Current Track: Blabb


Finding One’s True Self: Part 26

By Xan Steel

Daniel was still in medical awaiting the results from the final test Dr. Mortora had him do, while Feros was talking with him and letting him know what Julyna had decided on, as well as testing the bio-damping unit on him to make sure it worked. He was upset about his blood being in the system from the attack he had suffered in Travaina IV, but since it happened before he got on the ship there was nothing he could say or do, but let it go. When they told him that the heads of the Alliance had restricted his species DNA, it got him thinking as to why, because for all he knew he was the only one of his species to make it to the galaxy. He didn’t want to peek to deep into their minds for the answer, figuring that at some point they would tell him if they knew, not to mention that everyone was keeping their surface thoughts on other matters that were important to them. 

Feros, on the other hand, was excited to have him in engineering to see what he was capable of, while he had a good team in there willing to follow orders, none of them ever thought outside the box. It was always following protocol to get the job done, and he was looking for people with none robotic thinking. Having someone new that wasn’t tied to the rules, as well as one that might come up with some new ideas to get better performance out of the engines, and the power grid is always a plus for him. 

He told Rubicant that he was planning on training him on the basics first, and see how that went before giving him more advanced tasks. Daniel was more than happy to start at the bottom and work his way up. 

Dr. Mortora came out and told him that everything finished to her satisfaction, and she was glad to say that she can start working on the medical equipment that would be designed just for him, which would make caring for him a lot easier while handing him a change of clothes for him to use. He got out of the bed, and took off his old ones for her to recycle back in the replicator, and began getting dressed. Neither Mortora, or Feros were phased by his nakedness as he continued to talk with them, only to finish getting dressed as Julyna, Iris, and the GrandMaster walked in. Feros told him that he would see him tomorrow morning in engineering and then left.

Julyna and Iris were affectionate to him as he nuzzled and kissed them both in return, as the both of them expressed their happiness to see him standing again. After a moment the GrandMaster cleared his throat in a way that caused them to step aside for him as he greeted Daniel. “It’s finally good to see you, Daniel.” He said. 

“You as well GrandMaster, and please call me Rubicant. It’s a name I much prefer.” He said smiling. 

“You are not happy with your birth name?” the GrandMaster asked.

This caught Rubicant's attention, but he ignored it for now. “If you had lived my childhood, would you be happy with a name that reminded you of it daily?” He questioned with his head cocked to the side slightly. 

“I see your point Rubicant. Welcome to your new home then. I hope it’s treated you a fair bit better.” The GrandMaster finished. 

“It’s had it’s ups and downs, but yes, I’m happy to be here.” He said smiling at both Julyna and Iris. 

“I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, but there is something I need to tend to with Lady Iris before we begin if you don’t mind.” He said more as a statement, but Rubicant nodded in understanding as they both went to the back of medical to talk. Julyna quietly told him that he was going to restrain her mental abilities again. 

“She seemed to be doing fine on her own though.” He said softly back to her. 

“It’s not about control as it is respecting what you are capable of doing. He teaches us how to respect and manage our feelings when we use telepathy. When Iris was upset, thinking you had been killed. She lost control of herself, and if it hadn’t been for me and my crew's quick thinking, the mental wave she released likely would have killed us all.” Julyna finished.

Rubicant gave a horrified look. He never realized that one could kill with a single thought, as he had just started to experiment with his, but he wanted to make sure he didn’t rely on it too much. He wasn’t quite sure why, but it was like a small ethical switch had been turned on inside him. 

“Besides,” she continued. “He’s likely to start training you soon as well. Don’t need an untrained telepath running around the ship peeking into everyone's mind, as you never know what kind of thoughts one might encounter.” She finished send him a naughty thought, to which he blushed a deep red on his face.

Meanwhile, the GrandMaster had walked back with Iris, until he felt they wouldn’t be overheard as he turned to her. “There are two things. One, I need to restrain your abilities, until you are fully trained.” She nodded in understanding. “The reason is, you are extremely powerful, more so than me and I need you to be able to control your emotions better. Otherwise, you may wind up killing someone.” He said while flashing her images of her attack on her Ex-mate, and the ship's crew.” She bowed her head in shame, but while she felt remorse for the crew, she didn’t for her Ex. 

“The second,” he began again. “You need to go to Travaina IV, to apologize and heal your Ex-mates mind.” She looked up at him with an icy look on her. 

“No,” she said with a calm anger. 

He was taken back by her response. “Iris, you were irresponsible with your ability, and you must make recompense for your actions.” the GrandMaster commanded her.

