I was staring out beyond the thick glass of the edge of the habitat dome. Just another thing I'm doing since I got bored padding around in circles shortly after Roy left.
My eyes blinked as they didn't leave the outside world. I didn't dare turn my body away from it either. I was afraid if I did the boredom would suddenly pounce on me and I'd have to try to find another thing to do to kill all those eagerly, slight impatient minutes. They blinked again, then I sighed. I kinda didn't care before, but now as I look outside, I was wondering where Roy's cub had come from. From what I've learned from Roy and my other friends, most humans live in places called 'cities' and 'towns', while many others seem to live on their own outside them. I wondered which Jason came from.
If only I could just ask him myself.
My gaze trailed from left to right, scanning across the barren landscape. I admit, I wasn't feeling wary of Jason anymore. I took Roy's word for it. Right now I was excited to meet him without any sense of caution, and ask Jason a bunch of questions about himself. But I know that's not a good idea, at the moment. Roy's warning was still fresh in my mind, and I felt a little angry about it.
I understand why I shouldn't, keeping secrets about me from outsiders who don't know what happened to me and all. I didn't totally care about that, but I knew and felt that I had no choice. Roy and my friends, since they're working at Temra and are told to keep secrets, could get in trouble if I did say anything, and maybe I'll lose them, and I don't want that. And maybe I'll get a bunch of whippings from Gilbert just blabbering to someone new around here and never knew anything about me, and I don't want that either.
That rule's around, but as Roy said, it is a temporary one. I am a bit angry at it, but I'll put up with it till it flies away. And hopefully it won't be perched for long.
A noise broke my concentration on the desert. A distant voice. I threw my gaze back and listened for a second. That sounded like Gilbert. He must be in the dome too, and he probably wasn't alone. He was talking to somebody with him. Don't think he was the kind of creature who talks to himself.
I spun quickly around and padded away from the glass back into the makeshift jungle, following the voice with my ears through the bushes and trees. I knew I was right when I heard another. I was thinking that was Jason. I was thinking Gilbert brought him here to see the dome, and meet me. At the edge of the jungle, I found the visitors of the dome. I spied on one familiar face and a unfamiliar one. I think I was right. I never saw the other human that's walking with Gilbert before.
That must be Jason.
Beside Gilbert, he seemed to be at awe at his surroundings. I heard him utter, "Man, this place seems more huger inside than outside." He glanced at Gilbert, a quizzical expression on his face, "Do you guys really have just one animal? This dome, I think, can probably keep fifty of them...Or more! You not pulling my leg?"
"I ain't." Gilbert replied, his eyes searching around, probably looking for me, "Surprisingly we do have only one."
"Gee, how come? I thought this place was just some animal testing lab or something." I frowned upon hearing that from a distance. What is he going on about? Animal testing? I'm an animal and I ain't being tested for anything. What has he been hearing about this place?
Gilbert shrugged his shoulders, still not laying his eyes on Jason, "I guess the boys didn't bring any other animals yet." He finally casted the other male human a grin, "But lucky for us, we don't have to do a lot of work."
Jason said, "I guess." He looked around the area as they were getting closer to where I was, "So, what are we looking for in here?"
Gilbert said, "A tiger. She's here somewhere." Then he called, "Prem! Preeeeeem! Come here!"
Well, guess that's my cue. I wandered out in the open, stopping in front of them about several yards away. I saw Jason gasping at the sight of me. I think he was nervous, perhaps scared to see me, like I was going to attack him. Gilbert muttered under his giggle, "Heh...Didn't have to call out to you after all."
Jason mumbled during a twitch of fright as he stood frozen beside him, "Jesus...A tiger. God that thing's big." He asked Gilbert, "Uh, dude, is that thing vicious? Maybe you should have brought a tranq gun or whatever with you before we came in here." I didn't show any expression. I was trying not to show him how smart I was for a tiger. But I was a little offended. Is he kidding me? I ain't doing anything to him! We're off to a bad start.
