Current Track: Blabb

I looked at Roxanne who has turned into a Pegasus in front of my eyes. No way. I'm dreaming of all this, this can't be real.

Suddenly I accidentally stepped on a stick and it made a loud snap. I gasped and from what I can see the Pegasus heard me and turned her head to the noise I made. I got up from my crouching position and ran away.

I ran through the trees, and the bushes, dodging them. I ran until suddenly around the corner, I didn't see a big strong tree branch in time and I knocked myself head first into it.

I fell and landed on my back hard. My vision was blurry and everything went black.


I woke up in my couch in my house. I sat up shocked and worried about what happened to me. Then I had a feeling that someone is watching and I turned to my right and my feeling was correct. Roxanne became a human again and was watching me.

I only stared at her, what's going on here. She's a human? What in the world happened? I said, "Roxanne?"

Roxanne nodded her head and said, "I figured you would wake up sooner or later."

Questions were running through my mind and I asked one, "What happened to me?"

Roxanne then narrowed her eyes and said, "You're fine."

"What is this? What happened in the woods? Am I dreaming? What's going on here? Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from? WHO ARE YOU REALLY?"

Roxanne got on her feet and said, "I said you're fine and you're safe." She took a step toward me.

I tried to back away from her on the couch, "Stay back."

She stopped in front of me, "I'm not trying to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you."

I looked at her fear still in me, "What do you want from me?"

"I've told you before. I wanted to stay with you."

I yapped back at her, "Why? What do you want from me?"

She only stared at me. Not saying a word.

"Well if you won't answer then tell me this. Was I dreaming? You know about you being a...A-"

She put on a grin and asked incredulously, "What? A horse with wings? A Pegasus? Yes that's who I am. A Pegasus."

I shook my head, "No way, no. This is not possible. All of this is supposed to be in stories. None of this is real."

Roxanne shook her head, "No, I am real. This is not a dream. Listen Frank, I don't want to hurt you. I wanted to be with you, nothing more to it than that. Look I'm sorry for deceiving you, alright? But I....I want to be with you. At least for a while."

I looked at her with a curious look on my face, but why? Why me? I don't get it. "I really am not dreaming, am I?"

She shook her head, "No."

I nodded and said, "Well if this is not a dream, then show me who you really are."

She smiled at me, "Would you rather I show you, who I really am than what I am now? Very well then, follow me." She went to the door, and I got up from the couch and followed her outside.

We both stood out in the front yard, and Roxanne turned around to face me, "You afraid?"

I only said, "A little."

She shook her head and said, "Don't be, I won't hurt you. Now here's my true form." Then she closed her eyes and then a bright white light started to shine from within her. The light became bright like before and I shielded my eyes. Until she finally changed into a Pegasus.

I looked at her amazed by her appearance, she looks beautiful. Her color is all white, her wings, her legs, even her tail's all white. I still stared at her, "Wow."

Roxanne as a Pegasus said, "Amazed? Are you?"

I nodded slowly at her, she can even talk as a Pegasus. I really don't believe it, but she is real. I think the only way to prove is...

I went toward her, "Can I touch you?"

She nodded and said, "Go ahead. Like I said, I won't hurt you."

I reached out to pet her, on her nose. Then I traced my fingers on her neck. She feels like a normal horse would be. I then reached for her wings, those feathers, they really feel soft. She is real, she is. Then I pulled my hand back.

Roxanne then looked at me and said, "Content?"

I nodded, "Yeah, very content." Very content indeed.

Dad...What have you missed?

Roxanne then walked a little bit toward me, until she was close to me. Her breath is not far from me. She said, "Frank. I know your taking a lot to process this. But I'm not trying to hurt you. I would never hurt you. In fact, I'm glad you found me as a mortal, I'm glad you saved my life, I was trying to look for you and that's when those three mortals came to me to have their way with me. But you saved my life."

Then her head reached forward and she rubbed her cheek against mine. I was shocked as a cat.

While she was nuzzling me, she said, "I've waited so long to meet you, so long."

I was shocked at her words. She waited for me? For what? "Uh...Roxanne I....Wait? Is that your name? You know your real name?"

She pulled her head away and said, "I was never born with a name mortal. But you can call whatever you want, you can call me Roxanne anyway. I borrowed that name from some mortal I don't know."

Mortal....She's calling me and a girl a mortal. This is weird.

She smiled at me and said, "You have a lot of questions I would imagine."

