I was laying close to Jason, beside him under the sun. I was feeling content of his company again...Other than my stomach that's already been fed. My eyes rolled around staring at the makeshift jungle while my head lay on the grass. My back felt his long, smooth, kind strokes. I was smiling, basking in his friendliness.
Two days ago...I thought I was living in a nightmare. I thought I lost my friend, the friend I had just made. Forever. All because of Gilbert's lies and manipulations. I thought it was worse than any bad dream I ever had. Well...I guess, considering that I'm forced to deal with Gilbert's behavior, especially when he whips me...That is a nightmare too. But I thought Jason never speaking to me again like the first day when we first met was bad enough. I never lost a friend, and didn't want to.
But in the end...Yesterday, I had him back. I was distressed, but I had hoped internally that Jason would see the truth. I didn't think it'd be so soon. As sad and sometimes deceiving as they may be, it was like one of those dreams about me being in the REAL jungle, like nothing happened to me. Only there's no sad and deceiving part about it. It was purely real as the makeshift jungle and the dome and the food I eat here.
I was so happy he came back to me and reformed the beginning of our friendship. I was honestly excited in my sleep last night to be with him again today. I was a bit worried I couldn't get any sleep, but I think I did...A little bit. I think I was still kind of tired after he woke me up early again, and came to this place later after having our breakfast. I didn't care...We began our day and were still enjoying it like there was no argument between us. Just the way I like it. I didn't want anything to disrupt that again.
Well...That is if sleep doesn't. I feel the urge to kinda close my eyes right now...But I was a bit afraid I might miss something with him. True, I slept on him for a little while after Jason made up with me, but I don't want to do that again...Maybe not yet.
Actually, I was hoping something else would disrupt our day, and maybe keep me wide awake. Not Gilbert...But my other human friends. They can disrupt my time with Jason whenever and however they wish. Only I'm beginning to wonder if one of them will ever come hang with me. I kinda ignored it, thinking of giving them time since they were probably busy with their work and things, but I think now, for several days, not one has bothered to come into the dome and be with me, not even on the day Jason left me alone after I tried telling him the truth about Gilbert. It was a little unusual. Usually they're all absent from showing up for about a day or two, but it's been LONGER than that already. I know I'm not that good at keeping track of days, but goly I can tell a lot already gone by. Sure, Roy came in here to check on me and Jason to see if anything was okay, thanks to my roar test, but I did want him to stay with us a little longer than he intended.
I like being with Jason, no question about it, but I think it'd be more funner if another friend of mine was around. That way all of us can hang and play together. Heck, I really want Roy to be in here with me and his son. Two 'Roys' spending time with me is like a dream come true!
I drew in a bunch of air and let it out through the same place. Speaking of that, a lot of time had passed between us by now. I said I'd be respectful to not rush Jason into playing games with me, but I think I had enough waiting for that right now a bit. I am a TINY bit bored of just sitting around with him and let him watch me. I think I might as well tell him that I actually play games and have him play one with me. I have my new friend back, so might as well play with him to celebrate.
Heh heh...I even want to see if he can beat me in a challenge of wrestling. After all...Can't hurt to try to beat a tiger. He's still unbeknownst of what Leslie meant by me not being 'rough' with him...I SO want to show him what she meant. I can't wait to see his face! I even want to play catch the prey with him! Ohhh, I can't wait to scare him when he doesn't find me first. I can see his face when I do!
I hope he's the playful type in all honesty. Well, hope he's THAT playful, I mean. He's playful with words, I want to see how playful he REALLY is!
I'll probably ask Jason if he wants to play a game with me either later on today...Or tomorrow. We'll see how today goes...
My neck craned back, closing my eyes, a deep, satisfying moan welled up in my throat. I was feeling Jason's fingers digging into the fur in a spot on my back. He was scratching it. Even though it was softly, it still felt good. I can't scratch back there!
I heard Jason ask in bit of playfulness, "What's up with you?"
I replied with tiny pleasure, "Oh, you really don't know?" I giggled, gazing at him after I hadn't for a long time. I answered his question, my tail flicking on the grass as his fingers continued to scratch, "You're scratching a spot on my back...It feels good. Good going, cub."
