Current Track: Blabb

Although we all did, so it won’t look hectic, this week actually was. If it was my first meeting with customers, I don’t even want to think the other ones. In any case, more than two days to pass, and I’ll be free.

As I speak, I just finished to eat. And… how can I describe the atmosphere now? Well, expect the noise of cutlery, it’s so quiet we might hear the death coming. Even when I eat with my old, it’s livelier than this. Must say the little clash from the last time, had something to do with it. At any rate, meal was good, and we won’t delay getting to dessert. At least, that’s good news.

“Well, everything’s all right, kids? You seem very calm tonight.”

“Don’t worry dad, meal was great.”

“Same here, you’re a good cook, mister.”

“Aww, thanks. I was afraid you lost appetite. Also, can you remind me when will you go, boy?”

“This weekend, mister.”

“Alright. Sigh… it’s rather a pity you can’t stay longer.”

“Well, it’s part of the game.”

By clearing our plates, he asked me, intrigued: “However, I didn’t ask you during our little trio, but what do you do then?”

“I’m on, err… personal assistance.”

“Al-right. And what does that entail exactly?”

“Well… if I should describe that, I’d say… in accordance with specific needs of each customer, I must do my best to be able to assist them. It could be help with housework or travel support for example.”

“Okay. It shouldn’t be evident to follow as pace.”

“Sometimes yes, but it pays well.”

“I don’t have any doubt. But as a result, how did you do to travel until here?”

“Well, since some days, I had time off, so I took advantage to come.”

“That’s good to know. But you already know that, isn’t it, honey?”

“Yes. Yes, totally.”

“Nice. You both share everything, eh?”

“Yes. After, everyone has always its… inner sanctum.”

“Ha-ha, it’s not false.” He giggled.

If the old man appreciated this small observation, the daughter gave me a dirty look that I took perverse pleasure in ignoring.

“Well, it’s not like we have something to hide; right, Gill?”

“No, not at all.” She hastened to respond. “However, dad, didn’t you have your pie on the oven?”

“Oh crap, I almost forgot. I’ll be back soon.”

While he popped to the kitchen, I complimented Gill, derisive: “Hey, nice distraction. To listen to you, you’re used to this, eh?”

“Max, I swear you… if you continue, you’ll finish with my punch in your face.”

“Pffff, you’re kidding. I barely scratch the surface, and it’s only now you want to react? Make me laugh.”

“I’ll really do it, I’m not joking around.”

“Uh-uh… you bet!”

On that, she squaled. To be a mustelid, when you heard another doing this kind of sound, it’s not always a good thing. Before she goes further, Mr. Watson returned with a steaming dish, by notifying us: “Caution, it’s hot.”

“Oh my, it smells great.” I noticed, hungry.

“Wait until you do.” Mr. Watson advised me.

Both say the father came back in time. And even if we have now the muzzle busy, she and I know I won’t stop here. Once I’ve finished to swallow up my portion, I’m waiting the moment to return to the attack.

“So, don’t you want another piece, kids?”

“No thanks, I’m full.”

“Same here, I’m good.”

“Alright, I’ll save the rest for later. Also, I have question for us, but, err… I’m afraid of being indiscreet here.”

“No more usual than usual, I want to tell you.”

“She’s not wrong. Go ahead, we’ll see.”

“Okay. Now that you know each other well… what are both you planning afterwards?”

Mr. Watson, you didn’t know, but you gave me a helping hand. So, be sure I’m going to use it with great pleasure.

“Yeah, I can confirm it, it’s really indiscreet as a question.” She asserted, on the nerves.

“But quite the opposite, it’s perfectly legitimate for asking.”

“Excuse me?”

“You listened very well. So, if you don’t want to say it, I’ll do it for you, no worries.”

“Max, I insist, stop here!”

“Originally, I wanted to keep it for myself, but this time, I get going. In a very short time, I intend to settle with this beauty.” I ignored her, by holding her shoulder.

“Oh really? That’s great news.”

“Indeed. After, who knows what the future may bring. Marriage maybe?”

“Maximiliano, it’s enough now!”

At present, I can feel it: she’s on the brink of explosion. All it needs is a last well-placed gibe.

“Hmm… kids too may—SLAP!”


It was one remark too many. Here, I couldn’t tell for trouble I wasn’t looking for, it was even the primary purpose. In the moment, I almost didn’t feel nothing, but after, I won’t lie to you, I’ve had a lot of pain.


Quite the reverse, Gillian. You’ve just proven you won’t let anyone walk all over you. What is very brave, well done.

“Good grief, what’s going here?! Before, your small argument, and now, THAT?! Young lady, I honestly hope you have a good explanation this time!”

Now, the curtain has lifted, so no possible moving back. Finally awake about the situation, she looked at me, while I’m rubbing my cheek (probably red given the impact force.) Regarding about my composure, and knowing not what to say, I do little more than nodding to indicate my support.

