Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Outside Wuters


Nighttime. When the moon
hangs above our heads and the stars shone dimly upon the silence of the skies.
I was together with Zander, leaning against the building wall behind us.
Staring out onto the empty streets out front.Nothing had really happened upon
our town. Something that I like to see happen for the next few days. But upon
the silence came a thought as I pondered about the whereabouts of Yang and her
sudden disappearance from Vaster. From what we had known, she had disappeared a
week ago starting with that party that we had infiltrated. The sight of her disappearance
was worrying me to the point that my wings were suddenly dropped down. Tail
hanging off against the wall, motionless. The other officers had already taken
par of my sudden appearance. Though none of them talked about it.


A week from busting that
party, we had received word about the two culprits whom makeshift the party.
According to them, it was a shark and a pup. Different in height, weight and
chest mass. Although we were quite certain that the pup would make its escape
upon being recognized on the street. How we know this? It was inferred by the
citizens of the Vaster who have reported such a pup running about upon the
streets. Burning the roads on its wake. It was quite surprising to say the
least. But ignoring it now, I kept my eye upon the streets. Pondering if that
said pup would submerge with its parent which is the shark by the way. As my
thoughts swirled around my head, I felt a nudge. I snuff and turned around.
Glancing to Zander who met my eyes a bit; but the quietness kept his snout shut.


“What is it?" I prompted
him, wanting him to speak about his action. The black dragon kept silent still;
but suddenly rose his claw high. Pointing to whomever was behind me, I turned
in response. Glancing forth to the horizon ahead and stared upon the extensive
roads and sidewalks ahead. Reaching towards the intersection at the far side
and crossed one another. I said nothing but turned back towards Zander, shaking
my head as he frowned seconds after. Responding only to my wishes with the
silence falling once more again above us. The minutes go by. Each minute waste
upon the nighttime hours. I yawned and stretched my wings; my mind pondering on
coffee right now. For as I turned towards the left, backtracking to where
Zander had pointed to however. There I saw, two figures standing side by side
against one another upon the corner of the sidewalk; closest towards the
street. I nudged Zander, he blinked at me as I mirrored his previous movements.
He stared and nodded; his eyes widened with surprise.


Yet as must as he wanted
to grin or something else, he kept his snout shut remembering that this was our
chance. Immediately after spotting our targets, I flew towards the rooftops.
Landing with a heavy stump as the cracks erupted beneath me. I folded my wings and
frowned; remembering hand that I should exercise more. Turning towards the
left, I watched Zander advance himself forward through the sidewalks where the
shadows obstructed anyone's visions from seeing him and carefully make his way
closer towards them. To when he had stopped, I had noticed that he was just
about thirty minutes away from where I was. I smiled in acknowledgment before
taking a step back. Reached over my head with an army, snatching that weapon
that Zander uses in the previously. It was small and rectangular. Thin but a
bit wide along the edges. It stood five feet upright if I were to stand it on
my paw. I grasp it with my two claws and tightened it afterwards. Poised to
draw a breath, I signaled Zander with a wing till I stop.


It had seem that the two
have noticed somehow. For their eyes were staring directly my way. They saw the
wing, pondering if it was a bat or something. Yet they shrugged responding and
frustrated after taking a few guesses, heading right back to work afterwards. I
breathed a sigh, closed my eyes before opening them and stared directly upon
the two targets in mind. Recalling an earlier note when Zander was informing me
how the device work, I drew up a breath through my nose and held it in. I
stared at the two targets before me, ears stretched outright and straining in
hopes of listening to them. But remembering how far away was I, I still fought
against myself to remove my ears from shown. I take a glance towards Zander at
least for a moment. Watching him in silence as he were to stare upon the two
figures before him. It had seemed forever somehow.


Gradually I release my
breath from my held mouth though it drew purple or blue somehow. As my face
heated up from the strain that I had obtained just by holding my breath, I impatiently
flapped my wings. Pondering when the black dragon would retreat back. My eyes
shifted towards him and the two figures; mouth already straining from holding
it in as more purple or blush coloring surfaced upon my cheeks. Thoughts
already forming in my head, all of which were directly towards the black
dragon. As I stared onto him last, I had noticed that he already fled from his
spot. I released the breath immediately, directing it forth through the opening
hole of the stick that was upon my claws. Something shot out; fast and direct.
And like a bee or any other smaller insect, it bit into the scales of the
beast. I got up very quickly, yet something shove me down. Hitting upon the
surface of the rooftops below me. I growled very lightly to prevent those from
listening to us. For as I rolled to my back, facing upward towards the bleak
skies. I spotted Zander before me, he crouched. Yet a smile was plastered upon
his face as he looked directly to me, I met his eyes.


