Current Track: Blabb

The police came as soon as I called them, they started to question me getting their story straight. I also saw them arrest the maniac who almost murdered me in the freakin woods, that crazy asshole.

I asked the cop who was questioning me, "Who was that guy anyway? What's up with him?"

The cop looked up at me from his notepad and said, "A well known drug dealer from the next town up. He escaped custody and must have ran on foot all the way here. So what did he say to you before he pulled the gun on you? What did he want?"

I closed my eyes and sighed, "Sir I've already told you, he wanted to borrow my cell phone, he started to act weird and then he pointed the gun at me, that's all nothing more."

The cop looked at me and said, "Well I'll tell you this much, fighting with this guy is pretty crazy, you should have complied. You could have been killed."

I nodded and said, "Yeah well that's a lesson I've learned for tonight."

The cop then said, "You sure nothing else happened?"

I wanted to tell the cop that I didn't knock the maniac out, but I couldn't because there was no horse around. I wonder where that thing go? Was it the same horse that left the tracks near my house the other night? The same tracks that ended in the middle big round clearing in the woods? This is getting really weird.

I shook my head and said, "No."

The cop said, "Well I guess that's it then, you're free to go. Just watch yourself, understand? And don't worry about this guy, attempted murder, I think he'll go away for a long time."

I nodded in agreement, "Well he's on something I can tell. So thanks for the help officer." Then we shook hands, and I left.


I stood up all night at my house until this morning, I couldn't get the image of that guy and his gun out of my head, it's scary. Not to mention bizarre.

I mean I only moved back here for a few days and then something like this happened, I don't get it. Well at least it's over now and he won't get me or anyone ever again.

But then another question was on my mind throughout the whole night. The one that kept me up all night. That horse....Where did that horse go? I don't understand I know something attacked that guy, saving my life, but there's no horse, I know I've heard the hooves running on the ground. Last night before I called the cops I tried to follow them but then they ended not very far from the maniac who tried to kill me. It was like the horse just...Disappeared.

I shook my head at the thought, horses don't disappear, that's impossible. But then where did it go?

Then all of a sudden a strange thought came to me, wait a second? Tracks disappearing at some certain spot in that big round clearing in the woods. Could that horse have....Flew??

No way horses can't fly....Unless.

I went upstairs to my bedroom to find dads journal and I've found it, looked through it, and I've found what I was looking for. A Pegasus!

Pegasus? But a Pegasus doesn't exist, that and all the stories about it are just fictional not real. But if I'm right about one thing and if I'm correct why those tracks that I've followed have suddenly ended, then that means that thing flew.

A horse with wings. Is it possible? Is it really possible?


Miley came over to my house soon after I went through dads journal. She heard about what happened to me and came over as soon as school was over.

She said, "You know something, you should called Rocky. I mean after all you fought the guy who tried to murder you, maybe you could try boxing so that way you could defend yourself."

I laughed, "Well at least I tried to fight the guy. Trust me he was crazy."

"Yeah I can tell. He really worked you over. I'm glad you're okay."

I sighed and said, "I really thought I was going to die. I mean if it wasn't for..." I wanted to tell Miley about what has been happening to me before this incident happened, but I couldn't form words.

Miley tilted her head and asked, "Wasn't for what?"

I looked at her and then I looked straight ahead and sighed, and I said, "Miley. Do you remember all those stories that dad told us? Especially about the Pegasus?"

She gave me a quizzical look and said, "Yeah I do, why? What about them?"

I sighed again, well this is going to be great. I decided to tell her anyway, "Look Miley, I don't know what's really going on here. I mean something weird is happening here. I can feel it."

"What do you mean weird feeling? What are you talking about?"

I looked at her in the eyes and said, "A horse walked near my house the other night. And I followed the tracks it left behind honestly, but when I followed them, the tracks suddenly ended in one spot. There weren't anymore of them."

She gave me a confused look, "I don't understand."

I stood up and walked in front of her, "Listen Miley, ok? I know it sounds crazy but last night when that guy almost killed me, I felt a whoosh of wind from the sky then I've heard that guy scream and then he was unconscious, after that I got up and saw the hoof prints on the ground, and then they just disappeared, like the horse flew away."

