Current Track: Blabb

Wednesday, 21th

A deep hand thrust in the depths of his locker, Greg tried to grope a necessary book for his next class. It was useless to look inside for it, because congestion was such that it was faster and easier to find what he wanted with his fingers. The heavy volume of mathematics was finally identified and Greg left in exchange two physics books. Closing the door, he noticed the heavy vanilla scent. No need to turn the head to identify the cougar who stood beside him. Brittany was the last girl with whom he had a date, and her taste for heavy vanilla perfumes contrasted with the other girls, who had lighter fragrances smells as emblems. He guessed why Brittany came to him.

« Hi Britt. »

Greg offered to the girl a polite and sincere smile. Even though he knew now that Brittany was no longer an option for him, he wanted to keep friendly relations with her. From the whole group of the  Sinister Six , she was the most intelligent, the most helpful. Finally, as a selfish and frivolous minx could be.

« Hi Gruff. »

Brittany’s voice was already carrying some anger.

« I must admit that I was somewhat surprised by your mail. »

Greg began to walk toward his classroom. His path crossed FJ’s road but he made the effort not to notice him. An as always mutual effort.

« I can imagine. I know you'll have no problem to find you a partner, Britt. That is why I offered my arm to someone else.

- I do not know if I will go, Gruff. You're the only a little bit interesting boy, you know. » 

Greg looked mentally to the sky. His brain was translating.

« You're the captain of the football team and nobody will come to your ankle about popularity and honor. »

« I'm not the only one here. And the others are fine too. »

The cougar swept a hand gesture in front of Greg.

« You're the one with whom I feel good, Gruff. But I have to respect your choice, even if I do not understand it. »

« You look incredibly well on the photos at my side, and I want to rip off the eyes of the whore who took my rightfully place. »

Greg could not stop this time to show a smile on his face.

« I know you will make the happiness of another guy on the team. I did absolutely no concern for it. They do not have my size, that's true, but they deserve a partner like you. »

Brittany laughed a little.

« If you knew the number of messages that I already have on my voicemail about it... It is our lot to us, girls, at this time of year. Blessed is the one who has already found her escort. »

Greg took a more serious face. His woman / man translator stated that the conversation took a dangerous path.

« The other girls sent me to scout and I am responsible to draw it from your nose to know who to denigrate publicly before the party. And maybe more. »

Greg took Brittany’s hand, who, surprised by the gesture did not resist. He brought the hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

« I would be happy to continue this conversation, Britt, but I have class right now. I’ll try to call you tonight if I'm not too busy. »

Greg released her hand, addressing Britt his brighter smile.

« Please do not blame me about that, Britt. Don’t seclude yourself because I have someone to go with that evening. The other guys on the team are great ones, you know, just take time to know them. »

Greg came into the classroom and closed the door. Brittany did not hide her disappointment, especially when her brain translated the Gruff’s final sentence.

« Put yourself at the guy’s level to have a chance to get in their bed. Talk about their cars showing your breasts, let them think you’re a brainless idiot and do not criticize them about their beer consumption after they left to vomit. »

Who spoke about the impossibility of communication between the sexes ? Greg, in any case, managed to escape suspicion. At least that was the impression he had at the end of the school day.


Just like the previous day, Mark went into his house after giving his last lecture. This time, FJ was not at his side. It was always possible that he came before him, as did he is not worried. After a quick visit to the toilet, he secured Greg’s return sticking one second his ear to the door of his room. Heavy groans were heard and Mark, blushing, quickly left the boys to their manly occupations. He went down, just dressed in a wifebeater and shorts to smoke his cigar. He had not had time to lit it, sitting on the black leather couch that someone knocked on his door.

« Damn... »

Mark opened the door. Two people were in front of him. A large female doberman, massive and almost as tough as him in the first place. She was wearing a tight suit, which put her feminine forms in values, showing her serious demeanor. Her long hairs was tied in her neck and seemed ready to serve as a whip if necessary. In her arms, a briefcase, undoubtedly filled with various paperworks. Behind her, a bull, as tall as she was. He wore the uniform of the police force of the city and looked at Mark with caution. 

« Mr. Miller ?

- Yes.

- Irene Winther, social services. I came to talk to you about your nephew Greg. »

Irène’s voice was loud and strong. With a gesture, Mark invited the two people to enter, putting his cigar on an ashtray to free his hands. She had not stretched hand to greet him, so he did the same, turning her back her rudeness. He turned pointedly his sight to the bull, keeping his arms along his body.

