Present Day
After putting on a fresh pair of clothes, I quietly got out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower, my hair a bit dry but still a bit wet at the same time. I found Prem still asleep in the same position on my bed, laying on her side, her back actually facing me where I stood. I giggled deeply at her in amusement. Earlier, I had awoken beside her, since I felt like I couldn't sleep anymore. There was no window in here at all, and there was no way I could see outside whether it was morning or not, but I felt that morning was already here and that was why I couldn't sleep anymore. I managed to snuck out of bed without her knowing, since Prem's paw wasn't holding me anymore and we were laying back to back at that moment. Then I quickly confirmed on my phone that it was morning now. Not really the time to go to work, it was still early. And that was when I took a shower.
And it looks like all the noise hasn't woken her up. And even when I turned the light on in my room, she still hasn't woke up. She must REALLY be in a deep sleep. I apparently was more quiet than Gilbert ever would be when it comes to her sleeping.
That's a comfort.
I tiptoed to the other side of the bed, where her front side was now facing me. So far she still hadn't heard me making my way to her. I just gazed down at her sleeping form, smiling at her. The side of her body rose and lowered as she breathed calmly in her sleep. I also saw her mumbling a bit too, like maybe she was dreaming about something too. No wonder she's still sleeping. She can't get out of her own dream.
Staring at her right now, I admit this was very cute. Probably more cuter than how she acted in the cafeteria whenever she's ready to eat something, or seeing her play fetch. From last night, I can tell, more like FEEL, that she was enjoying this a ton. I was willing to bet she liked this mattress more than the one in her cage. It does feel a bit more comfortable I think.
Then I was thinking about how everyone else would react when they find out about this. I was partly worried still from last night about Gilbert finding out what me and her did throughout last night, not sleeping where we were supposed to. This was twice that I slept by her, but sleeping here together would come off as a bit worse than the other night. But I didn't care about that at the end. I was happy to be there for her when she needed me, and she was happy to sleep in a place where she wasn't surrounded by bars. She wanted to sleep in a normal place. Like she wasn't in a prison. I wouldn't blame her.
Like I said to Prem last night...Gilbert can go screw himself.
Everyone can go screw themselves if they got mad.
Well...I don't think anybody else would. Leslie, Elsa, Chase, my dad, and maybe Earl too, would probably be impressed that we went down this route. Surprised sure, but impressed. They probably wouldn't care either. Oh heck, in particular with dad and the ladies, I think all of them would be REGRETTING not to have slept by her at all. Maybe they'd get jealous. Who would've thought? I snickered as quietly as I could. I told my girlfriend about the tiger, still haven't called her nor yet sent her any photos of the striped critter since I was so busy with Prem, but oh boy she would never believe this. A tiger, NOT sleeping in her cage but instead sleeping by me in my room. No way she would believe it. And neither would mom.
Then my thoughts were on what I was trying to become before I came to Temra. A serious look of confliction appeared on my face. And now I was feeling conflicted...About what I want to do...In the future. At first, I wanted to go back to Dogtown to keep trying to pursue my dream of being a pro skateboarder when the time came. I was dead set on leaving here sometime whenever Gilbert was gone and Prem was safe from his harmful actions. Just whenever the time came. But now...It feels hard. I don't feel like I want to totally leave Prem. She maybe would understand why I have to, and it would have been good that I did and my future wouldn't be ruined.
But now...I'm not so sure.
I sucked in a quiet, conflicting breath. Could I really leave her? I mean...We've both grown close. Closer than I ever thought when I first began to stay here. Could I just leave her just like that?
Or should I just give up my pro skating dreams, and stay with her for the rest of my life?
That's when I watched her mumbling again, only more louder this time. That made me forget my conflicting thoughts. Her ear flicked, her foreleg twitched. With her eyes totally shut, I heard her mumble, "Mmmmm....Veer..." Then she was trailing off, stirring a bit in bed.
I wrinkled my brow. Veer? What she mean by that? Is she trying to tell someone in her dream to veer out of the way of something, or something? Then I formed a smirk. Oh heck, her dreams are probably, definitely more weirder than mine. Who knows, she's probably dreaming about Shere Khan right now.
