Current Track: Blabb

In the morning, waking up was a bit difficult, but it's alright, I've had worse. Even I'm finally awake, I stay some minutes under the sheets, head on the pillow. Then, I'm standing up at last, and I see Gill eating breakfast.

“Oh, hello. Have a good sleep?"

“Yeah, not worse."

Quickly, I notice a nice smell, floating on my nose.

“Oh, it smells good. What do we have here?"

“Toasts, pancakes, jam, nothing more."

“Hmm, that's okay for me."

“Otherwise, you like coffee, tea, chocolate, something else?"

“One chocolate, I wouldn't say no, please."

In the end, I get out from the sheets, and for sitting down at the table. I begin to serve myself, and I receive a hot cup with a warning: “Be careful, it's hot." I thank her, I blow on the cup before putting my lips on this sweet nectar. Hmm, a bit boiling, just the way I like it.

“So, verdict?"

“Clearly, one of the best ways to begin the day."

“Happy it pleases you, then."

I take again another mouthful, and bite one toast. I may eat well last night, but I'm always starving in the morning.

“Err… Otherwise, did you think about our discussion last night?"

“Not at all, I was too tired for this. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm think I'm overreacting for almost watching. So, I'd like to apologize."

“No, it's okay. I knew it'd make you react."

By drinking another mouthful, I find that she stays calm and understanding, in spite of my passing irritation. Frankly, she impresses me.

“Well, if you want, I act like your err… (I grimaced.) boyfriend, I need to know more about you. But if you don't want to speak, I'll understand."

“No, I've made my mind, I'm ready." She confessed, confidant.

“Alright… Then… what's your familial situation?"

“Well, my parents got divorced for several years now. And since, my father had some partners, but nothing concrete for now. Same for my mother."

“Wasn't it too difficult for you?"

“Not really, I mean, the divorce happened peacefully, and with respect. And even if my mother left the house, sigh… my parents are responsible enough to know what they're doing. Indeed, it was painful, but hey, no drama here."

“Okay, that's good to hear. Can you wait for me please?"

“Of course."

For asking my question, I need one proof. And I already found it: a photograph of Gill and one Samoyed dog (surely the girlfriend) under mountain scenery. I sit down to bring the frame to her.

“That's the girlfriend, isn't it?"

“Yes, Yes, you're right, that's her."

“So, excuse my discretion, but did you two meet?"

By keeping looking the photograph, she's smiling. But this time, not an embarrassed smile, but an authentic one.

“Sigh, you have no idea how much I love this picture. We had a great time here. Since high school, Alice (ah! finally, a name) and me were best friends. Even today, we're still connected even you doubt well it happened something meanwhile. (yes, indeed) After our graduation, I had moved, and Alice returned to her hometown, on Alaska. Of course, we kept in touch, but because of our heavy schedules, we didn't talk too much.

But during the winter break, last year, she invited me to come to a ski station. Her parents being owners of the station, I was our guest of honor. During the stay, we took advantage to do various winter activities, and to know how things were going on our side. Then, one night, she took me to see the northern lights. Clearly, it was splendid, even magical. And it's this moment she chose to… kiss me. (she stops, but I say nothing. Her story is so captivating, I don't want she stops. At contrary, I want she goes at her own pace)

I was surprised, of course, 'cause I never thought she could do something like that, and even less, she had feelings for me. At the time, I let her do 'cause I really didn't know what to do, nor how to react. Passed this weird event, I said nothing about this, and we kept to spend time together. And finally, when I was sure about my feelings, I gave her back here kiss, and even more, maybe… (okay, no need to be a genius to know what she means) After this night, we officially become a couple, but it remained between us. In the end, we had to go separate ways again. Before the start, we took this photo in memorial of good times shared together. Until now we stay in touch, and we talk even more than before (she giggles before whisper.) Yeah…

You should ask yourself how I do to stay calm in my situation, it's thanks to her. Honestly, I don't know I should do without her… Yeah… I don't know."

The silence fell again on his room, but no wonder, especially after this heartwarming story. On this, I may not an expert in love, but I know how to recognize the look of love. And clearly, she has it.

“I hope I don't bother you with my story."

“No, you're kidding? I love this kind of stories. I even think we should listen more those ones nowadays."

“That's nice, thank you."

“Still, that's a shame I couldn't meet her."

“Yeah. Sigh. I really hope this week will fly by."

“Don't worry, everything will be fine. You're not alone, you have Alice. And I'm here too, incidentally."

“It's true, and I cannot thank you enough for your help."

“But no, it's not worth it. As a result, when do we leave?"

“Time to arrange some details, and we should leave tomorrow afternoon."

“Hmmm, it works."

On this, we continue to eat silently. I already showed it, but I'm moved again by her story. Frankly, one fine day, I will meet someone, and live a love story like hers.

Yes, I'm a big romantic, so what?