Current Track: Blabb
The blazing hot, afternoon sun was making me sweat a little bit as I stood outside in front of the Temra building. My gaze was trailing across the parking lot, over one vehicle parked after another. I wiped the perspiration off my forehead with an arm. I sighed after it dropped down. Gosh, Mojave's hot today.

But despite the sweat and the hot weather, I was enjoying it. I was having a break from Prem, who is left alone in the dome. I wanted to have myself some me time since I didn't honestly have any yesterday, and stripes kinda worked me over with her fetching and catch the prey games most of today. Talk about TWO games with one big cat in one day! I'm not sure if that happens a lot with dad and the others. Probably not, I imagine it's usually one game with them. But god that's a bit too much for me! Not to say I didn't have fun, just kinda wearing me out. Anyway, I hadn't stood outside since the day before then, so I decided to come outside and get some fresh air again. 

I shot a quick glance down at my pocket. Expecting a bit of a phone call from someone. While out here, not too long after I stepped out the door, I tried calling my HOT girlfriend like I did the other day. I figured I could have some company while I was out here. But when I did she didn't answer. I didn't bother trying again after that. I think she was too busy at her job compared to me. I didn't catch her on a break. Other than that, I wanted to send her the photos I took yesterday since she was so curious about the things here. I was ESPECIALLY waiting to show her the photos of Prem, and me and her cuddling together. I SO wanted to hear her reaction.

I could have sent her the photos already, but I wanted to talk to her a bit first and then send them. I figured it'd be the best time for it.

I think she'd call me back later. And when she does...I'll share her what I took.

My thoughts were treading back to last night. They had me put a little smile on my face. I still never thought I'd watch a movie with a tiger in my own bedroom ever since I got to living here. Never had. But alas, it did happen. Looking back, I thought it was fun. Although The Jungle Book was for kids, I still thought it was alright. I still enjoyed it. It brought back some memories while I was watching it.

Prem certainly enjoyed it, other than my company in the bedroom, that I really know. I've made short glances at her while we were on that bed together, and her eyes were FEASTING on my TV. The whole time, she hardly looked at me. Elsa wasn't kidding around that Prem was amazed by The Jungle Book. But I was still surprised that woman didn't tell me about Prem's 'crush', since OBVIOUSLY she knew about it. I think that's something I should have been warned about!

I still can't believe someone like Prem would LIKE someone like Shere Khan. A ferocious tiger that targets a kid for dinner. What I still cannot believe was she was THINKING about that monster having SEX with her! She certainly had a bit of a dirty mind, and did not seem ashamed for it.

Prem pretty much thought right that I'd think she was crazy. I thought that was kind of nuts. But then again, Shere Khan's the only tiger she ever sees on the damn cartoon, so why would she NOT fall for him?!

A giggle of amusement came out of me. But what was I kidding? I still like Prem as my friend...Even though she's a bit crazy. And despite her confession, I wouldn't mind watching the movie with her again. It still was fun. I just gotta remember to bring some popcorn next time. I'll have to ask Elsa if her kitchen has any. I let out a happy breath as another part of the night showed up. What else I still can't believe is I've finally got my skateboard back! I've dreamed of somehow getting it back and it happened. 

What I never dreamed about is that the most unlikely person would actually bring it to me at my door.

Chase...A security guard.

Who would have thought that a guy who does security would hand deliver it to me? Not many people in that line of work, law enforcement and all, would do that. They're always so stern about things like that. Like that dick who took my skateboard away.

Chase is a lot more of a guy than I thought he was.

I was really liking him. More than I already had.

But I am wondering WHY he would do that for a guy like me. Chase said that buzz kill security dude was going to get rid of it, but Chase took it and said he would but instead gave it to me. It was like he didn't care much about the rules here. He's taking a huge risk. Skateboards are off limits at Temra. I just hope nobody knows about it.

And I was making sure nobody knew, especially when it's in my possession. I wasn't stupid enough to try rolling across the halls on my board, or even bother skating out in the parking lot, even though it's a lot of space and I was tempted to. I'd be caught and I didn't want my deck taken away from me again. Not to mention get fired. And I don't want Chase to lose his job because of me either.

I don't know why you did that, Chase, but...You're awesome.

I'll have to ask him that tonight when I get the chance.

I've locked eyes onto a particular vehicle standing out among the lot like I did already, smirking at it. The old hippie van was here, apparently in the same spot where I last saw it. I can't believe it came here today, but someone owning it must be working here so what did I expect?

Whose does it belong to? I'm imagining it was either Lesie's, or Earl's. If it was one of them, I think they need to keep up with everything these days. Heh heh.

"Hey, champ."

A voice unexpectedly cut through my thoughts. I looked behind, and saw my father was outside with me. 


I replied right after the smirk left my lips, "Hey, dad. What are you doing here?"

Dad was holding a smile as he was stepping closer to me, "Well, I don't know about you, but smart asses like me have to get fresh air sometimes. I'm having a break from work...Apparently you too."

I told him with a tiny shrug, "Yeah...Currently having a bit of a break from Prem."

"Don't blame you. We all need one sometimes." He made a bit of a crack, moving along some more till he was beside my form, "But gosh...What are the odds of us standing outside together? If you really want to know, they're like ten to fifty."

"Hmpf." I glanced down at my feet, and said, "That's interesting." Who gives a crud about odds? This isn't Vegas.

Dad asked politely, "Mind if I join you, Jason?"

I let out a sigh. I SO wanted to tell him to go away and leave me alone. But...I thought considering everything he'd done for me lately...I guess I'll give him a bit of a pass. I granted, raising my eyes to see his, "You're already here. Might as well."

Dad said, "Thanks." I was looking away from him to ahead while he pulled his glasses off his face and was wiping them a bit with a cloth. He spoke after he put them back on, "Whew, god...It's toasty today." He gazed at himself with hands on his hips, "My labcoat probably isn't helping manners. It's white, but even that doesn't make a difference."

I grinned a bit in amusement. I said without looking at him, "I know what you mean. Kinda makes you wish Temra was in a different place."

"I'll consider any place that isn't a desert." Dad chuckled, and my smile went away. Then, shortly, while his eyes looked at the sky, with hands holding behind his back, he made a small statement, "So...How's everything going here with you?"

I replied, still not looking toward him, "You know...Just another day. But I'm doing alright."

