Current Track: Blabb

I sat in the cafeteria, twirling my utensil around multiple times to get a few chicken noodles. Finally I shoved them in my mouth and ate them. I glanced around the area, seeing several people having the same meal as me. I spotted Tina and Sylvester eating alonside my dad and their grandma. The brother didn't seem to be talking much, come to think of it doesn't seem to be interested in being here. Only his head was down towards the food. But the sister was pretty much chatting away to the grownups. I saw my dad laugh at whatever she was saying. I smirked a bit at Tina mostly. Gee...I don't remember being that big of a chatter box when I was her age back then. Wonder if Sylvester is growing tired because of her.

He sure looks it. Kinda glad I don't have a sister.

It was now lunch hour, and so far the second day of their stay at Temra has been great. Tina was enjoying the female tiger pretty much on the same level as yesterday, while Sylvester still seemed bored, but didn't complain nonetheless. Prem especially still loved having them around, mostly Tina. Leslie couldn't exactly hang out with us so much then, considering she already threw away one day to do that yesterday and had to work with the other scientists today. But Prem could care less. She was happy with just the three of us people.

Might as well have some younglings to be around with. Leslie is kinda getting old anyway.

I can't get the thoughts of Prem and Tina especially out of my head. They were acting like full on best friends already. I didn't think their relationship would pick up THAT strong THAT quickly, and it definitely picked up since yesterday. I don't think my friendship with the feline grew THAT fast. But Tina really warmed up to her. She didn't mind even when the tiger was going to the cafeteria with us this morning and ate breakfast before we went to the dome. Both her and her brother were a little surprised, never thinking ahead of time that a large animal would be eating with a group of people. But they never minded it. I can tell Tina in particular loved animals, lot more than I did before I ended up here. I think that was all Prem could ask for. Someone that truly loves animals.

Not to say I don't love her as an animal, but you get my point.

Sylvester, like he is now, acted bored, and kinda kept a distance from her, like he didn't want to do anything today. But not only her, but from me and his sister as well. Perhaps he felt worn still from all the fetching he did yesterday. I was glad Prem herself didn't notice he was seemingly trying to ignore us, or else who knew what she'd do. Be offended, or try to get him to actually play with her, and who knew what lengths she'd go to get him to play. I giggled deeply to myself at one certain thought. I still remember the moment Prem almost ran into him by accident when we were all playing fetch, and he let out that high pitched scream. It was a hoot. I was happy, for his sake anyway, that he didn't get another heart attack when Prem would have the nerve to want to play with him...By chasing him around.

He'd better be careful if she ever wanted to wrestle him. She's a BIG, STRONG LADY.

I twisted my form around, and noticed one person in particular has never shown up for lunch.


I frowned in question. Where could that scumbag be? I thought he wouldn't resist Elsa's cooking...Other than be a perv to her.

What's he up to right now? Come to think of it he never bothered me and Prem while we both went and got the siblings out of their room this morning. He apparently already arrived at the cafeteria eating his grub. He was basically not wanting to have anything to do with us like as of late...Well, besides a tiny bit yesterday when the siblings finally showed up and met Prem the first time, pretending to keep an eye on her and make sure she wouldn't hurt them, which clearly she would never. But he's obviously back to his normal, lately routine...Leaving me to things with the striped animal...Alone.

Good enough for me as usual. Least he wasn't being a tool of ruining everything that was going on by watching all of us play around today and then say a bunch of nonsense about Prem to Tina and Sylvester. 

I would totally call him out on it if he did.

I heard somebody sit down in a seat in front of me. I turned and found it was Chase in his civilian outfit. He got another early start by showing up to eat right now. He smiled and said, "Hey, Jace. How's it going?"

I smiled back and replied, "Good, all things considering. Did you manage to find some action last night?"

Chase moaned as he stretched up his arms, "No." He dropped down his limbs, "Just another quiet patrol and watch that seems to drag on real slow. I hate when nights do that. It'd probably go fast if I found a beach babe lounging about in the building." 

I joked, "Wouldn't surprise me if she was Earl's..." I made air quotes, "'Massage', but was late when she showed up and that's why she was alone."

He cracked, "Riped for the picking." I chuckled. Then Chase asked, "And who do you think would be the 'massage therapist'? Pamela Anderson?"

I narrowed up my eyes playfully, "Don't be dumb. Why would she get involved with someone like him?"

Chase was smirking when he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know...But have you ever heard of V. I. P.? That old tv show she was on?"

