I groaned when I woke up, my vision was still hazy, but when it finally cleared I can see Charlie standing right in front of me.
He said, "Hey kid. You have a nice nap?"
I groaned again, and I managed to get on my feet. It turns out right now, I'm in the savannah. Not at the camp anymore. What's going on? What happened to me? I looked at Charlie and now it's all coming back to me.
He's in cahoots with Karone.
I glared at him, and then Charlie said, "You know, I figured you would do something like this. But I never really believed it until now."
I said, "Funny, considering you're working for a psychopath."
Charlie laughed, "Psychopath? Apparently, you've done crazier things."
I stared at him with a glare still on my face, "Not as crazy as your friend has done."
Charlie then changed his expression and said, "You figured me out, have you?"
I nodded, "I know who you really are, yeah. You're Karone's human friend."
Charlie laughed again, "Well, that's how Karone always described me! Human friend, human helper....Well, that's about all I got."
Charlie then walked toward me and said, "Don't try anything stupid, kid. Because if you do, I'll kill you."
I gasped when I saw a gun in his hand, and no, it's not a tranquilizer gun. I said, "You really have no idea do you?"
Charlie had a quizzical look on his face, "About what?"
"About you making a terrible mistake."
Charlie sneered at me, "No, I'm not. I'm doing something that's right. Because I'm doing this for my best friend."
I screamed at him, "Your best friend is crazy! She has murdered someone years ago. She killed one of her nieces and she killed her niece's mother!"
He yapped back at me, "Only to serve her own purpose!" Then he took a deep breath and said, "And I'm helping her accomplish it."
I said, "Why are you doing all this? I mean, you're a human and you're doing this. Why?"
Charlie said, "Why? Why? You know what? I'll tell you why. You see years ago in my life, I've never really had a good life. You see....I'm sure you know why you have this ability to talk to lions, is that right?"
I nodded, "Something about a secret government experiment."
Charlie then said with brows raised, "That's right! You see...I was one of those test subjects years ago. You see, I was homeless back in the states. No home, no food, no anything! I tried to get by, day by day. But then a opportunity came to me and I was handpicked to be one of them test subjects and as a result, I can talk to lions."
He sighed, "When I was younger, maybe forty years old, I moved here to Tanzania and I've lived a long life here. It was fantastic, I've felt alive here. I didn't fit well back in the states, I've felt like I was an outcast. Next thing that I knew I've built an house here, and here I was living the life of a hermit. I didn't have many human friends here. Except tourists."
"You see, Casper, I didn't care about life back in the states anymore. I was treated like a guinea pig back then. I've had it rough. Even when I had this ability to talk to lions, even they didn't want me. But I chose to stay here anyways, better than the states at least. Then one day when I was out for a walk years ago, I've met her. I've found Karone wounded and all alone, she talked to me. I patched her up and fed her. Kept her safe...We even talked to each other a lot."
"In fact, I've even found out what a life she had to go through. She didn't have a family who appreciated her, she lost her mate, basically became a single mother, and she hates her brother so much. She resents him and his family every time she looks at them. Me and her have a lot of things in common...Me and her."
I was shocked by all the information and then I figured one thing out, "You...You fell in love with her."
Charlie closed his eyes and admitted it, "Yes. I didn't care what it looked like, I fell in love with her. Even though we never really did anything to each other, we were always together." Then he opened his eyes and stared at me, "To answer your question about why I'm doing this. That's why. I won't let her live a sad and miserable life. I even met her daughter Christa. She looks exactly like her mother. I would do anything for them, even if that means I have to kill someone." He looked straight into my eyes and a threatening look in his eyes, "Even you."
I shook my head and said, "You don't know what you're doing!"
He waved his gun at my face, "Shut up, you little shit! I don't care! I will help the one I love, and since you've escaped from her grasp. That means I will have to take drastic measures."
Then Karone came from around the corner behind a tree, and saw Charlie, "Well, well, well, if it isn't my best friend. I figured I'd find you here with my prisoner. Figured my prisoner would've went back to the camp." She sat down beside Charlie and smiled at him.
Charlie then smiled back at her and said, "It wasn't easy getting him here. He was kinda heavy taking him here. But on the lucky side, most of the campers left the camp, so there was no problem of someone seeing me do this to him."
