, “Well I thought we threw him Northward so-" “Oh drat. I forgot we did." Screamed Huzizu and his mouth hanged opened again, “We should head to an alleyway then." He said as he turned his head towards the right, “How many are there?" “We just passed one." I started, he sharply turned his head to me. “Only one?" I nodded. “Well… in that case, lets just head back and find it." Huzizu replied, we both nodded in answer while we turned around. Walked a few blocks or steps away before reaching the alleyway that we had somehow missed. The surprisingly part was that the alleyway was indeed located rightward of the boxes of maze which I grew ashamed of for not noticing however.


Though with an exhaled sigh, we decided to head into the alleyway and disappeared from the streets behind us. The darkness looms over our eyes while we stared upon the horizon before us. The brown walls closing in to us, the closer we head deeply inside of the alleyway. We were nervous, maybe afraid of what was to come. As my fur stood on one end, we-


“Hunter. This is not a horror, suspense thriller story. Stop injecting the Chaos realm elements into here." Spoke Huzizu as I got startled. I flinched and jumped a bit backwards while shifting my gaze towards Huzizu and Haziyo. Both of which were looking at me weirdly or something along those lines. As their heads rolled, I eased up and softly chuckle in answer. Speaking proudly towards them, “Me? I am not scared. I am a wolf. I am…" and I went on blabbering about me being a wolf. I guess I was indeed scared. A bit too much however.


Walking for hours had us ending up upon the end of the alleyway. We stopped in front of a huge empty square. The grounds below us was filled with drawings and 'games' of some sort. As my eyes turned to the white silvery pipe at the center of the room, I suddenly thought to that green pipe from a certain famous plumber game that I used to play when I was a pup. I spoke out towards Huzizu and Hazyiyo. Both of which turned their attention to me while I rose a paw, pointing upon the silvery pipe at the center and in front of us from a distance. They followed my paw and stared straight onto the pipe. Blinking, they got up and walked to it before Haziyo shoved his entire face inside. Much to our discern. WIth Huzizu trying to pull him out using his two paws upon Hazizyo's neck, I stared at the pipe then lowered my eyes upon the floor. Following it down towards the brown wall westward of the pipe, I hit against the wall in response and growled. Where I hit against the wall ached as I threw a paw there and rubbed against it. Frowning.


I heard a pop and instantly turned my attention towards the other two wolves. They were lying overtop of one another. I thought it was cute. But had remembered that both are male. Thus I was forced to watch them as Haziyo licked Huzizu's face and nuzzled against the underside of his neck while Huzizu lay there screaming, at least mentally of course. I chuckled in response, shaking my head at them while moving forth closer to them. Their heads turned to me, their eyes surprise. Cheeks redden in response before Huzizu shoved Haziyo off from him. His face hardened as he got up onto his feet. Dusting himself while he moved on. I just sat there smiling at them both before shaking my head and walked, following Huzizu behind just as we exited from the alleyway.


“Alright." Spoke Huzizu after a long pause of silence was settled between us “What is the plan then, Hunter?" “I thought you have an idea, already." I shot back at Huzizu who frowned afterwards in response. But shook his head and hanged his head back staring out towards the skies above. Another pause of silence settled before Haziyo pipped up and held in his paws what seems to be a black mask and a handkerchief. “Are you kidding me…" I muttered in disbelief, staring at the accessories. Haziyo shook his head and smiled brightly, his ears hanged back while he started humming to himself softly then spoke towards me, “Put these on. Grab the rocks and bricks, put them into your sack and run off towards the police station. It is guaranteed to work!" “I have got to stop you from watching advertisements and commercials at once." Huzizu commented, “Also, it would not. The Vaster police would put him to jail!" “But they do not have a jail." Haziyo countered. The two wolves brickered against one another while I stared at them both and watched. Silently wishing for some popcorn or a drink, I exhaled and muttered just loudly to make myself heard, “FIne. I will do it. But this is on you, Haziyo. If I get sent to jail." “But for the last time, they do not have a jail!" Haziyo argued or maybe complained. We would not know the difference however.


I put on the mask and set the handkerchief across my mouth. Obstructing it from plain view of the outside world. I stared down onto Haziyo then Huzizu. Both of which nodded silently, both to me and to one another. As I exhaled and shake my head, disbelief as to what was happening upon me and the predictable results as to what happened afterwards, I relented on and break from the trio of wolves. Heading down my own way. Except, I never knew where I was going however. I think I was heading down the right side of the path. Straight towards the next intersection nearby. From there, I turned right again and headed down the new road. For so far, everything was going perfectly smooth. The streets were empty. Nothing was around to see me. Yet I felt my heart pounding in my chest as the fear settled into my body. My fur standing on one end while I strained my eyes forward, gazing at the horizon before me.


A few seconds into the walk. I had reached the next intersection. I shifted my attention towards the buildings that surrounded me. To my top left was a bank; glass windows emerged upon my eyes. Reflecting against me while showcasing the entire streets and everything that was in front of it. Adjacent to me were regular buildings. And towards the top right was the butcher shop. Although a sign appeared in front of it with big black letters forming some sort of word. I never knew what it says nor cared while I turned my attention towards the roads and picked one immediately before heading down. Everything was silent. Eerie silent. I could not comprehend why it was. Or figure out how Chaos was able to live through this however. Though shaking my head to rid those unwitting thoughts, I continued down the path. Ignoring the lines of buildings that were to my sides. The white numbers that appeared upon the surface of the doors and the gardens that looked beautiful as if someone had took great care upon it.


