Current Track: Blabb

Five Days Later

I padded alongside Gilbert in the hallway, heading our way for the cafeteria. My stomach growled again, having me narrowing my eyes in annoyance. Give me a break already, stomach! I'm going as fast as I can!

It's been days, four or five, I think, since I've learned I'm gonna be fed with that new kind of cat food from then on. I'm not totally sure how many days have passed, since I'm not that great at keeping track of them, but it does feel a lot more than five has went by. WAY more.

And I still haven't gotten used to eating that damn food, as you can so plainly imagine.

Roy said I would and it'd taste better, but I was right to not count on it. I still hate it like the first time my big mouth chewed on it. The nights I've been forced to eat it to wane my grumbling stomach have been insufferable. More insufferable than the nights before those showed up. As you can certainly imagine, like that first time, I had a hard time eating that stuff. There were times I couldn't swallow a whole lot of it, including last night. But also, however, much to my surprise and disgust, there were times that I had actually managed to eat a whole bowl of it, only to desperately keep myself from getting hungry in the night. Despite all those efforts, my taste for it never changed.

And never will I'm sure of that.

I shot a glance at Gilbert momentarily before turning my gaze back forward. Speaking of not changing, Gilbert still hasn't changed. He was still an asshole, saying good morning in the morning before ordering me to leave the room with him and everything after that. The obnoxious thing about him lately is I think he absolutely knows I still don't like the new dry cat food and have a very hard time eating it, and he's enjoying that. Probably not unusual when he had fed me with the other kind, only I think this time, with the new kind, this must be pure gold!

No doubt that pisses me off. I may not know what the word 'gold' means all that much since I heard it spoken by a human before to be honest with you, but I do know it's something good and it pisses me off!

I haven't dared showed that to him, no matter how much I wanted to. Don't want to get whipped, you know. I just try to ignore it, and Gilbert's behavior, as best as I always could.

The double doors to the cafeteria were ahead of us. My heart beated in my chest with my gut growling, the eagerness to chew and swallow Elsa's nice food getting to me more intensely. My human friends were on my mind too with each eager step I took. I hadn't dared myself to tell them I was having such a bad time with the cat food for days, especially Roy. What could any of them do? They can't change anything. The only thing they would do was stand and feel a lot of pity for me. I just kept on a pretty face and said I was fine, and talked and played with any of them in the dome like usual. Roy in particular, by the proud look on his face, was glad when I told him it was tasting a bit better the more and more I ate it.

If only he knew the truth.

The door on the right swung open when my head pushed it. Gilbert entered the cafeteria beside me when shoving through the other door on the left. The two long tables with people sitting in them came into view, along with the different colored walls and floor. They weren't white like out in the halls. They were both brown. The wafting smell of Elsa's food was in the air as soon as I entered here. The nice, enticing aroma coming from the room called the 'kitchen' in the back.

I smiled, drawing up my head to hum pleasantly, "Hmmm..." I began hurrying over to the back of the cafeteria, ready to have me a good morning meal. I made it to the large opening in the wall besides the door leading the kitchen, my furred head barely reaching the metal counter, which was just a thing that Elsa sits plates and platters of food on when it's ready. I kind of always found it amusing seeing food brought and shown to be ready to be eaten like that. Kinda reminds me of the days of when I was a cub, when I didn't know how to hunt.

Elsa was the mother, alone, feeding the cubs which are the people who're working at Temra, and I was one of them.

I stood on hind feet and held myself up with forepaws placed on the counter. The opening gave me clear view of the kitchen, and I quickly found my friend in the middle of the wide room hunched over and getting a plate of food ready.

I smiled at Elsa as Gilbert finally caught up and stood beside me. Elsa...She was the prettiest of my human friends, in my opinion. I never thought a human would be that pretty back in the day, but I sure did when I first met her. Her brown hair isn't short like Roy's and Gilbert's. It was long like one of those big, huge leaves back in the jungle, that falls down her shoulders like a waterfall. I sometimes joked about it in my mind, or to my other human friends when she wasn't around. No other animal I thought of would grow hair THAT long...Except a lion. It reminded me of a mane.

Right now, it is held up by a hair net. That was something humans wear to prevent hair from falling down into the food they make. It was common for cooks like her to wear, according to her, only I didn't totally like that thing on her. It made her look kind of weird. I did complain about it to her once before, but she told me why she wore it, and I never spoke about it again. That didn't make me stop thinking I didn't like that thing on her head, however.

