Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Like a plague


“Did you really think
this is an ok plan, Hunter?" Huzizu questioned me while I turned to him, a
frown plastered upon my face with the silence looming over us. “How else would
you wanted us to do this?" “Not go around, committing arson on every village we
see just because the pups are captured and taken away to somewhere?" Huzizu
exhaled a breath, raising his paw onto his snout and exhaled “Please, Hunter.
At lease be reasonable with these villagers?" I shook my head and chuckled only
lightly which resulted in a groan rumbling through his throat. With his eyes
closed, I averted my eyes away from him. Fixing my attention upon the warm
scenario settled before us. You audience maybe wondering what was going on.


In front of me, thousands
of villages were up in flames. Villagers were running and screaming; their arms
and hands rose over their heads. Eyes widened as screams filled the daylit
skies with the sun being in the apex. It was a glorious afternoon. Something
perfect with popcorn and a drink! But alas, we do not have that here during the
medieval times which is why I stayed behind with Huzizu, watching the fire
scenery settled before our eyes. “Well it had seemed that most of them had fled
their homes." Huzizu remarked as he turned towards me. “What now? And do not
tell me to continue burning their homes again." He growled throwing his paw
against my chest. I only smirked at him, my tail wagging a bit as he groaned
again. Ears flattened against his head as his eyes rose towards my own. We only
met for a short while.


“Come on, Hunter?" He
growled at me, “Do you not think these guys have enough already? We are already
committing a crime here! Any day now, they will come after us!" “Nah," I
responded after he shut his snout and rose my paw, shaking my head “I doubt
that they would send their best warriors after us." “Did they not all get
killed by something?" Huzizu questioned me with his voice lowered again, “They
did. We watched it all remembered?" A short pause of quiet fell between us. Yet
I took the time to look out towards the horizon and grinned all the same. For
with my tail wagging, I spoke proudly, “Guess the other wolves are done then."
“That was the last village?" “Indeed." I answered back turning to him as the rest
of the wolves came rushing back towards me.


Horizoki, Harkell and
Havlut were each holding a stick that continuously burns no matter the stick.
The fire itself kept eating at the stick, making it shorter till it reaches
upon our paws. Luckily however, we had to throw each of the sticks away onto
the surrounding villages. I stepped forth towards them, nodding my head as I
spoke out to them “Great work!" “I just hope we make it for tea time, Hunter."
Harkell frowned, staring at me as I gave him a look and answered quietly “Is
not everyday a tea time?" “Nope." I blinked at him, then shook my head and
spoke dejected “Just remove the sticks from your snouts. We had cause enough
damage here." “So what is next then?" Questioned Horizoki as his tail started
wagging rapidly. Harkell and Havlut shifted their heads towards him but
remained quiet as their ears flickered awaiting for whatever I was saying. I
turned to the three wolves in front of me and smiled pleasantly, “Since we had
already burned down the rest of the village and forced everyone to relocate.
Now is the time to head towards the main village of them all!" “You mean the
fortress right?" Asked Huzizu glancing at me while I nodded at him in response,
“Yes, the fortress. Order, Chaos and Ocean had believed that was where all the
pups were held imprison, if I may say."


“Then what was the point
of burning the villages then if we are just heading straight to that fortress?"
Demanded Huzizu but I said nothing back towards him. For instead, I had moved
forward. Bypassing Horizoki, Harkell and Havlut as their heads turned towards
me in question. Curiosity and quietness were upon their minds and surroundings
and I turned to Huzizu with a small smile upon my snout “Come and you will
see." “O…k." Finished Huzizu while he followed me. The other three wolves
tailed behind Huzizu as we walked across the middle line of the thousands
countless of villages surrounding us. All of which was already burning. The
smell of smoke causes wrinkles upon my snout as my nose started twitching to
rid of the smell of burning wood from me. Harkell and Havlut seemed alright
with this however, guess it had something to do with brewing tea. Horizoki
never cared, he always love smelling the crisp burning in the morning however.