« How is it going, Ken ? And how is Jimmy today ? »

The officer looked at Irene fearfully. The latter was surprised at the familiarity with which Mark was talking to the cop. The tone was showing than Mark seemed to know him well. Ken could not remain silent, but he knew he had to remain professional and polite too.

« We’re fine, thank you. 

- You see me happy. Not a too hard day ? »

Ken was silent. He knew he could not say more without jeopardizing his mission of support and protection. Irene was looking at him, feeling than his legally presence was no longer welcomed.

« You can wait in the car, Ken. It will not last long. 

- As your want. »

The officer returned to the car parked just outside the door. Irene had lost some psychological advantage.

« You're going to have something ? Don’t think there is something between us, by the way. We both just have a beer from time to time, with others too.

- I do not have time to drink anything, sir. I came to see your nephew and take him to a more appropriate home. »

Mark felt his blood becoming warmer at these words. Jimmy had warned him of a possible visit, but he failed to specify how the child protection service could be hostile. Mark kept his composure, but his smile became predatory.

« I really don’t think so.

- What do you mean ?

- You have a court order authorizing you to do this ? Of course not. If a judgment had been made, I would have necessarily been aware of the procedure.

- I’m acting as a precautionary measure.

- If you have evidences that Greg is in a real and immediate danger, of course, a judge could validate your approach. But Greg is almost here for a week and you KNOW I warned your services upon his arrival... A week to respond to an emergency, it is a record. »

Mark did not hide his sarcasm.

« Mr. Miller, where is your nephew ?

- In his room at the top, but he is not available at this time. Can I get you an iced tea in the meantime ?

- You do not seem to measure the gravity of the situation, sir.

- You do not seem to realize the fragility of yours, ma'am.

- Are you threatening me ?

- No. I just pointed out that you have no legal basis to take Greg away. And he will not let you take him, I prefer to warn you right now.

- I want to see your nephew. Right now.

- We'll have to wait for an hour, about the time they finish.

- What are you talking about ? »

Mark though about his answer. Irene was annoying him, but he could not let his anger explode. Not with a police officer in the area, and not when the future of his nephew was in the balance.

« Hum... To be frank and honest, my nephew is fucking with his boyfriend, a boy of his age, within a few months. I have neither the desire nor the heart to stop them, it is very rude you know.

- What are they doing ???

- They fuck. I do not know exactly what they are doing but they will come once they have finished.

- This is too much, I go get him.

- You will do nothing. »

Irene had just engaging in the staircase. Mark, remained on the ground floor, quickly took the broom leaning against the wall and passed it between the handle bars under the chin of the woman who stayed behind.

« Are you threating me ?

- I just warn you. You know that my nephew is having sex with a friend and you want to see what happens ? Madam, I swear to you that the second you have opened the door of his room, I will sue you for trespassing and voyeurism against minors ! »

Irene remained frozen on the stairs. Was he telling the truth ? A look at Mark’s tense face told her yes. Feeling that Irene renounced up, Mark made the effort to relax and bring back the broom handle.

« Cookies to go with your tea ? My husband did some this morning, they are very good.

- I'm not here to eat.

- No, of course, but I know you have a million questions for me anyway for your procedure, better not to lose much time.

- Greg can not stay here. You have no authorization to accommodate a child.

- Greg is my nephew. He is here voluntarily and can leave as soon as he forms the desire. There is no law that requires a family member to have any legal authorization to host a close relative, ever a minor.

- His parents... »

The evocation of Maureen and Rusty warmed again Mark’s blood.

« His parents ? They threw him away the second they knew Greg was gay ! I called the inspector Stewart and sent to him pics of his stuff I found in the TRASH the next morning ! You had to saw them, right ?

- I want to talk to your nephew.

- And you will, when he’ll be available. Do not tell me you're afraid to miss the dinner time ???

- I'm not a bureaucrat.

- It's good to hear you say that. They should not last long now. If we looked at your paperwork quickly ? »

Irene was impressed by the apparent calm of Mark. Yet she felt that he was boiling.

« A more appropriate home... »

Mark had been married for 7 years and yet he did not had an « appropriate home »... He was certain that if he had married a woman, Irene would never have come. Mark measured the path that remained to be done.