Other than her mane hair, she had the body of a lioness, or a tigress in my case. Granted she may not be so young, she was about Roy's age, but she still has the figure to attract males. I think she already did attract one and found a mate, cause she had told me before that she was with someone, and I'm certain she still is.

Good for her.

Gilbert, a obnoxious, devilish grin on his lips, hollered through that opening, "Hey doll! Guess who's here?" I shot him an annoyed look. Well, what's not good for her is this ass trying to flirt with her every chance he gets. Gilbert's into her, I can tell, but Elsa isn't into him. She has given him 'the hint' more than once, but Gilbert apparently hasn't got that yet. He was always after her like she was in heat or something.

What an idiot.

I looked and see Elsa responding him with a hard stare, "Yes, I know you're here, Gilbert! Give me a sec!" I found that the plate of grub she was working on was mine. It wasn't really a plate, it was a big platter, and there was a big, juicy piece of cooked meat on it. She was putting on the finishing touches by sprinkling some seasoning on the meat for added tasting. That's the thing I like about her cooking, always making it taste so good for me. My stomach growled once again. Oh, thank you for expecting me to come here as usual, Elsa. I'M HUNGRY!

Elsa finally finished up her work. Then she picked up the plate beside my platter, apparently filled with pointless human food I wouldn't like that's probably Gilbert's, and carried it over to the counter. The annoyed human female plopped it in front of Gilbert with a little clang. She said to him like she was tired of him already, "Enjoy."

Gilbert demanded in a flirtatious tone, "Gee, doll, don't you say hello anymore?"

Elsa stared hardly at him. She said after a paused second, "Hi, Gilbert, how are you?"

He shrugged, "I'm just swell, doll. Not a bad morning so far."

She agreed with her face still narrow, "I think it's a great morning."

He leaned over the counter with determinative eyes, "Oh, the mornings are always great when you're in them. You are like a morning angel."

Elsa told him, seemingly still not giving into his desires, "I always thought myself as an angel, not a devil like most people."

Gilbert remarked devilishly, "I think you can be a REAL devil too if you put your mind to it." I rolled my eyes at that. Oh, god.

Elsa told him off finally, "Better eat your breakfast. It's getting cold." Then she faced me, a friendly smile appearing right away when she looked at me. She said, reaching to pet me, "Good morning, Prem."

I responded as she rubbed the top of my head with a smile, "Good morning to you too, Elsa."

She giggled, pulling back her hand. She said, "I know what you want. I'll bring your food. Hang on." She turned and strode back to get my food.

Right when she left, I felt Gilbert staring at me angrily and gazed at him. After staring at me for a moment, seemingly feeling rejected again, Gilbert angrily snatched his plate off the counter, and told me, "I'll take you to the dome when you're done eating." He headed for a table in fast strides, then dropped down in a seat like someone who didn't get their mounting on. I was smirking as I dropped my front end down off the counter. Take that, you dirty shit.

Elsa came out of the kitchen shortly thereafter and went up to me, her hands holding the platter above my level. I fully faced her and she said, "Sorry it took me long to give you this." She thrown me down a whisper, "Would've went faster if you-know-who didn't try to woo me again."

I giggled, shaking my head with my tail swinging behind me, "It's ok. Long as I get what I want from you and eat it, I could care less."

Elsa laughed a little. Then she asked, "So, want to eat right here alone, or near everyone else?"

I replied when I gestured my head to the people on a table, particularily Roy sitting at the end of it, "Near everyone else, please."

"Alrighty." Elsa and I went to that table. Roy waved as I was strolling over. Another human sitting across him also waved, smiling in greeting.

That was another human friend of mind. Another female other than Elsa. Her name was Leslie. She was also the most different out of all my human friends. By age she was a BIT more older than Elsa and Roy...Old enough to be elderly and a bit frail. Her hair was a lot different too, unique in a sense. Her hair was short like Roy's, not long like Elsa's, something I can't joke about. Her color wasn't brown like theirs. It was purely yellow, or 'blonde' as Leslie had explained to me once. With how short it was, it made me think her head was like one of those yellow fruits that dangle in the trees of the jungle.

Sometimes the thought comforts me, cause there aren't any dangling from the trees of the makeshift jungle. In a way, in a good way, her hair reminds me of my home. And...With the way she talks to me, and hugs my head against her chest...She also reminds me of someone I knew, someone who lived at where I used to live.