Gilbert waved down his hand, "Relax. She's friendly. She won't put a scratch on you."
I was midly impressed by Gilbert's words. Well, least he didn't lie and say anything bad about me. I'm gonna give him kudos for once.
"Here, kid, I'll prove it." Gilbert beckoned me with his fingers, "Here, kitty kitty."
I almost formed a glare when he said that. Yeah, not giving him kudos for that.
He called again, a stern look on his face, "Hey. Come over and see your new handler." I didn't object to that at all. I wanted a much better look at Jason anyways. Focusing right on the new human, I strutted slowly up to him. Jason didn't move a muscle. He was still frozen in place as he watched me. I stopped up close in front of his form, staring up at his face. Gilbert introduced between us with a motioning hand, "Prem, this is Jason. Jason, this is Prem."
Jason squeaked out some words, still nervous about me, "Uh...Hi." I held down a rising giggle. He was almost cute looking like that. I realized up this close that he REALLY is Roy's son. They look almost alike. Aside being younger, not wearing glasses, and having a slight smaller body frame, Jason looks a bit like his father.
Gilbert told him, "I told you, she ain't gonna hurt you." He eyed at me, "Right, Prem?" I decided to ease the human's fears, and prove Gilbert's point. I moved up more and rubbed my head against Jason's stomach. I can literally feel the tension coming off him while I did that. It seemed to be fading away with each rub. Jason was starting to relax. I even heard him let out a tiny chuckle. Gilbert commented proudly, "See? I told you."
Jason backed out of my head's reach and I casted my eyes on him. An amazed smile was on his face, "Yeah...You did." He looked at Gilbert, "She's really friendly, huh?"
Gilbert giggled and replied, "She is. But trust me, kid, Prem wasn't always like that. When she was first brought here, she was pretty aggressive. But thanks to me, and my tactics, she's on her best behavior." He strolled up casually and stood beside me, patting my back. I swiped my gaze at him as he went on, "She is kinda smart too in a way. Good at following commands and following the rules."
Jason asked him, looking at me, "Really? Is she from a circus?" I was totally confused by the question. Circus? What's that?
"No. She's from the wild." He added, "I oughta warn you, kid. Even though she's on her best behavior, she can still be aggressive at times." I wanted to protest, but as you know I couldn't. Maybe because YOU sometimes make me that way, you son of a bitch. Gilbert continued after giving my back another pat, "But, she is very good on her behavior for the most part, so I usually don't have a problem with her. I'm sure you'll do fine with her too."
Jason replied, "Yeah. Maybe." He shot me a smile, "She's liking me already." I wanted to smile back, but I only stared at him.
Gilbert said as he went up to him, "Well she'll have to like you more later. This isn't our time to deal with her yet. This is just an introduction." He clasped Jason's shoulder, "Let's go. This tour I'm giving you is making me hungry. Let's head for the cafeteria and eat grub together like we're a couple of high school buddies."
Jason giggled, "Sure. Why not? I'm hungry too and not feel ready to do my job yet anyway."
"Great, then let's go." Gilbert shot me a few last words, "Be back for you later, kitty." He led Jason away right after that. With their backs turned, I just stood and watched them leave with a glare. Seriously, what is with him calling me 'kitty'? He never called me that before. I hate that name! What does kitty even mean anyway? It sounds so...Stupid.
I slowly started to smile. So that was Jason...He looks just like his father. We've got off to a bad start, but he's warming up to me. Starting to, maybe a little, anyway.
I think I'm going to like him.
I trekked with Gilbert in the white hallway of the building, heading for the cafeteria doors ahead. It's funny how white the hallway is, just like everywhere else, like the lobby and the bedroom I'm staying in. So far, except the dome, every room I've went to was white! Temra might be the whitest building of all time. I've been to a hospital in Dogtown that was kinda white, but that whiteness doesn't compare to this I don't think.