I formed a frown. I uttered, "No? Last I heard she was on Baywatch. You know..." I was pumping away my arms like I was running in a chase, "The slow mo running?"

Chase waved me off, "Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Anyway, she kinda played as a figurehead working at a bodyguard agency on the show. Maybe our boss likes smart, busty women. I think that's a good pick."

I playfully remarked, "I don't think he'd wanna mess around with a girl like that, Chase."

"Why not? She's probably the type of person that knows how to work cherries." I snickered loudly. Maybe...If she knows how to work a very serious government official. Then that's when the night security guard eyes went wide, like something came to his head. Then he added, pounding his fist squarely against his forehead, "Oh, wait...I totally forgot. Earl would never dare to let her in this place. I heard Pamela's into animal rights, especially working with PETA. If she found out we're holding a tiger captive, she'd have a bitch flip."

I let out a huff and then formed a grin, "Well that's thrown out the window." I took a sip of my drink.

Chase was shaking his skull with a dumb smirk. He said, "You know, I think I'd be more thrilled to have your tiger as my watch dog than a babe."

I inquired after putting down the cup, "Why?"

"Because watch dogs are good company...And be somebody that I can actually talk to during nights." Chase added, "And I won't lose my gig for not escorting a hot chick out of the building."

I concurred, "Eh, that's true. Prem could definitely help out any escort missions. She can scare potential trespassers off."

Chase giggled before adding, "God, she can even EAT them, and I don't have to fire my gun. Save me the bullets."

"Heh heh..." I lifted the fork with noodles on it, "Yeah." I stuffed them in my mouth, while having thoughts about Prem. Particularily ones about her feelings towards the man sitting in front of me. Her distrustful feelings. I don't think she would have agreed to be his partner. No matter how cool it sounded. No matter if that got out of her cage and gave her something to do. 

Prem...Chase is our friend too. You know that. Why are you like that with him?

"So..." I gazed at him after I seemed to have drone off a bit. He asked, "How is Prem doing?" He shot a quick glance down the table and saw Tina and Sylvester with dad and Leslie still. He looked directly at me again and thumbed down the table, "Heard our new guests have already arrived. Is she having fun with them?"

I formed a huge smile. I reported, "Boy is she. She's doing great. The guests practically love her. Mostly the little girl over there."

Chase praised, "Awesome. I figured things would be smooth. Who'd have thought Prem would be great with kids?"

"Yeah, who'd have thought." Then I added with a hushed whisper, leaning forward over the table a bit, "And she's also not speaking a damn word to them either."

He then chuckled quietly. He whispered back, "Great. That means we won't be dealing with another circus in this place." 

I let out a giggle in response. I spoke on, "Well I've been dealing with one, that's for sure. Leslie made such a great idea to bring her grandkids here. Prem likes them a lot. It's just too bad that it's gonna be short lived. Earl thinks their weekend visit is a one time visit so far." 

Chase asked, "Have you thought about talking to him about letting them visit this place more often?"

I nodded a bit, having a look of uncertainty, "I am thinking about it, but who knows what he would say? He kinda doesn't trust having kids wandering in the facility and discovering something that they're not supposed to find...Like the tiger."

Chase commented, "Well, if that's the case, I bet it'd be a little late for that now."

"I seriously doubt it." Hopefully... I brought up, "I'll be frank it took me and Leslie some convincing to have him let them come here." I shot a glance at my dad at the other end of the table. I mentioned, "I wonder how difficult it was for my father for him to get me into this place."

"True, he is a serious dude when things are totally top of the line secretive." Chase shrugged his shoulders, "But I think you should give it a try. He might consider it."

I looked toward him and simply replied, "Maybe." For Prem's sake, I hope she can see them again, on another weekend. She's really liking them. I can imagine she'd be sad when they'd be gone...Like if I was ever gone from her life forever. I can partly see the tears flowing already. 

Then he pointed at me, "In the mean time, you should invite me to hang out with you guys today. I got all day long before I have to get serious."

I was thinking about declining the offer, for Prem's feelings. But then I thought...Why not? She needs to get used to being around him, and to try to trust him more. I should invite him to come with me and the new guests to the dome. This oughta be the perfect time for her to get to know him. I nodded in agreement, "That's a deal. You'll do great with everyone, including Prem." I whispered once more, "Just don't make her say anything in front of those kids, okay?"