Leslie was like that animal. She was that nice. And I like her for it.

I rubbed my head against Leslie's side after reaching her and Roy with Elsa. Leslie patted between my shoulders, then rubbed one in a circle. The old human's greeting voice spoke, "Morning, big girl."

I replied fondly, "Morning, guys."

Roy joked across from us, "Don't I get a rubbin, Premy?"

I chuckled, locking eyes with him while Leslie still petted me, "Nope, no rubbins from me today, Roy. I've reached Leslie first."

Behind his glasses showed a frown, "Why does that matter?"

"Because I made a new rule for nuzzlings and rubbings. From now on, I only nuzzle against ONE friend per day. Meanwhile, anyone who hasn't got rubbed will have to wait till the next day for me to rub them...That is if I DO rub against them before the other person."

Leslie laughed, "That sounds like a good deal!"

Roy pushed up his glasses, "Well, I think it's not fair."

Elsa set the platter down on the floor. She playfully complained as her form straightened, "Yeah, and you didn't nuzzle against me when I came out of the kitchen with your food. That what I get for making and serving food for you? You know you hardly ever thank me in any shape or form about it."

I playfully shot back, "Oh I do to!" Then I told both Elsa and Roy, "And give me a break about the rule. Tomorrow's not far away."

Roy whined like he was a cub, "But it's morning right now."

I narrowed my eyes, "Still is not far away. Get over it." I shifted myself to my food and flopped down on my hungry belly, instinctive eyes not leaving it, "Discussion over, gonna eat now."

Elsa joked, "Clever way to get out of a conversation. Oughta try that on Gilbert next time."

I looked at her momentarily, "You should."

Elsa said, backing up, "Well I'm going to get back in the kitchen. See you guys later." She whirled around and left. Then, thankfully without another word from either Roy and Leslie, my teeth began tearing through the meat on the platter. My paw held it so it wouldn't slip away. After swallowing a few bits down, my stomach was starting to feel relief.

I knew by the corner of my eyes and the sound of their things humans use when they eat something instead of their hands called 'utensils' that Roy and Leslie were back to eating their stuff after Elsa and mine's interruption. But I also heard them talking about something.

I didn't get the whole conversation, but they mentioned something about somebody coming here. Coming to Temra it sounds like.

Being curious, I lifted my jaws off the meat and threw a question at them, "Who's coming here?"

Since I can only see Roy at the moment, he looked down at me from the table, "Huh?"

I repeated, "I said who's coming here?" My brow wrinkled, "Is it one of those government humans like Earl coming to chat with him about something?"

Roy grinned and shook his head, "No, no."

I tilted my head, "Then who're you talking about?"

I heard Leslie giggle, prompting me to twist my neck to gaze at her. Leslie said, "Well, I guess that answered the question I was gonna give you. I thought you already gave her the big news, Roy."

I snapped my attention back on Roy as he responded, eyes only on Leslie, "I didn't get a chance to. My brain felt exhausted from all the attempted fails at brainstorming we were having yesterday, and I felt tired, and I did not want to stay at work any longer and only said goodbye to her before I left."

Leslie agreed, "Don't blame you. I was glad I left earlier than you did. I was so stressed, I was probably gonna have a mental breakdown."

I feel like I'M about to have one, you two. Can't take the suspense already, I yapped, "Hey, I asked you guys a question!"

Leslie laughed a little. She replied after looking at me, "Sorry." I focused on her again, listening to her explain, "Temra's about to have a new employee working here. He's coming to work today. He'll even live in Temra just like you."

"Really?" I pressed curiously, "Who is he? Another scientist?" That's when I cracked a joke, "Must be someone VERY smart that Temra's hiring. Maybe smarter than you both. You guys are pretty dumb so no wonder Temra hired him."

Roy joined in with a tiny smirk, "Heh heh. Yeah, and his name's Albert Einstein. Nobody is a smarty pants like him."

I frowned up my face and threw that expression at him, "Is that really his name? Sounds pretty weird if you ask me. Maybe he's dumb like you guys are."

Leslie cried, "Cut us some slack, girl, we're humans, not computers!"

I chuckled. I threw an apology behind me, ears flicking back, "Sorry, Les."

Roy then clarified, "To answer your question, no, that's not his name. Besides, poor old Albert passed on a long time ago. And no, he's not a scientist either. He's gonna be another handler for you. Like Gilbert."

