Current Track: Blabb

My eyes fixated on the tiger near me, who was having her head down and not making eye contact with me. We were standing in another room other than the dome and the cafeteria that wasn't so white compared to everywhere else in the building. This room had grey walls, a couple large shelves close to a wall, with various miscellanious items on them, fuzzy maroon carpet on the floor, and a huge wooden desk with a phone and intercom and a computer on it.

This room was an office. Earl Hargrove's office. And we were just waiting for him, my father, and Gilbert to show up in silence.

I looked toward the window behind the desk, the night still going on outside. Then I glanced at the security guard who was in the room with us, standing near the door and watching like he was guarding us. I gazed down at the floor this time. It's been a bit over an hour since my discovery about Prem, and I'm still shocked...Surprised...And moreover, curious. I still honestly could not believe that a tiger was talking, forming words. Feels like I was dreaming in my new bedroom in a way, after I finally fell asleep.

But I ain't dreaming. I know that for certain.

I was never dreaming that I thought a girl was trapped in a cage and calling for help, and find out before I could even 'rescue' anyone that a tiger was the one doing it. I was never dreaming up a talking tiger. This was really happening. I did hear someone talking to me in the dome when I was alone with Prem with no other human around. Temra was hiding a secret. Everyone here was hiding a secret.

I was right about everything. And I was more anticipated for answers than anything else now...Even sleep. There was no way I can sleep now till I know them.

I let out an anticipated breath. I was trying to be patient for dad, Earl, and Gilbert to get here, after the security guard called them all about what happened tonight and were on their way, but it felt hard when all those questions I have kept making me want to ask them. Before coming to the office, I tried to ask the security guard about Prem, but he told me flat-out that they should be the one to tell me. I gazed toward Prem, who still didn't look back. I also tried asking the tiger herself about why she can talk, after me and the security guard took Prem to the dome to use the bathroom.

Yep, it turned out the reason why she was screaming her head off for someone to get her out of the cage was because she wanted to take a crap.

That was just it! Just to take a dump! And here I thought somebody was in trouble!

Anyway, after we went to the dome, and after the security guard left us to call his boss, my dad and my animal handling partner, I pressed Prem for answers. But she didn't tell me anything. She kept quiet like the guard. During our alone time, however, after Prem was done with her business, we had exchanged only a couple casual words to each other. It was just a VERY brief conversation, nothing important shared. Which was too bad because I wanted important answers already!

And now here we all are, in this office in silence, AND I WAS STILL WAITING FOR THEM!

It's so unbelievable that I didn't know about this from the very beginning, even when Gilbert introduced me to Prem. I started working here, I should have already known about it. I had the right to know. It didn't seem fair keeping all that from me.

Why? Why did everybody in this building do that?

Prem finally lifted her eyes to look at me, then dropped them back down. With the way she kept looking at me like that, I've gotten the impression that she seemed troubled, worried about something. I've never seen an animal show that much emotion in its eyes. Prem's really the first. But why, I wondered. Maybe it was because she was told not to say anything to me. That probably explained why she didn't speak to me much. But now that she'd revealed the secret, she thinks she's in trouble.

I still don't understand it. Why is her speech so secretive? Why all the secrecy? Now, standing near her and pondering a bit, I was thinking that she might be...An alien. An alien from outer space. An alien disguised as a tiger. Perhaps that was why nobody, not even my father, told me about it. I believe he never said anything to mom either. He probably kept her in the dark like me...Probably so no one outside Temra would know aliens existed.

Dad...What have you got involved in?

Speak of the devil, dad finally showed up in the office along with Earl and Gilbert. Dad apologized to us, "Sorry we took so long."

Gilbert added in a grumpy way, "Yeah, never thought I'd be back here during the night AFTER I left."

The security guard apologized on his end, "I'm very sorry for all this."

Gilbert retorted, "Little late for apologies, Chip."

The guard narrowed his eyes, "It's CHASE." Mine went wide momentarily before returning to normal. Well that was a burn. Guess that shows me not to call Gilbert to come back here after he leaves work.

Earl calmly said with a waved hand, "It's alright, Dixon, it's not your fault. Has anything else happen before we got here? Anything else to report?"

The security guard named Chase Dixon reported, "No sir. No other problems."

"Good." Earl told him after his eyes flashed at me and Prem, "You're free to go now, you did your job. We'll take it from here."