As I walked, my ears suddenly picked up something. A sudden voice that came out of nowhere. I was startled, wondering if it was a scream or something else. But shifting my attention towards the right where the entrance of the alleyway was. There standing were Haziyo and Huzizu. Both of which were smiling widely at me. Their faces light and ears pointing forth. I growled at them for trying to 'startle' or 'scare' me. But they had none of that. At another press of the button, the scream continued on and on. I find myself standing there, red hot cheeks blaring while I lowered my head and growled lowly at them for teasing me. However, consequences be dam when our ears perked up and heard something charging. It started off as faint. But came roaring like a train. If that was a good analogy however. And our heads were turned and spotted Horizoki running straight to us with his dear life. As we wondered why he was glad to see us despite that frown and scare that kept appearing upon his face, I shifted my attention towards the horizon and tilted my head.


A roar of dragons, a bunch of sea animals, a penguin and a bunch others were chasing after the poor wolf. All looking angry upon us for their faces were red hot and steaming. We panicked while I stuttered with my words and questioned/screamed at Horizoki, wondering what he had done. But before the wolf could speak, the crowd of mob closing in onto us, we decided to bail and hightailed out from the streets. We ran. But in an aimless direction. We never knew the roads, streets and alleyway of Vastertown. We just follow our nose and instincts, hoping for the right direction. Unluckily however, we ended up somewhere at the south side of Vaster. On the plus side, we did deliver the goods to the Vaster police! How I knew this? Well at one point we had ran through a certain street of Western Vaster. Reaching the station later on where the Vaster police were waiting for their delivery. Yet while they were surprise to see us, they were also surprise into seeing the mob behind us. Shocked were upon their faces as neither of them helped out to aid in our time of need. For instead, they just kept to the sidelines and watched it all unfold as we passed them instead and headed down the next road the end of the street.


In the end of our grand adventure, we had indeed escaped. Straight to the forest that is. We escaped from the mob, the insanity of Vaster and accomplished our goal. All underneath a night. I never knew if we were proud of it or disappointed that it was over. As I later flopped upon the grounds below me and panted heavily. My heart pounding against my chest as my ears flickered upon the tranquility of silence that loomed over us. As my eyes stared out towards the horizon, I shifted my head over to the other wolves of my pack. Wondering how they were faring. The other wolves were in the same status as me except for Horizoki whom was growling with irritation as his fur was soaking wet from being in the lake. My head was tilted, pondering how he got there as we had never gotten a question about it.


So instead, for the rest of the paper of this story, I decided to prompt him the question on it. My lips were opened. A sentence popped from my mouth and was delivered straight to Horizoki who turned his attention towards me, tilted his head and suddenly changed his expression. I was literally surprise by it that I psychically flinched back. But kept to the silence was my mouth while I watched him talk, spilling his story as to how he got into the lake.


“So it went like this." Horizoki smiled, a bright set of fangs appeared upon his mouth as his eyes was settled onto me. I nodded in response as he continued, “After you guys had flung me straight towards the Northern side of Vaster. Bypassing the station which was westward from the direction of which you have thrown me…" I glared at Huzizu who flinched back at me and frowned in response. His ears hanging back just as his mouth opened to protest against me. However Haziyo slammed his snout shut by sitting on top of it and listened to the rest of Horizoki's story. The wolf chuckled and smiled afterwards, before turning to me and continued. “I landed upon the rooftops of one particular building. The owner who lives inside was frustrated into seeing a wolf there and had decided to grabbed a broom and poke my butt with it. However, after several pokes he managed to stick that thing up my ass which propelled me forward after jumping a bit. He lost his broom afterwards when I ran away."


“So I fled from the rooftops. Running southward in hopes of getting back to my pack. But as I was fleeing from rooftop to rooftop, I accidently tripped over my own feet and rolled down the slope of the rooftop. Down into the pipe afterwards where I 'swam' through and ended up upon the waters." “I was right!" Huzizu growled, though his words were muffled as his eyes looked angrily at Haziyo. “Get off from him." I ordered Haziyo who nodded and got off. Allowing Huzizu to breath perfectly as he took a deep breath and exhaled. Sitting down like the rest of us, silence came after the pause which prompted Horizoki to continue. “I ended up upon the lake afterwards. Just dumped into it. I had remembered how to swim however. But I did not have to since the water level was very low. I could see pecks of dirt from the grounds below me. Getting up onto my feet, I had decided to scanned around my surroundings in hope of knowing where I was. However, shortly in the peaceful silence. I started hearing some noises behind me. Like a mob trying to kill me. I ran without knowing who was behind me. I found a boat lying in the dirt just ahead of me. So I climbed onto it. I threw my two paws upon the sides of the boat and started paddling. Even though there was little to no water left upon the lake."


“As a result, I ended up upon the waterfall."


“Did you find a rainbow?" Haziyo questioned Horizoki who shook his head, ears flatten against his head answering him. “No. But I did see a chest." “Where?" “A chest of a hairy fox." Horizoki finished which disappointed Haziyo. We laughed as night rolled around and we got up onto our feet before heading back deeper into the forest for a nice long nap for tomorrow. Or tonight.