I was lying on my stomach on the bed with Roy, my attention solely on the glass, window-thingy humans call a 'TV'. We were watching something being played behind that window, which was another thing I like to do in Temra. A story, or 'movie' as people call it, that I had loved and seen more times than I remember.
The Jungle Book.
My tail flicked on the mattress, while the familiar words of the song called 'The Bare Neccessities' came from the TV. Though interested, I was also thinking about earlier.
In the dome, I did tell Roy about the new cat food situation. He was surprised about what I revealed. He never liked Gilbert much, but he never thought that I would EVER be fed with different cat food by him. He was like me. I never thought so either. He was a little upset, and he promised that he'd talk to his boss, or what I would call his 'master' about the food, talk to him about getting Gilbert back to feeding me with the other kind of cat food. I may not like cat food so much, but it's better eating that cat food than swallow down that disgusting, retched cat food.
Me and Roy talked a bit more and then he decided that he needed to leave me alone in the dome and get to doing his job, since he only had just shown up at Temra and the people he worked with had let him go and see me for a bit until it was time that he had to get to work.
I knew in my heart that Roy would keep his promise. Being a dear friend of mine, he always wanted what was best for me. And he would do everything in his power to try to help me.
I had some faith in him, but of course...I didn't count on it too much. His master, and Gilbert's, who goes by the name 'Earl', probably wouldn't accept Roy's complaint, like Gilbert won't accept mine. Earl was honestly another human I hated. Despite all the mistreatment I get from Gilbert, Earl always defended him. Because from what my human friends tell me he was great at his job being the animal handler and he was only doing it. I always thought that was stupid...And cruel. He was no better than Gilbert.
And it wasn't just that reason that I hated him...I also hated him because he's the reason why I won't ever go back home. Because he was the master of Temra, and he calls the shots. And he doesn't want me to go.
Like I said...Stupid and cruel.
A while later, Roy came back to the dome and found me. He was done working for today, and I was ready to lay around and talk to him some more. But Roy suggested the idea of me and him watching The Jungle Book together. I couldn't help but act like an exuberant cub when he said that. I loved watching The Jungle Book with a passion, and I never resisted watching it when the opportunity comes. It's always like eating delicious food...But not eating anything.
So here me and Roy were, inside one of those few comfy bedrooms this place has, and watching the story while the two of us are on a mattress that isn't in a cage.
I turned my attention away from the TV momentarily to see Roy watching it still with him sitting upright at the head of the bed and back against the wall. He did see me staring at him and shot me a smile before returning his gaze back on that animated window. I wasn't too sure, but perhaps after he was done working and before returning to the dome, he did speak to Earl about the cat food, and probably got the bad news and doesn't want to break them to me. And maybe perhaps he offered to watch the story with me just to distract me from any lingering thought about the cat food. I looked back at the TV. If I was right, it worked cause I didn't think about that foul-tasting cat food and his promise for a long time...Till now when one of those thoughts invaded me.
Either that, or he didn't talk to Earl today and probably will tomorrow.
I was absolutely certain without a doubt that I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from Roy. I wanted to know what happens.
Right before the story takes us to the part where the anicent ruins show up and we would see King Louie and the dancing monkeys, the urging question rose up in my throat and was about to pop out of my jaws. I started, "Hey Roy."
I noticed the noise being turned down on the TV, signaling that the four-eyed human used this thing called a 'remote'. He said when the sound from the story got low, "Yeah, Prem?"
Instead of that question I wanted to ask, I asked a different one, "Isn't it unfair that the only tiger that's on this story we're watching first appears almost at the end?"
I heard Roy chuckling, his palm rubbing my rump in circles. He replied, "By you admiring Shere Khan, you wish you saw him a whole lot."
I formed a small smile on my lips, then shot a glance at him, "You bet I do." I rolled my eyes and sighed dreamily, "I do want to see him more often on the story. He's so handsome."
Roy's eyes rolled behind his glasses, "Oh my god."
I let out a laugh, then I said, "Think what you want about him. I LIKE Shere Khan."
He playfully replied, "I am, and my big brain's telling me that you're crazy."
I shot back, "Don't give a crap."
"Always knew you don't. You're too crazy to not care that he's a bad guy."
I held up my head and closed my eyes like I'm proud of that, "Better know that. I'm crazy and I don't care!"
Roy laughed a bit, patting my striped bottom a few times, "Yes you are, Premy. Yes, you are."
I glanced at the story again, seeing Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther sneaking into the ruins to try to rescue Mowgli the man cub from the monkeys. I spoke, picturing Shere Khan a little in my head other than the question that I really wanted to ask Roy still in my chest, "Still, I wish Shere Khan was in the story a lot of times like Bagheera. It's unfair that he isn't."
Roy told me the hard truth, "Ah, sorry, but that's the way it is. I didn't create the story, and I can't change it."
I shook my furred head, sighing, "I know. I just can't help wishing it."
He giggled and said, "I know. I can tell every time you lay eyes on him. Don't think I need to use a microscope to see you're feeling 'hot' for him and wishing for more."
I giggled deeply at the remark, "Right." Then I dipped my chin, the lingering question still trying to burst out of my chest. I heard the story's sound rising, telling me Roy decided to turn it back up with the remote.
I didn't bother watching more of it. I was trying to find the urge to ask him. But a few minutes later, I didn't have to start off with anything. Roy noticed my head was down and I heard the story freezing up because of him. He asked in a concerned tone, "Prem? You okay?" I twisted my neck to lock eyes with his. He continued with that emotion shone a bit behind his glasses, "You're not watching the movie. Something wrong?"