"Good." He added, "I heard you found what I left for you on your bed."

I gazed to him. I took a guess, forming another smile, "Prem told you?"

My father giggled a bit before lowering his eyes down to me, "Well, Elsa told me first, but yeah, our four legged friend did this morning. She said she was merely happy that she got to see her favorite movie again." He giggled when he added, "Well...Technically the ONLY favorite movie."

I wrinkled my brow curiously, "You telling me she hadn't watched anything else other than The Jungle Book?"

He answered, bit of amusement in his voice, "No, she had not."

I pressed, "Never, ever?"

He told me, "I tried to get her to watch a different movie with me...But she was never interested. She just only wants to see a movie with a jungle and cartoonish animals in it." He shook his head a bit as he still held his smile, "She never gets bored of it."

I let out a tiny amused giggle, "That's what Prem tells me."

He said, "Well, she's right. I don't ever force her to watch anything else...I always roll with it." He shoved a hand in his coat when he went on, "I gotta tell you...When I watch that movie with her...Sometimes I feel like I'm watching it with a little kid...A LARGE, human one, I mean. She's sorta like one to me...Especially when she gets crazy and excited to see it every time."

I brought up, "Yeah, maybe not exactly a little kid. I think she's like an adult, especially when she thinks about...Somebody."

Dad raised one playful brow above his glasses, "You know about her huge crush, do you?"

I replied, throwing my hands up, "God, do I! Prem falling for Shere Khan. It's practically insane!"

I flopped them down as father let out a laugh. Then he said, "That's Prem for ya. No matter what anyone tells her...She always holds her feelings for him."

I briefly shut my eyes and was playfully shaking my head, "Augh, I'm sure she does, that weirdo." 

Dad smiled at me for a moment. Then he said, "I'm glad you watched The Jungle Book with her. I planned on it lately, but I was hoping you'd give it a try since you're living here. I also left that movie as a present to you, you know."

I nodded at that a tiny bit, "Nice sentiment."

Dad thankfully said, "You've accepted it well I heard. Thanks for doing that for her, Jace. It was...Kind of another way for you guys to further bond each other."

I remarked, "It's no big deal, dad. I wouldn't have minded watching the movie with her." I looked out at the parking lot, "It's not my first walk in the park. I wasn't as interested in it as I was before, I admit. But I'd do anything for her...Even though I feel too old to watch it."

Dad spoke a bit with proudness in tone, "I'm proud." He joined my gaze too and we went silent. He then mentioned, "Your mother told me you didn't watch it anymore. That's why I had it at all." He giggled, "Gosh...If she hadn't lend it to me...I'd probably never come up with the idea of watching it with our friend."

I admitted, "Great idea."

He nodded and said, "Oh, it was. I always recall the day I took her to a bedroom and first seen it with her. Prem was so immersed...She'd never seen or heard anything like it. Never knew what a TV and a movie was. Asking me questions left and right till her own head didn't have a single one." I giggled at the statement, imagining her saying all those questions. Gee, Prem. He looked toward me with a memorable smile on his face, "I can say I have no regrets. She said it was the one of the best times she ever had. And we'd always repeat it. Can never get enough of it, the girl."

I nodded, "I have no regrets either." Man...Dad does make a valid point. If I kept the movie years ago...Prem would never have seen it. 

Good job, Jason. Way to unintentionally help out your future striped friend.

Dad looked down a little as he reflected, "You know, Jason...I remember the few times we watched it together." He giggled before he raised his head and went on, "I remember how you sometimes act when some parts of the movie plays. You were such a funny kid."

I found my face was growing dark as my chest also felt it. I snapped my eyes at him and snidely said, "Well, even kids have to grow up. And I guess you have one to replace...And she's not even an actual human kid. She's just a full grown cat."

Dad frowned behind his glasses, "Am I sensing jealousy?"

I asked with heat other than just the air out here, "Do you need to perform a hypothesis on your theory?"

Dad slowly shook his head at the question, "No...Don't think I have to." I quickly looked away. Resentment was in my eyes as they glared. Dad pointed out, "I think I know where this is coming from..."

I muttered, "You're finally figuring it out...That's not surprising."

He sighed, then nodded a bit when he started, "Look, champ-"

I turned to face him, "Will you quit calling me that like there is nothing going on between us when apparently there is? It's really annoying, and not to mention it's pretty offensive. There IS something going on between the two of us so quit pretending."

Dad stared at me for a long time. Then he spoke, "I'm not pretending, Jace."

I shot back, "Oh really? You're telling me you were not pretending at all when I came here on my first day?"

Dad said, seemingly a bit frustrated, "I was happy to see you. How can you even say- No, THINK that? I was looking forward to seeing you and I was admiring at how much my son has grown, how handsome he became. How can you accuse me of something like that?"

I flat out told him, "Because of how you treated me and mom. Because of how you were never there for us and yet you pretend you were." I swiftly waved my hand, "Acting like nothing is going on between all of us and everything is cool, but obviously nothing is pretty cool. Things are cooking way too hot around here to be chilly."

Dad demanded, "Is this what I get for actually being with you now?"

I rolled my eyes, "Little late for that, don't you think?"

Shortly, he apologized, "Jason...I'm sorry."

I spat, "For what? For not being there for me? For not driving me to school? For not playing catch with me? For not going to Pacific Park, or walk on the Hollywood Walk of Fame together? For not helping me when I need help with science homework? For not cheering me up when one of mom's boyfriends gave me shit? Or are you absolutely sorry for not attending my graduation and saying I'm proud of you? You're proud of me now for working here and helping Prem, but what about before? In fact, are you REALLY proud of your own son? You seem more proud of Prem than me."

Dad took offense to that. He was shaking his head and denying it, "That's not true."

I continued to spit resented words at him, "But yet you spend a lot more time here than spend more time with US. You never tried to talk to me."

Dad told me, "I do try to talk to you! I have on occasion tried to speak to you on the phone but your mom says you don't want to talk to me!"

I yelled back, "On the phone doesn't count for something! Did you think that MAYBE, just MAYBE, I wanted you to come see me and talk to me face-to-face like a father would? Or at the least see his wife instead of abandoning her and talking to her on the phone?"

He defended, "Jason, I have a career to think about! I can't always focus on family, my mind is always on my work!"