Karone smiled and said, "Excellent. That means there are no witnesses."
I was staring at them, what am I going to do? I'm trapped! I need to come up with a plan and quick.
Karone then looked at me, "So Casper, did you enjoy your freedom?"
I only said, "Maybe."
She giggled, "Well, you won't have it now. Because I know Jade's out here somewhere and I will get her to do what I want, and you're going back to the mine with me."
I shouted, "No! I won't! I will never do what you say!"
Charlie pointed his gun at me, "I think you should."
I said to Karone, "It's over, Karone. You might as well give up and let it go now."
Karone then asked, "And why is that?"
I said, "Because there's no point in doing all of this. In fact, there's no point at all. Because I've told Leon, one of the lions who live here, to tell Bron what you're planning and to have a truce to let your followers come live in his lands."
She looked at me shocked, "What?!"
I raised my hands, "I know your followers don't know what they want. All they want is someone to follow and all you've been doing is use them. Imagine what they would think if they found out. It's not right, Karone. Don't you get it? You've failed, Karone, and them, including your daughter, would want something more than that. They would want to live a long and normal life. You're the only one who thinks differently."
She roared at me, "You bastard! You ruined everything!"
I smiled at them, "Guess a meddling human can make a difference after all. Your daughter's not like you. I can tell when I first met her. She doesn't have that hatred like you do. I would imagine she's tired of living the life like you did."
She growled at me, "You really want to make it personal, do you?"
I yapped back at her, "You're the one who made it personal by threatening my family and using my best friend into doing things you want her to do. Not to mention, you've also made it personal by murdering her mother and sister."
She yelled, "I don't care about her family and her father! I HATE THEM ALL!!"
I yelled back, "I guess, they don't like you because you're a deranged bitch!"
She yelled again, "Yeah, because they are WEAK! I'm the strong one! Not them, ME!"
I shook my head and said, "You don't care about anyone but yourself. Maybe not even your daughter."
Then she said, "If my daughter betrayed me, then she would die as well."
I gasped at that, and then Charlie said, "Well, I hope that doesn't come to it. Look, Karone, I'm tired of this can we get on with it?"
Karone then ordered, "Casper, I want you to move now."
I screamed, "Go to hell!"
Karone disappointingly sighed and then said, "Then die then. Charlie, kill that son of a bitch."
Charlie pointed the gun at me and said, "Sorry kid, but it has to be that way."
I closed my eyes, and waited. Then suddenly I heard Charlie scream. I opened my eyes and saw Jade had jumped on Charlie's back and bit into his neck. Blood was gushing out of Charlie's neck and then he slowly died.
Karone had a distraught look on her face and screamed in sorrow for her companion, "No!!!!"
Jade's jaws let go of the neck and walked off Charlie's body. Then she caught sight of me, "Casper!" She ran to me and hugged me.
I was shocked and said, "Jade, what you doing here?"
Then I heard Shawna, "Casper!"
I looked and I saw Shawna, Eileen, Walker and Tabitha waving at me.
I heard Eileen call out, "Casper, over here!"
Jade let go of me and we ran to them, leaving Karone alone with her dead friend. I got in front of my friends and said, "God, I'm glad to see you guys." Then Eileen hugged me and so did everyone else.
Suddenly our moment was interrupted when Karone roared at us. All of us looked at her, hatred in her eyes.
Karone looked straight at me and said with a growl deep in her throat, "Do you know what you've done? You killed my best friend!"
I shook my head, "No, this is your fault. Let it go, Karone. It's time to put the past behind you. Let it go."
She adamantly screamed at me, "I'll never let it go!"
I said to the others, "Guys, get out of here and get help."
Walker tried to argue, "But Casper-"
"Get out of here now."
Walker didn't argue any further and he ran off along with Tabitha, Eileen, and Shawna. Leaving me and Jade alone with Karone.
Jade then said, growling, "Last chance, Karone, give up or fight."
Karone apparently ignored what my best friend said, and has said this to herself, "This is for you....Charlie." Then she roared and leapt at me. Jade leaped as well, got into her path, then they both crashed into each other.
I screamed, "Jade!"