The young human giggled at that, "Just sort of happened. Kinda itchy back there?"
"A little. Sometimes too much." I said, trembling a bit when his fingers went up a bit more, "Ohhh...I haven't had a back scratching since...I don't remember when."
He asked, hand trailing to my shoulder this time, "You get your back scratchings from everyone else?"
I replied, closing my eyes satisfyingly, "Yep, I do...But not a whole lot."
Jason let out a thought, "Guess they don't think about doing that a bunch."
I said, leaning back my head as his fingers went between my shoulders, "Maybe not...Probably because they're mostly preoccupied with stuff."
He suggested, fingers moving and grazing each spot as they go down my back, "Well, since I'm going to be around you a lot, maybe I should do it more often."
I jumped at that with a hum, "Hmm...I wouldn't mind it at all." Then I felt him lifting his hand off my back. Sheer disappointment coursed all over my body as I turned my head to him to protest, "Hey, what are you doing?! I was enjoying it!"
He apologized, grinning, "Sorry...But I'm not in the mood to scratch a lot."
My eyes turned narrow, "Well, thanks a lot, you jerk, getting me worked up from your fingers when you were just getting started. That's not a nice thing to do to a tiger."
Jason shot the expression back, "Don't get so dramatic. It was just a tiny back scratch." He made a smirk, "Besides, I'm your handler and I get to do WHATEVER I want to you."
I growled deeply, "How awesome you are."
"Come on, I said I ain't in the mood." He raised his hand and twiddled his fingers, "I told you, it just happened."
I warned, "Well, if your fingers get the urge to do that when they're over my back again, tell them to knock it off...Or else they'll be scratching the inside of my stomach."
Jason laid his hand on his lap, shortly frowning at that statement, "Fine...But I should warn you...If I have to serve you some dinner when we're in the cafeteria, I won't pick it up when my hands are stubby."
I widely grinned, "Don't worry, Elsa will always feed me since I'm her favorite. And maybe you won't feed me cat food anymore either. Besides, I was just referring to the fingers on ONE hand. I think you'll have plenty enough to pick up a platter...May be a bit harder with one hand though since it'll be heavy. Looks like it anyways."
Jason smirked and reminded, "Which is exactly why I won't be able to do it."
I told him smugly, "Oh, you'll do it anyways. You care about me."
"I probably would...Even though I might regret it."
I let out a laugh, rolling a bit to my side. I shot my playful eyes at him and stated, "We'll regret together since I bit them off."
He remarked, "Nice. Better feel it. Not my fault anyways."
"Actually it's your fingers that are at fault. Never said it was yours." I winked.
He shook his head a bit at me with that cute smile on his face. Then he said, "Well...I guess I'll have them be in the mood for it...Just for a couple minutes."
I responded, shifting back onto my stomach, "Why thank you...Just promise me it'll be longer next time. Like, say...Maybe almost an hour?"
Jason replied, his hand beginning to scratch my back again, "No guarantees." I was still smiling as I closed my eyes and held up my furred head. Oh, it's so good...
Then, NOT TOO LONG after he got started, he stopped once more. I growled, shooting daggers at him, "JASON, that wasn't long enough."
Jason was looking at something else instead of me. He smiled and told me, pointing one of his fingers across my back, "Someone else is here." I followed his gaze and saw he was right. Someone else was in the dome with us.
Actually, THREE people were in the dome with us, and they were heading our way.
My eyes beamed at the sight of them. All my human friends are actually here.
Well what do you know? I thought about them, and they've disrupted my time with him. How convenient. I quickly got on my fours, and hollered at him, "Hi, everyone!"
Roy who was strolling between Leslie and Elsa replied from a distance with a waving hand, "Heya, Prem!"
I rushed up to meet them while Jason who got up too was strolling behind. When I got right in front of them, I said, "Never exactly thought you were going to be here today."
Roy replied, grinning and shooting glances at the two human females, "Probably not all of us here at the same time."
"I know. And this doesn't happen a lot."
