Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Bearcy Through


“A little music has never
heard anyone before." Responded Horizoki as he raised his flute to his mouth,
blasting away some sour high pitch notes directly towards our faces while the
rest of us covered our ears upon our heads. I growled at him and Huzizu
snatched the flute from him, breaking it into two. “Enough!" He says, shooting
daggers directly to him who glared on back upon him. “We never wanted to hear
anymore sounds or music from you!" “Aw…" The wolf frowned hanging his head,
looking rather depressed or something along those lines. I exhaled a breath,
closed my eyes and shook my head. Opening my eyes once again and shooting my
gaze out towards the horizon, I had pondered what the hole's depth was about.
Yes, you heard that right. I am not making this up ever!


In the recent past,
probably before this story began, we had noticed something unusual upon our
forest. I never knew what time or day it was however. But all we knew was that,
the forest now had a deep hole that leads underground. Where underground? I
would never know. But that is the excitement of being an explorer right? I gave
a small smile, chuckling faintly to myself as my tail wagged amongst the
silence looming over us. Thus, rocking the boat slightly caused the other
wolves to growl at me for I stopped rather suddenly and shifted my attention
back towards them in silence. They had narrowed eyes and looked rather poised
to kill somehow. As my attention was upon them, I just gave of a smile towards
them and turned my head up front to the horizon. But before the silence could
get underway, I heard a roar in the near distance and someone shouted, with a
paw pointing ahead, “Waterfall!"


“This early in the
story?" Exclaimed Huzizu while I widened my eyes. “Quick! Paddle away!"
Screamed Horizoki as Haziyo shoved his paws into the rushing waters and started
paddling away. Harkell and Havlut also dipped their paws into the waters too,
mirroring what Haziyo was attempting. With three wolves into the waters, the
boat had not deter from its course and kept moving straight for the edge of the
waterfall as someone exclaimed, “We gonna die!" “Not on my watch we are not!"
someone shouted which I believed it to be Huzizu. Horizoki removed his paw from
the waters and looked at his wrist for a moment before commenting to Huzizu,
“We do not have a watch-" “Just paddle, stupid!" Huzizu growled threateningly
at him. He yipped and shoved his paw into the waters again paddling.


Closer and closer we came
towards the edges of the waters as I leaned back and turned my head around.
Gazing towards the water's edge and stared upon the abyss awaiting for us, I
spotted forest trees all swaying in one side, a mist emerging from the abyss
below us. Nothing else came afterwards. I shouted to Huzizu, “We are going to
be safe!" “How so?" “Theres water below us." “And land!" Interrupted Haziyo as
Horizoki pouted at him, “How is land a good thing?" He questioned him where
silence fell as an answer. We all stared off towards Horizoki for a moment,
staring at him with deadpan stares as if we could not believed that the wolf
had said just that. Horizoki, meanwhile, just stared at us in return saying
nothing in response while the boat's halfway inched passed the edge. It tilted
upward and pointed to the skies before running down the wall of waters in front
of us. We held each other in dear life as if death was awaiting for us upon its
doorsteps. But to our surprise, we never went all the way through.


A branch below us stopped
our fall. We were perhaps halfway through when it saved us. Horizoki and Haziyo
felt like celebrating however and threw their paws into the air as they
grinned. Hugging each other tightly as if they were brothers however. With warm
bright smile upon their faces, they continued for a while as the rest of us
just stared at them before shifting our attention elsewhere. Towards the
dimming skies above us. I exhaled a breath, my ears flatten against my head as
I felt my own heart slowing its pulses down. “What a thrill." I heard Harkell
admit with Havlut nodded his head at him. Huzizu stared at the two in silence,
snorted in laughter before shaking his head. He then got up from his seat and
started walking towards the backside of the boat. And that was when trouble had


The branch breaks into
two. Plummeting us into the abyss below. We all screamed for dear life with
Horizoki and Haziyo choking each other with their paws directly upon their
necks. How? I never know. But despite staring at the pair of wolves gasping
desperately for breaths without knowing that they could released their paws
from one another. I stared out towards the horizon as the boat started sinking
in the air. It crashed into the waters below us. With waters suddenly damping
the surface of the boats however. We were safe when the boat started rocking.
But it never inched or advance forth as worried faces grew upon the other
wolves, my eyes widened in surprise. “Oh crud." I managed to say before we were
fling into the air like some catapult's ammo into an arc where we sailed into
the air. Ending up upon the forest grounds where we crash landed. Only three of
us managed to escaped injury however. Me, Huzizu and Harkell who were upon the
floors of the forest. Lying unconscious with our rumps in the air. Our eyes
went dizzy and our senses were everywhere however. It was a short while before
we regained it however.