Chase responded, "Alright. Night." The security guard left the room without another word.

Earl focused his gaze right on me, then said, "Ok...We're all here, so let's get down to business."

I said impatiently, "About time. I've been waiting a long time for an explanation."

My boss remarked after making a little nod, "Your patience is thin. I understand."

"Then help me understand this." I flung my hand at the tiger in the room, "What's going on with this thing?"

Prem finally said one word to my father with a nervous expression in her eyes, "Roy..."

My dad gave her a comforting voice, "It's all right, Prem. Everything's ok."

Gilbert, however, said angrily, "Well except it's not okay for the U. S. government...And by me."

Prem nervously asked, "Am...Am I in trouble?"

Earl denied that with a shake of his head, "No, you're not." He glanced at me intently, "I know you said something to him, but I guess since he's your handler, and is bound to be close to you, he was bound to know anyway. Perhaps we should have just told him as soon as he came here."

I stated sharply, "Maybe you should have."

Earl casted his gaze onto Gilbert, "Gilbert. Take Prem back to the cage. It's past her bedtime. Doctor Taylor and I will talk to the kid about this alone."

Gilbert asked, "You sure he'll keep a secret? I don't think he's that serious about things like this like we are."

Earl remarked, "I bet he's good at keeping secrets. He's probably like his pops. I think he can keep it from here." That's when he added with a shrug, "Besides, if he can't, then he'll be fired out of the job and go to prison with a life sentence."

I shrieked with wide eyes, "WHAT?!!"

"But he'll keep this one." He eyed toward me with intent, "Right, young Taylor?"

I calmly replied after a moments pass, "Uh...Yeah."

Earl smiled at my answer, "Perfect!" He focused back on Gilbert, "See? Told you. Now take the tiger to bed."

Gilbert didn't argue further. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "You got it." He ordered Prem, beckoning a hand, "Prem. Let's go."

As Gilbert walked for the door, Prem padded slowly through the space between me, dad and Earl. She looked at dad and spoke to him, "I'm sorry about this, Roy."

Father smiled a comforting smile down at her, "It's ok. Go off to bed. We'll talk tomorrow." Prem gazed at me next, only not saying a word. I just gaped back in a silent stance. Then she moved and marched out of the office with Gilbert who was waiting out the door. The senior handler closed it after she stepped out in the hall.

I pressed the two gentlemen in front of me, "Alright, what's going on here?"

Dad replied truthfully, "This place is not an ordinary facility."

I demanded with sheer impatience, "That's not what I asked! I'm talking about the tiger! What the hell is going on with it?"

Earl spoke as he moved around his desk, "It's exactly as your dad says. Temra is not any normal facility." When he got behind it, he said with a serious look in his eyes, "It's not the place your dad told you. It's just a plain government facility that makes and keeps secrets."

Dad explained, "We know you're angry at us for not telling you about the tiger, but we couldn't risk telling you about her yet...Especially me. Until Earl felt you were ready for the truth."

Earl sat down in the spinning armchair behind the desk. He added, "The tiger is the biggest secret the government ever hid. The whole world doesn't know about it, and I, as a top official here, intend on keeping it that way. I take SEVERE precautions to prevent leaks to the public. I was hesistant to have you aboard with us to be frank, but your father convinced me that things won't go sour. He assured you'll do your job, and assured you'll keep quiet and not spread anything. Wasn't totally sure on the latter, but you seem trustworthy now, I presume. Like father, like son."

I nodded repeatedly with brows up, "Wow...Thanks for that." I glared, "Now will someone tell me why the hell the tiger talks like us? Is she some kind of alien?"

Dad snickered in response, while Earl laughed. The boss of the building spoke, "What do you think Temra is? Area 51?"

I reminded, "Well, you did say Temra is a government facility. And from what I heard...Area 51 is one."

Earl stated, "Well it is one of those top-secret types and there's no Area 51 behind the sign outside kid, trust me. And she's not an alien either, trust me on that too." Then he asked, "One question...How much do you know science?"

I shook my head, "Not much, a little bit."

"Then in that case..." Earl gestured at dad, "Here's a science lesson for you. Don't worry, I think he'll not bore you with so many details. I know the feeling. Not a lot of us love science. Doctor Taylor?"

