My girlfriend said, her voice shooting out of my phone, "Oh! By the way, I think I got something else to tell you. You might like it."
I said, brows raised as sweat had already poured down my forehead, "What?"
Maddie first off asked a question, "You ever heard of Slam City Jam?"
I nodded slowly a bit, "I DO know it. What about it?"
She explained, "Well, according to your drunken friend, Tom, word has got around in the skating community that Slam City Jam is being reopened this year in its stadium in Vancouver."
My eyes brightened up. What? Seriously?! I uttered in surprise, "No freakin way."
She giggled and replied, "Yeah freakin way, boy!"
I was standing close to the parking lot in front of Temra out in the humid air again, talking to my girlfriend on the cell. It was now the early afternoon when I left the dome to have some time alone away from Prem. Things have been good just like yesterday so far. We weren't exactly in trouble for eating late last night at the cafeteria. Heck I don't think Gilbert knows about it. He has shown up for work today, and quite frankly has kept a distance from us. He hasn't found us sleeping together in my room again, spoke to us, or anything. That was a first he ever did in a morning, but that fine by me. I didn't want to speak to him anyway, and I'm sure the female tiger didn't want to either. Other than Chase who found us there the other night, I can only imagine Prem secretly told my dad, Elsa and Leslie about what we did, since they are her friends, but I figured they'd keep a secret.
They better. I did a huge favor for our four legged friend.
Speaking of my four legged friend friend, last night, ever since we were done eating and after I cleaned up our dishes and everything, I was still curious to what was going on with her, especially when it came to Chase. I still didn't understand her problem. But I didn't question her further about it either. She wasn't ready to tell me yet. I think she was a bit grateful of him swearing to us that he won't tell anyone what we were doing, but I can tell in her eyes she still didn't trust him. But when we began sleeping together in my bedroom, all that had basically swept away throughout the rest of the night.
I partly still wondered this morning, but I hadn't dared questioned Prem about it now. I can't exactly force her to tell me, only she can. But I did feel concerned about her still. Something really was bothering her, and Gilbert wasn't the only thing that did. Must have really scared her as well...Like that bastard.
I felt bad for her, but I also felt bad for Chase too for taking the bit of a brunt of her distrustful feelings. He didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure he did not. Even Prem said he didn't do any bad to her.
Why did she not trust my friend? I still don't understand that.
One of these days she is going to have to be friends with the guy. She can't avoid him forever. She's not my only friend, Chase is my friend too, I like talking to him too, and I want those two to get along with each other. Someday I will find a way for them to be buddies, but who knows when that day will come?
Only time will tell. It may not be easy...But time will tell.
Anyways, me and Prem were playing that new game called out of sight for a little while after we entered the dome. Just me trying to catch her in sight of my phone camera while she dodges out of view. It's still pretty hilarious that she runs and jumps out of the way and taunts me to catch her while I try to take a picture of her again, only for fun and not for show and tell for my girlfriend. That already happened. After I chased her down around the jungle within the dome a little bit, that was when I decided to leave the area for my own alone time and talk to Maddie.
And right now, after telling me how we both were doing on this fine, hot day, I was getting the greatest news within the skating community I have heard in a long time. It was such a truly historic moment.
The news about Slam City Jam.
Slam City Jam...A big event for skateboarders that was held in Vancouver at Pacific Coliseum. I heard it's been mostly used for hockey games, but I don't care about them. Hockey was never my style. I guess I can say the same for any other sport for that matter. It was the kind of event where your dream may come true, other than the X-Games. It premiered in 1994, and was the longest-running skateboarding event in North America, and among the best in the world...That is until it seemed to have not ran for years after 2006.
But now...It sounds like it's gonna happen again...THIS YEAR!
THAT was so cool.
I demanded with my phone held tightly close to my ear, "You sure that's what he said? I mean are you SURE he wasn't drunk again?"
"Yes, I'm sure." Maddie explaine as I listened, "He admitted up and down that he wasn't drunk and that he was telling the truth. Well, he AT LEAST he didn't sound drunk while telling me. Anyways, he told me a bunch of people have been working on rebuilding the event for a long time, and now this year it's about to happen. There are even some pros and legends that'll show up as well, maybe some past winners of Slam City Jam. Some you might heard of, skater boy. I think Tom said Ryan Sheckler might be there, he's one of the past winners. Thing is he told me some will be hosting the grand reopening, while a few others, think he said the past winners, might be judging during the event, and it'll be inviting amatuer skaters to compete and give them a shot at becoming pro."
I exclaimed, "Oh wow! That's fucking awesome! I'm stoked!"