He responded in a loud whisper too, "O-KAY." He made a two finger salute as a sign of a promise. I merely grinned at him. Then after that, he started to dig into his lunch. I also went back to eating my chicken noodles so I can finish up along with the new visitors and Chase so we can all hurry back to the dome. 

Then I thought back about the timeline of Tina and Sylvester's weekend visit. Well, I shouldn't worry too much about them leaving and possibly not coming back right now. At least there is still some time left before they do leave here. Until tomorrow night is what Leslie said, when she's done with work and goes home. They both must be going to school, this time of year is school season, not like they've both graduated like me. Plenty of time before it ends. 

But, better get a move on already. I bet Sylvester and his little sis aren't in the rush to waste time and go back to school. Might as well have some more fun. And knowing Prem she can't wait to be near us all again. I ain't going to let her wait much longer than she has to.

And I certainly hope she doesn't get too shocked and nervous when she sees Chase in the fray. I'm only doing him a favor here.

Ah, but she'll be fine, she just needs to deal with it. In the end she'll be glad she had more company other than me and the siblings. Besides that, I don't think anything dramatic is bound to happen today. 

What could possibly go wrong?


I was gaping toward the ceiling of the dome, the sun very bright through the glass. While I lied on my back on the grass, my chest rose and then lowered after letting out a pleasant sigh. I was relaxing a bit while waiting patiently for Jason and the new visitors of Temra to come back from lunch time. If only I could join them, I could go for another bite. Heck before she left, Tina had a great idea of asking Jason if they could take me with them. But knowing how the rules are around here, I figured he would say no. I didn't argue about it, I couldn't anyways if I tried, but it was very kind of her to do something like that for me. 

Considering because, besides I'm her newfound friend that she needed, I was just a talking animal that can express feelings. 

Secretly to her anyways.

My face held worry. I have been having fun today so far, without encountering any kind of trouble, but part of me felt like a dumb animal still for revealing my secret to her last night, when I was not supposed to. I definitely thought that was more dumber than when I spoke my first few words to Jason behind his back after he delivered some food to me when Gilbert brought me here with Jason without taking me to the cafeteria to spite me. It wasn't just an accident this time, it was deliberately on purpose. 

But I mostly swiped that away. It was worth it to me at the end. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to make her feel a little better. She was a lonely man cub that doesn't seem to have a lot of friends...And family that doesn't apparently talk to her much, like her brother before they both came to Temra. I thought just by speaking to her, I could help fill that empty space she has. Besides, I can relate a little bit. My family can't talk to me cause I've been taken away from home...And I have been feeling lonely like she was. Course I was with her a lot yesterday before nighttime arrived, but I thought there's more to than being present. You kinda have to speak to someone too. I just wish that wasn't a rule that I've flat out broke.

I shifted my form a bit on the ground without taking my gaze off the blue, sunny sky. While we had breakfast and before everyone left for lunch, I was kinda suspecting that Tina told her brother, Sly, about me. I kept an eye on him while all of us were together, wondering if he was a bit suspicious of me. But then I doubted Tina had said something to him. I still have trust in her. I can see she can keep this secret. 

Besides, how is her brother going to believe her? Unless she forcefully took him to meet me all alone and I just jabbered right in front of him without holding back from fear of consequences. My eyes went wide at the thought. That...Could happen. Would it happen? Would Tina make him believe her by doing that? I softened up my expression and shook my head to myself, the sounds of grass rustling near my ears. No...She wouldn't. She promised. And perhaps she'll believe that I won't say a word to him anyways.

Or...Maybe she wouldn't care and try it anyway? Would she try to do the same with Leslie? I don't even know what to think anymore. Anything could happen after that point.


Speaking of anything, I was also thinking, since this morning, about talking to Jason about what I've done in private somewhere in the habitat dome. Off somewhere in the makeshift jungle to be specific far from any wandering ears. I pawed his leg earlier acting like, without saying words, I wanted to talk to him alone while Tina and Sly were sitting around, but the little one herself thought I wanted to have a walk around the dome and popped up and joined us, so that idea just flew off like a bird. I knew sooner or later I'd tell him, but obviously that wasn't the time.

Maybe I'll tell him tonight, when Tina goes to her room with Sly and then he takes me to the cage. I'll admit to him in there. That seems like the most private place there is...Well besides the dome before it got crowded with new humans.