I nodded, "Yeah."

Then she sighed and said, "Listen I can't talk right now, I'm very tired, it has been a long night. I promise you tomorrow I will talk and answer your questions as simply as I can, understand?"

I nodded.

She nodded back at me, "Alright, I can only change into a moral for a short while right now. I can only hold on to my transformation for some time, just depends on how long I'm my normal self. So for now I must be who I am and rest outside." She walked around trying to find a spot to rest.

I hollered, "Hey wait!" She waited and I said, "Look it's kinda cold outside, and I know you can't sleep in the house. I think I know where to put you, follow me." I led her to the barn near my house. Years ago when dad was alive we used to have horses and we would ride them together. Now its been years later and there are no horses not one, except Roxanne.

I opened the barn and she went in, I don't have to put her in a stable since she's her own person. Or own animal I suppose.

She turned around to face me and smiled, "Thank you."

I scratched the back of my head, "Uh, yeah. You gonna be okay?"

She nodded as she laid down to the ground, "I will, will you be okay?"

"I...I guess so."

She smiled at me while she laid on her belly, "Well you might as well get used to me. I'll be here for a long while."

I only said, "Well okay bye!" Then I turned and walked back outside, oh my god. She is real. She really is real. Then I wasn't crazy after all. She must have been the one who saved my life from that maniac.  She must have been the one who went into the woods on my first night ever since I came back home and then flew off in the middle of the big round clearing. It all makes sense now.

But wait. She said she was waiting for me. Waiting for me for a long time. Why? Why me? What does she want from me?

I didn't want to dwell on that right now, so I went through the front door of my house.


I've woke up in my bed, the sun was shining in my face. I sat up, god what a dream. Then I remembered, wait it wasn't a dream was it? I got up from bed and then I went outside to the barn and saw Roxanne, still a Pegasus sleeping on the ground.

Oh man it wasn't a dream, what happened last night was real after all.

I must have made a loud noise, because Roxanne stirred and then she opened her eyes and saw me. She raised her head and smiled at me, "Good morning."

Like last night I was still in a loss for words, "Uh, hi."

She giggled at me, "What's wrong? You're acting like you haven't seen a Pegasus before."

I was just staring at her now.

She tilted her head at me, "Something wrong?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get used to this. I mean I've just met you last night as a human. But now on the same night, I've found out who you really are. It's just...."

She answered for me, "Bizarre?"

I nodded.

Then she said, "Like I said before, this is a lot to take in."

I said, "I think it's a lot more than that."

She nodded, "I know."

Then we both heard a car coming. Someone's here. I left Roxanne and peeked out of the barn. It's mom and her boyfriend Ray.

I turned to Roxanne and said, "There's someone else here."

Then Roxanne said, "Don't show them who I am. I know what you're thinking."

I stared at her incredulously, "Why not?"

She only said, "It's a long story."

Well that wasn't the answer I was looking for but that'll have to wait until later. I went outside to meet mom and Ray.

They were surprised to see me outside, mom said, "Frank! You scared us!"

I stood in front of them, "Sorry. You expected to see me inside?"

Ray then said, "Oh yeah we were. We didn't expect you to be outside kinda early."

I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

Ray only said, "Oh."

Then I said, "So what are you guys doing here?"

Mom then smiled and said, "Well...I was thinking that me, you, and Ray should have breakfast together at the diner in town. You know catch up on things, get to Ray, you know that kind of thing."

Ray said, "Yeah buddy, I know I'm not your father, but at least we could try to bond. I already bonded with your sister, so I don't see the problem of trying to bond with you."

I said, "Actually guys I'm not in the mood because-" Then I got interrupted by Roxanne who now became a human again.

"Hello guys."

Mom and Ray were surprised to see my guest, mom then said, "Oh! Frank who's this?"

I sighed, well now this is getting more weird, but might as well make the best of it. I introduced them to Roxanne, "Mom, Ray, this Roxanne. Roxanne, this my mom and Ray."

Roxanne then smiled and said, "Well it's very nice to meet you two."

Mom then looked at Roxanne and said, "How do you know my son?"

Roxanne then said something that shocked me, "I know his father. Professor Alex O'Donnell."

I stared at her with wide eyes, wait she knows my dad?! She know his name?! How does she know him?! What is going on here?!

Mom then cocked her head and said, "Oh, you mean my late husband? He never mentioned you before."