I focused on my dad. He fisted his mouth, cleared his throat, and began, "Well, Jason, let me start off by asking you this...Have you ever heard of evolution?" I wrinkled my brow as he asked another question, "Evolution among species?"

I gaped for a second, then replied with my head tilting to the side a bit, "Yeah...Kind of."

He explained, "Well, many years ago, mankind has reached that level of evolution. We used to be speechless and less advanced, thus named neanderthals. But we aren't now. We are what we are, thanks to evolution. Humanity reached that..." He raised a finger with a smile on his face, "But what about animals? They never became advanced. They can never reach that kind of change. Do you know why?"

"Uhhh..." I answered, "I don't know...Because they're dumb?"

Dad giggled deeply, "You're right on one part. They don't have that sort of mentality like we do. Not enough brain power. And they don't have the anatomy like we do. Don't have the anatomy to speak like us to be exact. Animals have different larynxes and vocal cords. Some parrots can talk, but not a lot of animals can be more advanced because of those defects. They cannot reach our type of evolution because they're born as god made them out to be. But...What if we found a way to change that? What if we've found a way to change a creature's evolution?"

I asked, "You telling me you had?"

Dad nodded and continued, "My colleagues and I have been studying and testing experiments on that sort of thing for such a long time, trying to find a way to make animals socialize like us. For us to understand them, what their needs and wants are, and for them to understand us. We were looking for a way to raise that capacity and capability...Till one day, we found a breakthrough, a way to raise them...For a certain type of big cat species."


"Yes." He went on, "We wanted to try out our experiment, and the government granted us that permission. We set on trying it out on a wild tiger. The government sent their boys to the jungles of India, and brought the tiger we know back to America...All the way to Temra."

I pressed curiously, "So how did it happen really?"

Dad answered, "It was a simple procedure. Course Prem wasn't happy that we brought her here and wouldn't cooperate while awake. Me and the colleagues drugged her so she'd be out cold, and took her to the experimentation room, and laid her on a table...With straps on her just on the safe side. Then, I grabbed a syringe that contained the experiment we've worked so long and hard for, and I injected it in her larynx."

I gripped around my throat. Jesus Christ.

Dad continued, "And that was it. That would make the muscles in her larynx and vocal cords build up, and travel from there up to her brain, thus adding more brain power. We took her back to the cage and waited. When she woke up...We all saw our breakthrough was a success. Her intelligence and speech have grown exponentially before awakening. She's the first tiger to ever speak like us. Such a true success in my book. That was about three years ago." He nodded a bit after sharing that, "And that's why Prem is the way she is. So...Did that answer all your questions about Prem?"

I replied, showing a tiny nod, "I think so."

Earl finally spoke behind the desk, "Ok, science lesson is over, now let's talk about the school rules." He coughed, "Look, kid, we are deeply sorry for not laying it all out there for you before, but I'm not kidding that Prem's a secret. You're probably thinking this is very cool and should be shared with the world, but trust me, your father's scientific breakthrough on evolution is a BIG secret."

I frowned, "Why's that a secret? Why is our government hiding it?"

"Because everyone still thinks we can never change evolution...And that's probably a good thing. Sure, the media would be all over it, praising everyone for all their hard work, or whatever different, but there are consequences. You ever hear of animal rights groups, PETA and whatever? Well, they wouldn't accept this method, and try sabotaging everything we do, maybe potentially shut Temra down. Your father and his buddies are busy working on making another experiment for a different animal and they don't want that. They'll lose their jobs, their careers, and they'll never work more on their precious breakthrough stuff ever again."

I was shaking my head, "I never thought about it like that."

Then he warned, "But that's not the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is if any of this ever gets out, enemies outside, and perhaps IN our country will try their best to get what they learned from us...And use it against us. Try to imagine, after they SOMEHOW know how to make this experiment, but in a different way than how your dad did, that they'll use it...On a mouse, tell it what they want and what to do, and send their rodent in a place like The White House or the Pentagon...And learn and steal secrets that could destroy our country."

I was totally thinking about what he's saying. God...That does sound bad.

