On the blanket filled mattress, I was laying on my striped side, slowly opening my eyes to slits. I found my forelegs were wrapped around something.
I made a tiny smile, because of the embrace, because I was happy I wasn't the only one sleeping in the cage. I wasn't alone. My paws held him tighter. I'm happy...
Then...My eyes popped open.
I awoke in the dark cage room while on my side. My paw twitched, moving closer to me, feeling nothing. I lifted my head, finding that nobody was in my grasp. Just emptiness, like the whole cage was. Much to my disappointment, it turned out I was dreaming. Nobody was sleeping by me. I was still alone in here. I formed a frown of sheer disappointment. I muttered with an ear twitching, "Oh, hell." I should have known. Why did I even fall for that one?
I do desire for somebody to sleep by me in this thing, and sometimes I dream up a dream like that. Sometimes I dream of having Roy, Elsa, or Leslie sleep by me till morning came. But comparing to those dreams, this one felt pretty real. I LITERALLY THOUGHT I was holding somebody while asleep, only it turned out to not be the case. I hate it when dreams do that. I shifted up to my stomach, letting out a breath. I wonder why this sleeping with a companion dream felt different. I didn't understand it. Was my dream trying to tell me something? It felt so real...
Then I heard the door to this room open up. I shot my gaze to a person coming in here, as he turned the light on, revealing his face.
Jason. The human I just dreamed about.
I made a smile upon his presence. Huh...Looks like it's morning already. Well at least the night went by quick again.
Jason noticed I was awake and smiled back as he came up to the cage. He said, "Morning."
"Morning, cub." I didn't see if he took offense to that word again. I just drew back my head for a wide, tongue curling yawn. I said afterward, "Gosh...Am I still a bit sleepy or what?" I didn't notice it a second ago, but I saw that Jason came here alone...Without Gilbert! I frowned as I looked around for him, "That's funny...Gilbert's usually in here when morning comes. Where's he at?"
The new animal handler told me, letting out a tiny chuckle, "He hasn't come to work yet."
I threw my expression toward him. I pressed incredulously, "Are you serious? He always does."
Jason said, "It's probably because it's early for him to be here. We've woken up early today."
We have? I asked, "No kidding? Why? That's unusual. I hardly wake up early in the morning."
Jason made a playful, quizzical look, "How would you know? You don't have a clock. Can tigers even tell time?"
I smirked, "Only by the sky."
"But there's no windows in here."
"Then I'm lucky to have you for the sky, ain't I?" I slowly got up on my feet, sticking my rear end in the air for a long stretch. I shook myself a bit. Then asked as I moved off the mattress with one of my hind legs stretching out for a second, "I should be happy to see you, but why are you up so early?"
Jason answered, "I couldn't sleep anymore. I got up, got myself ready and decided to start off my day early...Without Gilbert."
I was internally happy to wake up in this particular morning without that bear of a bastard for once, admittedly. I can almost see myself jumping with joy not seeing that man's face. I replied eagerly, padding closer to the gate, "Cool. That means I get to have my morning dinner from Elsa sooner."
Jason eyed at the cat food in the bowl within the cage, "I can see why you want it so badly." He looked at me next and stated with some concern, "You didn't eat it again. You know, that's the third day in a row."
My eyes threw at the bowl for a moment, then I put them back on him, saying, "So?"
"So, what's the point in feeding you that stuff if you're not going to eat it?" Then he jokingly asked, "Do you think Elsa has been spoiling you with her own food? Do you think that's why you don't eat it, even though it's considered healthy for you?"
Other than it tastes gross...Maybe. I held up my head with smug, "Nope."
Jason shook his head playfully at that, "Heh heh...Never mind I guess." Then, apparently, he was thinking the same thing, since I see him rubbing his stomach in a circle, "I probably am. I'm hungry too. Hopefully Elsa got to work early as I am."
"Oh I'm sure she is." I ordered, in playful and serious sense, "Now open the gate! I'm on my best behavior!"
Jason narrowed his eyes, "That doesn't sound like best behavior. I'm your handler, remember? I'm calling the shots here."
Oh please don't act like Gilbert! I let out a huff, then said, "I know. I'm just so eager to get out of this thing." I put on a innocent smile, "I won't cause any trouble for my nice, new friend. Ok?" Then I roared, "NOW SET ME FREE!" Then gave him the magic word in a normal tone of voice, blinking my eyes cutely, "Pleaaaaase?"
Jason laughed a bit at me, "All right, I'll let you out." He went for the key on the wall, then came back to the gate. He asked before he could unlock it, "Promise you won't give me trouble after this? Look, I'm the only one doing this with you this time, and-"
I cut him off with a promise and a swishing tail, "I promise."
Jason smiled at that, "Okay." Then he unlocked it, pulling it open and sending off a loud squeak. He held out a hand, offering, "After you."
I padded out of the cage, rubbing myself against him in appreciation, "Thank you so much for that." I looked up at him and stated, "If you suggested we wait for Gilbert and I had to stay in that thing till he arrived, I would have gone crazy."
The new human giggled in response, "Thanks for the fair warning. Keeps me out of hearing you giving out those 'harsh' demands over and over."
I shot back, "They wouldn't be harsh. And besides...You would've gave in."
Jason formed a narrow face while holding a smirk, "Don't push it. I may be new with you and just started out and just now let you out, but I'm not that easy."
Well, drat. I spoke, "Neither am I, cub." I winked.
"Will you quit calling me cub?" He let out a somewhat suspicious sigh off his chest, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"
I said to ease his nerves, "Oh, just take me there. I promised you I won't give you trouble." I moved up a few steps to the door, "Let's go."
Jason responded, giving me a nod, "All right." He headed back to the wall to hook up the key, then me and him left the room out in the hallway. As promised, even though we just came out of there, I didn't give him trouble. I was respectful enough to stroll beside him. Having the morning walk with the new human without Gilbert felt utterly peaceful. I don't think I could ask for more peacefulness. Now I was hoping that me and him would be in the dome together before Gilbert arrives at Temra.
Actually, better yet, I'm hoping Jason totally replaces that ass. I feel that won't happen, but I can still hope!
