Current Track: Blabb

FJ fought bravely against the two hours of boredom that followed. The dull and monotonous moose’s voice had defeated some students whose heads rested quietly on their arms, the eyes closed . The donkey was trying not to chew his pen too hard, throwing an occasional eye on the newcomer who seemed resistant to the teacher’s sedative voice. Finally, the alarm sounds rang. It was only for a short break before moving on with a third and final hour of English literature, but FJ greeted the buzz with pleasure. Some students got up to walk around in the classroom or went to the toilet. FJ noted that the newcomer was sitting on the edge of his table, not knowing where to go first.

FJ hesitated on what to do. He did not knew the boy and he knew not what to expect if he would talk to him. Would he be a new Gruff, or someone sympathetic ? His face seemed to be that of an affable person. FJ could not prevent Gruff's face to come back into his thoughts. Gruff was also affable, if account were taken of his natural arrogance. FJ decided to take the plunge. After all, summer holidays were scheduled in two weeks. If the new student was as dumb as Gruff,  FJ would know immediately and he could avoid him as much as possible.

FJ got up, stretched and headed for the unknown. A quick movement of friendly hands drew the attention of the latter.

« Hi... »

Fred looked up and saw that the first person to come talk to him was the loser of the class. But he did not take offense of it. He happened to be very unpopular among all schools he had attended, and he knew too well what a boy could feel in his position. He would never be a tormentor, so he returned his hello, broadcasted with a large dose of sincerity.

« Hi...

- You're new... ?

- Well, I think you can say that... »

FJ felt a little silly for asking this question. But that was part of social ritual, after all.

« FJ.

- Fred. Fred Kaplan. »

Fred extended his hand to the donkey, who warmly shook it.

« Welcome to the Clinton High School... I hope this place does not frighten you too much.

- I've had worse and better, so I do not expect anything special here.

- Really ?

- Yes, I traveled a lot because of my parents. I think I'll have now a little more stability but you never know... »

Fred rose from his table and walked toward the hallway. FJ followed.

« This place does not look so bad...

- If we disregard some elements, it is indeed.

- I'm not sure about the teachers here by cons... They are all like him ? »

Fred pointed the literature’s teacher that filled his notes pending the resumption of classes after the break. FJ could not help lowering his voice so as not to be heard too much.

« He is one of the worst ever, but there are others that are pretty folk on other plans... Frost, the math teacher... She does not hesitate to ground those who give her back too dirty assignments for her taste. Ingworth never leaves a kind of engraved billiard ball. It is always on his desk or in the palm of his hand, as you sure had saw it. Who’s your PE ? »

Fred pulled out a sheet of paper while the duo approached the toilet.

« Miller. »

FJ looked at Fred with compassion, who realized he had not picked a good number.

« He is that bad ?

- Let’s say than for him, a broken leg is not a valid excuse for not running a marathon...

- I see...

- He is not so bad, but we all here pray to never have him as a teacher.

- The holidays are near, I think I’ll survive two weeks with him on my schedule.

- So many things can happen in two weeks... »

Fred went to the bathroom with FJ while two other students came out.

« We better not to drag, it will resume soon. »

FJ walked to the closest urinal and opened his fly. Fred noted that other students were returning to their seats.

« How long do we have ?

- Three minutes I think...

- It's enough then... »

FJ wondered what Fred meant. Having seen than no one came in their direction, Fred took out his cigarette from his pocket, lit it, drew a breath and began to relax.

« That's two hours I waited for this moment... I knew at his first sentence that I would need some before the lunch break. »

FJ noticed the clicking of a lighter and he realized that Fred, for his first day, had just violated one of the most sacred rules of the school. He opened his mouth to begin to protest but he stayed finally quiet. Fred was a good boy, and FJ did not wanted to ruin everything. Fred did not take him from high, did not denigrated him, did not make him feel he was above him. Moreover, even, he showed a genuine interest in him. For the first time in ages, FJ saw a boy who had the potential to become a friend and who was not like him, a weak character and intended victim.

The plumes of smoke flew toward FJ’s muzzle who then realized that Fred did not smoke tobacco.

« Oh my God, but it's... »

FJ did not finish his sentence, unnecessary, as the beatific smile of Fred was eloquent.