Then out of nowhere, suddenly all this silence was shattered when a knock came to the bedroom door. Prem jerked herself awake by the sound and saw me at first and then went to stare at the door frame. I did the same, and saw that it flew open. Gilbert was the one who stood at the doorway. Despite that I didn't give a crap about what he thought of this, my face did grow a little pale. Oh, boy. Gilbert was smiling at first when he announced, "Hey, kid! I see you're a bit slow again. Time to-" He cut himself off when he saw Prem laying in my bed. His face went wide like mine, seemingly shocked at her appearance. Then he put on a serious frown and said, "Well, well, well...I guess you've already gone to work before me again."
Prem called him out with an angry look on her face, "Look who's late now, Gilbert." I shot a worried face at her. Prem...I don't think now's the time for you to antagonize him.
Gilbert didn't falter, he didn't change his expression. I think by the look in his eyes though, that he did take offense to what she said. Then he beckoned me with a finger. He said, "Jason, can I talk to you alone?"
Oh great, here we go. I let out a sigh, then silently told Prem to stay put where she is and headed out into the hallway. The senior handler shut the bedroom door after I came out and sharply turned to meet my eyes. Gilbert crossed his arms and demanded, "Would you mind telling me what the hell you think you were doing?"
Ok...You knew this was gonna happen. Better talk to him as calmly as you can. I stumbled at first, "I was...Sleeping by Prem again."
"In your bedroom?"
I admitted, "Yeah."
That's when he immediately snapped, "Have you lost your mind? You have any idea what you were doing and what you've done? Huh?"
That almost made me flinch, but I still stood still. I replied with a stronger tone that time, "I was just doing my job."
Gilbert told me angrily, "Your job is to take her back to the cage whenever nine o'clock strikes! Not this bullshit!" He swiftly waved a hand, "That's it. No ifs and buts!"
I factly stated, "But Gilbert, she was behaving pretty well all night. She hasn't done nothing wrong. And you saw the door was closed, I kept her in my room just in case."
Gilbert pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sharp sigh, "Kid, I gave you a break since you were close to her in her cage the other day, but this has gone on to completely fucking stupid." He lowered is limb and went on, "The cage is a big precaution for her, and you broke it. Not to mention you showed her that you're weak and let her manipulate you into giving her ANYTHING she demands. Do you have an idea how weak you look now? That's not how you do your job, kid."
I started, "Gilbert-"
He mentioned, "She has TRIED to escape before. Did you forget I told you that? That's why she stays in the cage from then on till she dies. And have you thought that maybe she would break down your freakin door with your back turned? It is a wooden door, she is strong enough to break it. What do you think she is, a house cat? Or maybe perhaps she would just kill you and then run away. And what're more..." His hand gestured to one of my shoulders, "You don't have the whip I gave you! I saw the other day that you never took it with you, and I'm willing to bet on poker night that you still don't have it with you!"
I was forming a glare now. I firmly replied, "I don't need it. She is doing fine."
"No, she is not!" He warned, "She can't be trusted, Jason. You let her manipulate you! That's not how an handler does his job. Sure she's very charming to you, and is talking and acting like a human, but that doesn't change the fact that she is still a tiger. She is not like us, and never will. Tigers can fake having good emotions until they strike. They are sly, manipulating killers that will do anything to get away with shit." He took a breath and nodded on with a soft tone, "I should know...I suffered the consequences before." I tilted my head in question. He pulled up his shirt with his hand, and showed me his belly.
I gasped what I saw. There were a couple huge scratch marks that ran across his torso. They have now become terrible scars.
Gilbert lowered his shirt and added after pulling up a sleeve, "I also have a bad bite mark right here on my arm, when I chose to let my guard down only one time." I glanced at it, and that confirmed he was right. He continued, "I almost bled to death thanks to that bastard. I was a young handler just like you. That experience made me realize something. Things like her can never be trusted, and they should suffer every once in a while just to teach them a lesson. And now, I am asking you to do that." He pointed at my door and demanded softly, "I want you to go in there, and tell her that she is in big trouble, that she cannot be doing this, EVER, and that she'll be left in the cage ALL DAY LONG with no habitat dome and no food from Elsa. That you won't be tricked by her ever again and you will stand firm. Tell her, or she will continue what she's doing."
I gazed at the bedroom door for a long second, then I glared right at his face. I didn't believe a word he was telling me. Prem would never do that to me. I know he was the one manipulating me. It's by time I finally told him how I REALLY feel about him. I finally spoke in a firm tone, "NO."