She said, imagining her smiling at me about it, "I knew you would. I never heard of the event before, but I knew you would."
You knew right, babe. I pressed, "When does it happen?"
"I..." She trailed off, trying to recall obviously. Then she answered, "I don't know. I forgot. I think it'll happen in a month or a little less. Again, I'm not too sure."
I said this to myself in literal excitement, "HO-LY CRAP." That's almost near!
Dang it, and I'm stuck here at this place!
That's bullshit.
I lowered my head to let out a sigh, "Well, talk about a bad time for that to happen, huh?"
Maddie's voice held pity for me, "Yeah I know...It's too bad you can't go."
"I know, right? That's the point, right? Me going to a big event to start my career as pro!" I went on, "How can I go to Vancouver? I can't. Mom and dad wouldn't agree to that. What's more I'm trapped at this place and I don't have a car. You may not see it, but I feel like I'm stuck on this island that this old prison is on...The one near San Francisco."
Maddie told me what it was, "Alcatraz."
I snapped my fingers, "Right. I feel like I'm stuck at Alcatraz only there's no water surrounding the damn place. Plus, Vancouver is in Canada and it's miles away from here. I don't have that kind of money for that kind of travel."
Maddie stated, "Well, you say all that, but I kinda have some bad news for you too."
I formed a dark look upon hearing those words. I grumbled, "Oh great...Spit it out."
She said, "Tom said Alec is planning on going there to compete. At least that's he said. That prick pretty much bragged that he was going to OWN Slam City Jam."
"Arrrgh." Oh no...That fucking tool. I moaned, facepalming from hearing this stupidity, "I KNEW he was going to try that."
Maddie cried at the other end when I dropped down my hand, "I know! And that's not the only thing! He also promised everyone that loves his skating that he was going to perform a lip trick on one of those huge speakers in the stadium. You know, the ones that hang from the ceiling? Like he was saying he was going to LAUNCH himself off a vert ramp just to do that. Can you believe that?"
I called out that claim, "He's a delusional tool! There's no way he can pull that off!" Not in a million years, it's impossible. Those things are too high even for the best of skaters. You only do that in video games or such crap like that. Such a faker and a show off as usual. I cursed in literal defeat, "God damn it."
Maddie said in a fond way, "I'm sorry, Jason. I wish I could help you out here."
I made a dumb suggestion, "Sure...By coming all the way here with Tom in his car and break me out of this joint."
Maddie rejected with a giggle, "Well, I would do anything for you, except that. That would be Shawn's department. But hey, at least you might watch it on TV. You could watch this histroic event unfold that way."
I said with a depressed face, "That's true, but it's too bad I can't skate in it. That'd have been my ticket to become pro...And teach that guy a lesson."
She reassured me, "Oh, don't worry, Jason. He'll have his moment. You will someday. There are other ways."
I formed a little smile, "Why do you have to be an optimist right now?"
Maddie replied, "Because I still believe in you...And I also love you."
I shortly said in gratitude, "Thanks." I let out a breath, "...I wish you were here. If I had the guts, since I got my skateboard back, I would roll all the way back to Santa Monica just to see you again."
"Awww...You're so sweet."
"You know it." I made a kissing sound with my lips.
I earned a cute giggle in response. Then she asked in concern, "You gonna be ok, handsome?"
I replied in a bit of a sure way, "I think so. Probably. It's probably going to take me a long time to get over this, but I'll be alright."
Maddie suggested, "Hey, just don't let that pendejo get under your skin. Like I said, he can have his moment of glory, but one day you will show him that you can be pro too. Keep thinking about that."
I mumbled with a tiny giggle, "Not sure when that will happen...But I'll try."
Then she said this in a kind playful way, "Hey, if you feel down, just cuddle with that cute tiger of yours. That might make you feel better."
I admitted, "Actually it does."
"Well there you go. Just take my advice and you'll be fine."
I nodded and agreed in a soft voice, "Alright, I will."
Then Maddie urgently said, "Hey I gotta go. My break's over. Call me later, ok?"
I promised, "I will. I love you, Maddie."
"Love you too, bye."
I hung up the phone and pushed it down my pocket. As I stood around in silence, staring out at the parking lot, what Maddie told me still ran through my head. It brought a small smile to my face. Oh man...Slam City Jam. I can't believe that's going to happen this year. I wish I was still at Dogtown. Maybe I could've had Tom or Pablo take me to Vancouver themselves just so I could go there. Either one could probably help me out. That would've solved my transportation and money problems.
