Current Track: Blabb

Tarina and the GrandMaster

Finding One's True Self: Part 17

By Xan Steel

Several weeks had passed since the transfer incident, allowing Daniel to returned to the unit and became Rubicant again. Life at the resort returned to normal as it had been since before this roller coaster ride. He did manage to make it to one of the Engineering Conferences that he wanted to go to after all these cycles, which made him happy. It was at this time when he made a unique discovery. Apparently, a Cycle in this galaxies time did not refer to a year in Earth time, but rather half of an Earth year, if every year had a Leap Year or 183 days to be exact. He also noticed how much more there was for him to learn and understand. 

He managed to grab as much of the information as he could from the conference and dug into it, and only paused when Julyna or Altair visited him when they meditated, meaning they were using the Mark IV's. 

They visited him at different times because of their work. Julyna told him that she had been sent on several planetary surveys for new colonies, and Altair was back at Alliance HQ, reviewing her work and processing it for the colony ships. What bothered him the most was the fact he knew they were hiding something from him, because anytime he asked about that day during the transfer they would always say the same thing word for word, and blanked out their minds so he couldn't read them. He eventually just stopped asking about it after a time. They apparent;y figured would hurt him, and that by not saying anything about it was better.

One thing he did learn during the Conference was just how much bigger their periodic table was when compared to the one he knew. There were over three hundred new elements he didn't know of or had ever seen. 'Looks like a visit to the library is in order.' He said to himself. He looked up at the clock and saw it was getting late in the day. "Crap I've got less than an hour to get there or wait until tomorrow." He said out loud as he began to put on his boxers when there came a knock on his room door. "Dang it, now what." He mumbled. "Coming!" He said as he went to the door and opened it without looking through the peephole. He threw the door open a bit more abruptly than he wanted and surprised the female on the other side, as she stared wide-eyed at him. 

She fidgeted with herself as her ears folded back in embarrassment, as she lowered her head. "I, I'm sorry for b, bothering you," her voice stammered as she spoke softly. 

Rubicant suddenly went ridged seeing her, the female that had attacked him. He was paralyzed with fear and just stared at her. She picked on it and looked him in the eyes, "I'm sorry for what I did to you." She sincerely said while projecting that feeling as strong as she could. 

Rubicant shook off his paralysis and moved aside to let her enter. "Forgive my abruptness, but I was not expecting company today." he softly replied.

"Especially from me?" she asked.

"To be honest, yes. You are the last person I expected to see.” He said calmly. He offered her a chair to sit in as he went to the small kitchenette and began to make a pot of Forest Brew.

She spoke again in a sincere manner. "I'm terribly sorry for the pain I caused you. I'm sorry for trying to take advantage of you. I was wrong, and I deserve your hate and punishment."

Rubicant looked at her suddenly, and thought, 'What a strange set of words to use,' as he moved over to the table and sat down across from her. "You're probably right." He started as she looked up at him, he could see the tears forming in her eyes. "But as luck would have it. I'm not the kind of individual." He took her handpaws in his. "I don't hate you, and I have no reason to punish you, but instead I forgive you," he finished.

At this point, she broke down in front of him. Which confused him, thinking she would be happy to hear that. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

She shook her head to try to dismiss his question. "It's n, nothing." 

He reassuringly squeezed her handpaw. "I can sense something is wrong. Please tell me." He said gently. 

She could sense that he cared a great deal, even though they didn't know each other, but she opened up to him, her voice trembled as she spoke. "I'll be receiving punishment for breaking my primary mission."

"What was your primary mission?" he calmly asked. 

"My orders came from the GrandMaster. I was supposed to protect you, outside of my regular job working with Detective Ohm," she said.

Rubicant leaned back letting go of her handpaw and looked at her. He needed to choose his words carefully for his next question. "So what happened between us, wasn't supposed to happen?" he asked.

She shook her head no. "I was part of a group called Progenitors Purity. We were a group of fifteen virgin females, chosen by officials in the Alliance to be the first set of females for the Progenitor." She started to cry again as she covered her face. "Now because of me it's being broken up, and all of us will be punished." she tearfully finished.

He leaned forward because he wanted to know what this punishment was. With what he was picking up it was life-changing, and not in a good way. "What is the punishment?" He asked softly. 

Tarina's voice tightened as she spoke, "The GrandMaster is going to seal my telepathy, permanently. Which will make me an outcast, and throw me into servitude for life." 

His jaw hit the floor metaphorically speaking, as this felt like an overly extreme reaction. For him, everything was now finally over. Julyna had healed him, Tarina had apologized, and he forgave her. So he felt this level of punishment was uncalled for he felt.

Finding out this information upset him to where he felt he needed to do something. Sadly he didn't know if he would ever meet this GrandMaster while being stuck on this planet. He stood up and went over to her and gently pulled her into a hug, as this surprised her and brought her tears to a stop. He was warm and caring, and she could sense a lot of good intentions from him. For the first time in her life, she felt attracted to another Derlenian, but it also helped that he was much taller, not to mention he also smelled good. She tightened her embrace on him not wanting to let go. He would likely be the last pleasant male she would ever meet, as most others were cruel and violent to those in servitude.