As we walked along the
fine middle line, I turned my attention towards the burning villages on each of
my sides. Left and right, the fire ate everything and left nothing else. Those
tents that remained were quickly burned off. The furniture, things that these
villagers uses upon their homes were also gone as well. Presumingly burned as
they should be however. I smiled upon this and continued to walk onward with
the wolves following close towards me. A wave of quietness and tranquility
falls upon our ringing ears while I took them far. Far from the spot where I
had hidden myself from the villagers and the forest that which we lived upon.
It never taken long for us to arrive upon our destination however. I stopped,
so did the other wolves as Huzizu walked to my side and sat upon the grassy
plains underneath him. For he rose his head towards the horizon, squinting his
eyes upon the line before noticing the fortress that was before him. “That is
the one? That is nothing but a continuous line of steel walls with spikes attached
to its top preventing any-" “Quiet, Huzizu." I growled at him and he fell to


A few seconds into the
peace was the only time I lowered my paw upon the grassy plains. Then slowly
slide my paw northward towards the horizon and as far I can reach. Huzizu
looked at me quizzingly. Unable to comprehend what I was trying to show him. I
exhaled a breath and shook my head, growling quietly that my throat had started
rumbling however. I got up from the seat adjacent to Huzizu and half circled
him around. Stopped immediately and tap 
against the ground a couple of times. Our ears flickered upon hearing
something different than the grass steps. Everyone gathered around me, closing
in from all sides. As their heads pointed to the grounds below them, their eyes
widened in surprise upon seeing something surprisingly. A fine blue white line
was hiding underneath the grass blades. Flowing with whatever fluids was hiding
inside there. Immediately, Huzizu rose his head and met my eyes as I smiled
towards him faintly, he spoke almost speechless “How did you know this?
Furthermore, How you know this was running to that fortress over there?" “The
VPD and Chaos' canines gave me the reports. It was shortly before this story
began however." “You have to show that to me." Huzizu mirrored me, but I shook
my head which causes his smile to turn into a frown. “Cannot, it is strictly
forbidden however. They had only asked me." “That sucks." Interrupted Horizoki
while I nodded his way.


A short silent came
before Huzizu spoke as his eyes gradually turned to me with his ears flattened
against his skullhead, “So… How are we going to approach this then?" “As we
always do, Huzizu." I started with proudness as I held my head high and smirked
at him. He frowned silently and said nothing but hang his head and settled his
tail between his legs. A soft whine escaped from his throat with the worryness
coming to him. I laughed and shook my head in response, walked up towards his
snout and licked him. He flinched, surprise by it as he gaze back towards me. I
whispered in his ear, “Horizoki and Haziyo, almost forgot about that other
wolf," I say before returning serious, “Both wolves will head towards the
windows at the second and third floors of the fortress. Meanwhile, me and you
are doing something special." “Are we going to act like that one guy from the
movie!" Exclaimed Horizoki, ears now erected and pointing as he stared at me
with excitement dancing in his eyes. I nodded slowly at him, a bit surprise in
how he was able to hear me. But shook it off nonetheless. “Yes!" Horizoki
responded, howling loudly. Yet that howl was cut short when Harkell and Havlut
bit onto his neck. Silencing him.


Nodding towards the two British
wolves and turning back towards Huzizu, he nodded quietly at me. With direct
eye contact, I smiled responding to him in silence was flicking my tail. A
silent signal to which Horizoki and Haziyo both started to notice. For the next
thing that Harkell, Havlut and Huzizu knew; the two said wolves were already
running through the plains. Rushing like the winds as they set their eyes upon
the horizon and the fortress that was before them. As Harkell quietly asked me,
“How are they going to swing on vines? There is no trees or anything around
about, you know that Hunter." “I do." I answered back, “But…" I turned to the
remaining three behind me while Horizoki and Haziyo leaped from the grounds and
grabbed tightly onto something in midair while screaming or yelling at the top
of their lungs. “We are to continue the second part of our operational plan."
“And that is?" Huzizu asked raising his snout into the air. I responded to him
“We dress in costumes and head straight for the door." “Are you sure this-"
“Yes this plan will work, Harkell." I growled at him, “If such event is not
achievable, then you and Havlut are to jump whoever is at the door." “Yay!
Ambush!" Started Harkell and Havlut. “So what is the costume that you gave to
us?" “It is pretty easy." I exclaimed, a bit too proud on myself as I found my
tail wagging unconsciously and without my say.