She raised both of her hands to stop me, "Whoa, whoa, wait. I don't get it. Frank are you ok?"

I grabbed both of her shoulders and shook her, "Just listen ok? I think there's something out there. Something that's not a horse. Something that's not normal."

She got up to face me, "So what are you saying?"

I worked up the courage and said, "Miley....I think there's a Pegasus here. I think a Pegasus saved my life."

Her eyes went wide and then said, "What? Frank are you on drugs now?"

Then my eyes went wide and I said, "No! Miley I'm not on drugs, I really do think there's something out there."

Miley gave me a stern look and said, "Frank I think what you've felt last night, you know that wind, I think it was just the wind. I don't think anything was flying and saved your life. Maybe a normal horse saved your life and took off."

I looked back at her and said, "Well horses don't normally do that. Not when they're normal. It makes sense."

Miley shook her head, "Look Frank. I think you have been through a traumatic event and I think you need help right now. I mean it's okay to get help. You're just traumatized that's all."

I raised my voice, "I'm not crazy Miley! It really is out there!"

Miley yapped back, "But there is nothing out there! There is no horse with wings! It's not real!" Then suddenly Miley walked past me, looked over her shoulder and said, "Look Frank, get help. You're brain's not screwed on tight right now. Just take my advice and get help. I'll talk later." Then she went out the door.

I just stood there stunned. I know there's something out there.

Is there? I said to myself, "Dad if you were here, what would you think?"


I visited dad's grave at the cemetery. I was still thinking about what Miley said to me earlier. I know I'm not crazy. Something saved me last night. I can feel it.

But then where did that horse go? Or Pegasus? Or whatever you really call it.

I wish I knew the answer, because I don't have one right now. Before I could think of anything else my cell phone ran and I answered it, "Hello?"

It was my boss at work, "Frank, you're almost late for work, where are you?"

Shit! "Alright sorry I'm on my way now."

Then my boss said, "You better be." Then he hung up.

I shut off my phone and sighed, I'll have to think of an answer to my questions later. Because right now I'm going to be late for work.


I finally ended my shift at work, I wasn't really in the work mood, not after what happened. Well at least Daniel was being sentimental about it, considering he's like a uncle to me. But my boss was a different story, he told me to buck up and get to work.

Guess I'll make a mental note next time don't be late for work!

I was walking on my way back home, trying to clear my head a bit. I was still in town on my way back home when suddenly I've heard voices in an alley nearby. I went to the edge of the alley to find out what's going on.

I see three guys cornering some woman in the alley, the woman didn't look scared but the guys were closing in on her. I heard on of them say, "Hey sexy momma. Do you want to play with me?"

I hollered for them, "Hey!"

All three guys turned around to the sound of my voice, and one of them said, "What do you want kid?"

I angrily looked at them, "Just wondering what's going on?"

One of them said, "None of your damn business! That's what's going on."

I shook my head and said, "Looks like something to me."

The third guy said, "Listen buddy, if you don't leave, we're going to fuck you up. Do you get it now?"

I looked at the woman, she still doesn't look scared, then I looked at those guys and said, "I don't what you're planning to do, but I think the woman wants to be somewhere else."

Then suddenly one of the guys said, "Alright enough of this! Get this asshole!" Then one of the them ran at me and I managed to knock the guys head into the dumpster, that knocked him out.

Another guy came at me and I threw a metal trash bin and it hit that guy hard, what a retard. The went down hard.

Now it was just me and one more guy. I stared angrily at him, then suddenly the guy has changed his expression and took off past me. Wow what a chicken wuss.

After the guy ran off I looked at the woman who was still standing in her spot, again still not scared. Wow she must be one tough cookie. I walked to her and said, "Are you alright?"

The woman nodded.

I reached my hand out to her, "Here give me your hand."

She looked at it, then at my eyes.

I said, "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. Just give me your hand."

Finally she grabbed my hand and I walked us out of the alley and then when we made it, I asked, "Can you speak to me?"