I sneered, "It certainly shows. That's a real way to treat your family. You made such an scientific accomplishment, while your PERSONAL accomplishments are stuck in the background. You really SUCK as a father."

Dad snapped with anger flashing behind his glasses, "Well, I don't think I'm too proud about one of them."

I retorted, "So you're admitting you're not proud of me?"

"As it stands according to what I heard from my ex-wife, no. Do you think the way you were treating your mother with what you do is the way to treat your family?"

I replied heatedly, "What the fuck do you know what I do? We already established you're never around!"

Dad said, pointing his finger at my chest, "I hear what goes on about you from her! I'm not proud of YOU doing drugs, getting into fights, hanging out with weird people who are bad influencers, talking back to your mother, not getting a job, and getting on your roller board-"

I immediately corrected, "SKATEBOARD."

He just ignored that and went on, "The POINT is I'm not happy hearing you doing all that stuff, and so is your mother! You assaulted a guy, Jason, do you not understand what kind of trouble you ended up in?"

I yapped the truth, "I didn't do anything to that guy! I would NEVER do that to him! You guys got it wrong!"

"Well you were there and it's evident enough."

I waved him off, turning my back on him, "This is bullshit."

Dad called me out on it, "It's not bullshit. You hadn't went to college and you're living with your mother without a job."

I shot over my shoulder, "Well I'm NOT living with her now am I?! You're SORT OF taking the responsibility for keeping me now. I'm saying SORT OF because you dumped me here while you go off snuggling in your comfy bed in your comfy house alone instead of acting like a father! And I DID have a job! Every time I leave her house I go to it!"

He let out more strong words, "You're failing your family and you're failing at life! All you care about is your shady friends, your lack luster life style, and your STUPID skateboard!"

I fiercely spun to face him, "You know what, ROY? People like you have no idea what skateboarding is meant to some people. It makes them feel alive. Makes them feel like they have some purpose in the world when they feel they don't have purpose in anything else. That's why I skate. People like me may look like assholes and outcasts and don't have responsibilities, but most of us do. I certainly do. And we're not assholes, especially me. And we do have purposes. You guys are so blind. Mom has NEVER bothered watching me skate and is ALWAYS worried I'm going to break my back. But I am good at it to not break it. Too good, but SHE doesn't get it! REFUSES I think. YOU, as I clearly stated, had never been there for me to see it, and as I would have suspected, you DON'T believe in me. Neither of you believe I have what it takes! I have been trying to succeed for a long time, practically doing something in life instead of sitting around doing nothing, and you think I'm failing?! All you hear is out of mom's mouth. You don't talk to me and you've never seen me for years to see for yourself. So really, how the flying fuck would you know that?!"

Dad was just staring at me, his face still hard but softening a bit.

"I don't want to be anything else, ROY." I ranted when I gestured to him, "I don't even want to be like you! I hate science! I don't even want to think about it! And I don't even want to be like mother either! You're probably going to tell me that everybody else, including you, are better than me and I won't amount to anything in life, well there are people who have amounted in life with what they do. It's a job too, ROY, not just a play thing. I want to be a skateboarder for life. I don't want to give that up! Hell, I even had a girlfriend and I don't want to give her up too! But I guess BOTH of you are not proud of that either! You guys, even though you never met her, probably think of her as a trashy whore with no life like me. But I was having a life! I was having a life and a future planned until you and mom screwed it up! Thanks to you! Fucking happy now?!"

Dad, after gaping at me for a long time, finally responded, "I think my break's over." He began to wander away back to the entrance of the building. I saw him stop, glancing back, and say, "I'm sorry for bothering you...And I am deeply sorry for not being there as a father. Despite what you think, I do love you and your mother, and always will. I hope we can be like we were before...And I do hope you think more, grow up a bit more, and make correct life choices. I'd dealt with those type of choices before...And they're always tough....Especially the choice about family. You think it was easy choosing career over family? It never was. Thought you should know that." His voice threw behind him after he twisted his head back to straight forward, "I'll see you around...Champ." He strode to the glass doors and went through them. 

I was seeing him walking through the lobby through the huge glass windows before I snapped my attention back on the parking lot, very incensed after the whole conversation. I knew this conversation was gonna happen sooner or later. 

And as I imagined...It didn't go well.

I knew it...He doesn't believe in me either...Just like mom. He just wants me to grow up even though I already have. He doesn't get what I'm telling him.

Fuck you, dad. You have no idea what all that means to me.

I looked at the paved road leaving the parking lot with angry eyes. I seriously had a big urge to run the hell outta here. Well, since I've got my damn skateboard back, I actually wanted to get on it and roll on out of here while dragging my suitcase behind me on the road. May not be a suitable substitute for a car, or maybe a bike, but it has wheels, so that counts for transportation.

I wanted to go back to Santa Monica, back to my own life, get back to what I planned to do, and NEVER see my father again.

I took a deep breath and let it out. My face softened a little. What good will that do? I'll just end up getting into trouble. I don't think I'll get far that way anyways. 

Besides...I can't leave this place...Least not yet.

The talking animal's face floated in my mind. I have to look after Prem. Dad did make a bit of a point about correct life choices. Leaving this place now is not the correct choice. I can't leave her in this place with Gilbert still around and let her deal with him alone. She needs me right now. I told her I wasn't going anywhere, not yet anyways, and I'm staying put. I won't leave until that lying bastard is gone. Then when he does...I won't need to feel like I have to look after her anymore. I won't have to worry about her. When he's gone, she'll be free from his treachery. She won't be abused by him ever again. Then, one day, I'll probably be back in Dogtown, when mom probably feels that I'm ready to come back, and my life will be like it was.


Then I was thinking about the day when I do leave this place for good. I was feeling a bit bad on the inside. I imagined Prem would be heartbroken. Sad that I'm gonna leave her. She really likes me as a friend. I'm sure she'd miss me. I'd miss her too, no doubt. I do love hanging with her.

But...Sometimes things change.

I can't stay in Temra forever. One day, I will have to leave.

My lips made a small, hopeful smile. Maybe she'll understand. Maybe Prem would understand why I have to. Sure she'll miss me...But I think she'll understand. And maybe...Sometime, I'll pay her a visit. I don't think I'll be gone from her life FOREVER. 

Yeah...I think I can live with that.

Heh, who knows? Maybe by the time I do come back, she'll probably have other tigers to play with here! I snickered at my own thought. I hope she does...Least while I'm around...Three years without another is a long time...