“It had to happen at some point or another… sigh, fine!... It’s not my boyfriend.”

“Oh, you stated with the least important, but okay.”

“Wait? Wait, what do you mean, it’s not your boyfriend?”

“We aren’t a couple. I hired him to play this role for this week.”

“Is that true, boy?”

“Yes, it’s true. I’m what’s called a “Husbando.” And roughly, that is what I explained to you before.”

Once we concluded our explanations, we left him sweeten the pill. Past the shockwave, he got going: “Goodness, it all makes sense now… I-I don’t know what to say, except that I’m very disappointed that you lied to me.”

“Well, it’s true I scripted all this relationship with him, but I wasn’t lying when I said I’m with someone.”

“So, why don’t I know this person?”

“Because I was afraid of your reaction.”

“You just have to introduce me to him!”

“So, to begin, stop saying “him”, ‘cause it’s a HE!”

Boom! Second shockwave of the night.

“W-what are you saying?”

“It’s-not a he. It’s a woman. And now you know it, you can say what you want, I won’t change my mind. Because all things I’ll do, can never please you. It’s why I intend to live my life the way I want to, and now, I don’t care to know what you and all other think!”

Here, no doubt about it, she really dotted the I’s.

“For goodness’ sake, tell me I’m dreaming.” He complained, annoyed.

“Nope, it was one, it’s been a while I’ll be gone.” I pointed out, mocking.

“Oh, shut up, the spic!”


“Dad, come on!” She took him off, offensed.

“Gill, never mind. Just, I want to clarify two things here. First, I’m a human being, not an organic waste. Second, I’ve borne your bawdy jokes, your crooked grins, and your dickhead for almost one week, without SAYING NOTHING. SO, RESPECT ME!!!!”

Fortunately, I shut him up. If she can get off her chest, there’s one reason, neither did I.

“Sorry Gill, but err… I had to get that out.”

“No, it’s okay. It was just… wow... it’s really a cry from the heart.”

“Also, I’d like to correct what I said when I arrived. Both our old men are on the same level, even if mine is slightly above.”

“Hehe, okay, if you say it.”

“Wait, I can’t allow you to make a fool of me, in my presence. Honestly, I should throw you up!”

Now, it was our turn to be staggered. I can understand he was upset, ‘cause he has no control on this situation. But threatening me on his way, we’re going to an enough high bad faith level.

“What’s really come?”

“Yeah, even if I find it to believe what I just heard.”

“In this case… it-will-be easy.” I indicated, by taking my phone.

“What are you going?” Gill asked, puzzled.

“As you see, I took my phone, and I’m going to call the police.” I simply explained.

“What? And why?” The father was offended.

“For verbal attack, and attempted assault, witnessed.” I stated, by prentending to dial the number.

“And what made you think that?”

“Cause I feel you frustrated, and I also feel you’re close of waiting to shiv you.”

“Well, you’re entirely mist—SLAP!”

Yes, right in the bull’s-eye! Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch. In any case, the method to let him hit the ceiling, and retaliate with the throw in the face, it never fails. Simple, effective, cleaning (well, most often.) Facing this plan flawlessy executed, I couldn’t hold to burst out laughing.

“Exhale… I can’t believe it still works. Phew… So… I take-that back.” I caught my breath, by taking agin my phone.


“I’m going for a walk…” I got up of my chair.

“But Max—”

“I leave you discuss between father/daughter…”


“Hush!... And I’ll be back later tonight. And tomorrow, I disappear, I hit the road, I’m going, I’m leaving, I slip away, I split, I take off. Whatever, you can see all turns of phrase you want, because from tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be far from here, and that’s great! ‘Cause I’d never have you as stepfather.”

Here, I was quite conscious just as I was making waves, but I was really itching to not say it, so tough!

“On that, good-night.” I conclued, still seething.

And without turn over, I took my boots, my coat, check if I did have my keys, and I leave by shutting the door.


While a deadly silence reigned in the room, the two Watson didn’t dare stare at each other. Until the daughter decided to speak: “Well, I hope you’re proud of you.”

“Not really. In any case, he didn’t miss me.” He rubbed his eye.

“Indeed, what really got me surprised.”

“What, didn’t you know that?”

“Not until tonight.” She giggled.

While the silence came back, the father suddenly realized an important detail, and asked her: “Wait, but how is he going to open?”

“Dad, did you forget you gave us a duplicate after our arrival?”

“Oh yes, it’s true.”

“I hope I won’t finish like you, because it’s terrifying, all those memory lapses.”

With a more clear-out voice, he called her: “Honey?”


“Can you tell me the whole story please? I… I really need to know.”

She dreaded the day, which the truth will be exposed. She dreaded to be judged, and rejected for her choices. This time, she was ready. The day of reckoning has finally arrived.