Current Track: Blabb

I bit down on the breakfast burrito. My teeth tore off a tiny chunk and started chewing...While my eyes not turned away from Prem laying on the floor near the end of the other long table from a distance.

It was breakfast time again at the cafeteria in Temra, and everyone including me and Prem attended it like yesterday. Me and her got here early again, though not as early as before. I think her food was about done as meanwhile I was eating my breakfast, which was french toast and breakfast burrito.

I think you can say that the reason why I couldn't take my eyes off Prem, and couldn't sleep anymore and woke up early this morning...Was because I was feeling guilty.

I swallowed down the chewed up bits, breathing in slowly with my nose and letting the air out with my mouth. I couldn't get the truth I found out before I went to bed out of my head. I really felt like a total jerk, and an idiot. I thought to myself that I wasn't going to look like an idiot again, well I think I really look it...BIG TIME. I accused her of using me and lying to me because I thought Gilbert wasn't like what she described, but it really was the other way around coming from him. He is the liar...He is the asshole. And I was acting like one...For not trusting her and walking out on her...When she didn't want me to.

I felt so guilty last night, I basically did not take the whip that liar so wanted me to keep out of the storage room. I just left it right where I lay it on the shelf. I felt so HORRIBLY guilty that I wanted to come back to the cage room and apologize right away for not listening to her. But I didn't do that because she was already in bed, and frankly it was my time to go to bed too. It did feel hard a little bit trying to sleep, because I was thinking about her so much, but thankfully I did, and it didn't feel long for the morning to arrive and give me permission to free the tiger out of the cage.

Prem didn't say anything much to me when I let her out, and I didn't say much of anything to her, except told her morning and we were going to the cafeteria. I was still feeling so guilty. After all I said to her in the dome, it was hard for me to say something to her now. It felt pretty awkward. The tiger seemed happy to be out of that cage again, but I can tell she was afraid to say anything to me. It was probably because she thought I was still mad at her for what she told me, and she probably didn't want to make it worse than it was.

But I wasn't angry and distrustful to her anymore. I was blind, but I know the truth. I believed every word she said. Every word she claimed about Gilbert. Kinda not too sure about what she claimed about Earl though. I don't see him as the bad guy like Gilbert.

I was also believing what everyone else, Chase and Elsa, said about Gilbert too. Chase's complaints about my partner said it all, and Elsa had delivered food to Prem in the dome before because my partner had left here there on purpose. He was an asshole toward Chase, for calling him 'Chip' over and over again when he knew that's not really his name, and he was a tool because he didn't care about the welfare of the tiger, even though he claims it IS important to him, and was an asshole towards her. They were not misunderstandings...They were facts. They were obvious now. If what Prem claims is true, all words from those two are true too.

I was blind to them, but not anymore.

I shot a glance toward the cafeteria doors far from me. I let out a sigh. Gilbert hadn't shown up for work yet, since I beat him to it by early stance. He probably will soon. It was that time when he shows up.

I didn't exactly want to talk to him again after what I've learned. I wanted to cut ALL ties with him. I even had the urge to talk to Earl about him. I was sure Temra doesn't tolerate abuse towards animals very much...Like me. I know I don't like animals that much, but I wouldn't abuse them. As you can already tell, I'm not like that.

Well, I sorta wanted to ABUSE that alley cat when it tried to claw at my face that one time...But that's in the past now!

Anyways...However, when Earl came to the cafeteria a bit ago to get his plate, I decided not to speak to him, seeing there wasn't any trouble right now, and he would defend the guy as Prem claims. I think that's one thing that's true about him, I still don't think he's evil. Maybe I could have shown the whip to him as proof to what I'm trying to say to him, but then I was thinking it was already shown to him and doesn't think it as a big deal, and maybe it wouldn't be enough.

I decided to wait for that time to come, and I decided to put up with Gilbert...For the time being. The plan was when I see Gilbert striking at Prem, totally abusing his power, that's when I strike back.

But until then, I'm going to put up with him and play it cool, and pretend I never heard anything out of Prem's giant mouth, for now, until I feel like it should be known to him.