The latter closed his eyes to amplify the pleasure that filled his mind. A deep breath sent smoke deep into his lungs. His body ignored the sensations caused by the unwanted molecules to concentrate on the pleasure induced by the massive release of dopamine. It had been two years or so that Fred had such relaxation breaks. He began with one of his oldest friends, one of the many he lost tracks since. Frequent moves eventually stretch all the links that Fred was weaving in schools he had attended so far. He had, however, considered wise to discipline and force himself not to smoke too much of this fanciful weed, or to obtain more consistent assays. Fred had seen with his eyes friends becoming truly dependent, seeking one thing, a new dose, sometimes at any cost. He would not be a junkie. He just wanted to relax from time to time.

Opening his eyes, Fred smiled more strongly, seeing the room and his new comrade from a new angle. Fuzzy. Both. It was a sign that his weed was good, the blurred vision would quickly dissipate, leaving only pleasure in his mind. Fred also loved the fact that despite its somewhat disapproving glance, FJ did not say a word. The boy seemed as attractive physically as mentally. A little hung-up, that's all. Fred held out his cigarette and with his eye, he invited FJ to join the festivities.

FJ did not knew what to do. Fred did not respected the rules, and if he did not denounce him, FJ could be considered as an accomplice by his silence, and the worst problems could come. Police custody, the calling to his father from the police station. Worse, a notation on the academic record that would close to him the doors of the main colleges.

And again, the boy handed him the conspicuously and doubly forbidden cigarette, smiling. But what did he have in mind then ?

« And me ? What I have in mind ? Why I care so much ? »

FJ thought at full speed. A part of him wanted to leave the toilet without alerting the supervisor. FJ loved to respect the authorities, but not to denounce.

On the other hand... What had he got to respect the rules ?

FJ’s eyes were fixed on the burning tip where a fine white smoke rose.

FJ had always respected the others. And he had gained nothing.

His rewards for being a good child ? Finally, as wise as a child can be...

A destroyed family. A mother gone, a beloved sister disappeared. A so alcoholic father that FJ could not see him without a bottle of beer in hand.

Friends... as bad as him socially. A patented troublemaker who tanned the skin of his buttocks at every opportunity. And now, he wanted him sexually.

His life was an ordeal row. And he had not the courage to do anything to change that. What could he do, anyway ? Hire a detective to find a mother who didn’t spoke to him over the last 6 months ? Force his father to go in rehab ? Howl at the front of Gruff he wanted to see him naked and offered ?

Even before realizing he did, FJ had a cigarette between his fingers. He looked at it, trying to find a reason to crush it.

« Fuck it ! »

FJ took the joint, placed it between his lips and inhaled.

The smoke remained in his mouth. FJ felt the bitter taste of the mixture. He forced a second inspiration to send the smoke into his lungs.

FJ understood immediately that his respiratory system did not liked the offering made. His eyes were filled with tears at the second his cells came into contact with the smoke. He was seized with an irrepressible cough which he tried to calm, not wanting to lose face with his new friend. It was useless, and FJ coughed like an old man coughing his lungs. Fred looked at him, laughing.

« Oh, man... You should have told me that it was your first breath... »

Fred laughed, but in the fun way. He was not making fun of FJ, he sustained him in this rite of passage.

FJ cough subsided. Fred held out his hand to take the butt back but FJ inspired again, forcing himself to control his throat and cough reflexes. He managed to control himself better before giving the cigarette back.

« It's... Ohhh... Strange... »

Fred took a breath.

« It seems that the effect is rapid in you... No more puff, you would not appreciate the overkill... »

FJ did not understood. He... seemed not to understand anything, and to understand everything at the same time. FJ forced himself to look at Fred's face, to note the alterations of the lines of his face.

To his surprise, he noted no physical change. Unless his mind was already so distorted that it could noticed anything.

« Oh, it’s so good... I've never felt this good since... Never, in fact... »

FJ wore a little silly smile he tried to erase, not wanting to sound too stupid.

For him, nothing else was important. Nothing else was identical. The smell of the toilet was strange, and soothing. Sunlight seemed to dance a little on the tiles and Fred was only more interesting. As large, tall, and muscular than Gruff... FJ began to see him as more than a friend. But he did not wanted to rush things. And they did not talked about that. After all, there were 95% of chances that Fred would be heterosexual.

This thought made him aware that Fred was talking to him.

« What you said ?

- Whao... I'll finish this cigarette, you, you had enough...

- If you say so...

- I'm wondering if it would be better to go back to the classroom...

