Current Track: Blabb

What could you compare Kyruku to?

Kyruku very closely resemble Vulpes vulpes, more commonly known as the European red fox in their physical build, but there are a few critical differences when one takes a closer look. Male specimens have somewhat more developed muscle mass than their distant relative  counterpart does. The typical Kyruku stands anywhere between five foot, five inches, and six foot, ten inches, and generally weighs anywhere between one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty pounds.

The major visibly defining species trait of Kyruku is their tails, of which they continue to grow new appendages until their late lives. These tails are highly dexterous and in Kyruku who take the time to practice and train the muscles, they can become as flexible and dexterous as a finger. The bones in their tails have a unique ‘honeycombed’ bone structure, providing more than adequate strength while being lightweight, so as not to throw off their balance as more develop. Each new tail grows by ‘splitting’ from what is known as the ‘main growth’, or the individual's’ first tail. If this tail is removed, no further tails will grow, however, medical procedures can also accomplish this this in a much cleaner manner.

Their muzzles are long and narrowing, much similar to the European red’s facial features, but often males will have larger proportioned cheek and jaw bones, along with slightly larger ears. This trait appears nowhere in the females of the Kyruku species, but the females are known to sometimes be born with slightly backwards curving ears and a more hourglass figure, with wider hips and slightly broader tail bones.

Kyruku biology is unique in that their genetic makeup is unlike any other form of life known to Terran kind. In a unique play of the universe, the chemical makeup of their blood causes it to clot rapidly when exposed to certain compounds in the atmosphere, a useful trait, but also one that presents a serious health hazard for their species in later life. Their nervous systems are far above that of an average red fox specimen, possessing incredibly quick reflexes, and a highly developed sense of touch, sight, and smell. Their hearing is on par with their European relatives. An energetic species, they possess high levels of both stamina and endurance; Their muscle structure is able to perform at a slightly longer and at a higher level than their European counterparts, however, they recover at what is considered a slower rate, and their bodies take quite some time longer to heal from injuries due to the clotting nature of their blood.

The average Kyruku live for upwards of 150 Terran years, with the eldest recorded Kyruku aged at 326 Terran years. Their expansive lifespan is primarily due to their highly sophisticated medical technology; however, this also creates problems many early generations of Kyruku never faced, namely an impossible to manage number of tails, as well as late life conditions that earlier generations would have never had to worry about occouring. Most Kyruku elect to have surgery performed that will render their 'main growth' tail null to prevent further appendages growing after a dozen. Many well respected elder Kyruku, however, refuse to do so, and require attendants at all times to assist them.