Jason and I went through the cafeteria doors with a push. I didn't smell that usual wafting smell of human food in the air, and I didn't see anybody sitting at the tables. It looked like we're the first ones here. I asked after I took another step, "Is Elsa even here?"
He shrugged with his hands, "I don't know. Maybe she's in the back." He moved forward, "C'mon." I went with him all the way to the back of the cafeteria to that wide opening in the wall. I stood on hind feet, bracing myself against the counter to see over it. As it turned out, Elsa was here early. She was setting up some human food in there, probably getting ready to make it for the people of Temra.
I beamed at the sight of her. I called, "Good morning, Elsa!"
Elsa looked over her shoulder, seeing me and Jason as he smiled and also waved hello. She let out a laugh, dropping what she was doing and hurrying over to meet us, "Wow! Look at you guys!" She went on when she was close to the counter like we are, hands on her hips, "I never pictured you two as early birds." Then she playfully eyed directly toward me, "Especially YOU, Prem. I thought you're a tiger, not a tiny bird that wakes up early in mornings."
I shot my furred head to the young human beside me, "Well it was his fault I've turned into one."
"Oh really?" Then she gazed at my new friend, "Is that true?"
Jason responded, stretching up his arms, "Yeah..." He dropped them down to his sides, "I got up a bit early than I planned. Way before my alarm went off. So I just did my thing then came and got Prem early."
I yapped, "And WE'RE HUNGRY!"
Jason added, nodding, "That too."
Elsa replied, amusement shone in her eyes, "Well, sadly I don't have anything made yet. I'm just getting started." She said to me with a bit of apology now showing, "I didn't expect hungry tigers coming in here early, so don't have anything for you yet either, Prem."
I told her, "It's all right. I can wait. Not like I'm starving so badly."
Elsa chuckled, "Ok." Her hand motioned at the tables, "You two have a seat. I gotta get ready to make breakfast for everyone."
Jason said as I pushed myself off the counter, "Sure thing." He turned to me when I turned to him, then I went to a table with him. When Jason sat in a seat at the end of one, I did my thing of sitting my haunches on the floor near it.
I shot glances around the area, no other people in sight still. I focused my gaze onto him, giggling in tiny amusement, "Wow, this is weird. I never been to the cafeteria like this before."
Jason smirked, "That certainly tells me Gilbert never did this with you."
I swiftly shook my head, "No way."
Then the human added, "Well, I think he'd have to wake up WAY more earlier than we have to do that. He lives outside this place, compared to me. I don't think he can. I live here so I pretty much have the advantage."
"I don't see anything wrong with that." I giggled deeply, "Kinda broke the morning routine a little bit, but we're here anyways."
"Yep." Jason let out a thought, "Gosh, can you imagine him coming here before the sun even rises, and you both were just here at this moment?"
I can't imagine that at all. I replied with a bit of confliction on my face, "I guess if you're saying getting here more early than we have, I don't think I could handle it. I'd PROBABLY need to gather a bit more sleep." Gosh, I can kinda see Gilbert doing a tactic like that. Forcing me to wake up so damn early and making me get out of the cage even though I'm still tired to do so. Thank goodness he hadn't done something like that in my lifetime here!
Jason remarked, "Yeah, and I'd probably have to drag your butt all the way to the dome cause you've passed out."
I let out a laugh, "Better hope I don't! I'm a heavy girl." I looked around again, my tail flicking on the ground, "Seriously, I never seen this place so empty. It's just like the cage and the dome." My eyes rolled to meet his, "Kinda makes me think I own this place now...And I can eat in here whenever I want."
He shook his head at that, "Keep dreaming, spoiled stripes."
I shot back playfully, "Why? Don't you feel like you want to own this place? Heck, you can have ALL the food you can ever want...That'd be a dream come true!" Oh, it certainly would! I can see myself burying into all that tasty meat that's rightfully mine!
Jason let out a giggle, "Tempting, but I don't dream of wanting it."
I formed a hard look, head shaking in a bit of displeasure, "You're such a spoilsport."
He shifted around in his seat, showing off his skinny body while having that grin on his face, "Hey, gotta keep myself in shape."
"Hmpf." I proclaimed, holding up my face with my eyes shut, "Whatever. All for me." I opened them back up, seeing that Jason kept grinning at me. Then, I shortly did the same as we stared at each other. Well, maybe I can probably share...A little bit.
We both sat around and waited to be fed for a long time. Right when a couple people showed up Jason was given the first plate. Me, however, I still waited for my meal, considering mine probably takes a bit longer to cook.
Earl, the master of Temra, with that white fur of his on his head, came to the cafeteria as well. I scowled when he appeared in my view. I was happy I wasn't in trouble on the night Jason knew about my secret and Temra's, thanks to him saying so, but that doesn't excuse him for keeping me here when I want to go home, and that also doesn't excuse him for excusing Gilbert's evil behavior towards me. I DID NOT want to see him. It almost made me want to run up and roar him away. But I knew I'd get in trouble and I stayed put, like I was an obedient tiger that he and Gilbert certainly wanted me to be.
I haven't seen him in the cafeteria before honestly. This was basically my first time seeing Earl here. All I know why was because he shows up here early daily before I would show up with Gilbert, and doesn't actually eat with all of us. From what I heard, he comes here just to get his plate and then leaves and eats back in his office. I don't truly understand why, but considering he was the master of everything here, I guess I do. Why would a master eat with others that are lesser than him? I know us tigers are like kings and queens of the jungle, but I don't think we'd be acting like that, eat alone without everyone else. Some tigers would probably, depending on what they are and their situation. But I can tell you that I'M certainly not like that.
I can also guarantee that I wouldn't be eating with him. Like I wouldn't be eating with Gilbert. I can put up with Gilbert chowing down here a little bit, considering I didn't have much of a choice because of the daily rules I put up with, but for Earl, considering what he's put me through with that bear of a bastard...I hoped he wouldn't stay here long.
He'd better be gone in a minute.
Earl announced when he saw me and Jason at the end of the table together, "Hey! Young Jason Taylor, what a surprise!"
Jason just smiled, "Hey, Mr. Hargrove."
Then he eyed at me when he stopped near us, "And salutations to you, Prem."
I only muttered, without showing much emotion, "Hi, Earl." Get away from me, you bastard.