Then Leslie popped up in my head, making me frown quizzically. Leslie wasn't here to spend time with her grandchildren as she did yesterday, saying she had to work today. That was all right, I still had lots of company that are with me today...But I still had questions for her that have been buzzing in my brain. I wanted to ask her what Tina told me. About her brother, about their parents. And more importantly why she was raising her and her brother and why she had gotten rid of her granddaughter's best friend even though she quite loved him. 

That last part was still peculiarily off. Leslie wouldn't be that kind of human. I doubted it so hard, I didn't totally believe it. I couldn't SEE her in that way, knowing all the times on how she has treated me, with so much kindness...Like a normal grandmother would...Like mine. But if she was, which I definitely don't think she is, then why would she do that? I don't understand it. There had to have been some good reason behind her action.

I just hoped I'd get an answer for that particular question from her soon. And I also did want to confess to her, and also Roy and Elsa, that I broke the VERY secretive rule, AGAIN, and that the little girl knows I can talk now. But I still thought about telling them later, if at all. I guess the reason I am hesitant about telling them anything right now was because I was afraid what I did would somehow get around this place, and then Gilbert and Earl would know, and then I'm in trouble.

There's no way they would find this acceptable. They gave it a chance when Jason knew, but me making that same mistake again...They won't like it. This was different. They probably wouldn't believe a little human wouldn't spit out this place's secret to the outside world. Which I think differently.

I took a huge risk...I hope nobody else knows.

Well, besides Jason when I tell him.

My chest rose up as I was taking in a deep, relaxing breath. Just relax, Prem. Everything is going to be fine. Gilbert and Earl won't know a thing. How would they? You and Tina were all alone when it happened. Just don't blurb it out to everyone and you'll be okay. Heck, unless Tina told Leslie, the others won't know. They don't really HAVE to know you spoke to the little one. Just keep it to yourself with Jason. 

I kinda felt bad for thinking about keeping this minor detail from my other friends that I cared about dearly. They wouldn't do that to me. They always tell me everything. They hold nothing back. But I didn't want to chance it. The more less things knew about something, the better. This was probably a good idea.

Then, shortly, my eyelids began slowly drifting down till they were shut, changing my viewpoint to sheer darkness. I kinda felt like I was about to fall asleep. I partly wanted to snap them open in case I was about to miss something, cause usually I don't like missing anything, and Jason, Tina and Sly could come back at any time. But they didn't budge. They were a bit heavy to lift. I let out a breath as my body relaxed some more. Oh well...Jason and them can come wake me up. I'm taking a short nap. I'll just feel much more energized when they get back. 

And that means...MORE PLAYTIME!

I rested for who knows how long, I couldn't keep track. I was sleeping in peace, with my surroundings not making a single sound...Until I heard something making footsteps on the grass after some time passed. At first I thought I was already dreaming up this noise. But then, I heard stern, loud words, "Time to wake up, Prem."

They roused me awake. I blinked my eyes back into focus and quickly tilted my head while I was on my back still to see it was the least type of person I didn't want to see again.


"Gilbert." I uttered a deep growl, "What do you want? I was resting up for different company, not yours. You interrupted it."

"Shut up." That made my trap clamp shut. Apparently none of my words deterred him, nor change his emotion. Obviously, by the way he was gazing, he appeared to be mad about something. Gilbert commanded with heat in his voice, "Get up. NOW."

I rolled to my side, confused. I questioned, "Why? What is this? Did Jason send you?"

He basically ignored my last question and announced, "We're going to the cage room. I suggest you do what I tell you."

"The cage room?" I questioned further in irritance, "What for? It's not nighttime, and I hadn't done anything wrong today. I'm being a good girl and-"

But he took the whip he had carried on his shoulder and swung it down to the grass, empathizing with his stance, roaring like a bear, "I don't care what time it is, or what your plans are. I SAID GET THE FUCK UP AND MOVE IT OR YOU'RE GETTING THE WHIP! I AM GETTING CLOSE TO LOSING MY SHIT WITH YOU! JUST DO IT!!!" My eyes went wide as his loud statements echoed over the habitat dome. The fear I had for the whip clawed at me once more. Gosh...He must be REALLY mad. What is his problem this time? 

I let out a sigh of submission, getting up on my fours. Fine...I'll do what he says. I slowly padded till I was beside him. I glanced up at his face, and he motioned his weapon to the direction of the exit without a word. I did what he said and headed the way, while he marched behind me without leaving me from his sights. Rather quickly after we both went through the greenery of the makeshift jungle, we came out into the hallway. I was trotting forward a couple feet when I heard a slam behind me. My striped form jumped from the sound. I jerked my gaze around. Apparently in another way to show how angry he was, he had slammed the entrance door hard.

