Current Track: Blabb

The Big Sleep

Finding One's True Self: Part 11

By Xan Steel


ran to the cockpit to see why the alarms were going off. Daniel jumped in the
head seat to get a readout from the computer. Mathew sat next to Daniel and
began looking over the sensor log. "Well, according to the sensors, there
are no stars in range?" He said confused.

brought up the map of the galaxy and tied it into their last known location.
"Ah, that would explain things," he said.

that?" Sandra asked.

passing out of the galactic arm in which Earth’s solar system inhabits,"
Daniel said showing them on the map.

looked at the map and saw the ships position. "I'll be the first to say I
know nothing of distance or warp theory, but shouldn't we be at Alpha Centauri
by now, even with the few planet surveys we did?" she questioned aloud.

looked at her and then the computer readouts on the drive, and discovered that
the alarm was for the EM-Drive itself.
Three of the four plasma injectors were damaged and needed to be repaired or

shut down the EM Drive and brought the ship to a halt in the cold void of
space. With nothing close by to which he could use the solar panels to collect
more power from, he started shutting down non-essentials to conserve on energy
consumption, in case they had to be there for a while.

what's going on?" Maria asked.

sighed deeply, "I'm not sure what happened, but we've been running on one
Plasma injector for some time now.” He turned to face Mathew,  “Mathew, can the duplicator."

cut him off, "No." He answered. "As a prototype, we didn't think
to incorporate duplicating complex machinery or advanced elements.

spoke up concerned, "What does that mean guys?"

sighed again. "It means I need to do a spacewalk to widen the last
injector to alleviate pressure on it. That would keep us at least one times the
speed of light," he said.

much time does that add to the journey?" Maria asked.

began running the calculations. "Well, I'm not sure if we've been wrong
about the size of our galaxy or if our calculations on the speed of light are
wrong, but according to the computer it's going to take us around twelve years
to reach Alpha Centauri," he finished in a slightly exasperated tone.

girls looked at each other and then back to the guys. Maria spoke first,
"I take it that means we need sleep?" Maria said.

was hoping we wouldn't need to use those beds, Daniel." Sandra finished.

much as I wish we didn't, I'll be honest. I'm glad I brought'em along." He

He got
up and went to the lower level of the ship and began preparing for his spacewalk.
Maria helped him into the suit and cable harness. Once he was secured, he
grabbed his tools and went to the airlock. Maria turned him around. "Be careful
please," she pleaded with him as he hugged her as tightly as he could. He
walked in the airlock and sealed the door. He then gave the thumbs up to Maria
to start the depressurizing processing. Once completed he opened the outer door
and hooked his cable to the anchor on the ship.

was incredibly nervous as she watched him floating out in the void. Sandra and
Mathew came over to watch with her. They watched him hit a few buttons on the
suit until a loud static and pop "Hello, can anyone hear me in
there?" Came Daniel's voice as Maria pushed a lit button on the console

Maria said excitedly.

sis. "I'm fine I just made it to the injector ports. I also wanted to hear
other people's voices. You never really understand just how quiet space is
until you start to hear your heart beating." Daniel commented.

leaned in to hit the button, "How do the injectors look?" He
questioned just as Daniel pulled the panel off and set it off to the side.

it's not looking good that's for sure."

chimed in, "What's that supposed to mean?"

reached in and pulled out one of the injectors without any tools and showed it
in front of the camera. "This does explain things. What you're looking at
is a melted injector." He said.

are made of tempered Iridium. They shouldn't melt like that." Mathew said.

pulled out the other two and adjusted the last one before closing it up and
headed back to the airlock resealing the door, and give the thumbs up for Maria
to pressurize. Once the cycle finished, he stepped out of the airlock and moved
over to let Maria help him out of the suit. Once he was out of the suit, he
opened the toolbox and handed the melted
injectors to Mathew. "Are you positive that the duplicator can't make new
ones?" Daniel asked.

though I would love to know just what it was that melted these. Tempered
Iridium has a melting point of some eight thousand degrees. What temperature
does the plasma get too?" Mathew questioned Daniel.