Gilbert narrowed his eyes back at mine, "Come again?"
"I said, NO."
Gilbert stared at me for a long time till he responded, "You don't know what you're starting."
"As a matter of fact, I do, and I don't give a fuck." I shook my head, telling him what my heart was telling me, "I don't care what you say. Prem would never do anything like that to me. She would never betray me, or my father, or anyone. She cares about us. If anybody would do that, that would be YOU."
Gilbert denied that with a shake of his head, "That's a serious accusation. You don't know what you're talking about."
I retorted, "I think I do. With all that she was telling me about you behind your back, I have seen some evidence that showed your true colors. You're just a lying, selfish, backstabbing, narcissistic, piece of garbage that likes to harm Prem and make her miserable. That likes to harm innocent animals and make yourself feel powerful."
Gilbert shot back, "You're really blinded by her. Did you see the scars?"
I heatedly said, "I don't give a shit that you were hurt by that creature. If anything, I bet it was well deserved. You probably abused that thing countless number of times like Prem till it finally had enough. I'm willing to also bet that it got killed because it harmed you, didn't it? You were happy that it was gone from your life, weren't you? That it got what it deserved, right? You don't care about anything but yourself. Well guess what, asshat? I'm nothing like you. I will NEVER be like you."
Gilbert threatened, "You better watch your tone."
I stared at him for a long moment, before I went on, "If I were you, I suggest you back off from Prem from now on. Let her live her life peacefully. I'm living here, you're not, and it is perfectly fine for her to sleep by me in my bedroom. She doesn't have to sleep in the cage. When she's with me, she won't be out of my sight. And when I do her a favor, she will do what I say. You want the animals you handle to respect your commands, well...Respect goes both ways. I know you've abused your power over her before, and if I find out you hurt her behind my back again...I will make you suffer. And you better pray...That I won't be adding ANOTHER scar on your body."
Gilbert blinked a few times from all the words I told him. Then to my surprise, he was chuckling. Then he stated something that he already said, "You don't know what you're starting."
I shot back, "I didn't start this bullcrap...YOU DID."
My now-former handling partner warned, "You think you're on top of things? You're wrong, kid. It's true...We are different. I may have underestimated you. But let's not forget...I've been at this more longer than you have in your life. I know more than you know." I rolled my eyes. Don't give a shit, asshole. Then he advised, "And another thing...I ALWAYS get what I want...No matter what."
And what the hell does that mean? I challenged him, "Are you threatening me? Or are you threatening my friend?"
"Nope...Just some friendly advice from your partner."
I growled just like a tiger would, "I am NOT your partner."
"Well, you should have stayed that way. But..." He shrugged his shoulders with a sigh, "Things change." Then he said as he turned his body to leave, "Fine. You can do whatever you want with her. I'm getting very hungry anyways, and I'm tired of talking to you." His eyes went narrow again, his voice holding threat, "Just don't say I didn't warn you." With that, I stood and watched him stroll down the white hallway and turned a corner, but not before he gave me a wave with a seemingly sly grin on his face before he disappeared around it.
I still held a serious, defiant look on my face after he left. Well...At least finally I got all those things off my chest. And I didn't care how it all sounded in front of his face.
And you know what, Gilbert? I'm not going anywhere. I will protect Prem...FROM YOU.
You've done things as animal handler YOUR way, well, since I'm here, I'm doing things as animal handler MY way.
I stood beside Jason, staring beyond the edge of the dome, beyond the thick glass, at the barren landscape of the desert. I was smiling contently from the quiet time I was sharing with the human. I breathed in. And happy at the same time about what happened with Gilbert.
I'll tell you this...Jason is now OFFICIALLY my number one favorite human...OF ALL TIME. I recall thinking earlier this morning that I was probably in big trouble when Gilbert found us in Jason's bedroom, and found out we were spending the night together in that instead of the cage. Sure I didn't exactly care if we got caught by him in Jason's bedroom, I was putting up with the risks, but then I was also afraid he'd have the whip and start whipping me again for disobeying the rules around here.
But luckily that didn't happen. Jason stood up for me. Sure my other human friends can give Gilbert attitude when it was deserved, but usually they'd falter at the end. Jason, however, did not when he had that conversation with that bear of a bastard. I was proud he finally had the balls to stand up to that man and held his ground and tell him what he really felt about him. Like I usually had....Most of the time. But hey, couldn't have done it better myself.