- Forget it...

- But...

- It's not worth... The teacher is so... myopic and deaf that he will not notice our absence.

- Really ? »

Fred smiled more.

« Oh yes... Abner is the oldest teacher of the high school... If he asks to us, there will be someone to answer for us... You know, Fred, he's so off that sometimes one half of the class only occurs during... The other half comes only for the next hour and so on... »

FJ does not restrain a laugh softly.

« We did it a dozen times this year and he did not see anything... I bet he would be able to teach to an empty room... »

Fred laughs at the thought. The boy was happy, but he was careful not to raise his voice too. A teacher passing in the corridor could surprise them. But the two boys were too relaxed to think about the consequences.

« That’s a damn high school ! I like it ! I really hope to stay for a while in it !

- Me too, you're a nice guy.

- Thank you.

- Well damn, I bet well hung too.

- I can not complain. It is true that the size of the hook is critical to catch fish...

- I dunno, I've never had one. »

FJ began to blush a little, realizing what he had said. And before too. His mind gave free passage to his thoughts, without inhibitions. FJ wanted to took off of him before going too far, but on the other hand, he totally did not care about consequences. His life had brought him no row that calamity. So for once...

« I'm not going to lie, FJ, me neither, I have not yet...

- Really ?

- Unless you consider the videos.

- This does not count.

- True. Bah, you have to start one day. And before you start, it must not have ever done.

- I wonder what kind of fish you would be able to catch. »

Fred looked a wary eye as the final replica FJ seemed to regret having missed.

« Sardine or whale ? No tuna, anyway. Want to see ?

- If I... »

FJ seethed inwardly. He did everything to regain control of himself, but he could only partially. Fred had just offered him to show him his cock. Right here, right now.

Fred, himself, was also going aware of the thing. Without paying attention, he had to offer to FJ, a boy he would have gladly welcomed into his bed and he knew nothing about his sexual orientation, to admire what made his masculinity. A true accidentally coming-out. But it was too late to go back. It only remained to Fred the hope of a polite refusal, followed by amnesia once the effects of cannabis dissipated.

Or a mutual deflowering in one of the stalls.

FJ’s smile became sardonic.

« If I want to show you which of us is best fitted ? I am not against ! We bet something ? »

FJ had decided to give free rein to his fancy. A lifetime of submission and shyness had not brought something else than annoyance and a irresponsible fun time was perhaps the solution to his problems. FJ knew he was not ridiculous down here. He was a donkey after all !

Fred was thoughtful for a few seconds, as FJ, who took over.

« We're not betting money, I can not afford. I have my computer, but it is worth nothing.

- I 've had one too but I will not venture either. Service then ?

- A service... It is not enough to drop my pants. A day of services !

- A whole day ?

- Yes ! 24 hours from now ! The smallest cock will do what the other will ask !

- I agree ! Who goes first ? »

Fred looked FJ who had every intention of not being the first to open his fly.

 « After you ! » 

Fred opened his mouth to protest, but he had no valid reason to oppose. Grumbling a little, Fred opened his pants and lowered them.

FJ eyes never left Fred’s hand that freed his sex. His eyes were fixed on the boy's penis. A cute member, long enough, and above all, thick, without foreskin. FJ had to struggle not to leave an exclamation of pleasure crossing his lips seeing the nice glans.

« Your turn ! » 

Fred let his cock hanging in the open air. He had to compare them. And to the nearest possible.

FJ opened his pants and stood face to Fred, his cock in hand, as close as possible to see who had the bigger. FJ smiled openly. Whether in terms of length or thickness, it was obviously larger than that of Fred, by cons covered by a thick foreskin.

« I think I won ! You are mine, all day ! »

FJ began to blush at the thought of all the services that he would require. His mind gradually freed from the influence of cannabis, the desire took precedence over prudence, and even his shyness. He began to imagine Fred, kneeling before him, the opened mouth, and... FJ shook his head. Even with such a bet, he could not ask for so much. To ask him to kick Gruff’s ass, however...

Fred growled a little louder.

« There is no way I could lose like that ! »

Fred's tone was clear. He spat into his hand and began gently to rub his cock, which stiffens slowly.

FJ had gasped. Fred was masturbating in front of him. Having an hard-on easily. FJ was lucid enough to realize that Fred was playing in his team.

Fred had not long before presenting his hand with a stiff, thick sex, visibly larger than his own now.