Earl focused on Jason, "I see you've shown up for breakfast early with the tiger. I hardly ever see her in here." He shot his gaze at me momentarily, "Really nice to get a bit acquainted with her."
I said, with evident heat in my voice, "Same here."
Jason pointed out, "I hardly see YOU in here."
The old human replied after locking his eyes onto him again, "I don't get to eat much with everybody. Lots of things to do in the office. That's what heads of facilities like this usually are."
Jason said with his head shaking a bit, "Don't blame you."
The master asked, "So how are you doing, kid?" He motioned his hand toward me without looking at me, "The tiger getting along with you ok?"
Is he seriously not asking that DIRECTLY TOWARD ME?! Asshole. I answered before the young human did, "I think we both are."
Jason answered after me with a agreeable nod, "She's right. We are. She's pretty much been behaving herself with me."
Earl smiled, "Splendid! Gilbert told me you're a natural with her. You're blooming to be a animal handler just like him."
I remarked, "I seriously doubt he'll be like Gilbert. I think he's a great handler in his own way."
Earl looked toward me and agreed, "Probably. Every handler has their own personality."
I replied with much heated empathsis, "THEY SURE DO." Jason's a much better handler than the one you defend...You two-face scumbag. I noticed Jason tilting his head at me nearby.
Earl took his attention off me and onto him. He said, "Well, I think I'll leave you both to it. Gonna grab me something and be on my way. Good luck, kid." He told me next, "Take care, Prem. Maybe we'll see each other again some other time."
I responded, "I can't wait." Just get out of here already! Earl left us for the counter. I was starting to feel a bit better when I watched him stand near it with his back turned. About time.
I heard Jason speak to me curiously, "You ok, stripes?" I looked at him, seeing he was showing concern, "You sounded a little tense for a minute."
I wanted to tell him right now that I hated that human who was done talking to us with a passion, but I gulped down the words. I answered with new ones, rolling my shoulders a bit for relaxation, "I'm fine. Just a little tired of waiting for my food." I shot a glance at the counter, spotting Earl already grabbing his plate, then turned and wandered away. I merely watched him as he strolled between the tables for the exit. Thank god he's not staying here. The second Earl left the cafeteria through the doors, I saw somebody else showing up here from a distance. My friend Leslie finally arrived today. My mood changed dramatically in the form of a smile. She caught sight of me already in the cafeteria with Jason, and came right up to me. While Jason just sat and watched, I cried happily, strolling up to her, "Hi, Leslie!"
Leslie said in a greeting voice while I was nuzzling her, "Why hello there, Prem!" She was stroking me, "How'd you get here so early? I don't think I came here late. I came at the right time as always."
I pulled back and explained, "No you weren't late. Jason woke up early and brought me here early." I yapped as my head spun around, "This place was VERY empty when I showed up! You should've seen it!"
The yellow furred human responded with amusement in tone, "Wow, you must have shown up real early."
I remarked, "Yeah, and I'm just an early bird now...As Elsa refers."
"Sounds like it. I'm surprised. This never happened before."
I glanced at Jason, "Thanks to him it had." Leslie strolled closer to where he sat and I tagged along with her.
She said to him, holding a smirk when we both stopped near the end of the table near him, "Hello there." Her hand motioned to me, "I oughta say, THIS is interesting."
Jason said after forming a smile, "Not everyday you get to see the tiger beating you for breakfast, huh?"
Leslie let out a tiny laugh, then started shaking her head, "No. I'm really surprised."
"So am I, a little bit, I think." He stated when eyeing at me, "She's pretty interested by it herself, I can tell you that much."
Leslie said, "Oh I'm sure she's interested being here before everybody." I nodded in agreement nearby. She went on, "Seriously, I never thought you'd do this."
I chimed, "Me either."
Then she said, "But I guess it was only a matter of time. You live in this place so I suppose that was bound to happen."
Jason shrugged his shoulders, "Eh, I just didn't want to leave her in the cage a little while longer."
"Well, it's pretty beyond a certain handler's capabilities I'd probably think."
"I'm sure Gilbert won't mind. It's morning, I was up, I was ready to do my job, so why not?"
I spoke up, "Yeah, why not? I don't see why not!" We all shared a laugh together.
Leslie glanced at the counter for a second, then brought her attention back on us and said, shooting up a finger, "Excuse me." She wandered off, leaving us alone for a minute. She came back with a plate moments later, having a seat in front of Jason.
I let out a sigh as my stomach growled again like it had done many times already. My food will be coming soon. Hang on! Since I was curious, I went up to the counter and hollered through it after holding myself up there, "Hey, Elsa! Is it almost done yet?"
Elsa hollered while farther back there, "It's getting there! Hang on!" I got myself off the counter and trekked right back to my spot near Jason and Leslie. Damn it. Now I kinda wish I was sleeping in the cage still before coming here.
Leslie asked me in a teasing way, "You hungry?"
"Yeah..." I let out a hungry huff, "I think how empty this place was distracted my stomach for a while, but now that everyone's coming here...With food in front of their faces...I'm feeling like I want to be like them."
She giggled, then stabbed something with her fork and held it right out for my reach, "Want a egg?"
I gave her a hardened face, "No! I hate eggs!"
My elder friend shot back, thrusting the food at my face, "You never tried them before!"
"And I don't wanna!" I told her, almost wanting to swipe that thing out of my sights, "If it's not meat, I'm not digging my teeth in it."
Jason pointed this out, "You do eat cat food...I guess sometimes. That's not meat."
I threw my hard look at him, "That's different!" Leslie laughed when she finally pulled the egg back while Jason giggled. I dropped down to my stomach with my chin on my paws, grumbling, "I'll take my chances waiting for my own food to get done, thank you very much."
Leslie spoke, "Suit yourself, dear." She put the egg her fork still held on into her mouth and ate it.
Jason shortly said with a bit of amusement as he was eating his plate, "You think I made a mistake bringing her here early?"
Leslie replied, "Oh probably not. I think she'll be fine. Least it'll have her get out of the cage a more while longer."
"True..." He giggled, "I gotta say...She's pretty hilarious."
Leslie replied with a few nods, "She has her moments. It's like she has them almost everyday. I can't get enough of her." She pointed her fork at him, "Maybe you woke up and got to her early because you can't get enough of her."