"No, I'm fine." I sighed, "I'm just thinking about what Gilbert did."
Roy put on a pity look for me, and made a tiny nod, "Yeah...I still can't believe he'd do that." He added with a shrug, "I guess maybe I'm naive to think he wouldn't. But I should've seen it coming." He pushed up his glasses when a sigh came out of him next, "It's bad enough you don't like the cat food you've been given since you began living here, but being given cat food which tasted what you deem horrible is worse."
I finally said, "That's actually what I want to talk to you about." I shifted around on the bed a bit to face him, "Roy...Did you talk to Earl about the new cat food?"
My four-eyed friend admitted, "I did."
I inquired, "What happened? Any good news?"
Roy hesitated a little, "...Afraid not." I should have known. He held in a breath and explained, "Earl was told by Gilbert about that cat food you mentioned, and thought it was good for you...For your health, I mean. He basically approved the large supply of the new cat food right away, and since the last bag of the old cat food is gone..." He slowly nodded at me, "I think you get it. Put it simply...He's not getting rid of the new cat food."
Near the end of all that, I already made a disgusted expression, and was just gaping him with it. I finally muttered, "For my health?" He acknowledged that with another nod. I turned my head and spit out my tongue, "Yuck!" For my health?! Are they kidding me?! I have to eat that crap on daily nights because it's for my health?! It's completely disgusting! It's bullshit!
I felt his hand brushing my furred cheek. He apologized, "I'm sorry, Prem. You know how things work."
My face pressed against his touch. I said in a glum tone, "I know."
"You know how much I mean that." Roy went on as I stared at him, "I want to order the new supply of cat food you always get myself...Or at least hire servants to serve you meat on so many silver platters so you wouldn't eat cat food...And not have to go to the cafeteria. I want to do things like that. I want you to live a bit more better here."
I repeated, "I know..."
Then Roy let out a breath of defeat, "But Earl has all the word and the control. I don't. And there's nothing I can do about it."
"I know, Roy...I know." I sighed, "I guess I'll have to get used to it. Maybe it won't taste so bad when I do...I don't know..." I'm not counting on it.
Roy formed a comforting smile, "Well, maybe it will taste better. Let's be a little positive about it."
I smiled a little, "You try eating that stuff and see if you find anything positive about it."
Roy replied with that comfortness on his face still, "You know what I mean. It's like I sometimes tell you...You're a minus when anything steps on you and you stay down forever...But you're a plus when you stand and hold and never fall."
Shortly, I lowered my head to nuzzle his leg. Then I looked at my friend and stated fondly, "Because of you and everyone else...I always try."
We stared at each other with our smiles for a long time...Until someone came in the room. A voice cut through this moment we had, "Prem." I glanced to see the bear of a bastard himself.
I glared at him, and so did Roy. Gilbert was having this impatient look on his face on his end. His head gestured to a window on a wall, "It's time to get back to your cage." I gazed at the windows, finding things are dark outside.
I gazed at the story next, still paused. I told him, "But I'm not finished watching The Jungle Book."
Roy argued as well, "It's not even nine o'clock."
Gilbert responded matter of factly, "It is now." His lips made a tiny smirk, "I got poker night in town." Then the impatience reappeared on him, "And I'm not staying here a bit longer and miss it." He called with a beckoning hand, "C'mon, Prem, I ain't got all night. Let's go."
I retorted, "Yeah, like I'm gonna do any favors for you now. You never return any."
Gilbert threw a threat back at me, "You will if you don't want your ass whipped." My heart skipped a beat when I watched him take his torturing whip off his shoulder and hold it threateningly in his hand. I shivered as his tone risen with each word he says, "I haven't been in the mood of your attitude earlier, and I'm not in the mood for it now. I suggest you go, or-"
Roy cut him off with his voice, "Wait!" Gilbert and I focused on him. He calmly offered, "I'll take her to her cage. You don't have to."
Gilbert sneered, "You want to be the handler tonight? Fine, you be the damn handler."
Roy heatedly remarked, "Thanks."
Gilbert pointed a finger at me while four-eyes slid off the bed, "You better be in your room by eight-fifteen." He looked at his watch as Roy went to get the story we were watching out of the thing called a 'DVD player', "Which it'll be about ten minutes." He shot me with those narrowed, impatient eyes again, "You'd better be by then, or I'll know you won't when the camera in there doesn't see you, and whip you for it. Got that?" He spun around and said, "I'm gonna take a leak, so you have a good fucking night." With that he left the room in a rush.
Though I was still a little shaky by the sight of the whip, I showed my teeth and growled. Asshole. I started standing up on the bed, about to do what I'm told. This is so ridiculous.
Roy, standing near the TV with the story in his hand, remarked as I was stepping off the bed two paws at a time, "Sorry we have to cut this evening short."
I went up to him and responded in frustration, "I'm so pissed off right now. We didn't finish watching the story." I went on in some dismay when I stopped in front of him, "And I didn't get to see Shere Khan tonight!" Thinking about it kinda almost had me burst into tears. I wasn't joking that I liked seeing that tiger on TV.
Roy replied with assurance, "Yeah I know. We'll watch it again tomorrow."
I agreed with the plan, "Good idea. And let's not start it over again when we're getting ready to watch it again, alright? We didn't finish it tonight, so the story doesn't start over tomorrow. That's how stories work."
"Affirmative." He began to make his way to the room's doorway, urging, "Come on, let's get going before your ten minutes is up."