I dipped my head to let out an exasperated breath, "Oh no...You trying to tell me I'll be having ANOTHER Gilbert get on my case every minute he's with me and not leave my side when I'm out in the halls? Dealing with one Gilbert is enough for me."

Roy brushed that off, "No, Prem, he won't be another Gilbert." Then he added with uncertainty, "Well...Least, I don't think he will be."

That's comforting.

He went on, "I know of him, knew him well before, but truthfully, I don't think I know him much anymore."

I lifted my eyes and inquired softly, "You knew him personally, huh? How? What's his name?"

Roy nodded a bit, "I'll tell you a bit about him after we're done eating. Certainly will before he gets here. Alright?"

I stared for a second, before nodding slowly, "...Alright." Roy picked up his utensil called a 'fork' and returned to eating. I did the same, since I still had meat left to eat and my stomach wasn't full yet.

Curious thoughts about the newcomer swarmed in my head like a bunch of hornets around in a hive. Who is this new guy? And how does Roy know him?


I watched the rolling open country of the desert. Only my nose drew in a lot of air as I stared outside, still incensed and frustrated about the journey.

I twisted my head, seeing my mom still driving with her hands on the steering wheel. She hadn't returned the stare. In fact, she hasn't locked eyes with me ever since we left our house, and left Santa Monica. She was probably too flat-out determined not to. I haven't done much with her either. I was angry at her. Heck, I was angry enough not to SPEAK to her.

Here's my understandable reason why I'm mad and frustrated. My mother was basically kicking me out of her house, and taking me to a new place far away outside Santa Monica. To my new home.

This road trip, this journey was to my new home.

And I am mad at her for it.

If you're wondering how all this started, well, it wasn't just my skateboarding that motivated her to do this act...It was also Shawn.

It was about two days after our incident with that jerky ex-Navy fellow, and after Shawn PHYSICALLY assaulted that man. I was still relieved that him, my girlfriend and I hadn't got arrested by the cops for trespassing and assault, but in the back of my mind, I was kind of scared. Worried that incident was gonna come back and bite us in the ass. Of course, I didn't let that bother me so much...That is until that phone call came. I was in my room, just laying around doing nothing, when I got the call from Maddie who dropped a troubling bombshell on me.

Shawn got arrested for what happened that night.

I was shocked and worried, I thought the cops would force Shawn to telling them where me and Maddie live. But they didn't come arrest us, thank god. Shawn apparently kept his mouth shut. He was big on loyalty and wouldn't rat us out, so I couldn't believe I was at all worried.

According to Maddie, the arrest was just coicidence. It was all a pure coicidence! Shawn was in a grocery store with his buddy Tom and, out of shocking coicidence, the man he assaulted was in the store too! That guy called the cops when he spotted Shawn, and he was arrested with those charges.

That's basically about it. That's how it happened.

And I was so relieved I didn't get arrested also. But that wasn't the only consequence however. Somehow, my mother caught wind of the situation and heard about it. Not sure how, but she definitely knew, and she got mad and worried for me, probably thinking I was involved with Shawn during what happened. He is my buddy, so why would she not think that? Of course when mom questioned me, I denied it, but she didn't believe me at all, and mentioned she was getting tired of it.

I thought maybe things would really cool down soon after that, but in a huge way, the incident did come and bite me in the ass.

I didn't expect it to happen, but one morning, two days later, my mother actually spoke to my father of all people on the phone and asked him to do her a solid.

That was to take me in and help get me a job.

Well, according to her, my dad isn't technically taking me in, but let's just say the place he works at is the one taking me in. And seemingly he didn't have to do much to get me a job. Fairly quickly, he got me a job at where he works, and I was supposedly going to be LIVING at the place I'm working at. A place, according to my mother from what she heard from dad, that's in the middle of the desert, and has no skateparks, and no trouble to keep me out of.

I've argued with her about that, saying it was ridiculous and I'll never get in trouble, but mom never backed down. Her mind was made up.

From that moment on...I was angry at her. I was angry that she was going to take me away from Dogtown, take me away from the most beautiful girl I ever had in my life, and most of all...Take me away from my chance to be a pro skateboarder.

I never thought mom would stoop this low, but she's really stooped on this.

