Current Track: Blabb

The sun was shining inside the barn and the rays woke me up. I opened my eyes and yawned. My hand brushed against Roxanne's feathered wing and I remembered that I've spent the night in the barn with Roxanne as a Pegasus.

I turned to my head to my right and looked at Roxanne's face, I smiled. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. Before I stared at her for too long I hear a car coming outside. I pushed her wing out of the way and got up.

I went to the entrance of the barn and peeked out, it was Amy Crowe. I looked at Roxanne for a second, I don't want Amy to find her. Then I went outside and went to Amy.

Amy saw me coming as she got out of her car, she smiled, "Hi Frank, good morning."

I smiled back at her, "Hello Amy, what are you doing here?"

She changed her expression to concern and said, "Well...I've heard about what happened to you here. You know with the whole....So somebody tried to kill you kind of thing."

I was shocked, guess everyone in town heard about it. Well I'm at least feel appreciated that someone else other than my family came to check on me. I said, "You heard about that?"

She nodded, "Yeah, that doesn't happen a lot here, but still it must have been scary."

My thoughts went to that night when that maniac almost murdered me, "Yeah it was, it was just unexpected."

Amy still had a concerned look, "You ok? I mean if you aren't ok then-"

I interrupted, "No, no, I'm okay. It's just I handled it pretty well. I'm just glad they arrested that maniac. Turns out he's a drug dealer and another town or something like that."

She sighed and shook head, "I hate it when people do that. That makes me sick."

I nodded in agreement, 'Yep so do I."

Amy changed the subject, "So what are you doing out here? The sun just came out about an hour ago."

My face went wide and I tried to come up with a good excuse, "I got an early start and I...Went for a walk in the woods."

She frowned, and said, "Oh...Well did you see any sign of that horse who wondered in your yard the other night?"

My thought went to Roxanne but I didn't say anything. I wish I could tell Amy the truth, but Roxanne said that'll break the rules of her master. Well she revealed herself to me, so I guess that's breaking the rules but I guess me and her will have to worry about that later.

Amy interrupted my thoughts, "Hello I asked you a question."

I shook my head and said, "Nope no horse." Then I put on a smile, yeah great way to hide your secret dumbo.

Amy said, "Well if you say so, I hope the poor thing finds its family." Then she looked at me and changed the subject again, "Hey Frank, can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

She said, "Would...Would you go with me sometime?"

I was surprised by her question, "Your....Your asking me out?"

She laughed, "Of course I am! Do you want to sometime?"

I thought about it for a second then I smiled and said, "I...I loved to."

She beamed at me, "Great! Then maybe you can come by to my house and see me."

I nodded, "I will, anyways I need to go. Take care."

Amy waved her hand and said, "Alright later!" Then she got into her car and drove.

I turned around after Amy left and almost ran into Roxanne who is still a Pegasus, I gasped.

Roxanne cocked her head and said, "Who was that?"


Hours after Amy left, me and Roxanne were just hanging in my house, she became a human of course only once and then several hours later, it looked liked she was losing her concentration and went out outside and became a Pegasus again. I wonder how she does that. I'll have to ask her sometime.

Work called me of course when late afternoon came and I told my boss that I was sick. Of course my boss wasn't happy but then he said he would work it out on his end. I know I should be at work right now but I want to get to know Roxanne a little bit more.

Night came and when I went outside to look for Roxanne and found lying on her belly by the lake watching the stars like she did last night.

I walked to her and when she heard me she turned her head to see me, "Hello Frank. Isn't this night beautiful?"

I smiled at her and said, "Yeah it is. The nights here are always beautiful."

She nodded, "I can see why."

I giggled and said, "Can I join you?"

Roxanne cocked her head, "Shouldn't you be with that girl I saw you talking with this morning?"

I shook my head, "If you're talking about Amy, then no. I can hang with her later."

Roxanne then said, "You know, she looks pretty beautiful. She could be your potential mate one day."