"It peeks out around maybe four thousand. I think the
material might have been faulty. These injectors are quite dull in appearance
compared to the one still in there," Daniel finished.


took them to perform a metallurgical analysis on them while Daniel went to the
cockpit to reprogram a new flight path into the computer.

had Maria follow her back to the medical lab to review the scans of Daniel's
brain again to see if there was any new development. After an hour reviewing the information, she turned to Maria
and spoke, "I'm worried about

do you mean?" Maria quietly asked.

this new paracortex continues to grow, it's going to put stress on his cranium
as it displaces the brain fluid," Sandra answered.

sighed, "Which could do any number of things. Such as a real coma,
seizures, brain damage or possibly death." She sat down in a chair.
"And I don't have anything here to remove and store brain fluid unless I
want to return to the dark ages of medicine," Maria said in a somewhat
defeated tone as Sandra came over and hugged her. "Why is it that no
matter how much I want him to be happy, everything else is trying to take him
away," Maria said as she softly wept.

at least for now once we get in those beds, the stasis field will stop it from
growing any further until we can find a way to remove the excess fluid,"
Sandra said hoping to reassure Maria.

Once they finished looking over the information on Daniel's brain,
they headed to the cockpit to see how the new route was coming along. While
returning to the cockpit, they met Mathew who joined them.


they got to Daniel, he showed them the new flight path. “All right here's what
I've done to maximize distance and recharge time. In the hopes of cutting down
our time in the stasis beds while getting us to our destination." He
showed them the map, and the path as it crisscrossed or tacked between the two
arms they were positioned.

long can the ship last before needing to be recharged?" Sandra asked.

power cells can last for ten years, as long as I shut everything off, but the
computer for navigation, and the controller for the stasis beds awake
protocol," Daniel said.

way the computer can wake us when we get to these recharging locations?"
Mathew asked as Daniel nodded in response. "Well, the computer came back
with the analysis for the injector ports you handed me," Mathew said.

was the result?" Daniel asked.

Mathew said as he plunked them down on the console.

wait, they were faulty to begin with?" Sandra asked in a surprised tone.

it would seem," Mathew answered her.

does that mean?" Maria asked in response.

knows, the point is these three injector ports were cheaply made, and yet
somehow lasted for some time since iron has a much lower melting point,"
Daniel answered her.

went and ate a small meal before preparing for their big sleep. The computer
calculated that it would take about five years to reach their first stop.
Daniel reprogrammed the stasis beds unlock pattern for manual release, with the
same one that Julyna had given him to contact her without even realizing it.

Maria and Mathew were locked in nicely Sandra pulled Daniel off to the side.
"Dan, I need to talk to you about something," she said in a concerned

my brain, isn't it?" he asked as she nodded. "I'm dying, right?"

the moment? No."


the paracortex growing, we will need to remove a small amount of brain fluid," she said.

is that bad?" he asked.

Maria doesn't have the tools to do that, at least, not without using crude
tools." She said as she hung her head.

me when I say, I trust her implicitly, and I know she'll do everything in her
power to save me." He said as he pulled her into a hug, as she hugged him
in return.

I'm sensing something else that you wanted to talk about." She softly blushed,
because saying that meant he was potentially starting to use his new-found

I've wanted. No, I can't say it." She said as she began to pull away, but
he held her closer still.

better to get it off your mind than to keep it bottled up. Maria taught me that
recently." he quietly said.

looked up into his eyes and just pulled him into a deep kiss. He returned it
before gently breaking it off. She whispered to him, "I want you,
Danny." she said.

In all
the time of knowing her, this was the first time she had ever called him that.
"I had a feeling you did," as he whispered softly in her ear.

picked her up and carried her to the room, while not even bothering to close
the door. They undressed each other and began their passionate love making. She
had wanted him since they first met years ago. Even though having him just to
herself wasn't going to happen on this trip, just having him at all made her

they cleaned up and locked themselves into their stasis beds as the computer
began shutting everything down and started the countdown while initiating the
EM-Drive, heading towards its first recharge destination.