Roxanne then said, "Well actually we used to work together at the university. Where he worked at".

I still stared at her, Jesus! She even know where my dad worked. She really knows him!

Ray then said, "Oh, well judging by the way you looked I thought that maybe you and Frank were...Together."

Me and Roxanne stared at Ray with wide eyes and I said, "Oh no, me and Roxanne are friends nothing more. You see my dad told her about me and Miley and she has been working the courage to see us and not very long ago, yesterday actually she found me and last night she spend the night here. At least that's about it so far." Wow now I'm a storyteller as well, just like Roxanne.

Ray then said, "Oh."

Mom then smiled and said, "Well we invited Frank to come eat breakfast with us, but since you're here, you want to come along as well."

Roxanne then looked nervous and said, "I don't want to be a bother."

Mom shook her head, and said, "Nonsense, you can come with us." Then she looked at me, "Is that ok son?"

I nodded slowly, "Sure."

Ray then said, "Alright then lets go."


Things went well than I expected when me and Roxanne as a human went to eat breakfast at the diner in town. Of course I wasn't in the mood for eating today, I was still in shock about everything last night.

Knowing the truth about Roxanne, and why she's here. To be with me.

I still don't understand what is so important about me.

Now hours have passed and I didn't go to work tonight, because I've had a day off tonight and I was glad, I couldn't concentrate on anything!

I only concentrated on her. Roxanne the human or Roxanne the Pegasus. My brain feel hurt just thinking about it.

Hours ago after we were done with mom and Ray, Roxanne's not a human anymore. Because when they left, Roxanne started to act weird, like she was losing concentration. I think she was trying to hold her human form together. I think that's what Roxanne meant last night, like when she said, I can only be a human for a short time, just depends on how long I am my true self.

This is getting more weirder by the freakin minute! Not to mention there's something she's not telling me. She hasn't been telling me the reason why she wanted to be with me. You know what? I don't care if she is nice to me or not, I want the truth.

I got up from my couch in the house, went outside and went to the barn. It was night outside so there wouldn't be any interruptions like this morning.

When I got to the entrance to the barn, I've found Roxanne as a Pegasus just laying around on the floor, it looked like she was staring at the night sky. She smiled and looked into my eyes, "Hello Frank."

I put up a smile on my face, "Hello yourself. Can I join you?"

Roxanne cocked her head, "Really? You want to join me on stargazing?"

I nodded.

Roxanne then said, "To tell you the truth, my kind always like to stargaze outside during a night like this. Looking at the stars are always beautiful."

I was appalled to hear one particular thing she said, her kind? There are more of them? More than one Pegasus? I don't believe it.

Roxanne interrupted my thoughts, "Frank are you okay?"

I shook my head, "Oh yeah, I'm fine." Then I went to join her.

I sat down beside her near her belly, then I decided to just lie on my back against her body. So she moved one of wings so I could lay my back against her, and I did. She let her wing fall on me just a bit, those feathers really do feel soft. The I looked to my right while laying my back against her body and joined with her stargazing.

I sighed, and then she twisted her head to look at me, "What's the matter?"

I sighed again, "I just don't understand."

She had a curious look on her face, "About what?"

"About you. About us I guess. I mean I'm trying to understand and it has been bothering me ever since last night. Why me? Why did you want me? Out of all the other people in this country, out of all the people in the world, you pick me." Then I looked into her eyes, "Why? Why me? Why not someone else? Why me?"

Then she closed her eyes and turned her head away and sighed, "It's a long story."

I motioned my hand to her, "I think we have all night."

Without looking at me she said, "I don't want to hurt you."

My eyes went wide, she doesn't want to hurt me? What does she mean? I said, "Try me."

She sighed and said, "Alright....It was years ago when I came here. I'm not really from around here. You see I'm from an island, an island outside this land. All of my kind lives on that island. But to tell you the truth, my kind are not supposed to leave the island. Lets just say it goes against the rules of a person who rules us. Who treats us like weapons of war. But I wanted to see the world, I wanted to see what's out there. So one night about thirteen years ago I think, I flew away from my island home to see the world."

I asked, "So you came here to see the world? What does it got to do with me? And how do you know my father?"

She sighed and stared straight ahead, "I flew around most of the time. I mean I didn't know where I was going. I was new to this world. I never knew where I was going, but on my first trip to this world, I saw a lot of mortals. Even though I've felt left out of every mortals lives, nevertheless I was fascinated by your cultures and all of your duties, they're a lot better than my own."