So, here we both are now, about maybe what feels like hundreds of miles away from Dogtown, on our way to where my dad works. All I know about that place is it's supposed to be some kind of animal testing place or something, least that's what mom told me. And I was going to be an animal handler there.

I am so not looking forward to this crap.

Mom FINALLY said a word to me during the trip, breaking through my thoughts, "You still angry at me?"

I sighed, only looking through the windshield, "What do you think?"

She said as she still drove us, "Too bad. This is going to be a good environment for you to be in."

I snidely remarked, "An environment that is a lot duller and less radical. I don't see anything good about it."

Mom reminded with a smile, "Well, look on the bright side, at least you're still keeping your piece of wood in the trunk."

She was talking about my skateboard. Despite she was dead set on not letting me skate anymore, despite there weren't going to be any skateparks at where I'm going, I've got to taking my deck with me. It's sitting in the trunk beside my suitcase. I replied, "I'll give you credit for that. It's my prized possesion and I don't ever wanna lose it. I'll give you that, but what's the point in taking it with me if I'm not going to use it a whole lot? Let alone not be able to use it to build my skateboarding career."

Mom flat-out told me, "It's not a career, Jason, it's a hobby."

I spat out some frustration, "It is more than just a hobby, but I don't expect you to understand it."

She shot me a short glance, "You're right, I don't. And besides it's not making you any money."

I casually replied, "It will when I make a career out of it."

"I still seriously doubt it." Mom stated with a hopful tone, "Hey, maybe you'll make a career out of handling animals."

I angrily spoke, "This is bullcrap, mom. Regular jobs are boring. And to top it off, I don't even like animals. Including one which was an alley cat that jumped out of a trash can and tried to claw at my face."

Mom joked with a smile on her face, "It wanted to give you a hug. That's why it jumped at you."

I grumbled her name in a sentence, "Not funny, Carol." I know she was trying to humor in this situation, but honestly it didn't work on me. I continued, "I don't have any experience. Hell I never met any exotic animals before and they're probably worse than that alley cat."

She reminded me again, "I told you, someone at the facility will teach you how to handle them. You'll do fine now stop worrying."

I replied, "I'm not worried, I'm just pissed."

"Well stop being pissed. This job is supposed to keep you out of trouble and I'm proud I got you to where you're going."

I remarked by turning my face towards her with brows up, "Wouldn't getting mauled by an animal count as trouble? I can see your plan failing already."

Mom let out a huff and waved her demanding hand, "Oh, stop it. You are going there and that's final."

I leaned back in the seat, sighing. Then I demanded when I thumbed behind my seat, "Well would you at least take me back to that town back that way? You said dad lived there, so why can't I just live with him? Me and him are going to work in the same place anyways. I'll be able to ride with him in his car to work, so what's really the point of me living in that place alone?"

Mom answered factly, "Because he doesn't want too many distractions outside his work. Including you. He won't be able to handle it."

I rolled my eyes, "That's nice, dumping your son that way. No wonder he had never won a father of the year award. Asshole."

"Don't talk about your father that way." She said, "Look, I know he hasn't been there for you for a long time and hardly speaks to us, but give him a break. He's a scientist."

I agreed with a sneer, "Yeah, a scientist too busy for his own family. I don't even want to talk to him to tell you the truth."

Mother said after she looked off the pavement toward me again, "He really does love you, Jason. And he was only doing the only way he knew how to help me out with you." She locked her eyes on the road as she went on, "You're twenty years old and you have resented him for a good chunk of your life. I think this experience will also be a good time for you to patch things up with him." One hand flew off the wheel and gripped my shoulder, "Give him a chance, Jason, ok? And give that place a chance too. That's all I'm asking."

I looked at her and, with her staring back, there is some beg mixed with hope glazed over her eyes. I finally said when a quiet moment passed between us, "That's asking a whole lot...But..." I sighed, "...Fine." Mom took her hand off and didn't say anything else afterward.

We drove on in silence till I could see a couple structures up ahead. That must be the facility. On my right at a far distance, I can see a large, low white building, and a bigger, rounder kind of structure that seems to be connected to the building. It looked like a dome. A very huge one. On the inside I can see that there was a lot more green in in than out. It looked like a jungle in there.

"Huh." I asked, "Think that's where they keep the animals?"

Mom replied, following what I looked at, "Maybe."