« If you take it like that... »

FJ masturbated in turn in front of Fred, and just as quickly, he offered to him his sex, swollen and stiffened by blood.

This time, however, Fred had the advantage. FJ was far from being ridiculous, but his sex was smaller than that of his new friend.

« You thought you’d won... But I won the contest, it is obvious ! »

Fred doubted, but he put his penis in his pants and pulled up his trousers. A little disappointed, FJ did the same.

« It is you who is mine for the day ! Unless you turn chicken. »

FJ was cut to the quick. No one had seen what had happened, and indeed, he could go and pretend that nothing had happened. But he had enough pride to deal with this new twist of fate.

« I lost. I will keep my promise.

- I prefer that. » 

Fred pulled the butt of his lips, moistened it with water and threw it into the trash.

« All this made me hungry. Classes are boring, so we'll go home now, and you're going to cook ! And to show that you're mine, you'll spend the day without your shirt, from now ! »

Fred held out his hand, waiting for FJ starts being topless and gives him his t-shirt.

With a renunciation’s sigh, FJ removed his shirt. His head covered with his tshirt while he took it off, he could not see that Fred was looking at him. The latter tried to keep a straight face but the vision of this round belly, those big arms, the better drawn torso than he thought initially tore a smile of satisfaction. FJ was a very nice boy, and certainly available for more than a petting session in the toilet. Fred took a neutral face, took the shirt, rolled it and put it in one of his great trouser pockets. Fred pointed the way out to FJ.

The boy was happy to know than the weather was sunny and the halls empty. He would not cold out in the street and no member of his class would not see him as well. Being topless is not a reason for him to be ashamed, but he did not felt too comfortable either. Fred noted the discomfort.

« I do not want to embarrass you more than you are. Also, if anyone ever see you, tell him anything except the truth ! »

Somehow, FJ was grateful to Fred that he can not tell everyone he had lost a dick contest. FJ had lies in horror, but sometimes it was necessary to be accommodated with the absence of truth.

The two boys walked cautiously down the hall to avoid any inappropriate encounter. But no teacher, no member of the administrative services, were here. They joined the front door. FJ pushed the door and stopped there. Fred pushed him to go out and see why FJ had stopped walking.

Gruff looked at the both students with a surprised eye, a can in hand, seated on the railing.

« But... What are you doing here ? »

FJ could not believe he met again his nemesis. He did not believed too the way he just talked to him. Weed was probably still acting a little.

« I should be the one to ask such a question ! »

Gruff noted Fred’s presence.

« And you, who are you ? I've never saw you here ! »

Fred stared at the rott.

« I began today. But it's none of your business. »

Gruff noted that FJ was shirtless.

« And what have you done with your shirt ? It's not really a place to be like that. And why go out, anyway ? I know you're supposed to be in class, Fatso ! »

FJ remembered that Fred had ordered him to lie if they ever were to meet someone.

« I... »

A little scared, FJ let his hands trying in vain to cover his nakedness.

« I was showing the School to Fred and... My shirt was torn in a door...  So... I can go home to take a new one... »

Fred leaned discreetly in FJ’s ears.

« This is the more transparent and less credible lie than I've ever heard. If he believes you, that means he is even dumber than I think. »

FJ could not repress a smile. Fred also thought than Gruff was an idiot.

Gruff did not seem convinced.

« It's the silliest story I've ever heard, and I'm not surprised that this happens to a loser like you, Fatso ! »

Gruff then turned to Fred.

« That does not explain why thou are here, instead of having your ass glued on a chair.

- How does this concern you ? I can say the same for you !

- The math teacher get a broken arm, I’m free until the next hour. And you, what's your reason ? »

Fred knew that if Gruff had swallowed the big FJ’s lie, it remained to eliminate this obstacle. Better to play it cool, so he asked to Gruff to come a little aside with a sign, out of FJ’s earshot, who wondered how this would end.

The boys chatted two minutes in a corner. Gruff looked occasionally at FJ, smiling more often. For the latter, Fred was just about to tell everything, or almost. The glimmer of hope he had seen with Fred’s arrival had gone out. The two boys returned to FJ.

« Okay, I changed my mind. I still come with you, but you'll also give him something to eat ! »

FJ managed not to sigh, but his eyes concealed nothing from his disappointment. He would have to endure the presence of Gruff longer. At least he was no more excited by his presence.