She yelled while she was pinning down Karone, "Run!" Then Karone swiped a paw at her head, knocking Jade off her. The force of the swipe knocked Jade over and she hit her head on a rock. Knocking her unconscious.
I screamed in terror, "Jade!"
Karone then got up and looked at me with fire and hate in her eyes, "Now YOU." Then she pounced at me and I dodged to my right. I got up on my feet and ran away.
Karone got on her feet immediately and took off after me.
I ran as fast as I really could, but Karone was still gaining on me. I could see something up ahead and I realized that it was the cabin. Where I found the faded photo of Karone and who I assumed now Charlie. I picked up the pace and I made it to the front door of the cabin. I opened it up real fast and ran inside and shut the door tight.
There was no lock on the door and it was bad, because I could hear Karone trying to break it down and the door's freakin old. It won't hold for long.
I tried to find a weapon of sort, but I didn't find anything. Then I went to the kitchen and hid behind the counter.
Suddenly, I came up with a idea. Then I went to the pantry door and saw the gasoline.
Hmmm, I think I have an idea.
Karone managed to break down the door. The door went down with a crash of wood. Karone walked slowly inside, she hasn't been in this place for years. She looked around wondering where that kid went. Then she went to the kitchen, looked around at the counter then she went to the pantry door, and managed to open it. Inside the pantry door she could smell something. It was a weird smell. Something that Charlie told her about.
What was it? She wondered. She smelled it again. Gasoline? Then all of a sudden she can hear a spark of some sort in the room. There was some kind of cable hanging low near the gasoline and it's sparking and she figured what was happening.
She growled to herself, that human made a trap. Then she saw the kitchen window was already opened.
She thought to herself....That bastard.
I ran away from the cabin before the place exploded and when I was halfway from a short distance, the cabin exploded behind me and it blew me away. "Ahhh!" I landed hard on my stomach to the ground.
I got on my knees and looked back, that cabin is definitely gone. I sighed and got on my feet. I turned back around and realized at the backyard of the cabin there's a gorge close by and I didn't see it until now.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, it's over. It's finally over. I opened my eyes and walked away from this mess. It's time to go back home.
Before I even went very far, something jumped on my back and pinned me to the ground. I cried out and realized that Karone's alive!
On my back pinning me, she bent down and said this to my ear, "You really think I was going to die in there? You really think I was that stupid? I managed to run out of that window before the whole place was destroyed!"
I screamed at her, "Get off!" Then she pushed my head to the ground.
She snarled, "You don't tell me what to do! Now die!" Before she could kill me Jade returned and pounced on Karone and they both started rolling around, over to the edge of the gorge. They both fell over, and screamed.
I screamed, "Jade!" I got up and ran to the edge of the gorge and found that they fell down a bit, but not all the way down to the bottom. There's water down there, but the thing is it's very fast running water. If one of them fell into that water, they would drown.
But they didn't, both of them are dangling from a rocky cliff on the side of the gorge.
I yelled, "Hold on, Jade, I'm coming!" I climbed down after them as fast I could, careful not to fall myself. I made it to the rocky cliff where they're dangling, I bent down and grabbed Jade's paw and pulled her up. I hugged her, "You ok?"
She nodded then we both looked at Karone, still dangling.
I know she deserves this, but I'm giving her one last chance to change. I lowered myself and reached out to her, "Please, give me your paw."
She glared at me and tried to swipe at my hand. But she missed.
I reached out again, "Please, Karone, come on."
Karone was starting to slip, her claws digging into the rock wall. She looked down and then her expression changed from anger to fear.
I said to her, "Look at me, Karone. I'll help you." I still have my hand out.
She looked up at me, staring at me for a moment. Then slowly, she grabbed my paw and held onto it. I was ready to pull her up. I smiled at her and said, "I knew you could do it."
Then all of a sudden, her back legs braced herself on the wall and tried to pull me down with her! I grunted. Oh no, she's trying to die along with me.
Jade cried out, "Casper!" Then she got on my back and held on to me. I almost went over the ledge.
Karone then yelled out defiantly, "If I'm going to die, you're going to die with me!"
Karone was digging her claws into my hand, drawing some blood. I cried out and then she pulled me down some more, along with Jade on my back!