Jason admitted, "Probably." Despite my hunger bothering me and I took offense about the egg, I smiled at him. You can't get enough of me? I'm flattered.
She mentioned, "It's painfully obvious. You've been hanging out with her in the dome a lot. Two whole days in a row...That's a lot of time to spend with her if you ask me."
Jason stated, stabbing something on his plate, "I still had fun with her. Besides it's not like I have a lot to do outside that." He lifted what he stabbed and his teeth grabbed off the fork, chewing it.
"I see your point." Leslie turned her head to ask me, "So, are you excited to spend another day with him?"
Still smiling, I spoke up finally with my head still laying on my paws, "You bet."
Leslie suggested, grinning, "I thought so. Just try not to rough him up when you're alone with him in there."
I giggled deeply, "I'll try not to." Please. When I wrestle with him playfully one day, I ain't going EASY on him!
Jason asked in a cautious tone, "What do you guys mean by that?"
Leslie casted his gaze onto him and answered a bit playfully, "Oh, nothing."
I answered too, acting innocent, "Yeah...Absolutely nothing."
Jason frowned at me for a moment, then wiped it off with a shrug, "Eh, all right." He went back to eating his food, while I was smiling up at him deviously. That's right, cub...NOTHING AT ALL.
I pushed open the door to the dome, the view of the jungle ahead of me as the sun above it was shining brightly on me. I closed it tight and went to go back to Prem, back to where I last left her. The morning was uneventful as usual, and so has the hours pass. Me and Prem went to the habitat dome soon after we were done eating in the cafeteria, ready to spend day three of hanging out together. I was just watching over her like the last two days, and sitting around with her as much as I want, joking around a bit with her while at it. Same old stuff...Till I had to leave this place to go eat.
But as you can see I'm back, about to spend the rest of the afternoon with the tiger.
I pushed a large dangling leaf aside that was in my way as I strolled on a path. I thought about dad. He did show up for work today, which that was no surprise. He arrived at the cafeteria as soon as I was done eating my plate. Too bad Prem didn't eat her food yet. I wanted to leave the place when he showed up. When he was heading to sit down with me and Leslie, I moved to a different table straight away. Leslie and Prem wondered where I was going and wanted me to stay put, but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay away from my father as much as I possibly could again. I even told Prem to stay where she was when she wanted to move with me, just so she could be with her other friends other than me. Might as well have her talk with them when she had the chance. They'll be doing science work after eating, and she's got the whole day to chat with me anyway.
A little while later after Prem started to eat her food finally, Gilbert finally came too, on the same time as he always goes to work probably. After sitting with me at our respective table, and learned what happened before he got to work, he was surprised by my stunt with myself and Prem. Kinda impressed. He hadn't expected me to do all that all by myself. He thought it was another step up for my job, even though it was a little early than on time as planned. Nevertheless, I still wasn't a late bloomer, and he was impressed. He even joked that he didn't have to knock on my bedroom door today.
But my handling partner did throw more caution at me, warning me what could've happened if he wasn't around. I get he was trying to protect me, but I think I was doing fine with Prem. Heck, she was doing fine with me for my first time escorting her to the cafeteria alone. He didn't bother me about it afterward. As soon as all of us were done eating breakfast, Gilbert came with me to escort Prem to the dome, and then left us alone.
My mind remembered what the female tiger and the night security guard said to me before about him. I wanted to press him about it earlier, mostly on what Prem told me. Expect him to give me an honest answer. I can understand with all the years of being animal handler probably made him hard and strong, but I was hoping he wasn't some kind of asshole or something. I hated assholes...And tools. A combination of both. Who wouldn't? If that guy was acting like Alec, that dog turd headed prick, in a way, but without the skateboard and riches, then me and him would have a problem.
But I didn't talk to him about it. For one thing, I was thinking maybe having that conversation in the cafeteria with everyone else around was not a good place to have it. Plus...I was afraid I'd look like an idiot again. I kinda accused him of starving Prem on purpose that morning, after me and him left her in the dome and went to the cafeteria without her, and after what Elsa told me, but he contradicted that we were going to feed her anyway. I always figured that was a misunderstanding. And maybe what Chase said is a bit of a misunderstanding too. I get Chase REALLY complained about it, but maybe Gilbert does mistake that guy's name as 'Chip' a bunch by accident...For some reason. Maybe it was because they don't talk to each other a lot. But what Prem said didn't sound like a misunderstanding.
I don't know about Gilbert not saying goodnight to her in a 'mature' way, but when it comes to not hanging out with her in the dome like me, by the way it looks for the past few days Prem seems to be telling the truth. Not breaking the same routine he always uses to spend one minute of his time with her...That seems a little rude when I think about it. I mean, you'd think he'd at least take the time away from watching bad soap opera along with fake news and spend some time with her in the dome before nighttime. But by the sounds of it he never did. Maybe it was because he didn't want to bother her because of her aggressiveness, as he puts it, but I can't see that about her...And that doesn't totally answer why Prem said he doesn't say goodnight to her in the way she described.
I won't be afraid to look like an idiot anymore. I will talk to him tonight. I am planning on giving Prem a quick goodnight and speak to him privately about what I learned. But I kinda thought that if he was that kind of person, what makes me think he was going to tell the truth? Tools always tell lies. Especially Alec...He definitely proved that.
Well...Whether Gilbert is or not, I was taking that risk. I wanted to know what was going on between him and her.
I want to know why. I ain't letting it slide till I do.
But until then...I'm gonna hang out with Prem.
I stepped out of the path into open space. I headed for the spot where I left Prem, but found she was gone. I mumbled out loud, putting myself to a stop, "Where'd she go?" I shrugged my shoulders, turning away from the spot, "She can't be too far away. I'll go look for her." I strode across plain grass as my eyes scanned around the area for her. After about a few minutes of trekking on open space, I saw Prem coming out of the edge of huge, lush trees from a very good distance. I smiled wide, waving my hand, "Hey I'm back!" I can see the big cat beaming, then dashing immediately to meet me. My eyes went wide at the speed her feet made. Dang, she's going pretty fast! I held out my hands, backing up a bit with caution, "Whoah, whoah, whoah!"