Earl said, "Now you understand why this has to be kept in the dark? This can't be leaked, kid. Like I said, nobody but the government knows, and I take precautions keeping it that way." He got off his chair, walking around the desk to stand beside my father. He demanded with seriousness in his eyes, "Understand? I wasn't joking earlier you'll go to prison for life if you decide to tell everyone outside the government what we're doing here. Including your mom. I take precautions very seriously." Then he put on a smile, "So...What do you say, Jason? I told Gilbert I have high hopes for ya. Don't prove me wrong by breaking the secret. What do you say? You want to be like the media and PETA and screw up everything? Or do you want to be like the top brass and keep your mouth shut? It's up to you, but I'd rather keep quiet. What do you say, kid?" Dad smiled and nodded beside him, his eyes urging me to take the quiet route.

I already knew my answer. I didn't have to think about it. I replied, "Well, I definitely don't wanna go to prison. My mom will be devastated. And I certainly don't wanna cause trouble for the country and everyone here...Especially my father." I took a breath and said with sincerity, "Don't worry...I'll keep my mouth shut."

Earl patted my arm, booming proudly, "Great! Then we got nothing to worry about." He sighed, "Alright. All this is settled, now we can all go home and get some shut eye. You better get some yourself, kid, it's past your bedtime too."

I smiled a little, "I plan to."

"C'mon, let's go." The three of us left the office. He told me after we exited the room, "See you tomorrow, kid."

I responded, "Night."

Earl went on his way, strolling down the white corridor. My dad spoke to me next with an appreciative smile on his face, "Thanks, Jason. I knew you wouldn't let me down."

I almost wanted to glare after I gazed back at his face. Well I wouldn't want to be like you when YOU had always let me down. Wouldn't want to totally be like father like son as Earl had said. I said, "No problem. Goodnight." I walked off without listening for a response from him.

While wandering in the hall heading back to my bedroom, I was thinking about what I learned in the office. I was mostly surprised and a bit impressed by what I learned.

So that's how Prem can talk.

My father made it happen.

I can't believe he made that happen...But he did. Gosh, if I ever TRIED telling people about it, nobody would believe me. I'd have to video record the tiger to prove it!

But I won't do that. I ain't going to prison.



I padded along with Gilbert after we left Earl's office. I glanced at him as we were halfway to my room. He didn't seem happy, he still looked grumpy, and I was sure it was because of me.

I kinda ruined everybody's night.

Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to poop somewhere else!

Since the door to my room was left open, I wandered through the doorway toward my open cage. I was just about halfway to the gate when the door slammed loudly behind me. I jumped a bit from the sound. Then I twisted my neck to look behind me with a nervous face.

Gilbert was the one who slammed it closed. He was standing with his back turned to the door, staring at me with that grumpiness in his eyes. He demanded sternly, pointing at the cage, "Get in there." I did as he told, quickly going in the cage. I was afraid he was gonna whip me, because I used my big mouth to someone who I shouldn't have talked to. Earl said I wasn't in trouble, but Gilbert was probably going to do it anyway. He seemed pissed enough to do it now.

To him, I AM in trouble.

I turned fully around in the cage, just in time to see Gilbert slam the gate shut with a loud clang. I flinched, the nervousness of the outcome creeping all over my body. I tried to say nervously, "Ummm..." I chuckled with a small smile, "...Least I don't have to be quiet near Jason anymore, huh? Was kind of boring when I can't-"

"SHUT UP." I shut my trap, wiping the smile off my lips. He went on, "You think all this is funny? I was all the way home about to have a goodnight's sleep until you fucked it up. You think it's funny I have to come back here after coming home?"

I replied, sighing, "No...I'm sorry."

"Oh really? Are you? Or do you still think this is funny and enjoying playing this game you so conveniently came up with tonight?"

"Game?" I showed a glare, my frustration and animosity towards him starting to flare up, "I'm not playing a game. I'm not even enjoying this. I'm nervous right now thanks to you."

"You should be. Because I'm cranky and you ruined my nap." I rolled my eyes. You're always cranky, asshole. Gilbert sneered, "You probably thought it was funny, huh, feeling pretty proud. Well I'm not."

I shot back, playing along in this argument, "Well I'm not too proud bringing you back here either. Considering I don't like seeing your face. Stupid game I ever came up with if you ask me."

Gilbert told in a threatening voice, "You better watch that smartass tongue of yours, or I'll smack it myself. And another thing, are you out of your fucking mind?"

"What, playing this game?" I retorted, "I told you, I wasn't playing any game, you stupid prick."