Jason soon caught up and greeted, "Hey."
Leslie greeted back, "Hello, Jason."
"What are you guys doing here?"
I eagerly asked the same thing, "Yeah, what are you three doing here?"
Elsa answered, "Came to see you of course..." She eyed at her friend's cub, "And also see how you are doing with the new handler."
I giggled, giving Jason a short glance while saying, "How do you think we are getting along? We're getting along great as we have already!"
Roy said, chuckling, "We can tell. I think we interrupted something over where you were."
I shook my head at that, "Trust us...You didn't."
Jason tried to mention, "Well, you sorta did."
I gave him a glare and a harsh loud whisper, "Shut up!"
My friends all chuckled at it. Then Roy spoke, "Don't worry, we're not turning around and leaving you guys to get back to what you were doing."
I let out a breath of relief, bringing my attention back on them, "Whew, good. Before you got here, I was getting bored just sitting around with him. He's a LITTLE boring right now!"
Jason remarked with a huge smirk on his face, "Screw you." Leslie giggled at that.
Elsa then said with an amused smirk already formed on her lips, "Well, besides, we're kinda here to give you some lost time none of us shared with you in here lately."
"Really?" I let out a tiny laugh, "Well you sure took your time. It's been days since one of you came to hang out with me in here."
Jason immediately frowned with curiosity, "Hang on, what do you guys mean? You guys spend time with Prem in the dome?" He gestured toward them, "I thought you all have jobs to do."
Leslie told him, "We don't always do our jobs. You can say we take our..." She did airquotes with her hands, "'Breaks' and come here to be with her."
Roy got specific, "Well, actually, usually just each of ONE of us do that. One of us usually comes in here while the others are doing their thing, and be with her. And play games with her." He grinned down at me, "Premy LOVES playing games with us people." I smirked proudly at that fact. Well, didn't have to tell Jason that, someone else took care of it for me.
Jason giggled and asked, "Games, huh?"
Elsa spoke, "Sure. Prem loves playing games when one of us is here with her in the dome. She's such a playful thing." She giggled when she added, "You'll be surprised to know that one of the games she likes to play and IS good at...Is fetch."
Jason laughed, "FETCH?!"
My four-eyed friend giggled and nodded, "Oh yeah. Never thought a tiger could do that, did you?"
His son shook his head with a shrug of his hands, "Can't say that I have." He glanced down toward me and pressed, "You play fetch, huh? When were you going to tell me this?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "Soon. Probably later today."
Jason said with his brow wrinkling playfully, "Geez, and they say you play games. You know, instead of sitting by me and calling me boring since you're probably bored of doing the same thing with me, maybe you could've just told me and say you want to play a game with me sooner."
I stated with a roll of my eyes, "Maybe I didn't already because you PROBABLY were going to say 'I'm not in the mood for it'."
He insisted, his finger touching his chest, "Hey, I think I'm in the mood to play a long game of fetch with you at the moment."
I brought up, "You weren't for the other small thing to do with me not too long ago. Remember that?"
"But I changed my mind after I told you."
"Well it still didn't last long, and it would've lasted a lot longer if you hadn't stopped for a minute and then start doing it again."
Jason gestured to my three other friends, "Give me a break. I was doing it RIGHT BEFORE those three arrived."
Roy asked a bit playfully, "Doing what? I thought you said we didn't interrupt anything, Prem."
I shot him an insisted glare, "You didn't! We're, and I mean ME, are glad you showed up!" He and the two human females all gave out amused giggles. I swiftly turned my gaze back to Jason, "I'll give you credit for changing your mind about it, for a little bit, but we'll see if you really are in the mood for fetching, you boring human." He rolled up his eyes. My smile seemed devious when I told him this next, "By the way, for the record...That's not the only game I'm good at."
Jason said like he was daring me a bit, "No joke? Now I'm curious to know what other games you're supposedly great at."
I nodded firmly, "You'll know. Trust me." YOU'LL SURE KNOW.
Jason threw his attention on the older humans, "Well, I guess I am glad that I'm not the only who hangs with Prem in this place."