I saw Elsa came out of the kitchen a few minutes later. She went up to Prem, still laying near the table my dad and Leslie are sitting, and lowered the platter of food for her on the floor in front of her. Prem leaned her head to rub it against the woman's leg, and the female cook petted her kindly in return. Elsa left a second later, and the big cat immediately started digging in to her grub.

I smiled at the scene a bit. Prem looked a bit down because of what happened yesterday, I'm betting so, but from what I see the whole time, she was getting along with them fine, like the other mornings. Saying hello to them and being a little chatty with them. I felt ashamed thinking the tiger manipulated them about things. I feel like a total moron just thinking about that. From what I can tell...Prem cares about them. No manipulation whatsoever. It was like me and her...Like I should have known it was.

I'm glad she's feeling happy...After how I treated her.

I'll make sure I'll never do that again.

A voice rang, cutting my attention, "Hey, kid." I shot it to that person...And that was Gilbert, shown up for work. He smiled at me when he stopped and blocked my view of the tiger, "Up and going before me again?"

I formed a smile, a little one, and replied, "Yep."

He complimented with a chuckle, "Damn, maybe I should be living here like you. That way I wouldn't have to be in a rush to leave my home and drive all the way here, and be in a rush to drive home and go to sleep as early as possible. Heh, might not feel so hungry in the mornings too."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Whatever makes you healthy." Gee, Jason, nice one. Now you'd better HOPE he doesn't live in this place with you! Don't want to deal with a abuser a lot in the night.

Gilbert spoke with a raised finger, "Be back with ya in a sec." He strode up to the counter, hollering for Elsa in the kitchen, "Hey, doll! Hungry man is here!" I rolled my eyes at that.

Elsa hollered back, "Okay!" A few moments later, I saw her come up and hand over a plate to him.

I heard him reply with that flirtatious look on his face, and his hand imitating a gun and pointing it at her, "Catch ya later, doll." Elsa didn't even reply to that, she spun out and went back deeper in the room she's working in. Gilbert came back with the plate a moment later, sitting beside me in the table. Then, shortly, judging by the distance between him at this table and Prem at the other one, for the first time I came to realize something.

Prem and Gilbert were NEVER close to each other when they eat in the cafeteria.

I probably would've thought before I knew the truth that Gilbert was sitting not real close to her because he knows what she was like, but now that I know it...It's because he doesn't care about her at all, and Prem hates him because of how he treats her and doesn't want to eat near him. She just wants to eat with the ones who care about her.

I know I noticed Gilbert not hanging out with her in the dome, but I think you can really tell how someone feels about the other when they don't sit near each other when they're eating. It's real obvious.

Perhaps I might consider sitting at a different table than with this jerkoff next time. I'll have to remember that.

Gilbert looked at me, breaking through my realization with a question, "So, how is morning?"

I replied, "Fine." I took a bite out of the breakfast burrito again.

While I was chewing, Gilbert asked me a serious question, "Any trouble with the tiger?"

You probably WISH there was. I assured with my mouth full, "Nope. She was on her best behavior with me like last time. Didn't growl or lay a scratch on me." I swallowed.

Gilbert spoke to me with amusement, "Well you're still exactly how I left you last night so I suppose you're right."

I mentioned, "Hey, it's like you said...She knows who her masters are and when to respect someone."

He stated proudly, "I guess I should stop worrying about you dealing with her alone then. You are becoming a natural without me."

Good...Give it up already.

Then he added, "You may think it's beginner's luck still, but I think your dad was right. You really have a talent for this."

I guess I do. I acknowledged modestly with a tiny nod, "It probably is still, twice a charm. Who knows?" I focused on Prem, taking another bite out of my burrito.

Gilbert giggled, shaking his head, "I don't know...You may become the best animal handler since Steve Irwin one day." He picked up his burrito before adding, "Well...Too bad HE died under unfortunate circumstances years ago. He thought he was the best at his job, but it wasn't always the case." He bit on his food.

I didn't know who that guy he brought up was, but I can tell the guy sitting with me was still going at it about me getting hurt by Prem. I didn't care. I kinda didn't want him talking to me anymore because I know the truth about him. I quickly promised, not taking my eyes off the striped animal, "I don't intend to."

Gilbert giggled again, this time with his mouth full. Then he gave me a friendly pat on the back, "I'm sure you won't. You'll probably live on to be a star of your own wildlife television series!" I wrinkled my brow without even looking at him. What the fuck is he talking about?