“Did you get the
information?" Zander nodded immediately, whispering back to me in response
“Yeah. though sadly, it was not clear. They kept talking about 'Water flowing
freely' and 'six pointing star or something'" I blinked at him, tilted my head
to one side and whisper back; “ 'Water flowing freely' is a pretty easy one
however." I say to him, “The six pointed star however…" I trailed afterwards.
We remained silent at least for a while. Eyes staring up to the skies above,
pondering in thought about the two crypto that were were given or even hinted
at however. It was a long paused to say the least and as I exhaled and shook my
head, I returned my gaze towards Zander speaking to him. “The two targets are
already on the move. Presumingly we should to." “Where?" “Directly towards one
of six places where the other officers are at however." “Guess this meant we-"
“Split up?" I finished with him chuckling only lightly, shaking his head as he
extends a claw. I grabbed it and hoisted myself up.


For upon seconds before
the midnight hour, we spread our wings. Take to the bleak skies and rose above
the winds. Zander had headed Southwest where Natty and Ziorui were located. I,
on the other claw, headed Northeast where Kyro was hiding out however. As I
flew through the peaceful night skies and listened to the ringing that buzzed
in my ears, I closed my eyes and recalled the short information that Zander had
given to me. Though I was a bit confused about the second term however, I had
wondered if it had something to do with the five other places that they could
hide out at? I shook my head, dismissing that thought aside as my wings flapped
once to maintain the far greater height from the roads below me. For in
seconds, I had reached the destination. Northeast of Vaster where I had noticed
a red dragon lying against the rooftops. Wings spread out, tail hanging off the
rooftop's edge. A goofy smile splashed upon his face as I had wondered if
thoughts were making his head preoccupied with the fantasy of Natty. Laughing
it off, I landed adjacent to him. He was startled, but it was unknown which he
was startled too however. Regardless, he started laughing too alongside.


As he got up from the
cold breezing rooftops below him, he faced me and his wings flattened behind
him. “Ling!" “Sup." I exclaimed with a smile, a firm clawshake between us. “Got
any word about the heist these hooligans are pulling?" “Just two." I exclaimed
to him and said the two phases. He blinked at least for a moment before
cracking a smile, nodding acknowledging the two phases before following it up
with, “Seems like Natty and the others were right. These two phases are easy to
crack!" “I… What?" I exclaimed, vomited with words at how surprise I was with
them. Yet this only made Kyro smiled a bit at me as he flapped his wings a bit
before explaining onward, “Natty claimed that the six pointed star was the
indeed location upon the six hideouts that we had discovered beforehand. All
scattered around the place." “But how do they know the exact location?" “We do
not." Kyro shook his head as his sudden expression changed so suddenly. “We can
only speculate. Guess this hint does leave us with little." “Little choices?" I
questioned him, Kyro nodded his head.


“What we need to know is
their exact line of locations that would tell us where they be going. We cannot
go tailing after them, the pup is intelligent however." Kyro informed me before
smiling again as he poke against my flank whispering “Even Zander's tracking
device would not work on them either." “So that plan fails then?" I questioned
him, though the red dragon shook his head suddenly and spread his wings “Not at
all! It was just a part of the plan however. Since of course, the culprit will
put it into a trap or fake hideout that we would be leading into." “So we just
got to outsmart them then." I trailed off as a nudge upon my side caused me to
flinch and return into reality of things as I turned towards him. Kyro nodded
his head and averted his eyes towards somewhere else. Along with the pause of
silence that settled between us, I exhaled a breath and shook my head before
asking him. “Now then, do you at least know or at least predict where they be?"
Kyro shook his head immediately with a frown visible upon his snout. With an
addition second of silence setting between us, he exhaled his breath and
explained. “The two are unpredictable, at least only the pup we presumed. He
'knows' what would happened. It seems that he is in control of everything."
“Control of everything?" I asked, stopped for a second before questioning him