“A simple costume of us
dressing up as ghosts." A pause of quiet came as I opened my eyes and glance at
them with a frown. Bit panicking, “What? You think this plan will fail on the
get go?" Nods came from Harkell and Havlut as I frowned at them, exhaling a
sigh “Fine. Just knock out whoever was there after we knock on the door." I say
defeated. But said nothing more as the second group, that is us by the way,
started walking in front of the fortress. As we walked towards the frontend of
the fortress wall before us, Huzizu whispered to me. He was a bit concern by
how quiet and peaceful the lands were. “Would there be a trap awaiting for us
or something?" “Like what?" I questioned him, intriguing. He continued,
speculating about a monster trap awaiting for us; or laser guns installed
overtop the fortress or… He continued on and on about this; non stopped too. I
stopped, so did Harkell and Havlut while I turned towards Huzizu and shook my
head, “They did not think that any strong defense would matter since any
creature or animal had not dared to step forth from their territory. Guess we
were the only ones however." I explained, smiling and raising my shoulders all
the same as Huzizu stared at me in disbelief. However, I was not done. I stepped
towards him; poking his snout with my own as I dropped my voice to a whisper
and said to him, “Plus, you got to stop watching sci fy movies. They'd rot your
wolfy brain you know." Huzizu snuffed, growling at me “Oh sure, as if you
watching comedy is any better?" “It is better." I reassured him despite him
rolling his eyes.


So, we eventually arrived
upon the fortress door which was in front of us however. We stopped suddenly, I
smiled and rose my paw into the air. Then started knocking onto the door. The
loud echoes of bangs ring in our ears. Huzizu was the first to cover his ears
as he whimpered, frowning. But remaining still and lock in place as we heard
footsteps coming from the other side of the door. Then the door opened. That
was the cue; Immediately, Harkell and Havlut jumped the gun in front of us.
Tackling him onto the ground which he grunted or something else. Huzizu and I
followed in tow behind the two british wolves as we all reunited with one
another, facing our attention towards the huge room in front of us. It was
massively big. Thousands of pillars were scattered everywhere. Tables, chairs
and even a music box was set up over to our right and left sides of the room.
With thousands of robots staring back upon us with widened yellow glit eyes, I smiled
and wave towards the rest of them. “Heya everyone, sorry to crash the party
like this. But you have something of ours?" “Its those same wolves!" Exclaimed
one of the robots jumping onto its robotic feet and sprinting away from the
room. Disappearing to who knows where however.


As the wolves and robots
watched the deserted disappear, I smiled and crouched down with my butt and
tail hanging into the air “After them!" I ordered as Harkell, Havlut and Huzizu
started sprinting down jumping onto some of the robots. The remaining were
surprise, for none of them reacted. They all stood there, yellow glit eyes
staring at the wolves attacking their brethren without any of them doing
anything in response. I walked towards the large group of robots before Harkell
Havlut and Huzizu took down the three robots they have jumped, I smirked before
rushing towards one of the closest robots I could find. Jumping and attacking
its head with my jaws locked onto the sides. A wave of panic erupted upon the
room. Robots from around the corner and inside the room started running, never
glancing back. Screams yells and amongst other robotic sounds loomed overhead
as we continued tearing the remaining robots left behind. Though sadly the last
of them have retreated and disappeared from our sights as I smiled at Harkell
and Havlut. Both of which said nothing back as Huzizu hacked and cough,
vomiting what seems to be a black ink or oil from his mouth. We turned towards
him, reacted similar to what other people would whenever they saw someone
vomiting. It was short lived thanks goodness as Huzizu was able to recover and
he turned his sights towards the rest of us, “Now what?" “We find those pups."
I declared and everyone splitted off hoping to find them.


