Current Track: Blabb
Come to think to it, my old man and me, we love doing shopping-window on electronics store, and ending the day by eating an ice cream. It’s our father-son moment. So, Gill’s father, he fishes with his daughter, and this, since she’s young. And today, he often invited his guests to come with him. For strengthening ties, he says. Well, it’s different from what I’ve known, but I respect this.

You must be wondering why I tell you this. To put it in context, he wanted to mark the occasion, by proposing to go doing his favorite hobby with him. Being polite, I accepted. But Gill seems a bit worried by the news. And when I asked why, she responded this:
“First, he rarely goes fishing with my friends, expect if he judges he can trust us enough. Second, after this, some of them hit the roads.”

“Maybe, but it won’t be my case.”

“Really, why?”

“Because I still have my commitments to fill until this week.”

“Oh yes, I almost forget.”

“Yes, I saw that. In short, don’t worry, I manage.”

“Alright. Nevertheless, I apologize in advance for the nonsense my father will say.”

“Once again, you haven’t met mine.”

At least, I succeeded to make her smile before leaving. Once everything’s ready, we leave immediately. I’ll skip the moment of the drive which was a bit annoyed. We didn’t speak to each other too, so…

And even when the boat’s on water, it isn’t much better. Although my big coat, I’m cold, fishes don’t seem to want biting. And above all, Mr. Watson is quite unstable. In spite of his joking rate quite impressive, I succeeded to remember some of them I wouldn’t want to.

This one:
“With a guy like you, she can’t get bored.”

Or this one: “As a result, when will introduce her to your parents?”

And the last one, the worst according to me: “You both may act kind, but I’m sure you’re not when you’re alone.”

Honestly, if nothing holds me back, I should tell some home tricks to him. He may act like my old man, but it isn’t. But as Gill apologized beforehand, I was nice, and I didn’t say anything. But finally (and fortunately for him,) he finished apologizing, abashed: “Sorry if I upset you, my boy. I’m always nervous when I receive new people on my boat.”

“Really? It didn’t seem like this, with enormities you just said.”

“True, but I do it every time. So, don’t mind it.”

Well, at last, it’s a start, he made the effort to make excuses. If I sound bitter when I think that, it’s normal, I’m still mad at him. A few, but just enough. On this, he explained himself: “Forgive me, it’s just that… sigh… see my daughter make her life, and move for her studies apart from the family unit… I still have trouble to realize that… that’s it, my baby girl has grown.”

Believe me or not, but I’d have counted hearing my parents, especially my father. Well, at once, it’s almost the dread of each parent, so…

“Also, don’t get me wrong, I find you’re not her kind.”

“Well, it’s proof everyone changes.”

“Yes, probably.”

Mr. Watson, if only you knew…

“Well, it happens to me I have a sharp tongue. But it’s denial, you both are really close.”

“Yes, but for now, I try to respect my two priorities which are being a good person for her, and have enough on my wallet for food and bills.”

“Ha-ha. Yes, it’s understanding.”

Well, you know as well as me, it’s just a front, but I try to respond as honestly as I can. On this, I hadn’t nothing further to say. However, it would look suspicious.

“Therefore, if there’s anyone who’s close to her, it is Alice. Do you know who I’m—"

“Oh yes, yes. Gill already spoke of her.” I quickly added.

“Alright. I must say, they both go hand in hand. But I don’t know why, I have the feeling there’s something else recently.”

“Ah yes, like what?”

“I have no idea. It’s as if they became more intimate, as a kind of couple. Whatever… It’s what it seemed like. But I don’t how to say it. It’s… strange.”

So, apparently, the father noticed something’s happening between the two girls. She thought being discreet. For real, she’s nearly busted. The hard blow.

“Naah, I surely get ideas. If my daughter likes… err… women, I’d already knew. I mean, it’s obvious.”

“Aaah, sorry to argue you mister, but it’s not that simple.”

“Ah yes? And what do you know about that?”

“Well, for having some friends who are gay or bisexual, it wasn’t easy to know, at least until they came out.”

“If you say it, my boy. In any case, I’m sure she’s not. Yep, sure about this.”

I’d like to insist, but I decided to not say another word. It’s NOT my confession. Also, I’d like to emphasize, when we have a big size, we quickly feel cramped in small spaces. And here, it’s exactly the case with this small boat. As a result, I asked this:
“As fishes don’t want to bite, wouldn’t be better to go in, and get warm?”

“Yes, but I want to see if the situation changes or not before leaving.” Mr. Watson confessed, still confident.

“Okay, it’s you the boss.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long.”

“Alright.” I replied, half-hearted.

Finally, he waited around forty minutes before turning to the shore. To conclude, we may return empty-returned, but in any case, I’ll share some news to share will Gill. The following day, on the other hand. It’s not that it was goddamn boring, but this fishing trip was plenty tiring.