Gilbert raised a stern finger, "I told you to watch your goddamn mouth! And I wasn't talking about your cheap ass game. I am talking about YOU talking to my new handling partner when you weren't permissioned to do so. Do you have any FUCKING idea what you done?"

I heatedly said while my tail flicked behind me, "I don't care. It's already done."

Gilbert argued, "Oh, so you think it's ok telling anyone who hasn't worked here for so long about yourself? You think it's ok taking the risk of getting this place you've lived your ass in for years into trouble by TALKING to them when you can't yet?" Then he accused after a short pause, "Or maybe you wanted to do that...To get rid of me."

Is he serious? I never planned to get rid of him! Even though I want to. I spat this out, "You are so delusional."

"By what you are, I seriously doubt it." Then Gilbert made a threat, "For putting me through your grand scheme, I oughta whip your ass right now till it bleeds...In fact, I think I better do it now."

The thought of him using that whip on me brought that fear up in my chest, and effectively showing up on my face. It got me profusely defending and apologizing, "Wait! I'm sorry! I am! Listen, it's not what you think! I really didn't mean for any of this!"

Gilbert shot me down with his hand waved down, "Oh, stop."

"I'm not lying! It's just I didn't have a choice! Please, listen to me!" My handler stared, blinking a few times. He appeared to be ready to listen, though uninterested. I explained, "Look, the reason all this happened cause I wanted to go to the dome. I was hollering for Chase to take me there...Desperately."

He still seemed uninterested, but he inquired, "Why?"

I explained, "Because I was having this urge to...Shoot stuff out my butt. It came out of nowhere. I was really having this bad urge to do what my insides told me to do...It was bad."

Gilbert frowned, "You trying to tell me you were screaming for Chase to take you to the dome...Because you needed to take a shit in there tonight?"

I nodded, "Yes. I know it was my time to be stuck in the cage, but I did do that in there before, as you know, and that's always been unpleasant. I didn't want to do that in here again. And I know screaming posed a chance of Jason hearing me too, but I was taking the chance. There, ok? That's how it happened. That's how Jason found out about...You know. It's not like I totally wanted to break the temporary rule." My face held plea when I apologized again, "Please...Don't be angry. I'm sorry I fought with you. I really am. I'm not trying to cause you trouble. Don't whip me...Please."

Shortly, Gilbert stated flatly, "I guess I should be inclined to believe you. Fine. You weren't trying to ruin everything we had going. For the record, you're lucky I wasn't too angry to listen." He grinned a bit and giggled deeply, "And you're also lucky I don't have the whip in here and don't have it with me...Since I stashed it somewhere else...For the time being." I glanced at the wall hook from in the cage and noticed it was still gone. Thinking back, I did remember that it was still missing this morning and after I came back in here for tonight before my insides were acting up, and also noticed he still didn't have it with him on his shoulder as usual the whole time.

So that's what happened to it. He put it somewhere. But why?

Gilbert cut through my thoughts, "But you'd better listen." I returned my attention on him, seeing a serious look on him, "If there is even another person like Jason coming in here, say a visitor, you better not say anything to them. Otherwise, if word about you gets out, I'll think immediately that it was your fault. And I'll whip you...A hundred times. Next time, you keep your mouth closed. Got it?"

I immediately acknowledged, "Got it."

"All right." He backed a step and said, "Now if you don't mind, I'm going home. It's late enough as it is. Don't try to cause another stir in here tonight, you got it? Or you won't get off easy the second time." I nodded. He nodded back, then turned to go grab the gate key off the wall. He returned to lock it and then returned back to the wall to hook it up. Gilbert looked at me and spoke after he did, "Ok I'm leaving now. Sleep tight." He walked to the door, shut off the light, and closed it behind him.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Well the outcome of this istuation wasn't as bad I thought it was. I'm glad I didn't get a whipping.

Then I smiled as i thought of Jason. Jason...Now he knows the truth about me. Didn't even have to wait long for him to know...Thanks to me. i don't have to be quiet around him anymore.

I looked down thoughtfully. But will Jason be gone after what happened? After what I did? I smiled once again with hope in my eyes. No. Maybe not. Earl does think he's good at keeping secrets. He said so. I think right now him and Roy are just talking to him about me, explaining stuff about me, and probably going over the rules about keeping me a secret.

I think Jason will. I bet he'll say he will and I'll see him tomorrow.

It's like Roy said...Everything's ok.