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A Great Divide
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The morning had come and gone, where once stood proud the bustling promise of a city whose king might have been much beloved as my Grandfather was now the quiet whispers of all that had gone on in the silent reverie of my own abode was pulled into question, with the harshest of sneers, I watched and listened to them scrutinize, speak ill of me... my little one... of the choices I made that once brought me such great joy.
I had known long before, that I was looked upon with an ounce of disgust... that for all the good I had done and offered, remnants of what I did wrong seemed to outweigh the cavalcade of rights I had performed. No matter how often I shed tears over the disdain of being seen as something I was not, the fact remained that I was viewed by others, whom knew little if anything about me, outside of what was told, as an abomination worthy of disgrace.
Among their snide remarks and whispers, I cradled my beloved child close, stood tall with my head lifted... proud, and stepped into the light of the day with only the one thought in mind: I am one, I am not what they claim me to be, I am stronger for all the abuse given... I will not bend... I will not fall... I will do for him that, which was never done for me.
I will stand tall.
Medium: Adobe Photoshop - CS6
Time Spent: 3 Hours 57 Minutes
Planet Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Starfield Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Brushes Used -
I had known long before, that I was looked upon with an ounce of disgust... that for all the good I had done and offered, remnants of what I did wrong seemed to outweigh the cavalcade of rights I had performed. No matter how often I shed tears over the disdain of being seen as something I was not, the fact remained that I was viewed by others, whom knew little if anything about me, outside of what was told, as an abomination worthy of disgrace.
Among their snide remarks and whispers, I cradled my beloved child close, stood tall with my head lifted... proud, and stepped into the light of the day with only the one thought in mind: I am one, I am not what they claim me to be, I am stronger for all the abuse given... I will not bend... I will not fall... I will do for him that, which was never done for me.
I will stand tall.
Medium: Adobe Photoshop - CS6
Time Spent: 3 Hours 57 Minutes
Planet Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Starfield Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Brushes Used -
11 years ago
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