I blushed at that statement, "I don't know about that."

She giggled and said "What? Do you think you won't have one?"

I laughed at that statement, "Ha! No, I will one day. And for the record we don't call our girls that we're with mates. We call them girlfriends or wives."

She nodded and said, "Yeah I know. But I just call them mate anyways. It seems more suitable to me."

I only said, "Oh." Then I changed the subject, "So can I join you?"

Roxanne nodded, "Of course."

I walked beside her and sat down beside her. Then me and her stared at the lake for only a moment, the full moon shining off it.

I heard Roxanne sigh and said, "This lake, it really does remind me of my home."

I looked at her after she said that, and asked, "Your home?"

She nodded and said, "Yeah my home. You see on my island where my kind lives, where I'm from, There's a lake just like this one here and me and my kind always sleep near it, depending on the weather of course."

I had a lot of questions on my mind and decided to ask her one of them, last night she mentioned there are more of her, her king, I asked, "Your kind? Do you mean there are more you? I mean....More Pegasus?"

She nodded her head and looked at me, "Yeah."

I  said, "I don't understand. I thought there was just one Pegasus."

She shook her head, "No there are a lot of us. You see there's a lot more of us than you can imagine."

I tilted my head, "How many are there?"

She answered, "A lot of us, trust me on that."

I giggled, "Well that answers that question, so do they all look like you? You know all white?"

"To answer your question no. Actually here's the thing. the females including me are white, and the males are all black. It's a simple fact. Even you wouldn't know the difference between the other females and me, but we would know each other by smelling each other."

I thought about what she said, "So the females are white and the males are black, right?"

She nodded, "Right."

I nodded as well and then I giggled.

She cocked her head again, "What's so funny?"

I shook my head, "Nothing. Its just....My father studied about these things. About Greek mythology and all that stuff. But he always talked about Pegasus and Perseus."

She still looked at me with curiosity, "Your father studies Greek mythology?"

I nodded, "Not only that, but he was a university professor. He was really smart, he would like you pretty much. He always told me and my sister stories about a Pegasus."

She smiled, "That's very sweet."

I looked at her and said, "Can I ask you something? About Perseus? Did he really exist?"

She only answered, "Yes."

I pressed her, "What do you know about him?"

Roxanne said, "Well he was this half human, half god, born to a mortal and born to his father the Greek god of Zeus. He's also a hero, he fought and beheaded the gorgon Medusa, he fought against the Titans and destroyed them, and last but not least, he rode on my ancestor, the Pegasus from way back then."

So the stories about Perseus and the Pegasus that he was with, are true! They weren't stories after all! My family will never believe this.

Roxanne continued, "My kind heard about this story for a long time. It makes us think we're not alone. In fact I know that the Pegasus that Perseus rode became a constellation and every night on my island we can see it during the night. It's actually quite a sight."

I only said, "Wow."

She laughed hard and said, "You sound just like a child when you said that."

I laughed with her, "Well can you blame me? I mean all that stuff you just told me are real!"

She smiled at me and said, "I think you have more questions."

I nodded and said, "How did you....You know...Change, you know into a human?"

She cocked her head, "You mean mortal?"

I said to her, "You know when you call my people that, it makes me feel inferior."

She had a guilty look on her face and said, "Sorry, its just because my master always called you that."

I asked, "Who?"


I gasped and said, "Zeus!?"

She laughed and said, "You really that surprised?"

I shrugged and said, "You really talked to Zeus?"

She nodded and said, "Of course, my kind sees him on the island most of the time. After all it's his island.

I got the picture and nodded, then I said, "So the gods are real as well?"

She nodded, "Yep, including Zeus. In fact I had a teacher who taught me how to shape shift. Into a mortal to be exact. The gods have that talent, they can all do it."

I had another question for her, "Wow so, what are they like?"

She had an angry look on her face, "You don't want to know."