Prem put on the brakes, skidding on the grass a bit to a stop. She stopped about two feet in front of me. My hands dropped as I let out a whoosh of air. Holy crap. If there was another way for me to get injured on the job other than bitten, THAT WAS IT! Prem giggled at me, letting out a breath, "Afraid I was going to run over you?"
My heart still pounding in my chest, I replied with a huge grin on my face, "God yes."
Prem remarked, amusement shone in her eyes, "Luckily I didn't run for another second, otherwise I'd be trampling over you like a buffalo."
"Yeah, luckily." I cried out as I was still in a bit of shock, "I didn't expect you to run so fast!"
She reared back her head, acting perplexed, "Didn't expect me to run so fast? Did you honestly think tigers couldn't do that?" Then she said proudly, "Other than having stripes, that's the beauty of being one. You run fast than anything else."
"No kidding." I'll have to keep that in mind next time, you tiger.
She gazed right at my feet, "As a matter of fact, I could easily outrun you."
I concurred, nodding a bit while my heart was slowing down finally, "You demonstrated that. I ain't doubting."
She locked her teasing eyes with mine, "You know, Jason...Along with the fear of being eaten by me, you're awfully paranoid. I would never have charged right into you like I'm some kind of rhino." They focused directly at her nose, "I don't got the horn to do it."
I chuckled, shaking my head, "No. You're smaller than one I would imagine...And the buffalo."
Prem replied playfully, "Exactly. And mind you, I'm not dumb, and I know when to slow down. Now stop being worked up. I ain't running over you."
I made a tiny laugh, "I know...I wouldn't be so shocked if you hadn't left your post."
Prem responded, "I was waiting for you for a long time and I got up and did something. You know you probably could have brought your plate and ate in here."
I remarked, "What, and eat alone without you having your own dinner platter? That's not exactly fair."
She insisted, her tail flicking behind her, "Come on, I wouldn't mind. Sad we can't have dinner together anymore, but I would still respect the rules." Then she narrowed her eyes teasingly, "However, I kinda did wish you had brought something back. Right now actually. Did you by any chance?"
I just smirked, raising up my empty hands, "Does it look like I did?"
"Too bad...I'm thinking about getting a running start and charge you if you didn't."
I dropped them down and muttered, "Geez."
She giggled, whirling around with her tail facing me. She glanced over her shoulder, "But it's okay. I don't want to now. I'm tired of running."
I shot back, "Great."
Prem suggested, "And now that you're back, let's sit someplace. I'm also tired of standing around."
"Take us wherever you want." With her in the lead, I moved along behind her. I pressed shortly while I followed, "By the way, where'd you go while I was gone?"
The feline answered, "Nowhere really." She added after she twisted her head to glance at me, "Just to the edge of the dome. I go to it when I try to find something to do."
I offered, "Ah. Well, maybe me and you could do it together sometime. If you won't mind?"
Prem accepted, "Not at all. I'll be glad to have you join me at any spot that's near the edge." Her gaze brought forward and she padded faster to a direction, "Speaking of spots, let's sit over there." This particular spot wasn't much. Just out in the open space away from trees and all the greenery. She laid on her stomach, and shortly I caught up and sat down with her. Prem shifted closer to me, and I wrapped my arm around her neck. We both let out breaths at the same time as we relaxed together. After Prem shot her eyes up at the top of the dome, she shortly cut through the silence, "Really is a nice day. Isn't it?"
I looked up at the blue sky and the shining sun. I agreed with a different term, "Cheerful day, I think." I heard her giggle to herself. I smiled with playfulness in my eyes, rolling them to her, "What?"
She told me, casting her attention to me, "I was thinking about the days when it wasn't so cheerful. Rainy, I mean." She lifted her head up toward the ceiling and explained, "I find it amusing that the dome just blocks falling rain like a lush tree, never touching me or anything the dome contains."
I added one thing when I joined her gaze, "Beats getting me wet too and ruin sitting right here in the open."
Prem chuckled, "Yeah...I heard humans have a BIT of an aversion to getting wet."
I shrugged, "What doesn't?"
She went on, eyes still at the ceiling, "What's more amusing is when it rains very hard, it flows off the top of this place down toward the bottom of the walls outside like a river. Seems a little beautiful when I watch something like that."
I rubbed the side of her neck, "Sounds like something I wouldn't mind watching." I didn't really care much about rain falling, only have to get out of it when it does fall! But honestly, what she said does sound a bit neat. Not a lot of people could watch the rain flow down the walls outside within a dome. I think I'll give that a try when it happens.
She finally lowered her gaze, "But even rain at times comes with something of a spectacle." I looked at her and she stared back at me with a small smile on her muzzle, "Thunder and lightning."
I asked, "Let me guess...You don't like either much?"
Prem admitted, "For a long time." She looked away, adding with a tiny giggle, "Well, I used to be very afraid of lightning, but I think I have gotten used to it a bit. The thunder, well, that's a different story." She looked up to the sky again, "I just hate all those loud booms that erupt in the sky. They always scare me. Don't think much about thunder, but back then I was afraid of lightning coming right at me and somehow hit me. But I guess now these days I feel kinda protected by this thing. Lightning would probably never hit me as long as I'm in here."
I nodded in agreement, "Lightning is not something you should play with. People have gotten killed because of it."
She moved down her head to smile at me, "That I have heard from your dad. But at least you'll be safe from it."
I told her with a grin, "Honestly I'm not afraid of lightning, or thunder. The latter might make me jump a bit, but I'm not actually afraid of it. I'm just afraid of getting wet."
"Well in that case, you won't."
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Thankfully!" I heard her giggling deeply. I smiled at her for one moment, then we just stared at the jungle in front of us. My gaze trailed across the area, over the trees, imagining Prem actually hiding in them just to hide from thunder...And maybe a bit of lightning. What animal wouldn't do that? All animals would take cover in fright during a storm I've heard. When days like that happen, she probably tries to put up with that kind of fear all alone here without company. That makes me feel sorry for her when I think about it.
Why won't Gilbert stay with her like me? Does she have anybody to comfort her when she's scared of a storm? I'm betting not.
I planned to talk to Gilbert tonight, but I decided to go ahead and talk to Prem about what she told me. I started, "Prem?"
Prem put her attention on me, "Yeah, Jason?"
