\n Hey chapter eight. Not much goin on here but you get to see a young version of a future character. And as the name implies the main enemies name is reveled and a partnership is formed.
\n ______________________________________________________________________________
\n The next two days went by fast even though Lliam had to use crutch's to get around. He was ordered to stay in bed by Sara when she caught him out of his room. He left a couple more times until she caught him again and threatened him with posting a guard outside his quarters to make sure he got rest.
\n For the next three days he did stay in bed but on the third day his injures were all but gone. The hole in is arm was completely gone and left a hairline scar; one you couldn't really notice, and the shoulder wound was still there but it was almost gone; however it would leave a scar an inch from the top of his shoulder that was four inch's long itself in the shape of diamond.
\n During this time transports brought up solders and equipment. The remaining I.F.H.W forces pulled out the day that the Darwin bombed the facility so there was no point in staying at this planet. The Darwin had plans to head towards the nearest starbase; which was number seventeen, and gather food supplies and replacement equipment among other things, and once the last of the transports got back the Darwin would set off.
\n *************
\n Rrahkarr showed up later that day to take Lliam to get examined by Sara and saw how much he had healed in only eight days since he was injured. He led him into the med bay and when Sara saw him her jaw nearly hit the floor. When she got over the initial shock she ran a full barrage of test on Lliam taking a couple of blood samples and doing a complete physical and an eye exam.
\n "Ok Lliam that concludes the tests, I suppose since you've healed so fast you can leave your room just don't do anything laborious." Sara said to him.
\n "Ok doc I got it." Lliam said to her.
\n Rrahkarr thumped him on his head and laughed as Lliam punched him in the arm. He winched a little; Lliam may be smaller than him but he still could punch hard, and said "Leave the doc alone and let her calculate the results of your blood work."
\n "Hey enough with this doc crap. It's either doctor or Sara, got that." She said as she poked Lliam in the ribs.
\n Rrahkarr laughed but then she poked him too electing a "Hey!" out of him. She giggled and walked back into the lab area of the med bay to check Lliams blood and run different tests. Lliam laughed but stopped when Sara turned around and glared at him then smiled and continued on.
\n "Hey Lliam, you never got to see E'zelah from up here did you?" Rrahkarr asked.
\n "No." Lliam replied.
\n "Go relax and take a look while you're at it." Rrahkarr said and followed Sara.
\n Lliam shrugged and decided to go to the coffee lounge, but first he headed back to his room and changed. He put on a pair of blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and his navy blue E-7 jacket he got before they arrived at E'zelah.
\n He walked down to the turbo lift and went to D-deck; where the coffee lounge was located, and got off. He ran into a couple people he had seen before and even some dependents; civilians who are married/mated to one of the crew and travel with them.
\n *************
\n Dependents are family members; including children, who travel on starships with a family member who is in service of the fleet of the A.T.W.F, Independent and Capital type ships freely allow dependents onboard while Dependent and Supportive type ships usually don't allow dependents onboard unless it's under certain conditions.
\n These are the four categories types of starships, C.S.F, I.S.F, D.S.F, and the S.S.F. If a starship is classified as a C.S.F it is a Capital class starship. If a starship is like the Darwin with I.S.F it's an independent ship that can handle long journeys and fights on its own without help. If a starship is under the D.S.F category it is a dependent type ship and it would need another dependent or several supportive ships to travel safely through space. A S.S.F is a support ship; that usually docks with the higher category ships, and travels with other S.S.F and D.S.F. ships.
\n *************
\n When Lliam entered the coffee lounge, JJ noticed him and waved to him from the bar. Lliam felt a little out of energy so he decided to go and get a coffee; as well as take a look at E'zelah before the Darwin departed. He passed by the classical piano before he reached the bar and JJ met him with a smile.
\n "What can I get ya?" he asked as he cleaned the bar.
\n "Black coffee with two sugars please." Lliam said as he took a seat on one of the bar stools.
\n JJ nodded and grabbed a mug and filled it with the black brew and dropped two sugar cubes into it before he skillfully slid it down the bar to where Lliam had sat down. Lliam smiled and thanked him before he took a careful sip of the dark liquid and let out a content sigh.
\n While he sat there he looked out one of the several plasma windows that were behind the bar. He looked down at E'zelah and if he didn't know better he'd think it was a peaceful world. Lliam also noticed for the first time that the planet had duel moons, one larger then the other and both covered in craters.