I was confused, "Why? Are they that bad?"

She nodded and said, "Ask me one of their names and I'll answer you about what I think about this certain god."

I nodded and said, "Ok, Poseidon?"

She answered, "Asshole."

My face went wide and then I asked her, "Hera?"





"Oh don't get me started with him. He's one crazy asshole."

Then I asked her last but not least, "Zeus?"

She giggled and said, "Trust me, he's the biggest asshole of them all. I mean he from a long time ago, was with Hera romantically and behind her back he has these trysts with several mortal women, and that makes me think he's a pig. He doesn't care about anyone, but himself."

I was shocked at what I heard, "But why do you hate them?"

She looked at me and said, "Because they always think they're better than everyone else, I mean they're gods! They think  they can control everyone's destiny, but they can't. Not to mention they always use us as war weapons. Actually I haven't been in a war before but they always trained my kind in case there was. I mean they don't care about my kind as a friend they care about us as a weapon."

I've felt total pity for her, "Gosh I...I thought they were great."

She had an angry scowl and said, "They think of your people as mortals, they think they're better than your people."

That kind of made me angry, but what can I do about it? I said, "Is that why you left the island? To get away from them?"

She sighed but she nodded, "Yes, I hate them. And I also hate their laws and their rules. They always want to control us, but they won't control me. And I wouldn't care about what they would think, I wanted to see you."

I had a curious look on my face and asked, "Hold on, what would happen to you if they found out if you revealed yourself to me and my kind?"

She gave a look in my eyes, "They would kill me, and they would kill you."

My eyes went wide, they would kill us?! Well I certainly hope they don't find out about us.

I sat closer to her and said, "I'm sorry about all these questions."

She shook her head, "It's okay. You didn't know the gods personally. I had to tell you the truth."

"Oh trust me, the truth made me think differently about them." Then I giggled and she did as well.

Roxanne said, "You know despite all the laws they made, I don't regret a thing about seeing you. You...Really are like a son to me."

I smiled at her and said, "You never really had a child, have you?"

She shook her head, "No. That's why I thought about you as my son. You really look like an innocent child."

I smiled at her some more, "Thank you, and can I be honest?"

She nodded.

"After my dad died, my mother wasn't really the best mom in the world, she completely changed."

She cocked her head, "What do you mean?"

I looked at her and said, "You really don't know?"

She shook her head, "No."

I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't it was...A little bit painful. What my mom has done to me back then was a little bit too painful. I didn't want to tell her yet. When? I don't know.

I shook my head at her, "I'll tell you what, can I tell you what kind of person my mother was later, ok?"

Roxanne got the picture and said, "Alright, I won't press you about it."

I nodded and said, "Good. And I'll tell you this much. After everything you've told me last night, about watching over me and my family before my dad died, it really made me think there was a guardian angel watching me. And you saved my life from that guy who tried to kill me here. And I don't know how to repay you. But I guess all I can say is...Thank you Roxanne."

Roxanne smiled and then her head reached for my head and she started to nuzzle my cheek. I smiled when she done it. Then Roxanne said, "I love you Frank."

I was surprised she said it, then I wrapped my arms around her neck and said, "I love you too...Mom." Then I started to cry into her neck.


I went to sleep in the barn that night, I smiled as I went to sleep, I'm very happy that Frank called me mom. It was very sweet of him. I really feel loved.

Suddenly I felt a chill run through my body and my head shot up and I gasped. That feeling it's so familiar.

I got up on all fours and slowly walked outside the barn. I could feel a little bit of wind on my body, but it's not normal wind it's coming from SOMEONE. And I realized it's coming from inside the woods. I walked into the woods all the way into the big round clearing. I hope it's not Zeus or the other gods.

I stopped in the middle of the clearing and suddenly I've had a shaky feeling that I was being watched. Then I heard a voice, "Hello, Pegasus."