When the thought came up in my head, I was getting very curious about it again. I still don't get it. Why was Prem the only tiger in the building? I let out a sigh, gazing back at the building. I probably should have asked dad about that while he was out here. Doesn't matter now, does it? I don't want to look at his face and ask him about anything at the moment. Maybe I'll ask someone else in the building about it sometime and get that answer from them. After, no pun intended considering I was standing out in hot weather, chilling out a bit from the argument, I turned fully around and strolled myself back up to the building. But I think that can wait. I need to get back to Prem. She's probably wondering what's taking me so long!

Don't wanna keep her waiting.

I pulled back one of the glass doors of the lobby entrance and went in there. The A/C air brought coolness to my hot, sweaty face. My steps carried me across the white mirrored floor. I was gazing toward that gruff security guard sitting behind his desk while pacing to the hallway. He didn't notice I was giving him taunting eyes of celebration. I got my skateboard back, you fucker! No one keeps that thing away from me!

Shortly, I was now wandering down the white corridor on my way to the habitat dome. When I got near the straight path that's close to the bedrooms and another on the right that I was gonna take, Chase came out of nowhere on that path, not heading the same way as I. He wasn't in his uniform it looked like. He was dressed in his civilian clothes at the moment. He caught me when as we both stopped in our tracks.

I started out by saying his name, "Chase." He gave me a smile and I formed one back, internally happy to see a face that isn't my father's, "What you up to?"

Chase responded, "I couldn't sleep anymore. I thought it was time to get out of bed and enjoy the day I have left before my shift starts."

I eyed at his form, pointing out, "That sounds good. No wonder you're not dressed to work."

"Heh heh, yeah. Makes me look less authorative. Not usually like that." He showed me a small bag in his hand when he rose it, "I was also getting chocolate chip cookies from the vending machine."

I suggested with a raised brow, "Maybe you oughta eat at the cafeteria. You probably haven't ate much last night. The bag's small and I don't think there's a lot of them in it." 

Chase giggled as he lowered it down, "What are you, my dad?"

Hearing him asking that question, I felt the animosity toward my father. I stated differently, "On second thought, never mind."

Showing some amusement, he said, "Thank you. I do fine with little portions now don't worry bout me, Jason." I was just standing there smirking at him. Then he asked, "How's your day going? Did I miss anything while I was asleep?"

I shook my head, "Not really. Just the same as always, but it's all good."

He stated half serious, "Great. That meant I didn't miss any trouble."

I made a playful frown, "Why, were you expecting something to happen?"

Chase giggled before replying, "Nope. But I do hate missing action. Not a lot of it to go on around here, you know."

"Oh." I don't blame you.

He continued, "I know I had enough trouble lately, on the count of you and the tiger, but I wouldn't mind seeing some other action being played out here. Gives me something to do on my job other than just patrolling the halls and standing guard like some statue." Then Chase playfully asked, "What are you up to by the way? Speaking of jobs, I thought you'd be with your tiger friend right now."

I answered, pointing back the way I came, "I was. I just got done having a break standing outside the building. I'm on my way back to the dome to be with her."

Chase then quickly offered, "Oh, well, how about I tag along? I just want to say hello to her. I hardly talk to Prem."

I accepted with a nod, "Sure. I don't think Prem minds that I bring company." I eyed at the bag of cookies still in his hand, "But weren't you going to eat those?"

He replied, "Nah, don't worry. I can eat them on the way. Not like I don't eat and walk at the same time." His hands ripped open the bag, then gave me a huge smile of accomplishment, "See?"

I was smiling and nodding at him, "Ah, alright. Follow me." Me and him strode together side by side on the same pace. He went ahead and dug his hand in the bag and popped a cookie in his mouth. I spoke to him in gratitude several moments later, "By the way, man, I still want to say thanks again for giving me my board back last night. It was very cool you did."

Chase swallowed down another cookie when he responded, "It's still no problem. Greg-" He quickly put his eyes onto me and clarified, "The guy who took your board. He always has been a bit of a hard ass. Not much a hard ass like your pal, Gilbert, but he's still got a hard ass."

I told him, "Gilbert's not my pal. Not anymore. I don't talk and hang with him much now."

Chase stated a bit proudly, "Then I guess that makes US pals, huh?" He was grabbing another cookie.

I responded, smirking a little as his mouth started crunching it, "We both hate him, and you're the one who returned my skateboard, so I suppose we are." I rolled my eyes as it went down his throat, "As for your pal, Greg, he certainly acted like a hard ass. I was never using it, and on top of that, I wasn't going to use the board in the building anyway. Maybe out in the parking lot, perhaps. Not like I was gonna roll around the lobby in circles in front of him like it was nobody's business. He should have just lay out the ground rule instead of just taking it away from me like I was some brat with a toy."

Chase remarked as we still went down the hall, "Greg and I aren't total buddies, but we get along fine. And maybe you looked like a brat to him. That's why he took it."

I replied in bit of irritation, "Yeah well, it wasn't like I was going to swing the darn thing at his face either...Not yet."

The night security guard giggled loudly at that. Then his finger was raised and he wagged it at me when he warned, "Hey. I took a big risk handing that over to you. Don't make me take it back." 

I was smirking and told him differently, "Kinda want to now...But I'm too proud to go there." At least that guy's lucky I'm not Shawn. If I was Shawn...Greg probably wouldn't be sitting behind that desk right now.

Chase replied, still holding a playful smile, "That's better. I wouldn't want to tackle you and place you under arrest for assault. You're like the only cool guy here."

I said, "We don't even know each other."

He replied, chewing with his mouth full after another cookie landed in his mouth, "I know you're Doctor Taylor's kid and you're a skater. That's a lot for me to know."

I brought up one fact, "Well I certainly don't know you much yet." I frowned as I tilted my head to the side a little, "Why did you give me back my skateboard? That's not what a typical security guard would do."

Chase gulped down to reply, "You're right. It's just one person with a radical lifestyle doing one bit insane thing for another. You would've done the same thing to me, since we're a bit alike."

One person with a radical lifestyle? Is he...? I inquired, smiling a bit, "I reckon...You are a skater too?"

Chase answered, "No. I actually used to be a surfer."

Well got that wrong. I asked in bit of surprise, "A surfer?"