Her look turned dark this time as she spoke in a deep anger filled tone. “He got what he deserved, and I shall never forgive or forget what he did to Rubi and me. Shame on you even saying something like this for someone who tried to murder the both of us.” She turned from him in anger as she started to walk away. 

He spoke calmly, “If you don’t, then I can’t keep you in the Initiate Program.” 

She turned back to him. “Then so be it!” She spat at him and hurried out of medical. 

Rubicant and Julyna saw her leave in anger, Rubicant turned to her, his tone denoting urgency “Julyna!” 

“Right!” Julyna hurriedly answered and went after Iris.

Rubicant turned to Mortora. “Could you leave the GrandMaster and me for a while?” he asked.

She looked at him unsure what to say, as she had an idea of what was going to happen. “Sure, I’ll be in the mess hall if you need me,” she answered.

“Thank you, Doctor,” he said smiling.

A moment later he caught the GrandMaster trying to leave and stopped him. “Look Dan.. err Rubicant I need to continue with Lady Iris right now.” his tone stated his upsetness.

“I’m afraid that's not wise at the moment. Let Iris calm down first.” Rubicant said.

He looked at Rubicant and then sighed softly before speaking quietly, “She needs to apologize for her actions, and I don’t know how I can convince her to do that, as I don’t want to remove her from the Initiate Program.” the GrandMaster finished.

“Then don’t,” Rubicant replied.

The GrandMaster looked at him with his head cocked to the side with a confused look. Rubicant leaned on the bio-bed before continuing, “There may come a time when she’ll forgive him, or she may never forgive him. Regardless it’s her choice on the matter. No one can force her either way." Rubicant paused briefly, "It's a bit obvious that you don’t understand how a female's mind works, which is problematic, so I’m going to give you some advice I learned a long time ago. They mean what they say when they say it, only time can change their minds, and it’s best to let time handle it.” Rubicant explained.


“Because, time is more patient than us.” Rubicant finished softly. 

For someone so young, the GrandMaster was impressed with Rubicant's level of wisdom, and he picked up this, and it made him curious as to why a telepath would be impressed like this. 

After a small pause between them. “Tell me something.” Rubicant began. “Why is it you’re always surprised by me?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” the GrandMaster returned.

Rubicant paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. “You were surprised on Travaina IV when I figure it was you that brought me here, and you were surprised when I didn’t like my birth name, and now you’re surprised by my level of wisdom. Why?” his tone stated his curiosity.

The GrandMaster gave a short light laugh, “You’re asking a telepath this question?” Hoping it would prevent him from asking more of these kinds of questions for the moment.

Rubicant sensed that he wasn’t ready to talk about that, at least for the time being. So, for now, the GrandMaster bound Daniels telepathy to simple tasks, and gave him some exercises to practice with for now, and told him that Julyna could teach him more at a later time, after which he decided to retire for the evening.

Rubicant left medical and turned down a corridor. He decided to try one of the practices the GrandMaster had taught him to find Iris’s quarters, as he wanted to check up on her and make sure she was alright. It was a lot harder to do that after being restrained,  but he did manage to find her quarters and knocked on the door. Julyna was there when it slid open, as she showed him the small console next to the door, and what button to press to make it chime on the inside. 

After that she had him come in. He wasn’t surprised at all to see Iris in tears sitting on a small couch, as he sat next to her and gently pulled her into a hug and nuzzled her. 

“I can’t do it.” She said through her handpaws covering her face and muzzle. 

“Shhh, it’s alright sweetie, there's nothing you don’t have to do if you don’t want too.” He comforted her as best he could, as Julyna leaned in and cuddled her. 

“Besides I honestly think your elders would agree with you,” Julyna said softly. 

Iris figured she was right, because of how overprotective they were with her being their only youngling. “But what do I do now? My Elders were so happy to see me chosen for the program, and now I’m going to be thrown out of it.” At this point, Tygera had called Julyna back to the bridge over the comm system. Julyna gave them both a kiss on the cheek and left. He had her lay down in his lap, and he gently and very lightly ran his fingers over you head, neck, and cheeks to get her to relax completely. The sensation she felt was total bliss, as she let out soft moans from his touch. Never had she been touched in such a way that it sent shivers throughout her body, and slowly caused her to relax, and feel fantastic. It wasn’t long after that she fell asleep in his lap.

Rubicant was in awe. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever expect to see either of them and here he was intimately touching Iris. Just thinking of being like this with both of them and Altair, made his heart skip a beat. This was the first time, with as far back as he could remember, he gave a true smile. While at the same time, and unseen entity watched him smile and was finally happy for him.