Well...I haven't been in EVERY room of the building, yet, but I imagined every room was like that, even the cafeteria.
Speaking of that room, Gilbert and I went through the double doors of that room...And right away I found the cafeteria wasn't white like everywhere else. Just brown.
Ok, maybe I was wrong. This building isn't so white after all.
A few people, scientists I believe, were having lunch together in one of the two long tables in here. Looking around, this room certainly reminded me of the cafeteria back in my old high school, minus the third table.
Gilbert patted my shoulder, urging me down the room, "We get our grub down that way, at the counter in the back. C'mon." I was a little distracted. I was trying to see if my father was one of the scientists eating from a distance, having a bit of a lunch break from work. I didn't think he was here, maybe not yet.
I kept my cool upon seeing him for the first time in years in the lobby, but I was in no mood to talk to him. I was glad he wasn't here. You'd probably think seeing your dad who hasn't been there for you a lot would be easy, but it's not. I was angry at him...A little. It's just the fact, I believe, that he didn't seem bothered that he didn't see his son much was what made me mad. Sure, he was happy to see me, but he didn't seem too bothered to me. I had a feeling we'd be having a conversation about his absences in my life soon, but now was NOT the right time.
I caught up to Gilbert since he was further ahead. We both stood near the metal counter and the wide opening in the wall. I gazed through and saw the kitchen, with a lone cook making food. A woman my father's age to be exact.
Gilbert called through the opening, "Hey! Guess who's back, doll?"
The cook replied after glancing at us, "Be with your food in a minute, Gilbert!"
"Sure thing." He motioned me with his thumb, "And don't forget to give some to my new partner here!"
"I know, I saw him too!"
Gilbert chuckled beside me. My lips went up for a short lived smile before moving down. The female cook shortly came to the counter with plates of food in her hands. She dropped them in front of us. Gilbert picked his up and said in gratitude, "Thank you."
The cook, who seemed a little annoyed, replied back, "You're welcome."
"Catch ya later, doll." Gilbert pointed at her and winked, then he went off to a table.
After I watched him leave, I put on a polite smile for her and complimented, "Thanks. The food looks good."
She smiled back. She said, "Well, I try to make it good too. I think you'll enjoy it, new guy."
I asked after hearing her say that, "I pretty much have one of those faces, do I?"
She stated, "I never forget a face and I haven't seen yours before. You're Jason, right?"
I nodded, "Yeah. I suppose my father told you about me?"
"Roy?" The woman answered with a nod, "Yeah he gave most of us employees the big news the other day. Word's already gotten around."
I giggled a bit, "That's what I'm afraid of."
She laughed a little, "Ha ha! What's the problem with that? It's nice to hear the son of one of my friends working here along with his father." She added quickly, "Well, almost."
I remarked, "I'd say never. I'm not a scientist."
"Well you guys will still be close." The cafeteria lady tilted her head to the side with her smile still on her face, "Your dad's told me a little about you. But he never showed me a picture of you before. You look a bit like him...Only without the glasses."
I shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah, well, probably because he's too busy to carry a photo around."
The cook nodded too in agreement, "Probably. He is a bit of a workaholic." Tell me something I don't know. She continued, "But he still makes time to be my friend."
"I can tell." Thanks a ton, dad. Make time for her when you are not making time for me and mom. What'd she got to deserve it?
"Well..." Then she said, her gaze wandering upward, "I think we're mostly friends because we both have a common friend. She was probably the one who had got us talking to each other, even when we're not working."
"'She'?" I inquired, "Who's that?"
Gilbert called out from the table he's sitting, "Hey Jace!" I looked toward him, seeing him waving me over, "Get over here, partner! Let the lady do her job!"
I waved back in reply. Then I turned to her and apologized, "Sorry."
The cook shook her head, "Don't worry about it." She shot her sharp eyes at Gilbert before putting them back on me, "He's probably saying that to get you away from me cause he's jealous."
I giggled deeply then asked, "You don't like Gilbert much, huh?"
