Current Track: Blabb

As we’re both starving, we go to the restaurant Gill mentioned just best, the Murray’s. At first sight, with those chandeliers and those well-set tables, it seems to be a fancy restaurant. But the atmosphere is friendlier and familial. That’s really not a bad place.

Now that we’re seated, we’re waiting to order.

“Well, you wanted a face-to-face. Now, that’s it. So, tell everything, I’m all ears.”

“Okay, But it’s just… I don’t know where to start.”

“Start from the beginning, then.”

Visibly, she looks ready to talk. Bad luck, the waiter arrives right at the moment with menus. Whatever, let’s choose what to eat before, we’ll talk after.

Man, so many choices, I’m losing. Hmm… the steak seems quite good. With some fries, it will be nice. Yeah, I’ll take it. On her side, Gill opts for one sandwich and salad. Now, all we have to do is wait.

“Good, we got interrupted, but this time, you can go on.”

“Okay. So… where to begin? Every time I have free time, I return to the family house.”

“Alright, but what’s the point with me?”

“That’s exactly what I’m getting at. Several days ago, I said to my father I met someone recently, but…”

Oh okay, I get it. That’s the worst thing that we’ve ever asked me, but I get it.

“Let me guess. You want I act like your errr… boyfriend, but you don’t have one, right?”

“Well, not exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“Actually, I have a girl-friend.”

¡Oh-joder! I thought I had it all figured out, but I was wrong. Then, I should say: time for answers.

“You have a girlfriend, very well, but do your parents know about this?”

“No-not really.”

“Gill, I think I’ve waited enough. And now, we don’t have any time for beating around the bush. So, tell-me the truth.”

By finishing my sentence, she seems a little shameful and afraid. I might be tough on her, but there are limits to my patience.

“Okay, I’ll tell you the whole thing, I own you that much at least.”

And without hiding, she explained everything to me. Roughly, here’s the situation: during a conversation with the parents, she let it be said she’s in a relationship. However, she neglected to mention it was a girl.

Pleased with the news, they requested to come with the chosen one at home. Realizing too late of her blunder, in panic, she accepted without discussing.

Happily, for her, she heard about the service. So, she called them for help. Result: I’m here today.

That’s… a real mess, I won’t lie to you.

“Clearly, wouldn’t it have been easier just to tell the truth?”

“Well, when your father says “if he could, he’ll drive away all those wackos,” you know it’ll be difficult to have a real talk to this.”

“Did he really say that?”

“Yes, and more than once.”

Okay, not surprising she didn’t say nothing. Honestly, I was lucky my parents accepted my orientation. And you may as well say it’s a long shot.

“Does the girlfriend know?”

“Yes, this is even she who suggests the solution.”

That’s good to know, then. Right now, I visualize all the elements all the elements of her story. And that’s just…. crazy. Yes, it’s the word. Crazy.

Man, I don’t know yet how I will manage this, and much less, she succeeded to hold out during all this time.

“Well… that’s my story.”

“Yes… and that’s totally insane Seriously, how did you do for– “

Before I have time to ask my question, waiter has arrived with our plates, and the smell is particularity appetizing.

“Now that our plates came, I propose we eat, and we’ll start again just after.”

“Sound good to me.”

On this, we don’t miss time. The food is really delicious. Beef is tasty, French fries are crisp, and sauce is generous. Clearly, she didn’t lie to me when she said it’s a good restaurant. I’m even tempted to get some dessert, but it was too much of a good thing.

“Now our bellies are full, let’s get back to our business. At first, I’m not partisan of this kind of plan.”

“I know, but—"

“BUT…” I interrupted her, by standing up my finger. “Since you’re a nice person, and I’m already here anyway, but under one condition.”

“O-kay, what’s it?”

“If your parents suspect anything or if they find the trick, you’ll tell them everything, no exception.”

“WHAT?! You’re not serious! You’re asking me too much here.” Gill complained, stunned.

“Otherwise, I can always go back. It will take time, but I SWEAR I’ll do it. Listen, I’m ready to do everything you want. But, in exchange, I’m only asking you this. Now, take it or leave it.” I almost lost my temper.

Once again, I’m nasty with her, but she really needs to know what she does is wrong, and she can’t escape unharmed.

“Very well, I don’t much choice anyway.”

“Nope. I’m just asking to honor your commitments, and I’ll do the same. Nothing-more.”

“Sigh… okay, you win, I’ll do it.”

Awkward silence. But this kind of talk, that’s normal.

“Sorry again for involving you in my mess. You probably think I’m desperate or something.” Gill blamed herself.

“Not desperate, I’d say more… lost.”

“Nevertheless, I’ve really screwed up.”

“No, not much. I mean… everyone screws up when they panic.” I tried to reassure her.

By finishing my sentence, I’m yawning my head off. At once, I haven’t eaten that well for a long time.

“Oh, the sandman is on his way.” Gill teased me.

“Yes, I’ve had a busy day.” I said sleepy, by continuing to stretch.

“So, what I propose to you, is to pay the bill, and go to my place for sleeping.”

“Alright. But for the bill, we—”

“No, no, no! You’re my guest, it’s my treat, you do nothing.” She insisted, by cutting me.

“Okay, you’re the boss.”

On this, one thing led to another quickly: she paid, we took again our coats, and we left. And frankly, that wasn’t that bad either, because I’m feeling my body leaving me.

I’ve headed so much information, my head hurts. Now, I need to sleep. After, we will both see what is the plan for our, errr… “romantic getaway.”