It took us long to find
those pups and they were not even in the room we suspected them be in! I tried
looking underneath the table, the chairs and other places where the robots
would be finding them. But they were nowhere to be seen. I exhaled responding
to the silence and shook my head, affirming with myself about the answer to the
lifelong question I had popped into the mind. I turned to the other wolves;
Harkell and Havlut had no such luck either. Huzizu was busy pawing at the
corner of the room for some reason. I gave another sigh, nodding in
acknowledgement towards the two other wolves. Then shortly turned around and
walked up towards Huzizu. Tapping onto his shoulder, he turned towards me. His
nose had started wrinkling for some reason and his eyes were narrowed. Yet was
curious at the same time however. As I tilted my head to him, I spoke almost
barking at him “What? You found something?" “At this corner, Hunter." Huzizu
answered me, I turned towards the wall in front of me. “This?" A nod. “Harkell,
Havlut come here!" I shouted in response as the two said wolves walked towards
me and upon the corner in front of me. Shifting their eyes towards the wall in
front of me, Harkell pointing his snout at it momentarily and turned back
towards me and Huzizu, “This one?" “Yeah." Immediately answered Huzizu as
Harkell gave me a curious look. I shook it away and stabbed the wall.


He and Havlut started
pawing at the wall which cracked under pressure. “I do not believe it!" I
whispered, awed. Huzizu just smiled. We watched as parts of the wall started
cracking and breaking apart. Fallen upon the grounds beneath our feet while we
continued watching. Harkell and Havlut had already dig through the hole they
had created, yet they never paid any attention to it or where they are
momentarily as they continued pawing at the wall. Upon my voice was the only
time that they had stopped. Both wolves emerged from the wall behind them, dirt
and dust already mixed with their fur. As Huzizu stepped towards the hole that
they had created, I smiled towards the two british wolves. “See. You guys got
some talent than just sipping tea and trying to speak like them." But this only
angered them as their snouts wrinkled and hardened upon my response. I only
flinched and retracted my comment to them, averting my eyes as I glance over to
Huzizu who howl at all three of us however.


“Whatcha find!" I
exclaimed, “Another secret room it seems, it is dark inside here too however."
Huzizu barked bark, “Should we come?" “No. There is nothing here." A short
pause of silence before Harkell pipped up “Do you need a flashlight or
something?" “I thought wolves see through night visions?" I questioned Harkell
who turned to me and flattened his ears, “Right. We can." “Huzizu! Trying
switching to your night vis-" “I see pups in here!" Exclaimed Huzizu
interrupting me as I flinched again but my tail started wagging in response.
For in excitement which somehow overrode the flinching part, I barked and
stomped my feet upon the ground exclaiming again and sharing his excitement
also, “You found them? Bring them here! We do not have time at all!" I turned
towards Harkell and Havlut, “Move away from the hole." They did as they were
told. It was silent for the next few seconds as we waited for Huzizu to come
back with the pups. But with each second came worry as I whimpered and have
attempted to  step forth towards the hole
in front of me. My mind pondering about the pups and Huzizu; yet I remained in
place. “What is taking him so long?" Harkell asked, a bit growling after
another pause while Havlut stepped towards my line and glance upon the hole in
front of him.


He blinked his eyes and
stared again at the darkness before him. Then spoke towards me in a quiet tone,
“I do not see him anymore. Nor the pups at all." “Were he captured by the
robots?" I question with worry. Havlut shook his head, turned his eyes towards
me after blinking his eyes again. “No. I think something else is happening
right now." “Which is…?" I asked with a trail, but the constant worrying was
clouding my mind. For as Havlut turned his head over his shoulder. Pointing his
snout towards the center of the room, he whispered to me again. But louder this
time, “We need to run. Run far away from here." Harkell took this to heart and
nodded to him. The two parted from me as I gasped responding to them and tailed
them. The winds blew harsher with the howling echoing in my ears. Thousands of
thoughts circulate my mind as we reentered into the grassy plains once again.
There ahead of us stood Horizoki and Haziyo. The two wolves looked worried at
us; their fur all messy and about as if they had not the time to clean and
groom themselves. Just looking at them, confirms the suspicious of Havlut. But
I remained in the dark.


Just as the five of us
continuing running through the plains. Heading back towards the village in
front of us, we heard a loud howl. My eyes widened in surprise, I turned my
head to look over my shoulder to see who it was. It was not Huzizu that I was
expecting however. No, a different kind of wolf breed. Something unimaginable
that only the two legged creatures or those robots could produce. A large group
of werewolves stood before us as Harkell screamed, “Run!"