Thus once we do, we got
back up upon our paws and turned around. Spotting Horizoki, Haziyo and Havlut
smack themselves upon the tree barks. Hard I do believed. “Oh man they are
injured!" Exclaimed harkell as he started chuckling. Huzizu said nothing as he
turned his back towards them muttering something and I stared to Harkell
watching him go as he attended to the other three wolves. Peeling them off from
the barks, the three wolves groaned in pain. Dizzy from their collusions as
they leaned back and fell upon the forest grounds behind them. With Harkell
staring at the three wolves in surprise, even grabbing one of them and smacking
their head with his paw, it never did anything but just to confuse them more. I
shouted towards Harkell as he turned his attention towards me. I walked with
Huzizu behind me, still muttering about something as we went to join Harkell.
“How are they?" “Dizzy and disoriented it seems." “Alright, there is a nearby
place we can set them in." I stated pointing a paw ahead. A spot that I sense
was close by, exposed to our eyes to see however. Harkell and Huzizu noticed it
rather quickly and nodded their heads. Quickly, the two wolves bite into the necks
of the other wolves and dragged them across the floor. A short distance towards
the recommended spot where they released their jaws from the other wolves,
settling them down upon the flooring below them.


“Now what?" Huzizu asked,
turning his attention to me. “We now find food. At least for the three of us
and arouse the three into awakenance." “How we find food in this forest?" The
wolf asked, I started shrugging and gaze away, already spotting that Harkell
disappeared suddenly. I blinked in surprise, calling for him. His voice seemed
louder than usual and it was bouncing from one wall to the next. “Did he got
caught into a classic trap?" “I hope so." I responded with Huzizu frowning
directly at me in the following silence. Thus shaking his head and sighing
afterwards, he takes the lead and started walking in a random direction.
Falling as a result and disappearing from my sights which came as a surprise
for me. I started running after Huzizu and also falling into the abyss as well.
Just as I fell, the lights above me started dimming into darkness. Some strange
familiar intro music from a certain indie video game started playing and I
crashed on top of Huzizu below me. “Thanks!" “Do not mention it." He groaned
afterwards, hoisting himself up after a few seconds which pushed me away from
him. I fell onto my side as Huzizu got up upon his four feet. He nudged me onto
my belly, urging me to get up. I did so after a second or so. We looked around
the place we were in.


Our first attention was
noticing how pitch dark the place was. We could not see anything at all. I
frowned at this before taking a step forward again, intended to take action and
leadership once again. But just as I stepped, I heard something clicked
underneath me. Huzizu widened his eyes in surprise, I lowered my head and ears,
gazing at a huge green button below me. A rumble started. A harsh vibrations
zipped through the grounds underneath us. Smaller rocks fell from the ceiling
above us while we sprinted across the length of whatever we were in. Towards a
narrowed tunnel a short distance away where we entered into it and continued
running down. The walls closed in onto us. It felt like sticking yourself
inside something tight. As we run its length, we were surprise that the tunnel
suddenly dipped down further and fell down into the abyss further. Where we
ended up upon a huge opened room with a gray door towards our side. I sat onto
my butt with my tail sticking out towards the side. I gaze towards the gray
door then towards the opened room surrounding us. I frowned, wondering where we


I turned to Huzizu who
was already poking against something at the center of the room. Harkell was
there too as well with a brown narrowed long stick as a smile breaks upon his
face, staring down onto the creature that was in front of them. Speaking of the
said creature, I turned my attention towards it and was surprise to see it
livid and well. Saliva started dripping down from its mouth, pooling underneath
him where it was absorbed by the grass below. Such said creature looked like a
plant. A humongous plant however. With sharp white fangs that could rival a
dragon or wolf. The plant itself was darkest of green with red thorns running
down its side. “Guys do not touch that!" I exclaimed, warning the two wolves as
their attention was towards me. Due to my shouting which filled the walls with
sound and woke the plan awake. It roared at us, mainly me and started snapping
its jaw determined to reach us. While it roared at us, Horizoki and Huzizu
stepped away and drew some distance from it. They ran to my side while their
eyes widened in surprise, gazing directly upon the plant as it continued
looking 'helpless' there.


I breathed a sigh, “At
least it would not hurt us." “Or even directly attack us anyway." Huzizu added,
Harkell nodded in response with a small faint smile upon his face. I nodded
with agreeance, so did Huzizu. The three wolves turned around and started
heading off. Towards the entrance of tunnels ahead as we attempted to leave the
plant alone to its slumber. However, the plant behind us looked very frustrated
that it started growing legs. One plopped from the grounds then the other. We
heard it as we stopped, turned to the plant and widened our eyes. “Crud." I
heard Huzizu muttered, “Run!" I exclaimed, sprinting into a run with the other
two wolves right behind me. We ran for the tunnel, entered into it and
continued running off. We never cared what was written upon the walls; nor what
is the texture of the wall is however. But we did noticed that the tunnel was
much smaller and shorter than the previous tunnel we had first entered into.
For thus when we submerged out from the tunnel, we ended up upon the drinks.
The plant did too, in case anyone was wondering also by the way.