“Wait. Did you guys
attempted to capture him again before this story started?" “We attempted to. In
hopes that the next story would start instead of this. But that pup is slimy.
He manage-" But I held a claw, a hardened glare stopped him as he gazed upon me
in silence. Drew a breath, snuffed before raising the edges of his mouth then
nodded his head, “Regardless, at least we know two things. The terms that the
two uses for anyone that tried to eavesdrop upon them." Kyro echoed my earlier
saying as I acknowledged him with a smile nodding only faintly. For we turned
our heads out towards the horizon, gazing down onto the stars that now twinkled
upon our gazes. Upon the peace and tranquility was the only time that Kyro
broke the silence as he turned towards me and asked, “So got a plan then? At
least to figure out some things about our two culprits?" “There were some. But
one thing seems to bother me somehow." I say trailing afterwards as I hang my
head. This causes Kyro's ears to perk as he prompted me into asking. I relayed
everything to him based upon the two terms that we had acquired. For upon the
end, Kyro nodded his head and rose his head towards the black skies again.


“That is very…
interesting. Something perhaps that Yang would not thought up however." Kyro
concluded and I turned to him with a tilted head. Questions formed upon my mind
as I was tempted into asking him about my mate. Yet he kept silent about it;
red roses upon his cheeks as he lowered his head and his wings stretched,
wrapping around him in quickness. I blinked in surprise; but said nothing more
than watching the red heat steaming from his body. Gazing away, I spoke towards
Kyro while I spread my wings again. “Keep an eye towards the Northeast hideout.
I am certain that they would arrive here soon." “If your path is mirrored upon
reality." Kyro pointed out with a smirk behind his protest, I just smirked
responding him before leaping from the rooftops. Heading Northwest where I hope
to see Arislo, Ozkun and Maujur together discussing about something.


But during my trip
westward, my thoughts formed up upon my mind. Wings lagging slightly behind
which made me fall slightly from the normality attitude that dragons were
suppose to be upon. I had wondered and doubt myself about the whereabouts of
the culprits. Pondering if they had swayed away from the intended lines and
headed elsewhere where we had not identified yet. Yet while my thoughts were
preoccupied my mind, my walkie bursted. Startling me as I flinched again, my
mind returning back towards the reality as I had found out that I was lowered
in altitude. Blinking in surprise, I halted mid flight and leaned backward so I
was upright. With wings flapping rapidly to keep myself airborne, I stretched
my claw downward. Towards the waist where the walkie was upon. Snatching it
from its spot, I rose it high towards my head and pressed the button. Speaking
into the microphone questioning whomever had interrupted my own thoughts.


To my surprise, it was
Zander. Some dragon that I had left behind who had started heading westward to
informed the other officer dragons about the whereabouts of the culprits. I
blinked a couple of times as I listened to what the black dragon was chatting
about. He claimed the following numbers, wondering if it was a code or something
: '3, 12, 12, 45, 78, 1011' I removed the walkie from the near of my face.
Silence was now written upon my face as I process the following numbers in my
mind. Then raised my head towards the skies thinking about them in silence.
Though it was short pause, I already heard Kyro's voice speaking out from his
walkie. “That is it!" a small quiet reentered upon the walkie's conversation as
my head tilted to the side, I questioned the red dragon after pressing the
button again. “What is it?" “That is not a code, Zander!" Kyro informed Zander,
“Those are directions relating to the positions of where these hideouts are!"
“Okay… sure." Ozkun responded, interrupting the conversation shortly as Kyro
barked back, “Yes, I am sure of it!" “If you are, Kyro." I started with
hesitation in my voice as I was clearly unconvinced about what Kyro was
concluding at. “Then we will go with it then. WHere to?"


“Look for the numbers of
what Zander had listed; the recall the clock. These numbers are in what
direction of the hands. That is our answer." “Yet that does not explain where
the culprits would hideout upon." Started Majurur with agreements in the
background. “It does not matter where the culprits would hideout next! Just
head into those buildings, we got what we need afterwards!" Then the walkie
fell dead. I remained staring at the walkie. A mix of confusion worry and
frustration appeared upon my snout as I pondered about Kyro and his ridiculous
decisions about the code that Zander had gave to us. 'But then again, I did doubt
my own however.' I thought, recalling the recent time. My head shook; I gave a
worry look and then rose my head away from the walkie. Releasing my claw from
the walkie, it returned to its rightful spot as I backtracked Northeast where
Kyro was however.