Still...Damn mom, and damn myself for not getting enough money, and a car!
I made a statement to Maddie that I would've rolled to Dogtown just to see her again, but I can't exactly roll all the way to Vancouver! I won't survive!
I want to be there. I want to be there and be known to the world. But there's no way I'll get there.
I can't go there...Not like this...
Then a conflicting thought bumped into that one. It made me form a blank face. Do I even want to leave here and be a pro skater?
I don't think I want to...
Prem still needs me, and I can't leave her here alone. Even when the opportunity to leave presents itself to me, I don't think I still want to go. She'd be heartbroken. And I think I would be too. Not to mention she'll still be dealing with that bastard Gilbert without me too if I was gone. I can't let that happen. I have to protect her.
But Gilbert will one day be fired and out of her life and you won't have to stay with her. When it's time, you can go and-
No! Prem likes you very much, and she WANTS you to be with her for a long time! You're liking this job, and you like her very much...Don't throw all that away for something else. Think about her other than yourself!
But you can't stay here forever! What about Maddie? Your girlfriend you just talked to! What if she can't stand to be in this long-distance relationship forever! Think about it!
You have to CHOOSE what you want! Either stuck being an animal handler, or chase your dreams and achieve it! Quit beating around the bush already and CHOOSE!
I let out a long, dreaded sigh, brushing some hair along the side of my head. As you can tell, I'm still having a hard time deciding what I want to do in life. This was more harder than it was before. I want to be a skater, and be with my girlfriend, but I don't want to leave that lovable cat either.
This blows.
I lowered my gaze to the ground. Don't worry about it so much, Jason...There's probably still time for you to make that kind of decision. Don't let it get to you. I raised my head and smiled once more to myself a bit. Right...I'll think about it later. I whirled around and headed for the glass entrance door of the building. What I should be thinking about now is getting back to Prem. She'll get antsy and wonder what's taking me so long again.
Ah, that Prem. Wouldn't surprise me if she was right now!
I strode through the lobby at a quick pace with my arms pumping away at my sides and went down the hallway. Very soon I was about to reach the path to the dome. When I got to the corner for the pathway, Leslie suddenly came out of nowhere and we barely bumped into each other. I cried out and so did she. We both jerked backwards so we wouldn't collide. Leslie grabbed her chest like her heart was about to pop out of her chest. She leaned against the wall and cried out again, "God! Don't scare me like that!"
I let out a laugh, my heart pumping away in my chest as well. I apologized, "Sorry." I watched Leslie take a deep breath just to calm her nerves. I gestured at her when I asked, "What are you up to? Just saying hello to Prem?"
The old scientist lady smiled at me. She responded, "That's one of the reasons why I came to the dome. She was being a good girl when I found her. She even asked me if I had seen you."
I rolled up my eyes, "Figures. She can't take her paws off me."
Leslie concurred, "I know. She really likes you. I'm betting a lot more than the rest of us. She still appreciates all the help you've given her lately." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Especially bringing her to the cafeteria at night and feeding her her favorite meal. That's a lot more than I can give her."
I waved her off, "Ah, don't beat yourself up. I'm sure you have a home and a family to get to."
Leslie commented, "You're certainly right. I oughta be thanking you for being such a good boy to my friend."
I told her with a grateful face, "I appreciate that, but no thanks is needed. I just...Have a lot more guts than everybody."
Leslie said, "But with me, it's not really much of an excuse. It's just..." She glanced down the hall leading to the habitat dome with a sorry look shone on her face, "I just try to find the time to be there for her, but it's just I can't do that throughout the day...And night. I feel so sorry for leaving her here at night as well. She's...Like a part of my family."
Shortly, I pressed her, "Like a pet cat?"
Leslie looked back at me with a small shake of her head, and responded with a very fond tone in her voice, "No...I used to have a pet cat, don't get me wrong, but...Surprisingly like she is my very own daughter." She giggled a bit before adding, "Well, maybe it's because she talks so that's why I mostly think of her that way. Is that pretty weird to you?"
I was shaking my head at that, "Nah, not at all. I understand completely...I think." Maybe all pet owners think of their pets as children. I wouldn't know since I never had one, but wouldn't blame them if they did.
She then reminisced, "You know something else, Jason? One time when me and her were cuddling against a tree all because she asked me to...I could've sworn I heard her call me...Grandma in her sleep."
I chuckled deeply in amusement, "Grandma?"
"Yes. I thought it was strange. I guess despite me not helping her out as much as you, she still considers that we're super close." She shrugged with a fond smile still on her face, "At the end, sometimes when I think about it, I always thought that was cute. I never did mention it to her...But I guess I didn't have to tell her after all."