\n He watched as several transport ships flew into view from the planet. He than stared off into space and watched as a comet made it's way through; missing the planet by a couple of planetary lengths. Lliam finished the mug when JJ spoke up.
\n "So how ya feelin?"
\n "Pretty good." Lliam answered.
\n "Really? Hmm a nurse that was at your operation a few days ago was in here talking about ya." JJ told him.
\n "Really...what did he say?" Lliam asked as JJ filled Lliams mug back up. "Thanks"
\n "He said something about ya having insane strength and an immunity to the sedative they were using on ya...did ya really throw three nurses and a doctor?" JJ asked.
\n Lliam looked surprised then lowered his head a little and said "I don't remember much about what happened when I was brought back onboard."
\n "Oh...well supposedly ya shouldn't even be up and walking around. They said that ya should be bedridden for at least three weeks with the injuries ya had. Speakin of which you don't seem to be hurt?"
\n "Well my wounds are pretty much healed. Even I'm surprised about that." Lliam admitted and drank a little more of the coffee.
\n "That's amazing, I wish I had you're healin abilities when I was younger." JJ said before another customer needed to be attended to.
\n Lliam set his mug down and stood up to stretch. He let out a sigh after and grabbed his mug when somebody yelled his name.
\n "Yo Lliam" A voce yelled from the other side of the room.
\n Lliam looked in the direction the voice came from but couldn't find who called him. Someone stood up and waved to him and Lliam noticed it was Tommy and that Vincent was next to him sitting at their table.
\n Lliam happily walked over to them and greeted them as they did the same before he took a seat. They were also wearing Echo jackets with E-10 and E-11 on them.
\n "Glad to see you up and walking." Vincent said.
\n "How're you doin?" Tommy asked.
\n "I'm fine, I'm pretty much healed...as crazy as that sounds." Lliam said and laughed.
\n "Well like my grandma would say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth...or something like that." Tommy said.
\n "Be glad that you've healed so fast." Vincent said.
\n "Hey I'm not complaining or anything I just find it odd. I see that you two are now permanently on Echo huh?" Lliam said and drank some more coffee from his mug.
\n They both nodded when Vincent looked out one of the plasma windows and noticed something.
\n "About time." Vincent said as E'zelah started to move out of view.
\n "Looks like the last transports have finally arrived." Tommy said as the three of them watched the planet start to get smaller.
\n When the Darwin was clear of the system it entered hyperspace. Lliam, Tommy and Vincent watched as the planets quickly disappeared and the stars became distorted. The Darwin was now underway towards starbase seventeen. The three of them watched as the Darwin passed by celestial bodies; enjoying the passing nebulas, red giants, white dwarfs and such.
\n **************
\n Lliam left Vincent and Tommy at the coffee lounge and headed back to his room. Along the way Lliam ran into Nate and Dan who were close to their rooms. They asked him how he was doing and where he was heading. Lliam told them he was fine and that he was heading to his room to get some things and then head to one of the holosuites for some additional training.
\n "We could use some more training." Dan mentioned as he and his brother followed Lliam.
\n "I don't mind...we could practice better teamwork or something." Lliam said.
\n "God's know we three need it the most." Nate said as they stopped outside of Lliams room.
\n "Yeah if we could work better together as a team things might work out for the best." Dan said as Lliam opened his door and invited them in.
\n Dan and Nate sat down as Lliam collected a couple things he needed before they went to the holosuites. By chance he looked over to his computer and saw on the screen ‘NEW VID MAIL'. Usually he would wait till later to view his mail but he decided to get it out of the way before they all went to train.
\n "I hope you don't mind but I'm going to check my mail before we go ok?" Lliam asked as he walked over to the computer.
\n "It's ok go ahead." Nate said as Lliam checked his mail box.
\n The first thing Lliam saw was just a blank black screen, but suddenly there was a loud high pitched girly voice that; not only startled everyone in the room, yelled "Heya William!"
\n Then a paw moved away from the screen revealing a chocolate topped birthday cake with eleven candles in it. The camera that was recording this then pointed up towards a young wolf girl with a wide grin that split her muzzle.
\n This young wolf girl had obviously just turned eleven and was four foot seven inch's tall. She had beautiful emerald colored eyes, and still looked like a little pup. Her fur color was primarily black with a brownish red fur pattern that resembled hot coals. Her hair was mid back length that fell over her face and partly covered her eyes; her hair color matched the brownish red coal pattern of her fur.