Finally, a couple minutes later, we came to a curve on the road and turned it. We were heading straight for the parking lot and the white building. Among some other cars mom found a spot between two and parked it. After turning off the engine, me and her got out of the car. I ventured to the back and popped open the trunk. When I got the suitcase and the skateboard out I slammed it shut. Dragging the suitcase handle with one hand and carrying the board in the other, I was making my way to the entrance of the facility with mom. Up close to the glassed double-doored entrance, I read the big sign above on the roof:


I wrinkled my brow as we still walked. Temra? What kind of name of a place is that? Come on, pops, you can work in a place with a better name than this.

Mother held open the door for me and I was entering the lobby. Swinging my gaze around, I can see the inside of the building was kinda white too. On the walls in the lobby, there were big, wide, rectangular shaped windows that give anyone in here a clear view of the lot and the desert. Even the floor was white and showed our reflective images on it.

I went with mom to the reception desk with a stern secruity guard with a big mustache stationed behind it. He asked as we approached, "Can I help you?"

Mom answered, having a polite smile on her face, "Yes." She gestured to me, "This young man is here for the position of animal handler."

He said by looking at me, "So you're the new guy. I guess having two animal handlers instead of just one is better." That made me frown a bit. One handler handling all the animals in this place before I got here? Dang, that must be a lot of work. The security guard told us, "All right, I'll have my boss Earl Hargrove come here and meet ya."

Mom asked, "Can you also have Doctor Roy Taylor see us too? He's our family, you see."

"Got it. I'll try." He grabbed the phone receiver on the desk and punched in a line for Mr. Hargrove. He told the man on the other end about us and asked to bring dad here too. He hung up, and then the security guard got up from his seat.

I asked as he came out behind the desk, "Is he coming?"

The guard answered, "Shouldn't be too long." When he stopped near me, I wasn't prepared for his hands snagging the board easily out of mine.

"Hey-!" A bit surprised, I demanded when putting on a glare, "What are you doing?"

He explained with a stern, authorative stance, "Sorry, but there's no skating in the premises. I'm confiscating it."

I argued, "Dude, come on, I wasn't going to skate here."

The stern guard said, not backing down, "I don't want to hear it. It's against the rules and I'm taking it away." Without another word, he turned and carried my deck away, heading for a door at the corner of the lobby.

I shook my head softly as I watched him leave. I groaned, "Ugh." Dammit. I turned to mom with a look of dismay, "You knew that was gonna happen, did you?"

Mom shrugged with a smile, "Kind of."

Yeah, you'd better smile. I returned my attention to the guard who came out of the room without my board. I'll be getting that back, you freakin buzz kill.

I didn't complain or whine more about it. All I did was stand and wait around with mom. After a short while, two men appeared in the lobby from a hallway.

One that I was familiar with.

Mom smiled and waved, "Hey Roy."

Dad, who's in a labcoat, beamed at the sight of us. He put on a jog to meet us. He said to mom, "Carol." They both gave each other a quick hug, then dad pulled back and stated happily, "It's nice to see you in person again. Been a while."

Mom chuckled, brushing her red hair off her shoulder, "Too long."

Dad turned his attention to me. He said as if he was proud, "Jason...I see you've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you. How are you doing, champ?"

I didn't reply at first, I just gaped. My dad still seemed the same since we last saw each other. He doesn't seem to have changed much. Still wears glasses and all.

Dad really is the same.

I finally responded, shrugging with my hands, "Fine, I guess." My hand motioned towards his face, "Still wearing glasses, huh?"

Dad took them off and looked at them, as if inspecting them, "Yep. Can't live without them." He put them back on and commented with a proud face, "Look at yourself. You've really grown."

I replied with some awkwardness, "Yeah...That's what times does. Makes people grow and change."

The other guy who arrived with him, who seems to be in his seventies and sports short white hair and a gray suit and tie, came up close to us, after apparently standing back and giving us a moment. He greeted me and mom with a smile and in a booming voice, "Ah, Mrs. Taylor and young Jason Taylor! We've been expecting you both." He introduced himself, holding his hand out, "I'm Earl Hargrove."

Mom shook hands with him, "Nice to meet you." Right after she let go his hand, she clarified, "But it's actually Ms. Conolly. I used to be Mrs. Roy Taylor, but you know-"

Earl waved his hand, "Say no more. Forgive me."

Mother shook her head, her smile never left her face, "It's ok. That was a long time ago." She eyed at dad, "We just respect each other more than anything else."

Father agree without modesty, "It's true."