I gasped and slowly turned around and saw a person standing behind me, it was Hera one of the gods. I said to her, "Hello Hera."

Hera then smiled at me and said, "Well since you called me by name, maybe I should call you by your name, Roxanne is it?"

My eyes went wide at that, "You know about my name I've made up?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, in fact I know what you've been doing lately. I know why you're here. You came all the way here to find the boy and you did."

My blood turned cold with fear, they know about me and Frank? No, I thought I was being careful.

Hera then smiled and said, "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking about Frank, are you?"

I angrily said to her, "I don't care what your laws are, Frank is like a son to me and if you try to hurt him, I'll kill you myself."

Hera waved her hand at me, "Calm yourself, I'm not trying to cause trouble."

I yelled at her, "Trouble?! You are the trouble, you and your cohorts! I know why you're here! I won't let you kill me or Frank, I won't let you!"

Hera then calmly said, "I told you I'm not here to cause trouble. I want to talk to you."

I coldly said, "I doubt you're not causing trouble, but please talk away."

Hera said, "I know about you and Frank, and yes you are in trouble for revealing yourself to him. Mortals are not supposed to know about your kind and about us. It doesn't work that way."

I stared at her, "Like I said, don't care about your laws."

Hera then said, "I need your help."

I cocked my head at her, "Why? What do you want from me?"

Hera then had a angry look on her face, "Loki has escaped from his prison."

I gasped and said, "What? The trickster? But how? I thought he was locked up in the underworld by Hades."

She shook her head, "No he escaped not very long ago. He had some help, according to Hades, a minotaur helped Loki escaped. So now Loki and the minotaur are in the mortal world somewhere. And I need your help."

I said to her, "I know what he's up to, he wants to destroy you and the other and he wants to rule Mt. Olympus and destroy the mortal world by force."

Hera then said, "Right and he was your teacher years ago. He was the one who taught you how to shape shift. And since you can change into a mortal, you can stop him."

I asked her, "Do you think he's in this part of the world?"

Hera nodded, "Yes I do."

I sighed and said, "Well then I need some help, I'm with Frank right now and I can't do this all by myself."

Hera nodded again, "I know, I figured you say that, that's why I brought some company." Then she motioned for someone to come here.

I turned and saw a black Pegasus, it was my best friend! 

I said to him, "What are you doing here?"

The black Pegasus said, "Came here to help you that's why I'm here. You know I've figured you were here again, but I didn't believe until now."

I was staring at my best friend before Hera interrupted, "Well Roxanne your friend might need a name as well, since he can change into a mortal as well, how about Louis?"

The black Pegasus said, "Yeah I can go with Louis." Then he said to me, "Well Roxanne I guess I can show you my mortal form as well." Then a bright white light emitted from my best friend changed into a mortal, a handsome one at that.

I stared at my friend who changed, "You look handsome."

Louis as a mortal said, "Aren't you going to show me your mortal form?"

I shook my head, "Maybe later." Then I said to Hera, "What are the terms of this deal, what'll happen after I find Loki and his minotaur friend?"

Hera then smiled and said, "Then you'll be pardoned of your crimes against the gods and you and Frank will live." Then she narrowed her eyes at me and said, "Keep that in mind though, Frank can not know about this, and if you don't find Loki soon, then Frank will die, understand?"

I can't let Frank die, he's so precious to me. He has a long life to live. I looked into Hera's eyes and said, "Alright Hera, I'll do as you say and you'll give me your word that Frank won't die."

Her nodded, "I give you my word, but don't screw this up." Then she started to fade away. Leaving me and my black Pegasus friend who is now named Louis. Louis already turned back into his normal self and looked at me.

Louis said, "Well since I'm back to my normal self and I can fly now. I guess I'll go look for Loki now. And I guess you can go back to Frank now. I'll talk later." Then he had a running start and took to the skies and flew away.

I was left alone in the big clearing, contemplating what just happened.

Frank...I won't let you die Frank, I promise.