Current Track: Blabb

Before continuing our story, one question runs through my mind. If someone close to you was about to uncover your secret, would do you react? Would you be afraid? Angry? Anxious? All of them once? Then, when Maximiliano made his report, Gill didn't believe him at first. After the moment of surprise, she was on the defensive: “Well, it's not, because he told you this, he knows about this."

“Yes, but it still sounds suspicious, no?" He noticed.

“Indeed, but that's not really saying much."

“Maybe. Anyway, I think to go back on our little deal."

“What? Wait, there's nothing concrete here, it's only speculations." She retorted.

“So be it. However, I made it quite clear about this single—"

“But I'm not ready yet!"

“So, I assure you, coming out, it's just like playing hide-and-seek. No matter where you hide, you'll take to come out of hiding, sooner or later."

“Very well. In this case, I'll use the second option."

Recalling about this unpleasant solution, she threatened: “You, would, not, dare."

“Why should I care? Perhaps you think knowing me, but you don't know what I can do."

“You're, really, hateful."

“Yes, but at least, you know why I'm still single." He admitted, mocking.

“Blast it, shut your mouth!" She reacted, annoyed.

“HEY, watch your tone. If I do this, is it to help you."

“Well, you do the exact opposite!"

“Once again, no need to raise your voice."

“You don't give orders, so you'll shout if I want to."

“Come on, do it!! I don't have enough problems!"


In return, he screamed too. And suddenly, Mr. Watson burst into the room. Following its sudden entry, the “couple" stopped dead their vocal performances.

“Wow, kids! What's going on here?!" He asked, worried.

Unwilling to reveal why they're fighting for; both played the denial card: “Nothing at all."

“Kids, if I can hear you from the kitchen, there must some reason."

“You're wrong." “You surely get ideas, mister." Both contested simultaneously.

The old weasel stared suspiciously at them; and both avoided his look. The old man knew there's something fishy right here, but either of the two didn't want to admit it. Feeling exit's closing itself, Max decided to react first: “You know why? It's not worth it to argue about this. So, I'm going to walk, and we'll talk about it later."

With these words, Max walked briskly to the door. But before to go completely out of the room, he announced: “Just, Gillian. Until now, I honor my commitments. So, it's to your interests to do the same. It would be a pity to come end up on the second solution."

By pausing, he took over, more cheerful: “Well, on this, see you!"

And he disappeared. After this speech, the Watson stared confused at the door before looking themselves again.

“Honey, can I least have explanation about this?" He questioned her, by showing the door.

“Sorry, but I stand my ground. It will be no."

By whispering, the father resigned himself, reluctantly: “Alright, I won't insist this time. But I'll end up to discover what's happening. Whether you like it or not."

And in turn, left the room.

“Yeah. That's the problem." She whispered, thwarted.

All three knew, as well as you may have guessed it.

Truth is near.