Earl gazed at me and said, "Well I do know Roy shows a lot of respect and trust towards his son." He walked up closer to me and directly spoke to me, "Heard you're a very trainable kid. I trust that you'll do just fine here." He stuck his hand out, waiting for me to shake hands, "Welcome aboard."

I shook hands and replied in a polite tone, "Thanks."

When he was done with me, Earl turned towards mom, "So, mind staying here a bit, Ms. Conolly? If you're hungry, we'll take you to the cafeteria. Food's free. Or if you'd like, we also have vending machines, but, of course, they're not free to use."

Mom replied, "I appreciate the offer, but I have to get back to L. A.. I've got to work in a night shift at my job tonight. The drive back is a bit long so I better get to it."

Earl shrugged and nodded, "Alright then."

Mom looked at dad and apologized, "Sorry I have to cut and run like this. Wish we could catch up more."

Dad waved her off, "Nah, don't worry about it. We'll do that when you visit Jason here one day. It was still nice seeing you."

"It was nice seeing you too." She moved to give me a quick hug, then said when it was done, "I've got to go now, sweetie. Promise you'll call me later?"

I responded, "Sure. I'll talk to you later."

Then she starts giving me one of those motherly pep talks, "You be careful with those animals." She planted a kiss on my forehead, then began backing up to the entrance, "I love you tons. Bye." She spun and rushed out the door. Through the windows I watched her running for her car only shortly. Then I faced dad and Earl.

"So..." I asked after an awkward pause, "What now?"

Dad answered after shoving his fist to his mouth to cough, "Well, I gotta get back to work. Science is waiting for me. See you around, son." He wandered off in a rush just like mom, disappearing into the hall. I thought that was fine with me. I didn't want to see him much anyway.

Alone with Earl, he offered, "Alright, I'll have the liberty of showing you to one of the bedrooms we have in this facility where you'll be settled. Then I'll get Gilbert Burns, the senior animal handler, and have him give you the grand tour of Temra, then show you the ropes of being a animal handler." He clasped my shoulder and gripped it, "Only I don't think it'll be too hard for you. Simple stuff."

Simple stuff, huh? I simply replied, "Awesome."

The head of this building led the way, "Come along, Jason. I bet you're tired of standing around waiting to work here. I'm sure you're gonna love it." I grabbed the suitcase and dragged behind him.

Love working here? I do not believe I will.


Under the dome, I was walking on the line my paws made in the grass in a circle. I repeated once. Twice. Then I whirled back around, doing the same thing in another direction. When does he get here? I can't wait to meet him!

The reason why I was walking around like this is because I was patiently waiting for someone. Actually, excitedly waiting was more like it. The newcomer of Temra. I was anticipated to meet him. VERY anticipated. I never thought I'd feel so excited to meet a human. A new one at that.

Well, I do feel this way sometimes when it comes to the human friends I already have but that's a different story!

I was eager to meet this new human because I've learned from Roy after we ate earlier...That he was his cub. An adult cub, actually. That and the cub's name was all I learned from him, before he needed to go to work. I was very surprised to learn he had one. I thought I knew all about Roy, but I guess I never did. He never told me about his son, Jason. Never. Not once since we first became friends. And why he didn't still puzzled me. I didn't understand why he did not ever tell me about his son.

But other than curious, I was still anticipated. I tried to keep myself steady and be more patient, but as time went by with me all alone in the habitat dome I tried to find ways to kill the time. First, I swam in the nearby pond not far from where I am. Then, I climbed a few trees like I was some silly cub playing around on one. Then that's when I was pacing around in circles. I've been doing it for so long I think I was literally leaving a line in the ground!

I spun back after making another circle, repeating the cycle in a different direction. Although I was excited to meet Roy's son, I couldn't also help feeling a little wary of him. I wondered if either Jason was truly as nice as his father, or if he was just another mean bear who seemed to hold grudges against tigers like Gilbert. I don't mean to judge him too early even though I haven't met him yet, but I couldn't help it.

I really hoped he wasn't a jerk. I don't want to deal with TWO Gilberts in one single day.

My pacing was interrupted by someone's voice, "Prem." I stopped in my path and looked at Roy coming toward me.

I narrowed my eyes, whining, "Aw, crud, Roy! I thought you were him! Do you know how long I've been waiting to meet your cub?!"

