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Child's Wonder
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In my heart I know him to be the one that I was meant to cherish, the dainty caress of his tiny fingers, have emphasized to me the importance of his existence, here in the silence of a dark chamber, the subtle ambiance of his breathing, and the atmosphere of welcome and unknowing calm, draws from me the fears that I once held always plaguing within the depths of my mind.
He holds me in highest regard, where the sun and moon are not unlike the very air he breathes, so am I akin to a God... far above our forms and where the heavens meet the subtle sea, we can see the coming rise of the moon's equivalent of dawn.
Here in the twilight shadows, I have come to grips with the story I have forever told, in my arms I do so carry the fate of a future uncertain, with my words, I train the legacy of a nation... my touch, my warmth, my very presence is what he knows as right, and true...
For it is in the eyes of a child, that I see unaccountable wonder, an innocence all too easily forgotten... my heart tells me what my mind cannot refrain, care for this child, my blood and my bond, and set upon him your hopes, for in his future, lies the culmination of our dreams...
Medium: Adobe Photoshop - CS6
Time Spent: 4 Hours 45 Minutes
Planet Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Starfield Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Brushes Used -
He holds me in highest regard, where the sun and moon are not unlike the very air he breathes, so am I akin to a God... far above our forms and where the heavens meet the subtle sea, we can see the coming rise of the moon's equivalent of dawn.
Here in the twilight shadows, I have come to grips with the story I have forever told, in my arms I do so carry the fate of a future uncertain, with my words, I train the legacy of a nation... my touch, my warmth, my very presence is what he knows as right, and true...
For it is in the eyes of a child, that I see unaccountable wonder, an innocence all too easily forgotten... my heart tells me what my mind cannot refrain, care for this child, my blood and my bond, and set upon him your hopes, for in his future, lies the culmination of our dreams...
Medium: Adobe Photoshop - CS6
Time Spent: 4 Hours 45 Minutes
Planet Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Starfield Tutorial - C/O Greg Martin -
Brushes Used -
11 years ago
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