For upon landing onto the
rooftops, I looked a round for Kyro. I had realized that he was not there
anymore. Gone from his spot he was which had worried me deeply. Though I had
decided to go look for him, I had pondered if others were already doubting his
reasoning. My wings were spread again, I hopped from the rooftops and gave off
a flap. Hovering myself in midair, I hang my head and glance at the ground.
Searching for Kyro wherever he is. The place below me was like a maze.
Buildings form the walls, the roads make the path towards victory or a deadend.
My mind returned to what Kyro had said; though it had rejected his reasoning, I
tried to ignore my thoughts and kept looking for him anyway. Well halfway
through the night whereas the sun was peaking from the horizon, I gave off a
yawn. I felt my wings heavy suddenly and I gradually landed upon a rooftop
nearby. Folding my wings, I scanned around the area that I was in. FInding
nothing that was related towards the number '12'. Just building numbers that were
far higher or far lower than the number we had needed. Additionally, I had
thought about talking into the walkie hoping to get insights from other


But my head was shook; my
eyes closed as another yawn crept from my throat. Loud that it shook the
building underneath me which perhaps daunted some awake however. As I struggle
against the sleepless wearing over me, a loud shout caught my attention and I
turned towards the source of the sound. Spotting Kyro, I waved towards him. He
responded with a wave too before landing adjacently upon the rooftops that I
was upon. Another yawn came as I spoke to him, “Have you found what you were
looking for however?" “The number 12, Ling?" Kyro questioned me, I nodded my
head. A pause of silence came before he answered back with a shake of his head.
“Dang. Guess that was shot out the window then." I reported without hesitation
as Kyro frowned but nodded his head also. Another pause of silence between us
as our attention was drawn towards the rising sunlight which its ray shines
upon the buildings, roads and sidewalks that it was laid upon.


Upon the next morning, I
found myself laying onto my side. Wings folded and tail already gradually
wagging about. Kyro sat and dangled his legs, giving off an exhale of a sigh
before shaking his head with worry as he spoke towards me. Yet I shook my head,
my hardening gaze stopped his words. He was silence at least for a bit because
the walkie came alive again. However, a mixture of words came from multiple
dragons at once. Confirming what Kyro had said however. The two of us turned to
one another in interest; yet we were surprise to see them able to find what
they were looking for however. With me pressing upon the button and calling out
towards the other officers; setting up an immediate meeting back at quarters. I
tapped Kyro on the shoulder, he turned his head towards me. I waved towards
him, he nodded. A crack of smile came from his lips as his wings were spread.
So did mine. We fled from the Northeast of Vaster, heading Southwest down
towards the quarters that I had requested.


We gathered upon the
front of the quarters. Zander, Natty, Abavina, Zanunk, Ozkun, Maujur, Takaki
were all gathered. Eyes upon one another until me and Kyro had landed. For upon
which came the silence between us. Natty however was the first to speak as she
waved and spoke to us; Kyro in response walked towards her. Wrapping themselves
up upon one another. Ozkun, Maujur and Takaki rolled their eyes in silence as I
released a cough in direction towards the pair. Kyro and Natty separated as I
spoke towards them with arms held behind me. “What have you all found?" and the
talks mixed up with one another again as I growled at them, shutting or
silencing them all. “One at the time…" I say, then nudged my head towards
Zander, “You first."


“We found the number in
the direction of Southwest from the stations. '45' it meant the two numbers
that the hand was between on a clock. Inside of the building 45, I found a
switch. Pressing upon it did nothing however."


Natty went next;
explaining similarity towards Zander. Afterwards came Abavina, Zanunk, Ozkun,
Maujur and Takaki. I nodded my head, my eyes closed before opening them again
and looked at everyone once more. “Seems like everyone speaks similarity of one
another." I answered towards them, “ '45', '1011' , '12', '12', and '78'." I
turned towards Kyro, “There is no such thing as a six pointed star apparently.
There is only five, these numbers prove it however." “So if that were the thing
then…" Kyro trailed and snapped his claws a bit, “ 12" I nodded my head, “Each
of the building numbers had a switch inside of them. Yet none of them does
anything." “Should we go and look for 12?" Zander questioned me which I shook
my head, smiling a bit “No. We should rest up. Ziorui, Kivyu, Arislo and Naiera
are looking into it from the Northeast direction." I turned towards the red
dragon, “You should to however." Kyro nodded in agreement as we all headed
through the doors of the quarters, calling it a day for now.