Gilbert sharply had his eyes back on me. He walked up and motioned the whip in his hand forward. He demanded, "WALK." I did as he told without argument. Only trepidation guided me along this path we're walking on. In the back of my mind, while my heart pounded away nervously in my chest, I was calling for Jason. Where are you? I hope you're coming back from your lunch.

I think something bad's about to happen...I can feel it.

A swarm of questions came to me as me and Gilbert turned the corner in the hall for the cage room. What is going on? Why is Gilbert being this way? I am certain I had done nothing wrong today. Is he just mad still cause I back talked to him yesterday, acting confident and defiant, and he was going to take it out on me in private, cause his ego's hurt, cause my friends aren't around at the moment? 

That might be what's going on here. No doubt about it. Heck, he has whipped me before because I back talked him...He's probably finishing where we left off.


I don't want to get whipped...

Please hurry up...

I went inside the cage room, slowly padding up to the middle of the room. I slowly turned back around and faced the hostile handler. He had softly closed the room door, still having this grim look upon his face, his angry looking eyes not leaving my nervous form at all. As he began approaching me, my paws were taking steps back. Gilbert demanded angrily, "Get in the cage."

Instead of doing that, I defended myself, "But I didn't do anything bad, Gilbert."


I stood firm now, not backing up anymore, my butt close to the opening at the gate. Then he stood still, just staring at me. I put on a look of defiance. I protested, "NO. I'm not going in that thing until you tell me what is going on here."

His eyes went up in fury. His voice held threat as he replied, "I am warning you, you mangy bitch..."

I demanded, "What is all this? I haven't done anything dumb for goodness sake! Why don't you just tell me instead of getting angry at me all the time?"

Gilbert gaped at me for a long time without changing his expression. Then he finally spoke, "You think you take me for a fool, do you?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't think you are a fool, I KNOW you are."

He scoffed, "You think you can just fool everyone into thinking you are just innocent, and you wouldn't cause trouble, and think you can have everything you want. I know what you are, and I know you would do ANYTHING to get rid of me."

Oh no, this crap again? I asked with a raised brow, "What are you yakking about now? I'm not planning to get rid of you."

"Oh really?" Then he accused, "Then how come you're telling innocent little kids about yourself? How come you're having endearing CONVERSATIONS with children that shouldn't know anything about you?"

Huh? How does he-? I mentally shook that away. He must be baiting me, wanting me to confess something that I did so he'd have an excuse to hurt me. I pretended I didn't understand what he was saying, shaking my head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Gilbert spat, "And it figures that you're going to say that I'm making it up and you haven't done something that'll jeopardize everything we have here. I know you're a load of shit. Things like you are ALWAYS loads of shit." He pointed and shoved an accusing finger at me now, "I KNOW, all right? You let the cat out of the bag! I know you SPOKE to that girl! I know you SPOKE directly in front of one of the visitors here!"

"You mean Tina?" I lied, "I never spoken a word to her! You're delusional!"

"Don't give me more of that, you traitor. I SAW you two chatting..." He swung his finger behind his shoulder, "ON THAT THING." I followed where he pointed, squinting my gaze with a swish of my tail. It was something that was hanging on the ceiling at the corner of the room. It was a little black thing that humans use to watch, or in my case, SPY on day in and day out. Maybe for a lifetime. It was also something that humans can keep a record of, like it recalls back days, or much longer than that, and let the humans that's behind the cameras know it sees. 

I didn't let it appear on me, but inside, I panicked. My heart skipped a beat, feeling I was caught in the act. Oh shoot! The camera!

I totally forgot about it!!!

Sometimes I forget that thing actually existed and was still over there. I hardly paid mind to it. But, remembering it now, I probably should've. I thought Gilbert wouldn't know what I just did last night and I wouldn't get caught...Well now, I have.

I'm in big trouble...Again.

I broke the rule again...And there's no way of getting out of this one.

Gilbert warned, "I warned you what would happen if you did something like this again...And YOU are going to get it."

I can tell he was going to whip me now. I tried to put a stop to this with a desperate face, "Wait! Gilbert, it's not what you think! I didn't say anything to her!"

He groaned, "Ah, stop this nonsense."

