Current Track: Blabb

Lucynda woke up again with a grunt, awaking from another lustful dream. She took the blankets off the bed and looked between her legs.

"Damn not again," She said to herself. A quite big pool of fem fluids were covering her scales not to mention the wet spot under it that was soaking the bed under her moistened sex. That night she had again a wonderful dream of a dragon Lucas claiming her properly in the dragon way of mating Every time she had that dream, she awoke with her panties and bed soaked in her juice.

She sighed and closed her eyes, chanting a little spell that cleaned the bed, but as for her body, she had to clean it the old fashioned way. She went to her bathroom and filled the bathtub with very hot water, as it was the best way to sooth her irritated scales, especially the very sensitive ones around her labia. After the bathtub was full, she immersed completely, relaxing and thinking again about Lucas and her new life.

the meetingsFour days had passed from the last time she had a chat with him. In the past two weeks they had met something like four or five times and were always welcome to Lucynda since she was so lonely. It wasn't that she hadn't friends in her world but they were really busy and they needed to cut out any unnecessary visit as she wasn't all that welcome in the community. They didn't see her mainly to protect her. That she still was alive and could live peacefully in her home was because of those friends and she respected them for all the hard work they were doing for herbut still, she was lonely.

But now things changed with the appearance of Lucas, like the moon that filled the darkness around her revealing the beautiful night that was her life and all the mysterious shadows and vague shapes that now friendship and the world itself could offer her. Now she had only to explore them. She gave a huge smile as she thought about him and the new changes in her life, especially the dreams that she had, replacing the nightmares, or, well... daymares. After she chanted the spell that would cleanse the water from every spot of her lustful body, she got up and took a simple vest that would hide her figure while moving in the house. Of course it was sunset and she was still yawning widely, while she went to a hidden door that was near the tv that led to her workshop.

Like every dragon, she had a special room dedicated to herself that would only show to the ones really close to her, and she had a magical and alchemical workshop. It was a perfect circle with a floor something like 25 meters in diameter, the walls covered entirely by libraries full of books on everything she was interested in, from romance to magic tomes and alchemic scrolls. On the floor there were two tables that surrounded the room, forming a second inner circle around the room divided in the middle so one could pass between them. It was full of scrolls, books, materials, chemical instruments and more.

In the middle of the room there was a floating rounded table. Above it, there were two raw stones as black as obscurity itself and there were also some strange rectangular pieces of diamonds. On the sides of the table, there were three arms made of gold that arch to the center with 3 glowing gems, one red ,one green and one blue. On the top of them was floating a strange and cylindrical stone that was hollowed inside with phosphorescent blue veins which on the outside were pulsing with some sort of energy.

Lucynda rummaged through the library looking for a particular book, which she found after 15 minutes of searching and then went to a podium near the floating table. She opened a book and then scrolled to the spell related to the chant that she needed. As she read, she relaxed and closed her eyes then focused on the magic that now surrounded her and filled the entire room. Finally she said:

"Are'kan ashup tahee ixlivra nibiru toshin'dake rokua ASHRAKAN FURIAN DAXAN!"

As she chanted in the ancient language, a sort of green bubble of light enveloped the stones and the diamonds, lifting them at the center of the space delimited by the curved golden bars. The bubble began to shrink until all the elements were attached to one another, then from the cylindrical stones came a strong blue ray that was emitted by each of the energy stones. As the rays hit the bubble a second barrier was formed, rising from a pentagram in the ground. Stopping the sudden sparks of energy spreading like bursts of lightning, shooting from the bubble, now a ball of purple light.

Lucynda held her arms toward her work, giving energy to the barrier. After 10 minutes from the beginning of the ritual, a sort of supernova implosion was visible were the table stood. It was now being sucked, as well as the golden arms, by the blackhole and, when it stabilized itself, two twin amulets, each baring a perfect rhomboidal black diamond that was white on the edge, suspended in the room with a narrow chain made of diamonds which passed through a narrow channel at the top of both the amulets. Then they dropped lazily to the floor, where an exhausted yet very happy Lucynda took them and looked at her work, taking one of the amulets and placing the chain around her neck. She would give the other one to Lucas. This would be her gift to him.

Lucas was waiting for Lucynda in his home. He had yet to furnish and decorate it but he was really unsure on how to fill his new home. His friends had totally opposite tastes about how to furnish a house so he didn't ask anything after the last quarrel his friends had.

"Mmmhhh maybe I should ask Lucynda. Her home was quite beautiful and it wasn't so exaggerated, like fixing to the wall a boar head with two cross swords under it or make a wall full of amplifiers," He thought to himself.

He really liked Lucynda. She was a very kind creature and after he got used to the fact that she was a dragon, plus a vampire, he was very happy to have her as a friend. He was never bored around her and when she was talking about magic or alchemy, he was totally dangling from her lips. He was always attracted by the more mysterious part of the world, so he always tried to gather more and more information about esoteric subjects.