It sounds like it. I wonder if she even thinks of my dad as...Her father?
Thinking about him kinda did make me mad a little. Dad...
Then she was shooting her head to the right when she brought up, "Well, there was something else I didn't tell her. Maybe it would be cute if I wasn't afraid my sinuses start acting up when I'm near her."
I frowned, "What do you mean?"
Leslie raised her brow, crossing her arms beneath her breasts, "You promise you won't tell Prem?"
Well THIS I gotta know now! I nodded eagerly, "Of course. You know I can keep a secret. I'm doing well so far keeping one which is her. What is it?"
Leslie hesitated in front of me at first. But then, she finally explained, "...I'm actually allergic. Cats in general."
My face went wide. Oh man...Really? I inquired, "You're allergic to her?"
"Yep. Remember that pet cat I just told you about? Well, let's just say that was why I USED to have one. And trust me, young man, they're always horrible to put up with. Be glad you don't suffer from them."
"Wow..." I'm sure GLAD I'm not allergic to anything! I know one dude that's basically allergic to DUST. Sheesh. Then I wrinkled my brow again, "But wait a minute, if you're allergic...Then how come I have not seen you-"
"Sneezing and carrying on like I'm going through a bad cold? Well..." The old lady grinned on before digging her hand in her lab coat. She pulled out some kind of pill bottle and shown it to me, "I take medicine for my allergies. Usually I take one pill before I go to work. Sometimes I can feel my nose being itchy, but it works out pretty well most of the time."
I stood there in surprise still. I spoke after a moment, "I see...I didn't know that."
Leslie replaced the bottle into her coat and told me, "Yeah well, neither does she. I'm always afraid it'd hurt her feelings if she finds out I've been allergic to her the whole time. Other than that, knowing how caring she is towards me, I'm also afraid she might stay away from me just to quote on quote, 'protect me from herself'."
I giggled at that, "Oh man...That'd be tough for her."
Leslie said, "I know. Try imagining being allergic to a person right in front of you and you want to stay away from them from now on because you can't stand it. I'm certain that doesn't happen every day. Trust me, I know. I know we're talking about Prem and she isn't allergic to me, but you kinda get my point. It's sorta like the same scenario. I'm always careful when it comes to her, but I don't want her to know about them either. It'd kinda break my heart a little bit if I'm being frank."
I swore to her with a wave of my hand, "Hey, say no more. My lips are sealed. I can keep your secret too. I won't tell her about them."
Leslie said in gratitude, "Thank you. Just don't want her to avoid me like the plague, you know." She let out a giggle, "I mean, I'm a scientist! I'm too smart to catch a disease! That girl's always safe with me!"
I nodded in agreement, "I bet."
Then she changed the subject a bit, "By the way...I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Two things actually. That's mostly why I went to the dome."
"Oh." I shrugged my shoulders, curiously asking, "Well talk about great timing, here I am. What is it that you want?"
She put on a serious frown. She said, "Well, for starters...I want to have a talk with you about your father."
I shortly made an angry look on my end. Perfect. I thought about him, and now she wants to have a bit of a conversation with me about him. I demanded, "Mind talking about the OTHER thing now?"
She declined, "Sorry, buster, but I'm already started."
I let out a sigh, "Let me guess...He told you about the fight we had the other day?"
Leslie nodded, "He did. And I told him that I would talk to you about it. Scientists stick together."
"Thought so." I let out another breath that was filled with slight irritancy, "Look, Les, I'm not really in the mood to talk about it. I mean it's rather...Complicated."
Leslie held some pity for me in her eyes, "I know what I said, it's not really my business, but I just wanted you to know that he is your father and he does care about you. He doesn't know how to deal with what you're going through. We both know he has a lot of experience with vials and diagrams, but not family."
I scoffed, "...Tell me about it."
She furrowed her brow, "And quite frankly you're not that much better either. He said you were acting like a jerk. Look...All I'm asking you is give your father another chance. Maybe one last chance. He's trying his best to make amends with you. You should give him the same effort."
I looked away and mumbled, "Kinda hard to do that when he wasn't around for so long."
"I know...But try to look at his point of view. And you guys may not have a lot of common ground, but the only thing you guys have...Is Prem. You both care about her deeply, you know that. Least use that as a way to be on better terms, and see him as your dad again. It kinda worked the other day when all of us were playing with her. Just..." She held in a breath and said, "Just think about it, ok?"
I looked back at her, and slowly nodded after staring at her for a long moment, "...Alright...I'll think about it." Just no guarantees. He's already fallen through thin ice with me.