\n "Whoa Lliam! Don't tell me you're into young girls?" Dan joked.
\n Lliam slowly turned his head and gave Dan a death stare before he said "No, that's my little sister Maya. Now if you would please shut up."
\n The message continued "Thank you for the birthday wish's in your last message." Maya said as the camera turned to face a middle aged pair of raccoons."
\n These raccoons were David and Ada Telge (pronounced teal-gee like from geese without the s and e sounds). They are and have been the foster parents of Rrahkarr, Maya and Lliam after their real parents were killed.
\n "Hello Lliam I just wanted to tell you that we got the message from that Admiral Keeton, he was so nice to send your last message for you." The female raccoon known as Ada said.
\n "Hey Lliam, how's life on that new ship? We hope you're doing fine." The male raccoon who was David said as the camera turned to face everyone in the room which was mostly Maya's friends, but a few were David and Ada's friends and family.
\n The camera ended back pointing at Maya who was still smiling. Everyone started singing happy birthday to her and then she blew the candles out; making her birthday wish.
\n Lliam smiled as they cut the cake and started talking about things that had happened at school or other social things that they had been to. Maya grabbed the camera and walked out of the room so she could talk.
\n "William I miss you, and I hope I can get to see you and Rrahkarr soon." She said and smiled "That was my birthday wish, for you two to come home!" She finished.
\n "There you are!" A male voice said off screen and Maya was picked up.
\n The camera spun around to face David and he said "I hope we get a message from both you and Rrahkarr soon William. How about you show him this message and when you do this is for him. Ahem...Rrahkarr you best send a message and tell us how you're doing or we'll come looking for you." He finished and laughed as the carried Maya back into the other room.
\n Lliam laughed and so did Nate and Dan, they watched as Maya opened up her presents and ate cake. Lliam was happy; well...happy for his little sister, but deep down he was sad. Not about how things were going, but by the fact that he only go to see Maya sometimes twice a year. This was the life he chose, however just like Rrahkarr when he turned eighteen he had an impulse to join right away.
\n Lliam snapped back to reality in time to see most of his foster family and Maya standing in front of a mirror. He saw who was holding the camera at that time and had to laugh.
\n "What's so funny?" Nate asked.
\n "You see that large wolf holding the camera in the mirror?" Lliam said as he stopped laughing.
\n "Yeah what about him?" Dan asked.
\n "That's my cousin Rick McBride. He's the son of my mothers brother, he's seven years older then Rrahkarr." Lliam told them.
\n "If you had relatives how come you three didn't move in with them?" Nate asked.
\n Lliam let out a sigh and said "That's a good question...Rick was twenty two and in the military. His parents didn't get along to well with ours and while they did greave; I don't know how long, they had just left to help colonize a habitable planet. They couldn't and wouldn't take us in; I know that if he could've...Rick would've took care of us but had joined the military when he turned eighteen." Lliam stopped and thought about something.
\n "Seems to be a family trait." Lliam said.
\n "What do you mean?" Dan asked.
\n "So far, every male in the family has had an impulse to join the military as soon as they turned eighteen." Lliam said.
\n "That does seem to be a trait. So I'm guessing that your family has war in your blood huh?" Nate asked.
\n "Yeah...now where was I...oh yeah? Rick would often drop by and visit us; when he was done with training, that and his post was in Houston Texas. About twenty miles from where we lived to be precise. He was the only family that we actually had that wanted something to do with us, and he made our parents passing a little bit easier on us." Lliam finished as the camera turned to face Rick himself.
\n "Yo Lliam, tell RJ that I'll be seeing y'all real soon." Rick said as the video ended.
\n "He'll be seeing us soon?" Lliam said a little confused for, how would Rick get to them.
\n "Who's RJ?" Dan asked.
\n "My brother." Lliam simply said.
\n "Ok well there's the R but what about the J?" Nate asked.
\n "Oh...J is the first letter of his middle name; James, Rrahkarr James Sutarra. Or by what Rick calls him, RJ." Lliam explained.
\n "His middle name is the same as James' huh?" Dan said.
\n "Yeah...kinda funny that James is Rrahkarr's middle name and also his second in command." Lliam said as he switched the computer to standby mode.
\n "A little...now are we going to go train?" Dan said as Lliam nodded and they started to walk out when someone knocked on the door.