Mark and Irene, still standing in the living room, exchanged their arguments. Gruff and FJ had heard the screams and the voice of the woman had made them understand that they had to come. The two boys wore like Mark a short and a tshirt. Irene focused her gaze on Greg, ostensibly ignoring the chubby donkey near him. Her tone seemed bland and friendly. But Greg felt that it was too much to be truly sincere.

« You're Greg, right ? Will you come with me ?

- Where, mam’ ?

- I gotta talk to you, it's important. »

Gruff looked at his uncle, who nodded subtly of the head, a neutral face.

« Speak to me of what ? 

- I can not answer you here. I prefer that we are alone.

- I can stay here, it does not bother me.

- No, I must be sure of the sincerity of your answers.

- Go ye therefore into the garden, Mark intervened. 

- Agree. Wait for me here FJ ?

- Ok.

- Thank you, it will not last long. »

Irene's face twitched with the vision of the kiss exchanged between the boys. She did not say a word but the outlook on Greg was saying long.

Mark and FJ clung their noses to the kitchen’s window which gave a view of the garden. They could not hear the dialogue, but Greg’s body language was enough to follow the conversation.

« I am pleased to see that you seem to go well considering the circumstances. Tonight, things will be better. »

Greg was on the defensive. He noted the disapproving gaze focused on him when he had kissed FJ’s lips. He knew he was not in friendly company, but he understood that this stranger could have a tremendous power. 

« I do not see how things could be better here, madame.

- I imagine perfectly how you may feel confused. You lost your bearings, and I know how important they are for a boy your age. »

Greg felt his anger rising. But just like his uncle, he knew that everything was going to settle now. Would depend on his reactions as much as his words.

« You're wrong on one point, ma'am.

- Call me Irene. I'm here as a friend, you know. »

Greg wore a forced smile. He was amazed by the woman’s rudeness.

« You are wrong on two points then, madam. »

Irene scowled.

« I was confused before I came here. I'm not anymore. And I know that I will not be again. And you may well be friendly, you are not my friend. »

Greg made an effort to be polite, but his bad temper resurfaced from time to time. He left still Irene put a friendly hand on his shoulder.

« I know how much a feeling of revolt may be important, may be an effective protection. But you do not have to fear me. I am here for your well-being. »

Irene’s voice remained firm. She seemed sincere. This made her more dangerous.

« I can not imagine all that you could live. I offer you, if you are willing to follow me, a better future than here.

- Where ?

- We have many opportunities. Even if one single bed is all I have to offer to you tonight, tomorrow, you'll have a roof over your head, I can guarantee you.

- But I have one already. My uncle told me. I can stay as long as necessary.

- Greg, you're not even old enough to understand that sometimes, a place that seems protector may prove to be worse than anything. »

Gruff tensed.

« What do you mean ?

- I know whereof I speak. I've seen boys like you. Confused, into troubles. Deceived by what they think being feelings, which are only fears. We can be easily influenced when we are young like you, you know.

- With... All the respect I owe you, Madame, I doubt that you know what you are talking about.

- I know the contrary.

- No, you do not know. » 

Greg began to raise his voice. He guessed where conversation went.

« I'm not confused. I'm not upset. I'm not mistaken. You know why ? Because I was before ! »

Irene noted the change of tone of the boy. She did her best to keep intact her argument but unconsciously, she felt losing her grip on a more determined Gruff.

« The body can easily be a source of unrest and error, Greg. Only your soul...

- I know what I'm talking about ! My soul is fine now, thank you to care about ! I have never been so happy, as well as from the moment I freed myself from my own prison ! I clearly saw the disgust on your face when I kissed FJ. I know exactly what kind of woman you are. You're like...who I still refuse to call mom. You show an angel smile, but you would not hesitate to destroy me at the first opportunity ! »

Greg began to be really angry. He noted the hardening of Irene’s face. He was a little surprised to see her face relax, shaking her head in disgust.

« I guess it's the stress that you reacted like that. You must understand, however, that I act only for your own good. »

Greg regained control of himself, speaking more quietly.

« I tend to lose my temper sometimes, sorry. But that changes nothing. I do not need your help, I have everything I need here.

- Thou sure ?

- My uncle and his husband are great people. »

Gruff noted the sneer of disapproval at the mention of Ed’s marital status.