"Not really." She spun around and walked away, "Excuse me." Then she stopped for about a meter, twisted a bit to gaze at me, "I'm Elsa, by the way. And welcome to Temra. If you need anything from me while I'm here, go ahead and ask. I'll make anything you want. After all, the food here is free."
I replied, "I'll remember that. Thanks." Elsa went deeper into the kitchen and got back to work. Carrying the plate in my hand, I strolled for the table Gilbert's sitting at. Well, I guess that explains why Elsa seemed somewhat annoyed. She's annoyed by Gilbert. I think it's probably because he keeps calling her 'doll'. She probably doesn't like that.
I took a seat across from Gilbert. Before I was about to do something with my food, which was meatloaf and beans, he threw a chuckling whisper across the table, "She's pretty cute, eh?"
I didn't care much about her appearance really. But I did reply after picking up my fork, "She's nice."
"You got that right." He said, leaning himself forward over his plate, "She's worked here for years, and I've tried to ask her out for a date for a long time, but she keeps on refusing." He yanked back and started to eat his food. He said with his mouth full, "She's just playing hard to get."
I stabbed my loaf and lifted up a piece. I said before I could take my first bite, "Some women do that." I started eating it. I'd probably do that if someone like you kept calling me doll. Heh...Who even says that anymore? Doll sounds so...VERY old school.
Gilbert swallowed, and changed the subject in a serious tone, "Ok, well, since I'm done showing you around the place, we'll move on to the serious stuff. After we're done eating, I'll teach you some things about handling Prem."
I replied, "Gotcha." I shoved another piece of meat in my mouth and began chewing. I started thinking about the tiger while I was eating. Gosh, she really was big...And friendly at that! I heard tigers were real man-eaters, but...Wow! She was smart enough to not hurt me. Not to mention she rubbed against me like an affectionate cat. I don't know any tigers that do that to people. Knowing how I feel about animals, at least she hasn't given me any crap on my first day here...Not yet anyway.
Gilbert said Prem can be aggressive at times...Hope she doesn't get that way with me when I'm actually starting to do my job.
Gilbert and Jason led the way as I strolled along with them in the white corridor. I acted as I was under command, acting natural, like a normal tiger. A plain, non-talkative tiger.
More time had quietly passed by since my first meeting with Jason. I knew my time to be back in that cage was coming, since I saw the sky above the habitat dome turning darker with stars shining. And just sometime after the change, they both came to the dome ready to take me to the cage room. So far, even though I don't want to go back in it, I cooperated with each command Gilbert gave me...And a couple coming from Jason. I was being respectful to the new human most of all. I didn't want to make him frozen in fright like I already had, even though it was funny and cute at the same time.
We turned a corner, and came across Leslie who was coming toward us. She must be going back home now. Leslie smiled and jogged right up to me, "Hey, Prem!" I stopped for her, and so did Jason and Gilbert. She said after she kneeled down and started petting my cheeks in circles with both hands, "I almost forgot to say goodnight to you. Well here I am." My eyes rolled around and caught Jason smiling at us. After giving my head one last rub, Leslie stood upright and faced him, "I see she's doing so well with you out here so far, Jason."
Looks like Jason and her have already met each other. Figured they would since he's here.
Jason replied with a nod, "Yep, just like earlier in the dome." He looked proudly at me, "Somehow I knew she'd come through for me."
Gilbert commented, "It's probably because of me that she did." Then he urged, "Anyway, we need to go, Leslie. Time for her to go to her room."
"Oh, all right." She told Jason, "Good luck with her, see you tomorrow." Then eyed toward me, "And YOU have a wonderful night, Prem. Goodnight." She moved passed me and Jason and headed down the hallway. I breathed out quietly and my tail flicked as I watched her leave. Oh, I'll try to have a wonderful night...On the count of that retched cat food.
Gilbert gave me a stern command with a swing of a hand, "Alright, go, Prem. Let's go."