Leslie stated with a bit of seriousness in her eyes, "You were probably hoping Gilbert would be here with you. Right?"
Jason made a frown at the question, "Ehhh...Not really. I don't want to talk to him much now. He's...Kind of an asshole."
I turned my head to see my other friends smiling, as if they were happy that he knows what Gilbert is like. Elsa spoke to him with some proudness in her voice, "So you know the truth."
"Yeah..." He motioned his hand to her, "I think I understand why you react harshly to him."
She crossed her arms, "That, and because he always comes on to me."
Jason merely stated, "I thought so."
I brought up with a disgusted, annoyed tone, "Yeah, even he annoys me with that."
He looked at me, "I'm sure it would."
Roy then admitted, "We were hoping you'd find out. He's not exactly a nice guy. Trust me, I know."
After putting his eyes back on them, Jason mentioned, "I think I do. Kind of dealt with his attitude before, didn't you?"
He admitted once again, "On occasion."
Then the human beside me said, "God, I'm surprised none of you told me."
Elsa giggled with a remark, "Hey, I thought Gilbert leaving her in the dome before going to the cafeteria kinda gave you the hint."
Leslie asked with a smirk, "Besides, would you have believed us?"
"Errrr." He shook his head at a fast rate, "No, probably not." He gestured toward me as he still gazed at all of them, "Prem tried telling me about it and I didn't believe her."
Elsa looked down at me and commented, "I had a feeling she'd tell you sooner or later."
I remarked with a shrug and shooting my head to the left, "Well, I was kinda giving him the hint about it too and it made him curious." I recalled as I remembered what happened that day, "Yeah, I did tell him, while we were in here, about two days ago, but Jason thought I was lying to him and using him to get rid of Gilbert." My eyes rolled away as I added a few words of animosity, "Which I wasn't, even though I WISH that was easy done than said." God I really wish it was THAT easy. Then I went on when I locked eyes back on them, "Then he left me alone, and I thought I wasn't going to speak to him again."
Elsa was standing there with eyes of pity and letting out a 'Aww'. Roy shone it too behind his glasses. He asked, "Is that why you seemed a little...Down yesterday morning?"
Leslie chimed in, "You did seem like you were sick or something."
Elsa added with a small giggle, "I noticed that too. Before I was gonna give you your food, I was wondering if I should even give it to you or not."
I giggled, "I tried putting on a happy face about it...But it was a little hard." I leaned to rub Jason's side fondly, "But I'm happy now, cause yesterday he came back to me after we had breakfast."
Jason said with a tiny grin, his hand moved to pet the side of my head, "It just only took me a whole afternoon to realize the truth."
Roy inquired, "I'm pretty curious. How did you know Gilbert was dirty?"
Jason answered, "He didn't have to tell me...He more or less kind of...SHOWED me. Prem told me about this whip he uses to hurt her when she makes him mad or something, and then hours later after she told me, Gilbert showed me that thing after we dropped her off in the cage that night. He was teaching me to 'punish' her when she acts aggressive, but hell, it was more like he was showing off what he did to her other than teach me."
Leslie shook her head in disgust, "What a horrible bastard."
Jason stated truthfully, "Well, I was the one that was horrible. I even felt so horrible after I found it out. I treated Prem so badly by not believing her. I took that guy's side."
Roy smiled, strolling up to him. He fondly clasped his cub's shoulder. He said proudly to him, "But you're not on it anymore by the sounds of it. I'm proud you came back to her. Prem does apparently like being around you, and she does care about you. She'd never be aggressive toward you. Let alone us, and she'd never use anybody."
Elsa came up to him too and said, "Your dad's right. She loves us and we love her. And we're always on her side, no matter what. There's never a good reason to take that man's side. I'm glad you're not taking it."
Leslie joined in, "I agree with them. Prem is so dear and precious to all of us. And for the record, if you didn't come back to her side." She raised a fist, "I'd punch your lights out like I oughta would to that sick bastard." I let out a laugh. Woo wee. She may be old and frail, but she can still fight! Good talk, Les!
Jason laughed a bit himself, looking toward her past his father. He said, "I'm glad I came back then. I don't want a granny knocking me out."