« He opened to me his door when those who are supposed to love me have closed their. They think I do not have noticed, but I know they keep an eye on me when I'm here. I can guess why. And I can not blame them. I can not imagine how I could have ended if things had been different. If they were not here. »

Greg felt his tension gradually decline. He did not know why Irene’s hostility forced him to be as open to her. Willingness to defend ? Or Greg was seeing in her an outlet for his anger, his rage he kept to him and he could not throw in the presence of his uncle and his friend ?

He liked the idea of using Irene as a punching bag more than he thought. He hoped only one thing. To hear her utters a sentence that puts him even more angry. It was morally questionable, he knew, but also relieved.

« You must also think about your future, Greg. What will you do once you have completed your high school ? 

- Do not worry for that, I already know what my path is.

- Really ?

- Yes. I am far from being the most intelligent, but I have other qualities. And I have a good chance to integrate a college football team. For the rest, I'll see. »

Irene sighed.

« Having a goal is always a good thing. But this may not be enough. I know whereof I speak, my boy. And staying here is not the easiest way to... »

Greg interrupted her with a gesture of the hand.

« My decision is, ma'am. I will not follow you. Ever. And I'd rather tell you that if you try to take me by force, I will never let myself do. And a uniform will never convince me otherwise or dissuade me to resist ! »

Irene looked up at the sky briefly before returning her warmer smile she can show.

« I think I guess how you seem lost, Greg. Your future is not just about your future employment. But your love life. Complementarity is the basis of success in a relationship. Even if you're too young to realize it, know that life can not be complete without its opposite. »

Greg's eyes hardened. He knew what Irene implied. He considered that the young woman had passed a limit, so he decided not to filter his thoughts and be more sincere, and wounding her more if possible. He looked on the woman’s left hand who realized too late what he did, and he pulled the information. The sarcastic tone of Greg confirmed this impression.

« Of course, you seems to know things in terms of love...

- Greg, I...

- As if I would listening to a woman who is not even married ! You are far from being young, and yet you have no ring ! Ah, yes, I think you like to lecture others, but that is to apply these principles on your own, there is a margin !

- It has nothing to do ! I...

- This has everything to do ! Judging by your outfit, I bet you're a careerist. You do everything to get the highest ranking position possible, but I'm sure you have no one waiting for you when you come home in the evening ! »

Irene was hurt. Greg was right. She were even more vexed than he did not hesitate to hit where it hurt.

« And you just tell me about the moral of the couple ! Let me laugh ! I am far from having your life experience, but I am certainly happier than you ! »

Irene was trying to stay calm, but like Greg, she struggled to keep her composure.

« You know nothing about me. But I am certain of one thing. You will never find happiness outside of the path where we are naturally drawn. » 

Greg remained silent. Irene’s mask had felt, as expected. He was silent, putting his thoughts in order. Everything was going to settle now.

« I know. I'm following mine. The one God gave to me. I told you earlier that I was confused before. I mean it. I spent all last year to date and embrace girls who are so beautiful that all my class dream of an evening with them. I just had to snap my fingers and they accompanied me to parties where I spent my time getting drunk for the simple reason that I did not wanted to risk being alone in a room with them. Yes, I was confused before. Troubled by that... »

Greg caught his breath, words having a bit of trouble to get out.

« Troubled by the fact that I refused the truth to myself. I refused to tell me that I did not wanted to be with them. I forced myself to think it was normal, that I just had to meet the right one. »

Greg’s voice was calm now. Somewhat melancholy.

« I hidden the truth to myself. I do not know how or why FJ was able to shatter the wall of lies I’ d built. But I will be forever grateful to him. He showed me the true face of those I thought to love. Those... I seemed to be that important. He allowed me to accept that I was. And I always will be. »

Irene followed Greg’s monologue, hoping to hang on to a word that she would bounce back. She knew she had been imprudent, and Greg took the lead on her. Irene had suspected that it would not have been easy with this boy. But she had hoped to have more influence, his mind would have been more receptive because of his emotional instability. Greg had not a highly developed intelligence, he admitted himself. But he made up for this lack by a more sophisticated logic than expected. If she could not hope to convince Greg, if, as she foresaw the use of force would serve only to make matters worse, she had another card to play. Before knocking on the door of Ladder Street, she did not let her assistant Hammer Street ? 

Greg stopped talking when Irene’s cell rang. The woman took the device to her ear and answered. Carol called at the right time.