I stared at Jason, seeing him move away and beckon with his hand. His soft eyes and voice said, "Come on, girl." Since I was given two commands at the same time, I chose to listen more to Jason's and we were on our way. Kind of thinking about it, I thought his commands seemed more calmer, and less stern, and less threatening than Gilbert's. He didn't seem too bossy. Roy was definitely right about him. He's not like Gilbert.
I wish Gilbert was more like that.
Finally we came to the door to the room I sleep in at nights. Gilbert opened up, and upon his command, I strode into the room. The cage door was left open for me, so I went on ahead in that thing while Jason and Gilbert were far behind outside the thing. I turned around fully and see Gilbert coming up to shut the gate. After that loud clang, Gilbert ordered Jason, "Ok. Grab the key off the hook and lock it." I peered past the cage bars and saw Jason moving up towards that wall and swipe the key off that hook. Right away, I noticed something else was missing on the wall.
Gilbert's whip was gone.
Come to think of it, I never did notice the wip anywhere on Gilbert. Usually he has it with him. Huh...Wonder where that thing went? Why is it gone?
Gilbert stood aside to let Jason lock the gate. Jason said in confusion after he inserted the key in the lock, "You know...I don't quite understand it. Why put Prem in a cage for nights instead of just leaving her out in the dome with some food? I mean, it's not like she could get out of there. The dome's glass is pretty thick, right?" He eyed all over the cage, "It looks more roomier than this thing." I didn't smile on the outside, but internally I was. I like the way you think, mister.
"That's right." Gilbert answered with his arms crossed, "But the cage is a big precaution for her. We can't really trust her too much outside it." When Jason was done locking it and turned his whole back to see him, I gave Gilbert a short glare. Fuck you.
Jason started to say, "I guess I get that, but the glass-"
Gilbert cut his words short with his, "Look, the dome is not meant for sleeping. It is meant for her to be out to go potty and not go stir crazy. It's supposed to make her feel more at home. And another thing, based on my experiences with animals like her, you can't show that you're weak. There are times as a handler that you cannot let the animal know you are. That's another thing about the cage...That's just to show her who's the boss. And it's part of the rules here. When nine o'clock jumps, when handlers are ready for beddy bye, the animal gets the cage. That's the way it woks."
Jason sighed, then shrugged with his hands, "Whatever you say. I didn't totally think about it like that."
Gilbert smiled and said, "It's fine, kid. You still got a long way to go before you're a true handler like yours truly." With Jason's back still turned, I rolled my eyes. LIKE YOU? I hope not, Gilbert.
That's when Roy unexpectedly came into the room. He asked when he joined the other two humans, "Hey, how's everything going?"
Gilbert replied proudly, "Going good, Mr. Taylor. Your son is a natural at his job. Prem listened to a few commands he'd given her."
Jason modestly said, shooting his head to one side, "Eh. It was probably beginner's luck."
Roy let out a tiny laugh, "I doubt there's a thing called beginner's luck. I know for a fact cause I've won my first first place prize at a science fair when I was eleven, when there was so much doubt inside me, and I've won several more for several consecutive years in a row after that. That basically shows you're made for some things."
Gilbert chimed in, "The good doc makes a good point."
I think Jason didn't sound happy when he responded, "Right." I tilted my head when this sort of awkward silence arrived. What's the matter with him? I thought he did ok as a handler. He wasn't being bossy to me, especially for handling me for the first time. What's going on?
Gilbert coughed it away. Then he pressed Roy, "So, you came to say goodnight to the tiger too? We were just about to leave her in here."
Roy nodded in reply, "Yeah, I thought I come say goodnight to both Prem and my son before I take off."
His son paced away from the cage to the wall to put away the key. He said, "Here she is, dad. Go ahead."
"Thank you." Roy went up to the cage and lowered a bit behind the bars. He greeted, "Hi, Premy." I got closer to the bars to see him. His hand went between a couple and stroked behind my neck. Roy's lips let out a very low whisper as they made a toothy grin, "Good job not giving my son crap." He winked. Thanks to his head partially hiding my face, I only smiled at him in response. You're welcome, four-eyes.