Leslie smiled, "Good. Like I said, that's all I'm asking. And now...Can I ask you a small favor?"
I was still a bit disgruntled when I responded, "What, talk to my father now? I thought that was all you were asking." What, is she old and completely forgot about what she now just said?
She shook her head, "Oh, no, no, no. Actually I want you to help me talk to Earl about something...Nice and important."
My eyes went wide at my mistake. Oops. Okay, I take that back. This must be something good for a favor from me. I shook the expression off my face and then tilted my head in curiosity, "All right...What is it?"
Leslie explained, "You see...I have two children. Grandchildren as a matter of fact. They live with me. The oldest is seventeen and the youngest is eleven. See...For a long time now, I've been planning to bring them here for a weekend so they could visit Prem. Both of them have been through a lot through their lives and their father doesn't speak to them, so I thought I'd bring them here just to...Bring some form of happiness into their lives. They probably wouldn't care about science all that much, but I want them to see her. Make them see what an exotic animal is like in person. They've never been to a zoo either. Not once in their lives."
I was smiling at the info now. I pressed, "Oh really?"
She went on, "Yes. And it'll much definitely get them away from home a bit." She placed a hand on my shoulder with a begging grin, "Can you help me out with that? I can't do this myself. You're one of the handlers, I'm just a scientist. You can probably convince him to have them visit here. I would ask Gilbert, but I'd rather ask you instead. Please...For grandma Leslie. I'm begging you."
I stared back at her, thinking this over. Well...I don't see why not. Prem would LOVE to meet Leslie's grandkids! I don't even think she's heard of them...Least I don't think so. I'll have to ask her about that.
I can try to help her out with this. Hope Earl agrees to it.
I finally accepted, "Sure. I can do that."
Leslie smiled wide at my answer, "Oh, thank you, Jason!" Then she started to stroll down the hall by about a few steps. She told me after she twisted her body a bit to talk to me still, "Alright, I'm gonna get back to work now. As soon as afternoon lunch is over, we'll go to his office and talk to him, and see if we can get them here this weekend. That sound good?"
I shrugged with a nod, "No problem."
"Great, I'll see you later." She gave me a wave and went on her way. Meanwhile I headed down for the habitat dome to finally meet Prem. I was smiling to myself still at the thought of her meeting Leslie's family. Man...First me, now she'll be meeting two more new people. She'll probably have a blast.
Well...She'll probably have to be VERY quiet when those kids arrive. I remember what that was like when she met me. She probably won't be able to talk to them since they're...Outsiders...Like I was.
Then again...Maybe she'll have a blast with them regardless...If the kids like her so much.
Wonder what they're like? I hope they're not ignorant and will just ignore her and stuff. I hope they're at least a bit fun and not boring.
I guess I'll find out...If Earl will grant permission to have them come here.
I hope he does...I can't wait to see her face when she meets them.
I barged through the entrance of the dome. I was glad that tiger didn't wait around here to pounce on me again. I was afraid Leslie would get her worked up again after she left. Luckily I'm not getting another concussion. I don't want one. I have something awesome to tell her! I wandered hurriedly down for the middle of the dome, pushing away bushes and large leaves out of my road. I made my way to where the pond was at and practically found Prem laying on her stomach near it. I left the edge of the jungle and jogged down to meet her. At the same time, the female tiger sensed I was coming and shot her gaze at me. I saw her smiling wide as she pushed off the grass and stood on her paws.
I slowed to a stop right in front of her striped form as she looked up at me happily. Prem reported, "Hey there you are. You missed somebody."
"I know. Leslie." I thumbed behind myself, "I met her in the hallway."
"Oh did you?" She playfully narrowed up her eyes, "And you didn't even convince her to stay here. Why didn't you do that, Jason? I didn't want her to leave so early. She wasn't here for very long either."
I shrugged with my hands, "Eh, sorry, she has a job to do, and so do I."
Prem scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Jobs are no fun." I let out a laugh. I know what you mean, Prem. Then she added, "She also said she was looking for you. Said it was important. I tried to ask her, but she didn't say. Did she say what she wanted?"
That's when I began this, "Well...Maybe I should answer your question with this..." She eyed me curiously, waiting for me. I asked, "Did you know Leslie has family?"
Prem's head reared back in surprise, along with her face widening up. Then she immediately shook her head slowly in reply with a huge curious frown, "No? ...She does? Why do you ask?"
Well that answers my question. I was grinning as her when I answered, "Oh boy...You're gonna LOVE this..."
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