I did a desperate thing and used my other hand to try to pry Karone's claws off of my hand that she has clawed into. I cried in pain again. Then Karone started to laugh maniacally, she pulled me again almost sent us over the edge.
I tried to pry her off me again, I pulled her claws hard and then Karone finally lost her grip and then she fell off the rocky cliff. She screamed as she fell all the way down until she landed in the rushing water. Her scream faded away. A few seconds passed and she never resurfaced. Then I realized she was finally gone.
I sighed and pulled myself away from the edge and faced Jade, "Jade."
Jade had tears in her eyes and said "She's gone...She's finally gone." Then she cried out, "It's over!"
Then we both embraced and she cried into my shoulders.
It's over, it's finally over.
Me and Jade climbed up the gorge and when we made it, Shawna, Walker, Eileen, and Tabitha were here. Shawna reached her hand out and I grabbed it and she pulled me up. Jade came up afterwards.
I hugged Shawna tight and she proclaimed, "I love you, Casper!"
I said to her, "I love you too."
Then Walker cheered and they all hugged me. Then they hugged Jade.
We all heard a roar and all of us looked in the direction of the roar. Leon, Bron and the rest of the lionesses came to us.
Shawna and the others all gasped at what they saw, even Eileen.
Jade was happy to see Leon and embraced him, "Leon!"
Leon said to her, "Oh Jade."
I smiled at her and at the rest of the pride. I then see that Bron actually smiled at me. Then all of a sudden the other lionesses came to see my human friends.
Tabitha, Shawna, Walker and Eileen were surprised that they even talked to them.
I smiled at the whole scene. Bron finally trusts me now. This whole thing is really beautiful.
Jade sees her father and said, "Dad!"
Bron yelled back, "Jade!"
Jade let go of Leon and ran to her father, "Dad!"
They both nuzzled and embraced each other, then Bron said, "I love you, Jade."
I smiled at everything and stared at the night sky. It really is over.
I was at home in my cave, getting ready to see Casper and his family at the beach. Then when I went outside, my father called out to me, "Hello Jade."
I smiled at my daddy, "Hey, dad, I thought you went off on your patrol?"
He shook his head, "Nah, I thought I give myself a break for a while. Actually I thought maybe I should train Leon on being the king." Then he smiled at me.
I gasped and asked, "Wait what? You're training Leon to take your place as king?"
Dad giggled, "Yes, I am. I have to stand down sooner or later for the future generation someday."
I cocked my head, "So, you really don't mind that Leon's with me?"
He shook his head, "I'll be honest, he was on my mind for being king. I think he would make a great king. He's very smart and proud, I know he can do it."
I nuzzled him after he said that, "Thank you, daddy."
He cocked his head, "For what?"
"For letting go of everything. For not controlling me. For not hating Casper and giving him a chance. For giving his whole family a chance. For giving me a chance."
He smiled at me, "I was wrong about Casper. But what about Karone's followers?"
I said, "You let them in our pride. I know they'll love it here. Speaking of which, how's my cousin? Christa?"
Dad said with a pity sigh, "Well, she's still sad about her mother being gone. But then she actually understands why she was gone. She wanted her mother to change as well."
I said, "Well, at least she understands not to hate you."
He shook his head, "She's welcome in this family. Although, I wish I could say the same for your aunt."
I looked down at my paws, "I wish there was something we could have done."
Dad then said, "There was nothing you could have done. She couldn't let go of her hate, and in the end it destroyed her."
I nodded, "I know." Then I looked into his eyes and smiled at him, "I'm glad you let go of your hate, dad. I'm proud of you."
He smiled back at me and said, "Your mother would be very proud of what you've done. She would have loved to meet Casper." Then he had a sad look on his face and said, "It's really hard to believe she's really dead. But we have closure now."
I nuzzled him and said, "I love you, daddy."
He nuzzled back, "I love you too, Jade."
I took a step back and said, "Hey listen, I going to see Casper at the beach. I'm probably going swimming with him."
Dad cocked his head and mockingly said, "You know how to swim now?"
I laughed and said, "No, father, I don't know how to swim. But maybe I will one day." I turned on him and said, "I'll be back later, ok? I love you!" Then I was off.
I was waiting on a rock for Jade, and she finally showed up. She ran to me and said "Sorry it took me so long. I was talking to father before I came."