I stared back into her eyes, asking this, "...Why does Gilbert not stay with you when you're in the dome?" I saw some kind of bitterness in her eyes shortly after I asked. She turned her head away. Then she all of a sudden got up and moved up a few paces away from me. I immediately got up to my feet. While she stood with her rear end faced toward me, I pressed again, "What's going on between you two? I don't exactly get it. Why does he always seem to leave you alone? And...Why did you say what you said about him last night?" I was shaking my head in a confusing way, "I don't exactly get that either."
Prem, after a long pause, finally admitted in a low audible voice, "...We don't like each other."
"How come?"
The big cat turned around to face me. She said, "You don't know what he is like...Do you?"
I just stood there, pausing for a long time. Finally I shrugged my shoulders and hands, "Well...I think he's a cool guy to be with, and is the kind of guy that is looking out for me...And is pretty good at his job looking out for you."
"Looking out for me..." Prem mildly shook her head, "You really have no idea..."
Huh? Why is she saying that? I gave her a gesture, "Mind laying it out for me?"
She let out a sigh, apparently about ready to lift the weight that is on her shoulders, "I wanted to tell you this since you shown up, and I might as well get it over with now...Before it gets worse." She went on to tell me this with a serious look, "Gilbert is not the kind of person you're thinking." I frowned. Then she added, "He's bad."
I said one word in total confusion, "What?"
She made a bold statement, "Gilbert has always been bad. Actually, more like he's evil. He's been putting on a show for you. Probably has from the moment you two met. He's been making you think he's something that he isn't. He's lying to you about himself."
Shortly, I responded, "...Are you serious?"
"Yes." She warned, "He's been making you think he cares about me, but really he is nothing but a rude, harsh, manipulating, scummy liar that is making lies about himself, and throwing false warnings about me toward you."
I demanded, trying to register what she's saying, "Are you saying that he's purposely saying all those things...Just to make you look vicious?"
"That, and to gain his trust." She continued with a narrowed look, "But I'm the one telling you the truth. Jason, he's been saying that I was aggressive so you could be on his side. So you could gain his trust and be afraid of me. I think it's a little evident when you are a little paranoid about me eating you or hurting you. He's been lying to you about that. He says I'm the aggressive one, but truthfully, HE is the aggressive one."
I called her out on that, "What are you talking about? Gilbert's not like that. He takes good care of you."
"Really? Then why did he leave me in the dome before you guys went to the cafeteria without me that day?"
I recalled, "Because he was afraid you were going to go potty in the cafeteria, cause you had before. That was just a precaution."
Prem yapped, her tail swinging in irritation, "Like that stupid cage?! Yeah, that's a REAL precaution. That's not true. I never did 'go' in the cafeteria. The only place other than the dome I went was in that obnoxious thing! Yes, I have urinated and crapped in the cage before...Before I had the guts to yell for someone for help that night. I bet he never told you that."
I countered, "But he said we were going to feed you later."
She rolled her eyes bitterly, "Yeah right! He'd never do that. It's no wonder you came back to me with that food all by yourself on that day. And he had you guys leave me in the dome that day just to antagonize me by starving me, or probably because he didn't want to keep me around for a long time and drops me off here early. He did that on purpose, when I didn't do anything wrong. Couldn't you tell I didn't? It wasn't really the first time, it happened before, more than once. To tell you the truth, before you came, Elsa ALWAYS fed me with her nice food when she sees me not around in her view in the morning. Gilbert never does. Oh, and did I happen to mention he has a whip that he whips me with?"
Whip? The hell is she talking about?
She spoke during my silence, "I figured you didn't know about that either. He has a whip that he aggresses with towards me. He has used it on me when I don't do what he commands. When he gets very mad, he uses it on me over, and over, and over...Till I get to the point of crying. Sometimes I think he gets pleasure by how much he hurts me with it...How much I cry and squirm like I'm a scared weakling."
She's saying he's abusing her?! Not doing things professionally?! No way! I shook my head at that, "That's crazy!" My arm thrusted out to the side, "He can't be that person, he'd have been kicked out of here if he was!"
Prem told me another cold fact, "That's because his boss, and your boss, Earl, always defends him. He always makes excuses to keep him around." She shook her furred head at the last part, "He's not really an innocent human either...Earl's as evil as your faker pal."
I can't believe a word of this! I accused, "Prem...Are you saying all those things because I'm your favorite?"
She reared back her head, "Excuse me?!"
"Are you really tired of having Gilbert around and want me all to yourself because I'm spoiling you with things? Is it because he doesn't spoil you like me?"
She cried, "Jason I'm not the liar! HE IS THE LIAR!"
I shot back, "Come on! Do you expect me to believe that everything he said was a lie, especially your aggressive behavior?" Both my hands shot at her, "I mean look at yourself, you're a tiger! You really telling me you haven't ONCE shown any aggressiveness towards anybody? Not even when you were brought to Temra?"
Prem admitted, "Granted I haven't always been a nice tiger. At the beginning, during the time when I was given the ability to talk to your kind, I was acting vicious and defiant...Until Gilbert, and my friends, changed me."
I demanded, "And you are positive that you wouldn't act that way with me?"
"NEVER." She defended herself, "I would NEVER do that to you."
"Not unless I gave you a reason, right?"
"NO! Not even if you gave me a reason!" She huffed, "I care for you enough not to do that. And even if I was acting that way, it would be all because of Gilbert."
I nodded, "Right, cause he doesn't respect what you want. You probably had fought with him about things and you end up not winning. No wonder you don't like him."
"I don't want to win! I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY!"
I just stood and glared at her.
Prem growled, "I want to live in a happy life and not feel like I'm being tortured all the time! He doesn't care about me like you do! Gilbert always hurts me because he doesn't care, and he leaves me in the dome cause he doesn't want to be around me and does not care about me! He never did. Only your father and his friends ever had. He's trying to make you see things that aren't true. He's got YOU in his paws, Jason. I'm thinking now he lets you stay with me in the dome despite all his warnings he gave you so hopefully you'll see me for what he was trying to tell you somehow. Have you ever thought about that? He is manipulating you, and is trying to MOLD you into becoming HIM. I am certain that's what his plan is. If he's ever gone for some reason, another asshole will take his place to do his nasty deeds."