"Right behind you." I followed him out of the room and into the white hallway. Roy led me for a short bit till we arrived at the door to my cage room. He opened the door for me and I went through without hesitating. Padding towards the large cage in there made me feel depressed. That I'm going to be locked in that thing for another night. I hate that fucking thing.
But I didn't show it when I padded in it. Roy went in with me as I laid down on the mattress and blankets inside the cage. Kneeling down, he petted across my back in smoth strokes. He spoke in pity, "I know I've done this before, girl, but I am sorry I have to do this to you now. You know the rules...When the handler's leaving, you go to the cage."
Screw that rule. I replied with a sigh, "It's all right, Roy...It's not your fault."
His lips gave the top of my head a sweet kiss. He pulled back and stood back up. Then he eyed at my food and water bowls in the corner. He commented with eyes back on me and a tiny smile on his face, "Well, looks like I don't have to feed and water you tonight. Gilbert already took care of that."
Looking down to my bed, I said without much enthusiasm, "That's nice."
Roy's smile melted off and he nodded, "Well...I must be going now." He slowly turned his back on me and started to wander out of the cage.
I stopped him with my voice, "Roy, wait."
He twisted to stare at me.
I beggingly asked, "Can't you at least spend the night in here with me? It gets lonely in the cage."
Roy sadly shook his head no, "I can't do that, Prem. I have a home to get to and look after. You know that. I'm sorry."
I let out another sigh, "...Alright."
He promised after putting on a comforting smile, "Don't fret, girl. I'll see you tomorrow. And remember what I said about the new cat food...Be a little positive about it. Ok?"
I made a tiny smile in return, slowly nodding, "...I'll try. You have a goodnight."
Roy responded with a nod, "You too. See you in the morning." He strolled out of the cage and shut the gate. He then went up to the hooks on the walls and grabbed the key, then came back and locked it. After hanging up the key and giving me one last wave, Roy strolled till he flipped the light for the room off, and disappeared out of here and closed that door behind him.
After he left, my smile melted, and I took in a deep, somber breath and let it out. I didn't know why I had bothered asking him that question before he left. I should have figured he'd decline. I guess I was a bit hopeful he'd say yes. I lowered my head to my forepaws, laying it on them with sad eyes. Oh, if only I had one of my human friends spend the night with me in the cage every once in a while...Or at least several days straight. That way nights here wouldn't get so lonely.
None of them would do that...Where can I find one who would?
My eyes rolled to the food bowl, the thought of new cat food in it already making me feel sick. I feel a little hungry...But I don't want to eat that!
I sighed. But I might as well try...Get used to that disgusting taste.
Waves rolled and crashed on the beach, the rays of the moon glistening on them. I was standing on the pier, just watching them in every second. The sounds and lights of Pacific Park, a small oceanfront amusement park, were going on behind me, but I didn't pay attention to them. I was paying attention to what's on my mind.
My dream.
My eyes darted down to my skateboard, to make sure no one had silently stole it from under my nose while I was pondering. It was still where I left it. I laid it upright against the metal barrier I was standing close to.
Feeling satisfied that it wasn't stolen, I went back to watching the waves go by. My mind also thought back to earlier at the skatepark, about Ryan Sheckler skating for his demo. I smiled from just thinking about it. Man...
The whole afternoon had gone by quick since it happened, and I still can't stop thinking about it. Mostly can't stop thinking about the fact that I almost met him after the demo was over. Ryan was chatting around with some fellow skaters who came to see him skate. I was eager to meet him. I was CLOSE to meeting one of my favorite pro skaters. But I didn't have a chance to. Not long after the demo was over, he was in a rush to leave, he seemed like it. He probably had something else important to do. Maybe another event to run off to.
I was kinda disappointed I didn't meet him and say hello, but I didn't hold that against him. There'd probably be another time to say hello to him...Maybe.
Still though...I couldn't stop thinking about it. Throughout all the time I spent with Maddie and Shawn through the afternoon, hanging around and skateboarding and such...I can't get it out of my head.
Not only that...My dream's been stuck in my head since then too...Like always.
My gaze wandered off to the bright lights behind the beach. Staring at the lights of Dogtown, or Santa Monica for many people who don't wish to call it. Dogtown...A beachfront city in California situated west of Los Angeles. A place where skating's well-known for. A place where some legends were born. I find it amusing that I'm one of those lucky people who has lived in Dogtown for all my life. Sometimes I think it's surreal too. Maybe most skaters that live in this part of the country probably think so also. And maybe have the same dream like me.
Yes...Like a lot of people, I do have a dream. A somewise impossible dream. For a long time, I knew what my dream was. From watching people skate right in front of me, I realized that dream.
To summarize, I was just a young skateboarder living in Dogtown with a big dream of becoming a PRO skateboarder.
I blinked a few times while thinking about that dream, my smile leaving my lips. I've been skating for years, and no joke have gotten good at it...But even that dream hasn't become a reality. Not yet, anyways. You can say that I'm still working on that, along with Shawn. There have been times that I thought I was real close to making it happen, but during each of those times something stupid and dramatic happens and it messes everything up.
I sighed. I haven't given up on my dream, but I do wonder...When will it happen? Will I ever become a pro skater, like one of the great ones like Ryan Sheckler and Tony Hawk?
I then smiled a bit, sudden determination lighting up in my chest. I don't know when, but one day...I will find out. And next time...I won't let anything mess up everything again.
And you can count on it.
I'll have my dream...One day I will.