After those words, Gilbert was just eating to himself, and so was I. We both finished up our breakfast meals and so did Prem soon afterward. The two of us got off the table and we led her out of the cafeteria, not before letting her say goodbye to my dad and his friends of course. Prem was purely quiet all the way to the dome, while I was thinking the dome was the best place and time for me to make amends with her. I have to make it right.

After Gilbert and I opened up the doors for her, she padded slowly out into the sun glaring over the dome. She walked several steps in there till she stopped and looked over her shoulder. She spoke as if she was depressed, "Well...I'll see you later."

Gilbert giggled, "What's your problem? Usually you're pretty happy to be here!" I formed a glare and he didn't see it. Shut up, you tool.

"Nothing." She answered, "I'm just a bit...Sleepy still."

Gilbert remarked, "With your new handler waking you up early, that explains it." He waved, "Bye bye." Then he asked me, "You coming, Jason? Or staying here?"

I answered without hesitation, "I'm staying here....With her." Prem's ears and eyes perked up at the words.

The animal handler older than me nodded, "All right. I'll see you around." I stepped forward out into the light of the sun while Gilbert closed the doors behind me...Shutting us in for the conversation about to happen.

Prem started, "Jason...I..."

I stood beside her, motioning her to follow, "Let's find a spot for us to talk." She acknowledged that with her furred head giving a nod. I led her away from the doors to out in the middle of the dome. Out into the open on the grass away from the lush greenery. Soon as we stopped, I turned to her, shortly breaking the awkward silence away, "Well...We're here."

She said, "It's...As good a spot as anywhere around here."

I shrugged, "Well, it's better than being in front of the door."

"...Yeah." The feline showed desperation, truth, and concern when she tried to begin, "Jason...I'm sorry for what I said, I know it's VERY hard to believe, but I'm telling you the truth about your pal."

I tried to stop her, "Prem."

"I'm trying to protect you. You would've done the same for me maybe. I mean, I just don't want you to end up being like him. I-"

I smiled and raised a hand, "PREM." Her eyes went wide. I told her, "Stop. Alright?" I dropped it down to the side, "Let me talk to you for a minute."

Prem gaped at me for a second. Then she slowly nodded at me, "Okay."

"Thank you." I held a look of serious apology and guilt on my face other than taking a deep breath. Then I began, "Prem...I'm the one who's sorry."

She tilted her head.

"I'm so sorry...For what I said to you before I left. I shouldn't have called you a liar. In fact...I NEVER should from now on. You weren't a liar, and never was. I realize that. I was very wrong about you...I should have believed you...Like, at all. I was a fool not to...Other than I feel like a jerk." I gave her another smile, "I know the truth now...And I'll never leave you like that again."

Prem showed a lot of happiness on her face. Then without warning she leaped up on two feet, and wrapped her forelimbs around me for a hug.

In surprise I cried out, about to lose my balance, "Ah!"

Prem, on the other hand, cried happily into my neck, "Oh Jason, I was afraid I lost you!"

"Arrgh, Prem! I'm about to- WAH-AH!"

"AH!" Prem and I both yelped when her frame and the momentum of her lunging for a hug finally caused my feet to slip out and have us collaspe onto the grass. My back laid on it while her body was safe from touching it with her on top of me. She was laughing from our accidental fall, while I was crushed a bit underneath her. Then the tiger was nuzzling me happily again, "Jason..."

I grunted, smiling afterward. I managed to speak despite her weight crushing me, "Glad you're happy." I begged, my arms trying to push her off me to no avail, "But can you get off me please?"

"Oh." She giggled in embarassment, getting on her paws and stepping off away from my form. I stood on my feet, wiping the loose hair and grass off my clothes. She apologized, her tail swishing behind her, "Sorry."

I smiled at her, "It's okay." I kneeled down, petting her cheeks with my hands and not letting my eyes leave hers, "I'm fine."

She replied with playful relief, "Phew, great. I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again."

"By crushing me with your body?" I laughed a bit, "I'm still breathing! You aren't kidding when you said you were a heavy girl."

She said, "I thought you could tell that about me."

"Me too, but now I DEFINITELY feel that about you. Just way beyond than I anticipated." She giggled deeply. Then I assured, "But don't worry...You're not losing me again."