\n Lliam opened the door and saw Murazar standing there. Being that Nate and Dan were with him he had to use Murazar's alternate name "Hello Delta, what can I do for you?" he asked.
\n "You two...leave." Murazar said to Nate and Dan.
\n "But..." they started.
\n "Now." Murazar said coldly.
\n Nate and Dan quickly left after nodding their heads. Murazar closed the door behind them and then walked over and took a seat.
\n "I have some things I need to tell you." Murazar said.
\n "Ok" Lliam said and took a seat.
\n "The first thing is that you are a descendant of Tro'nen Wilson...and like him and me you have genetically altered genes." Murazar started.
\n Lliam didn't seem shocked which made Murazar a little curious but was sated when Lliam said "So it's true then...what that bio-weapon told me."
\n "The bio-weapon that you fought back in the research facility? It talked to you?" Murazar asked.
\n "Yeah...the reason it was attacking me was because it said I had modified genes. I didn't understand at first...but with the way I'm healing and from what JJ told me about throwing nurses and doctors off me in surgery, and what you just told me." Lliam stopped.
\n "You know that you're different?" Murazar finished for him.
\n "Yeah...maybe this is what I was feeling the whole time since that day I was rescued from those Humanitist rogues." Lliam said.
\n "Do you know anything about Tro'nen?" Murazar asked to which Lliam shook his head.
\n Murazar told Lliam all about Tro'nen, the lies that the organization that created him made up, what he truly did, what went wrong and the promise that Murazar made at Tro'nens grave...but he left out the part that he told Rrahkarr.
\n "I've finally found out the name of that organization." Murazar said.
\n "The organization that made us this way?" Lliam said gloomily.
\n "Yes...they call themselves the Electus."
\n "The Electus? What does that mean?" Lliam asked.
\n "Electus is a word from an old language that means Chosen. They believe that a few are able to surpass all others...which is why they're called the Electus...the chosen few." Murazar told him.
\n "Do you know where they are?"
\n "Sadly no...I know that there are thirteen members...the same amount of subjects that were tested upon, the thirteenth being Tro'nen himself. Thus that blood has passed down to you and your siblings. I fear that they will be looking for you three...and anyone associated with you as well." Murazar explained.
\n "Do you know if they know where we are?" Lliam asked...thinking of his little sister.
\n "I know...at least for now that they don't."
\n "You made a promise to Tro'nen to avenge him? Can I help you?" Lliam asked.
\n This actually surprised Murazar. Lliam actually wanted to leave the military and help him...that would aid Murazar in finding the Electus as well as keeping an eye on Lliam. He couldn't help but grin a grin that actually scared Lliam a little.
\n "Of course you can...it helps me on several levels." Murazar said as Lliam stuck out his hand.
\n "Partners...if that's ok with you?"
\n Murazar took his hand and shook it and said "I'm fine with that...actually you look a lot like Tro'nen...other than your eye color. And I can train you to use those abilities you've gained from his blood."
\n **************
\n Three weeks later the Darwin reached starbase seventeen. The Admiral announced that while the ship would be docked for repairs and supplies, there would be a temporary shore leave for several days. Murazar had gotten a ship to leave in but since he wasn't needed anywhere he decided to stay on the station for a while.
\n Most of the time you could find Rrahkarr with Sara and Lliam with Nate and Dan. The rest of the team went off and did there own things, then on the second day at the starbase Lliam had a little run in with a familiar person.
\n ***************
\n Lliam, Nate and Dan had just sat down with some food they ordered in the stations food court. They casually ate and talked and every so often would look at the planet Tal'ock Prime that the station orbited. They were sitting at a table near the observation windows the let anyone who wanted to see what was going on outside the station.
\n Nate and Dan sat backs turned to the windows while Lliam faced them. So when a rather large grey wolf noticed Lliam and decided to walk over to him, Lliam didn't even see him coming...let alone hear him with all the noise that was coming from everyone in the food court.
\n This grey wolf walked right up to Lliam but before Nate and Dan could say anything he put his finger in front of his muzzle to indicate to them not to tell him. They were cautious but noticed he looked familiar. The wolf managed to get his muzzle right next to Lliams ear with out him finding out and in a nearly silent voice he said.
\n "I told you, you'd be seeing me real soon."
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War tails of the white Wolf (Ch 8) Name of the Enemy
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15 years ago
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