She nodded and said, "Thanks for helping me." Then she smiled at me.

I smiled at her, "Yeah well they seem to be a menace to you. So why do you think I came to save you?"

Then she said, "Just at the right place at the right time kind of thing, I suppose."

I then looked at her and asked, "Yeah speaking of that, what happened here? What did they want form you?"

The woman put on an angry expression and said, "Those assholes were looking for a good time, and I wasn't interested."

My face went wide, and I said, "Good god! I'm glad I saved you then."

The woman said, "I can take care of myself."

Then I said incredulously, "All three of them? You would lose."

Then woman gave me a stern look and said, "I would still take care of myself."

I nodded and said, "Alright I get it. I won't argue with that result."

She grinned at me, "Thank you I'll take that as a compliment."

I looked at her and said, "So what's your name?"

She said, "Roxanne."

I introduced myself, "I'm Frank."

"Nice to meet you Frank."

I then asked her another question, "So where are you from? Can I walk you home?"

Roxanne shook her head, "I don't have a home, I'm not form here."

I stared at her, "So what are you doing in this town then?"

She looked away from my eyes.

I tilted my head, "Roxanne?"

She looked back at me and said, "Frank, I want to stay with you."

I gave her a confused look. Ok what's going on here, I don't like this, "Why?"

She said, "I've told you I don't have a home, I don't belong here. Look I'm trying to get away from my life and I need a place to stay. I won't be a burden to you. I promise. Now will you take me there? Or will you leave me for those assholes that are on the ground back there?"

I still didn't like it, I don't even know this woman, this Roxanne. I mean she seems alright, but it's just a gut feeling. I mean I do remember my parents telling me years ago. Don't let strangers in your home.

But she seems all alone with no one to take care of her. I decided to go against my gut feeling and said, "Well....Alright I'll take you to my home. You can stay there for a little while, then we'll see what happens, alright?"

She smiled at me and nodded, "Ok. Show me the way."

I hope I know what I'm doing.


I already took Roxanne to my house, she seems accustomed to it. Then I offered some food and she accepted it and we ate together. Then I showed her to her room. The master bedroom that no one hasn't used in years. At least I cleaned the place up.

And here I am lying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. Still thinking if I've made a mistake. No she seems ok. I don't think she's bad, besides she almost got assaulted by three brutes in an alley. What else was I suppose to do? Leave her alone to get assaulted for real? No way I was standing by for that.

It's still nighttime and I need to go to sleep I'll worry about Roxanne later. Before I closed my eyes, I can hear someone moving in the hallway. The floors giving away the intruder. Roxanne? Is she ok? I hope so.

I got up from my bed slowly and opened the door to peek out. I can see her shadow going down the stairs. Maybe she's getting a drink. Frank quit freakin worrying about her. She's not evil, now relax!

I was about to close my door when I heard my front door close downstairs. That's weird...Where would she be going in the middle of the night?

I looked at my clock and it said midnight, yeah it's the middle of the night. I decided to find out what's up. I put on my clothes and went out of my room and went downstairs.

I went to the front door first, then I looked out the window and I can see Roxanne walking towards the woods slowly.

She's going into the woods in the middle of the night. Now it's getting VERY weird. Where is she going?

I got my shoes on and I went out the door. I walked out to the front yard then I went to the woods, crouching down to make less noise. I went through the bushes and walked past several trees in the woods. In the far distance I can see Roxanne from where I'm at. I kept taking it slow and kept following her.

I followed her for god knows how long, until made it to the big round clearing in the middle of the woods. I stopped where I was at, just watching her. What is she doing? Why is she here?

Roxanne was just standing there, then all of a sudden about a minute later, I can see a white light shining from her. Suddenly it just became so bright I covered my eyes with my arm. What is this?!

The light finally shimmered and I uncovered my eyes and I gasped. Roxanne wasn't there anymore but it was something else in her place.

I was looking at a white horse...A horse with wings!

A Pegasus!

The Pegasus got on its two feet and whinnied.

Then I realized what happened to Roxanne. Oh my god...Roxanne is the Pegasus! Am I dreaming of all this!?