Current Track: Blabb

Night. A lone figure in the sky, the wind caressing her scales, the scents of the city going trought her nostrils and into her lungs, the excitement of the hunt, the stalking of the predator on the prey. It was already two months since Lucynda's trip in Italy started. She began from Milan then going south, trough the Padana Plains, then following the Appennini mountain chain, and was now at Rome, The Eternal City. It was really a beautiful city, full of history awaiting you to tell it's story at every turn of your head. If only she could go around without freaking out the humans. Well, that was quite normal because of her nature. Now that she was thinking over it, she was getting hungry. On all her life, she had to say that Italian were really the 'sweetest' people she had ever met. She was pondering where to go to hunt her prey, when an alluring scent caught her attention. She followed the scent, and arrived at Parco Del Pineto Sacchetti (park) that looked out onto Piazza Del Poppolo (square). She lanaded on a nearby roof, turning instantly into a shadow, to avoid being detected by the humans. After scanning the park she found her prey. He was fairly tall, 1,90 m, with black short hairs with two beautiful deep blue eyes. She was a bit amazed that there were no girls around him trying to get his attention! After looking carefully at him, she decided that she would have a 'little fun' with this young one, so she leaped from shadows to shadow and then melted with the one of the human, waiting that he would return at home, before showing herself to him

  Lucas, so was how his friend called him, was having a nice night so far. He and his friends where now going to have dinner at a nearby Burger King. He was still nervous for the upcoming final exam at the university, but he needed a break, and his friends where there to help him relax. After dinner tough he had to go to home, since tommorrow had to still read some last chapters from his books. After say goodbye to his friends, he went to buy a ticket in a store. After paying, he goes out and walked to the nearest bus stop, looking sometimes up into the sky. He saw the lonely moon, thinking over his life. He didn't know why, but he wasn't that fortunate with the 'gentle sex', and now in his neighbourhood, hewas called the eternal friend. With all the girls he went, there was always the same reaction when he asked to the girl to become his girlfriend. They always wanted to be only friend, but after the date, the friendship with this girls was really getting stronger with the time and wasn't just something that the girls said to don't stay with him. And damn if he had lots of girl for friends. But it was starting to hurt him. He didn't miss companionship, but the fact to not find a girlfriend was getting him sad. His parents always said that he had just to wait for the right one. Yes but how long would he wait to finally someone that reciprocated his feelings? While thinking over this thoughts, he arrived at the bus stop just in time. The bus was going to the nord part of Rome and after a long trip, he called his stop, and then goes off the bus. He was now at Monte Sacro district. He walked trough the old alleys, finally getting at a complex of newly built condominium. He reached the third building and then took the stairs arriving at the fifth floor. He opens the door that lead to his apartment and looked inside. There wasn't much to see since he had just moved here for five days so there was just a bed and a tv in the kitchen. He turns on the light and goes to the fridge when suddenly his body is blocked. Total obscurity takes the room, the light bulb broken on the ground and the surroundings becoming suddenly colder. Lucas tries to move, but not even a fibber of his body stir. It was like someone entered in his brain and took control of it. Then he senses something behind him. He didn't know why, but his instinct was saying that he or she was something really deadly. He feels his torso being hugged by something scaly, and a tongue runs on his neck.

  "Hi handsome"

It was clear it was a she, and had a really warm sweet voice. He tried to move again, this time with success and turned around to see his aggressor. He didn't see nothing thanks to the dark but he could sense that the creature was still there. He flinch when he heard her giggle.

"where are you looking? I'm here"

He turn where he heard the voice, when a hand grabbed his shirt and pulls him on the bed-couch that was suddenly open. His body was again totally blocked, except for the head

"Who are you?"

"Try to guess"

"What do you want from me'"

"A bit of your blood for start"

" WHAT?"

"Relax, it won't hurt if you let me do my job"

"What are you?! A some sort of vampire?"

"Yes but not the one that you fool humans think"

Thanks to her eyes, Lucynda could see the fear on her little friend face. She betted that his blood would be really sweet. She rubbed her body against the one of the human, purring a bit, looking for his reaction, and could see that he was confused. Then she asked his name

"So my lil' friend, what's your name"

"I'm Lucas De Santis"

"You're not Italian, are you?"

"My father is British"

"Ah that explains your name. By the way my name is Lucynda, and don't worry I'm not gonna kill you"

After this statement, Lucas relaxed his body. He didn't know why, but he could sense that she was sincere, and to be honest, this'situation' was exciting him a bit. How many people can say to have encountered a vampire?

" So are you going to..."