"Good to hear." Her eyes held curiosity, "So, um...How did you know?"

I asked, "About what?"

The tiger clarified, "Gilbert. How did you know about him?"

I recalled, memories of last night came up, "Well...I honestly found it out because of him." I stood upright and explained, "Last night, after we dropped you off in your cage. He showed me that whip you told me. He was showing me it as a way to teach me how to punish you...When you get all mean and stuff."

Prem formed a glare, "Ah, that ass. I knew he took it somewhere, but I didn't think he was going to do that."

"Well...Now you know." I sighed, "With the way he talked about it, not to mention showing me HOW to use it...I realized you were telling me the truth. He does seem to take some pleasure out of it. And he even gave it to me so one day I might use it." I shook my head, "I ain't doing that. With how you behave with me, it's not worth carrying around."

Prem smiled and nodded in agreement, "You're absolutely right."

I then showed the guilt in my eyes again, "Prem...I'm sorry for not believing you."

Prem replied, "It's ok." She rubbed her head against my stomach, "I was afraid you wouldn't speak to me again, but...I was kinda thinking maybe you'll see for yourself after I told you, and then you would believe me. And now you did..." While she was this close, she craned back her head to look up at my face, "I'm so relieved."

I smiled when I shared her stare with mine, "I am still sorry for doing that though...It won't happen again." Then I rose a hand to raise a finger, "And to show I actually mean that...I'm going to have dinner with you later today."

Her eyes went wide, "Really?"

I slowly gave her a firm nod twice, "OH YEAH." I dropped my hand down as I continued, "I know Gilbert gave me this talk about budget and stuff...But I guess I can bend that rule again for the first and last time. This is a special occasion."

Prem grinned, "Oh, now I'll reconsider not charging at you next time you come back without food."

I let out a tiny laugh, "Better, or if you do, you'll lose me again...By injury."

"Yeah, yeah, I already reconsidered." She nuzzled against my waist again, "Anyway...Since dinner's a bit far away, can we carry off where we ended yesterday in the meantime? I'm tired of standing...And I want to sleep on you."

I formed a frown, "You mean you weren't lying when you said you were a bit sleepy?"

She admitted after pulling her head back, "Well I didn't sleep that well last night because of you. I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me again! Didn't you notice how I looked when you roused me awake?"

I shrugged my hands shortly, "Eh, not really. I was too busy feeling guilty about you."

Prem rolled her eyes, "Whatever. I'm laying around with or without you."

I giggled in reply, "All right." I pointed at a nearby tree, "Let me sit at that tree first. If you're going to sleep on me for a little while, might as well let me get comfortable."

"Ok, sure." We strode slowly over to that tree. When we reached it, I spun and sat at the base of it with my back pressed against the bark. Prem came and laid down near my legs, laying her huge head on my lap. Her furred head pressed against my stomach and chest as far as it could after she got comfortable with a satisfied sigh. She said to me in gratitude after she closed her eyes, "Thanks, Jason."

I smiled, enjoying letting the tiger have her slumber on me. My hand fondly trailed across the top of her head. Sleep easy, Prem. I'm back.

I won't leave you again.


I watched Prem walk beside me as me and Gilbert were taking her to the cage room again for the night. Happy to see she seemed better than last night.

This day went well than yesterday I can tell you. It was exactly like the other days when I was starting to hang out with Prem. No drama, no arguing, no lies...Just the two of us enjoying our time together just like before. It was pretty relaxing.

I watched over her as she slept close to me earlier, and I continued to watch over her after she got up and going a few hours later. I admit I did fell asleep too after sitting at the tree for a little while, but at least Prem woke me up so I wouldn't miss anything.

How kind of her.

I even brought dinner to the dome to her as promised. I do remember what Gilbert told me about how much it costs to make that much meat for Prem twice a day, but I thought it was the least I could do...Considering I abandoned her yesterday. And besides...Who is he to talk about food and budgets? He kinda isn't in the position to talk about that now, now that I know what kind of man he is. Personally, I didn't care if I broke the rule again for this one time, and I didn't care if he got mad if he found out.