"Oh yeah." He chuckled when eyeing at me, "But now I'm just an average, boring security guard with nothing much to do, who kinda misses the water. I'm 'retired'."

"I see." My hand motioned to him, "How did a guy like you end up being a freakin security guard? Even work at a government facility?"

Chase said with amusement, "It's easy. Just took the test and passed it. And sure enough, I was doing security for some places. I was getting good at it." He gave me a smug grin, "Don't let the uniform fool you. I'm still radical on the inside. Haven't I already proved it?"

I giggled, "I guess you did, but you kinda did broke the freestyle code. I'd always abide to it."

"Hey, I gotta work somewhere."

"Whatever." Since I was told he was a surfer, I took a nice guess while holding a grin, "And, let me guess..." I thumbed at that direction, "That hippie van outside in the lot yours?" 

Chase laughed. Then he stated, "That's too good for a guess."

Apparently that's a yes. I playfully rolled up my eyes, "Well, the fact that you're, well, USED to be a surfer sorta gave me the impression it was yours. I mean who else would it belong to? Earl?"

Chase was letting out some chuckles, "Fuck no. He always drives in that black, bleak Sedan. I'm not sure he's into hippie stuff."

I giggled, "Well you got my point." Then I stated truthfully, "By the way, I was messing with you about you being a security guard. You did a cool thing to one skater. You're designated as a security guard that's awesome."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Don't get many of those I'm betting. I'm probably like the only one in existence. And for the record, hope you're not mad that I'm just an ex-surfer and not an ex-fellow skater."

I shook my head and waved a hand, "Nah. What are you talking about? I like surfing. I don't do it, but I like the sport. I do have a couple friends that surf. And you are right, we are kinda alike. What we do is almost the same thing."

Chase just smiled at that in appreciation, "I knew you'd be cool with it."

I told him, "Just don't bust my balls for crap and I won't bust yours."

The ex-surfer made a tiny giggle, "Cool with me." He engulfed another chocolate chip cookie and chewing it. Me and him went around a corner as we were almost to the dome. I was smiling to myself as we went further down the white path. A security guard who used to do surfing. I can dig that. I thought Chase wouldn't be considered as a 'real' friend, but now...It looks like I've found another in this place. Second to Prem. Only this one is a kindred spirit.

Who would have thought I'd find one in Temra? Not me that's for certain.

I don't feel like I'm the only different person in this place anymore. Nice feeling I think.

When we got to the double doors of the dome, I pushed one wide open and had Chase come through before I shut it. Chase stared around the dome a few feet from me, admiring the place I think. He said to me behind him, "Doesn't this place look amazing, Jason?" He threw his eyes on me when I went and stood beside him, "This place looks suitable enough to be within a zoo."

I remarked, my gaze wandering all over the surroundings low and above, "Yeah, maybe keep a WHOLE zoo here." When he brought it up, I was thinking about this burning question in my mind. Prem being the only animal in Temra. I decided to go ahead and ask Chase and see if he knew anything about it. I turned my head to his and asked, "Hey, Chase...Do you know why this place isn't a zoo? Actually, what I'm really asking is, how come there aren't more tigers other than the one we know?" I smirked and chuckled deeply, "You'd think when they have the ability to have a tiger talk like us that they'd bring a bunch more to test their experiment on and keep in a cage."

Chase right away shrugged, "You got me. I have no idea. I just do security."

Well it was worth a try. I spoke, eyes wandering off again, "Well...Gilbert did tell me that the boys didn't bring more yet...I guess that's true." For three years? Yeah, that's a LONG time to not bring anything new to this place.

Chase said, "Well, I've never seen another animal other than her in this place, so I don't know what's taking them." Then he inquired, looking around too, "So where is your tiger?"

I replied taking a step forward, "Ah, she's around here somewhere. We just have to find her." I gave him a grin, "I should warn you, pal, keep your eyes peeled for her...She's a bit of a trickster, and she might scare you to death."

Chase remarked with a tiny giggle, "When it comes to my job, my eyes are always peeled."

I warned you. I waved him over a bit, "C'mon." The two of us wandered along together through the habitat dome, as Chase raised the cookie bag and shoved another in his mouth. I didn't bother hollering for Prem that I'm back and to come find me. I wanted to just take Chase to her. Guess you can say I wanted to surprise her a bit that I have different company than she usually gets.

Heh, maybe she's already got company while I was gone. It'd better not be dad. He said he was having a break from work. If he knows what's good right now, he'd better not be here with me.

The huge pond somewhere in the middle of the dome was in my view through the greenery as we shortly wandered out of it. In a good distance, I saw the striped big cat actually having a swim in the middle of it. Her huge head was kept high above the surface. Her form gracefully flowed as she paddled with her paws. I smiled at the sight. She's swimming? I thought all cats don't like to swim. That's pretty odd. Shortly, Prem carried herself to the edge and stepped out of the water. I watched her shake her whole body and tail away of the liquid.

I turned to Chase and instructed, "Wait here. I'll holler for you to come over." He nodded, and I went on over to meet her. Prem's back was turned when I was stopped behind her. Her underside was still dripping with water as her all her fur was still wet. I announced myself, "Hey, stripes."

Prem swiftly turned her neck and spotted me. She gave me a big smile on her muzzle, "There you are, Jason." She turned fully around, "You took your time."

I remarked, eying her wet furred body, "Sorry it took me so long, but I see YOU were taking your time in that water."

Prem looked toward the pond, "I was doing something to kill all that waiting." She gazed back to me with a wide grin, "You were watching me?"

I answered, "Not for very long. Just caught you in the pond right as I got back." I raised a quizzical brow, "I am confused though. I thought tigers don't like water. I thought they have an aversion to it."

The female tiger shook her head, "Gee you've really got that wrong. We don't, usually. Us tigers like to swim in water."

I just smirked for a second. Then I said, "I must have really misinterpreted about you. I thought you didn't like getting rained on during a storm."

She replied, "Hey just because I'm afraid of thunder and little bit of lightning doesn't mean I don't like getting rained on. It's just I hate the spectacles in the sky and I don't like getting muddy." Her big mouth let out a giggle, "You humans really don't like getting wet. I have tried to ask Roy and the others before if they wanted to have to swim, but they always tell me no."

I chuckled, "I think they can. Problem is they didn't bring their swimming trunks."