He began to sense a lot of things from her that continued to upset him, but the one thing that caught his mind was the feeling of a stronger presence in the area. "Is the GrandMaster here with you now?" he quietly asked.

She froze and started to vibrate in his arms gently and after a moment nodded. "He's in the lobby waiting for you, isn't he?" He said calmly. 

She nodded again, "Please don't confront him. I know you mean something to him, but I don't want you to anger him and get punished because of me." She pleaded softly. 

"Come, I'd like to see him anyway as I have a few unanswered questions." He gently took her by the handpaw and started to walk to the door, but she stopped him. He looked back, "What?" 

"You might want to get a bit more dressed," as her ears folded back again while trying, but not trying to look away. 

Rubicant looked at himself and only now realized that he was only in a pair of loose fitting boxers. "Oh, yeah that would be a good idea." He went over to his small dresser and pulled out another pair of shorts and a shirt, and without thinking took off his boxers in front of her. Not realizing she was staring at his now naked body as he began to get dressed. Her inner ears nearly turned crimson as she noticed his shapely rump and well-endowed bits and sheath in the front. She was ashamed of her thoughts because she had never had the slightest interest in a male of her species, but he was very different. Tarina hung her head as he finished and came back over to her and retook her handpaw, and began to head to the lobby.

The presence Rubicant felt in his room was growing stronger as they got closer to the lobby. "Stay behind me, please." He said to her. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he wanted to make sure he wouldn't take her by force if he could help it. As the door to the lift opened, they walked out and headed to the front desk. What Rubicant saw surprised him. 

A much older Derlenian slightly hunched over and leaning on a long staff, that had a metal headpiece and metal rings, that would jingle when he walked. His outfit reminded him of the old Kung Fu masters you would see on TV as well as a long white beard at the end of his muzzle. The robes wrapped around his body ranging from reds and golds in color. He would appear to take small steps that were fluid in his movements. Rubicant stopped about ten meters from him as the presence was to strong for him to get closer. Tarina stayed behind him as he asked, but he could sense her nervousness being this close. Rubicant put on his best defiance look by crossing his arms over his chest, as the GrandMaster turned to look at them both.

 The GrandMaster saw Rubicant for the first time. "Hello, Daniel." Rubicant looked around as though he was speaking to someone else. "Oh right, sorry, it's Rubicant isn't it?" He said more like a statement. "I'm sure you have many questions for me. Which I'd be happy to answer a few of them, but I must tend to Tarina first," he said.

"I'm afraid I can't let you just yet," Rubicant said. 

"Oh? Why is that?" he asked.

"I'm sorry to stay, but I disagree with the punishment you plan on doing to her and the others." Rubicant's tone, while 'matter of fact,' was polite.

The GrandMaster stood there for a moment realizing that Tarina must have told him everything, and returned his own 'matter of fact' tone. "I see, and what makes you think you can stop it, you are, after all, a visitor to this galaxy."

"I think the only reason I'm here, in this galaxy is because of you, GrandMaster," Rubicant said softly. 

"Figured that much out for yourself I see," he replied.

"Thing is, I don't even know why you want me here. You see, as it stands my physical self is in danger of dying anyway." Rubicant began.

The GrandMaster cut him off in a more serious tone. "What do you mean." 

Rubicant was surprised by his change in tone. "My physical brain is growing an abnormality that my species never evolved to have, and it's putting more strain on my cranium. The likely outcome is death if the pressure isn't released correctly." Rubicant saw the look on the GrandMasters face become slightly horrified by this fact for a second before he regained his composure. 

"Is your Te'dar able to save you?" he asked.

It was interesting to hear him ask about Maria. "If she had the proper equipment, sadly she doesn't and may have to use crude tools. Which may do more harm than good.” Rubicant finished.

At this point, the GrandMasters composure was lost as the horrified look returned. He tried to speak calmly, but it was apparent this information was a huge blow to him. "What is it that you want from me?" he asked.

This is what Rubicant was waiting for, "Tarina and the others, let them be." Rubicant said with confidence.

"What no punishment?" the GrandMaster stated in a slightly raised voice. 

"Yes. Tarina's apology was sincere enough for me to forgive her. The others were not involved in the incident, so I see no reason to include them at all." Rubicant said.

The GrandMaster understood what he was talking about, but he offered his thoughts on it. "How can you be sure she won't do that again to someone else?" 

This time Tarina came out from behind Rubicant and bowed before the GrandMaster. "I swear I'll never force myself on another." She said while projecting as much sincerity as she could. 

The GrandMaster sighed knowing he had been defeated in this matter, but it no longer concerned him as Rubicant's impending death was more paramount. "Very well, they are free from punishment. Now if you'll excuse me." He said as he turned to walk away. 

"Are you that upset by this, that you won't stay and answer my questions?" Rubicant asked. 

The GrandMaster stopped and turned his head back to him. "Rest assured we will meet again, and only then will I answer your questions." Replying as he looked forward and walked out of the lobby.

Miffed by the fact that he wouldn't stay. It did bring up another thought in his mind. 'Why did he look horrified to hear about his impending death?' Tarina turned to him and hugged him tightly repeating 'Thank you' over and over to him as he gently returned the hug.