While still looking at the lights of Santa Monica, my girlfriend's voice came through my thoughts, "Jason." I looked back and found her behind me, smiling. I smiled back. Maddie said, "Where did you go? Have you been standing here all this time? I thought you were getting cotton candy."
"Heh." I faced myself to her and brushed back my hair. I said, "Yeah, sorry I left you and Shawn high and dry back there."
She remarked, hands on her hips with a sly expression, "High and dry is right. I thought you went back home to mommy and broke your promise. You know, the one where you were gonna ride the ferris wheel with me again. I was going to share that ride with Shawn if I hadn't found you."
I giggled in reply, "Were you also going to kiss him when the wheel takes you to the top of the world?"
Maddie joked, shaking her head, "No. I was going to have sex with him and let the whole world know we were doing it...Especially you."
I made a gesture toward the amusement park behind her, "You think me and the world will hear you up there? I don't think so. The music in there is loud enough to drown out your voice."
Her eyebrows playfully shot up, "My screams are shrilly enough to hear. You should know."
I shrugged and nodded, "Ok. If you say so."
Maddie demanded, "You trying to say I'm lying, pendejo?"
"Nooo. But I am hoping your screams are loud enough for people to come help you. If you screw my buddy too hard, the gondola will rock and tip so far you'll both be dangling for life. Which by the way...When I do hear you, I'm not coming to save you." I giggled at my own crack.
Maddie replied, "I won't expect you to, since you chose your momma over me."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."
She went up and poked a finger repeatedly in my chest, "Next time I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. I'll make sure to leave you myself so I can get us some cotton candy. You ain't gonna get incestrous again on my watch."
I jokingly said, "That's okay, I didn't love her anyway." God I hope I never would love her in that way!
"Great!" Maddie kissed me. Then she said, "Glad you never have, you cheater." Me and her giggled together. Then she joined to stand beside me, watching the scene beyond the Santa Monica Pier. I turned around and stared at the rolling waves and the beach with her. Shortly, Maddie turned her head and asked me, "So, what were you doing right here? Just staring at the beach?"
I chuckled, apologizing, "Yeah, I'm really sorry I didn't come back to you guys for a long time. I...Came here to have some alone time for a minute, and I guess I...Got lost in the waves...And my own thoughts."
Maddie made a concerned look, "Is everything ok?"
I assured her with a confident smile, "Yeah, everything's fine." I dipped my chin down and continued, "It's just I was thinking about Ryan Sheckler."
She then grinned and held some pity in her eyes, "Aw, I'm still sorry you didn't meet him. If only there weren't a lot of skaters in the way!"
I chuckled, gazing right in her eyes, and brushed that off with words, "Nah, don't worry about it." I looked off to the ocean once more, "I was also thinking about what it'd be like to be a pro like him. To have a lot of people recognizing me, to have a ton of money, to have sponsors chasing after me, and to go places. All that, you know."
Maddie's hand rose and rubbed my shoulder. She spoke to me smoothly and confidently, "I know you've had bad luck getting noticed...But you'll get there someday. You're a great skater."
I looked at her, and asked a bit of a silly question, "You ain't just saying that cause you're my girlfriend are you?"
Maddie made a mocked frown, "Oh, you know I mean it. You really are. One day, one dude who represents a skate company will see you and say 'Wow! This guy's really awesome! He's definitely on my team.'" She kissed my cheek, "It'll happen. I believe that. And I believe in you."
I replied shortly after that statement, "What would I do without you?"
My girlfriend cracked, "Moan my name while touching yourself."
I was shaking my head with a toothy smirk, "You're disgusting."
"Isn't that why you're with me?"
"Hmm...Maybe." She laughed, then I did.
Suddenly someone ruined our moment, "Why hello, Jason Taylor!" Me and Maddie had our attention to three boys about my age heading our way, side by side, all carrying skateboards. I only focused on one guy in the middle.
I glared at that paticular guy. I mumbled, my words barely audible, "Ah, shit." He was about the same height as me, with dark brown colored hair in a form of a mullet style, wearing sunglasses despite it was nighttime now, and seemed more athletic than me with his arms and body having more muscle.
There was no question that I didn't like him. His name was Alec Grayson. He's supposedly some spoiled, rich twenty year old who has an attitude that he displays towards those that are less than him. Except to those guys that he's with, who are named Chuck and Dan. For some reason he had got along with them.
He certainly never gets along with me, my girl, and Shawn, that's for sure. Out of us trio, he mostly displays much hostility toward me. You see, me and Alec are rivals. Skating rivals. Have been since five years ago. We compete each other when we had the chance. I had beat him at times, and Alex had beaten me at times as well. It's like a never-ending rivarly between us.
And I have a feeling it's not ending here.
Alec and his cronies stopped near us. He took his sunglasses off, showing his brown eyes and a grin. He said, "Nice, romantic night, ain't it?"
I demanded bitterly, "What do you want, Alec?"
Maddie added with her own narrow eyes, "Yeah, we ain't doing nothing to you."
Alec raised his hands as if he ain't here for trouble, "Homies! Relax. I'm not looking for trouble."
I remarked, "Funny, considering you always look for it."
"I'm serious!" He insisted, "I'm just looking for some action." His head gestured to each pal he's with, "Me and my homeboys had a long day of skating and now we're searching for chicks to pick up."
Maddie spat, crossing her arms, "Pigs."
Chuck and Dan both let out chuckles. Alec replied to her comment in a smug tone, "Eh, we're guys, so what? We're adults and we do what we want."
Maddie told him, "There are better ways to do than that."