Then she twisted her head to look at me again, "Here's why I wanted to be with you. You see I know your family. And I came here years ago."

I looked at her with curiosity, "You came here years ago? To my summer home?"

She nodded, "Yes. I've been to so many places in this world, but this place because of the woods and the lake nearby, it reminds me of home. I saw this house and for some reason I was interested in your family. I saw your mother and your father. And I saw you and your sister when you were little, Miley right?"

I nodded at her question. She saw me when I was a little boy? I never even knew that.

She continued, "I watched you and your family for a long time. But what I was mostly interested in was you. You seem to be the spirited one. You remind me of myself, when I was a little one. And...I remember how close your father was to you."

My eyes went wide and she went on, "Your father was so happy with you, you two were together all the time, I didn't see you with your mother a lot. I thought you wanted your father more. I could see that all of you were very happy. Until one day something changed."

She closed her eyes and sighed, "I was in the woods on my way to watch over your family, then on my way there, I saw you. I saw you crying in the woods, I didn't what was wrong with you at the time. I...I've felt something inside of me when I saw you cry. Then I began to realize I've grown....To care for you, as a mother."

She opened her eyes and looked at me, "You see, I saw you cry and I wanted to hold you. But I couldn't because I was going to break one of the laws of my master if I went to you and you saw me. I didn't know how to change into a mortal back then. It's against the rules to talk to a mortal. So I just watched you. Then one day I realized what happened, when I didn't see your father again. I realized that he was gone. He was gone from your life."

She continued, "The next thing I knew, I never saw you and your sister or your mother again after that. I never saw you guys here ever again. In all honesty I could understand why. This place reminds you of your father and your family wanted to stay away from this place. But I still stayed here every once in a while. Not every day of every year, just once in a while."

"Even when I came back to my island, no one never knew about you. I never told anyone, only I know about you. Even when I come back home, I still see you, even in my dreams. That one day me and you would meet and I would tell you I'm sorry for your loss. I know how that feels, believe me I do. One day I've learned how to  shape shift into a mortal, and so I've realized I have a chance to meet you. Then as luck would have not very long after I came back here to this house, I see you all grown up and full of life. It has been a long time since I've seen you, you were little when I last saw you.  Even though you now know who I am, I don't care about the rules and the laws of my master. I wanted to see you and that's what matters."

She had a tear in her eye when she looked at me still, "You are all that matters. Nothing else matters but you."

My mouth was agape, then I smiled at her.

Then Roxanne said, "So now you know the truth Frank. I'm sorry about everything you've went through, it wasn't fair. You deserve to have your father back. You deserve every little bit of happiness. I'm sorry Frank, I really am." Then she shut her eyes tight, a few tears have fallen.

While I was laying against her, I reached to stroke her cheek and chin. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I looked into her eyes and said, "Roxanne, it's ok. The fact that you've seen me years ago and the fact that you think of me as your son, it's really sweet of you to think of me that way. I couldn't blame you for feeling sorry for me, no how long the years have passed."

Roxanne smiled and said, "So you're not afraid of me anymore?"

I smiled at her and said, "Well I'm not afraid of you like I used to, but I'm sure I'll get used to you."

Her eyes went wide, "What do you mean get used to you? Do you mean?"

I nodded, "Yeah you can stay here. I know you said you're staying here for a little while, but you can stay here as long as you need to."

She pushed her head against my hand, liking me petting her. Then I yawned, and said, "Well I'm tired and I need to get going." I got up on my own two feet and said to her, "Tomorrow in the morning, can you tell everything about you?"

She nodded, "Of course."

I smiled and said, "Ok good night then." Then before I could walk off she said, "Frank!" Then I turned around to face her, "Yes?"

She looked at me and said, "Can you....Can you sleep by me outside. Sometimes when I stay the night outside alone it feels lonely and scary at the same time."

I thought about it and then I nodded, "Sure just let me get a blanket for me to lay on, ok?"

Roxanne nodded and I went inside my house to get a blanket for me. I came back and I laid the blanket on the floor and then I lied down on it. Pretty comfy so far. I laid down close to her and she let one of her wings cover me like a blanket, the feathers really do feel soft.

I looked at Roxanne then she smiled at me and said, "Goodnight Frank."

I smiled at her and said, "Goodnight Roxanne." Then both of us went to sleep in the night.