She strode, gathering with the humans up close to him, and slugged his arm. He cried weakly, backing away and rubbing it. Me and the others chuckled. What a wimp! The old female told him, her finger wagging, "You weren't getting off that easily. That was for abandoning her out of hate for a day."
Jason defended, still rubbing the slight pain away on his limb, "Aw, give me a break. I said I was feeling horrible for what I've done."
"Then I'm also proud you feel remorse for it." She let out a giggle.
He groaned, "Believe me, I feel it now."
I laughed nearby. Then I was asking everybody this, "Okay, I know this conversation's fun and all, but can we get on with playing a game already? I already said I was feeling bored in here!"
All the humans turned to me with looks of amusement. Roy dug his hand into his labcoat. He pulled something out with a grin on his lips, "How about a game of THIS, Premy?"
I gasped. A frisbee! Oh, I know what he's thinking! It was that spinny, round thingy that flies over the ground like a fly for a short bit before it lands on the ground. Which was also the thing, other than another little thing that was smaller and rounder and doesn't fly long like it called a 'ball', that was perfect for fetching. I cried eagerly, my chest lowered to the ground, "Oh yes! Please!"
"Then go along!" He tossed the circling, spinning thing across the air above my level a bit. With such energy, I chased after it, looking up while trying to line myself up to catch it as it lowers. It started floating down a bit more. I jumped up...And managed to catch it with my teeth. I landed with the frisbee in my mouth. Playful humming emitted in my throat when I strutted high and mighty all the way back to my friends.
Jason let out one word of praise when I got back to them, "WOW."
Elsa smirked and stated, "Told you she was good at it."
He let out an impressed chuckle, "Yeah you weren't kidding."
I dropped the frisbee on the grass. Then I demanded with a excited look on my face, "Who's next?"
Jason smirked, "I am." He was trotting up and picking the frisbee up, "I'll show your striped butt how less boring I can be." He asked as he put on a stance and getting ready to throw it, "You ready?"
I put forth a readied stance, "I'M READY." Taking that announcement, he tossed the frisbee away, and I went after it.
Darkness clouded a bit around the dome, with lots of stars in the sky above it. It wasn't too dark though, thanks to some small, illuminating lights that are lit up at some parts in the place.
On the open layout outside trees and bushes of the jungle, Elsa threw the frisbee again. The tiger rushed to get it as it was flying in the air. Too bad she hadn't caught it in time though since it was flying to the left and fell down too fast for her. Prem seemed to be in good spirits even after she moved it with her paw and picked it up with her mouth. She carried it to me nearby, having me take it out of her teeth. I held it up, while Prem's legs showed she was ready again. Then pulled back my arm and hand, and threw it away. The feline ran...And shortly caught it that time.
I smiled. Elsa cheered, "Woo! Nice catch!" I heard Prem's voice reverberated off the frisbee as she paced back to where we are.
Man, what a day it was. Hours of playtime in the dome. It was basically all I did for much of the afternoon. Though there have been breaks, including a lunch break, thankfully, or otherwise I'd be starving right now. All this playtime because of a frisbee. I remember seeing that thing sitting on a shelf in the storage room before, along with a ball that's probably for fetching too. I didn't even know why they'd be in there, since I thought some items on those shelves had nothing to do with my job whatsoever. But apparently they do. I'm just absolutely shocked Gilbert never told me about it when he was showing me around and teaching me stuff about my job. Thinking back, I see it shows that he didn't care about Prem. Just another asshole, tool example. Kinda makes me wish I should have known it before.
But I'll tell you this much...I didn't think that I'd play with a tiger by FETCHING. It was still a surprise. I never thought a tiger could do that! I even wonder if a normal cat would, like a dog.
Probably not.
It was like she was losing a whole lot of energy from all the absent time she had from her friends. I eyed at my dad and Leslie sitting around nearby, then trailed my gaze off them to Elsa getting the frisbee out of the big cat's mouth and tossing it away again. I never figured all of them would actually take the time away from their jobs and play with her. Well, only one of them at a time per day from what it sounds like, but gosh I never knew my dad and them, my dad especially, would play with the only animal in this place. I was surprised about that too. I know dad specifically was a workaholic, but I was kind of proud that he plays with Prem and talks to her in the dome when he thought it was the right time. At least I ain't the only one in the family who's doing that.