"Yes, I'm going to 'drink' you, but I will take from you just a litre of blood"

"Well that's a lot but... I think I don't have any option"

"Now relax and enjoy"

She could feel that the lad was finally getting a bit used of her presence, and started to relax his body. She gave another sensually lick to his neck, making him shiver. Then she bitted him, drinking his blood that was so damn sweet and warm, lapping it heppily. She would have liked to drink it all, but focusing over her task since she didn't want to kill him, when she feels the little human hug her. She grins, purring. Lucas was enjoying what was happening, instead of feeling pain for the sharp teeth that were digging into his flesh. He didn't believe about what his mind was thinking, he founded kinky and pleasurable... and was the nearest thing to a kiss he had ever had. He was a bit embarrassed, but he was 23 and never kissed on the mouth a girl. He could sense by the touch that the vampire had a jacket and a pair of jeans and that she... was purring. He touched her neck and found that was scaly and longer than any human neck. After thinking a while over what she could be, an idea came into his minds... could she be... a dragoness? 15 minutes passed and finally Lucynda was full

  "Aahh, nothing it's better than a type 0 blood"

"Glad that you... liked it, can I ask you something"

"It depends"

"Are you a dragoness?"

"Would be that a problem?"

"Not much as a vampire that drank my blood"

"You got a point... Ok, yes I'm a dragoness, but I don't think you will remember all of this"


"My fangs release a special drug that deletes the last six hours of your life from your memory"

"Oh... mhhh... could you at least... at least... stay with me... before I sleep"


"Sorry never mind"

"No it's just... something that I didn't expect. Actually, you're the first one that doesn't faint when I bited him"

"It's that a yes?"

Lucynda tough a bit over what the human was asking. The drug would start as soon as the human would go to sleep, so she didn't see nothing bad about it and also nothing that could compromise the secret and the security of the vampires and the unknown world.

"Lucas, I have to say you got guts"

Then she leans on the bed right next to him bringing her hands behind her head, sighing. A strange silent surround the dragoness and the human. No one didn't know what to say, but Lucynda curiosity soon arise

  "So... why are you alone"

"Well... my mother as died in a plane crash and my father didn't get it well... so... I just wanted to change air"

"Oh I'm sorry... I..."

"Don't worry and thanks"

"Thanks for what?"

"For... the bite"

"Are you a masochist?"

"No no no, it's just... the nearest thing of a kiss that I ever received"

"You're kidding me. It's impossible that a nice guy like you doesn't a girlfriend ahahahah"

"Sad but true"

"Huh what? No seriously, you don't have a girlfriend?"

"It's just what I said"

"If you never had a girlfriend in your life that means... nooo, you're virgin!"

The lad blushes, his cheeks red like tomatoes, obviously embarrassed for the situation

"And what if I am!?"

The boy shouted a little, obviously she had touch a wrong button

"Oh no, there is nothing bad or to be embarrassed about it... I'm also... virgin... and I'm 75 years old"

"I don't how you dragons weigh your age, but is that long?"

"well for us... yes... at least for virginity"

"I'm sorry I didn't want to... "

"It isn't a prob"

"huh I feel... a bit dizzy"

He touch his head, the world being blurry... well... the little thing he could see got blurry. He sensed something in her voice... something familiar, when she talked about being virgin. It was like... when he talked about his own situation. His loneliness. And then it revealed to him. She also was in a predicament similar to his. He couldn't say why she was a lone hearth like him but... he felt something for her. Not love, that was for sure. But it was like that he finally found someone that could understand his pain, that sharp pain that hit your hearth like flaming blades that rip it into pieces. He leans more closer to her. His hand awkwardly touching the scaled hand of the dragoness. He could feel that it retreat for a second, but then came back. He explored with his fingers the scale of her hand, it's features and her sharp claws. He remained amaze of how soft her scale were.

"Finished to explore my hand?"

Lucynda giggles a little. She had to say that was... pleasant. How his awkward fingers touched her palm, and also how she felt to be touched so softly. It was something new. And there was something about him when she watched him going home. She saw into his eyes. And they were one of a lonely person. She had to say also that was a good company. Even with her so called friends she never felt so peacefully. With just a lil chat she felt something, companionship for the burden they had. She also lost her parents, but never told anyone, not that someone would be around her if they could choose it. When she was thinking on this thoughts the human asked

  "Lucynda, is necessary this thing of losing my memory?"

"I was thinking about that too. Listen is something strange. With just this little talk I feel something for you. Beware it's not love. It's just... that I like your company"

"The same is here. It was since a while that I felt so peacefully with someone. So what are you going to do?"

"Huh, it's against the law, but I think I have to drug you again. This time with an antidote"

"So we are going to meet again, are we?"

"Yes. Now relax again your body"

He do what she said, and let her bite his neck again, that pleasant shiver going trough his body. And the sensation of her body against his own was just so good that he would like to hug her all the time. When she finished, this time was Lucynda that was hugging him

"sleep well Lucas, and don't worry we'll see again soon"

After this, she start to sing a sweet and melodic lullaby, that accompany Lucas to the world of dreams. When he was fully asleep, she gave a little kiss on his cheek, while taking the sheet and putting it over him.

  "Sweet dream Lucas"

And as she as come to him, she disappear into the shadow and returned at her home, waiting for the next chance to see him again. That was really her lucky night.