Prem concurred, "That's one of the things they tell me. By the way, did you bring yours? Cause I had thought of actually having a swim with you."

I said with a shake of my head, "No. Love to, but I can't."

"Aw." She giggled playfully, "Well that's too bad. I am a little curious of what lies underneath the clothing you humans wear. I never seen one with little less before."

My cheeks turned red from her comment. Uhhhh...That sounded a little weird coming from her. I blinked a few times and rubbed the back of my neck. I muttered, "Damn, Prem...Isn't that a bit much?"

Prem tossed up her head to laugh. Then she told me, "You look exactly like your father when you did that. He gave me the same reaction. Hey, for the record, I know what lies underneath thanks to his explanation. But I do sometimes want to actually SEE it. What's the problem with that anyway?" She glanced at her body, "I'm not wearing anything, and I do not see the issue."

I managed to utter this, "We're just different that's all."

Prem giggled as she padded up to me. Then she was rubbing her wet furred body against me, "Here, let me ease the uneasiness away."

"Ah!" I backed away quick, "Prem! You're still wet!"

She spoke playfully when she looked up at my face, her tail swishing behind her, "Maybe I'll try again later." Then, as if having the sense of being watched, she sharply turned her focus to where Chase is standing from a distance. She spotted him, and asked, "You brought somebody here, Jason?"

I followed her gaze and answered, "Yep." I hollered the man, "Come on over, man!" Chase responded with a wave and jogged to where we are. 

Chase stopped forth in front of the wet tiger. Prem tilted her head a bit, seemingly not as happy as I thought she would, "Chase?"

Chase smiled down at her and replied, "Hello, Prem. Nice to see you again. Third time's a charm as of late."

She gaped at the other human with me. Then she looked directly at me with a direct question, "What's he doing here?"

I answered, my hand gesturing to him, "He came to say hello."

"Yeah." Chase chimed and it brought back Prem's attention, "You know we hardly speak to each other. We didn't much last night. I thought it'd be cool if we tried again right now. So...Here I am."

Prem muttered without much enthusiasm, "Oh." I was frowning at that. What's going on with her? Is it because she doesn't talk to him much? I guess it's a 'new' thing. Then she pointed out his civilian outfit, "You're not wearing your uniform."

Chase replied, nodding a little, "Yeah, not my time to wear it yet."

"That's a first I've seen you without it." She noticed the tiny bag in his hand, putting on a frown, "What's that thing?"

Chase knew what she was asking and raised a bit to his chest, "A cookie bag. I was eating chocolate chip cookies on the way here." He pulled one out of the bag and held it out for her, "You want it? Only have one left."

Prem spoke in disgust, "I don't like cookies."

He pulled back his hand and shrugged his shoulders, "Suit yourself." He tossed the last cookie in his mouth and started chewing it.

Prem stared at him for a long time with...A distrustful expression it appeared in her eyes. That's when she said to him, "Look, Chase...Thanks for greeting me on unannounced notice...But I want to spend time alone with Jason...If you don't mind."

The guy just nodded a bit again, taking the inituative, "It's cool. I kinda want to spend the rest of the afternoon in peace anyways. Maybe we'll talk again soon."

The tiger lowly stated, "Probably."

He started backing away waving at us, "See you guys later." I waved back before he spun around and took fast strides back to the direction me and him came from. We watched till he had left our sights.

A bit after he was gone, I chuckled a bit before I plainly asked and looked toward Prem, "Isn't Chase great or what? I'm surprised he isn't one of your friends."

Prem lowered her head, hesitantly replied, "...He's alright, I guess."

I formed a frown of concern, "Prem...Are you ok?" She looked at me, "You didn't seem happy to see him the whole time he was here. I thought you would be. Hey, I don't think Chase is boring if that's what you're worried about. He seems to be a cool guy."

After huffing out a sigh, the feline apologized, "I'm sorry." Her eyes turned away, "I can see you and him are getting along good, but I..."

I tilted my head to the side.

She finished, "...I don't trust him."

Don't trust him? I inquired in a confused tone, "Why?"

"I just...Don't."

Then I pressed her with a suspicious question, "Did Chase do something bad to you?"

"No, not exactly." She finally looked at me, "Look, I just don't trust him and don't want to see him, ok? Why...I don't wanna get into that right now. Alright?"

I shortly nodded at her, without argument, "Alright...But you know you can tell me anything, right, Prem?"

Prem started to smile like she did earlier, "I know...Maybe I'll tell you some other time." Then she asked, "But before then...Want to play fetch with me again?"

I said, giggling a bit, "If that'll dry your wet butt off."

"Oh, it will with all the running. Do you want to or not? I feel ready to go for it again."

I told her with a quick nod, "I know where the stuff's at."

Prem paced quickly to that direction, "Then c'mon!" I was falling behind when I was following her eagered ass. But on the way to where I left the ball and frisbee in the dome, I couldn't help wondering about her and Chase.

What's gotten into her? Why does she not trust him? 

She said Chase didn't do anything to her...But why?


Me and Jason, who was holding both frisbee and ball in his hands, strolled together down the hall, having just left the dome when beddy time has come once again over Temra. So many playtime hours of both catch the prey and fetch ending with one stroke of time. I was feeling sort of saddened when the most fun day I had with Jason yet was over with...But I was feeling excited going to bed again.

Now, you're probably thinking that I oughta be feeling sad because I'm going back to the cage like usual. And you're probably also thinking that with all the excitement I've endured in the dome, my excitement would have run out by now. But no...I wasn't feeling too sad, and I still held a tiny leftover of that inside me.

I was remembering the promise he gave me last night, after our first time watching The Jungle Book together. That he was going to sleep by me. That he was gonna push away that loneliness and cuddle with me in that thing tonight. I've looked forward to being with him in the dome today, other than everything else, but I was looking forward to that most of all. 

It just feels so great sleeping with someone after so many nights without anybody actually sleeping by me. 

It felt...Like the old days...From my old life in the jungle. 

Haunting, you could say, but good vibes nonetheless.

Jason told me he was going to keep his promise before we left the dome. I certainly believed he will...I can almost FEEL it in my paws.

Then I was thinking back to earlier in the day, after my swim in the pond. I let out a quiet breath as we wandered further down the corridor. Chase has been on my mind through some of the rest of the day. I almost couldn't believe Jason would bring him in the dome. I haven't seen that man in there since...Since the time he was being shown what I can actually do. When the truth was being told to him about myself. When the secret was let out by everyone in Temra.