Frankly though, I did wish my father was like that with me much back then. Seeing him throwing that frisbee to our four-legged friend almost made me kind of jealous. That he gets to play with Prem, but hadn't done that with me for a long time. But even I shouldn't act that way. I was jealous about Prem. She's very important to me and my job, and I shouldn't blame her for anything.
Maybe just dad, I guess I can only blame him for that.
But other than that, and feeling kind of proud of him, I think I was also having fun with him, only a little less out of everyone else, I'll admit. That's honestly the first time I was feeling positive around him ever since I started living in Temra. Wouldn't mother be proud?
I can tell that he sorta wanted to talk to me about something, personal stuff between us maybe, but I didn't acknowledge him much during our time together. I think he was respectful to my space for right now, which I was glad.
I just wanted to have fun and pretend there is no drama in the family right now.
I looked at my watch, squinting to see the time. It was almost nine o'clock. Five minutes left. Getting SUPER close to sending Prem off to her cage. I dropped my arm down and went back to watching the playful scene. Well...It's almost time for bed. I looked at the other people in the dome. Dang, I'm surprised they haven't gotten themselves ready to leave home yet. I shrugged to myself. Oh, who am I kidding? I sound like mom. I'm sure they'll leave whenever they want.
Maybe even if it means after staying with Prem a bit more longer.
Prem trotted back after another toss and laid the frisbee on the ground in front of my feet. She let out a tired breath, "Whew."
I giggled, bending to pick up the frisbee, "Had enough?"
"Yes." She huffed, "...I think I'm done now."
Elsa laughed as she walked over to meet us. She said, "Good, cause it's already gotten dark here. I can barely see the darn thing when I throw it."
Prem replied, casting her gaze onto her, "Sorry I kept making you throw it beyond the sun's decent, but I felt like I haven't done this in years!"
Dad and Leslie, who already got their butts off the grass, giggled when they met us. With an amused tone, dad said, "A bit much there, wouldn't you say? You haven't played a game in DAYS, you know."
The big feline stated, "Well with all your absence, it feels like it's been longer." She took a deep breath and let out a yawn, "It's YEARS worth, but I think all that missing time is spent now."
Leslie playfully remarked, "I wasn't sure if that was possible in one day. I was thinking more of...Two."
Prem giggled, "I'd be obliged to do it all again tomorrow. Doesn't mean I'm giving up fetching...And other games we play."
Leslie laughed under her breath, "Oh, I know, Prem."
I broke through this conversation, "Well, it's been a long, fun day, but I think it's time for bed." I looked at my watch, saying the specific time now, "It's nine o'clock now."
Dad agreed with a stretch of his arms, "Umpf, yeah...Let's get out of here. I feel pooped."
Prem sighed, nodding a bit, "Knew this was coming. Fine, let's get going." I led the group and soon we were on a path through the jungle, the lights in the area guiding us in the dark. I saw the familiar double doors at the edge and we made our way to them. I was about to reach and grab one of the doorknobs when suddenly it flew open. I yanked it back quickly when somebody appeared behind them, the casting glow of fluorescent lights in the hallway revealing a familiar face.
He was shocked to find all of us at the door. My father greeted him a bit awkwardly, "Oh, hi, Gilbert."
Gilbert chuckled amusingly, "Well, well...This is unexpected. Looks like I caught The Breakfast Club leaving the dome."
Elsa crossed her arms underneath her breasts. She said with bitterness coming off her chest, "Actually we're The DINNER Club."
The senior animal handler focused on her with a smug grin, "Dinner Club, eh? Well, doll, maybe you could let me join in...Maybe even hook me up a dinner date for two sometime, hmmm?"
Prem spat out in irritation, "Gilbert, don't get an erection that'll annoy you later. She and everyone here was taking me back to the cage." I almost snickered but I clasped a hand over my mouth. Yike! Never heard that come out of her mouth before.