"Sure there are." He remarked, "But we ain't in the mood for them. We're in the mood for fucking a hot Latina's brains out." Maddie put on a disgusted face and moaned. I was disgusted by his words too. Not only was he a rich asshole, he was also a rich WOMANIZER. I pretty much have another good reason to hate him.
Alec focused his gaze on me, and said, "Oh, guess what I did earlier at the park, Taylor?"
I demanded in annoyance, "What?"
He told me, "I pulled off a grab trick high in the air, and backflipped, and I LANDED it. It was so fucking awesome. You should've been there."
The only thing I said to that was this, "Good for you." I figured that was bullshit. I didn't believe him at all. He's a good skater, but not THAT good. He only said that just to get under my skin, which that's what he usually does.
Alec thumbed himself, and replied with pride even though what he said was fake, "Yeah GOOD FOR ME. That's why I'm the best skater in the country!"
God, you can see I have TWO more reasons to hate him. He's a faker at times and a total show off!
What a tool.
I tiredly said, already worn from his presence, "Can you and your friends leave us alone now?"
Alec lowered his arm down to the side and said, "Sure thing, buddy."
I immediately shot that down, "I"m not your buddy."
But Alec ignored that and went on to say this, "But I have something else to tell you about what I did at the park."
I sighed, "What is it?"
"I actually also got to meet Ryan Sheckler. And you know what he planned to do later? I've inspired him so much from my speech about why I started skating that he said he'd hook me up with a sponsor! I never had one before! I'm so freakin excited to be on a skating team."
My heart raced from his words, but I had a good feeling he was fucking with me again. I don't think I saw him at the skatepark when the demo happened. I think he heard Ryan was there today and said all that just to...You get the picture.
Maddie, being a girl with balls, called him out on that, "Bullshit. We were at Ryan's demo and never saw you there."
Chuck's face went wide, "Ooooo..." He looked at Alec and told him, "You got owned, dude. Freakin owned."
Alec shot him a glare, "Shut the fuck up, you idiot." He locked his expression right on her now, "Well, I may have been caught in my lie, I may have gotten owned by you..." He boasted, forming a smug grin, "BUT, I am still the best skater in the country, and I'll be OWNED by a skating team sooner than you believe."
Maddie didn't back down. She defiantly said, "You've been skating for a long time, years, and still haven't been hooked up. You call that sooner?" I mentally giggled at that one. Oh boy.
Alec narrowed his eyes and yapped when he got owned again, "I'll get what I want! And I won't be owned by you again!" His face began to soften up, a sadistic grin appearing. He stated, "Because I'll be the one owning YOU."
Maddie retorted, "That won't happen."
"You sure about that? Doesn't the feeling of being owned by me get you going?"
Maddie frowned, "What?" I was just standing besides her glaring at him suspiciously. What's he up to?
My rival gestured to me and went on, "I mean, why are you even with this loser? Why be owned by Jason when you can be owned by someone with money, skills...And a exhilirating stamina that he can use on you."
I raged, knowing what he implied, "What?!"
Maddie apparently knew too when she also screamed in anger, "What did you say?!"
Chuck and Dan only giggled while Alec continued with pride, "Come on, Maddie...Why not just leave him? I think you've had enough being with a loser. Come be with a winner...They're much better in bed."
I REALLY wanted to punch him so hard in the face and knock a few teeth out. But I held back, taking a deep breath, knowing hitting him won't do me any good. I tugged Maddie's arm, urging without taking my angry eyes off Alec, "Let's go, Maddie...He's not worth it."
Alex smugly stated, "Oh I'm worth it...You just don't know how much I am."
Before I could attempt to pull Maddie again, Shawn's voice called, "Hey!" All of us looked and found him, apparently having just come out of Pacific Park, coming toward us in fast strides. He stepped in the space between me and Maddie and the trio in front of us. He blankly asked the trio, Alec mostly, "What's going on here?"
Alec narrowed his eyes again at his appearance, "Mind your own goddamn business, Landes. This is between me, your douchey buddy, and the hot chick. This has nothing to do with bleach blondes."
Shawn's mouth dropped agape. He pointed at himself, "My hair's bleached?"
I tried to tug Shawn away from this, "Shawn, come on, let's go."
But he didn't budge, he just repeated, "My hair's bleached? Bro, my hair is totally natural. Yours on the other hand looks like a big, long doggie turd I found on a corner of a street earlier."
Alec nodded, eyes lighting up with anger, "Oh really?"
"Oh yeah...And it's no wonder you always smell like shit."
Alec threw down his skateboard and pushed Shawn really hard. Maddie gasped when he collided against me, but we didn't fall over. Shawn quickly regained his balance, dropped his own board he was carrying, and tried to attack Alec, cursing, "Fucking asshole!"
I wrapped my limbs around Shawn, trying to put a stop to this, "Whoa! Break it up!" I saw Alec's cronies were doing the same to him, holding him back from a fight.
As Alec struggled, he threatened loudly, "You're dead you fucker!"
Shawn shot back as he squirmed, "Prick!"
"Don't you fuck with me!"
"Fuck you!"
I yelled at Shawn, "Stop Shawn!"
Dan said to Alec as he held onto him, "Cut it out, man! Cut it out!"
Chuck helped out too, "Yeah you ain't no shithead, dude! Forget these losers! Let's go home."
Alec and Shawn finally stopped shortly after our pleas. They were both still being held, staring at each other, fuming. I turned Shawn loose as Chuck and Dan did the same to Alec.