"No please listen! Yes, she was inside this room last night. Yes, she was talking to me, but I didn't utter a single word! She was doing all the talking! She was just talking about her life cause she was bored and she doesn't have anyone else to talk to! That's it! Tina doesn't know anything, I swear!"

But he still didn't believe my words, "Enough, Prem. You're caught. There's no use in denying."

I begged, taking back one tiny step, "Please, Gilbert, don't hurt me!"

"You should've thought of that before trying to REALLY make friends with her." He brandished the whip, "I said get in the cage."

I cried, "I didn't do it!"

"...You seriously think saying that, I can just forget about it." Gilbert sneered, watching me twitching in fright, "You REALLY think you can fool me like everyone else. You REALLY think you're better than me. You REALLY think you can live without suffering the consequences. You REALLY think just because you have Jason by your side that you can have everything you desire...Like letting out secrets and getting rid of me." He actually formed a small confident smile as he went on, "Well, let me tell you something, Prem, it ain't happening! You can't, not while I'm around. Having everything your way, thanks to my former partner, will not get rid of me. I am not going anywhere. I have MUCH BIGGER authority over you and your lackey and there is nothing you can do about it. And speaking of that...You WILL bend down and take everything I am giving you like a good bitch you are." 

The seriousness came back on his face and he demanded once more, "Now, for the last time...Get in the cage."

Suddenly...I snapped. I had a surge of courage spread throughout my body. I formed up a glare, not feeling afraid anymore. I stood there defiantly, and merely said one word, "...Never."

Gilbert's eyes went wide. Then he narrowed them up again, "You DARE stand against me again? Remember the last time you did that?"

I paused a bit before I answered, "YES...I DO. I've had it. I've had enough of you and your fucking delusions, Gilbert. I am not taking it anymore."

He threatened, "You better watch what you're saying now...Or it's going to get worse off than it is now."

I yelled, "I don't care! All my time here you have left me nothing but fear and cruelty! You wanted me to live in a dark, depressing place for your own pride! That's true, I ain't going to deny that I wasn't always a good girl in your eyes, but I have changed for the sake of you humans. I have grown to care for them. But after I changed, you never cared! You thought of me as less! You still BULLY and INTIMIDATE me, and BELIEVE you are the one that is better than me! You always treated me this way, even when I behave well! Well I'm not letting it happen anymore!"

Gilbert retorted, "Shut up, you bitch hog."

But I went on, "It isn't just me, you BULLY and INTIMIDATE everybody! You bring all your tactics just so you can control everyone underneath your whim. Well we are all tired of you and your actions, including Elsa. Speaking of her, you think you can actually charm her off her pants just because you want to. Well you won't. She will NEVER be your doll! She will NEVER give in to you with your selfish demands...Like I won't!"

He actually growled, "I am really getting closer to whipping you."

I continued to protest, "So what! You never had MUCH BIGGER authority over everyone! You're just a self-righteous fool and a loser! And CREATURES like you always get what they have coming to them. You are not in control, I AM! I've had enough of you, Gilbert, I realize that now. You will not intimidate me anymore, you will not bully me anymore, and you will never take away my pride and joy! I'm not afraid of you, so you can quit this ridiculous act you're putting on and go home and sputter in agony and defeat from your internal loss from me! And everyone else, including me, can live on happily without your stupid, callous, obnoxious, unfulfilling presense!"

That got him MORE angrier than he has already. Gilbert snarled, "You fucking cunt." His hand swung the whip down and it smacked against the floor like he was ready to use it.

I gasped as fear quickly replaced the bravery and rose up so high within my chest. My past trauma flashed before my eyes. Oh no! When he began advancing at me in a menacing sort of way, with a fierce glare in his eyes, like a bear ready to strike, I was scurrying desperately into my cage, all four of my feet stepping on the mattress within it. I cried without taking my sights off him, "Stay back!"

He threatened when I now just pressed my furry form against a wall, "I warned you, BITCH."

I tried again with pleading, terror filled eyes when he now stood right in front of me, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Gilbert sneered, "You're not afraid now, huh, kitty kitty? Imma teach you another PURE LESSON not to ever stand up to me like that again." 

He raised his weapon of torture.

I looked away, hiding my face from him, shutting my eyes tightly and waiting for the pain to begin.

I heard the sound of the whip breaking through the air as he swung it down hard....

...And a shot of piercing pain appeared.


He brought back his arm.

Swung down.