Well, I could, but Jason should take the glory for it.
I gave him a big hug when he returned in the bedroom and told me all about it. I even bragged to Roy, Elsa and Leslie in the cafeteria about it as well after we arrived there, and also telling them that I had spent the night in Jason's bedroom.
They were incredibly surprised, and happy for me as well. None had thought Jason would let me sleep by him in his room. None hadn't thought of the idea like I did to be frank. They even gave praise to the young human for being brave about it. I'd certainly give him more than praise. Heck, I would share HALF the round piece of meat I was eating in the cafeteria for helping me out. But, I didn't, he had enough of his own food, and I didn't try cause I was hungry.
Perhaps some other time.
But that wasn't important. What's important is that, I'm not whipped, and I can sleep in his room whenever I want and won't get in trouble.
I stared outside the dome in sheer wonder. Wonder what other changes Jason will input in this place? Will I not eat any more of that disgusting cat food? Will I be handed more meat for me to eat at night? Daily?
Will I...Get to go home?
While Jason had his eyes solely on the outside of the dome, I lowered mine in dismay. That won't happen. How can that possibly happen? Earl's the big master in this place, and he won't agree to that if Jason asked. Suddenly, a cloud of worriness came over me. Now that I'm thinking about it...What if this so-called victory over Gilbert was short lived? I know Gilbert. He probably won't just lie down in defeat. He'll do something sinister...I can feel it. What if he talks to Earl about Jason's behavior and then...Something bad happens to him? My body flinched from another thought. Oh, what if Gilbert finds me alone without Jason and starts whipping me in retaliation? I'm sure he'd be absolutely pissed off when he found out Jason knows what that man has done to me. I did remember that look Gilbert gave me when all of us were eating in the cafeteria earlier.
No words...Just that scary expression that is filled with malice.
I don't want that. I don't want myself hurt, and I don't want Jason hurt either.
I hope nothing comes out of it.
I raised my gaze, showing a desperate plea. Oh...If only I CAN go home. That way I wouldn't feel scared right now. That way I would feel safer there than in this place.
Then I recalled this dream I had before Gilbert woke me up this morning. I was mulling over the one where I was...With someone that I absolutely loved. More than my mother, more than my father, more than my grandparents, and way more than my human friends.
Somebody that I wish more than anybody that I was trapped here with.
Somebody that I wish more than anybody to stand beside me whenever Gilbert threatens me.
Somebody that I wish more than anybody that I was cuddling with at nights.
Sad part about it...The two times I was sleeping with Jason, and holding him in my paw...I thought I was holding HIM. But that's just an illusion. Something that I want, that will never happen.
Oh...I wish I was home now...
You have no idea how much I miss you so...
Jason finally broke the silence, "Prem?" I snapped out of my own thoughts and gazed back at him. He asked in concern, "You ok?"
I smiled at him a bit and responded, "I'm fine. I just...Had things on my mind."
He pressed, "What are you thinking about?"
I shot a glance through the thick glass then placed my eyes back on the human. I inquired with some hesitancy, "Jason...Do you ever miss home?"
Jason appeared caught off guard by the question. Then he replied with a shrug of his shoulders, "Well...Sure. I miss almost everything about it."
I said, "Oh yeah? I never asked you this before. Where are you from? Are you from a city? Or are you from the middle of nowhere like me?"
Jason smirked, "What do you know about cities?"
I shot up my head, "Nothing! I just know from your dad that there are like hundreds of them and that there are so many humans living in them. Like totally crowded, like more busier than in this place. And a place someone like me wouldn't be welcomed. Least, according to your dad."
He chuckled and then spoke, "Well, you got that right. Hardly any wildlife wanders among them. Mostly just people."
I giggled as well and told him, "I am curious about them, but I don't think that'd be my kind of place to live at. I think I'd rather live away from everything. Sounds much more nicer."
"Wouldn't blame ya." He looked away from me towards the glass. He answered my earlier question, "Hate to say I don't live in the same club as you, but, I'm actually from a city. It's mostly called Los Angeles, but I live in a part that is mostly known as Santa Monica." I tilted my head in amusement with a curious hum. I don't really care if you do live in a city or not. This is interesting. Then he mentioned, "But I like to call my home...Dogtown."