Alec huffed, then snatched his deck off the ground. Starting to back up with his buddies, he threatened me with a finger pointed, "This isn't over, Jason." Then it moved to Shawn, "This isn't over with you either, you bleached blonde bitch." They all whirled around and went on their way without looking back.
I let out a sigh of relief, then turned to Shawn, "You ok?"
His chest heaved before replying, "Yeah I guess so." He bent to pick up his skateboard and uttered, "Tool."
I agreed with a nod, "Tell me about it." I stared at Maddie who still stood in the same spot. I asked in concern, "You all right, Maddie?"
She sighed, brushing back her hair with both hands, "I'm fine." She smiled, "Thanks." I smiled in return.
Shawn turned to both of us and asked, "What did those douchebags want?"
I answered, strolling over to get my board still leaned against the barrier, "Just as you say, being douchebags, picking on me. The usual."
Shawn shrugged his shoulders, "Between you and them...Why did I bother asking?" He let out a calming breath, grinning, the tension finally left him, "Least they're gone now. We still have time to terrorize the town tonight!"
Maddie rolled her eyes, "Oh my god."
Shawn then said to us, "And thanks for leaving me alone for a long time. I thought you both just left me in there and were off doing something else."
I let out a tiny laugh, then spoke in playful assurance, "Ah, don't worry, pal. We wouldn't leave you. Wouldn't be any fun without you."
Maddie added when she stood beside me, "And besides I asked you to get off your butt and help me look for Jason, but you let me go alone."
Shawn protested, "That's because I wanted to rest a bit! My feet were tired."
Maddie eyed at his feet, saying as if she didn't buy his story, "Don't seem tired now, moron."
Shawn shot back, "Because I feel better." He beckoned us with his hand, facing toward the entrace of Pacific Park, "Come on, guys. Let's get some cotton candy."
Maddie nudged my rib with her elbow, "Yeah, Jason, and you still owe me another ride on the ferris wheel."
I smirked at her for a moment, then gave her a tiny peck on the lips, "Right, come on." With my hand holding my board, and the other around her, we both headed back into the amusement park with Shawn leading.
After another hour hanging inside the place, the three of us finally decided to call it a night. We both walked out of Pacific Park and the Santa Monica Pier altogether, strolling on foot on the streets and heading home. During our walk home, passing a stop sign, Shawn's cell phone rang loudly and he answered the call. Specially, it had a unique ringtone mine and Maddie's don't have. Shawn put in a song called 'I'm a Believer' by Smash Mouth on his phone. It was his most favorite song in the world, since me and him have seen a movie called 'Shrek' and heard it on there. I admit I do like it too, but I also admit that it gets tiresome hearing it. Because every time his phone rings I HEAR IT!
But hey, who am I to complain? He has it on his phone, he can hear it when it rings, so congrats to him.
Shawn said this to his phone, frustration evident in his voice, "Yeah, later, bye." He hung up, lowered his phone off his ear in a swift motion, and cussed, "Damn it."
By the conversation he had with someone, it was serious. I asked while we continued walking, "Who was that?"
Shawn answered with a sigh, "Pablo. He said we ain't going to be using the vert ramp in his backyard anymore."
Maddie curiously demanded, "Why?"
He explained, "Fucking Maria. That new slut of his."
Oh no... I had a feeling what was going on but pressed anyways, "What happened?"
Shawn said with annoyance mixed with frustration on his face and tone, "You know how much she wanted to get rid of that ramp ever since she started living with him, right? Well, she actually did behind his back. Apparently she hired some people to take that thing down. Pablo just got home and found out about it and just got done confronting her. He's pissed off."
I was pissed about it too, I showed it by groaning. Damn, I liked that ramp! Maddie on her end said in surprise, "You've got to be kidding me!"
Shawn replied angrily, "No. And it's all because..." He mimicked Maria in his girl voice, "It's taking too much space!" He moaned out in total frustration, "It's bullcrap! He argued with that ugly bitch more than once, saying it will not be taken down, and she did that anyway. It's so retarded!"
I nodded in agreement, "Got that right."
My buddy complained, "I mean I fucking hate it when people don't like skating and take issue with it and think they can do whatever they want to get rid of it. I'm really tired of it!"
Maddie told him, "Calm down, Shawn. Maybe Pablo will kick her out of his place and rebuid it."
"He's still too in love with her to do that." Shawn swiftly waved that off, "But that's not the point! The point is I'm tired of people seeing skateboarding as a dumb, non-serious, annyoing kid's sport. I have had it."
I sucked in a breath to chill with myself and shrugged, "Hey in a way man, so am I. But it's not like we can show EVERYBODY that we've had enough."
Shawn suddenly stopped his tracks and looked toward his left. Me and Maddie slowed down a few paces ahead of him, and glanced back to see what's up. He muttered shortly afterward, "I'm starting to." He strided to where he stared.
Where's he going? I followed where he went with my gaze, and gasped sharply.
Shawn was heading towards a big, long, beautiful two-story home. I knew who lived in that house. This fifty something year old gentleman who used to be in the Navy years ago and retired. And yes...He HATES skateboarders.
I do know what I'm talking about. Other than witnissed how he felt about me when I skate near his house, I've heard stories about how he treats them. One time, I heard that he caught some kids skating and rolling around in his empty pool, then he chased them off with a shotgun!
I know how my mother feels about skateboaridng, but that guy was worse than her. I'm telling ya...He hates skaters and isn't afraid to SHOW it!
I called, rushing after him, "Shawn, wait!"