Roy eyed at the circular trail I made. He giggled, "I have an idea." He eyed me next, my tail flicking inpatiently behind me, "And don't worry, he's here."

I gasped, then beamed, "Really? Where is he?"

He answered with him pointing back the way he came, "Outside the dome, mingling with Earl, probably being showed around and stuff."

"What?!!" I glared again, "I thought you meant he was 'here' in the dome, not 'here' as in outside it. Don't trick me!"

Roy let out a laugh. He held up his hands and told me, "Cool your jets, Prem. You'll get to see him soon enough."

I quickly softened up my expression. I took a deep breath. Then I apologized, "I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to meet him, you know."

The four-eyed human accepted the apology, "It's all right. Excitement tends to get the better of us."

I explained a bit more, "I mean it's like...It's like being excited to see a cub for the first time after coming out of a mother. You know what I mean? I never met your cub, not even heard about him." I curiously frowned, "Which reminds me, why didn't you tell me about...Jason?"

He answered, "You didn't ask."

I reared back my head, my jaw agape. I cried, having a knowing smile, "Oh now come on! That ain't it, I feel it! Don't give me that 'you didnt ask' crap!"

Roy giggled. Then he admitted, taking a step forward, "Ok, you're right. That wasn't it." He took a breath and explained, "Well...It was because I hadn't seen him for a long time. Years. And I thought there was no need for me to tell you about him...And his mother. It appeared to me you wouldn't meet him anyway."

"Oh." I said, "Well, you still should have told me. I wouldn't have minded if I would never meet him. Though I would've wished I could. I would just think that was nice that you've had a mate before and had a cub with her."

"I probably should've." Roy added, pushing up his glasses, "Still...I thought it wasn't important."

I giggled deeply, "Well it is now, now that he's here."

Roy nodded a bit in agreement, "Yep."

I asked, "So, I'm just wondering...How come you haven't seen your son in years?"

Roy answered, getting a bit more closer to me, "It's...A bit of a long story." He gazed up at the ceiling of the dome, apparently reflecting, "But I'll tell you this...He seemed to have grown up so fast. I haven't seen him since he was little. He looked nice when I met him minutes ago."

I smiled at his words, "I'm happy you got to see him again, after whatever reason you haven't. And I still cannot wait to meet him and introduce myself and-"

Roy quickly formed a serious look and raised a hand to cut me off, "Ah, I actually want to talk to you about that." I wiped the smile off my face as he asked, "Remember the thing with the new security guard, Chase, when he began working here? When he at first didn't know about the gift me and my colleagues gave you, till Earl felt he was ready to know the truth?"

I remember that. I replied, brow risen, "Yeah?"

He continued, "Well, Jason does not know about what we did to you, and I'm certain Earl doesn't want him to know yet. You know, in fear of the consequences outside Temra I told you about before. Remember them? He already told me and everyone to keep quiet. Since Jason will mostly be your other handler, you have to act like a normal tiger and not SAY A WORD to him at all till the time you can comes."

I asked with evident disappointment, "I have to be quiet when he's near me?"

He acknowledged that with a nod.

I whined, "Awwww...Damn it, I can't tell him how much I hate Gilbert!"

Roy giggled, reaching to pat my head, "It's only temporary, Prem. One day you'll talk to him like me and everyone else."

I complained, "Yeah, and I hope this temporary thing isn't long."

"It probably won't. You'll see." He said, scratching under my chin, "I gotta leave now. I'm supposed to get back to work. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok." Roy turned his back and was pacing away from me. Then shortly I called his name in question, "Roy?" He stopped and turned a bit to me. I asked, hesitantly, "I...I know you don't know your cub much now...But what was he like when you met him? What did he act like? It's just I'm a bit worried that he's like Gilbert, so...Was he?"

He shook his head a bit as he explained, "He didn't do anything much." He smiled before adding, "However...I did see this light in his eyes."

I cocked my head, "Light?"

"Yes. I've seen that light years ago, when he was a little boy, when he was nothing but a charming, funny and smart, kind kid. I've heard he had gotten involved in some very bad stuff these days, but I don't believe he has changed much. I saw that little boy from years ago. I'm sure you'll know when you spend time with him. You'll see when you do." He gave me a wave and went on his way to leave me alone.

I just stood there after he disappeared from sight. I lowered my gaze as I registered every word he told me.

Well...I guess I'll take his word for it.

Roy's never lied to me before...Why would he now?