Her chest heaved, her eyes shown concern, "I don't want another asshole, Jason...I want another friend."
I just stared at her, completely suspicious of everything she said. I suspiciously stated, "There was something going on in Temra before, and now I know what it was. But now I see that something else is going on here...And I don't like it." I slowly turned around, not taking my eyes off her, "I think I see why Gilbert doesn't want to be here with you. And I guess maybe I see why you're a bit clingy toward me...You're trying to use me to get him kicked out of this place and out of your life forever...Because you don't like the way he does things with you."
Prem made a step forward, trying to speak with sad eyes, "Jason...That's not true."
I looked down at my feet, then ahead at a path in the jungle habitat, "I'm going to leave now...Have a wonderful day." I strode off.
"Jason!" I heard her running footsteps and her form quickly blocked my way. She threw up her begging, desperate eyes at me, "Please...Don't leave me."
I gaped at her face. I said, "I thought you were someone special...But apparently you're just like everyone else...Someone who manipulates. I'm not taking my chances in getting into trouble." I moved my hand dismissively, "Move out of the way." Prem was hesitant at first. Then her striped form moved, and I went on past her with her head down low. I didn't look back, never had when I headed through the greenery.
Nine o'clock had already struck, and here I was walking Prem along with Gilbert to her cage. With nothing but the sound of our shoes clicking on the floor, I threw my gaze down at the tiger between us. She didn't notice I was staring at her as we wandered down the hall. I let out a breath, thinking back to what happened in the dome.
God it hasn't been my day. Not how I thought it'd have ended. All the things Prem said to me earlier really got to me. It was all purely unbelievable. Gilbert and Earl evil...That was ridiculous. I didn't see what she was talking about. I didn't see any of those things being true. I never seen Gilbert showing any signs of everything she claimed. I never even seen the whip she mentioned. I don't think it exists. I'm definitely sure of everything.
And I seriously knew she was lying to me, and her feelings toward me were a lie too.
I should have figured it out sooner.
All three of us paced around a corner, with my mind still pondering. From one thing she said, it sorta sounded like what Elsa told me, on the day when she didn't come to the cafeteria with me and Gilbert. It seemed like it wasn't the first time Elsa noticed she wasn't around in her work area. Maybe Gilbert had good reasons for it...But Elsa thinks he's a bastard for not taking her to the cafeteria to be fed, and had left to feed the tiger herself. I've certainly got a feeling she's being manipulated by Prem. Guess other than not liking being called 'doll', it's no wonder she's playing hard to get with him. She absolutely hates him because of all the lies about him. And with Prem sitting with everyone else in the cafeteria, I don't think it's just Elsa. My dad and Leslie are probably manipulated by her too. They're all being nice to her...And she's been playing them all within her claws. I bet with no doubt, that she manipulated them into trying to get rid of Gilbert for her own reasons, but since Earl defended him, she failed.
And apparently she tried it again. This time with me.
But I saw what she was doing, and walked away.
I then looked at my handling partner, not noticing me doing that like Prem. I haven't exactly told him what happened between me and her. Haven't told anybody about it really. Maybe it was because I was in shock, but I thought it didn't matter since I was seeing what was going on with her. I've been thinking Gilbert planned to tell me about it, since he probably knew what she truly is like, but maybe he also didn't want to ruin anything between me and the big cat. Well Prem certainly did. And I pretty much abandoned the idea of talking to him after my conversation with her. I was wrong to think he was doing any wrong. I was feeling like an idiot once more.
I will never be one again.
I gazed at the huge feline again. When me and Gilbert arrived at the dome tonight to take her to the cage, she didn't say anything at all. She gave me this look that she wasn't lying to me for a short bit before we took her out of there. Since then, she's still been quiet. A somber look plastered on my face, and I threw it down at my feet. How could Prem even do that to me? She seemed decent and fun. I thought maybe I would have a real friend in this place. I lost all my real friends because of my mom...Well, one because of law enforcement, but you get the point.
Elsa, Leslie, Gilbert, Earl and Chase seemed okay to be my friends, but I don't think they'd be the kind for me to...Actually talk with.
I mean...Not just have a conversation, but to really tell all my problems to. Prem's an animal, sure, but...She seemed to be the type. I felt that about her.
But now...I don't trust her. I can't now. I'm not sure if I ever will again. After everything I did for her...She tries to use me. How can she even go through with that in her own mind to do something like that? It's sick.
Prem...I trusted you.
I saw dad coming towards us, apparently leaving work for tonight. Right before he would walk past us he waved at Prem, "Night, Premy."
Prem replied back right when he passed us, "Goodnight, Roy." I followed her gaze too, watching him still pace down the hall for a second. I looked down at her again, the tiger returning the gaze. Her eyes held plea momentarily before putting them ahead. I did the same, focusing back on my duties as animal handler. Dad really doesn't know the truth. He's really trusting someone who is lying him. I remembered Earl warning about a mouse infiltrating The Pentagon or someplace like that to steal vital information about my country...Try to imagine a animal that is so manipulating smart, that they were arriving in a small town and saying to the people there that they wouldn't hurt anybody...Only to find a newborn baby being taken away from a couple for a snack a few days later. Now that's probably the worst case scenario for anybody.
If only dad and his fellow scientists thought of how far an animal is willing to go to get what they want...Even betray the ones who gave them that ability. Heck, I'm imagining she might try to betray me because I didn't give her what she wanted...Like she was trying that with Gilbert. That would be the worst case scenario for me...I'd be fired of the job, and mom and dad would be pissed.
Dad...You and everyone else have no idea what you've done.
The three of us were at the door to Prem's room. I quickly opened it, narrowing my eyes to Prem and gesturing them for her to go in there. Prem obeyed, sauntering with her head hanging low. I followed close behind as she slowly went across the huge room, into the wide open gate. I stood at the gate, watching her wander onto the mattress. She turned around and laid down, staring at me with those insisting eyes. I shut the gate, my gaze not leaving hers. How could you, Prem? How could you lie to me? How could you even say something like that about Gilbert, after everything he's done for you?
"Jason." I glanced and caught Gilbert tossing the gate key at me like the other night. My hand catched it, then I locked the gate. When I pulled the key out of the lock, I was peering at Prem through the bars again. Gilbert came up beside me and waved his hand, a smile on his face, "Nighty night."