I giggled and said, "About what? Does he not trust me still?"
She giggled at me and replied, "No, he trusts you, but he did tell me that he's training Leon to take his place as king."
My face beamed, "That's great!"
She laughed, "Yeah, it is."
I scratched the back of my head, and asked, "So uh, how are Karone's followers? Are they behaving?"
She nodded, "Yeah they are. They never even liked the life they were living in at the banished lands. They didn't have the same outlook as my aunt did. They wanted to follow someone but they chose the wrong person. Even her daughter."
I sighed, "Well, I'm just glad that she's not going to get all psycho like her mom and Charlie."
Jade shook her head, "She won't. She's a lot better than her mom."
I nodded in agreement and asked, "So you ready to go to the beach now?"
She nodded as well, "Yeah, let's go!"
Then we both headed to the beach.
Me and Jade watched Shawna, Eileen, Walker, Tabitha, even mom and dad play in the water. We wanted to spend some time away from the water for right now.
Jade broke the silence beside me, "You know, Casper."
I looked at her and said, "What?"
Then she looked at me, "These past several days have been life changing, if you ask me. I mean, ever since I've met you things have completely changed. My view on humans has changed. I don't feel alone now. My father has changed and doesn't treat me like I'm a cub anymore. I have a mate now and it's Leon. Both my pride and my aunt's followers are one now. And plus, I have more friends than I could ever imagine. It's amazing in a way, and I'll be honest, I wish I've met you sooner."
I smiled at her, "Well I'll tell you something, meeting you the first time has changed my life forever. I...I realize now, I'm not alone anymore, either."
She winked at me, "That's good." Then she had a glum look on her face and looked down.
I was getting concerned, "What's wrong?"
She said, "I was thinking about before."
Then she raised her head to stare at mine, "About my feelings, you know towards you. A part of me still feels them honestly. Even though I love Leon more than ever, but I still feel for you."
I nodded at her, "It'll go away someday. And besides, I have a girlfriend now and I'm happy. Hell, we're both happy."
Then she glumly said, "Maybe not forever."
I looked at her quizzically, "What do you mean?"
She answered, "I mean....You'll go away after summers over, remember? And I might never see you again. You won't stay here forever, not to mention you'll never see me have my first cub. You know, when I start a family."
I giggled at her, "You're thinking about cubs already? We saved your pride and you're thinking about having cubs with Leon? Never really thought you were that kind of girl."
She swiped at me, but she missed me by an inch, "You shut your mouth!" Then we both laughed hard.
Then we both got serious, and she said, "Casper, I don't want you to go away."
I nodded, and said, "I know that, but the end of summer is far away right now. And besides that you'll start a new life here. After all your aunt won't get you anymore."
She gave me a sad look and turned her gaze away afterward, "I wanted to start a new life with you."
I reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, "Jade, look at me." She looked at me and I said, "Always remember, no matter where I go, I'll never forget you. I will always be with you. In your heart. Someday, I will come back to you, and maybe I'll see your children. And I will play with them as well. And we would talk to each other about what we've been through the years that have passed. I'll never forget you, Jade, and I will always be with you forever....Even in your dreams." I winked at her.
She smiled at me and said, "I will always remember you. Even with all the times we've had together. Even our first kiss."
I laughed at that statement, "Yeah, I'll never forget that kiss either."
She laughed as well and then she licked my cheek and said, "I love you, Casper. I will always be your best friend."
I smiled at her and said, "I love you too."
Jade got up on all fours and decided to walk on the beach, enjoying the sights. I was left alone sitting thinking about what lies ahead. I know the end of summer will be here, but I will make all these days worth while, until I leave. I don't know if I'll ever come back here. But if I get the chance, I will come back.
I then looked at Shawna, who was on her way to see me with a smile on her face. Maybe I'll even have a child of my own one day. A boy or a girl. And one day, I would show Jade my child. She'll be so happy.
Shawna came to me and kissed me on the lips, then she sat down beside me. Jade then came back and sat down with us. We were staring out at the ocean together. Shawna layed her head on my shoulder, and Jade layed her head on my lap. I smiled and sighed.
Jade...I promise I won't forget you.
After all, you're the heart here.
The Heart of Africa.
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