I repeated in a quizzical tone, "Dogtown? That sounds weird."
"When you hear it, probably, but it isn't to me." He locked his eyes on me again, "Call it a nickname that people like me like to call. It's much more simpler, and cooler, than Santa Monica."
"Oh?" I cracked, "Like when I call you cub?"
Jason narrowed his eyes playfully, "Not a cub, Prem."
I rolled mine. Whatever. Then I looked at the desert once more, swishing my tail behind me, "I do wish that I was out of this place...Just to see what yours and your dad's world is like. Just to know more than what I know. That way I wouldn't get so cooped up here."
Jason warned, "Well...I'm not sure if you would like exploring my home. You probably wouldn't like it. Like you said...Too crowded. And honestly one half of the people that live in my home are nice, while the other is just angry and pissed off at the world. Probably a bunch more Gilberts that live there."
I insisted, "I don't really care. I can give it a chance...Just to get myself away from here. It might be interesting. Hell, why not? I've seen interesting things in this place, and I got used to it."
Jason chuckled again, "Well if that happened...We shall see how that works out for you." I wasn't looking at him for a long time. A long drawn out sigh escaped my chest. He mentioned, "You miss your home...Don't you?"
I slowly turned my attention to him. With a sad look on my face. I finally confessed, "Yeah....I think about it all the time."
"Ah...I'm sorry." Jason smiled at me in a assuring way, his hand gesturing to the makeshift jungle behind us, "But hey, at least the dome has a jungle in it. It must make you feel like you are home. Right?"
I didn't exactly agree with him. I just hung my head.
"Prem?" Jason's voice grew concerned, "What's wrong?"
I turned my whole body around to face the makeshift jungle. Then I twisted my neck to look at him and ask, "Do you hear anything? Other than us talking?"
Jason just stood there and listened for a short moment. Then he shortly shook his head and answered, "No."
"Exactly." I let out a saddened sigh, padding away from the glass back onto a trail between all the greenery. Jason turned around and followed along beside me. I continued as we strolled together, my sights wandering around the environment, "I understand why this place is here, I do like being here, but I have issues with it. This place may LOOK like home, but it doesn't FEEL like home. There are no birds or any other normal sound that MY jungle has. It's so quiet. It just comes off as...Barren...Lifeless. And sadly there isn't any river or waterfall either, other than the pond. And there is no temple or cave anywhere. And not to mention there aren't any other animals, like prey, that are here for me to hunt. That's another lifeless part about it. There's not a lot of things in here. Not a lot of familiarity. All this is just so unnatural. And fake."
The young human hummed down at me, feeling bad for me obviously. He stated, "Well, you oughta give this place credit for having to at least TRY to mimic your home. They just couldn't put everything you remember in it. Especially a temple...I heard those things are big...Probably like King Louie's."
I let out a slight chuckle despite my sadness, "Heh heh...Tell me about it." I let out a sad breath, "Maybe that is a bit much, but I'd probably feel like I was more at home if there was a cave here. Maybe throw in a waterfall too."
Jason tried to lighten up the mood with a joke, "Gee, Prem...Asking so much from everyone."
I rolled up my eyes and whined, "I know. I'm just so picky with how everything is here."
Jason said as soon as we stepped out in the open away from the jungle, "Don't feel bad about it. I get where you're coming from. A couple times ever since I started living here, I wished there were some things from my home that were here too."
I glumly responded, "I guess that makes two of us." Shortly, I laid my stomach on the grass and patted for Jason to sit beside me. He did, flopping down on his own butt and crossing his legs. His hand then started to smoothly brush across my striped back. I can tell he was trying to comfort me through this internal sorrow. I spoke after a moment's silence in that same glum tone, "You know...Sometimes I just don't understand...Why me? Why did it have to be me that gets taken away from home? Why do I have to live alone away from everything I know? It's not fair."
Jason remarked, "Sometimes things are beyond our control. That's just an unintentional way of ruining someone's life...For the sake of a scientific breakthrough. But try to think about it, Prem...If not you, then it would've been someone else."
I admitted, eyes laying on my forepaws and grass, "Sometimes I think that too. That'd be nice if it weren't me, but I wouldn't want anyone else to be stuck here in my place. That's not fair either."