I thought I saw some anger flashing in her eyes when he appeared near me. She turned her head away, replying in a low tone, "Goodnight."
Gilbert turned his body a bit to the door, patting my shoulder, "Let's go." I didn't tell him to give me a minute with her like I did the past couple nights. I didn't want to talk to her. I instead whirled around with the older man, heading past him for the wall hook to hang the key, then headed for the door. Gilbert beat me out in the hall when I turned the light in the room off and closed the door behind me.
I let out a sigh as my hand still held the knob. Prem...
Gilbert cut through my thoughts, "Jason." I looked toward him, "You alright, kid?"
I responded, nodding a bit, putting up a small smile on my lips, "Yeah I'm ok."
The senior handler was smiling at me when he said, "Good. Cause I've got something to show you."
I wrinkled my brow, "What is it?"
He only answered with this, his hand beckoning a few times, "Just come with me. It's in the storage room." He started wandering away from me for the direction of that said room, and I started following him. Huh...Wonder what he wants to show me in there...
A couple minutes later, we arrived in front of the door to the storage room. He pulled the door open and we went in. It was just a regular storage room that is small and white with several bags of cat food sitting on the floor on one side, and a few wooden shelves carrying some itmes which I don't think have anything to do with my job on the other.
Gilbert pulled a long string dangling from the ceiling in the middle, brightening up the room. Then he turned back to me, and motioned for me to come over to the shelves, "Over here." I paced to the spot closer to them. Gilbert grabbed something off one and held it out for me to see.
A whip.
I didn't show it, but I was internally shocked. What...Is that the...? I asked, taking my attention off the thing and putting it on the guy holding it, "What's this?"
He replied like he seemed proud, "It's a whip, kid, what else could it be? It's something I'll be teaching you how to punish Prem with...Whenever she gets aggressive with you. I think it's about time I taught you how to deal with that."
A bit incredulous, I pressed when I looked at the item in his hand, "You use this thing...To punish her?"
He brought it up closer to his face, his other hand smoothly running on it, seemingly admiring it. He said, "Yep. This thing will make any animal do what you say. Certainly does so with Prem. Whenever she gets mean, I get mean too with this. Using it is real easy. It's got a nice grip when you really wanna go hard at it. Here, I'll show you." He spin around with his back staring at me. I watched him demonstrate it by swinging that thing up and bringing it down quick, the long end of the whip smacked loudly on the floor.
My eyes went wide. That quite literally made me picture him doing that to Prem. I can almost hear her scream in pain.
Gilbert turned back to me, "You see? This thing is better than letting the animal starve in the cage, when you want to show it that you mean business."
"I see." I can see that the look in his eyes...He seems to be ENJOYING talking about it. Not to mention seemed to have ENJOYED showing me how good it was. I think maybe he imagined Prem being here when he swinged the thing like me. It's like it was giving him a bit of a thrill, and it was like...He's HAPPY that he had used it on Prem.
"Heh...I don't think watching me will teach you much. How bout you do a little bit of practice? Here." My teacher held the whip out for me, "Take it." I stared at it in mid-air. Then, I slowly reached out and snagged it, holding it tight. I pulled it toward me, examining it in my hand. Gilbert urged, "Well, what are you waiting for? I showed you how to use it, I don't need to tell you how. Let's see what you got, give it a whirl."
I was hesitant to do it at first, but with his urging eyes, I knew I couldn't resist. I turned from him a bit, pulled back my hand gripping the handle, and swung it down hard and fast. The loud smack boomed off the walls in the room.
Gilbert urged again, "Do it again."
I did what he told, the same sound was now like a mere echo pounding at my eardrums. Honestly, on the inside I felt like I was shaking. Shocked that I was even doing that, other than thinking it'll be used to whip an animal like you were some cruel man.
I knew there was a way to 'punish' Prem outside her cage, and heck I've been PATIENTLY waiting for days for him to finally teach me how to deal with that...But I never thought I would punish her like...THAT.
It was scary. I couldn't imagine myself doing that.
He complimented me with a smile and a nod, "Not bad. You look like you've got the hang of it."
I muttered this, "Yeah..." I slowly faced him, gazing at his face.
He then spoke to me with a serious expression, "Now listen, kid...When she talks back to you in a very rude way, or even TRIES to bite you or anything like that...You use it, no matter what. Do not tolerate that behavior. You use it and show her who's the boss. And do not regret it, or otherwise she'll know that you're weak and can't stand up to her. Understand? I don't want you hurt. In fact...It's yours."
I peered down at the object still dangling in my grip. Mine huh? Gilbert stated while I was still looking at it, "You can take it to your room, or take it back in the cage room since that's where it mostly goes. Remember the other hook on the wall in there? Well, that's what it's for. Hang it up like a basketball jersey...Or a trophy if you love it THAT much." A giggle to himself was what I heard next, the kind of giggle that sounded like it came from some kind of devil. He patted my arm, having me look back at him. He said, "There. That's all I'm teaching you about it. It's real simple. Just remember what I told you...And do not EVER back down. Animals can sense weaknesses. Don't let her sense yours. Got it?"
I responded, "...I got it."
He nodded at me, "Good. I'm gonna head home now. Take care, partner." With that, he went out the door, and leaving me stand in here in shock and surprise.
My eyes blinked at the item. Jesus Christ...I don't believe this... I let out a guilty sigh, putting that thing back on the shelf. Then I just looked down at the floor, my mind concluding what I learned.
I was blind...So very blind. I've ignored the facts, but it turns out everything I've heard about Gilbert is the truth. Other than find that the whip Prem mentioned was absolutely real, that look in his eyes, and the way he talked and demonstrated it said it all. He didn't have to tell me the truth. Prem was right about everything. The things that man told me were a lie.
Prem's not the aggressor...HE IS.
He had abused her. And he had covered himself to make Prem look like the bad guy.
I thought she was...But she isn't.
He doesn't care about her. He doesn't care about her AT ALL.
I was wrong about him...And about her. Prem was right about him, and I was wrong.
I let out a quivering breath, shutting my eyes tightly. Oh, god...What have I done?
I've hurt her...I was protecting him instead of her.
I'm such an idiot. I didn't believe her, and she was telling me the truth.
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