And struck me right at a spot on my hindquarters. 


He struck me over and over, hearing me in distress, watching me wince. I shrieked each time the whip had inflicted pain on my scared hide. I'm not even sure if that was true or not, but I could've swore he was swinging that thing on me A LOT MORE times than the last time.

I screamed again after he did it once more, "PLEASE! STOP! STOP!"

Gilbert roared, "You don't tell me what to do you fucking animal! I'm in control here!"


I sucked in a breath, my eyes popped open, my ears pricked at the sudden voice. Jason? I quickly brought my face back out into the world, and saw that Jason actually arrived, all alone, and has stopped Gilbert from hitting me again. The young human had ahold of Gilbert's arm as he had already raised it high in the air again. The agressor looked back at him in surprise. Jason bore an angry, protective look. He ordered loudly, "Leave her alone!"

Gilbert snapped right back, yanking his limb off the young human's grip, "Back off, kid!" He thrusted his whip right toward me, "This is between me and her! That thing was back talking me, and I'm teaching her a lesson she won't EVER forget!"

Jason heatedly said, "I said leave her alone, Gilbert!"

Gilbert fired back, "You go back to whatever you planned on doing, while I finish this!" Another frightened gasp escaped my lips as he threatened to raise the weapon again.

Jason grabbed his arm again, making him stop and have them both exchange furious expressions. Jason told him straight up, "No you're not!"

But the maniac didn't back down with a low threatening tone, "Let go my arm, you punk."

Jason warned, not faltering either, "You get away from her, or you'll be sorry."

"Oh I'll be sorry?" He dropped the whip and grabbed Jason's chest with both hands, "You're the one who's gonna be sorry!" Jason grunted angrily as Gilbert literally had themselves outside the cage. He still had his grip on Jason as he slammed the younger human against a wall. Jason grunted out in pain when I think I saw the back of his head bang on it.

My eyes went wide at the scene! JASON!

"NO!" I cried as protective instincts suddenly came over me when I immediately rushed out of the cage. I sprang forward...

...And collided with Gilbert off of Jason, ending this spectacle. When he landed on his back, I was merely on top of him, snarling up close to his face, showing fiery anger in my eyes and growling teeth in my jaws. Gilbert's face went so wide while he turned pale white in terror of my change in behavior. All that anger made me forget every rule I was supposed to follow about Temra. Including this certain one about him. I was merely seeing him down below as PREY. I was standing at the point of NO RETURN.

You bastard...You BASTARD! You've hurt me for so long! You've hurt me in so many ways in the past! And now you hurt my best friend!

Not while I'm here!!!

"No! Prem! Stop!" Jason tried pulling me off the slimey bastard. He screamed in utter desperation, "Prem, no! Please, stop! No!"

Hearing his voice snapped me out of this fury. My face went wide, my mouth still open but came out only as a silent gasp. I looked back at Jason's face, his eyes giving out a desperate plea for me to stop this madness. I looked back down at Gilbert for a quick second, then began backing off his form in guilt. Gilbert's breaths came out as weak and trembled as he got on his feet. He huffed, staring at us for a mere moment, then staggered to the cage. He picked the whip off the floor, then fiercely turned to us again. He finally spoke out an accusation at Jason, "She's out of control." I flinched from his words. He wasn't wrong.

I...I almost killed him.

Gilbert then flat out declared, "You both are a problem. Earl's going to hear about this!" He limped a bit to the door of this room. He twisted back to say one last thing to us, "This isn't over!" And with that, he disappeared out into the hallway and didn't come back.

I was breathing in and out in shudders. Oh no...What have I done?

I...I made things worse.

His voice echoed through my worried thoughts, "Prem?" I gaped at him. He kneeled down to my level, his hands cupping both my cheeks. He looked me in the eyes and asked, "Are you ok?"

Tears were beginning to form. I replied, my lip quivering, "J-J-J-...Jason!" I wrapped a paw around his body and hugged him against me. I was crying over his shoulder, sobbing from the stinging pain I felt still on my striped body, and the guilt of what I did. I cried his name once more as the fur on my face was getting wet, "J-J-Jason!"

I was feeling my two legged friend trying to hug me as well in comfort. One of his hands rubbed my fur in circles. He was speaking soothingly as I continued to sob, "Shhh. Hey, hey...It's ok. I'm here. Shhh..."

But I wasn't feeling sure of that. I caused a lot of trouble...

And it's gonna come back and bite us in the ass.