That's when Jason brought this up, his voice growing curious, "Since I brought this up...How come there aren't other tigers in this place? Why are you even the only one here?" I gazed at him as he went on with the questions, "You'd think that those people that brought you here would bring in another one for experimentation by now. You know...Make them talk to us like you. You have been here for three years, they should bring in another by now. Why couldn't they bring another one here to give you company? Do you know?"
A growl welled up in my throat when I furrowed up my brow. My tail whacked on the ground. I looked down at my paws again and said, "Sometimes I don't understand that either. But I did ask your dad once about it, and what he told me was, 'cause this place isn't focused on doing the same experiment on the same species such as yours. We are busy trying to make the same experiment for something else that isn't like you'."
Jason wrinkled his brow beside me. He simply stated, "That's a lame excuse. I heard that part before. You certain he didn't say anything else?"
"Yeah, he did." I looked at him again and went on, "He talked to Earl afterward about that, and he said they can't bring in another tiger."
He demanded in confusion, "Why?"
"I don't know. Neither did Roy. He just said this place can't have another one." I sighed, shaking my furred head in dismay, "It's just a lame excuse as you put it. I can only imagine it was all Gilbert's idea and Earl agreed to it. Just to make me feel alone and suffer. Or maybe Earl's, I don't know. I just hate it when Earl won't agree with the idea...Not to mention won't let me go home."
"...I'm sorry." Jason patted me fondly, rubbing me in a circle. He suggested, "Maybe...If I talked to him later, maybe he would get another tiger here. Who knows, he might listen."
I countered, "I wouldn't count on it. It probably wouldn't work."
He said confidently, "Hey, I ain't afraid to try. I can be convincing."
I shortly gave him a compliment, "You really have balls." Jason and I shared a giggle together. Then I dipped my chin. I stated in a worried tone now, "Gilbert's not going to take everything you did for me lightly. You know that, right?"
Jason agreed with a nod, "I figured. But I don't really care. Just let him try something."
"That's what I'm afraid of." I looked to him with those concerning eyes and voiced it, "I'm afraid he might hurt you just to get to me. I'm more afraid that he'll talk to Earl just to get rid of you."
He spoke about that with a frown, "How? With what? I never did anything wrong."
"Well Earl seems to trust Gilbert more than anybody. He can say anything to him to get what he wants."
Jason shook his head lightly, his face showing differently, "I do hear what you say about him, but I think there's just some misunderstanding with Earl. I can understand where he's coming from with you not going home...Apart from not adding another tiger in Temra. I still don't get it. Look, I still don't think he's that bad of a guy. He does have a lot of confidence in me...I think. Maybe he'll listen to me when drama ensures. I can hold my ground just fine."
I looked at my paws and worriedly said, "That's not the only thing I'm worried about. I'm afraid he'll do something to ME too now." I let out a trembling breath, my whole body shaken from fright, "I don't want to get the whip, Jason. I don't like to be whipped, I don't want it. I'm-"
"Prem, look at me." I did. He scooted much more closer to me, now petting the side of my neck. His touch was making me less tense and still now. He reassured, "Listen...Just calm down and relax. Nothing's going to happen to you. He knows I'm on to him, maybe he won't do anything stupid to you now. Perhaps not for a long time. Who knows, maybe he won't ever touch you again. Besides he'll have to get through me to do that, and let him try. And if he does when I'm not around, you know you can tell me. I'll try to take care of it. And nothing's going to happen to me too. I told you before, you're not going to lose me. Ever. I'll make sure of that. Alright?"
I looked at him for a long time, and finally formed a smile for him. I told him, "I still partly don't believe that about Gilbert. He is relentless. But..." I leaned to nuzzle his side in gratitude. I finished with a pleasant sigh, "I know that I trust you with my life."
I felt him wrap a limb around me, hugging me close to him. I heard him muttering this, "It's good that you do...Stripes." I mentally chuckled at the cute nickname. Thanks again...Cub. I took a deep breath as silence was set upon us, with the both of us staring at our surroundings. On one paw, I was feeling happy that I was held like this, and that was making me sorta forget about wanting to go home and everything else. On the other paw, a tiny part of me still buzzed with some worry and concern like a hornet.
I do trust you, Jason...But I hope you are right.
Anything can happen because of Gilbert.
You stood up to him, but who knows what he'll do in the future.
I don't want to lose you...Forever, next time. I wouldn't bear it.
I hope you're right on what you said. I really do.
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