Though the internet was full of sites talking about it, none of them really got his interest as all of those things that he thought could be nonsense were actually real, except the alchemy ones since it was used as science in the old days, though being less and less accurate in the more esoteric spots. Tonight he was going to ask if it was possible for a human to use magic and if alchemy could really be as it was written in the books of old. He didn't have to wait too long though, but he immediately recognised that she was exhausted. He went to Lucynda who gratefully accepted his hands and brought her to the nearby couch and asked if she was in need of something.

"I only need some rest... and Lucas I brought something for you. It's just a little present that will be useful in the future."

She gave him the amulet that she had created and Lucas looked at it in reverential wonder. He put it on and then looked more carefully at every facet of the little necklace.

"Thank you Lucynda. It must had cost you a fortunate to buy it"

"No it cost me nothing aside my energy. I've created it, well actually I created two of them. I have the twin of your necklace and it also has some useful functions. If you say: 'Verla shima drakahar Lucynda valperal', then it will be like using a cellphone without the problem of having signal. It works everywhere without any problem apart in highly condensed magic places, though I doubt you will go in places like this. If instead you say: 'Verla leveta drakahar Lucynda valperal' it will send a message to twin necklace letting me know if you want to see me. This is an order you must say with strong will if you are in danger, 'Rokshat mortifraz Lucynda' and I will come to aid you. I know that we can talk with each other via the mindblood link though I don't suggest it. I was reading some law book and discovered that this type of link can be detected and since you're not, at least for now, an approved witness of the secret world, we could have some serious problem"

He remained astonished by the gift she made for him, all the more as he knew that she created such a gift also to help him in any way she knew. He was speechless and the only thing he could do was to embrace her tightly. Lucynda was happy that he liked her gift and hugged him back, murring in content. After a bit, they broke the embrace and then Lucas asked:

"Lucynda, would you like to go to buy some furniture for my home with me tomorrow? I've got some money from my father and I would really like to have you help me decide. Of course, only if it isn't a problem."

"No, I have no problems at all and I've got some tricks up my sleeves to walk unnoticed among humans even in daylight. Though I've got to take a special gel that I have to rub on my skin so that the sun's rays don't weaken me. I'll be back in a sec."

After some minutes she came back with a sort of sun cream made for vampires and said that she would go to the bathroom since she had to rub it all over her body. She left him in the kitchen while she went to the bathroom and took off her clothes, leaving herself now totally nude. Lucas was quite curious about her 'figure' and sneaked to door slowly and on tip-toes he reached for the door, opening it slightly and peered inside.

What he saw made gave him an instant hard-on. Her curves, not mention her bosom, were sultry in an exotic manner he couldn't image. Though she wasn't perfectly fit. She was slightly plump, though giving her roundness and more supple curves, also giving her a beautiful hourglass figure and he bet her tummy was so soft that would be nearly impossible to stop caressing it. He preferred it this way. He didn’t found skinny girls that attractive and many of the girls he knew that quite it the spot on being beautiful by the social standard, turned out to be really awful jerks. Better have a bit of meat to have something touch nicely. And the show was all the more arousing since she was rubbing her body with the sun cream, and now his member was fully risen and slightly aching for the show. He hid as the dragoness turned, looking in his direction and he went back to the couch praying that she didn't see him.

Lucynda was giggling as she saw the lustful stare of Lucas. She was flatterred and a little peek was fair since she too spied on him when he was in the tub. Suddenly a wicked idea came into her mind. Once finished rubbing the sun cream, she went back to her home to retrieve a little night set. It was a refined set of white lingerie, a corset that stopped before the start of her tummy, a slip paired with two pantyhose and with a transparent vest ending with some soft fluffs at the end of the sleeves and lower part of it. She ported back to the bathroom with the lingerie on.

"I bet that his jaw will fall down to the floor," She mused to herself.

Lucas had already opened the couch to reveal the bed since he knew that Lucynda this time would remain with him, or at least he thought so because the dragoness looked on the brink of falling asleep when she arrived. He took the blankets and some cushions and really hoped that she would spend the night with him like the last time, when she remained to ease his nerves before the exam, though nothing could prepare him for what was coming. As soon as he heard the light chinking sound of the claws of Lucynda's feet, he watched the most astonishing and arousing view he ever seen in his life. He remained speechless and blushed as Lucynda hid a giggle by placing her right hand in front of her snout and said "I assume that you like what you see."

She yawned and, without waiting, took Lucas's hand and drew him under the blankets with her. Lucas took control of himself and turned to face his back against her, trying to hide his blush and too embarrassed to look at her. Lucynda didn't take it the wrong way and hugged him from behind, knowing that he was just shy, murring gently at him, loving the way his body heated her own and embracing him. Lucas calmed down and smiled, turning and looking directly into Lucynda's eyes, then embracing her softly, his head resting upon her breasts. Lucynda gently put a hand at the back of Lucas's head and hugged him with her wings too. The two friends slowly went into slumber. Their bodies almost naked but not letting their more carnal instinct ruin the magic moment, loving the sharing of their friendship and the simple presence of each other. The simple touch of their bodies and the heat they were sharing, and with these sentiments they slept embraced with one another. Feeling that moment to the fullest of their capability.