Gilbert hollered at them, heading for the door, "All right! Time's up. Everybody out!"
Roy stood far up and said one last thing to me for tonight, "Night, Prem." He whirled and walked after Gilbert. Jason joined them as well. I was still standing and watching through the bars seeing each person leaving the room. Jason was the last in here. He didn't leave quite yet. He was standing at the doorway, staring back at me. I didn't take my eyes off him for a minute. Finally he flipped the light switch off and closed the door behind him.
Now alone in the dark room inside the cage, I drawn back my head to yawn. Alright, I'm ready for beddy bye. I padded for my mattress and plopped down, wriggling around rolling on the blankets till I found a comfy spot. As I laid on my side, my sights caught the food bowl in the same corner as always. My nose drew in a deep breath and went out in the same area. Well, this day was very interesting, and now tonight is just another disgusting night.
Oh, who am I kidding? Tonight was never bounded to change anyway.
I went inside my bedroom, which had a master-sized bed, a big screen TV near the doorway, and a small bathroom that's separated by a glass wall. Then I turned around to face my father and Gilbert at the doorway.
Gilbert said, "Alright, kid, I'm going home now. You get some sleep. You've got your full day of being the handler tomorrow."
I said and nodded, "Alright. Later."
Gilbert left, leaving me and dad alone now. Shortly, he said with a smile on his face, "I'm happy you had gotten off to a good start here. I know it isn't easy, you know, with everything. But-"
His expression left him when I let out a sigh, "Whatever, dad. I'm going to bed. I had a long day." I backed up a couple steps and spread out my arms, "This bed might not feel the same as the one I used to lay on, but hey, it's as comfy as it gets. Right?"
Dad formed another smile, "It is. I have used it before."
I just stared at him, not showing much emotion.
Dad spoke awkwardly a moment later, "Ok, well, I'll leave you alone now. You have my number if you need anything, do you?"
I spitted out bitterly, "Yeah, mom gave it to me."
"Good. Alright." He threw up a wave with that awkward look on his face, "Sleep tight." His hand reached, grabbed the knob, and shut my room door.
I sighed, swiftly turning away to see my suitcase beside my large bed, still where I left it, unpacked. Thoughts ran through my head, a lot of them about what my life is going to be like now. I still can't believe I'm here in this place. Away from home, away from my friends, and now I'm away from my skateboard because that dickhead took it. And to top it all off...My skateboarding career may never happen.
My radical lifestyle has now become stagnant.
This sucks.
I held in a breath and let it out. Look, get a grip, Jason. Don't panic too much. Maybe it won't be like this forever. Maybe you'll have everything back in order sooner than you think...And maybe you will have a skateboarding career.
I looked at my feet as I pondered. And heck, besides...You haven't gave this place a total chance. You said to mom you would, so you might as well since you're stuck here. Things have gone well here so far, especially with the tiger. Right? I smiled to myself. Yeah...Right. I'll stop worrying so much about everything, for now, and just please my mother as much as I can.
Sure...I can do that...For right now.
Then after a long while, maybe things will be looking up for me.
Then I thought about Maddie. I realized I haven't called her since last night. I was too caught up with moving away from Dogtown and everything to do so. It's after nine, so it was probably too late to call her now. I'll do that tomorrow...If I don't have a lot going on.
Heck hopefully the girl tiger doesn't EAT my phone when I'm doing something with her before I do!
I chuckled at my own mental joke. Then I looked at the only window on the wall above my bed, and yawned as tiredness began to overwhelm me. Yeah...But what do I have to worry about? The tiger's nice enough. She still was when I met her again and took her to the cage. I bet nothing eventful will happen between me and her tomorrow.
Two times seeing Prem were total pieces of cake!
I think another slice is gonna be coming. I can almost taste it.
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