Current Track: Blabb

Me, who thought it would be a quiet week, I was wrong. Only three days, we had time to go see one hundred of lakes, doing skipping stones (I even taught her by the occasion,) walking outside… In short, we've been busy. For me who used to stay in my room for several days, I had some trouble to keep pace. Sigh… when I'll go home, I'll have to work on my stamina.

Regarding Gill and me… Well… we clicked, so it's quite easy to play the couple. In public, we hold hands, we got a bit crazy, sometimes cuddly and playful with each other, but nothing more. And when we're home, we're good. For now, we don't draw attention, and it's nothing worse than that, I-think.

Right now, I have some rest, and try to clear my mind. Well, it's a failure. Even my favorite book doesn't succeed to distract me. All I held from my reading, it's: “When you can't go back, you have to worry about the best way of moving forward." Now, I admit this man knows how to play with words. Well, I begin to be bored shitless, let's get out.

Now I'm in the corridor, what do I now? Oh! I can freeze the freeze with Gill. At least, it will be more interesting than ponder its dark thoughts. So, I knock on her door and wait.

“Yes?" I hear Gill shouting through the door.

“It's me. May I come in, please?"

“Yes, go on."

I then open slowly, and I see her, lied on her bed.

“I don't seem to bother you, here?" I taunted her.

“Indeed. Actually, I won't mind having company."

“Can I?"

“Of course."

By closing behind myself, I go setting next to her. It's a bit awkward, I must admit, but nothing less.

“Otherwise, any news from Alice?"

“Visibly, she will have some holidays next week. So, she could go to visit me."

“Oh, it's cool."

Okay, let's find another subject. Ah! I've got it.

“Are there other places you want to show me?"

“No, not really. And then, it's better to keep quiet."

“It's not false."

And like I'm running out of ideas, silence comes back.

“Don't you hate that?"


“Uncomfortable silence." She said, bored.

“Nope. Sometimes, it's nice to shut up and enjoy it. But you already know it. Isn't it, Mia?"

“Oh, you got the reference."

“And how! It's one of my favorite movies."

“Same here. Usually, I don't like this type of movie, but this one's an exception."

By smiling, I realize she has good tastes. But it's in my view, attention.

“Otherwise Max?"


“What about you?"

“Me? What do you mean?"

“Since you're here, you only care about me. But I realize I know nothing about you. So… tell me about yourself, for once."

“I'd like to, but… I don't have a lot of things to tell."

“Really? You have Cuban origins, you live in Florida, and you came all this way to help a girl in the closet. If you'll excuse me, but it's very unusual as route."

“Seen like that. It's just… I'm not good at telling stories."

“Try anyway." She gently encouraged me.

She seems so intrigued… well… I gave up. And I told her what I felt was interesting: how I came in Miami, how I met my friends, what I've done and how I came here. And it's all. No need to focus on unnecessary details.

“Damn, you really came a long way. But there's one thing that puzzles me."

“Yes? Which one?"

“Knowing you can be narrow-minded sometimes (I muttered at this moment,) why did you accept this job?"

“…At first, for money. Next, I say it should give rise to do something useful… for once."

“Max, everyone is useful in its own."

Following her answer, I shrug. Personally, I found myself more inhibiting than useful.

“Anyway, thanks for talking about you."

“You're welcome."

“Otherwise, I have one last question, and after, I'm done."

“Go on."

“Do you have a girlfriend? I mean, a real one?"

Instantaneously, I felt myself blushing. Not that I'm embarrassed about the subject, just… I really don't like to talk about it.

“Err… N-no, not for a long time."

“And when was your last time?"

“Wait, that's two questions, here." I noticed.

“Sorry, but you tickled my curiosity here." The secretive admitted.

“Agreed. I don't really know, maybe three-four years."


Honestly, I'm happy she didn't ask me what happened. If the break-up went well, the following events became… dark. I could tell you about it, but that is for another time.

“Aaaand why did you want to know that?"

“Just found it curious that a guy like you doesn't have someone in its life."

“First, I'm not interested. Secondly, I've quite disappointed in the past. So, I don't want to try my luck for now."

“And what could you make you change your mind?"

“Love at first sight."

“No way! But are you sure it exists?"

“It's quite rare, but I'm sure it exists. Just as there are fans of Prometheus."

She has the little giggles before moving closer to me.



“Love at first sight or not, I'm sure you'll find someone good for you."

“You're simply telling this to be kind." I considered, flustered.

“NO! I mean… You're really someone so kindly and sincere. So, I'm confident, sooner or later, you'll meet someone who will make you happy."

On this, I prefer to say nothing, 'cause even if I'm quite romantic, love has played so many tricks on me, I don't know if I'm ready to love again.

“GILLIAN!" I exclaim, because of Gill who's hugging me suddenly.

“Sorry. It's just… I felt you needed it. I can leave if–"

“No, it's just… err… I… t-thank you."

Apart from my circle, I almost forgot what was this kind of contact (and let me stop you right here, it's nothing sexual here.) In any case, I can't thank Gill enough for really understanding my feelings.

Also, I can only be relieved than the pater didn't interrupt us right here. Sorry to be so paranoid, but when you've lived half your life with parents who think they're F.B.I agents… frankly… you have every reason to be.