To be honest...I felt bad for Jason, and almost a bit for Chase. Mostly for Jason. He was actually becoming friends with him, that I can tell. Probably started not long after he came to Temra. I know Jason was fine with Chase leaving, but I felt like I kinda ruined it by distrusting that human. Chase wasn't exactly Gilbert...He never did one thing wrong to me. Chase seemed friendly at his own rate. He was like that at the very few times I've seen him. I know Chase said he wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon in peace, but I almost felt sorry for not begging him to stay and see what he can do with fetching and catch the prey...And the other games we would have played. Almost as sorry for distrusting him and not acting so enthusiastic seeing him.

But...I don't really know him. I'm not sure what he could do when it came to me. 

And I had a reason not to trust him...A very good reason.

I'm still not sure it's a good idea to be around him. I don't feel...Safe with him.

Tiny flashes of a certain part of my past erupted in my head during this walk. I was shaking them away mentally. Maybe I'm overreacting because of 'it'...But I don't wanna take chances.

Jason can be friends with him, that's fine with me, I guess...But I'm staying out of it.

I'm sorry, Jason. You can have your friend...But I'd rather just stick with the ones I already have.

Jason and I made it to the familiar left or right stop at the end. We turned to the direction of my room without second thought. Shortly, we found Leslie coming our way. I beamed at her yellow headed face. Leslie was smiling back at me when all of us met. She said, petting the top of my head fondly, "Glad to have caught you on your way to bed, honey. Sorry I didn't come see you in the dome today."

I said while her hand continued to pet me, "Why do you have to apologize, Les? There's no need. It's not the first time. There are other days. Besides, I still had company today." My eyes flicked to my other friend's cub.

Leslie giggled, "So I know. Heard you've been working him to no end today."

Jason rolled his playful eyes to me, "Yeah, TWO games throughout the day, especially a whole lot of fetching. That would do that to one person with a tiger."

I chuckled, my ears flicking a bit, "Cut me some slack, Jason. I was feeling very energetic on this particular day. Besides, it's not MY fault YOU sorta gave in to my demands very easily."

Jason furrowed his brow, "I'd feel bad if I did not."

I nuzzled against him, "You're too kind."

He let out some air, "Well, thanks to that, I sure don't feel like I have a lot of energy left."

Leslie let out a laugh, then spat, "Makes me feel more bad for you than I do for her! I really should have came and helped out."

Jason shrugged his shoulders with some amusement in his tone, "Oh well...Tomorrow's another day."

That's when I brought up what I already told her this morning with a bit of urgency, shifting on my paws a bit like I was in a bit of a rush, "Right, but until tomorrow comes, we wanna go and head right straight to bed. We both have a cuddle night tonight!"

Jason giggled as if he was a bit embarassed, "Oh, goodness."

Leslie commented, "Well, don't let me keep you guys from your night."

Jason sighed playfully, then nodded at her, "Thanks for considering. See you in the morning, Leslie."

I cried happily, "Yeah. Bye, Leslie!"

The eldest human friend bent down to give my head a kiss. She spoke to me fondly, "Goodnight." She straightened herself and then said, "Both of you." With that, she went on ahead and walked past us down a different direction.

A bit curious about this certain human, I shot a quick glance to the direction we're going. I didn't see another human coming down from that path. Not the one hateful person I was expecting. I giggled amusingly before I brought my eyes up toward my friend, "Heh, you know...Gilbert's still not showing up for me."

Jason responded, looking down that path himself, "Yeah...Looks like it." He looked at the thing that tells time on his wrist, "It's still after nine." Then he looked at me with a smirk, "Maybe he went home early than planned. Maybe he figured I don't need his help with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Thank god I don't have to expect to hear garbage out of his flapping mouth."

Jason said, "Well we've blown his expectation this morning of not sleeping together last night, I think we should let go our expectation of him."

I stated, "Fine by me. Thinking about him is almost stressing me out." I was smiling widely, "I think a quick cuddle might make it go away."

Jason groaned a bit playfully, "Alright, you made your point already."

I stated factly, "Just making sure you're keeping your promise."

He insisted, "And I told you I was. Let's go." We resumed our journey to the cage room till we ended up in front of the door. Jason tucked the frisbee between his arm and pit when he opened the door for me. While grabbing ahold the frisbee again, he instructed me, "Okay...I'll go put away the ball and the frisbee in the storage room, you just go in there and wait for me. I trust you'll not escape by the time I get back?"

I narrowed my eyes up at him, "You seriously taking Gilbert's words seriously? I'm not going anywhere. If you don't trust me, close me in there before you go."

Jason gaped at me for a long second, then shook his head, "Nah, I trust you." He gave me a assured smile, "I'll be back in a second."

I smiled in return, "Ok." I padded on in the room, then a second after he watched me go in there and stand in the middle of the room between the door and the cage, he left to go put away the things in his hands. I was gazing down at the wide-open cage nearby. 

Then I was gazing down at my paws. An idea actually popped up in my head out of nowhere, slowly coming together in my brain.

Well...I am up for it, but...Maybe we DON'T have to sleep in the cage. Since Jason's actually living in Temra...Why don't I ask him if I could sleep by him in his bed? I smiled at my own thought. Yeah! That's a great idea. That never happened before. I never could actually sleep on one of those mattresses in those bedrooms. They do feel comfortable! A lot more than my dang mattress!

I made a look of apprehension. But would he accept the idea? I mean, he relented on sleeping with me in the cage, but this is different. That means I WON'T be sleeping in the cage tonight. That'll be my first time. That would mean I'm...Breaking that rule. What would Gilbert think and do if he found out? I shook my head furiously at that, holding a hardened expression on my face. Screw him! I don't think I'm planning to escape this place now...Even though I sometimes want to. I just want to sleep by the human in a different place!

I want to sleep in a place that isn't a cage!

Damn the rule. I shall ask him. Maybe he might think with worry like I just did...But maybe he'll accept the idea.

Well, if he doesn't accept it, we'll still be sleeping in the cage. I'll be sleeping with him either way.

Still...I hope he will. It'll be an...'Interesting' experience.

Jason came back into the room shortly after pondering about it. He said after he closed the door behind him, "I'm back...Time for bed."