We struggled to swim
towards shore for the water currents was too much for us anyway. We even had
Harkell almost drowning due to how tough the waters were. But in the end, all
three of us had made it however. We were glad because of it. Thus as we
gathered around upon the shores of the river bed and our furs all sticking out
however, we shook ourselves dry. Spraying waters everywhere as much as we could
while feeling dizzy because of it however. When we were dry, Huzizu and
Horizoki sat while I glanced off into the distance. Peaceful silence was upon
us anyway and we would enjoy it as we could. With the constant ringing echoing
in my ears, I flickered them in annoyance as Huzizu questioned me “Where to
next?" “First of all, Harkell…" I responded in a low voice, like a scolding
mother would say to its cubs. Harkell shifted his attention towards me, I
narrowed my eyes towards him and spoke, “Why are you acting orthodox?" “What
you mean?" He questioned me, tilting his head to the side. “You were acting
like Horizoki and Haziyo. Why?" “Well someone needed to be the joker here." He
protested, “That is what the audience came here for however." “But for you to
take his-" “Guys." Interrupted Huzizu raising his paw to his face as both me
and Harkell shifted our attention towards him, “What?"


“Wolf eating plants."


“Are you kidding me!" I
Exclaimed, “Wait a second." Harkell frowned, pouting as we had started running
away. “Those do not exist. Are they not fiction. Something that came from
imagination or something along those lin-" “Just shut up and run already." I
snarled at Harkell who did as told. We continued running until we reached a
certain distance. Then we turned around and looked behind us gazing at the far
end where the plant was supposedly at however. “Well…?" I heard Huzizu responded
to the silence, tilting his head to the side as Harkell commented, “Give it a
second. More seconds… annnndddd…" We heard sudden buzzing, our ears must had
already caught it due to how fast we turned around and break into a run. “There
we go." Harkell smiled while Huzizu threw anger at him with a growl following
behind him, “I hate you so much now." “Thanks." “You are welcome." Huzizu
sarcastically said, rolling his eyes as we continued fleeing away.


We ran the length of the
cavern. Towards its bitter end where a small entrance awaits for our arrival.
Despite Harkell exclaimed and pointing directly towards it, Huzizu turned
around and stared upon the wolf eating plants coming after us. I growled at
him, grabbed upon his body and shoved him into the entrance. I entered in last.
We crawled our way through the small tunnel. Having noticed how tight the
spacing was however. We saw nothing upon the walls, for whiteness had already
covered our eyes however. As we continued crawling our way, I heard the buzzing
snapping and whatever other sounds the author could think of faded off into the
silence the further we continued away from those specky enemies. Thus, we had
reached the other side. A bright light washed over us as we submerged from the
tunnel behind us. A roar of waters splashed upon our furs damping it while we
looked about, wondering where we are at the moment however. A trail of brown
path leads spirling down towards something below us. That same brown path too
leads towards the skies above also. As I gaze towards the two paths, I
questioned the other two wolves besides me. But before I could hear their
answer, I had already noticed that the two had split off from me. To each
heading their own direction.


A few steps further came
a rumbling vibrating noise where the ground shook underneath us and Harkell
groaned in frustration and pain. “Come on already…" He trailed, moaning while
turning tail and ran passed us. Hearing the sound too, we too tailed him.
Running around whatever this place was called as more and more vibrations and
rumbles continued calling towards us. We were short on breaths however as
dryness came sneaking into our throats like a thief in the night. We panted all
at once, exhausted after running for a few minutes. I growled before turning to
the side. Running off to the side and leaping out into the air. The other two
wolves thought I was crazy that their eyes widened in surprise, feet already
scrambling off in an attempt to snatch me from the air with their fangs. But
they never did such a thing for I had noticed, upon looking back, that the two
wolves joined me in my leap. I said nothing while they smiled back to me. Time
speed up again and we found ourselves falling faster than normal as gravity
worked to pull us down to the grounds below us.


“Watch out below!" I
heard Huzizu exclaimed as I spotted water below us. We were directly below it
which was perfect for us to break our fall with however. As I pointed below
while gazing at them, they too noticed the waters and smiled widely now. They
were confident about something. I never knew what however. But setting that to
the side and allowing the silence to preoccupied us for a little while, we fell
into the drinks once again. Disappeared from the world as we were now
underwater. We swam towards the surface, breathed huge of air before setting
ourselves towards the edge of the riverbed where we climbed out and set
ourselves upon solid rock grounds. The three of us started laughing, it filled
my ears and our surroundings however. Breaking the silence that was once around
us. Huzizu turned over and faced the skies with his stomach pointing also.
Harkell snorted and chuckled before that died down. Allowing silence to come
back once again as my ears flickered in annoyance. I turned to the side, spotting
the other three wolves already awake and staring down onto us in surprise.


“Horizoki, Haziyo and
Huvlut!" I exclaimed, Huzizu and Harkell shifted their attention towards  the three other wolves. Smiles were upon
their snouts as we all got up onto our feet. “What is the scope?" Haziyo
questioned us with a mirror smile upon his face also, I shook my head “Nothing
really. Just having an adventure trying to find some berries or something to
get you guys awake." “And from your unconsciousness too!" Remarked Harkell and
Huzizu nodded as well, “Seems like you two had fun with it, I guess." “I
suppose." I muttered, turning my head away from Haizyo while Horizoki pouted at
us whining “Aw. I want to have an adventure too! Please knock yourselves out."
“No." I heard Havlut growled with his eyes narrowing at Horizoki. The remaining
three wolves laughed at this predicament while I chuckled and looked out
towards the skies.