I saw him sneak a glare at her, before he let out a breath, "Well, that's exactly what I was doing. You're getting started, I'll help finish up." He eyed at her with a smile, "Then we'll talk about dinner later, kay, doll?" He winked, then spun around to begin leading the way with his hand waving over, "Let's go, Prem! Cage time!"
Elsa sighed and rolled up her eyes in annoyance as she quickly followed him. Dad and Leslie went with her, while me and Prem were left alone for a second. Prem whispered to me, "See what I mean? He's annoys me other than her with his dumb shit."
I concurred, nodding a bit, "Tell me about it." It's getting to the point of annoying me now! Wish he'd just give her a break already. I motioned my hand for her to move, "Come on let's catch up." Prem padded fast out in the white corridor with me behind her. I closed the doors and jogged to catch up with everyone.
A few minutes later we arrived at Prem's room. Dad, Elsa, Gilbert, Leslie and me all crowded in there after Prem went in first and went into the cage. Gilbert, who was standing near the key hook on the wall, asked me this, "So, kinda want a minute with her again, kid?"
I replied, "All of us are in here to say goodnight, and I think we can handle it from here."
He corrected me, "You mean YOU can handle it from here." He gestured to my parent and his friends, "These two are scientists and she is a sexy lady cook. They're not handlers, it's not their job to handle the tiger from here...Especially when it gets mad."
Prem groaned defiantly in the middle of the cage, "Oh, just give him the key and leave us already! You know I ain't going to hurt anyone."
Gilbert gave her a glare for a second, seemingly taking offense to that. Then he grabbed the key, looked back at us, went right up to me, and said to them, "All right...I'll see you all tomorrow." He pointed at me directly, "Be careful with her, kid...Remember what I taught you...And protect my doll too when it happens."
Elsa rolled her eyes again nearby while I nodded in assurance, "I know."
He dropped his hand, then handed me the key, "Ok." Then headed for the door, "Take care, everyone." He disappeared around the corner and never came back.
After he was gone, Leslie spoke up while she shook her head with disapproval, "Crackpot."
Dad concluded, "Well, apparently he still doesn't know that Jason knows the truth about him."
Elsa pressed the issue, "Wonder how long that will last. He needs to quit spilling these lies about her already. They're disgusting."
Prem in the cage said, her tail flicking behind her, "Yeah, they're annoying like his flirty comments toward you."
I turned to all of them and said, "I think I'll let him know that I know everything later. For now...Let's relax to the fact that he's gone."
Prem smiled and yapped, "Yeah, you're right...I'm certainly relaxed!" The other people in here smiled at that and turned to see her in the cage. I just stood nearby with the key in my hand while my dad went in the cage to talk to her very closely, while Leslie and Elsa were standing at the gate. The female tiger said fondly to them, "I had a really fun time with you guys. All of you together in the dome with me at once...That really doesn't happen a lot."
Dad replied when he kneeled down, "Well, it was the least we could do after neglecting you in there for days."
Leslie apologized, "To tell you the truth, dear, we are sorry for that. It's just we were leaving you alone so you and Jason could bond together a bit."
Dad let out a guilty breath, "But, I guess we shouldn't have done so. You had an issue with him that day and you couldn't shed your tears on any of us."
Prem shook all that away with her furred head, "Aw, don't be sorry, everyone. I was doing fine. Besides, Jason's here..." She looked toward me through the bars, "And he's not going to leave me again."
Elsa spoke kindly at that, "Good thing."
My dad said with such relief in his tone now, "Well, speaking of leaving, I think we're the ones that are leaving now." I watched him plant a kiss on her forehead, "Night, Premy."
She fondly replied, "Night, Roy."
He came out of the cage and let the women in there to say their fond goodnights. He walked up to me to tell me this, "Just to tell you something, all of us won't be in the dome next time around. It'll be each of one of us from now on so keep that in mind."
I said in understanding, "I gotcha. One of you's gotta go to work."