Maddie followed behind me, "Guys, where are you going?"
I tried again when Shawn didn't stop, "Shawn, get back here, man! We're not supposed to go near that place!"
As we got closer to that house, Shawn replied over his shoulder without looking back, "I don't care! I'm going to skate in that old bastard's pool and show him I'm through screwing around."
Strolling on the front yard, Maddie warned in a low worried voice, "Shawn that's a bad idea. He's probably home right now! We better leave or he'll call the cops."
I whispered when we were super close to the house and going around it, "Or blow our heads off with buckshots! You know how crazy he is towards skaters!"
He still never slowed to a stop. He whispered back, "Bro, that's precisely why I'm doing it. He's treated skaters badly long enough! He thought he's badass, he's about to be proved wrong." As Shawn and I came out of the corner and wandered into the backyard, I grabbed his shoulder to stop him. But he jerked out of my grasp and continued for the huge, round pool ahead, obviously filled with water.
Maddie who wandered into the backyard with us whipsered loudly, "Shawn! Let's get ouf of here! There's water in it now let's go home!"
Shawn grumbled in a low tone, "I'll drain the pool, it's easy."
I shot a nervous glance to the back of the house. I didn't pay too much attention before since I was so focused on Shawn, but I just now saw that the lights in the house were on. A sign that says the owner's still awake. My eyes went wide, heart racing in panic. Shit, he's still up! I grabbed Shawn's shoulder again, a desperate whisper leaving my lips, "Dude, stop it!"
Suddenly before we could go further or do anything else, bright lights blew across the yard. We stopped to shield our eyes for a moment. I saw they came from the house and knew what was going on. Oh damn! They must be motion sensored!
Right before we could think about leaving, a person poked out of the patio door. A pit in my stomach formed. Crap. The owner hollered at us from where he stood, "You stay right there!" I saw that he quickly picked up something beside the door from the inside, and begun strolling outside with it in quick, angry steps.
It was his shotgun.
I breathed out nervously. Well that didn't take him long to get that. For being this prepared by the lights and the gun laying near the backdoor, I'll give him that.
I saw Maddie was shaking in fright. As for Shawn, well, he was just standing giving that guy a bold stare.
Shawn...Please don't give this guy a reason.
The owner of the house, who has a bald head, glasses on his face, and a bit chubby for his body, finally came to a halt in front of us, shotgun held in both hands. Holding a grim expression on his face, he checked us out with his leering eyes, including the skateboards in mine and Shawn's hands. Finally, he spoke to us, "Skateboarders, eh? I've figured as much."
I tried to persuade him with a pleading, scared look, "Look...We're sorry we came here. We didn't mean to cause trouble."
A tiny smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Hah! That's what all juvenile delinquents say."
Maddie added too with the same expression on her face, "Please don't call the cops. We'll leave, we'll never come back here, and-"
He cut her off, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Back in my day I never talked back to a superior officer! You are being disrespectful."
I heard Shawn mumble, "Look who's talking."
The man with the gun looked straight at him, "What was that?" When Shawn never replied, he went on with his speech, "Back then, there were kids who didn't disrespect. They held it, other than responsiblity, manners, discipline and the like. But unfortunately, this generation doesn't have that. That's why I always think ALL youngsters of this generation should be sent to the military, so they can straighten out their acts!"
Shawn seemed to have had enough of this and finally snapped, "And be an asshole like you?"
The ex-Navy man locked eyes with him. He remarked, "Obviously you hadn't. And who said you can talk back?"
Shawn defiantly said, "I'll talk back whenever I want to! I'm an adult, not some stepchild that you can fuck around with, bro!"
The guy who held a lot of stern started, "You listen here-"
"No you listen! Is this how you treat the people of the country you've protected? Is this how all you military motherfuckers treat us after protecting us? Well I say you and the military are a bunch of frauds! You don't care about us! You never cared about us! You're nothing but FRAUDS!"
My eyes went wide at this spectacle. Jesus.
The bald owner shot back, "Who the hell do you think you are talking to me and the proud military that way? In fact, who the HELL do you think you are coming into my property at night and skating in my pool?"
I wanted to reach out my hand and try to diffuse this, but Shawn fired back, "Who the hell do you think YOU are telling us to shut our mouths and disrespecting skaters and calling them juvenile delinquents?"
"I'm not the one trespassing in my backyard!"
"What is your problem with people like us?! You sucked at skateboarding back then and you're taking it out on us? Maybe you should've practiced more, douchebag!"
I finally said something, holding my hand out, "Whoa, alright, guys, maybe-"
But the owner of the house ignored me, "I never gave a goddamn about skating! I was raised to be responsible and respectful by my mother and father!"
Shawn rolled his eyes, sneering, "They didn't seem to do a good job."
"Yes, they have!" He thrusted a finger toward him, "However your folks didn't do a fine job with you."
Shawn replied loudly, stepping closer to him, "Oh, so you're going to disrespect my family now? You can just fuck off, asswipe!"
The guy shot back, "No, you can go screw yourself in a jail cell, along with your friends. And you'd better back away now, sonny." He motioned the shotgun in his hands a bit, making a point, "I know how to use this."
Shawn didn't stop there. He was calling that guy out on it, "Oh what, now you're going to shoot me in cold blood? You've proven my point. You guys are frauds."
"Maybe." The bald guy warned, "But I have the right to protect myself, and YOU don't have the right to trespass in my property and threaten me."
That got my blonde friend bewildered, "What the fuck, I didn't threaten you!" I kinda agree with him there. He didn't do anything really.