That's when I began, "Uh, Jason?" He stared at me, "I was thinking...Do you think we could...Sleep in a different spot?"

He wrinkled his brow, "What, right outside the cage?" He shot his eyes at my cage, "Well, I wouldn't mind pulling the mattress out of there-"

I was shaking my head, "No, no, not right HERE." Jason looked down at me curiously again. I clarified, "I was thinking about...Sleeping in your room."

His eyes went wide, "There?"

"...Yes." I giggled under a sigh, "I am apprehensive of the idea, but...I kinda don't care. I actually want to go to your room and sleep with you in there. I mean, why not? You're staying in Temra, and you can close your door tight so I won't go anywhere. It's super simple. It'll be like I'm in a cage...But your room has...Well, more room."

I can tell Jason held a look of worry on his face. He sounded hesitant, "Umm...Prem...I don't think it's, a..."

I know what he was about to say...And I didn't want to give up yet. I moved up to rub my head softly against his belly. I begged while nuzzling, "Please, Jason. Let's give it a shot. I promise I won't do anything bad...And I won't get you in trouble. At least...Do it for me." I looked up with those eyes, "Please..." The worried human was gazing at me for a long time. He was probably wrestling with two decisions he was trying to make in his own mind. 

Finally, after he took a deep breath, he said, "...Ok." I pulled back and smiled happily. YAY! Jason was smiling too a little, though I can tell that nervousnous didn't go away. He said as he went for the cage, "Let me take the food and water bowls with us. You'll probably need them."

I responded, "Good idea." The water I can deal with, but the cat food...Blegh!

I watched him go behind the bars and bend to pick up both the water and food bowls off the floor. He came back and joined me out of the cage. He instructed, "Okay...Let's go." I nodded, walking out of the cage room and back out in the hall. I mentally smiled my accomplishment. I can't believe it. For the very first time since I lived in this place...I get to actually sleep in a different spot that's not inside a cage for the night! This is great! Glancing at him a few times as we wander down the hallway, I think Jason was still worried about what would happen. I admit, so was I still, but I mostly did not care. I WAS NOT backing down from doing this.

If doing this will make me more happier living here than before...Then Imma doing this.

We came to the bedroom door of his. Jason lay one bowl down to open it. I urgently went in first before him. Darkness kinda blinded me a bit at first then the light flicked on. Jason shortly came in here behind me, carrying the bowls all the way to a corner near his TV. I immediately jumped at the foot of the bed, the mattress creaking beneath my weight. I turned a bit to look at him.

Jason did close the bedroom door and paced back over, then stopped a few feet away from me and the bed. He let out a sigh as he held a smile. He said, "Well...We're here."

I replied, "The second time together in here, at least." I giggled deeply, "Oh, I so have the urge to watch that story with you. Can we watch The Jungle Book now? I can't get it out of my head now!"

Jason narrowed his eyes, "Prem, we're not watching the movie. We came here so we could go to bed. It's already late and we're not staying up more late."

I playfully shrugged my shoulders, "Worth a try." Then suddenly, Jason was standing around, looking down and shifting on his feet. I cocked my head, "What are you doing, Jason?"

He answered with a nervous chuckle, "Sorry...I'm just thinking whether or not I should...Take my clothes off." He gazed directly toward me, "I'm afraid I might get embarassed by a talking animal commenting how I look without them on."

I rolled my eyes and told him, "Oh, just get rid of them. I won't embarass you. I kinda did want to get a good look at you without them in the first place." My head motioned toward him, "Go ahead."

"That's kinda what I'm worried about..." Then he shot his head to his left, "Ah, fuck it. It's kinda hard to sleep with clothes on anyways." Then a second later, he started to get the clothing off his form. Going by his father's explanation of things long before his cub came to Temra, I knew each specific type of clothing he was taking off. First, he was ripping off his shirt and tossed it on the floor. Next, he was kicking off his shoes, his socks, then lastly, beginning to pull down the pants off his legs. Now, he was the first human I ever seen bare, except the only piece that's around his 'private area', I believe. The 'underwear', or the 'undergarment', whichever you'd call it, was still intact.

I tilted my head at the view. Jason was grinning at me as he stared back. I complimented with a chuckle, "Huh...I guess your father wasn't lying."

He asked, "About what?"

I said, "That there wasn't any fur anywhere else on your bodies. Just on your head. I suspected that much, but now this really confirms it."

Jason shrugged with his hands, a red tint shown a bit on his cheeks, "Thanks...I think." He shot his eyes down to his private area, "But I'm glad you're not telling me to take THIS off to 'confirm' it more. I'm...Not in the mood for it."

I shook my head teasingly at his modesty, "I don't understand how humans can be so modest. I still don't get it. But ok."

"Thank you." The bare human went back to flip the light for the room off. I can barely see him in the dark as he came back and started crawling on the bed. I scooched aside for him. Then Jason when he reached the head of the bed got himself under a blanket, pulling it over him. I joined beside him, laying on my side, my head on a fluffy pillow. His back facing me, he let out a relaxed breath as I wrapped my paw around his chest. I tried pulling him as close to me as I could, wanting to enjoy this a whole bunch more. I smiled in content, the worriness of the proposed consequence we were taking slowly left my body.

I said at the back of his head in gratitude, "Thanks, Jason...This is wonderful. I really like your bed. Feels so much...Better."

Jason replied, "You're welcome."

Then I asked, "Do you feel regrets?"

He said, "Mmmm...I'm starting to feel good about it actually." He twisted his head to look at me over his shoulder, "If anybody, probably Gilbert, gets mad, well...They can go screw themselves."

I chuckled, "That's right. I'm still with my handler...So I think we're all good." I nuzzled the back of his neck with my nose, "Goodnight, Jason."

He replied fondly in return, "Sleep well, Prem." I lay my head down and closed my eyes along with the human in my grasp. My nose took a deep breath and let out in relaxation, my mind about to drift off to sleep. Thanks to his company, the same happiness I'd felt the other night when we did this reappeared again...And it was feeling like I was in the jungle again...Like I was laying by another tiger.

I know this was A BIT risky...And we were breaking the basic rule I had followed for a long time, and you were following it for days. But I'm not worried anymore...I have no regrets. I'm happy we're doing this.

You're...Making me feel like I'm...Home.

Thank you, Jason.

Thank you so much.