He smirked at me, "That's right." He reached and rubbed my arm, "I had fun with you today. We oughta do it again sometime."
I guess we'll see. I only replied one little word, "Sure."
"Sleep well, champ." When he strolled to the door, Leslie and Elsa were done with Prem in the cage and walked up to meet him.
Prem called to all of them, "Goodnight, everybody. See you in the morning."
They all smiled when they gaped at her from the doorway. The two women both waved and said, "Goodnight, Prem." They waved me next, and I returned the gesture with my hand. Then they all left us alone.
I casually strolled up to the open gate. I laid the frisbee that was in my other hand still on the ground, and spoke to the tiger after that empty hand grabbed ahold of it, "Well dad made a point about something...We oughta play another game sometime."
Prem responded, "Yes. In fact, tomorrow instead of playing fetch, we oughta play..." She bellowed, "CATCH THE PREY!"
I formed a frown. I don't like the sound of that. I inquired, "What's that...And how do we play it?"
Prem giggled, "Oh, your face. Don't worry, it's not like it sounds. It's actually pretty simple...And non-violent. One of us has to be the prey, and one be the hunter. The prey has to go find a place to hide, while the hunter that is it has to close their eyes and count to a certain number till they're done. Then, the hunter must go look for the prey and find it to win the game. BUT, if the hiding prey in question actually CATCHES the hunter before it finds it, then the hunter loses and the prey wins, and the game is over. When it's over either way, we start over and see who's it next."
I smirked upon realization. I stated, "Ahhh...It's kinda like hide and seek, but with a twist. Sounds easy enough."
"Right." Then she declared, "And just to cap the game off tomorrow, I'm saying not it!"
I made a glare, "Hey! That ain't fair! We haven't even got the game started!"
"Too late! I already called it!"
"I still don't think it counts."
"Sore loser. I'll catch YOU before you catch ME."
I smiled, "You know what, we'll discuss it in the morning. I'm tired because of you and I'm going to bed. Don't want you to feel sleepy when we're playing the game."
She reared back her head with wide eyes. Then she narrowed them, then laid down on her bed, "I won't let you take advantage of me because of tiredness. I'm going to sleep now."
"You better." I shut the gate and locked it, hearing the metallic click.
Prem smiled at me shortly afterward, "Thanks for playing with me all day along with the others. I had a whole lot of fun."
I replied as I stared back at her, "Me too. I...Never seen a tiger chase a frisbee before. Let alone catch it with their teeth."
Prem asked a bit playfully, "Well, how many tigers do you know, Jason?"
I playfully shot back, "None."
She paused a litte before she replied, "I'm the first one you met, huh?"
I nodded a bit, then seriously stated, scratching the side of my head, "But still, god, I never thought one could actually do that."
She shortly revealed, "Well, in my past life, I never thought I could either. I'll be honest, it wasn't easy when I first started. I had to practice catching it before I could. Now it's natural. Doesn't mean I'll catch it all the time, but I can still catch it."
I gaped her with a smile for a short moment before I asked, "What about a ball? Do you play fetch with a ball?"
"Of course." Her answer came with her eyes rolled away from mine, "But...It's actually HARD to catch since it falls quicker. Doesn't really have a wingspan like the frisbee." I snickered at her words. Wingspan...That's a exotic way to put it. Then she narrowed them at me again, and demanded with her paw shooing me away, "Alright, get out of here, cub. We have a SERIOUS game to play tomorrow!"
"Heh heh, okay, okay." I picked up the frisbee off the floor and went to hang the key on the wall. I jogged to the door, twisting myself a bit around to look at her. I told her, "Goodnight, Prem."
She replied fondly back from a distance, "Goodnight, Jason." My hand snaked to the light switch and flipped it off. Then I closed the door and left her.
I was standing outside the closed room, gazing down at the frisbee in my hands, kinda still covered a bit in tiger saliva. I smirked at it. Man...Fetching with a tiger. I spent the whole day playing FETCH with a TIGER. It is so unbelievable. Maddie will NOT believe this.
Then I thought about the game we're planning tomorrow. Catch the prey, eh?
We'll see who can catch who, stripes.
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