The owner repeated, "You have no right. And you're paying for it. I'm calling the cops right now." That's when Shawn did something I didn't expect. He held the end of his deck with both hands, and quickly shoved the other end right into that guy's gut. The bald ex-Navy man's eyes bulged out. He dropped his weapon and sank his knees to the ground, groaning in pain as he was clutching his stomach, "Ohhhhhhhh...."
I cried out in shock, "Holy crap!"
Maddie added with widened eyes, "Oh my god!"
Shawn strode up to stand beside the kneeling man, brought the board back, swung it fast, and whacked the man's back. That got the man crying out in pain and lying face down on the earth. Right after that, Shawn yelled at us, "Hurry quick let's get out of here!"
I was immediately taking that cue. No way I was going to jail over this! I grabbed Maddie's hand and we made a run for it, "Run let's go!"
All three of us ran for our lives, away from the backyard and back out on the street. We sprinted for about three blocks when we slowed down to a stop. I was heaving some breaths out when I said to Shawn, "Well...I guess you showed him who the badass really is."
Maddie yapped upon sucking in a breath, "Did you know what you just did?! You assaulted him!"
Shawn giggled under his breath, "Who cares? That guy deserved it big time. He was such a tool."
I looked back at the way we came. I suggested, "We better split up and go home now. That guy probably has the strength to call the cops right about now."
Shawn let out another chuckle, "IF he ever gets up and do it."
Maddie glared at him, "That's not funny, Shawn. Besides he probably had the phone in his pocket."
Shawn's face kind of turned pale from that statement. Then he jogged off in a frantic. He hollered behind him, "Screw staying here then! I'm outta here! See ya later, bro! You too, Maddie!"
I giggled, then gazed at my beautiful girlfriend. I said with a smirk, "Well, tonight was fun."
Maddie brushed back her hair, sighed, and gave me a knowing smirk, "Yeah...Hope I don't get arrested because of tonight."
I reassured, "You won't. Just get home as soon as you can and you'll be all right."
She playfully warned, "I will. But better hope I don't get arrested, Jason. You'll have to bail me out when I do."
"Gosh I sure hope not." I walked up and kissed her. As our foreheads pressed together, I asked with little concern, "Are you going to be ok? I am sorry it had happened. You know how Shawn sorta is."
She responded, "It's alright. I was scared but I'll be fine." Then she pushed me back slightly, "Now go home. I'll call you tomorrow, ok?"
"Ok." I told her as I started backing away, "I love you."
She returned those words with that cute look in her eyes, "I love you too."
With that, I spun around and ran for home, holding the skateboard in my hand tightly. I didn't stop for anything. I didn't run as fast as I did for long, but I kept jogging and jogging through streets and alleys, till I finally came home without a cop car pulling by and asking questions. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I casually strolled up the front door. Made it.
I wiped the sweat off with a arm before I pushed the door open and came inside. Right after I closed it is when I was greeted by my mom's voice, "Good evening, Jason."
I twitched. Oh shit.
I slowly turned toward my mother, Carol, standing inside the kitchen staring at me. Her long red hair dangled over her shoulders as her eyes burned into mine.
She saw me carrying a skateboard, and now she's mad.
I finally replied, "Hey. I thought you were working late."
She said angrily, "I guess I decided to leave early."
I tried to tell her, "Mom, listen-"
A quick demand came from her, "Are you skateboarding again?"
I hesitated, "...Yeah."
She was shaking her head like she was disgusted, "Damn it, Jason, I told you not to skate anymore! You're not supposed to go running around the city and skate. You're supposed to be focusing on other things, responsible ones. Not this thing of a waste of time!"
I protested in annoyance, "Mom, it's not a waste of time. And I am focused on responsible things."
Mom called me out with her hands on her hips, "Really? By responsible things you mean breaking your bones, hanging with strange characters and getting into fights with Shawn Landes?"
I grumbled, walking away, "Oh my god."
"Hey!" Mom came out of the kitchen, standing a few feet behind me, "I'm not finished with this conversation!"
I spun around and snapped, "Well I am!"
She went up close to me, her hard stare never leaving me, "What did you do today other than skate? Why does it look like you're sweating so much? Did your volatile friend get you involved in another fight? Or did you start taking drugs with him?"
I angrily spat, "You know what, who asked you? Who asked you to tell me which friends I can and cannot be with?"
"When you're hanging with stupid ones, you'd better start thinking who you'd rather be with."
"He's not stupid and I'm doing fine! I'm twenty years old, cut me some slack already!"
"I will when you act like it!"
I sucked in a lot of air and let out a whoosh. I finally spoke, "Mom, I had a long day and I'm tired. I'm done, I'm going to bed now." Mom didn't say anything else when I turned around on her and walked off to my bedroom. I slammed the door behind me, dropping the board on my bed and taking my shoes off. I sat down on my mattress along with my deck, staring at myself on the long rectangular mirror on my closet door. I held in a breath and let it out. I wasn't lying before when I said my mother has an issue with skateboarding. She's just like anybody who finds it annoying and a waste of time. Not only that, but she has an issue with the few friends I have.
It gets pretty old.
I gazed at my board beside me. I just stared and blinked at it. My mom knows what I want to be. She knows my dream.
But she still wants me to act my age.
She doesn't believe in me.
I am acting my age. I am being responsible. I'm not acting like those who aren't.
When I skate in a big contest in front of so many people with a camera on me and broadcasted to the world...Would she believe in me then?
I guess, like my dream, one day...I'll find out.
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