But, even though I didn't care what he'd think, when I went to the cafeteria, I made sure Gilbert wasn't in there so he wouldn't see what I was up to. Luckily for us, well, mostly me since I was the one who came up with the idea and acted on it, he wasn't, and NEVER showed up to eat all that time while I was waiting for Prem's food to get cooked. Nice break if you ask me. I think Elsa knew about budgets too, but she seemed happy to oblige making dinner for the two of us again when I asked. I was glad she did. She was kind enough. Apparently she'd cook for the tiger any time any day...Despite budgets.

There were a few other people in there too other than me and her, including Chase I saw, probably eating before his night shift as security began. But I was thinking none would say anything, maybe not even him since Chase has a POOR relationship with Gilbert.

Heck, it was none of their business anyways.

My eyes rolled onto Gilbert. Gilbert still had no idea that I knew the truth about him. That was pretty obvious. He was still acting like he's my buddy still. And thank goodness he had no idea that I brought a plate and platter to the dome a while ago...Or who knows what he would've done? Maybe I would've gotten reprimanded by him since he's kinda like the boss of me, since I work with him, since I'm new and like his protege, but as for Prem...I don't know what would've happened, but I didn't want to imagine it.

But, all's well, and I ain't got nothing to worry about. And my second dinner with Prem went smoothly as planned.

And now it was time for us to sleep in.

We arrived at the doorway to Prem's room, and we saw it was left open for all of us. We went through it one at a time, and I stood and saw Prem going for the cage without hesitation. Her form went through the gate, and for not too long Gilbert closed the gate since he got the key and locked it. He peered at Prem through the bars for a second, then whirled around to hook up that key, and walked up to meet me. He spoke to me with a grin, "Well, that's done. Ready to get out of here? Or you want a minute with her?"

You read my mind. I answered with a smile and a nod, "A minute with her would be nice. Thanks."

He giggled, patting my arm, "All right, I'll see you tomorrow." With that, he left the room.

I let out a sigh, then casually strolled up close to the cage. Prem was sitting on her bed as she stared at me back through the bars. I said to her, "Well...This is the end of another day."

Prem smiled and said, "And I can't wait to share another with you. You know, I really do thank you again for another dinner with me. Gilbert would never have done that."

I shrugged, "Hey, just because I'm his partner, and another animal handler, doesn't mean I wouldn't try."

She chuckled a bit, "Oh, I already know that for sure!" I giggled at that. Then she said after a long pause, "I'm still really happy you're still with me, after everything. I know I have friends in this place...But I didn't want to lose another I just made. I never lost them...I want the same with you."

I assured, "And you won't." Then I put on a serious face. I instructed with a hand on my chest, "And Prem...I want you to listen to me. I may not always be around you, as you might have guessed. Sometimes I might take a break from you for a day or whatever. And I don't know what Gilbert will do in the meantime when I'm not around. But know that when I'm not around...I still am. I will always be around. And you can talk to me about it. No matter what he does to you, you can tell me. I'll always be there to help you...And I will do everything I can to protect you. I swear."

Prem seemed to hold an unsure look on her face. She dipped her head down and said, "I'm not sure if there's anything you can do to change anything..." Then she raised it...Then smiled, "But...I guess that won't mean that I can't trust you."

I smiled too when I responded, "I'm willing to find out. And you keep your chin up when it comes to that bastard...Ok?"

She replied, "I always try...But ok."

I nodded, backing away from the cage, "I'll be back tomorrow. Goodnight, stripes."


I decided to not let that word bother me again. I decided to let that be a cute thing and live with that for the moment. I waved and spun around to leave her. I turned the light off, gazed at her one last time, seeing her laying on her stomach on the bed a bit, then moved the door to shut her in the darkness. I let go the doorknob after I stepped out in the hall. I turned myself away from the door, just standing in this spot. Then I put on a look of determination, with Prem and everything I know on my mind.

I don't know what'll happen down this road. Especially with Gilbert being around. But I will stick to my plan. I ain't changing anything.

Gilbert said that an animal's welfare is important...Well unlike him, it is to me. I will make sure that animal in that cage is happy. I will make sure she will never suffer and feel tortured.

And if I see that animal is hurt by him, when it comes to that...I'll make sure to protect her as well, and do something so it'll NEVER happen again.

She won't get hurt again on my watch.

I'll make sure of that.